Chemistry Project
Chemistry Project
Chemistry Project
Content s
PAGE NO 1. Acknowledgement 2. Introduction 3. Aim of the experiment a- General objective b- Specific objective 4. Materials Required 5. Theory 6. Details of procedure and Observations 7. Conclusion 8. Bibliography 9. Signature 3/8 4/8 5/8
Acknowledgem ent
I feel proud to present my investigatory project in chemistry on the Study of Constituents of
This project would not have been feasible without the proper rigorous guidance of chemistry teacher Mrs. KUMKUM JAIN guided me throughout this project in every possible way. An investigatory project involves various difficult lab experiments, which have to obtain the observations and conclude the reports on a meaningful note. These experiments are very critical and in the case of failure may result in disastrous consequences. Thereby, I would like to thanks Mrs. KUMKUM JAIN for guiding me on a systematic basis and ensuring that in completed all my experiments with ease. Rigorous hard work has put in this project to ensure that it proves to be the best. I hope that it proves to be the best. I hope that this project will
prove to be a breeding ground for the next generation of students and will guide them in every possible way.
An alloy is a homogenous mixture of two or more metals or a metal & a non metal. An alloy of mercury with another metal is called an amalgam. Most familiar metals are not of very high purity : impurity atoms are added intentionally, thus forming an alloy. Alloying is used in metals to improve their mechanical strength, electrical & magnetic properties, resistance to corrosion , & many other characteristics. Alloys are usually harder than their components but very often less ductile & less malleable. The melting point of an alloy is always lower than the melting points of its constituent metals. Other properties such as reactivity towards. When elements are mixed to make an alloy, the metallic element present in the largest amount by weight is called the parent metal & the others are the alloying agents. The alloying agents are dissolved in the parent metal but do not combine chemically with it.
Copper Zinc
50-90% 20-40%
To modify chemical reactivity: When sodium is used as reducing agent it is too reactive to be used but its alloy with mercury, called sodium amalgam can be safely used as reducing agent.
To increase hardness: Hardness of gold is increased by adding copper to it. To increase tensile strength : Nickeloy , an alloy of nickel(1%), copper(4%) & aluminium(95%) has high tensile strength. To lower the melting point : Solder metal which is an alloy of tin (30%) & lead(70%) has very less melting point as compared to melting points of tin & lead. To resist corrosion : Iron gets rusted & corroded. Its corrosion takes place with time but stainless steel which is an alloy of iron & carbon does not get rusted.
Objective of project
In this project, our aim is to know the various metals present in the given sample of alloy.
OBJECTIVE To analyse a given sample of alloy & to identify the presence of metal ions in it by qualitative analysis.
REQUIREMENTS China dish, test-tubes, funnel, filter paper, common laboratory reagents, tripod stand, burner, glass rod, tongs, test tube stand, conc.HNO3, conc. HCl, all chemicals used in salt analysis.
THEORY A small piece of brass is dissolved in 50% HNO3 when metals gets converted to their nitrates. After the removal of excess nitric acid, the solution is tested for Cu+2 & Zn+2 ions. 4Zn + 10HNO3
4Zn(NO3)2 +N2O
3Cu + 8 HNO3
The sample of Indian coin & solder wire is decomposed using aqua regia & then tested for the presence of Pb+2,Sn+2,Cu+2 & Fe+3.
For brass:
Place a small piece of brass in a china dish & heat this with minimum quantity of 50%HNO3 so as to dissolve the piece completely. Continue heating the solution till a dry solid residue is obtained. Dissolve solid residue in dil.HCl & filter .Add distilled water to the filtrate. Pass H2S gas through the filtrate. A black precipitate of copper sulphide is obtained. Separate the black ppt. & keep the filtrate for the test of Zn+2 ions. Dissolve black ppt by heating it with 50% HNO3. To this solution add ammonium hydroxide solution. Appearance of deep blue colour in solution shows the presence of copper ions in the solution.
Take the alloy sample (about 2 gms) & treat it with 25 ml of concentrated nitric acid in a China dish in the fume chamber , warming gently until the evolution of fumes ceases.
If yhe alloy dissolves completely, add 25 ml water to the china dish & filter the contents. If the alloy remains partially undissolved , dissolve the alloy again in 20 ml aqua regia(15 ml conc.hydrochloric acid & 5 ml conc. Nitric acid).
1.substance Solubility
Observation : Yellowish solution Obtained Experiment Group I: Add a few drops of dil.HCl to 2 ml of soln. Confirmatory Test: 1.Add a few ml of K2CrO4 to sol 2.Add a few ml of KI to soln. Group II : Pass H2S gas through soln of group 1. Confirmatory Test : Add a few ml of HgCl2 to soln Group III: To 2 ml of soln add a pinch of NH4Cl & excess NH4OH. Observtions White ppt of PbS is obtained. Inference Pb+2 indicated.
Yellow ppt of PbCrO4 obtained. Yellow ppt of PbI2 obtained. Brown ppt obtained.
Sn+2 indicated.
2.substance u
The constituents detected in the alloys were: 1.Brass: copper & zinc 2.Solder:lead & tin 3.Coin: copper & iron
Comprehensive Chemistry Practical ClassXII.