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Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

the call for

Issue 01 Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

in Bangladesh

The Month of Victory
Article on page 5

Whos Nex t?
Editorial on page 3

Ummah Rejects Tyrannical Rulers

60 in Asia-Pacific
Q&A on page 9

US Deploys

% of US Navy fleet

Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

Editorial: Ummah rejects tyrannical rulers Whos next? Ramadan, the Month of Victory Q&A - US Deploys 60% of its Navy Fleet to Asia-Pacific Address by the Ameer of Hizb-ut-Tahrir in a Conference in Lebanon Is the Khilafah only a Dream? The best Jihad is to say a word of truth before a tyrant ruler A Brief History of Hizb ut-Tahrir Nusrah: The Shara'i Method to Assume Authority Articles from the book ad-Dastoor Constitution for the Khilafah State Padma Bridge Scandal From The Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir, Wilayah Bangladesh Protest against visit by Hilary Clinton /America Crusade From The Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir, Wilayah Bangladesh Rajab Campaign, Re-establishing the Khilafah From The Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir, Wilayah Bangladesh Khilafah to save the Muslims of Myanmar From The Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir, Wilayah Pakistan Rise up against the American Raj and oppressor rulers From The Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir, Wilayah Syria Army Officers Help the slaughtered & Establish Khilafah From The Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir, U.K Islamic Manifesto for Change A Warm Call from Hizb ut-Tahrir 3 5 9 12 16 20 23 28 31 34 37 39 40 41

44 46 47

Abbreviations* (saw) (swt) [TMQ] sallalahu alaihi wa sallam subhanahu wa taala translated meaning of Quran (surah, verse)

*Note that various conventions were used due to documents being form various sources. Some Arabic has been retained where possible.

Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433


Ummah Rejects Tyrannical Rule Whos Next?

It is said that people get the rulers they deserve. If this holds any truth then peoples beliefs, ideals and values should be reflected by those who occupy the seat of ruling. However, it would seem that nothing could be farther from the truth when we apply the adage to the situation of the blessed Ummah, i.e. Muslims globally. We live a paradoxical existence - we are proudly characterized by Islam but forcibly ruled by kufr. Unresolved, this incongruity throws out its result by way of demonstrations, rallies, marches and revolutions. Recently, the world witnessed the spectacle of the Arab revolutions. One by one regimes were rocked by the resounding takbirs Allahu Akbar until they were ultimately dislodged from authority. To the horror of the Western colonialists their installed agent rulers in Muslim countries, in stark contrast to their accustomed air of pomp, were unceremoniously humiliated, exiled, imprisoned and killed. TV news channels could not avoid reporting the overtly bold expression of Islam by Muslims from Tunisia, Yemen, Libya and Egypt among others. In Syria for over a year now, Muslims have been marching and protesting, demanding Islam. But their cry of The people want the new Khilafah is met with the deafening fire of the warplanes and tanks of the tyrant Bashaar al-Asad. Nevertheless, Muslims continue to be persistent and unrelenting in their adherence to their deen. You are the best Ummah that has been raised for mankind; you enjoin what is right and forbid the evil, and you believe in Allah (swt). [TMQ: Imran-110] The Western colonialists are living the nightmare of dealing with the dreaded giant Ummah who has been awoken. Nothing, it would seem, appeases the insatiable appetite of this giant. It has been force fed democracy, it has been duped by capitalistic solutions, tricked by implementation of Western formulae in the guise of (so called) Islamic parties. Undeterred, the giant just keeps marching on, trampling on all that stands for kufr in its noble path towards political Islam. The revolutions are just the beginning and it would be delusional to think that the end is Marzouki for Tunisia, Mansur for Yemen, Jibril for Libya and Morsi (c/o

Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

Tantawi) for Egypt. Indeed, as foretold in a hadith by our beloved Prophet (saw) the end is the Khilafah Islamic State with the Khaleefah (Head of the Khilafah) being entrusted to implement Islam. Then there will be an oppressive rule, and things will be as Allah wishes them to be. Then Allah will end it when He wishes. Then there will be a Khilafah according to the method of Prophethood. Then he (RasulAllah) was silent. [Musnad Imam Ahmad] The Bangladesh version of this paradox proves to be no less acute. The twins in criminality, Hasina and Khaleda, and their evil cohorts are going in the same way as their counterparts in the Middle-East. They are characterized by ineptitude, corruption, violent repression and nauseating sycophancy to their colonial masters. Proving their devotion to the West, they invite colonial manipulation at the expense of the interests of Bangladesh. Being wary of the peoples deep desire for Islam and disdain for the West, they once again employ the same failed tactics to curtail peoples wish to be ruled by Allahs deen. On behalf of US, UK and India, Hasina has waged a campaign of persecution, purging, abduction, torture and imprisonment of any who dares to raise a voice for Islam and its Khilafah state, whether civilian or military. For the Ummah, the paradox is only a temporary anomaly that must be redressed by re-establishing the Khilafah. The rulers wicked obstruction has defined the only response that is left; to remove them and to arrest the repression of Islam from politics. Imposition of Kufr by these Western puppets, no matter how forcibly enforced, is no match to the truth. The only need of the Ummah is the sincere leadership of a party that is willing to brave the oppressive rulers that work against her righteous and dignified goal. A party that has the necessary depth in understanding of the Khilafah, and a fail-safe programme to liberate the Muslims from the shackles of Western hegemony. This party is Hizb ut-Tahrir, which the Ummah has already embraced as the true expression of her Islam. HizbutTahrir has for decades patiently explained how the Khilafah has the most comprehensive and powerful set of political, economic and social solutions that have ever been implemented. The party has exemplified how the Khilafah frees and mobilises resources, money and people in a way that is unparalleled by any other set of measures either ancient or modern. The party has explained how the Khilafah system has the checks and balances that will stop leaders from indulging in corruption. And finally, the party has expertise at understanding the international situation and the foresight to make the Khilafah the leading state in the world within a short period of time after its re-establishment. These matters will be further elaborated in this and future issues of the magazine. So why have we launched this magazine? If it is not explicit enough, let us unequivocally state here and now. This magazine is a call to you in the armed forces; the ones who guard the keys to society; the keepers of authority; the brave sons of the Ummah whose true ancestors are the greats Khalid bin Walid and Salahuddin al-Ayubi; and whose mentors are the celebrated people of nussrah, Saad bin Muadh, Asad bin Zurarah and Usaid bin Hudhair. Make your move! Remove the tyrant Hasina, who commits crimes against Allah (swt), His Messenger (saw) and the blessed Ummah of Muhammad (saw). Secure the authority and give the nussrah to Hizb ut-Tahrir so that the Khilafah can be implemented and the Ummah can be rescued from the Kafir colonialists. The Ummah is ready Hizb ut Tahrir is ready Are you? Oh you who believe! Answer the call of Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw), when he calls you to that which gives you life. And be assured that Allah intervenes between a man and his heart (knows well what is in your hearts), and to Him you will be gathered. [TMQ: Anfal-24].

Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433


Ramadan, the Month of Victory

"The month of Ramadhan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion" [TMQ Al-Baqarah: 185].
Indeed the blessed month of Ramadhan has arrived upon us again, and has been eagerly awaited by the Muslims the world over, its extra spiritual significance is recognized by all. Many Muslims will recall that the Qur'an was revealed in this month, millions will flock to the mosque for Taraweeh Salat and to recite the Qur'an. But most of us forget the glorious history of the month of Ramadan. The month of Ramadhan is a month of patience, Jihad and victory. Victory was granted in the Battle of Badr and the opening of Makkah. The Muslims were victorious throughout the sands of history. Many Muslims will remember these historical successes for Islam in the world, where the spread of Islam occurred through the expansion of the Islamic Khilafah. All this happened long ago in the past, yet centuries later this thought still lingers in the minds of the believers and increases their sense of pride for Islam. Indeed Islam is the only true Deen, and it was through its implementation under the Khilafah State that the carriers of Islam, the Muslims, held the leading position as the best nation. Yet the position of the Muslims in the world today is far from that; furthermore there is not a single Muslim country implementing the Islamic Khilafah system so it is unsurprising that the Muslims are last in the world order, and that even many Muslims carry a deformed view of Islam where it only concerns personal ibadaat. The only parts of Islam that are accepted in the world order are those that fit the secular ideology of Capitalism. This article shows that in Ramadhan the Muslims not only fasted, but also spread the message of Islam across the world. Allah (swt) ordered the Muslims to liberate the world from manmade oppression whether it be of the old Kufr Empires like that of the Romans or of the new Kufr Empire like that of America. Many of the Muslims' attempts to do this in the past coincided with this blessed month. Allah (swt) says: "Thus We have made you a Wasat (just) nation, that you be witnesses over mankind" [TMQ Al- Baqarah: 143] Fasting and Fighting Today subjects like Jihad have no part in the secular world order. Yet, in the life of the Muslims it plays one of the most significant roles since it was the means by which the Muslims spread Islam. It is narrated in Al-Tirmidhi on the authority of Muadh bin Jabal, that Muhammad (saw) said, "Shall I not tell you of the peak of the matter, its pillar, and its topmost part?" I said: "Yes, O Messenger of Allah." He said: "The peak of the matter is Islam; the pillar is prayer; and its topmost part is jihad." And He (swt) said in Surah Al-Baqarah "Fighting is prescribed for you, though you dislike it" [TMQ Al Baqarah: 216] It was only through this Jihad that the Muslims reaped victories in conquests the world over. And significantly, it was in the month of Ramadhan when many of them occurred. Some of the significant political and military events, which occurred during the holy month, include: Balat Al-Shohada Battle; 1st Ramadhan 114 Hijri Opening of Al-Magreb Al Awsat; 2nd Ramadhan 82 Hijri First Legion the Prophet (saw) made for Hamzah; 4th Ramadhan 1 Hijri Opening of Amouriah; 6th Ramadhan 222 Hijri Killing of Daher, King of Sind (India); 7th Ramadhan 89 Hijri Noor El Deen Zinki defeats the Christians taking back the city of Harem; 9th Ramadhan 559 Hijri

Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

Opening of Antakia; 14th Ramadhan 666 Hijri th Badr- The first battle for Muslims; 17 Ramadhan 2 Hijri Opening of Makkah; 20th Ramadhan 8 Hijri Ain Jaloot Battle; 24th Ramadhan 658 Hijri Opening of Andalusia; 28th Ramadhan 92 Hijri Clearly Allah (swt) has blessed the believers with many victories in the past in the blessed month of Ramadhan. The battles in Ramadhan began most famously at Badr where the Prophet (saw) led the believers to victory. The Muslims demonstrated heroism, setting their souls on the points of their lances and preferring martyrdom to living. As is known by all, an ill equipped and low in numbers Muslim army fought the Army of Quraish who were three times larger in number and more heavily armed. Allah (swt) granted the Muslims a mighty victory for Islam. In the Battle of the Ditch, where the Quraish formed an alliance of tribes to bolster their strength and numbers to cut-off Madinah, the Muslims had to train during Ramadhan, and the battle itself occurred in the following month, Shawwal, where the Muslims were once again victorious. The conquest of Makkah, where the Prophet Muhammad (saw) fought against the infidels, also took place in Ramadhan, 624 CE. Ibn Al Qayyim described the conquest of Makkah as the greatest one by which Allah (swt) honoured His (swt) Deen, Messenger, soldiers and honest party. The Muslims led by Muhammad (saw) over-ran Makkah bloodlessly by marching into it with their ten thousand strong army. The leaders of Quraish submitted to the Muslims almost immediately and no real fighting occurred. The battle of Tabuk, also took place in the month of Ramadhan. In this battle the soldiers of Islam, under the leadership of the Messenger of Allah (saw), established in Tabuk a training and fighting camp during the month of fasting, so as to show the strength of the Muslims in the clash with the

Byzantine army. Here the Muslims also gained the victory over the Byzantines without fighting. Other Ramadhan battles occurred after the life of the Prophet (saw), led to the liberation of many lands and islands including Rhodes (53 Hijri), coast of Spain (91 Hijri), southern France (103 Hijri), the liberation of Al-Quds (584 Hijri) and the battle of Ain Jaloot (650 Hijri). The Expansion of Islam into Europe During Al Walid's reign as Khalifah (705-715 CE/8696 AH) the Khilafah conquered lands to the East in South and Central Asia and to the West in North Africa, The Mediterranean Islands, Spain and France. Many of the battles in the West took place in Ramadhan. Expansion to the West was initiated by Al Walid's appointee Musa ibn Nusayr, who worked as governor of Qayrawan in what is now Tunisia. He had established control right up to the bounds of Morocco; he also sent naval expeditions against the Greek islands in the Mediterranean and captured the islands of Majorca, Minorca and Sardinia. The Liberation of Al-Quds by Salahuddin During the month of Ramadhan 584 AH (1187 CE) a great Muslim victory was won over the Crusaders under the leadership of Salahuddin [Saladin] AlAyyubi. At the time his advisors had counseled him to rest from the Jihad during the month of fasting, but Salahuddin insisted on continuing the Jihad during Ramadhan. In 1169 Salahuddin set about uniting the state. After he had established his army in Egypt he proceeded to unite the various smaller Arab states that had become semi-independent states. In particular he annexed these states surrounding Palestine. Salahuddin considered it first necessary to unite Muslims before he could challenge the Christian kingdoms in the holy lands.

Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

Salahuddin's goal had been the liberation of Al-Quds, prepare for the inevitable battle that would occur. the eradication of the Christian Kingdom and the Under his leadership, Muslims were rallied upon uniting of the Muslim Ummah under his Islamic Iman, unity and the necessary weapons of steel to leadership. With Jerusalem his target he moved to confront the enemy. He sought the help of Governors Askalan. This enabled him to cut off Jerusalem from and Scholars alike to unify, stand for the defense of the Mediterranean Sea and by so doing, isolated Islam and focus the efforts of the Muslims towards th Jerusalem. He accomplished this on the 5 the liberation of the Islamic lands Then it was time to September 1187. On the 19th September 1187 engage the enemy on the battlefield at Ain Jaloot on Salahuddin approached Jerusalem and proceeded to Friday 25th Ramadhan 658. Qutuz led the Muslims lay siege to the city. He bombarded the city with fire into the battle, which initially swayed towards the and projectiles until the Christians surrendered. The Tartars. Observing this, Qutuz climbed on a rock, Muslim army led by Salahuddin entered the city throwing his helmet away, shouting "Wa Islamah. peacefully on Friday the 2nd October 1187. He Wa Islamah", urging the army to keep firm and fight replaced the cross with the Islamic Allah's (swt) enemies. The frustrated flag and took down the large cross leaders of the army looked towards Imam Muslim from the Dome of the Rock and all that voice to see their leader's traces of Christian symbolism were reported that the flushed face, hitting angrily with his removed from Al Aqsa Mosque. sword and engaging the enemy. Prophet (saw) said: Salahuddin expressed in the most Qutuz's courage stunned his leaders "Behold, the Imam practical way the kindness and who promptly followed his mercy of Islam, when at the peak of footsteps, lifting the morality of the is but a shield from his victory and power he gave Muslim army. Soon, the battle behind whom the freedom for all inhabitants of shifted in favour of the Muslims, Jerusalem to leave the city until the Tartar army was shattered people fight and unharmed. When the Crusaders and fled from the battle. Victory was by whom they conquered Jerusalem in 1099 the for Islam and the Muslims. As for the streets of the city flowed with the Tartars, when they realized their protect blood of 70,000 slaughtered incursion and dominance in the themselves." Muslims. Islamic East was fading and that Muslims regained their power, they The successive crusades were all escaped towards their homeland, which eased failures, despite the high level of effort the Europeans expended. In the Sixth Crusade even the Qutuz's efforts to liberate all of Shaam (modern day King of France, Louis IX, got caught up in the Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, etc.) in a few weeks. Such a humiliation when he was taken as a prisoner of war decisive victory for the Muslims under a sincere in 647 AH (1249 CE). This was yet another battle leadership at a time when they were so weak and overpowered by the enemy draws many comparisons fought in Ramadhan. with the situation of the Muslims today. The Battle of Ain Jaloot The Battle of Ain Jaloot in 658 Hijri (1260 CE) against the Tartar invasion is considered as another great victory for the Muslims in Ramadhan. Towards the end of 656 Hijri the Tartars launched one of their largest assaults on the land of the Islamic Khilafah, resulting in the seizure of the Khilafah capital, Baghdad, the killing of the Khalifah Mu'atasim Billah, and the occupation of three quarters of Islamic land. Then they headed towards Egypt and Morocco, the last stronghold of the Muslim. The Ameer of Egypt, Mahmoud Saifudeen Qutuz rallied the Muslims to Achieving the Victory But despite the fighting the results the Muslims had in the past with the Khilafah are opposite to the results we see today. Instead of victories for Islam, today the victory is always for the cause of Kufr. The fundamental cause as to why the Muslims never succeed is because they lack the organization and singular leadership of Khalifah. Salahuddin realized this, and fought for unity before he achieved his legendary victories. Imam Muslim reported that the Prophet (saw) said:

Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

"Behold, the Imam is but a shield from behind whom the people fight and by whom they protect themselves."

