Philadelphia Sherrif's Sale

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Public Notices
Estate SHERIFFS Notices SALE
10 A.M. KEELER, LAURIE January 16, 2013

T U E S d A y, J A N U A R y 8 , 2 0 1 3



SPECTER, ARLEN -- Shanin COURT OF COMMON PLEAS PHILADELPHIA COUNTY Sale. . . Under provisions of Act -of Assembly May Specter, Administrator, c/o John PENNSYLVANIA - NO. 16, 1923, P.L. 207 and theIN MORTGAGE 120602119 and Amendments thereto, A. Terrill, II, Esquire, 100 Four COMPLAINT FORECLOSURE Falls, Suite 300, West ConshoPNC Bank, the Act of March C. Esposito, No. 388, as required by N.A. Plaintiff vs. Diane 15, 1956 -Personal Representahocken, PA 19428; John A. Tertive of Estate of Robert a/k/a Robert M. Esposito, Sr.; subject to the Heirs, Successors,M. Espositoas provided by or Associthe rill, II, Attorney, Heckscher, Unknown right of redemption All Persons, Firms Assigns and Teillon, Terrill & Sager, P.C., ations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under Robert M. Eslaw, real estate as follows: 100 Four Falls, Suite 300, West posito, a/k/a Robert M. Esposito, Sr., Deceased; Robert M. Esposito, Conshohocken, PA 19428. Jr., Known Heir of Robert M. Esposito a/k/a Robert M. Esposito, Sr.; 1-4-3 Carmen A. Esposito, Known Heir of Robert M. Esposito a/k/a Robert M. Esposito, WRIT NO: of Robert M. Esposito a/k/a Robert M. EsposiSr.; Estate PREMISES: PREMISES: FRONT: FRONT: to, Sr., c/o Diane C. Esposito, Personal Representative and Rosemarie ZIMMERMAN, FRANCES -11 3524 N. 17th St. 14 Defendants. 223-25 Dawson St. Executrix, 65 78L. Esposito, Trustee for Carmen Anthony Esposito,11 X 60 33 8-1/4 X 1-1/2 Francine Piccone, 12 6453 Robert M. 15 5-1/2 X 90 63 301 W. Drive, Glenmoore, PA 85TO: Robert M. Esposito a/k/aN. 17th St. Esposito, Sr., Deceased and 25 7-1/8 X 9-3/4 SEPTEMBER 21, COURT OF ORPHANS 2011 Denton Earlham Ter. 13 2900 N. 18th St. Lot Irreg. 93 2167 Magee Ave. 18 4-1/2 X 100 Any and All Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns and All Persons, PHILADELPHIA COUNTY 19343; Paul J. Rubino, Attorney, 14 3331 N. 18th St. 15 2 X 98 100 1806 Morris St. 15 X 62 3 Firms or Associations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under WRIT NO: PREMISES: FRONT: KOLLER, JOSEPH F., (also 50 Darby Road, Paoli, PA 1930115 16 16 2-1/4 110 2931 14 3 X 53 2 Robert M. Esposito a/k/a7183 N. 18th St. 51 3123 N. Patton St. 15 X 69 known as JOSEPH FRANCIS Robert M. Esposito, Sr.,XDeceased, Defen1416. N. Philip St. 16 1502-08 N. 25th St. Lot KOLLER and JOSEPH 118 1846 W. Sedgley St. Lot1-4-3* Irreg. dants, 7121 Brous Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19149. Irreg. 17 608 N. 32nd in 17 6 X 91 6 125 8025-27 Stenton Ave. Lot Irreg. THE have been granted on the Estate FROM TAKE NOTICE THAT a Complaint St. Mortgage Foreclosure has been Letters FOLLOWING WAS POSTPONED KOLLER) -- Mary K. Dando, Executrix, c/o Marc L. Davidson, STAYED filed against18 by the above named Plaintiff inSTAYED Philadelphia you the CCP ofOCTOBER following decedents to the each of the 19, 2011 Esquire, 290 King of THE FOLLOWING WAS POSTPONED FROM Prussia 653 N. 35th St. County, No. 19 120602119 endorsed with a Notice 26 Defend against you to 8 X 95 representatives named, who request all Road, Suite 110, Radnor, PA 17, 2012 20 16 X secured on your OCTOBER wherein Plaintiff seeks to524 N. 38th St. the mortgage55 foreclose on WRIT NO: PREMISES: FRONT: persons having claims against the Es19087; Marc L. Davidson, Attorproperty located at 7121 Brous Avenue, Philadelphia,1 21 503 S. 41st St. 24 X 135 PA 19149, 64 2911 N. Taylor St. 14 1 X 50 tate to present them in writing and all NOTICE is hereby given that, ney, Law Offices of Marc WRIT NO: pursuant to Section 4129 of the L. Davwhereupon your property246 S. 52nd St. by the Sheriff X 80 will be sold persons indebted to the Estate to make 22 15 5 of Philadelphia PREMISES: FRONT: payment to them (unless otherwise not23 1129 S. 53rd St. 15 4 X 82 3 1327-31 N. 05th St. 67 6 X 208 County. THE FOLLOWING WAS POSTPONED idson, LLC, Radnor Station Two, FROM PA Business Corporation Law, H. 10 290 King of Prussia Road, Suite edFEBRUARY 15, 2012 Philadelphia): all addresses being in NOTICE 24 1706 N. 55th St. 28 6 X 105 11 Lot Irreg. B.5835 N. 16th St. Fuller Automotive Company, a 110, Radnor, PA 19087. 13 YOU HAVE25 BEEN SUED I N COURT. If you wish to defend against 1410 N. 58th St. 15 X 70 3101-19 N. of the 160 X KS corporation21st St. State of 225 the claims set forth in the above, you must take 15 8 X 85 action within twenty 26 609 S. 60th St. 17 1-4-3 2921 N. principal office at 1200 16 X 55 with its 27th St. WRIT NO: PREMISES: FRONT: (20) days after this Complaint S. 69th St. are served 11 entering a writWillow Lake Blvd., St. Lot Irreg. Paul, MN 27 2010 and Notice 15 by X 77 19 1500-36 N. 31st St. 50 31 W. 23 X 105 BATE, BERNICE Manheim St. W., (also 55110, and having a Commercial & Bten appearance personally or W. Allegheny Ave. filing your defenses or 28 2603 by attorney and 16 X 80 Premises A known as BERNICE BATE) -objections in writing with2201-09 Arch You are warned that if you fail to the Court. St. Unit #122 Condominium RegisteredSt. 