Karnataka Second PUC Business Studies Question Paper

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Total No.

of Questions : 39

March, 2009

Code No.


Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ( English Version ) SECTION A I. Answer all ten questions in a sentence each. Each question carries one mark. 10 1 = 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Give an example of Genetic industry. Mention any one type of Salesmen. State the types of Foreign trade. Expand GDRs. Write any one function of SEBI. Mention any one need of Bank. State any one principle of Insurance. State any one importance of Warehouse. Mention any one of the career opportunities in Business finance. Max. Marks : 100

10. State any one type of Accounting package.

SECTION B II. Answer any ten of the following questions in not more than two sentences each. Each question carries two marks. 10 2 = 20 11. What is industry ? 12. Give any two differences between selling and marketing. 13. Give the meaning of network marketing. 14. What are Mutual funds ? 15. Who is a Bull ? 16. Give the meaning of Current Account. 17. What do you understand by Endowment policy ? 18. Write any two advantages of Air transport. 19. What is bonded warehouse ? 20. Give the meaning of social responsibilities of business. 21. Name any two consumer forums. 22. Give the meaning of Database Management.

SECTION C III. Answer any six of the following in not more than fifteen lines each. Each question carries five marks. 6 5 = 30 23. Explain the features of industry. 24. State the essential features of good advertising copy. 25. Distinguish between domestic trade and foreign trade. 26. Explain the factors determining the long term finance. 27. Briefly explain the recent development in banking. 28. State any five shareholders. social responsibilities of business towards

29. What is consumer protection ? Explain any four rights of consumers. 30. Briefly explain any five career opportunities in insurance sector. 31. Explain the benefits of E-commerce.

SECTION D IV. Answer any three of the following in not more than thirty lines each. Each question carries ten marks. 3 10 = 30 32. Explain the various functions of marketing. 33. Briefly explain the export procedure. 34. Explain the functions of stock exchange. 35. What is fire insurance ? Explain the various types of fire insurance policies. 36. Write the advantages and disadvantages of road tranport.

SECTION E ( Practical oriented questions ) V. Answer any two of the following. Each question carries five marks : 2 5 = 10 37. What qualities are expected from an effective salesman ? 38. List out any five insurance companies in private sector. 39. Prepare a specimen of a demand draft.

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