The lessons from our history clearly show that without the Khilafah the Muslims are doomed. The "O you who believe! What is the matter with you, losses we see today are as a direct result of no that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause protection for the Muslims of Allah (jihad) you cling by a sincere state. The losses heavily to the earth? Are you seen during the time of the pleased with the life of this The lessons from our history Khilafah such as when Alworld rather than the Quds was captured by the hereafter? But little is the clearly show that without the Crusaders or the repelling of enjoyment of the life of this Khilafah the Muslims are the Muslims from France world as compared with the were due to weaknesses in Hereafter" [TMQ At-Taubah: doomed. The losses we see the structure and function of 38]. today are as a direct result of the Khilafah. By remedying Alhamdulillah! The ummah this aspect the Muslims no protection for the Muslims today has taken to the were able to resolve their streets to speak out against by a sincere state. problems and recapture the tyrant rulers in the Arab their territories. After all it Spring and to demand the was the structure of the establishment of the second state i.e. the Khilafah that enabled Salahuddin to rally rightly guided Khilafah. And now it is up to the the Ummah to free the Muslim lands. Where is this Muslim armies to respond and make Ramadan the structure to free the Muslim lands today? Where is month of victory again. this structure today to liberate Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Chechnya, Kashmir or Arakan? Where is the Khilafah to liberate the Middle East and Central "Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Asia from the coalition forces? The illegitimate Messengers and those who believe, in this world's life Muslim rulers today will only continue to fail the and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth Muslims, for the only wars the current rulers engage (Day of Judgment)" in are those that their Western masters tell them to [TMQ Ghafir: 51].

engage in as evidenced by the war of fitna in the tribal areas of Pakistan waged by America and aided by Kayani. Consequently without the Khilafah there will be no liberation of Muslim land. He (swt) said:

Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

Question and Answer

US Deploys 60% of her Navy Fleet in Asia Pacific

Question: On 1/6/2012 the US Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, announced at a security conference in Singapore that, the United States will keep six aircraft carriers in Asia / the Pacific and will shift 60% of its warships to the region, over the coming years until 2020. He explained that the transfer of the US fleet comes in the context of the implementation of a new U.S. strategy designed to raise the level of US military presence in Asia / Pacific. So what is the reason to transfer most of the American Navy to Asia / Pacific? Does America fear from China at the present time or in the coming years? And when might China move to impose its control over that region? Answer:
To answer this question we need to mention the following: 1- The Asia / Pacific region includes countries of interest: A- Such as Japan, China, Taiwan, North and South Korea. Between these countries is a conflict on the issue of sovereignty over the East China Sea and a dispute over some islands and freedom of navigation and fishing. B- And like Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. Between this countries conflict on the issue of sovereignty over South China Sea and a dispute over some islands in it, in addition to the Strait of Malacca and the freedom of navigation and fishing. C- And the region is an extension of the Indian Ocean, on whose coast lies north Burma, Bangladesh and India, up to Pakistan that is closer to the Arabian Sea, which is an extension of the Indian Ocean, and then Gulf of Oman to the Gulf region and the Gulf of Aden and Straits of Bab el Mandeb to reach the Red Sea, which is a transit to the Mediterranean. D- Also the Asia / Pacific as well as the northern coast of the Indian Ocean, is the most densely populated in the world and the largest population density is of the Muslims. In this region is nearly half of the world's population and half of the Muslim Ummah. 2 - The sea lanes are considered to be more important than the land routes because they can carry a larger amount of goods by ships, cost less and ships can avoid the checkpoints at the borders of the states, except for during transit through the straits or sea lanes that are under the supervision and control of a state. Today 90% of goods are transferred through sea routes by ships despite the development of land routes and manufacture of large lorries, as well as the developments of air transport, though it is expensive and cannot carry as much load as ships. 65% of oil transportation is done through the sea by ships, despite the development of pipelines. Therefore, the Pacific extending to the Indian Ocean is of great importance, carries 70% of the oil and gas

Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

supplies from the Gulf region to the countries of the region. Moreover, the need for oil will double within the next decade in the region, particularly in China and India. The Straits of Malacca are an important route between the two oceans, extending for 800 km between Malaysia Peninsular and the Indonesian island of Sumatra. 40% of global goods pass through it, as well as half of the global gas and oil, which is important for both China and India, for the transit of goods to the east and the west. Therefore this region has great importance in terms of the sea routes... 3 - Moreover, this region is important from a strategic point of view. China is working to dominate or control this region because she considers the region as her region historically and geographically. This adds to the economic importance to her. China is a major regional country and work to be influential in this region, but China has not been able to impose her control over it. US hegemony is the most dominant influence in the region. America was interested in this region during the Cold War because of a threat by the Soviet Union at that time, as Russia has a coast line on the North Pacific Ocean. America in that period used to have more than 600 warships in the region. When the Cold War ended, and after the fall of communism and the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the demise of the danger, America reduced the number of its warships to less than half, bringing the number to 279. In 2008 there were 285 warships. America was satisfied with this number, as it no longer has a competitor to its existence or any threat in this region. In addition, America has a permanent military presence in military bases in Japan and South Korea, both located on the shores of the East China Sea, as well as in the Philippines, located on the shores of the South China Sea. She has about a quarter of a million troops in the area. She has had a constant military presence in the region since the fifties of the last century. 4- After the shaking of the American position globally after the impact of her defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan at the hands of the Muslims and the impact of the financial crisis that exploded in 2008, China began assessing the situation and started to work to exploit it in order to increase its strength so as to impose its influence in the region, if America fully collapsed or

became shaken more strongly than that which has already occurred, so that she cannot maintain her influence in that region, or if the Muslims expelled her from the region.. Although United States recognizes that China is not a major world power and therefore China does not work to dislodge her from her position as the leading state in the world. However, China is a major regional country in the Asia / Pacific region, which China regards as critical for it economically and strategically. China is working to be sovereign in the East China Sea and if successful in that, it will make Japan and South Korea under the mercy of her hegemony, as well as of North Korea, which has Chinese influence in it. China is also working on developing its sovereignty over the South China Sea, making the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia under her influence or under her domination so as to control the Straits of Malacca, which are a lifeline for her. If China controls this area or imposes her influence or dominance over it, then she can have an impact on the Indian Ocean region, and so threaten US influence in the region in a serious manner. This is a decisive issue for United States and she can not allow that to happen, ever, no matter what the cost. 5 - America gives importance to protect her lands from both sides, from the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific, which surround her. There is no threat currently to America in the Atlantic because European countries are not currently engaged in any serious work to compete with America in the Atlantic Ocean or beyond the west Atlantic, in South America. America does not expect any competition in the foreseeable future from Europe in the Atlantic or beyond it. So America gives greater importance to other regions, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea and the Gulf and the Straits of Bab el Mandeb. That is way she reduced her strength in the Atlantic for the sake of her power in the Pacific. As Panetta mentioned in the details, 60% of the naval force will be in the Asia / Pacific by 2020, including six aircraft carriers and most of the American cruisers, destroyers, combat ships and submarines. He referred to the disputes between the countries of the region and China, and said: "The U.S. stand is clear, we call for restraint and diplomatic solution, we are opposing the provocation and use of force." He


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

claimed that "his country does not discriminate against any nation for the favor of another" (U.S. UPI agency 2/6/2012). UPI pointed out that, "President Barack Obama said in November; that the Asia / Pacific region is a top priority for the U.S," and the agency stated that, "the US focus on the region comes amid China and India rising as two world economic powers and after the American withdrawal from Iraq and the impending withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan."

Thus, the increases of U.S. naval forces in the Asia / Pacific, are mainly directed towards China and the threat that is expected against the American influence in the region.

7 - But there is something else that is suggested by the deployment of U.S. naval forces, and the spread of her bases in the Pacific Ocean through the Straits of Malacca to the Indian Ocean, the Arabian sea, the Gulf and the Red Sea ... This deployment is not only on the coasts of China and its seas ... America is Moreover, the increased presence of the American mindful of the predicted emergence of the Islamic military in the Asia / Pacific region allow her to power in the region, "The Khilafah State." This is increase the size of the exercises being conducted what makes America calculate the power of China there in the coming years, as well as American plans and the expected power of the Islamic state... So, she to increase her naval projection to is stretching her bases and wider areas of the Pacific Ocean, deployment along the coasts of the America is mindful of the including the Indian Ocean. He Islamic region ... She establish the predicted emergence of the mentioned that, " US armed likelihood of emerging changes in Islamic power in the region, forces participated in 172 training the coming years and in the next "The Khilafah State." This is exercises and war games during decade, the emergence of the the past year (in this region) of 24 power of an Islamic superpower in what makes America countries." (BBC 2/6/2012). the Muslim world, particularly as calculate the power of half of the number of Muslims is in 6 - The US military strategy in the China and the expected the Asia / Pacific and northern Asia / Pacific as announced by U.S. power of the Islamic state... Indian Ocean, which is an Secretary of Defense falls under So, she is stretching her extension of the Muslim regions of the new American military bases and deployment the Gulf, Middle East and Africa. strategy as announced by U.S. along the coasts of the This region is a major strategic President Obama on 6/1/2012, Islamic region region after the establishment of which focused on three main the Islamic State, Allah willing. It is themes; First, reducing the worth mentioning that the Islamic number of US forces in Europe, Second: to reduce defense spending whilst state began in her early days to work on access to maintaining the qualitative edge, and the third: Focus this region to spread the Khaier in its boundaries. It on the Pacific to avoid the growing strength of China, became a almost a Muslim area until the colonialist giving importance to the Middle East and Asia. Since Westerners began to spread the seeds of evil in it, so there is no danger or threat to America in Europe that they can colonialize it and control it, from three then there is no need for the presence of large centuries ago so as to break the back of the Muslims numbers of US troops in it. This is part of the plan to from the East, at a time when they were waging reduce military spending, because America is still colonialist wars and conspiracies against the Muslims reeling under the weight of the financial crisis and in the West so as to demolish their state, the Khilafah could not recover from it. Therefore she adopted a state, and its Islamic system, which they achieved ... plan to cut military spending during the next ten However, they now fear its return ... and it will come years by 1.2 trillion dollars, and increase its forces in back very soon, Allah willing. the Asia / Pacific. 15 of Rajab 1433H, 05/06/2012


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

Address by the Ameer of Hizb ut-Tahrir

The following address was made in Hizb ut-Tahrirs Conference in Lebanon
2 Dear brothers, Assalamu Alaikum Warahmat Allah Wa-barakatuh. Alhamdulillah, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family and Companions and allies; Allah says: Think not that Allah doth not heed the deeds of those who do wrong. He but giveth them respite against a Day when the eyes will fixedly stare in horror. [Surah Ibrahim 42] It is narrated from Abu Musa may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: Allah grants respite to the tyrant, but when he decides to punish him he will punish him severely and he recited, Such is the chastisement of your Lord when He chastises communities in the midst of their wrong. Grievous, indeed, and severe is His chastisement. [Surah Houd 102] Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim. Allah SWT gave us the example of the foremost of tyrants, the Pharaoh, who oppressed and rebelled, he compelled and was arrogant and he said, I am your Supreme Lord; But Allah did punish him, (and made an) example of him, - In the Hereafter, as well In This life. [Surah An Nazi'at 25] He used to silence the mouths and prevent the word of truth from being spoken. He accepted only the word that he permitted and as he saw matters, Pharaoh said: "I but point out to you that which I see (myself) [Surah Al Mu'min 29] Not only that, if there was even the slightest of protest against him, without his permission, he would

Profile of Ameer Ata Abu Rashta

Full name: Sheikh Abu Yasin Ata ibn Khalil ibn Ahmad ibn Abdul Qadir al-Khatib Abu Rashta Background: Islamic jurist, scholar and writer. Current global leader of the Islamic political party Hizb ut-Tahrir. Born into an observant Islamic family in 1943 in an small village near the Palestinian territories. Graduated in civil engineering in 1966 from Faculty of Engineering at Cairo University in Egypt. History with Hizb ut-Tahrir: Joined in the mid-1950s and subsequently carried out party activities throughout the Arab world. Worked closely with Taqiuddin an-Nabhani, the founder of Hizb ut-Tahrir and Abdul Qadeem Zallum who became the leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir following Nabhani's death in 1977. In the 1980s he was a leading member of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Jordan and was appointed as the organisation's first official spokesperson. Abu Rashta became the global leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir on 13th April 2003 following the death of Abdul Qadeem Zallum.


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accuse that this was a conspiracy backed by foreign hands to sabotage the country, Pharaoh said: "Believe you In Him before I give you permission? Surely This is a trick which you have planned In the city to drive out its people: but soon shall you know (the consequences). [Surah Al A'raaf 123] But in the end the Pharaoh was finished, and he left what he used to enjoy through and with, and neither heaven nor earth shed a tear over him. He was condemned and rejected, How many were the Gardens and springs that they left behind * And corn-fields and noble buildings * And wealth (and conveniences of life), wherein they had taken such delight! * Thus (was their end)! and we made other people inherit (Those things)! * And neither heaven nor earth shed a tear over them: nor were they given a respite (again) [Surah Ad-Dukhaan 25-29]

flying his plane in the air, looking for a place to accept him, refused from here and there, until he found another tyrant to provide him with maintenance and accommodation! And yet another tyrant is wheeled from court to court on a wheel chair, helpless. And he now answers within the yoke of subservience, Yes sir!", yet he was the one who used to appoint with his finger and seize what he desired! And the third tyrant did not think that anyone could be above him. He even killed people without right, not only the good, but the most righteous, dragging them along the street behind a jeep, leading to their deaths, after he cut their bodies! That tyrant ended up hiding as a lizard in a hole and he did not find but a sewer pipe to hide in. He was the one who described the people as rats yet he fell like that which he described them as! The fourth tyrant used to order and forbid, but then was ordered and forbidden. He remained in his country for one day, and then remained in Najed for two and ended up roaming countries in search of sanctuary, until he landed in Oman and then turned to his masters in Britain and then to physical and psychological therapy in Washington! And this was before he returned to his property, acquired through corrupt practices and corruption, penny for penny and pound for pound! And the fifth has lost sight and insight, he sees how the tyrants suffered around him, yet he still has not sated his hunger with the blood of innocents, who rose up against his tyranny, he kills and kills and kills ... Maybe he seeks to extinguish the light of the protesters, forgetting or making himself forget, that

Dear Brothers: The tyrants of the day took two of Pharaohs bad deeds, the first and the second, but they did not consider the third matter, They silence the speech and do not allow the word of truth, but only allow praise of themselves and hypocrisy, and praising of what comes out of their mouths, regardless of whether it is good or bad. In fact, they lost all the good or even that approaching good and they fall through their bad deeds from all sides... The tyrants describe even the smallest protest, as one without license and permission, and accuse of it being a plot according to a foreign agenda, whilst everyone knows that they themselves are the product of a foreign agenda, to fight Allah and His Messenger and the believers, and to achieve the interests of Jews and kafir colonialists. They took these two bad deeds from Pharaoh, and they followed him in both, and rejoiced in both, but they did not take heed from the third matter regarding Pharaoh that made him forgotten, except for the curse in this world and the hereafter... They did not take heed from the end of the unjust tyrant, yet they continued with their tyranny: one of them is a fugitive that fled, panicked and was rejected, by