29 36 1 S. Bank Office Provider and Lot Irreg. THE FOLLOWING WAS POSTPONED LATHAM, PAULA M. -FROM MARCH 21, 2012 Richard J. Bate, Executor, c/o County of Venue St. follows: CT 30 6214 Belfield you Lot Irreg. 37 1333 E. Barringer as 25 X 110 6 do so, the case may proceed withoutAve. and a Judgment may be enKatherine Condron, Executrix, Anthony J. Beldecos, Esquire, tered against you without2214 W. Berks St.for the relief requested by the further notice Corporation System, 120 X 95 Philadel31 14 X 71 4-3/8 39 265 W. Bristol St. WRIT Narberth Avenue, Suite PREMISES: FRONT: c/o Richard D. Soltan, Esquire, 450 N. NO: Plaintiff. You may lose money or propertyCt, other rights important to phia County, which on X 110 32 63 Bonnie Gellman or Condominium 320Irreg. 44 6139 Carpenter St. 21 12/20/ 71 Lot Levick Street, Philadelphia, 200, Narberth, 549 E. Luray St. PA 19072; Anthoyou. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS NOTICE TO YOUR LAWYER AT 1993 was granted a Certificate of PA 19111-5635; Richard 46 SolD. Unit D63 5932 Catharine St. 19 X 110 ny J. Beldecos, Attorney, Lundy, ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER, 16 X 40 OR TELEGO TO Authority to transact business in Beldecos & Milby, PC, 450 N. 33 1937 Brandywine St. 75 4245 Lancaster Ave. 18 X 100 THE FOLLOWING WAS POSTPONED tan, Attorney, Soltan & DougherFROM MAY 16, 2012 PHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW. THIS X 77 the Commonwealth, has filed an ty, 320 Levick Street, PhiladelNarberth Avenue, Suite 200, Nar34 2072 Bridge St. 14 2 OFFICE CAN 101 2044 S. Salford St. 15 X 85 Application for Termination of phia, PA 19111-5635. berth, PA 19072. 35 2221-25 N. Broad St. 70 6-3/4 HIRING A 103 36 E. Slocum St. 15 8 X 98 PROVIDE YOU WITH THE INFORMATION ABOUT X 151 WRIT NO: PREMISES: FRONT: LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOTN. Broad St. TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS AFFORD Authority with the PA Lot Irreg. Dept. of 1-4-3 1-4-3 36 3000 Lot Irreg. 125 5351 Wissahickon Ave. 24 1138 S. 56th St. 15 1 X 78 6 OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION State. 37 3002 N. Broad St. 16 X 80 8 98 411 Master St. 16 X 68 ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO 1-4-1* 38 4544 N. Broad St. Lot Irreg. THE FOLLOWING WAS POSTPONED FROM 99 312 Monroe St. 21 X 89 ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED FEE OR NO FEE. 39 4726-30 N. Broad St. 60 177 10 NOVEMBER 21, 2012 121 166 W. Rockland Lot Irreg. LITMAN, ROSALIND -- Susan BENCIVENGO, ELAINE P.St.-PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION, LawyerX Referral Service, 40 5001 N. Broad St. PA 19107, 215-238-6333 Lot Irreg. Bush and Arleen Danon, AdminMark R. Bencivengo, Executor, 1101 Market Street, 11th Fl., Philadelphia, 41 2329 S. BucknellJ. Udren, Attorney 6 Plaintiff 14 2 X 48 for WRIT NO: PREMISES: FRONT: THE FOLLOWING WAS Esquire, FROM JUNE 20, 2012 c/o Wendy Fein Cooper,POSTPONED istratrices, c/o Larry Scott AuerMark St. 42 904-06 Callowhill St. Udren Law Offices, P.C. 33 X 70 1 5709 N. 05th St. Lot Irreg. bach, Esquire, 1000 Easton Road, Two Liberty Place, 35th Fl., PhilCourt of Common Pleas for the 43 5238 Catharine St. 111 Woodcrest Rd., Ste. 200 19 9 X 106 15 1612 N. 62nd St. 15 6 X 100 WRIT NO: PREMISES: FRONT: Abington, PA 19001; Larry Scott adelphia, PA 19102; Wendy Fein County of Philadelphia April 44 947 E. Chelten Ave. Lot Irreg.Hill, NJ 08003 18 1130 N. 64th St. 16 X 100 8 4321 N. 16th St. 13 9 X 120 Auerbach, Attorney, 1000 Easton Cooper, Attorney, Dolchin, SlotCherry Term, 2012, No. 2859. Notice is 45 1115 W. Colona St. 13 4 X 60 25 530 E. Lot Irreg. 93 5301 Two Liberty 56 8 Abington, kin & Todd, P.C., Germantown Ave. Road,X Irreg. PA 19001 856-669-5400 hereby Allens Ln. given that on December 46 2629 N. Colorado St. Lot Irreg. 59 6752 Greenway petition 14 X 101 3 130 79 50 South 16 3 X 75 12-21-3 Place, 35th Fl., Montana St. 16th 1-4-1 31st, 2012, the Ave. of Kaliff 47 5519 Crowson St. 15 X 50 70 1920 Kater St. 16 X 45 Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102. was Jamaal Garnett-Wilcox 48 2640 N. Darien St. 13 X 38 71 5040 praying Ave. 19 4 X to THE FOLLOWING WAS POSTPONED FROM JULY 18, 2012 1-4-3 filed, Kingsessingfor a decree 109 49 2032 Dennie St. 14 X 104 72 6624 Lansdowne to 15 X 75 6-5/8 change his nameAve.Kaliff Jamaal LITTMAN, STEVEN E., (also 50 2363 Duncan St. 30 X 79 3 73 1151 Layton Court has fixed JanLot Irreg. WRIT NO: PREMISES: FRONT: Malabo. The Rd. known as STEVEN EDWARD 51 453 Durfor St. 15 X 50 6368 Mc Callum St. 55 504-08 Hermit St. Lot Irreg. uary 4, 2013 at 1:00 30 X 150 P.M., in Merritt, LITTMAN) -- Michael 77 CIECKA, EUGENE, (also known 52 1742 S. Edgewood St. Lot Irreg. 714 South City Hall, 19 X 62 6 Room 691St. PhiladelExecutor, c/o Jean Bond 92 Brown, as EUGENE V. CIECKA) -53 922 N. Fallon St. 15 X 54 11 96 3227-43 for hearing. All persons X Irreg. 