Cross Correlation and Autocorrelation On Matlab
Cross Correlation and Autocorrelation On Matlab
Cross Correlation and Autocorrelation On Matlab
Q1. Generating a pulse signal x (n), the transmitted pulse from the radar.
Q2. Generating delayed and attenuated signal, xd(n) Q3.Generating Gaussian random noise, w (n) Q4.Generating received signal by adding noise with transmitted signal Q5. Estimating cross correlation sequence Rrx(m) and the delay
Figure 3: Pulse signal xd(n) both delayed by N=32 and attenuated by = 0.7
Figure 5: Received signal r (n) obtained by adding delayed & attenuated signal with noise
Correlation is nothing but the degree of similarity a signal is with respect to another signal. If the signals are identical, then the correlation coefficient is 1, and if it is totally different it is then 0. In such a case whereby the signal is 180 degrees out of phase with the reference or compared signal, the correlation coefficient is -1. When two independent signals are compared, the procedure is known as cross correlation and when the signal is compared to itself, it is then known as autocorrelation.
In relation to this assignment, the concepts of cross correlation and autocorrelation are used in the application related to a radar altimeter which is used to measure the distance the distance between the target and the ground as shown in figure 1.
As shown above, a pulse x(t) is transmitted from the transmitter of the radar and the reflected signal from the target is received back by the radar receiver. The received signal r(t) which is now delayed, attenuated, and added with noise is a form of the original transmitted signal, x(t), is then analyzed to estimate the time delay between the transmitted and received signal.
Q1. To generate the pulse signal x(n) representing the transmitted pulse from the radar.
%Number of samples % Range (start: end) % The signal properties as shown in fig 2 % Amplitude set as 5 %Plotting n versus y %Grid lines to be included in figure 2
Q2. To generate a delayed signal xd(n) by delaying transmitted signal by N=32 samples and reducing its amplitude by an attenuation factor of = 0.7.
%--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%DELAYED AND ATTENUATED SIGNAL Xd(n) representing the delayed transmitted % signal from the radar %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------N=256; n=-96:160; a=[zeros(1,(N/2)+1),ones(1,(N/2))]; b=5*a; %plot(n,b); grid; u=[zeros(1,(N/2)+5),ones(1,(N/2)-4)]; r=5*u; %plot(n,r); grid; f=0.7*(b-r); % Delayed signal being multiplied by attenuation %factor of 0.7 plot(n,f); grid; %Plotting n versus f %Inserting grid lines on graph % Amplitude made to be 5 %Amplitude made to be 5 %Number of samples % Range from -96 to 160
title('Pulse signal xd(n) representing delayed and attenuated signal'); % Title of graph xlabel('sample number'); ylabel('Amplitude'); %Labeling the x-axis %Labeling the y-axis
The above codes were tested on matlab and are shown down in figure 3 satisfying both the attenuation factor =0.7 and delayed by N=32.
Figure 3: Pulse signal xd(n) both delayed by N=32 and attenuated by = 0.7
Q3. Generate N=256 samples of Gaussian random signal representing the noise w(n)
% Number of samples % Range of N values % Generate Normal Random Numbers % Subdivide the figure into 4 quadrants % Plot R1 in the first quadrant % Inserting gridlines on graph
The above codes have been tested on Matlab and the graph is available on figure 4 as shown below.
Q4. Generate the received signal by adding the noise signal, w(n) with the transmitted signal
%Adding noise signal to delayed and attenuated signal %Plotting received signal against n values %Inserting gridlines on the graph
title('Normal [Gaussian] Distributed Random Signal added with delayed and attenuated signal'); xlabel('Sample Number'); ylabel('Amplitude'); %Title of graph %Labeling the x-axis %Labeling the y-axis
The simulation of the above codes on matlab produced the results which can be viewed at figure 5.
Figure 5: Received signal r(n) obtained by adding delayed & attenuated signal with noise
Q5. Estimate the cross correlation sequence Rrx(m) and estimate the delay. [C,LAGS]= xcorr(xx,x); % C is cross correlation sequence % Lags is a vector of the lag indices at which c was %estimated % xx and x are the two signals to be correlated plot(LAGS,C); %Plotting C versus the lag
title('Cross correlation of transmitted signal and received signal'); % Title of graph grid; %Inserting gridlines on the graph
As seen above the cross correlation of the transmitted signal with respect to the received signal has a peak at 32 which is exactly the delay we gave to the transmitted signal in Q2. Figure 6 has been zoomed in for us to be able to view the delay more precisely as displayed in figure 7. Therefore, we can see that the simulated result agrees with the theoretical value. Other factors which can influence the cross correlation graph such as and N are discussed in the discussion part below.
2. DISCUSSION: The value of , the attenuation factor usually affects the amplitude of the cross correlation graph of the 2 signals. As shown above in figure 7, =0.7 and amplitude of graph is 13.55. When is made to be 0.6, as shown from figure 8, the amplitude drops to 11.3 and when =0.5, amplitude further drops to 9.15 as shown in figure 9.
Having seen the effect of changing the alpha values gave us same graph with same length and delay but with different amplitudes, we will now analyze how the value of N affects cross correlation. However in contrast to the alpha value, when changing the value of N, which is the length of the signal, the graph had no real change except that the length of the signal was changed to the new value of N. The amplitude and delay stayed the same. Therefore we can say that for a signal, the graph will be unchanged in terms of amplitude or delay even if we change the value of N.
From this assignment, it was foUnd that one way to measure the distance to an object is to transmit a short pulse of radio signal (electromagnetic radiation) and measure the time it takes for the reflection to return which is the time delay which is obtained by using cross correlation. The distance is one-half the product of the round trip time because the signal has to travel to the target and then back to the receiver and the speed of the signal. Having already the speed of light, c= (3.0*10^8) m/s and the time taken for the signal to come back, it is easy to calculate the distance of the target using the formula speed = distance/time. However, since radio waves travel at the speed of light, accurate distance measurement will be done by using of high-performance electronics in the industry. Having completed this assignment, other things learnt was that correlation is not only used to measure distance for radar altimeters but instead has other applications like fluorescent correlation spectroscopy (FCS) where fluctuation of fluorescence intensity is analyzed and molecular complexing amongst many others in the industry.
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