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the flame of the Truth once lit, by the will of Allah, will not be extinguished until it burns him, throws him in the dustbin of history, condemned and rejected, like the unjust tyrants before him and removes his tyrannical unjust regime, thus restoring Ash-Sham to its correct status, as described by the Messenger of Allah SAW: The house of the believers is Al-Sham. Reported by Ahmad The house of Islam is in Al-Sham. Reported by Tabarani in al-Kabeer

Dear Brothers: You see and hear firsthand how the tyrants that no one was expected to be deposed easily were deposed, and you see with your eyes and hear how the barrier of fear that no one ever thought would collapse, collapsed, and in this is a lesson for each one with a heart, that the days are changeable, and the demise of the darkness and the tyrants are not far, even if it takes lives, fire and iron! The collapse of the barrier of fear of dictators makes more room for the good work, so we should make more effort to promote the good, by doing the strong and wise activities ...... so the Ummah treats that which afflicts her and benefits of the fruits of this good work. The movement and the "revolutions" that we see, even though they began spontaneously after the burning incident of Bouazizi, have spread like wildfire ... The international powers were surprised by its swiftness and could not maintain their agents before these "revolutions." They started to work tirelessly to limit the change resulting from the removal of the tyrant, by stopping it from penetrating the foundations of the system itself. And when they observed the revolutions launched from the mosques and the praying in the squares in thousands, they feared from the destruction of the structure of the system and its replacement with the ruling by Islam. Therefore, they proceeded with two possible efforts and continue in them: Firstly: to vent these Islamic sentiments through disinformation by the so-called "moderate Muslims" who are not distinguished from the barefaced secularist, but for paying lip service to Islam, otherwise there is no noticeable difference between them and the secular ones... indeed they are urging for a civil democratic state, just as the secular ones! Secondly: adopting a hard stance, through various types of harassment and abuse, sometimes directly, sometime through their agents, against those who work honestly for the implementation of Islam through the establishment of the Khilafah, as commanded by Allah SWT and the Messenger of Allah SAW. This is what they are doing. But our duty is to make effort to culture the people, especially the leaders of these popular movements, warning them about the threat of the poisons of the colonialists and their agents, warning the people of the threat of misinformation, carried to them by the so-called "moderate Muslims" of the civil and democratic state ... because if these moderate Muslims succeeded, the sacrifices will be in vain and the blood of people will be lost! Also, we should make all possible efforts to direct the movements toward the correct change, the change which removes the structure of the systems, ideas and rules that serve the West. The change where the Ummah can put Islam into practice as a single Islamic state, a Khilafah Rashida state that pleases Allah SWT, His Messenger SAW and the believers. The work of directing the Ummah's movement and seeking the Nussrah from the armed forces is the


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guarantor of making a correct change. Rather than the use of international organizations, the colonialist powers, the plans of the Arab League, or plans of Annan or other thugs of the colonial powers, particularly America, or plans to send observers deployed over ninety days as stated in UN Security Council Resolution 2043 of 21/4/2012, and they are proportionally less than the minimal observers for a football match of significance or less significance! Similarly, the deception carried out by the U.S. Secretary of Defense before Congress on 20/4/2012 when he said, "The Syrian president is still popular and enjoys great loyalty in the ranks of the Syrian army" ... All this is within the open door of deadlines, encouraging the regime to undertake more killing and oppression, buying to America to establish a new agent as an alternative to its current agent current Bashar, after he became an outcast to the Syrians, such that America fears that he can not implement its interests. All of these plans are not to feed hungry mouths, they are a poison that prevents a correct change, but rather are a guarantee for a destructive and terrible change. It implies a dialogue with a regime, which has

developed a thirst for pure blood. How can there be dialogue with a butcher regime?! America and the West does not want good for this Ummah, for these colonialist states are the states who plotted against the Muslims state, the Khilafah, vied for her lands and tore the Muslim lands apart such that they made traveling between them almost impossible, in spite of them being one land and they are the ones who established these tyrant systems. So it is upon the Ummah to rely on her own strength, and beware of these countries and its agents and their plans. Allah SWT said, They are the enemies, so beware of them. May Allah curse them! How are they denying the right path. (Al-Munafiqoon 4) In conclusion, I am opening your conference: The Ummah's revolution-Plans to thwart it and the inevitability of the Islamic project" asking Allah for your every success, and to produce good and blessed fruits, and our final prayer is praise is to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Assalamu Alikum Warahmat Allah Wa-barakatuh


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Is the Khilafahs Return only a Dream?

As the western world intensifies its war on Islam in the name of war on terror with pledges to expand the American fleet into the Asia-pacific region amid a wave of Islamic uprisings; especially in the Arab world as evidenced by the overwhelming support of the Muslim masses for the political groups calling for a role of Islam in the state, there are still some within the influential circle in the Muslim countries who doubt the viability of an Islamic state at least in the near future. Amongst these people are some who have sincerity towards the ummah but yet do not have a clear understanding of the ground reality prompting them to be in doubt about Islams return on the world stage under the shade of the second rightly guided Khilafah Rashidah. It is these people whom we intend to address in this article.
There are several arguments that are put forward to express ones lack of confidence in perceiving the Khilafah as a reality. This article would discuss perhaps the two most widely held views: 1. 2. America and her allies are militarily just too powerful for us. The ummah is not ready for Islam and the Khilafah. Americans and their coalition forces started their war. What makes things more interesting is that despite having no formal armies the Iraqi and the Afghan mujahedeen fighting against the western powers have been able to humiliate the Americans with her Western allies to the extent that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have now lasted more than the two world wars combined. Had the Americans and the West been so powerful then why are they having such a tough time in dealing with Iraq and Afghanistan? Had they faced a well-trained, wellarmed Muslim army, what would have been their fate? In Somalia, the US committed as many as 28,000 troops in the so called humanitarian endeavor called Operation Restore Hope starting in 1992. But the mission failed to restore any hope for the US and they were forced to pull out in shame in 1995. One battle that ultimately compelled the Americans to leave is worth mentioning. On a raid in Mogadishu that was supposed to last only 30 minutes the US forces had to fight for 17 hours with heavy casualties including the downing of American helicopters against a Somali militia. Later they were rescued by the Malaysian and Pakistani troops from the nearest

1. America and her allies are militarily just too powerful for us Before even suggesting that the Americans are far more superior to the Muslim armies we would like to ask the thoughtful, can you give one example of a war where the US and her allies fought with a regular Muslim army and won? The answer is a big NO. In Iraq Saddam fled and many of his Generals switched sides as their loyalty was to money no matter where it came from. So America did not have to fight with a regular army and were rather aided by elements within the enemy they were waging a war against. In Afghanistan, the Taliban were not a well-trained force and decided to retreat when the


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UN base. In the same manner it is the Muslim rulers and generals who have rescued them on every occasion. Moreover, who are they fighting against? An illtrained, under-armed, disorganized bunch of resistance fighters. And yet they are in misery. The American casualties in Afghanistan have been rising every year. In Pakistan America was in an embarrassing situation when CIA agent Raymond Davis was arrested for killing two ISI agents. With all her military might America could not do anything until ISI chief General Shuja Pasha arranged for the release of Raymond Davis to please his masters and promptly got a one year extension as the reward. This leads us to the real problem which is the treachery of the Muslim rulers and the senior officers within the armed forces who has made it a ritual to serve their western masters. In June 1967, the Arab rulers at the time committed a heinous crime against the Muslim ummah. During the so called six day war, they enabled the Jewish state to defeat the armies of the Muslim Ummah in Egypt, Jordan and Syria, led by their criminal leaders, including Hafez Assad in Syria, who announced the fall of Qunaitra one whole day before the entry of the enemy to the Golan Heights. The town of Qunaitra was located behind the lines of the Syrian army fighting then in the Golan Heights; thus leading to the disruption and withdrawal of the army. On that fateful day, Hafiz Assad, the agent of the West received authority in Damascus as a prize for selling off the Golan Heights. Anwar Sadat would be remembered for his treachery in the 1973 war with Israel. Mohammed Heikal,the respected editor of Al Ahram from 1957 - 1974, who witnessed the war 1973 war, explained the extent of Anwar Sadat's underlying motives in his book The Road to Ramadhan' where he cites Sadat's mood in the run up to the war. Heikal quotes one of Sadat's generals, Mohammed Fouwzi who gave the analogy of a samurai drawing two swords - a long one and short one in preparation for battle. Fouwzi said that this battle would be a case of the short sword, signifying a limited battle for certain motives. This is why he sought peace with Israel whilst commanding a winning position in the war. In the first 24 hours of the war Egypt smashed through Israel's much

heralded Bar-Lev fortifications East of the Suez Canal with only 68 casualties. Meanwhile 2 Syrian divisions and 500 tanks swept into the Golan Heights and retook some of the land captured in 1967. In two days of fighting Israel had lost 49 aircraft and 500 tanks. In the midst of this Sadat sent a message to US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in which he said that the objective of the war was the achievement of peace in the Middle East and not partial settlements.' The message went on to state that if Israel withdrew from all occupied territories Egypt would be prepared to participate in a peace conference under UN or neutral auspices. Thus despite having an immense strategic advantage Sadat was in the mood for negotiations at such an early stage. Sadat's refusal to press home his initial advantage and his delay in launching the second Sinai offensive allowed Israel to mobilize, with aid from the US and she began to seize back lost territory. It is the Arab rulers like Nasser, Sadat, Mubarak, Hussain and others who are the main source of strength for Israel. With an army of 458,000 and arguably one of the strongest in the region, the Egyptian rulers do not release their armies to liberate Palestine. The director of the leading American strategic think tank stratfor, George Friedman pointed out, Israel can fight many wars with Egypt and win. It need lose only one. Just like their Arab partners in treachery, it is Kayani and Zardari and their predecessors who have kept a nuclear armed Muslim army engaged in a war of fitna in the tribal areas of Pakistan at the behest of the Americans. These are the same rulers who do not release the army to liberate the land of Kashmir and yet are eager to open the NATO supply lines over the blood of the Muslim soldiers killed in Salala by the US forces. The Pakistani Nuclear scientist Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan underlined the Pakistani capability of bringing down drones saying, Drones are allowed to kill Pakistanis for dollars and the US pilotless aircraft can be struck down with Hamza Missile. He further added, Even having nuclear capability, it is a wrong perception that we cannot take action against the United States, England or France because we have accumulated nuclear system against India (only). Consider the strength of the Bangladeshi armed forces with that of India. Even though an apparent


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observer may come to the conclusion that given the huge size of India and her armed forces and military hardware Bangladesh stands no chance in the event of a conflict between the two, a deeper study reveals such a conclusion is far from the reality. Bangladesh has an armed force that numbers two hundred thousand and has geography of 55,598 square miles whereas India has an armed force that numbers around 12 hundred thousand but at the same time has a geographic area of 1.27 million square miles. It reveals that despite having an area that is nearly 24 times to that of Bangladesh, India has an army which is only six times to that of Bangladesh. India also has to deal with Pakistan and China on the border, which are formidable military powers. Besides, having a larger military and more sophisticated military hardware does not guarantee victory in military confrontations. The outcome of wars is mainly dependent on the political, diplomatic and military strategies of a country and how successfully a country can maneuver these three together. Being a Muslim country Bangladesh has the advantage of having around 300 million Muslims in India who can be easily used to Bangladeshs strategic advantage in case of a conflict with India. Moreover, the Indian government at the center has a hostile relationship with the north eastern states of India which are neighbors to Bangladesh. This volatile relationship also plays into the hands of Bangladesh. India has to keep around 5,00,000 troops stationed in this region to maintain their iron grip. Besides, India has a strategic weakness at what is called the Chickens Neck or the Siliguri Corridor. This is a narrow stretch of land that connects India's north-eastern states to the rest of India. This strip of land is only 21 to 40 km in width, with the countries of Nepal and Bangladesh lying on either side of the corridor. The north-eastern states can easily be disconnected from the rest of India in the case of a conflict. Furthermore, history has shown that India is very unlikely to stage an aggressive military assault on Bangladesh. In April 2001, when the BDR killed 16 BSF personnel at Padua on the Sylhet border, after their intrusion within Bangladeshi territory, India was visibly shaken and shocked and did not even dare to retaliate. Indias strategy regarding Bangladesh is to avoid frontal confrontation with the Bangladeshi

armed forces and rather focus on weakening the armed forces through purging of sincere and Islamic army officers through events like the Pilkhana massacre. India can only carry out these heinous acts of criminality due to the cooperation she receives from the Bangladeshi government who allow the Indian intelligence a free reign to weaken Bangladeshs defense forces. A strong and independent government in Bangladesh would bring an end to such Indian conspiracies. Therefore, America and her allies strength does not come from their military advancement, rather it comes from the rulers like Assad, Karzai, Zardari, Abdullah, Hasina, Khaleda etc and generals like Kayani, Tantawi, Moyeen, Moinul, etc. Just consider how swiftly the Hasina government dispatched its army to push the Rohinga Muslims back to Myanmar showing no tolerance whereas the same government shows infinite tolerance when it comes to the killings by the BSF on the Indian border, which according to their own home minister numbers 151 in the last three years. The long list of treachery goes on and on. These spineless, impotent rulers want to hide behind the excuse that America and her allies are too strong to hide their own treachery. It may be mentioned here that the establishment of the Khilafah state in one of the Muslim countries like Bangladesh would have a domino effect and would boost the confidence of the Muslim armies elsewhere in the Muslim world to remove the tyrannical regimes and to merge with the new Khilafah state. In the meantime America and Her allies would have no other option but to accept the arrival of the Khilafah state in the world stage and would now have to come to terms with the new global power balance. 2. The Ummah is not ready This argument is perhaps too weak now after the Arab spring. No one can deny the Islamic nature of the Ummah thereas the biggest demonstrations were held after the jummah prayers and the slogans were La ilaha illallah, ash Shaheed hibiballah(There is no God but Allah and the martyr is the beloved of Allah). After the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia the following elections saw Islamic groups gaining overwhelming majority underlining the Ummahs


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yearning for Islam. The Ummah has done whatever she could have done for the return of the Khilafah. This signifies the fact that the Ummah is now more ready than never before since the destruction of the Khilafah state in 1924. As for countries outside the Arab world, like Pakistan, Indonesia and Bangladesh, the Ummah has time and again showed their Islamic sentiments during issues like the drone attacks in Pakistan, protesting Obamas visit in huge numbers in Indonesia, expelling anti Islamic writers like Taslima Nasreen and Dawud Haider from Bangladesh. A survey on 25th Feb 2009 by University of Maryland found wide spread support for political unity amongst Islamic ummah, demand for Khilafah and Shariah while raising opposition against violence. As of 2009 regarding the support of the long-term goal for Islamic governance i.e. to unify all Islamic countries into a single Islamic state or Caliphate, 70 percent in Egypt, 69 percent in Pakistan and 51 percent in Indonesia support this goal. In late 2006, 71 % in Morocco were in agreement to this as well. In Bangladesh, the overwhelming Islamic sentiment is manifested in the political spectrum as well. Both the major political alliances exploit the Islamic sentiments of the people by starting their election campaign from the shrine of Hazrat Shahjalal (rahmatullah alaihe). They include Islamic parties within their alliances to show their sympathy towards Islam and thereupon legitimizing their claim on power. In addition, the Muslim Ummah would never stand against any Islamic change that they themselves are waiting for. They would not resist the Khilafah once it is established like they have raised their voice across the Muslim world against the secular regimes. The Ummah would rather extend her support for the Khilafah because this is her state. Within days of establishment of the Khilafah state, the Ummah would realize that this is the state they have been looking for. They will soon find out that the Khilafah is not corrupt, does not charge income tax, makes education and health care free, provides fuel at a minimal price, is committed to

industrialization in order to generate employment, protects the rights of women and minorities, has an independent and strong foreign policy that ensures security of her citizens, does not allow the armed forces to be subservient to India or America has a vision of emerging as a leading nation, and above all has restored the dignity of the Ummah. Why in the world would any rational human being, let alone a Muslim oppose such a state? On the contrary they would rather defend the newly found state and would consider it their life and death issue.