200 11-1/4 phia, PA Stokley St. Esq., 400 Maryland Drive, Fort Heather Marie Smith, Executrix, 54 3330 Fox St Lot Irreg THE FOLLOWING WAS Esquire, FROM interested may appear and show c/o Samuel G. Forte, POSTPONED Washington, PA 19034-7544; 55 328 N. Frazier St. 20 6 X 81 3 JANUARY cause AUGUST 15, 2012 Jean Bond Brown, Attorney, Tim- 16, 2012 if any they have, why the 9225 Frankford Avenue, Phila56 5373 Gainor Rd. 56 7 X 175 SHERIFFS prayer oney Knox, LLP, 400 Maryland SALE of the said petition should delphia, PA 19114; Samuel G. 57 POSTPONED POSTPONED WRIT NO: PREMISES: FRONT: not be granted. Drive, P.O. Box 7544, Fort WashForte, Attorney, 9225 Frankford 58 2233-35 Germantown Ave. 39 1 X 168 10 PREMISES: FRONT: 7 6526 N. PA St. 15 10 PA 8 1-4-1* ington,X 8219034-7544. WRIT NO: Avenue, Philadelphia,16th 19114. 59 3221-29 Germantown Ave. Lot Irreg. 1 1-4-3 1301-11 S. 02nd St. Lot Irreg. 28 5630 Baltimore Ave. 16 X 100 12-21-3 60 3624 Germantown Ave. 10 10-5/8 X Irreg. 2 518 S. 03rd St. Lot Irreg. 35 3211 N. Carlisle St. 16 4-1/2 X 80 61 8705 Germantown Ave. 100 X 61 3 2715 N. 06th St. 15 X Irreg. 135 5116-18 Wakefield St. 50 X 105 62 250 W. Girard Ave. 37 X 106 4 4 4124 N. 06th St. 149 X 93 6 144 5979 Woodbine Ave. 60 X 192 6 MILLER, ROY, SR. -- Roy MillCLIGGETT, EDITH C. -- Ronald 63 458 E. Girard Ave. 24 X 100 5 6502 N. 09th St. Lot Irreg. NOTICE OF DISBARMENT er, Jr., Administrator, c/o Bernard J. Cliggett, Administrator, 500 64 5155-59 W. Girard Ave. Lot Irreg. 6 723 N. 10th St. Lot Irreg. THE FOLLOWING WAS POSTPONED FROM J. Nearey, Esquire, 2200 St. Selma Street, Philadelphia, PA 65 415 W. Godfrey Ave. 14 11 X Irreg. 7 5759 N. is hereby given that by 21 X 90 SEPTEMBER 19, 2012 Notice 12th St. James Place, Philadelphia, PA 19116; Mark D. Freedman, Attor66 6649 Haddington Ln. 16 X 60 8 848 N. 16th St. Order of the Supreme 16 X 36of Court ney, P.O. Box 457, Media, PA 19103; Bernard J. Nearey, Attor67 2318 W. Hagert St. 15 3 X 100 9 2412 N. 17th dated December 20, 67 10 15 6-1/2 X WRIT PREMISES: FRONT: PennsylvaniaSt. 19063. NO: ney, 2200 St. James Place, Phila68 1132 E. Haines St. 27 6 X 140 10 3514 Gomer Thomas Williams, 15 X 65 56 628 S. Conestoga St. 15 X 80 2012, N. 17th St. 12-21-3 delphia, PA 19103. III, has been DISBARRED ON 1-4-3 Tax Sale continues on 16 CONSENT from the Bar of this Commonwealth, to be effective GENTIEU, ELISABETH YAe CITY WILL BID ON THESEJanuary 19, 2013. PROPERTIES FOR ACQUISITION. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 686-6552 MORRIS, JAMES A. -- Peter T. ROSH -- Norman Pierre Gentieu, Elaine M. Bixler Commons, Executor, 6377 GerJr., Executor, c/o Carolyn D. Secretary of the Board mantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Commons, Esquire, 6377 GerTAX SALE The Disciplinary Board of the PA 19144; Peter T. Commons, CONDITIONS OF SHERIFF SALE mantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Attorney, Commons & Commons PA 19144; Carolyn sum bid for each property auctioned off shall be deposited in cash, certified check, attorneys check or money order with the Sheriff by each bidder when his bid is registered, provided that in no case shall less then Five Hundred dollars ($500.00) be deposit otherwise, upon 1-4-1* Ten percent of the highest D. Commons, LLP, of his bid and the property many be immediately Attorney, Commons & Commons lose all benefit 6377 Germantown Avenue, offered again and sold unless a second bid had been registered, then, the second bidder will take the property at the highest bid price. failure or refusal to make such deposit, the bidder shall Philadelphia, PA if any must LLP, 6377 where there is active bidding, the highest bidder, and the second bidder, 19144. post the entire amount of the cost of the distribution policy for the property at the time of sale by case, certified check, attorneys check or money order with the Sheriff. Germantown Avenue, Additionally, 12-21-3 The balance of PA 19144. Philadelphia,the purchase money must be deposited in cash, certified check, attorneys check or money order together with a Deed Poll for execution by the highest Bidder to the Sheriff at his office within thirty (30) days from the time of the sale. An extension of time of an additional thirty (30) days may be granted at the discretion of the Sheriff1-4-3 upon receipt of written request from the buyer requesting the same, except where a second bid has been duly registered, Also, if the first bidder does not complete settlement with the Sheriff within the thirty (30) days time limit and a second bid was registered
J., (also NOTICE TO COUNSEL known as LAURIE KEELER) -Bridget A. Harris, Executrix, c/o Your attention is directed to Sam R. Hens-Greco, Esquire, 429 Section 3162 of the Probate, Fourth Avenue, Law & Finance Estates and Fiduciaries Code FIRSTBldg., Pittsburgh,PLAZA Sam DISTRICT PA 15219; of June 30, 1972 (Act No. 164) R. Hens-Greco, Attorney, Cole & which requires advertisement 3801 MARKET429 Fourth Avenue, Hens-Greco, STREET of grant of letters to contain Law & Fiance Bldg., Pittsburgh, the name PA 15219. WRIT NO: WRIT NO: and address of the PREMISES: FRONT: personal representatives. 12-21-3 60 THE FOLLOWING WAS POSTPONED FROM

