Glossary How Science Works Alevel Biology Edexcel

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AQA A-L evel Biology How Science Works Glossary

Types of Variable
Dependent Variable
dependent variable

Types of Data
Confounding Variables
Any variables that could also affect the dependent variable. Confounding variables should be controlled in a fair test.

(measurements, singular datum)

The variable you measure, to see how it is affected by the independent variable.
Independent Variable

Quantitative or Numeric Data

(numbers) Continuous Data
can have any value 5 e.g. 7.34, -294.6, 2x10

Qualitative or Categoric Data

(words) Ordered Data
can be ranked e.g. small, medium, large

Control variables

Confounding variables that The variable you choose are kept constant independent variable to change, to see how it (controlled) during the affects the dependent variable. experiment. If you can't control a variable You may also measure it when (such as weather in a field investigation), you change it. you should at least monitor it

Discrete Data
only whole numbers e.g. no. of atoms

Nominal Data
can't be ranked e.g. male, female

Random Errors Bias
When the observer chooses some results and ignores others,to support a particular view. Also called cherry picking. Inaccuracies due to mistakes, poor technique, or random variation. Random errors are very common, but can be improved by taking many replicates. Data with a small random error is said to be precise.

Experimental Design
Controlled Experiment (FairTest)
When all relevant variables are controlled, so that observed changes in the dependent variable must be due to changes in the independent variable.

Anomaly or Outlier
A measurement that falls far outside the expected range and is therefore probably due to experimental error. Anomalies should be rejected, since they skew the mean, but it is very difficult to distinguish between anomalies and normal biological variation.

Control Experiment (Control)

An additional experiment designed to eliminate alternative explanations for the main experiment and so show that observed changes in the dependent variable must be due only to changes in the independent variable.

Systematic Errors
Inaccurate measurements in one d i re c t i o n o n ly, d u e t o p o o r calibration or poor technique. Systematic errors can not be improved by taking more replicates. Data with a small systematic error is said to be reliable.

Control Group
A group or sample treated in the same way as the experimental group, except for the factor being investigated e.g. a placebo group in a drugs trial. By comparing the results for two groups it can be shown that observed changes in the dependent variable must be due only to changes in the independent variable.

Ensuring that a measuring instrument

A dummy pill, injection or treatment that has no physiological effect (e.g. a sugar pill or saline injection). Used in a clinical trial to allow for the placebo effect the observation that symptoms can improve when patients believe they are being helped.

Zero Error

A particular kind of systematic error, gives correct readings by fixing known where the instrument does not return to points then construction a scale zero. between them.

The best experimental design for a drug trial. RCT stands for Randomised Controlled Trial, or in more detail, a Randomised, Placebo-Controlled, DoubleblindTrial. This design ensures that the trial is valid free from bias. ! Randomised means the study and control groups are allocated randomly ! Placebo-controlled means the study group (taking the drug to be tested) is compared to a placebo group (who are given a placebo). ! Double-blind means that neither the subjects nor the investigators know who is in the study or placebo groups.This avoids bias.

Simple Analysis
Replicates Standard Deviation (SD)
A measure of the dispersal of the replicates about the mean. In a normal distribution 68% of the replicates will be within 1 standard Raw Data deviation of the mean, and 95% will be within 2 The original measurements or standard deviations of the mean. re c o r d i n g s b e f o re a ny manipulation or processing. Repeats of a measurement.

Standard Error of the mean (SEM)*

A method or technique that has been shown to produce valid and reliable results.

A suggested explanation of observations or results that can be tested. Also known as a scientific hypothesis. A good hypothesis can be used to make predictions.

A measure of the uncertainty, or error, of a calculated mean.The smaller the standard error, T h e m i d - p o i n t o f t h e the more reliable the mean. replicates. = sum of replicates / N

Mean or Average

95% Confidence Interval (CI)*

Quality of Data
Accurate Data
Measurement that are close to the The real value of a measurement, if it true value. could be measured with no errors at Valid Data all. The best quality data, i.e. data that is precise and reliable and obtained Precise Data 1. Measurements that give similar from an unbiased , controlled values when repeated. The experiment that addresses the stated replicates therefore have a small aim. Valid data is assumed to be range. accurate. 2. Data measured on sensitive equipment with a suitably fine scale, Evidence e.g. 20 mm is more precise than 2 Any data or observations that are used cm. to support a particular hypothesis.

Another measure of the error of the mean.We The highest and lowest can be 95% confident that the true mean lies in replicates, or the interval the range (mean CI). The top and bottom of this range are called the confidence limits. between them.



Statistical Analysis
Correlation (orAssociation)
When one variable changes with another variable, so there is a relation between them. However it may not be a causal relation. The strength of a correlation can be measured using the Pearson or Spearman test.

Null Hypothesis*
The statement that is tested by a statistical test. The null hypothesis is fixed for each test, but always says that there is no difference or no association. The null hypothesis has nothing to do with a scientific hypothesis.

Causal Relation

Reliable Data
Findings that can be repeated. This includes by the original investigator; by other scientists; by other techniques; or those that agree with secondary sources.
HGS Biology

An observation or story from real life. Anecdotes are not evidence and cannot be used to support a hypothesis, but they can be useful to suggest a new testable hypothesis.

When changes in one variable cause the changes in another variable. Can P-value* only be shown by a controlled The result of a stats test,expressed as a experiment. probability. It is effectively the probability that the null hypothesis is StatisticalTest* true. If P<0.05 then we reject the null Something that tests whether hypothesis,otherwise we accept it. observed differences or associations are significant,or just due to chance.
* = A2 only NCM 01/09

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