Conclusion: The Muslim Ummah has struggled for the better part of the last century against the rulers who served as Western agents, be it in the form of democracies or dictatorships. The Ummah also has resisted the Western colonial plans and has kicked out the Soviets from Afghanistan. Former US Republican Presidential Nominee and leading politician Patrick J. Buchanan, who served as advisor to three American presidents, said on the strength of Islam, Islam survived two centuries of defeats and humiliations of the Ottoman Empire and Ataturk's abolition of the Caliphate. It endured generations of Western rule. It outlasted the pro-Western monarchs in Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Ethiopia and Iran. Islam easily fended off Communism, survived the rout of Nasserism in 1967, and has proven more enduring than the nationalism of Arafat or Saddam. Now, it is resisting the world's last superpower. He further went on to conclude, If Islamic rule is an idea taking hold among the Islamic masses, how does even the best army on earth stop it? There is no denying the fact that the ummah now stands just one move away by a general in the Muslim armies to discard these corrupt rulers into the dustbin of history and establish the second rightly guided Khilafah Rashidah. To those generals our message is:

O you who believe! Respond to Allah and His Messenger, when he calls you to that which gives you life... *TMQ: Anfal-24].


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[Following is a recent leaflet issued by Hizb-ut-Tahrir, Wilayah Bangladesh] 29 Shaban, 1433 Hijri, 19 July, 2012]

The best Jihad is to say a word of truth before a tyrant ruler. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 4344)
Indeed Allah (SWT) has spoken the Truth when He (SWT) said,

And whosoever does not rule by that which Allah has revealed, such are the Zalimun. [Al-Maidah: 45+ In this ayah Allah (SWT) gives the most accurate description of the current democratic regime and the Hasina government. This democratic system is a system of zulm and the Hasina government is a zalim government: - Imposing non-Islamic laws upon the people who believe in Islam is an act of zulm - Depriving millions of people of their basic needs and compelling them to live a life in poverty is an act of zulm - Implementing the capitalist economic system which makes people work their socks off for earning a bare necessary income, then making them dig deep into their pockets to afford the increased prices of essentials due to adopting the paper currency which makes peoples money worthless is an act of zulm - Implementing a discriminatory education system which forces parents to spend their last penny on graduating their children, and then failing to provide these graduates with jobs, thus creating hundreds of thousands of educated unemployed is an act of zulm - Failing to create decent jobs and thus forcing people into hard labour such as pulling rickshaws is an act of zulm - Privatizing public property and setting up rental power plants to generate electricity, then raising the price and yet failing to supply power to the people even for half a day, thus leaving them to roast in the summer heat is an act of zulm - Amassing the peoples wealth in the treasury through an unjust taxation system and then looting that wealth is an act of zulm

- Harassing, arresting, abducting and torturing people for criticizing Hasina or her governments policies is an act of zulm - Establishing a network of spies to spy on the people and thus making the people live their life in fear of being abducted and tortured is an act of zulm - Harassing, arresting, abducting and torturing people for carrying the Islamic dawah is an act of zulm - Creating a climate of fear through killing army officers (which Hasina did in Pilkhana) and purging the military through arrests, abductions and dismissals so that no officer dares to stand for Islam or the national interests is an act of zulm O Muslims! This is just a small list from among the countless acts of zulm perpetrated against you by the current democratic regime and the Hasina government, agent of crusader America and her allies. What is your duty in this situation? What will you do? Will you keep busy with acquiring your personal needs? Or will you go about your daily business as if this was your fate and there is nothing you can do? Or will you wait for the next elections to vote for the other face of this criminal democratic regime the BNP alliance, agents of crusader America and her allies so that they can carry on perpetrating the same zulm? Or you will wait for a time when the Americans and their allies sense that your frustration against Awami League and BNP is reaching a boiling point and thus they bring some other civilian or military faces in power from amongst their agents; will you wait for that time to become nothing more than spectators to the cruel game being played against your lives? If you do any of the above and remain silent against the tyrannical democratic regime and tyrant Hasina then listen to these words of Allah (SWT), 25 : (


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And fear the Fitnah (affliction and trial) which falls upon not in particular (only) those of you who do wrong (but it affects all the good and bad people), and know that Allah is Severe in punishment. [Al-Anfal: 25]

And listen to the word of the Prophet (SAW),

If the people witness an oppressor and they do not take him by his hands (to prevent him) then they are close to Allah covering them all with punishment. (Reported by Abu Dawud, Tirmizi, Ibn Maja)

Know that it is not a difficult task for Allah (SWT) to bring about the predicted earthquake and flatten your capital city in the blink of an eye or to bring about some other punishments. So we, Hizb-ut Tahrir, call upon you to take the tyrant by his hands before the arrival of that punishment when you will stand stunned, running to and fro senseless, witnessing your beloved ones gone from you, forever. You have an outstanding example in the believer in the court of Firaun,

Firaun said: Leave me to kill Musa, and let him call his Lord! I fear that he may change your religion, or that he may cause mischief to appear in the land! *Mumin: 26+

And a believing man of Firauns family, who hid his Faith said: Would you kill a man because he says: My Lord is Allah, and he has come to you with clear signs (proofs) from your Lord? *Mumin: 28+
This is the correct course of action for you to follow. Allah (SWT) named an entire Surah in the noble Quran Surah Mumin after this believer, who stood in front of the tyrant of tyrants, Firaun, the tales of whose tyranny are vividly remembered till this day and he took him to task in the most exemplary way. We do not call you stand in front of Firaun or his likes. We are calling you to stand in front of Hasina, who is a minor, compared to Firaun. O Muslims! The Prophet (SAW), whom you love more than yourselves and more than anyone or anything else in

this world, has obliged upon you the task of enjoining the maroof and forbidding the munkar. By the One in whose hand is my soul, you have to command the good and forbid the evil or Allah will be about to send a punishment upon you then you will ask Him for help and He will not answer you. (Reported by Tirmizi) Listen to his words; he (SAW) swears by Allah (SWT) that if you do not enjoin the maroof and forbid the munkar then your dua will not be answered by Allah (SWT). How true are his words, is it not the case that day by day your lives are becoming more miserable and your sufferings increase while every day, fives time a day or even more you make the dua, Rabbana aatinaa fiddunya hasanatan, O our Lord! Grant us the good in this dunya? Let there be no misconception in your minds that the order to enjoin the good and forbid the evil is an individualistic work and is only to be carried out amongst yourselves where you enjoin each other but keep the ruler out of the ambit of this. Islam is a political deen and its commands cover the ruling and the rulers. Thus Muhammad (SAW) has clarified the command in clear language and specifically ordered holding the hands of the tyrant, enjoining the ruler to do good and forbid him from evil. Nay, by Allah, you have to enjoin the maroof and forbid the munkar, and hold the hand of the tyrant, and force him on the truth and restrict him to the truth. (Reported by Abu Dawud and Tirmizi) And he (SAW) has described this as the best Jihad. Jihad is the peak of the deen and the Prophet (SAW) commended the work of uttering a word of truth before a tyrant as the best of Jihad. The best of Jihad is (to say) a word of truth before an oppressor ruler. (Reported by Abu Dawud Tirmizi, Ibn Maja) Furthermore he (SAW) descried the person who got killed while performing this task as the master of martyrs, comparing him with the master of martyrs, Hamza (RA). The master of martyrs is Hamza, and a man who stood up to a tyrant ruler to enjoin him (with the good) and forbid him (of the evil) and got killed. (Reported by al-Haakim) Do we need say anymore? The command is decisive, the value of this work is high and the reward for its performance is great and the punishment for nonperformance is severe.


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O People of Power! What applies to the people applies to you and what applies to you is more than what applies to the people. The Prophet (SAW), whom you love the same as the people do, more than yourselves and more than anyone or anything else in this world, has obliged upon you the task of using your hands to remove the munkar. Whoever of you sees evil, let him change it with his hand, and if he is not able then with his mouth and if he is still not able then let him hate it within his heart and that is the least of Iman. (Reported by Muslim) There is no question that you are able to use your hands. You posses the material power in your hands to overthrow the regime and Sheikh Hasina, the killer of your fellow officers. Therefore your accountability is this much more. Words of protests or hatred in the heart will not absolve you from the sin, not mention that it is the least of Iman. Therefore extend your hands in providing the Nusrah to Hizb-ut Tahrir to overthrow this regime of zulm and the zalim Hasina government, and to re-establish the Khilafah. O Muslims! O People of Power! It is only the Khilafah which will end the zulm being perpetrated against you by resuming the ruling with what Allah (SWT) has revealed. The Khilafah is the system which secures the basic needs of the people. It guarantees decent jobs and the provision of goods and services to the people at an affordable price. It does not privatize fuel and electricity leaving the people to pay high prices for that which they are the owners of in the first place. It does not impose an unjust taxation system, such as the VAT, which is a tax the poor suffer the most from. It does not loot the wealth of the people, nor does it protect the looters or allow them to enter politics. The Khilafah does not spy on the citizens, nor does it abduct and torture them. The Khilafah does not kill its military officers to serve the imperialist enemies. The Khilafah is your true saviour from the zulm of the kufr democratic regime and the zalimun HasinaKhaleda. So rush to establish it by starting a unified struggle against the zulm and the zalimun without the least amount of fear. We say to you that there is nothing to fear from this regime, nor from Hasina.

The fear that you feel in your hearts for yourselves, your loved ones or your livelihood and the fear you feel of harassment, arrests or abductions is from the accursed Shaytan. 175 : ( It is only Shaitan (Satan) that suggests to you the fear of his Auliya' (supporters and friends), so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers. [Ali-Imran: 175] Take inspirations from your brothers in Arab countries who have shattered the wall of fear and are tearing down regime after regime. Guns and bullets, tanks and jets have been useless in protecting the tyrants. Such is the true nature of tyrants and tyrannical regimes; they are weak and timid in front of the rising sea of enraged people. If you all gathered together your strength then this regime will fall and Hasina and her entourage will board the planes in flight like Ben Ali or they will hide in sewage tunnels like Gaddafi or they will be caught and dragged through the courts, which eventually will send them into coma like Mubarak, the modern Firaun. Thus fear Allah (SWT) alone, and start uttering the word of Truth, side by side with Hizb utTahrir, against this democratic regime and the zalim government. Let not anyone of you belittle himself. They said: Ya RasulAllah, how can anyone of us belittle himself? He said: He finds a matter concerning Allah about which he should say something, and he does not say it, so Allah (azza wa jalla) says to him on the Day of Qiyamah: What prevented you from saying something about such-and-such and such-and-such? He says: out of fear of people. Then He says: Rather it is I whom you should more properly fear. (Hadith Qudsi, Reported by Ibn Majah) 70 : ( 71 : ( O you who believe! Fear Allah and say a word directed to the Truth. He will purify your deeds and forgive your sins. And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed achieved a great achievement. [Al-Ahzab: 70-71]


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

A Brief History of Hizb ut-Tahrir (part 1)

The name of Hizb ut- Tahrir has been closely associated with the subject of Khilafah since the Party's inception in 1953. This is not surprising as the Party was established with the objective of establishing the Khilafah and the work towards achieving this objective has dominated its activities ever since. The following is the first part (of two) of an account of the Party's experience and method in the struggle to establish the Khilafah.
In recent years Hizb ut-Tahrir (The Liberation Party), Wilayah of Bangladesh, has been subjected to mass arrests, abductions, torture and imprisonment. This general increase in the level of state aggression directed towards the Party is not new to its history globally. Hizb ut-Tahrir is known to be present in most Muslim countries including Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Morrocco, AlKenya, Kuwait, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia and Malaysia. In all these countries the Party has adopted the same method of working under a centralised leadership, i.e. under the leadership of Ata abu Rasta. The goal of the Party in all the countries is the same, to call to the khair, i.e. Islam and to establish the Khilafah. After establishing the Khilafah in one country the Party believes this will be the starting point for conveying the call of Islam everywhere. The first step towards this would be to annex the existing Muslim countries under the banner of the Khilafah state. The Party is outlawed by the most of the existing regimes because the name Hizb ut-Tahrir has become synonymous with the reestablishing Khilafah, which is a direct threat to the tyranny of these evil rulers. Hizb ut-Tahrir maintains that the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Makkah constitutes the principal source for the method of establishing the Islamic State today or at any other time, because the actions of the Prophet (saw) in Makkah culminated in the establishment of the first Islamic state in Medina. Hizb ut-Tahrir has learned from the Prophet (SAW) that the method of building the Islamic state is in two stages. The latter stage is often further divided into the phase of interaction and the phase of seeking support (or nussrah) or third stage. It is within this framework that we shall look at the experience of Hizb ut-Tahrir. The First Stage: Building the Body of the Party Hizb ut-Tahrir (The Liberation Party) was founded in 1953 by Taqiuddin Nebhani (may Allah have mercy upon him). He had been a judge in the Shar'iyah Appeal Court of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and was a great scholar, thinker and politician. The Party commenced working in Al Quds under his leadership. The early years saw the Party totally devoted to the task of building the body of the Party. The aim being to create a group that could carry out the responsibility of establishing a state, at a time when the established order was opposed to this task. During this stage the Party's main task was to ideologically prepare individuals who were attracted to the idea of carrying the call to Islam (daawa) and establishing the Khilafah. The preparation of the individuals at this stage was educational, with the education being carried out in


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an intensive way. The outcome of which meant every individual in effect could represent the Party. The emphasis at this stage was twofold:

kufr came to dominate the Muslim world, why the existing states do not apply the Islamic law and what must replace the existing non-Islamic systems that dominate our society.

1. The first requirement was to consolidate the basics Given this, the Party naturally taught its members the of Islam, making the commitment to them both concepts of, capitalism, socialism, democracy, and resolute and productive. Of course this comes from various other corrupt ideas, and showed how these the belief, thus building the creed (Aqeeda) ideas penetrated countries, how to refute them and, dominated this first period of education. Iman, most important of all, explained the supreme ideas of however, must be accompanied by action, thus this Islam. preparation must produce evidence, in the shape of action, that the belief is established correctly. For this The Prophet (SAW) went through this stage of reason the Party prevented anyone continuing to preparation (turbiah) with his noble companions study with the Party, after this early stage, who (RA). He taught them their Aqeeda and everything practised any form of Haram or who neglected to that subsequently was built upon it. Examples of this perform the wajib (compulsory) duties. The process teaching can be found in the sirah (life of the of building the Aqeeda produces individual Muslims Prophet), such as at dar al Arqam and the house of who dare not initiate any action Sa'eed bin al Ass. The fruit of this without knowing the rule of education was the shaping of a Allah on the issue. Quite unique generation of sincere and Hizb ut-Tahrir emphasised characteristically, the members resolute belief, people like Bilal the concepts of rizq (the of the party are very strict with and Yasser (RA). The way in provisions being from Allah) their adherence of Islam in all which the Companions aspects of their lives. conducted themselves in the and the ajal (the duration of next stage of the dawa life determined by Allah) to In this stage of preparation Hizb demonstrated the method of ut-Tahrir emphasised the ensure that those who carry thinking and character building concepts of rizq (the provisions the daawa will not be learned from the Prophet (SAW). being from Allah) and the ajal distracted through fear of (the duration of life determined The Second Stage: Interaction death or the fear of losing by Allah) to ensure that those with the Society who carry the daawa will not be their work or wealth. Hizb ut-Tahrir completed the distracted through fear of death first stage of building the party or the fear of losing their work body by the late 1950's and then or wealth. the Party entered the second stage of its struggle to This preparation had shown great results, resulting in establish the Khilafah. By 1960 the group of people governments of the Muslim world banning the party who had gone through the intensive education and pursuing and prosecuting its members. procedure had become a political party. The transfer from the building stage to the stage of interaction 2. The second aspect of this educational preparation had been successful and showed that the party is concentrated on providing the individuals a unique structure was firmly built. method of learning and thinking. This was essential for the individuals who would face the issues of the At this stage the Party had to use all that it had people on their own. The Party emphasised that the learned to convey its beliefs, standards and way of society, whilst being the place where we apply our life so that the people of the society would adopt thoughts, was not the source of our thoughts, in these as their own. The goal of this stage being to other words, that we must strive to change the create a popular base which supports the idea of existing conditions and not to live by or abide by establishing an Islamic state and carrying the daawa them. For this reason we must understand every to all mankind. While this may sound simple, in truth detail about the current conditions and understand this is the most difficult part of any movement which why Islamic nation has reached this low level, how seeks to reshape society.