The City of Philadelphia

Withdrawal Notice

Name Change

Disbarment Notices

at the sale, the second bidder shall be granted the same thirty (30) days time limit to make settlement with the Sheriff on his second bid. Thereafter, the Sheriff shall be at liberty to return the writ to court A second bid must be registered on any property immediately after it is sold. The second bidder must present the same amount of deposit that the highest bidder delivers to the Sheriff at the sale.An extension of time under no circumstances will be granted or honored by the Sheriff whenever a second SMITH, VIRGINIA MEYER -bidder is registered on a property at the sale. HARLEY, made by any bidder-- Roseann withRichard F. Smith, Jr., forfeitedMoira will be applied to the Sheriffs cost, then to any municipal claims that the City of Philadelphia has on the property. Finally, if a balance still remains, a Sheriff Distribution Policy will be The deposit JAMES C. who fails to comply the above conditions of sale shall be and and the funds B. Rosenberger, Esquire, Execuordered and the money will be distributed accordingly. Harley, Administratrix CTA, c/o No personal Hynes, Esq., 1 pay will tors, lieu of Summit Street, PhilaMichael H.checks, drafts or promises to Westbe accepted in Onecash, certified checks, attorneys checks or money orders made payable to the Sheriff of Philadelphia County. The Street, Suite to grant further extensionsdelphia, PA 19118; reserves theB. Roof time of settlement and further Moira right to refuse bids from bidders who have failed to enter deposits on their bids, failed to make settlement or make fraudulent bids or any other behavior which causes disruption of the Sheriff Sale. Main Sheriff reserves the right200, NorrisSaid bidders shall 19401; Michael H. senberger, Attorney, Barber, town, PA be so refused for the sale in which said behavior occurred and for said further period of time as the Sheriff in his discretion shall determine. The Sheriff requires from 1 successful purchaser Sharpe & Rosenberger, One SumHynes, Attorney, eachWest Main before settlement, certification from the Department of Revenue of the city of Philadelphia, that the successful purchaser is not more than one year delinquent in paying real estate taxes on any properties owned by said purchaser with the City of Philadelphia or that the purchaser is under agreement mit Street, repayment of any taxes PA Street, Suite 200, Norristown, PAwith the City of Philadelphia forPhiladelphia, due the City. The Sheriff reserves the right to waive the requirements of said certification when the said certification has been reasonably requested but has not been received. The Sheriff will not acknowledge a deed poll to any individual or entity using an unregistered fictitious name and any, at his discretion, require proof of the identity of the purchaser or the registration of a fictitious name. The bid of an unregistered fictitious name shall be forfeited as if the bidder failed 19118. 19401. to meet the terms of sale. 1-4-3 12-21-3* All bidders are advised to remain at the sale until the last property is sold. The Sheriff reserves the right to resell any property at any time before the end of the sale upon the successful bidders failure to tender the required deposit EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 1989


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VOL P. 156

Public Notices
Estate Notices
Tax Sale continued from 15
KEELER, LAURIE J., (also NOTICE TO COUNSEL known as LAURIE KEELER) -Bridget A. Harris, Executrix, c/o Your attention is directed to Sam R. Hens-Greco, Esquire, 429 Section 3162 of the Probate, 10 A.M. Fourth Avenue, Law & Finance Estates and Fiduciaries Code January 16, 2013 15219; Sam Bldg., Pittsburgh, PA of June 30, 1972 (Act No. 164) R. Hens-Greco, Attorney, Cole & which requires advertisement Hens-Greco, 429 Fourth Avenue, of grant of letters to contain Law & Fiance Bldg., Pittsburgh, the name and address of the FIRST PA 15219. DISTRICT PLAZA personal representatives. 12-21-3


