Boiler Design Step
Boiler Design Step
Boiler Design Step
STEP-1 Received data from customer Steam output, feedwater inlet Fuel analysis, boiler type Power plant heat balance STEP-2 Boiler Thermal Sizing: Combustion, efficiency, steam output calculation, Furnace, Back pass & Cyclone sizing, Metal temperature calculation, Emission calculation, Air Heater Calculation, etc. Iteration with customer/steam turbine back to STEP-1 STEP-3 Pressure part material selection and ASME calculation & Pipe Stress Analysis: Tubing, pipe manifold, drum and internal piping & external piping Furnace Sizing, Boiler Circulation STEP-4 Non Pressure Part selection and calculation/Simulation Structural steel Design calculation Pressure part hanger calculation, etc. Iteration to STEP-3 for pressure part weight and arrangement STEP-5 From step-2, perform external piping selection: Material selection, ASME calculation, Pipe Stress Analysis Pressure Drop Calculation STEP-6 Create Pressure Part Arrangement Iteration with Step-3/4/5 STEP-7 Create General Arrangement & Layout Iteration with Step-3/4/5/6 STEP-8 Create P&ID Drawing Steam/Water Diagran, Flue Gas Diagram, Fuel Diagram, Limestone Diagram, Inert Injection Diagram STEP-9 Create Bill of Material of Structural & Support (Non Pressure Part) STEP-10 Create Bill of Material of Tubing, Piping (Pressure Part)
STEP-11 Create Drum Arrangement Drawing, Drum Internal Drawing, Welding Detail STEP-12 Create Pressure Part Drawing & Welding Detail: Evaporator, Furnace wall, superheater section STEP-13 Create Non Pressure Part Drawing & Welding Detail: Structural Steel, Casing, Ducting, Cyclone, Stack, Air Heater STEP-14 Sizing & Create Coal Silo, Inert, Limestone Create drawing, specification of silo system STEP-15 Create Specification & Sizing of Coal Crusher & System Create emission equipment, baghouse, dust collector (if required) STEP-16 Create Equipment List & Data Sheet: Primary Air Fans, Secondary Air Fans, Blower, Feed Pump, Start-up burner, Damper, Ash Screw Cooler, Soot blower, Chemical Injection System, etc. STEP-17 Create Valve List & Valve Data Sheet: Manual valve, pneumatic block valve, MOV, Control Valve, Blowdown valve, desuperheater system, etc. STEP-18 Create Instrument List & Instrument Data Sheet: Flow/pressure/temperature transmitter/gauge Flue gas analyzer & sampling system Water/steam sampling and analyzer Create Bill of material of instrument tube & fitting Create drawing & bill of material cabling system STEP-19 Boiler Operation and Control Concept Create functional control diagram Create logic diagram Verify/Iterate with P&ID and Selected Equipment STEP-20 Electrical System Create bill of material of electrical Create drawing & bill of material electrical cabling system STEP-21 Pipe routing for external piping & 3-D Drawing, Pipe Stress Analysis Feedwater piping system, steam piping system, fuel/inert/limestone piping system, ducting for flue gas Iteration with selected equipment
STEP-22 External piping: Pipe Stress Analysis & Pipe Support Drawing Pipe Insulation System, Ducting & Casing Insulation System STEP-23 Refractory Lining System Anchoring System, Material Selection, Testing and Installation Procedures STEP-24 Iteration to previous STEP, to verify selected equipment with design data. Note: In general, as one system of boiler, each of process and step need to be verified and iteration with other process or system. Drawing output, data sheet, etc. will be submitted to sub-vendor for fabrication, manufacturing or equipment supply. Selected equipment shall be verified with the design data, iteration process is required to verify the design data compare to manufacturer data.