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The task was challenging because in this period Hizb were pamphlets distributed according to on-going ut Tahrir did not stick to just informing people that issues. The issues which Hizb ut-Tahrir addressed Islam was the best alternative. The Party attacked all varied from simple rules of daily life to political the ideas and thoughts which had been adopted by analysis of world affairs. Examples of these issues can society which contradicted Islam. Actually this is the be found in the thousands of leaflets Party has very meaning of struggle. The Party endeavoured to published over the years. destroy the prevailing public opinion favouring Political Confrontation secularism and establishing relationships with the West. In the Arab world, where Arab nationalism The political and ideological struggle naturally reached a peak led by Nasser, whom people almost provoked the anger of the authorities. The Party was worshipped, the struggle was intense. Nevertheless banned in all the countries where it worked and its the Party stuck to its call they, declared Nasser to be members pursued, imprisoned, tortured and killed. ruling with kufr and an agent of the USA which The first member to be martyred was Abdul Ghani al brought great pressure upon the Party. However, at Mallah, who was tortured to death in 1963 by the the same time, the Party strived to make the Baathists in Baghdad. Then followed a long line of supreme ideas of Islam accepted publicly and members who became victims of Gaddafi, Saddam considered worth struggling for, ideas such as, all and the other tyrant rulers of the Middle East. Qaddafi, in particular, had carried Muslims must live according to out a personal crusade against the Islamic rules under the Party ever since the Party leadership of a Khaleefah, and So incensed was Qaddafi that sent a delegation to discuss with that Islam must be conveyed to he murdered thirteen him his denial of the validity of the world through the foreign members; they were hanged the ahadith of the Prophet policy of the Khilafah. (SAW). After four hours of in universities and schools in Performing this task is termed discussion wherein they proved by Hizb ut-Tahrir as the front of their teachers, pupils that the ahadith were a source of ideological struggle. and families. One of them sharia like the Quran, the Party The second aspect of this task was brought down still alive, distributed reports of the the Party engaged in is termed discussion. So incensed was he was hung a second time, the political struggle. In this Qaddafi that he murdered then they tied his body to political struggle the Party thirteen members; they were targetted the political the back of a car which was hanged in universities and establishments who opposed driven in full view of his schools in front of their teachers, the Party and its goal. This was pupils and families. One of them family and sons. natural because the dominant was brought down still alive, he institutions saw the party a was hung a second time, then threat to their own survival and interests. they tied his body to the back of a car which was In the political and ideological struggle the party driven in full view of his family and sons. addressed the public and people as a society and not When the pressure intensified and the people started as individuals; and as such it was not acceptable to asking and waiting for the victory, Hizb ut Tahrir just invite individuals to one's house and to talk in moved into the next phase of the dawa, the phase of private about the need to change the taghoot. It seeking support (nussrah). Before examining this became necessary for the Party to go forth into the phase let us recap on the work done so far: public domain whence it addressed all the issues loudly, and as explicitly as possible. The Party also 1. Hizb ut Tahrir addressed the society, spoke in began to approach specific types of people who public and targeted public opinion. The Prophet possessed influence on large groups of people. The (SAW) did this after he was ordered by Allah (SWT) means of talking and communicating with people at DECLARE WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN ORDERED." *15: this stage were the mosques, open lectures, public 94] Thereafter the Companions commenced reading gatherings like weddings and funerals. Other means Quran publicly.


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2. Hizb ut-Tahrir launched its political struggle against the existing political establishments. Ibn Ishaq reports that Muhammad (SAW) started his offensive against Quraish, their systems of kufr - their gods and their societal practices - and only after this did Quraish begin its offensive against Muharnmad (SAW) and his followers. 3. The struggle launched by Hizb ut-Tahrir targeted the existing kufr systems and the non-Islamic relationships both political and non-political. In the public stage Muhammad (SAW) received revelations attacking the transactions and relationships that existed in Makkah. For example: "Wailun Lil Muttaffifeen - Hellfire to the cheaters in trade." [18: 1] "Kalla bal la tukrimmonal yateem - No, you don't feed the orphans." [89: 17] "Wa tuhib bo-nal mala hubban jamma - You love the money very much." [89:20] "Wa ithal mauoodato su'ilat When the child buried alive is asked."[81: 8]

THOSE WHOM WE HAVE TOLD THEM BEFORE TO PRAY *4:77+ 5. Hizb ut-Tahrir defined regions or spheres of work, in other words, areas which it targeted, for establishing the Islamic state. It limited its activities of interaction within these areas known in Arabic as the majal. The limits of these areas has varied with the members establishing themselves in different Muslim countries. It is also noted that the Prophet (SAW) defined a sphere for himself and did not limit himself to Makkah, but also he did not go all over the world.

And many other verses which focused on the existing practices some quarters for relying on The Third Stage: Seeking in Makkah such as zina, riba, Support to Establish the people of nussrah, maintain slavery etc. Politically, many Khilafah verses targeted the elite and that nussrah is definitely part leadership of Makkah like Abu Hizb ut-Tahrir considers this of the method of Lahab, Al Waleed and Abu Jahal. process of seeking support to be Muhammad (SAW) The Prophet (SAW) read aloud the last phase of the daawa the verse that said the idols through interaction. around the Ka'ba would be the fuel of Hell-fire. Nussrah is necessary for the Party to achieve political 4. Hizb ut-Tahrir engaged in a struggle of ideas, i.e. authority. It is through this nussrah that the Khilafah political and ideological. The Party does not use state government can be established and physical or armed struggle. The Prophet (SAW) did maintained. Hizb ut-Tahrir looks for this support from not use armed struggle in daawa to establish the those sources in the society capable of providing it. Islamic state. Moreover, he did not physically Two conditions must be met as a prerequisite for any attempt to break any idol or prevent the people from to qualify for support or nussrah, they are: running nude around the Ka'ba as the people of Jahiliyya were inclined to do. He asked his people not 1. Complete belief and faith in the ideology of Islam, to respond to the physical abuses of Quraish. In fact its basic creed and the commitment to the political the Quran reminded the Companions of their structure of Islam, i.e. the Khilafah state. This is condition in Makkah when they were to be patient necessary because Hizb ut Tahrir does not want to be and not to resort to physical struggle: "DO YOU SEE used by people to build their own corrupted power. The Prophet (SAW) according to lbn Ishaq and Ibn

7. When in the mid-sixties the persecution intensified against the Party, and the societies where the Party worked were not prepared to move with any Islamic movement, Hizb ut-Tahrir decided to move to the next phase of the dawa, namely, the The Prophet (SAW) did not seeking of support. Ibn Ishaq succeed at first. He made reports that when the level of several attempts before he torture and persecution by Quraish against the Muslims was blessed with the nussrah reached its zenith, which was of the people of Medina, after the death of Abu Talib and who were later to be known Khadeeja (RA), the Prophet as the Ansar. Hizb ut-Tahrir, (SAW) commenced looking and searching for nussrah (support). whilst being criticised from


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Katheer rejected offers of support (nussrah) because he saw the tribes offering the support were looking to share or inherit the power. 2. The second condition that has to be met by those giving the support is that they hold the real power and influence over a group of people who hold power in the society. For example, officers in the army who maintain an important influence in the military. Hizb ut-Tahrir maintains that it does not request those capable of giving support to obtain the political authority unless the Party has done the necessary ground-work in that society. This means preparing the public opinion and public awareness to support the state once it is established. Of course, such ground work should be established during the second stage, i.e. the interaction. The sirah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) informs us that after support was provided by the six men from Khazraj. The Prophet (SAW) sent Mus'ab bin Umayr to prepare the society of Medina to accept Islam and to be ready to protect it. Hizb ut-Tahrir points out that such preparation has been going on by the Party for the past 53 years. Naturally, this work of building and changing the ideas and feelings of people will never stop. There will always be a need to reshape the thoughts and feeling of the people towards Islam; otherwise the Islamic state might collapse again after it is established. In 1958, when Hizb ut Tahrir was still in the very early stage of its work, it was offered to run the government in one country of the majal, i.e. its field of work. This was turned down because the jump from preparation to taking authority was too great at that particular time, the Party could not make it. In

the sixties, however, with the ground work prepared the Party asked its people who held the nussrah to remove the government of Iraq and to hand the power to the Party. However, the attempted coup failed. Further attempts were made to take power in Syria and Jordan. Naturally the failure to achieve victory had disheartened some people, but the sirah of Muhammad (SAW) reports that the Prophet (SAW) did not succeed at first. He made several attempts before he was blessed with the nussrah of the people of Medina, who were later to be known as the Ansar. Hizb ut-Tahrir, whilst being criticised from some quarters for relying on people of nussrah, maintain that nussrah is definitely part of the method of Muhammad (SAW) to achieve the goal of establishing the Khilafah. In a leaflet published by Hizb ut-Tahrir in Ramadan 1986, the Party said: "It is clear that the Islamic state can only be established if the current governments are removed and the authority is transferred from the tyrant rulers to a khilafah. This task evidently requires material power to compensate the material power of the governments. This problem was overcome by the Prophet (SAW) by seeking nussrah (support) from those who could provide it; during his time this was given by the chiefs of powerful tribes [see the Life of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham, under the heading The Prophet offers himself to the tribes']. The same problem has to be solved with the same method today, because there is no indication that the Prophet (SAW) tried any other method in spite of his numerous failures to obtain nussrah before it was furnished by the Ansar of Medina, at the time of the second pledge (baya of Aqaba).

Continued in the next issue of the magazine, A Brief History of Hizb ut-Tahrir Part 2 The coup attempt of 1968 The Party after the death of the founder , Shiekh Tuqiuddin Nebhani Delegation to Iran to establish Khilafah Hizb ut-Tahrir in South Asia Preparations by Hizb ut-Tahrir on the eve of the coming Khilafah


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

The Shara'i Method to Assume Authority is enjoined upon the people of power.
Allah (swt) has bestowed the early Muslims with His honour, decreed rewards for them, and mentioned their praise in the Great Book. He (swt) mentioned each of the two brotherly groups, who embarked upon a great endeavour, and referred to them as Muhajirin and Ansar (the Immigrants and the Sponsors), which means the people who under took Hijrah and those who offered them the Nusrah. The Hijrah itself was the declaration of the state and migration to the land or abode of Islam (Dar ul Islam), while the Nusrah was created for Hijrah and for establishing the Dar ul Islam. Without the Nusrah and the Ansar, there could be no Hijrah or Muhajirin. Therefore, how can a Muslim, who very often recites the Quran and therein comes across the virtues of the Muhajirin and Ansar, continue to ignore the virtues of Hijrah and Nusrah? Since we are discussing Nusrah which followed the Hijrah, it becomes inevitable to refer to the biography of the Prophet (saw) and follow his example. The Prophet (saw) efforts in Makkah were directed at establishing an abode of Islam (Dar ul Islam), he treaded clearly defined path with properly calibrated milestones which could later be imitated by later generations when the Dar ul Islam ceases to exist and in fact following these well laid tracks will be mandatory in working towards establishing the Dar ul Islam. In fact the re-emergence of Dar ul Islam has been mentioned by the Prophet (saw) in Ahadeeth where he also gave glad tidings of the return of the Khilafah. In the tenth of the Prophethood, which is three years prior to the Hijrah, after the death of the Prophets (saw) uncle Abu Talib who provided some measure of Nusrah and protection which enabled the Prophet to safely carry the call of Islam, and the Prophet (saw) realised that the society in Makkah was neither affected by the call of Islam nor there was any public opinion for Islam and its concepts. It was in this phase that Allah (swt) ordered him (saw) to seek Nusrah. Nusrah means good support, in the lexicons, Nasr means supporting the victims of injustice, while Ansar means a group of those who provide support and succor to the oppressed. Under the chapter titled: Efforts of the Prophet (saw) to seek Nusrah from the tribe of Thaqeef', in Seerat ibn Hisham, it is reported: "Ibn Ishaq says: when Abu Talib died, the Quraysh inflicted persecuted the Prophet (saw) so much which they could not during the time of his (saw) uncle. The Prophet (saw) left for Ta'if in order to seek their support and protection and asked them to accept what was revealed to him from Allah (swt). He went alone to Ta'if." It is narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas (r.a) in Ibn Hajar's Fath ul Bari, Tuhaft ul Ahwadhi & al Kalam as well as Hakim, Abu Nua'im and Baihaqi in Dala'il with sound narrations, Ibn Abbas quotes Ali ibn Abi Talib who says: "When Allah (swt) ordered the Prophet to approach the Arab tribes, I and Abu Bakr accompanied the Prophet (saw) to Mina until the court of the Arab tribes." It is therefore established that the command to approach the Arab tribes and seek their support, as well as the timing of this approach came from Allah (swt) as is evident from the narration of Ali ibn Abi Talib (r.a) above. The timing of this command coincides with the loss of protection & support of the Prophet (saw). He was no longer safe and protected, the Quraysh would not allow him to carry the call of Allah, and at the same time the Prophet had no hopes that the society in Makkah would accept his authority since the public opinion itself in Makkah was not favourable to Islam. Thus the Prophet was ordered to seek Nusrah at that point in time in order to make encourage the da'wah and bring Islam to position that befits it in terms of ruling, authority and a comprehensive implementation of its Ahkam. The Prophet (saw) began this task of seeking the Nusrah from Ta'if which was counted among the most powerful entities in the Arabian Peninsula at the time. In fact it rivaled the Quraysh in terms of strength, prestige and position. The strength of the people of Ta'if is evident by the fact that even after the Islamic state was later established, Ta'if was not


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conquered by ease, it was under siege resulting in The Prophet (saw) continued to seek Nusrah despite heavy casualties on both sides and canons had to be the refusal of several tribes; he did neither waver, fired to break their resistance. The Prophet (saw) nor despaired nor changed his course. Zaad al proceeded to Ta'if intending to meet their chieftains Ma'ad' reports from al-Waqidi who says: and nobles, he met three of them and talked to them "The tribes known to us whom the Prophet about Islam and Nusrah. He returned disappointed (saw)approached and called them are Banu Aamer from there due to the rejection of Nusrah by the ibn Sa'sa', Muharib ibn Hafsah, Fazarah, Ghassan, tribal heads. This was the beginning. The Prophet Murrah, Haneefah, Sulaym, Abs, Banu Nadhar, returned from Ta'if and stayed with al Mut'im ibn Banu Bika', Kindah, Kalb, Harith ibn Ka'ab, Udrah Adai on the outskirts of Makkah and began to and the Hadhramis. None of them responded approach the powerful leaders of other Arab tribes positively." during the hajj seasons. These tribal The Prophet (saw) persisted in leaders were in effect the heads of seeking Nusrah until Allah (swt) governments in our times. In seerat blessed His deen with Nusrah. Ibn Indeed this relentless Ibn Hisham, under the chapter "the Ishaq is quoted in Seerat ibn Prophet (saw) approaching the effort of the Prophet Hisham: Arabs during the seasons", it says: (saw) of seeking Nusrah "When Allah (swt) decreed the "Ibn Ishaq said: domination of His deen and as ordered by Allah (swt) "The Prophet (saw) persistently honouring His Messenger (saw) pursued this matter whenever and his persistence & and accomplish His promise, the people met him during the (hajj) perseverance on this Prophet (saw) went out in the hajj seasons, he called the tribes to season when he met people of the effort without changing Allah and to Islam and presented Ansar. He presented himself to the himself to them as well as what his course despite the Arab tribes as he had been doing guidance was revealed by Allah frustrations & during the hajj seasons. So while (swt). The Prophet (swt) heard of he was at al-Aqabah, he met persecutions he was met no one of some significance and people from the Khazraj tribe nobility visiting Makkah except with, clearly indicates whom Allah (swt) wished to bless. that he called him to Allah and Those people from Khazraj that the order of Allah presented his call to him." accepted his call and went to (swt) to seek Nusrah was The books of Seerah inform us that reconcile their dispute with the the Prophet visited Bani Kalb at categorical and hence tribe of Aws. They returned the their place and they refused to next year with twelve persons and was obligatory accept him, he came over to Bani met the Prophet (saw) at alHanifah of al Yamamah at their Aqabah, this was the first Bai'ah place and they behaved very rudely of Aqabah. Then after the society like no other Arab tribe. The Prophet called on Bani of Madina was prepared by Mus'ab ibn Umair (r.a) Aamer ibn Sa'sa' and refused unless he gave them the nobles of the city visited the Prophet (saw) to the authority after him which the Prophet (saw) offer him their protection and assistance. They met rejected. He then visited Bani Kindah of Yemen at the Prophet (saw) again at al-Aqabah and made the their camp and they also demanded authority after pledge of allegiance which was a pledge of fighting him and so the Prophet rejected their Nusrah. He along with the Prophet (saw). Seerat ibn Hisham called on Bakr bin Wa'il at their camps; they refused narrates from the Prophet (saw) during this bai'ah: to protect the Prophet (saw) because they were in the vicinity of Persia. When the Prophet (saw) visited "I take your pledge that you will protect me just as Bani Rabee'ah's camp, they did not answer. The you protect your women and children." Al Bara' ibn Prophet (saw) called on Bani Shaiban at their camps Ma'roor took the hand of the Prophet (saw)and who also were in close vicinity of Persia. Bani Shaiban said: "Indeed, by the One Who sent you with the offered to protect the Prophet (saw) from the Arabs truth as the Messenger, we shall protect you like we but not the Persians, so the Prophet (saw) replied to protect our children therefore, take our pledge oh Messenger of Allah, We by Allah are the sons of them: battles and the weapons of war are like toys for us, "Your eloquence of the truth amounts to its this has been our heritage from the times of our rejection. No one stands by the deen of Allah except forefathers." With this, Allah promise was fulfilled the one who covers all its aspects." and a state for Islam was established.