SPECTER, ARLEN -- Shanin COURT OF COMMON PLEAS - PHILADELPHIA COUNTY Specter, Administrator, c/o John PENNSYLVANIA - NO. 120602119 A. Terrill, II, Esquire, 100 Four COMPLAINT IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Falls, Suite 300, West ConshoPNC Bank, N.A. Plaintiff vs. Diane C. Esposito, Personal Representahocken, PA 19428; John A. Tertive of the Estate of Robert M. Esposito a/k/a Robert M. Esposito, Sr.; Sale. . Under provisions of Act and All Persons, May rill, II, Attorney, Heckscher, .Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assignsof Assembly Firms or AssociTeillon, Terrill & Sager, 16, 1923, P.L. 207 and the Amendments thereto, Robert M. EsP.C., ations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under and 100 Four Falls, Suite 300, West posito, a/k/a Robert M. Esposito, Sr., Deceased; Robert M. Esposito, Conshohocken, PA 19428. as required by the Act of March 15, a/k/a Robert M. Esposito, Sr.; Jr., Known Heir of Robert M. Esposito 1956 - No. 388, 1-4-3 Carmen A. right of redemption as provided by subject to the Esposito, Known Heir of Robert M. Esposito a/k/a Robert M. Esposito, Sr.; Estate of Robert M. Esposito a/k/a Robert M. Esposilaw, real Esposito, Personal Representative and Rosemarie to, Sr., c/o Diane C. estate as follows: ZIMMERMAN, FRANCES -L. Esposito, Trustee for Carmen Anthony Esposito, Defendants. Francine Piccone, Executrix, 65 3801 MARKET STREET TO: Robert M. Esposito a/k/a Robert M. Esposito, Sr., Deceased and ORPHANS COURT OF Denton Drive, Glenmoore, PA Any and All Unknown Heirs, Successors, Assigns and All Persons, PHILADELPHIA COUNTY 19343; Paul J. Rubino, Attorney, KOLLER, JOSEPH F., (also Firms or Associations Claiming Right, Title or Interest From or Under WRIT NO: PREMISES: FRONT: WRIT NO: 50 Darby Road, Paoli, PA 19301PREMISES: FRONT: WRIT NO: PREMISES: FRONT: known as JOSEPH FRANCIS Robert M. Esposito a/k/a Robert Roosevelt Blvd. Sr., X 232 10-1/2 1416. Musgrave St. 114 7015 E. M. Esposito, 75 Deceased, Defen91 6336 Lot Irreg. 69 5235 Hazel Ave. 14 6 X 62 KOLLER and JOSEPH dants, 7121 Brous Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19149. 115 1931 Rowan St. 15 6 X 90 92 6472 Musgrave St. 141-4-3* 6 X 60 70 2424 W. Hilton St. 15 X 60 KOLLER) -- Mary K. Dando, ExTAKE NOTICE THAT a Complaint in Mortgage Foreclosure has been Letters have been granted on the Estate 116 3126 Ruth St. 14 1-7/8 X 47 93 2144 E. Norris St. 18 6 X Irreg. 71 4301-5 Horrocks St. Lot Irreg. c/o Marc L. Davidson, ecutrix, filed against you by the above named Plaintiff in the CCP Philadelphia of72 each of the following decedents to the 117 3252 Ryan St. Lot Irreg. 5312 Ogden St. 44 2 X 50 221 W. Hortter St. 60 X 220 Esquire, 290 King of 94 Prussia County, No. 120602119 endorsed with a Notice to Defend against you representatives named, who request all 118 seeks to foreclose on the mortgage 70 360 N. Simpson St. 16 X secured on your 95 4537 Old York Rd. Lot Irreg. 73 2623 S. Hutchinson St. 14 X 49 Suite 110, Radnor, PA Road, wherein Plaintiff persons having claims against the Es119 96 2348 N. Opal St. 14 X 50 74 5935 N. Hutchinson St, Lot Irreg. 19087; Marc L. Davidson, Attorproperty located at 7121 2152-58 E. SomersetPhiladelphia, PA 19149, Brous Avenue, St. 60 X Irreg. tate to present them in writing and all NOTICE is Ave. hereby givenX that, 120 Lot Irreg. 1627 Packer 15 79 ney, Law Offices of Marc 97 DavL. whereupon your property 118 South St. by the Sheriff of Philadelphia will be sold persons indebtedUnit #BEstate to make to the pursuant to Section 4129 of the 121 1300 South St. 21 8 X 59 4 98 5608 N. Palethorp St. 14 2 X 46 5-3/8 75 STAYED idson, LLC, Radnor Station Two, payment to themSTAYED (unless otherwise notCounty. PA Business Corporation Law, H. 122 1629 NOTICE Staub St. 14 X Irreg. 99 4455 Paul St. Lot Irreg. 76 512 in Philadelphia): 30 6King 8-3/4 290 X 96 of Prussia Road, Suite ed all addresses beingE. Johnson St. B. Fuller Automotive Company, a 123 16 X 65 5003 N. Penn St. 55 X KS 77 4345 Josephine St. 18 X Irreg. 110, Radnor, PA 19087. 100 YOU HAVE BEEN SUED 6521 COURT. St. you wish to defend against I N Theodore If corporation of the State of 124 4-1/2 124 6604 Tulip St. 101 102-10 principal office at 1200 78 3415 Kip St. 13 10 X 70 1-4-3 the claims set forth in the above, you must take17 X 90within twenty action with its E. Phil Ellena St. Lot Irreg. Prem A & B 125 310 W. Notice Lot Irreg. 