Review of Related Literature Composting Is A Bio-Oxidative Microbil Degradation Process of Mixed Organic Matter. Compost Has The
Review of Related Literature Composting Is A Bio-Oxidative Microbil Degradation Process of Mixed Organic Matter. Compost Has The
Review of Related Literature Composting Is A Bio-Oxidative Microbil Degradation Process of Mixed Organic Matter. Compost Has The
Compost has the ability to help regenerate poor soils. The composting process encourages the production of beneficial micro-organisms which in turn break down organic matter to create humus. Humusa rich nutrientfilled materialincreases the nutrient content in soils and helps soils retain moisture. Compost has also been shown to suppress plant diseases and pests, reduce or eliminate the need for chemical fertilizers, and promote higher yields of agricultural crops. This exothermic process produces a relatively large quantity of energy. Only 40-50% of this energy can be utilized by microorganisms to synthesize ATP; the remaining energy is lost as heat in the mass. This large amount of heat causes an increase of temperature in the mass and can reach temperatures of the order 70-90C. However, in composting process, the thermophilic phase should not be totally eliminated because it is
the most important phase in reducing pathogenic agents. Furthermore, the thermophilic phase must be maintained at the starting process, when the availability of readily degradable molecules allows temperatures to reach 70C. Temperature is another important factor in the composting process and is related to proper air and moisture levels. As the microorganisms work to decompose the compost, they give off heat which in turn increases pile temperatures. Temperatures between 90 and 140F indicate rapid decomposition (Minnich et al, 1992). High temperatures greater than 140 F reduce the activity of most organisms(Minnich et al, 1992). Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes account for most of the decomposition that takes place in a pile. They are considered chemical decomposers, because they change the chemistry of organic wastes. Of all these organisms, aerobic bacteria are the most important decomposers. They are very abundant; there may be millions in a gram of soil or decaying organic matter. Organic material provides food for organisms in the form of carbon and nitrogen. Carbon and nitrogen levels vary with each organic material. A tip for estimating an organic materials carbon/nitrogen content is to remember that fresh, juicy materials are usually higher in nitrogen and will decompose more quickly than older, drier, and woodier tissues that are high in carbon. Bacteria utilize carbon as a source of energy and nitrogen to build protein in their bodies. This oxidation process heats up the compost pile from ambient air temperature(Minnich et al, 1992). If proper conditions are present, the pile will heat up fairly rapidly due to bacteria consuming readily decomposable materials (Minnich et al, 1992).
Part of the heat produced during composting in the closed reactor can be recovered and tranformed by a heat pump to produce hot water for both domestic and for industrial heating. In the process of turning unwanted trash into soil-building humus, compost organisms are capable of generating a considerable amount of heat. One ton of decomposing material gives off about as much heat as 10 gallons of number 2 fuel oil(Minnich et al, 1992). Dubbing it biothermal energy, a few home innovators are working on using the heat of composting to warm homes and greenhouses. Although such applications of biothermal energy are new, gardeners have warmed homes and greenhouses(Minnich et al, 1992). Although such applications for biothermal energy are new, gardeners have warmed their hotbeds with the biothermal energy for decomposing horse manure for years(Minnich et al, 1992). Most of the time, higher dry solids means a higher gas yield. The average supermarket mixture will produce between 350 and 500 cubic meters of gas per metric ton of recovered feedstock depending on the load, he says, compared to a metric ton of fruit waste, which yields about 150 cubic meters of biogas(Sullivan, 2012). As a cultural shift toward sustainable living has grown, composting has experienced a surge in popularity(Lane, 2010). As a result, the practical advantages of composting are being re-addressed particularly in regard to energy savings - hence the interest in cheating with compost(Lane, 2010). Composts are mostly made from organic waste that is collected and stored so that it can be later be utilised as fertiliser or soil amendment (Lane, 2010). Growers who choose to use manure compost for their greenhouses do not only benefit from it as a source of nutrients for the plant, but can also help them lower their heating costs, as manure can act as a replacement for electric heating systems (Lane, 2010). Some innovators were able to provide most of their household heat by circulating coils of water pipe through huge piles of chipped slash and green brush (Minnich et al, 1992). As the brush decomposed, its heat was absorbed by the water and pipe through ordinary household radiators. In the spring, their heat was ready to use to rebuild the worn-out district (Minnich et al, 1992). They experimented with tapping methane gas sometimes released by the composting process. This is called biogas (Minnich et al, 1992). METHODOLOGY
Materials: 25m of 10mm irrigation pipe chicken wire 3 cubic feet compostable materials compost frame water thermometer
To achieve this experiment, the researchers will prepare a compost of more than 3 cubic feet. This will be an 1 to 1 mix of nitrogen and carbon rich materials. A cylindrical frame will be made then covers with chicken wire. The irrigation pipe will be coiled around the frame as tightly as possibe. The two ends will stick out, one where cold or lukewarn water will enter; the other, where the heated water will exit. This stucture will then be covered completely and tightly with the compost. The researchers will pump water in to the device then measure the temperature of the water. This will be done 5 times in every trial. The 7 trials will be done in intervals of 2-3 days to find the peak of its potential.