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The Prophet (saw) was seeking Nusrah to accomplish two things: One was to ward off any harm to him and protection in order to carry the call of his Rabb (swt), and the other to bring Islam to a position of authority and state. Indeed this relentless effort of the Prophet (saw) of seeking Nusrah as ordered by Allah (swt) and his persistence & perseverance on this effort without changing his course despite the frustrations & persecutions he was met with, clearly indicates that the order of Allah (swt) to seek Nusrah was categorical and hence was obligatory. This is from the methodology of establishing the state and resuming the Islamic way of life, hence it is not permitted to waver from this path. In our times this can be accomplished by a political party working to revive the Islamic way of life on the pattern of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and seeking Nusrah from the people of power of the present times who happen to be the armed forces of the Muslim lands. The Prophet (saw) considered the tribes as such and used to seek their protection. He used to first and foremost ask them to accept Islam as a precondition to offer their protection. This condition is applicable to the armed forces of the Muslim lands and certain large tribes who can bring about a change in ruling and authority. The seeking of Nusrah by the Hizb, which works to revive the Islamic way of life, is a political action and those who have the potential to engage in material action are the people of power and thus they have the means to mobilise force. The Hizb urges the people of power who have the means to give the Nusrah. The Hizb works with the Ummah to impress upon the people of power to take up this great responsibility. This is a most urgent task although its obligation is by way of methodology. The task begins after preparing a popular base and making the Islamic concepts dominant basic public opinion. When the societies lack such resolve and are overwhelmed by the present systems, change can not be accomplished in the natural manner. This task is completed and accomplished when power and authority is achieved to implement Islam completely and radically. Since the task of seeking Nusrah is so important and critical that on this great Shara'i command depends the formation of the state after it has been lost and the rise of Allah's banner, as well as this is required to eliminate the treachery upon treachery that are confronting the Ummah: it is ruled by other than what Allah (swt) has revealed, it is subjugated to the

system of capitalism and is faced with dilemmas, tragedies, woes and great afflictions, and since this task of seeking the Nusrah concerns those who have power and the means to bring about change in ruling to support the call of Islam, and since this matter is of such grave concern and urgency, therefore the responsibility of those who have the means assumes greater significance to bring about a change. Certainly, their rewards are also great if they stand up to their responsibility, and what is a better reward than the Jannah? Nusrah: Meticulously planning and brave execution Nusrah is a divine command and binding upon the people of power among the Muslims, and they are sinful for their failure in this, indeed it is a great sin. The people of power have two duties, none any less significant than the other: The first duty is to take away power, or seize by force if necessary, from those rulers who rule over people by other than what Allah (swt) has sent down. And the second obligation on the people of power is to hand over this power and authority to those who may be working to establish such an authority that rules by what Allah has revealed. By honouring these two obligations, the duty of Nusrah is achieved and the one who accomplishes this achieves the status of being an Ansar of Allah. Once the khilafah is established, their position and dignity in the state will be like their predecessors who provided Nusrah to the Prophet (swt) like Sa'ad ibn Ma'adh, Sa'ad ibn Ubadah, As'ad ibn Zurarah and Usaid ibn Hudhair and they will be remembered for this until the day of judgement. What must be borne in mind in this context is that the process of taking over power and handing it over requires detailed & meticulous planning and unprecedented braveness in its execution as well as adopting innovative means. At the same time, it also requires well coordinated cooperation between those people of power who want to provide Nusrah, and the hizb that works among the Ummah which must have prepared for all the Shara' required groundwork needed to establish the Islamic State. For instance like having proper Islamic personalities, statesmen who have been properly cultured and well versed in its thoughts & concepts, shaped public opinion. This coordination between them will help move to the desired destination, which is the establishment of authority to rule by what Allah has sent down.


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Explanation of Articles from the book ad-Dastoor

Constitution of the Khilafah State

Indeed, the most horrific of innovations, considered to be the peak of all deviations in this day and age, is that of the rule by other than what Allah has revealed, and of following the ways of the nations of Kufr and the people of aberration, who have appointed themselves as a god to the exclusion of Allah, legislating for people the systems of life and determining for them the principles of behaviour. Despite the fact that Allah (swt) has honoured the Muslims with the best Message and the most perfect Deen, current rulers in muslim lands imposed legislation for the Ummah, as a carbon copy of the capitalist West, which Allah (swt) never ordered. Not only such minds are no longer capable of envisaging the Islamic way of life, but they also ruled out the possibility of a state rising on the basis of Islam. Meanwhile, others are attempting to harmonise between the Truth and falsehood and mix darkness with the Light. Motivated by the sense of duty, we herewith put forward to the Muslims, through a serialised publication, extracted from the book A draft constitution for the Khilafah State by Hizb-ut Tahrir, in the hope that it may enlighten the minds which the painful reality had dominated or those which had been smitten by the capitalist West. We are absolutely certain that the clear visualisation of the Islamic way of life that Muslims aim to resume, will help crystallise and incorporate the objective of the Islamic Daawah carriers in the minds and hearts of the Islamic Ummah; this will foil the enemies attempt to dupe the Ummah with partial reforms here and there. Hopefully, this will also help unite the Muslims, for the unity of the thought that emanates from the Islamic Aqeedah, and that is built upon it, acts as the main factor in uniting the Muslims in the absence of the Khalifah around whom the Ummah rallies under the wing of the state of Islam.

Articles 5 & 6
All citizens of the Islamic State enjoy the Shari'ah rights and duties. The State is forbidden from discriminating between the individuals in terms of rule, judiciary and management of affairs or anything similar. Every individual should be treated equally regardless of race, Deen, colour or anything else.

Explanation and evidences: These two articles have been drafted in accordance with the rules of the Dimmi and in accordance with the rules pertaining Dar-al-Islam and Dar-al-Kufr. As for the Dimmi, he is he who embraces other than Islam and becomes a citizen of the Islamic State while adhering his faith which is other than Islam. The word Dimmi is derived from the word Dimmah, meaning the oath. Hence, the Dimmi are those to whom we give an oath to treat them according to the terms of peace we made with them, and to proceed in their treatment and in managing their affairs according to the rules of Islam. Islam has come with several rules pertaining the people of Dimmah, in which it guaranteed for them

the rights of citizenship and the imposed upon them the duties of citizenship. Islam also outlined that the Dimmi enjoy the same justice we enjoy and that they should abide by the same rules which we abide by. As for that which they enjoy in terms of justice and fairness, this is derived from the general command reflected in Allah (swt) saying: [4-58] And if you judge between people that you judge with justice; truly how excellent is the teaching Allah gives you, for Allah is He Who hears and sees everything. Also in His (swt) saying: [5-8] And let not the hatred of others to you to make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just, that is next to piety and fear Allah, for Allah is well acquainted with all that you do.


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It is also reflected in Allah (swt) saying pertaining the judgement between the people of the book. [5-42]: If you judge, judge with equity between them; for Allah loves those who judge in equity. As for abiding by that which we abide by, this is derived from the actions and sayings of the Messenger of Allah (saw). He (saw) used to exact the same punishment upon the Kuffar and the Muslims. The Messenger of Allah (saw) punished a Jew by killing him for killing a woman. A Jewish couple were brought to the Messenger of Allah (saw) because they committed adultery, so he ordered their stoning to death. The people of the Dimmah are given by Islam the same protection given to the Muslims. Ahmed extracted in his Masnad on the authority of AbdulRahman Ibnu Abi Bakra on that of his father that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: He who kills a covenanted person unjustly he shall not find the scent of heaven; its scent is found the distance of a hundred year march. In the narration of Al-Tirmithi on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: He who kills a covenanted person enjoying the oath of Allah and the oath of His Messenger, he shall not smell the scent of Heaven; its scent is found the distance of a seventy year march. Also, a Muslim who had killed a Jew was brought to the Messenger of Allah (saw), so he killed him and said: We are the worthiest in fulfilling our oath. People of Dimmah enjoy the same rights as those enjoyed by Muslims in terms of managing their affairs and securing their living. Bukhari extracted on the authority of Abu Moussa AlAshari that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: Feed the hungry, visit the poorly and free the prisoner. Abu Ubaydah said: Therefore, the people of Dimmah are excluded from Jihad, their prisoners are freed and if they are salvaged, they return to their Dimmah and their oath as free, and there are many Ahadith in this subject. Abu Dawood extracted on the authority of Ibnu Abbas who said: The Messenger of Allah (saw) made peace with the people of Najran on condition that they hand over to the Muslims 2000 garments, half to be handed in Safar and the rest in Rajab, also to lend them thirty shields, thirty horses, thirty camels and thirty of each type of weapons, which the Muslims would use in war and would guarantee their safe return; this in case there were a conspiracy or betrayal in Yemen;

and on condition that no church of theirs is destroyed, no priest is banished. They would also not be coerced away from their faith provided they did not innovate any matter and they did not deal in usury. The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to visit the poorly from amongst the Dimmi. Bukhari extracted on the authority of Anas that a Jewish valet who used to serve the Messenger of Allah (saw) was once taken ill, so the Messenger of Allah (saw) visited him. This indicates that it is permitted to visit them, be courteous and sociable with them. Ali was quoted as saying: Truly they paid the Jizyah so that their wealth becomes like ours and so that their blood becomes like ours. Bukhari also extracted on the authority of Amru Ibnu Maymun on that of Omar who said: And commend him that by the oath of Allah and the oath of His Messenger (saw), he should fulfil their oath towards them, to fight on their behalf and not to burden them with more than they could bear. The Dimmi should not be interfered with in terms of their faith and their rituals, for the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: He who has embraced Judaism and he who has embraced Christianity, they should not be coerced away from their faith. Therefore, the Dimmi are subjects of the State, like any other subjects, enjoying the rights of citizenship, protection, guaranteed living and fair treatment; also enjoying the right of being treated with kindness, leniency and clemency. They can join the Islamic armed forces and fight alongside the Muslims if they choose to do so, but they are not obliged to fight. They are viewed by the ruler and the judge in the same light as the Muslims are viewed without any discrimination in terms of managing their affairs and when implementing the rules of transactions and the penal code upon them. Therefore, the Dimmi enjoys all the rights, equally and exactly as those enjoyed by the Muslim; he is also expected to perform all the duties incumbent upon him, such as the fulfilment of the oath and the obedience of the States orders. This is as far as the rules of the Dimmi are concerned. As for Dar-al-Islam and Dar-al-Kufr, the Messenger of Allah (saw) has deprived the Muslims, who live outside the Islamic State and who are not her subjects, of the rights enjoyed by the States subjects. Muslim extracted in his Sahih on the authority of Sulayman Ibnu Buraydah on that of his father who said: Whenever the Messenger of Allah (saw)


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appointed anyone as Amir of an army or an expedition, he would especially exhort him to fear Allah and to be good to the Muslims who were with him. He (saw) would say: Conquer in the Name of Allah and in the Way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Conquer and do not embezzle the spoils; do not break your pledge and do not mutilate the dead bodies. Do not kill the children and if you encountered your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any of these, then accept it from them and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to Islam; if they respond to you accept it from them and desist from fighting them. Then invite them to migrate from their household to the household of the Muhajireen and inform them that if they do so, they shall have all the privileges and obligations of the Muhajireen. If they refuse to migrate, tell them that they will have the status of Bedouin Muslims, but they will not get any share from the spoils of war or Fai except when they actually perform Jihad with the Muslims This Hadith clearly indicates that he who does not migrate to Dar-al-Islam, he will not enjoy the citizenship rights even if he were a Muslim. The Messenger of Allah (saw) invited them to come under the authority of Islam so that they may enjoy what the Muslims enjoyed and undertake the obligations which the Muslims undertook, for he (saw) said: Then invite them to migrate from their household to the household of the Muhajireen and inform them that if they do so, they shall have all the privileges and obligations of the Muhajireen. This is a Shari'ah text stipulating that they should migrate to Dar-al-Islam in order to enjoy the same rights and fulfil the same obligations which apply to us, i.e. in order to be governed by the rules. Therefore, the Muslim who lives in Dar-al-Harb is not subjected to the rules; thus, he will not be granted the right of citizenship, for this can only be acquired by the individual if he moves to Dar-al-Islam, and he will be deprived of this right if he lived in other than Dar-al-Islam. The rules are also implemented upon the Dimmi who lives in Dar-alIslam and he will be granted the right of citizenship because he has chosen to settle in Dar-al-Islam. The individuals residence in Dar-al-Islam or in Dar-alKufr is referred to as fellowship. Hence, a persons

fellowship means the household which he chooses as his residence; is it Dar-al-Islam or Dar-al-Kufr? if it were Dar-al-Islam, then the rules of Dar-al-Islam would be implemented upon it, and in this case a person would be a holder of an Islamic fellowship. If it were Dar-al-Kufr the rules of Dar-al-Kufr would apply upon it, and the person living there would not be considered as holder of an Islamic fellowship. Therefore, he who takes up Dar-al-Islam as his residence, he will be holding the Islamic fellowship, whether he is a Muslim or a non Muslim. It is forbidden to discriminate in any way between those who hold the Islamic fellowship, due to the generality of the evidences pertaining the ruling and judicial matters and management of affairs. Allah (swt) says: [4-58] And if you judge between people that you judge with justice This is a general address that applies to all people, Muslims and non Muslims alike. Furthermore, the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: The evidence must be submitted by the plaintiff and the oath must be delivered by the defendant who denies the charge. This is also general and it applies to Muslims and non Muslims alike. Abu Dawood reported on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Zubayr who said: The Messenger of Allah (saw) has decreed that the two disputing parties should both sit before the judge. This is also general and it includes any two disputing parties, Muslims and non Muslims alike. In the narration of Bukhari, it was reported that Abdullah Ibnu Omar said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: You are all guardians, and each one of you is responsible for his guardianship. The Imam is a guardian and he is responsible for his subjects. The term subjects is general and it includes all the subjects, Muslims and non Muslims alike. Likewise, all the general evidences related to citizenship indicate that it is forbidden to discriminate between the Muslim and the non Muslim, or between the Arab and the non Arab, or between the white and the black. All the people who hold the Islamic fellowship should rather be treated equally, without any discrimination between them either by the ruler, in terms of looking after their affairs and in terms of protecting their lives, their honour and their wealth, or by the judge in terms of equality and justice.