102 2051 Pickwick St. 14 2 X 54 (20) 79 6723 Lansdowne Ave. 26 X 123 1-1/4 Willow Lake Blvd., St. Paul, MN 7-3/8 days after this Complaint andUpsal St. are served by entering a writBATE, BERNICE W., Pike. (also 126 70 X 100 103 1332 and having a Commercial 16 X 88 80 7316 Limekiln Lot Irreg. ten appearance personally 422 by Vernon Rd.and filing your defenses or or E. attorney 55110,W Pike St. known as BERNICE BATE) -5327 Vine St. 16 X 108 if you 104 6010 Pine Office Provider 109 6 objections in 127 16 X and 81 STAYED STAYED writing with the Court. You are warned that 9-3/4 fail to Registered St. LATHAM, PAULA M. -Richard J. Bate, Executor, c/o 128 505 E.Walnut Ln. 105 STAYED STAYED 82 6229 Magnolia St. 16 X 93 do so, the case may proceed without you and a 25 X 100 may be enJudgment County of Venue as follows: CT Katherine Condron, Executrix, Anthony J. Beldecos, Esquire, STAYED STAYED 106 969 E. Price System, PhiladelLot Irreg. 83 5518 Market St. 15 6-3/4 X 1206 Soltan, Esquire, tered against 129 without further notice for the relief requested by the you Corporation St. c/o Richard D. 450 N. Narberth Avenue, Suite 130 107 or property Ln. 22 X 93 107 STAYED STAYED 84 16 X Levick Street, Philadelphia, Plaintiff. You may lose moneyW. Washingtonor other rights important to phia County, which on 12/20/ 320 77 200, Narberth,1753 19072; AnthoPA Mayland St. 131 526 E. Washington TO 23 8 X 130 3200 Red Lion Rd, #A Lot Irreg. 85 2536 McKean St. 67 6 X 162 you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS NOTICELn. YOUR LAWYER AT 1993 was granted a Certificate of PA 19111-5635; Richard 108 SolD. ny J. Beldecos, Attorney, Lundy, 132 109 3337 Red to transact business in Lot Irreg. 86 6126 McMahon St. 17 4-3/4 X 58 Soltan & DougherONCE. IF YOU DO NOT 546 E. Washington Ln. 23 8 X 130 HAVE A LAWYER, GO TO OR TELEAuthority Lion Rd. tan, Attorney, Beldecos & Milby, PC, 450 N. 133 6223 Washington Ave. THIS OFFICE CAN PHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW. 21 X 102 6 110 1508-10 Ridge Ave. Lot Irreg. 87 1632 Meadow St. 25 X 100 Levick Street, Philadelthe Commonwealth, has filed an ty, 320 Narberth Avenue, Suite 200, NarABOUT HIRING A 134 5775 Wister St. 111 POSTPONED POSTPONED PROVIDE YOU WITH THE INFORMATION 16 X 83 4-3/4 88 2514 16 X 47 19111-5635. Application for Termination of phia, PA berth, PA 19072. S. Millick St. 135 6420 E. Wister TO Lot Irreg. 112 224-30 W. with the Sq. Dept. of 89 1730 Montrose St. Lot Irreg. Authority Rittenhouse PA Condominium LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORDSt. HIRE A LAWYER, THIS 1-4-3 1-4-3 OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION 136 6216 Woodland Ave. 16 X 72 Unit 90 1030 E. Mount 53 6 X 99 6 State. #205 ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO 137 5501 Yocum St. Lot Irreg. 113 510 W. Rittenhouse St. Lot Irreg. 1-4-1* Pleasant Ave. ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED FEE OR NO FEE. LITMAN, ROSALIND -- Susan BENCIVENGO, ELAINE P. -PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION, Lawyer Referral Service, Bush and Arleen Danon, AdminMark R. Bencivengo, Executor, 1101 Market Street, 11th Fl., Philadelphia, PA 19107, 215-238-6333 e CITY WILL Aueristratrices, c/o Larry Scott BID ON THESE PROPERTIES FOR ACQUISITION. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 686-6552 c/o Wendy Fein Cooper, Esquire, Mark J. Udren, Attorney for Plaintiff bach, Esquire, 1000 Easton Road, Two Liberty Place, 35th Fl., PhilUdren Law Offices, P.C. Court of Common Pleas for the Abington, PA 19001; Larry Scott adelphia, PA 19102; Wendy Fein 111 Woodcrest Rd., Ste. 200 County of Philadelphia April Auerbach, Attorney, 1000 Easton TAX 2859. Notice is Cooper, Attorney, Dolchin, SlotCherry Hill, NJ 08003 Term, 2012, No. SALE Road, Abington, PA 19001 kin & Todd, P.C., Two Liberty 856-669-5400 CONDITIONS that SHERIFF SALE hereby given OF on December 12-21-3 Place, percent of the highest sumSouth 16th auctioned off shall be deposited in cash, certified check, attorneys31st,or2012, the petition of Kaliff his bid is registered, provided that in no case shall less then Five Hundred dollars ($500.00) be deposit otherwise, upon 1-4-1 Ten 35th Fl., 50 bid for each property check money order with the Sheriff by each bidder when Street,refusal to make such deposit, the bidder shall lose all benefit of his bid and the property many be immediately offered again and soldGarnett-Wilcoxbeen registered, then, the second bidder will take the property at the highest bid price. failure or Philadelphia, PA 19102. unless a second bid had was Jamaal Additionally, where there is active bidding,1-4-3 bidder, and the second bidder, if any must post the entire amountfiled, praying for afor decree at the time of sale by case, certified check, attorneys check or money order with the Sheriff. the highest of the cost of the distribution policy the property to The balance of the purchase money must be deposited in cash, certified check, attorneys check or money order together with a Deed Poll for execution by the highest Bidder to the Sheriff at his office within thirty (30) days from the time of the sale. An extension of time of an additional thirty (30) days change his name to Kaliff LITTMAN, the buyer requesting the same, except where a second bid has been duly registered, Jamaal bidder does not complete settlement with the Sheriff within the thirty (30) days time limit and a second bid was registered STEVEN E., (also may be granted at the discretion of the Sheriff upon receipt of written request from Also, if the first known as to make settlement with the Sheriff at the sale, the second bidder shall be granted the same thirty (30) days time limitSTEVEN EDWARD on hisMalabo.Thereafter, the Sheriff shall be at liberty to return the writ to court second bid. The Court has fixed JanP.M., in -- Michael present the LITTMAN)The second bidder mustMerritt,same uary of4, 2013 at 1:00 delivers to the Sheriff at the sale.An extension of time under no circumstances will be granted or honored by the Sheriff whenever a second CIECKA,bid must be registered on anyknown A second EUGENE, (also property immediately after it is sold. amount deposit that the highest bidder Room 691 City Hall, PhiladelExecutor, c/o Jean Bond Brown, as EUGENE a V. CIECKA) -bidder is registered on property at the sale. The deposit made any bidder Executrix, the above conditions of sale shall forfeited and the funds phia, PA the Sheriffs cost, then to any municipal Heather MariebySmith, who fails to comply withEsq., 400 MarylandbeDrive, Fort will be applied to for hearing. All personsclaims that the City of Philadelphia has on the property. Finally, if a balance still remains, a Sheriff Distribution Policy will be interested may appear and show Washington, PA 19034-7544; ordered and the money will Forte, accordingly. c/o Samuel G. be distributedEsquire, No Frankford Avenue, Philacause made payable to the Sheriff of why the Jean lieu of cash, certified Attorney, checks 9225 personal checks, drafts or promises to pay will be accepted inBond Brown,checks, attorneysTim- or money orders if any they have, Philadelphia County. The Sheriff reserves the right grant further G. of time settlement LLP, reserves the right to refuse prayer of the said petition should delphia, PA 19114; toSamuel extensions oneyof Knox, and further400 Maryland bids from bidders who have failed to enter deposits on their bids, failed to make settlement or make fraudulent bids or any other behavior which causes disruption of the Sheriff Sale. Said bidders shall be so refused for Frankford not be granted. Drive, P.O. for said further period of WashForte, Attorney, 9225the sale in which said behavior occurred andBox 7544, Fort time as the Sheriff in his discretion shall determine. The Sheriff requires from each 1-4-1* ington, PA 19034-7544. Avenue, Philadelphia,successful purchaser before settlement, certification from the Department of Revenue of the city of Philadelphia, that the successful purchaser is not more than one year delinquent in paying real estate taxes on any properties owned by said purchaser with the City of PA 19114. Philadelphia or that the purchaser is under agreement with the City of Philadelphia for repayment of any taxes due the City. The Sheriff reserves the right to waive the requirements of said certification when the said certification has been reasonably requested but has not been received. 1-4-3 12-21-3