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

Padma Bridge Scandal:

Bangladeshs Ruling System is the Heart of All the Corruptions

Introduction: The Context On June 30 the World Bank (WB) had cancelled the financing of the much awaited construction of Padma Bridge on allegations that there was corruption while selecting the consulting firm for this project. Such a move was always on the cards since the WB started to raise the issue a few months back. The estimated cost of constructing the Padma Bridge was 2.9 billion dollars and WB agreed to finance 1.2 billion. The rest of the funds were to come from ADB (615 million), JICA (415 million), IDB (140 million) and Bangladesh (530 million). The cancellation of the funding by WB was followed by a similar decision by ADB. JICA is likely to follow suit. The governments response: Punishing the Public In a speech in parliament on 8 July, Hasina appealed to nationalist sentiment by invoking memories of the 1971 war of liberation. "They want us to beg. They want us to continue as guinea pigs," she said. "We will go ahead with this project using our own resources." Hasina's government has laid out ambitious plans to mobilize resources, including levying surcharges and issuing sovereign bonds worth at least $750m.The Prime Minister said she had already told different ministries to slash development projects and divert the money to fund the $2.9bn Padma multipurpose bridge a key election pledge. The National Board of Revenue (NBR) will offer 10 per cent tax rebate for the people who will voluntarily make donation for construction of the 6.15-kilometre-long bridge over the Padma River. The government has already decided to open two separate bank accounts, one in local currency and the other in foreign currency, for collecting fund for implementation of the Padma Bridge project. Hasina and her government has been trying to arouse nationalistic sentiments to make progress in this regard but apart from a handful of over enthusiastic party loyalists there have hardly been any mentionable response. The future of such an initiative looks pretty bleak. Despite her rhetoric against the WB the government has not cut off the existing contracts with the bank. Moreover, the government has increased prices of fuel and power thrice in the last one year at the behest of the WB and has announced there would be another rise soon. This underlines that such statements are nothing but empty slogans. The Reality-The World Bank is not innocent and neither are our politicians The WB, is the leading Bretton Woods institution set up by the US and her allies after the second world


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war in an effort to maintain the economic minister was acquitted from corruption allegations in domination of the western powers over the an eyewash investigation and reinstated into the developing world which is infamously known as neo- cabinet. Such incidents of corruption are rampant colonialism. WBs policy suggestions have caused amongst the politicians of the country. havoc to economies of many countries like Haiti, Even after the WB cancellation, the government has Indonesia, Rwanda and many more. In the words of cunningly put the burden on the general public. The noted political analyst and MIT former chief economist of the professor Noam Chomsky, WB, Joseph Stiglitz outlined the Through the 1970s, the World These corrupt policies of the rulers in the Bank and the International capitalist system, Capitalism politicians and their Monetary Fund were pressuring believes in the privatization of countries to take loans, borrow, corrupt policies are a profits and socialization of costs. and create huge debt. They Hasina has not been any product of the secular argued that it was the right thing exception. When loans come capitalist system that is to do. In the early 1980s, with from abroad it is these politicians the Volcker regime in in place in Bangladesh who fill their pockets and when Washington, the whole system the loans do not come they at the moment collapsed and the countries that mischievously ask the public to had taken the debts were hung take the burden. out to dry. Then the World Bank and the IMF pressured them strongly to introduce The Islamic Solution: The Path to Progress structural adjustment programs -- which means that the poor have to pay off the debts incurred by the rich. And of course there was economic disaster all over the world. These corrupt politicians and their corrupt policies are a product of the secular capitalist system that is in place in Bangladesh at the moment. Its failure is evident in the movement of We are the 99% in the Western world. Once this system is replaced by the No country in the world has ever succeeded following Khilafah system, it would immediately put in place a WB prescriptions. We have rather seen the contrary. group of sincere Islamic politicians who would apply In 1997, during the South-East Asian economic crisis, the Islamic solutions to solve the challenges facing the Indonesian economy collapsed adhering to the the economy. Here, we briefly highlight the policies WB and International Monetary Fund (IMF)s that the Khilafah would adopt in prescriptions while Malaysia building infrastructures like the survived rejecting such advices Padma Bridge. the Khilafah would from the WB and IMF.

recover the funds that Firstly, there will be a public At the same time, the corruption works program to build adequate of the Bangladeshi politicians the current rulers have infrastructure in energy, whether in the government or amassed through transport and communications in those who were previously in order to develop a thriving the government, be it in the corruption economy. This type of form of democracy or infrastructure is the lifeblood of dictatorship, is a fact that does the nation and the delivery here needs to be on a not require any evidence. During the tenure of the previous government, the former prime ministers timescale of years not decades. Building of massive son Tareq Zias corruption became widely known. bridges like the Padma Bridge would be given top During the tenure of this government, a cabinet priority.
minister (Suranjit Sengupta)s assistant was caught with massive amounts of money after midnight in a car heading for the ministers home and yet the Secondly, the Khilafah would recover the funds that the current rulers have amassed through corruption.


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For example, when the Egyptian tyrant Hosni Mubarak was overthrown he was found to have wealth of $70 billion dollars. Egypt had $60 billion dollars of debt at the time. So, Mubaraks wealth was good enough to pay the foreign debts and still there would be more left. There are no accurate figures on the amount of corruption of the Bangladeshi rulers but studies by Transparecy International Bangladesh (TIB) reveal that every year at least 40% of the development funds are plundered by the politicians and bureaucrats. It would be enough to build numerous such bridges.

of the country, let alone the construction of the Padma Bridge.

Finally, the Khilafah would cut off any relationship with imperialist institutions like the WB and IMF. This would free the country from their economic hegemony and allow the state to adopt policies in line with the interests of the people that would ensure proper distribution of wealth. Even by todays statistics, Bangladesh has a per capita GDP of $850 or Tk70000. This means that Bangladesh possesses enough resources to allocate an annual income of Tk. Thirdly, the Khilafah would 70000 to every citizen. But Being independent of such manage the mineral that does not happen due to resources of the country as the failure of the current institutions (e.g. World Bank, public property meaning Capitalist economic system IMF) would allow the Khilafah that the revenues from to distribute wealth. This to carry out massive these resources would be cannot be done by following used for the welfare of the the policies of the WB and industrialization efforts people. The Khilafah would the IMF which only widens including the private sector not hand over mineral sites the gap between the rich to foreign companies which and the poor and benefits which would provide would take away the bulk of the Multi National employment opportunities the resources. Very recently, Corporations which are and boost the economy this government has signed nothing but inheritors of the a deal with the American East India Company as the energy giant Conocophillips CEO of Coca Cola Muhtar A to carry out exploration activity in the Bay of Bengal. Kant pointed out, Coca Colas strategy in The area handed over to Conocophillips has the intertwined with the foreign policy of the United largest submarine fan in the world. It is a geological States of America. Being independent of such phenomenon that indicates the potentiality of huge institutions would allow the Khilafah to carry out mineral reserves. According to geologist Jane massive industrialization efforts including the private Stammer who works at the Chevron Center for sector which would provide employment Research Excellence, Submarine fans are excellent opportunities and boost the economy. It would also oil and gas reservoirs. The lost revenues in such lower the tariffs on public utilities making life easier Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) are more than for the general people. enough to modernize the total infrastructural set-up Conclusion: The Only way out The current rulers like Hasina and Khaleda have no vision for the economic roadmap of the country. Their approach to the matter is full of rhetoric only. Only an Islamic form of governance in the form of the Khilafah has a clear vision and roadmap that can solve Bangladeshs economic problems within a matter of months, not even years.


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

From the Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh Ref : 1433-06/1, 12 Jumadah al-Thani, 1433 Hijri, 03-05-2012

Hizb ut-Tahrir protest against the visit of Hilary Clinton:

Resist strategic and security relationship with crusader America

Hizb ut-Tahrir organized a demonstration today protesting against the visit of Hilary Clinton on 05 May, 2012. The demonstration started from High Court and finished outside the national Press Club, where a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir delivered the following message: Allah (SWT) has forbidden the Muslims from taking kafir-mushrik imperialist states as allies, O you who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians as Auliya (allies, protectors, helpers), they are but Auliya of each other. And if any from amongst you does that, then surely, he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not the Zalimun. [Surah Al-Maidah: 51+ He (SWT) has informed us that the imperialists do not desire to see any good for the Muslim Ummah, Neither those disbelieve among the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) nor Al-Mushrikun like that there should be sent down unto you any good from your Lord. But Allah chooses for His mercy whom He wills. And Allah is the Owner of great bounty. [Surah Al-Baqarah: 105] Allah (SWT) has warned us of the harmful consequences of cooperation with the imperialists, Should they gain the upper hand over you, they would behave to you as enemies, and stretch forth their hands and their tongues against you with evil, and they desire that you should disbelieve. [Surah Al-Mumtahinah: 2] O Muslims! Your rulers do not pay any heed to the ayat of Allah (SWT). That is why the rulers in this democratic system, Sheikh Hasina, Khaleda Zia and the so-called civil society will be hosting and dining with Hilary Clinton, the chief executioner of crusader Americas foreign policy. The purpose of Hilarys visit is to institutionalize strategic and security relationship with Bangladesh, as well as consolidate Americas hold over the political and economic affairs of the country. Americans have been using various guises, sometimes in the name of counter terrorism, sometimes in the name of promoting democracy and development, sometimes in the name of military-to-military relations etc, for carrying out their killings of Muslims, pillaging our wealth all over the world and dominating over the Ummah. They have now fixed their sight on Bangladesh due to the Islamic revival in the region and the growth of China. Their objective is to subjugate Bangladesh in order to consolidate their foothold over this region, under the guise of strategic and security partnership. That the socalled strategic and security relationship means nothing except subjugation is evidenced from the strategic and security partnerships the Americans have formed in Iraq through their agent Nouri al-Maliki, in Afghanistan through their agent Karzai and in Pakistan through their agents Zardari-Kayani-Gilani. Continued on next page...


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

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O Muslims! The Americans are fast advancing towards achieving their goal with the help of traitor Hasina and the democratic regime. Will you allow this process to continue? Will you accept to become Americas slaves like your rulers? No! You must never do that. So protest against Hilarys visit. Resist the strategic and security relationship with crusader America. And without any delay, join the struggle to remove this imperialist dominated democratic system of abductions, killings, hartal, confrontationand re-establish the Khilafah which will protect the countrys sovereignty and security, build a strong army and modernize the economic based on heavy industry, by removing the imperialists domination over the countrys ruling, economy and military. O People of Power! What is the matter with you? Does your blood not boil at the sight of the enemy who burns the Quran, throws it in the toilet and urinates on your martyrs? In your vein runs blood of the Prophets companion Khalid ibn Walid, the blood of the conqueror Bakhtiyar Khalji and the mujahid Shahjalal. Will you then silently accept your subjugation to this enemy? You have two choices in front of you either to be disgraced as a Slave Army or to be honoured as the Ansar Army by becoming the first to provide the nusrah in re-establishing the Khilafah. So overthrow Hasina and the current regime before it is too late or Allah (SWT) replaces you with others who are more deserving of honour. O you who believe! Answer the call of Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life [Surah Al-Anfal: 24]

Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Bangladesh


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

From the Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh Ref : 1433-07/1, 25 Rajab, 1433 Hijri, 15-06-2012

Re-establishing the Khilafah state will save the Muslims from oppression in this world and from the anger of Allah (SWT) in the Hereafter
Hizb ut-Tahrir organized public speeches outside mosques across the country after Jummah prayers today, where speakers called upon the Muslims to expend their utmost effort to re-establish the Khilafah state, which was abolished on 28th Rajab, 1342 Hijri (3rd March, 1924) by colonialist Britain and her agent Mustafa Kamal, may Allah (SWT) curse him. The speakers said for the past 91 years Muslim Ummah has been ruled by the systems of democracy and dictatorships, which have led to oppression and exploitation of the Ummah by the imperialists and their agent rulers. These kufr man made systems are the root cause of political instability, corruption, poverty, unemployment and many other domestic problems which the Ummah suffers from. On the external front these systems fail to respond to aggression against Muslims on the one hand and on the other hand have an open door policy for the imperialists to enter our lands, murder our sons and daughters and exploit our immense resources. Speakers highlighted realities from Bangladesh where under the democratic system people have become hostage to Hasina-Khaledas politics of abductions, killings, hartal and confrontation. Peoples lives are a tale of hardship and suffering from price hike, load shedding, and increasing crime. The Americans are using this system to consolidate their domination in the strategic and security field. When Muslims are being killed by the regime and people in Myanmar this system refuses even to provide them refuge and drives them into the sea, let alone go to their aid militarily which is the duty upon the Muslims when their brothers come under attack. Such is the despicable nature of the democratic system. Have you not seen those who have changed the Blessings of Allah into disbelief and caused their people to dwell in an abode of destruction. Hell, in which they will burn, is an evil abode, indeed! [Surah Ibraheem:28-29] Speakers concluded with the message that only the Khilafah will save the Muslims from oppression in this world. Khilafah is the only correct leadership of the Ummah which will implement the blessed solutions of the Quran and the Sunnah, thereby ensuring political stability and economic prosperity. The Khilafah will shut the door in the face of the imperialists and build an advanced military to not only repel aggression against Muslims but also to carry the message of Islam to the world through dawah and Jihad. The speakers reminded the Muslims that re-establishing the Khilafah is a fardh upon them and for however long they remain negligent in fulfilling this fardh they will be accumulating sins on their necks. Therefore they must rush towards fulfilling this duty with their utmost effort and speed, to save themselves from the anger of Allah (SWT) in the Hereafter. So judge among them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging away from the Truth that has come to you. [Surah Al-Maidah:48+

Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Bangladesh


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

From the Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir Bangladesh Ref : 1433-07/2, 27 Rajab, 1433 Hijri, 17-06-2012

O Muslims of Bangladesh! This democratic regime which does not even care for your affairs, will not come to the aid of your brothers in Myanmar; so call upon the People of Power to remove this regime and establish the Khilafah state
Deaf regime! Despite mass protests and unanimous demands from the people of the country the Hasina government and the democratic regime refuses to help the Muslims of Myanmar and continues to drive the Muslims into the sea. The foreign minister, Dipu Moni, insisted the governments policy is logical. Indeed she has spoken the truth. It is truly logical from the democratic system. This democratic government and regime does not even look after the people within the country, so it is only expected that they will not come to the aid of the Muslims of Arakan which was once part of the unified Islamic Ummah and who are now considered outsiders due to the artificial boundaries imposed by imperialist Britain. Furthermore it is even more logical for this kufr democratic regime to violate the order of Allah (SWT), who commanded the Muslims in His ayah, And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and for the oppressed among men, women and children who say, Our Lord, rescue us from this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper [Surah An-Nisa:75] O Muslims! The true solution which will save the Muslims of Arakan is the mobilization of the military of Bangladesh against the tyrannical regime and people in Myanmar. This mobilization will only be undertaken by the Khilafah state, whose leader is the Khaleefah whom the Rasul (SAW) described as the Imam of the Ummah behind whom the Muslims fight and protect themselves. Indeed the Imam is a shield, from behind whom one would fight, and by whom one would protect oneself. (Muslim, Sahih, #1841) Therefore Hizb ut-Tahrir guides you the correct action: continue your protests against the Hasina governments policy; however at the same time direct as much effort, even more effort, in calling upon your fathers, sons, brothers and relatives in the military to remove this government and democratic regime; and reestablish the Khilafah. Only the Khilafah state will save the Muslims from oppression in this world. Khilafah is the only correct leadership of the Ummah which will implement the blessed solutions of the Quran and the Sunnah, thereby ensuring internal political stability and economic prosperity. And the Khilafah will build an advanced military to not only repel aggression against Muslims but also to carry the message of Islam to the world through dawah and Jihad. Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Bangladesh


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

From the Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir Pakistan 23 Shaban 1433 Hijri, 13-07-2012

O Muslims! This Ramadhan, fulfill your pledge to Allah Rise up against the American Raj and oppressor rulers, establish the Khilafah O Muslims of Pakistan!
We, Hizb ut Tahrir, address you this Ramadhan, as Muslims who have a glorious history of fulfilling your pledge to Allah ,. rising against oppression, no matter what the cost. You bled and toiled so as to rule this entire region by Islam. You were victorious over the forces kufr, ruling by Islam for hundreds of years such that the Indian Subcontinent became the envy of the entire world. You irrigated this soil with your blood, to fearlessly resist the kufr British Raj for over two hundred years. You forced the evacuation of the British troops such that they never dared to return again, so that Pakistan could be established in the name of Islam. Even whilst struggling against the British occupation here, you launched a strong movement to protect the Uthamni' Khilafah, once you learned about the plans of the Western kuffar to destroy it, after the First World War. During the partition of Muslim India, you laid down your lives in hundreds of thousands, not counting your martyrs, for the pleasure of Allah . To this day Islam runs in your veins, it is your cause and you live for its sake. For years now, your enemies fear that you will rise again through Islam and its state the Khilafah at any time. In an interview in March 2009, David Kilcullen, advisor to the US CENTCOM commander, said, Pakistan has 173 million people, 100 nuclear weapons, an army bigger than the US ArmyWere now reaching the point (of)an extremist takeover -- that would dwarf everything weve seen in the war on terror today. In an article published in the New Yorker on 16 November 2009 stated, The principal fear is mutinythat extremists inside the Pakistani military might stage a coupA senior Obama Administration official brought up Hizb ut Tahrirwhose goal is to establish the Caliphate (Khilafah). As for the Hindu state, a senior official from the Indian intelligence agency, RAW, said in the same article, Our worries are about the nuclear weapons in Pakistan. Not because we are worried about the mullahs taking over the country; were worried about those senior officers in the Pakistan Army who are Caliphates ... Some of the men we are watching have notions of leading an Islamic army. O Muslims of Pakistan! Despite your huge potential, which your enemies realize, with more land, more youth, more resources and armed forces larger than many of the world's major powers of today, you are tied down in humiliation and despair by oppressor rulers who rule by kufr and are subservient to your kafir enemies. This small coterie of traitors within the military and political leadership see fit to watch you starve through inability to buy food and suffer through absence of electricity, but will seek to move the heavens and the earth to make sure that the NATO supply lines are opened so that the crusaders are provided wine, pork, fuel and weapons. A supply line that is a life line for the American crusader troops that keep the doors of Afghanistan open to India, which has used its new found strategic depth to strike at you in Baluchistan, the tribal areas and beyond. These cheap agent rulers will persecute and prosecute officers in the armed forces who desire Islamic rule, but have opened all of Pakistan to American military, intelligence and private military organizations. To the extent that the kuffar enemy forces have bases in civilian residential areas like Gulberg in Lahore, as well as the highly Continued on next page...