The City of Philadelphia

Withdrawal Notice

Name Change

When your firm has news that is important enough to announce, consider placing an announcement in The Legal Intelligencer!

The Sheriff will not acknowledge a deed poll to any individual or entity using an unregistered fictitious name and any, at his discretion, require proof of the identity of the purchaser or the registration of a fictitious name. The bid of an unregistered fictitious name shall be forfeited as if the bidder failed to meet the terms of sale. All bidders are advised to remain at the sale until the last property is sold. The Sheriff reserves the right to resell any property at any time before the end of the sale upon the successful bidders failure to tender the required deposit EFFECTIVE DATE: July -- Ronald MILLER, ROY, SR. -- Roy MillCLIGGETT, EDITH C.1, 1989

Disbarment Notices To place a Professional Announcement, contact NOTICE OF DISBARMENT er, Jr., Administrator, c/o Bernard J. Cliggett, Administrator, 500 J. Nearey, Esquire, 2200 St. Selma Street, Philadelphia, PA Notice hereby given that Lana Ehrlich at James Place, Philadelphia, or [email protected] by 215-557-2392 PA Order ofisthe Supreme Court of 19116; Mark D. Freedman, Attorney, P.O. Box 457, Media, PA 19063. 12-21-3

REQUIREMENTS: All bidding starts at $800. Bidding is open and competitive. Each bidder must be prepared to deposit 10 percent of successful bid in cash or certified check. However, $500 is the minimum deposit which will be accepted. Shelley R. Smith, City Solicitor

19103; Bernard J. Nearey, Attorney, 2200 St. James Place, Philadelphia, PA 19103. 1-4-3

GENTIEU, ELISABETH YAROSH -- Norman Pierre Gentieu, Jr., Executor, c/o Carolyn D. Commons, Esquire, 6377 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144; Carolyn D. Commons, Attorney, Commons & Commons LLP, 6377 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144. 1-4-3

MORRIS, JAMES A. -- Peter T. Commons, Executor, 6377 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144; Peter T. Commons, Attorney, Commons & Commons LLP, 6377 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144. 12-21-3

Pennsylvania dated December 20, 2012, Gomer Thomas Williams, III, has been DISBARRED ON CONSENT from the Bar of this Commonwealth, to be effective January 19, 2013. Elaine M. Bixler Secretary of the Board The Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania 1-4-1*

HARLEY, JAMES C. -- Roseann Harley, Administratrix CTA, c/o Michael H. Hynes, Esq., 1 West Main Street, Suite 200, Norristown, PA 19401; Michael H. Hynes, Attorney, 1 West Main Street, Suite 200, Norristown, PA 19401. 12-21-3*

To place a Professional Announcement, contact Lana Ehrlich at 215-557-2392 or [email protected]

SMITH, VIRGINIA MEYER -Richard F. Smith, Jr., and Moira B. Rosenberger, Esquire, Executors, One Summit Street, Philadelphia, PA 19118; Moira B. Rosenberger, Attorney, Barber, Sharpe & Rosenberger, One Summit Street, Philadelphia, PA 19118. 1-4-3

When your firm has news that is important enough to announce, consider placing an announcement in The Legal Intelligencer!

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