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

Continued from previous page... sensitive military cantonments. Before your eyes these despicable traitors are busy building an American Raj with armies of Raymond Davis's that supervise attacks and bombings against the armed forces, these false flag attacks are blamed on Muslims from the tribal areas, in order to trap your armed forces in a wasteful war of Fitna, rather than rallying the Muslims in the tribal areas, Baluchistan and beyond as one powerful hand against the kuffar. Be assured, O Muslims, whilst these oppressor rulers and their kufr system remain over your necks, you will only ever witness despair and destruction. Know that affliction awaits not only those who rule by kufr, but also to all who witness it and do nothing. Allah says,

And fear the Fitnah (affliction and trial) which affects not in particular (only) those of you who oppress (but it will afflict everyone) and know that Allah is Severe in punishment. [Surah al-Anfaal: 25]. And Islam warned the Muslims that dua alone, no matter how intensely it is made, will not grant relief, unless this dua is combined with the Islamic duty of accounting the ruler, commanding what is right, forbidding what is wrong. RasulAllah (saw) said, "(I vow) by the One in Whose hands my soul rests, you have to enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, other wise Allah will be about to send upon you a punishment from Him, then you would pray to Him but He would not answer you". (Ahmed and Tirmidhi) O Muslims of Pakistan! This Ramadhan, it is time for you to move to end this oppressive rule and growing American Raj. Hizb ut Tahrir, the party of the Ummah, brings you glad tidings that the struggle of the Ummah has already reached a peak. An uprising has been taking place in Syria for over a year now and now witnesses its second Ramadhan. Your brothers and sisters in Syria have braved the tanks and warplanes of the tyrant Bashar, whilst calling, , The people want the Khilafah again. Their bravery has inspired the officers of the Syrian armed forces, who at the beginning of the uprising sided with the tyrant Bashar, to join with the people against the tyrants. Their bravery has inspired the Muslims throughout the Muslim world to speak of revolution and ending the oppressive rule once and for all. So in this great time of hope, rush in support of the Ummah's uprising for Islam with your broad shoulders, to achieve victory in this blessed month of Ramadhan, this month of victory against the kuffar. Hizb ut Tahrir is amongst you to lead you and calls you to work with it as tirelessly and fearlessly as its shebaab do. Realize that you will be tested even if you are silent before the oppressor, so do not fear any sacrifice in removing the oppressor. Allah . says, See they not that they are put in trial once or twice every year? Yet, they turn not in repentance, nor do they learn a lesson (from it). [Surah at-Taubah 9:126]. Continued on next page...


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

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Fear no harm from the oppressor, whether it is persecution, arrest, torture or martyrdom, for you believe Allah . when He says, Say: "Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allh has ordained for us. He is our Maul (Lord, Helper and Protector). And in Allh let the believers put their trust. [Surah at Taubah 9:51]. And know that bravery will neither lessen your lifespan nor your Rizq, just as cowardice will not prolong either. RasulAllah said, Do not fear the people from speaking the Truth, when it is witnessed or seen, for it will neither shorten the life span nor cause loss in Rizq. [Ahmad] O Muslims of Pakistan! The end of the oppressor rulers is within sight and the Khilafah Rashida, a Khilafah on the Methodology of the Prophethood, lies beyond it. RasulAllah said,

Then there will be an oppressive rule, and things will be as Allah wishes them to be. Then Allah will end it when He wishes. Then there will be a Khilafah according to the method of Prophethood. Then he (RasulAllah) fell silent. So honor yourselves by Islam, rise with Hizb ut Tahrir against the oppressor rulers, traitors within the military and political leadership, agents to an American Raj, to establish the second Khilafah Rashida. Join your nights with your days, fearing none but Allah . Let the streets, masajid and public places resound with the call, The peoples demand is Khilafah Rashida. Let the Muslims yield with honor the black banners and white flags of the coming Khilafah state, inscribed with the Kalima, la ilaha illal la, And spare not one of your relatives, friends or colleagues in the armed forces from the invitation to grant Hizb ut Tahrir the Nussrah, the Material Support, to re-establish the Khilafah state. Let your example, as fearless civilians, be an inspiration to your brethren, the officers of the armed forces, the fighting men, the Ansar of today, to rise and seize hold of the tyrants and rescue this Ummah from the oppression of kufr rule once and for all.

Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Pakistan


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

Leaflet distributed by Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah of Syria 13 Rabee II 1433, 06-03-2012

O Sincere Army Officers! Be the best of those who answered the call! Your brothers are being slaughtered So rush to help them by establishing the Islamic State
Two weeks before the first anniversary of the start of the blessed revolt of Sham we have seen the barbarism of the Syrian regime and the escalation of its daily massacres against the patient believers in Syria; and the fall of approximately 10 000 martyrs, with tens of thousands wounded, detained and displaced across the world under extremely dramatic conditions. After all these developments, the tone of those calling for arming the opposition and the Free Syrian Army has increased. The GCC countries, led by Saudi Arabia and Qatar have called strongly for arming the opposition. Whilst on the other side, Burhan Ghalyoun, the leader of the Syrian National Council, called in a press conference in Paris on 1/3/2012 for "the formation of a military advisory follow up the affairs of the various forces of the armoured opposition and organise their ranks and unify their forces under one central command". He added: "Arming of the opposition should not be except through the National Council and through its military advisory office only, so that the process of arming does not become in service of political and sectarian agendas". In this context, the name "the Friday of arming the Free Army" came about. In order to understand the nature of the various calls for arming, we have to be aware of the following facts: Firstly: These various calls for arming came in the context of the legendary steadfastness of the believers in Syria, and the failure of the criminal Syrian regime in imposing its security and military solution. Since the Syrian people are not armed; the Syrian regime continues its criminal operations against it; and as America keeps delaying any solution, European countries have taken the opportunity to call for arming the domestic opposition through their agents in the GCC countries. The aim of this call is to create an opposition dependent upon those who arm it. All of this is an endeavour to make the alternative regime subservient to them. Secondly: Thus far, America has failed to prepare an alternative regime to the current criminal Syrian regime. It is aware that the external opposition they forged together is weak and unable to lead a country like Syria. Moreover, its secular image does not conform to the revolutionary believers from the people of Syria who call "O our Lord, we are at your service!" On 19/2/2012 Martin Dempsey, current chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff made a notable statement saying:"I would challenge anyone to clearly identify for me the opposition movement in Syria at this point." And he pointed out that his country waits till the image of this opposition becomes clear to it, adding that: "until we're a lot clearer about...who they are and what they would be premature to talk about arming them." On 28/2/2012 U.S. Secretary of State Clinton confirmed policy of procrastination, saying: "Assad would be obliged to step down at the end of the day"... but that she did not know how to "define the end of the day." Thirdly: Burhan Ghalyoun's statements about forming "a military advisory office" are in harmony with the American approach. This circumvents the rising calls of the GCC rulers loyal to the European, particularly

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Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

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British, policy and contains any arming process within this "military advisory office". He was explicit when he said: "So that the arming process does not become in service of political and sectarian agendas". The White House announced on 25/2/2012 that "arming the Syrian opposition might not be wise at this moment" and confirmed that arming the opposition was not on the agenda of the American administration. O Muslims in Al Sham, the centre of Islam's land! America and Europe want neither good for you, and nor reform. Rather they want your servitude and more killing carried out by the criminal Bashar. So do not incline to them. Instead continue on your approach, for you have defeated, through your perseverance, all international conspiracies surrounding you. You must know that real change from Allah comes only by your clean hands and the hands of the of the honest officers and soldiers among you. So, seek their help and motivate them through the pride of Islam and the power of faith. You have been steadfast for your objective to overthrow the regime, and you have shouldered that which great mountains could not bear; so do not let that be wasted. Rather, conclude it as you honestly started it: "It is for Allah! It is for Allah!" by adding to it: "And on the way of Rasoolullah." O Sincere Army Officers....Be the best of those who answered the call! The criminal Syrian regime has gone beyond the limit by shedding the blood of your people. So be the best help for them after Allah Ta'ala, for you are the hope. Protect their blood by the stance you take on the side of Allah, His Messenger and the steadfast believers in the blessed land of Sham, the centre of the land of Islam. Uproot this obscene regime from its decaying roots and replace it with the rule of Allah, the rightly guided Khilafah on the model of prophethood. So be the best of those who answered the call, and thus become the new ansaar (helpers) descendents of Sa'd ibn Ma'adh; so Islam and its people become powerful by you, and you gain, Inshallah, the reward of this worldly life and the best reward of the Hereafter. Allah Ta'ala says: "Of those who answered the call of Allah and the Messenger even after being wounded those who do right and refrain from wrong, have a great reward." [Al-Imran, 3:172]

Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilaya of Syria


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

The Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir in U.K.

Hizb ut-Tahrir offers Islamic manifesto for implementation

On Saturday 30th June 2012, delegates from across the UK as well as Holland, Denmark, and Belgium attended Hizb utTahrirs London conference titled Arab Uprisings : Khilafah A Manifesto for change. At the conference, it launched a detailed document [The Islamic Khilafah: A Manifesto for Change] illustrating practical Islamic solutions for immediate implementation in the Muslim world. After the Arab uprisings, people are demanding a clear and profound change to improve their situation. The debate is now about which system can address the many problems facing these societies; unemployment, poverty, interference of Western powers, and lack of healthcare to name a few. Despite this, the only options being laid out before them are solutions from the Western economic and political models, sometimes dressed up with notional Islamic terminology. In this conference, Hizb ut-Tahrir demonstrated how only Islamic political solutions can unlock the potential in the Muslim world by offering genuine practical solutions to create an independent and prosperous Middle East that is free from political and economic dependence on the West. Speakers Dr Imran Waheed, Dr Abdul Wahid, Taji Mustafa, Chadi Freigeh, Ustadh Kamal Abu Zahra members of Hizb ut-Tahrir outlined how the Khilafah systems economic, social and political solutions are the only means to provide real and fundamental change and a better future for people in the Muslim world. Speakers also outlined a new economic thinking for the Muslim world including Islamic policies that enable the utilisation of the billions looted from the public, utilisation of the vast oil and mineral wealth for the people, abolition of indirect taxes, and taxation of wealth rather than income which therefore leaves people with more spending power and helps stimulate the economy. Finally, they urged Muslims across the world to support the work for the re-establishment of the Khilafah in the Muslim world as the real change that is needed in the wake of the noble uprisings of the Muslim ummah.


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

A Warm Call to the People of Power & Force

We direct this call to the people of rank and decorations, to the officers & commanders, to the captains and soldiers in the forests of the Muslims lands and all those who carry the da'wah to their religion, we say: Oh! The people of power & force, is it that you invite Allah's wrath or that you provide Nusrah to the deen of Allah (swt)? Would you rather pledge your allegiance to your rulers or comply with the deen of Allah? Don't you have the excellent examples of Sa'ad ibn Ma'adh, Usaid ibn Hudair and As'ad ibn Zurarah? Do you not vie for the Jannah who expanse is like the heavens & earth and which has been prepared for those who are mindful & fearful of Allah? What happens to your zeal & enthusiasm for Islam when you see the honour of Muslim women violated by the lout Kuffar who humiliate the book of your Master, does this not infuriate you? Is there not one among you who is angered by all this and stands up to provide Nusrah to those who work fir the Khilafah? Are you not concerned that you will stand right in front of your Creator and your present rulers will not be in a position to save you from His wrath, neither will your ranks & military honour that you hold so dear to your chest. Even the wealth of your rulers of which you are so possessive & proud will be able to save your on the day of Judgement. Would you not move & mobilise and realize that it just a matter of your life- if it is utilised in the path of Allah- its sole owner-so that you enjoy the company of the master of the martyrs and the hoors- or it this life may be used up at the service of these treacherous rulers and this soon to be over world and thus become the source of misery and sorrows on the day of the judgement. May Allah save us from such an end. Have fear of Allah for this Ummah and your soul and demonstrate to Allah what will please Him and grant you His forgiveness for your past sins before you come to face the inevitable death and say: "Until, when death comes to one of them (those who join partners with Allah), he says: "My Lord! Send me back, "So that I may do good in that which I have left behind!" No! It is but a word that he speaks; and behind them is Barzakh (a barrier) until the Day when they will be resurrected. Then, when the Trumpet is blown, there will be no kinship among them that Day, nor will they ask of one another." [TMQ al-Mu'minoun: 99-101] Oh the soldiers in the armies! Oh the people of power & force! These are times to firm up your determination and resolve, the Ummah is looking up to you for your stand, the world is suffering under the treacherous claws of kufr and the yoke of capitalism and is awaiting the moment to turn aside these systems of oppression and the declaration of the second Khilafah al Rashidah on the method of the Prophethood. If your respond positively to this call-on this occasion of the destruction of the khilafah, great honour awaits you in this world as those who formed the khilafah and provided Nusrah to those who worked for it. But if you turned away from this call and failed to provide Nusrah, then remember that Allah (swt) Himself protected His messengers before and He (swt)


Nussrah Magazine | Jul/Aug 2012 Ramadan 1433

alone shall provide Nusrah to those who are His allies. He (swt) shall then choose you for His wrath and evident loss & misery. He (swt) says: "O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his religion (Islm), Allah will bring a people whom He will love and they will love Him; humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers, fighting in the way of Allah, and never fear the blame of the blamers. That is the Grace of Allah which He bestows on whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knower." [TMQ al-Maidah: 54] Ibn Katheer (r.a) said: "Anyone who turned away from providing Nusrah to Allah's deen and from firmly establishing the Sharee'ah, then Allah (swt) shall bring another set of people who are better than them and of more power & strength." In the end we say that we are treading this path of guidance from Allah (swt) and have complete hope & faith to accomplish our objective with the blessings of Allah (swt) We direct this call to the all the Muslims-men & women- to share this concern with us, because this is the mission of the times where it is not permissible for anyone to ignore this duty or shy away from it. We also repeat our call to the soldiers and tell them: This is by Allah, the moment where you are losing out- this moment when Allah (swt) has opened the trade of Jannah for you. So show up your best to Allah (swt) and provide Nusrah to the deen of Allah in order that you have your share of the honour in this world and the hereafter. We pray to Allah (swt) to open your hearts to this vital issue and to provide for this Ummah the honour of the Nusrah for this deen and declaration of the khilafah, He (swt) hears all and He (swt) responds to prayers. "O you who believe! Answer Allah (by obeying Him) and (His) Messenger when he [saw] calls you to that which will give you life, and know that Allah comes in between a person and his heart (i.e. He prevents an evil person to decide anything). And verily, to Him you shall (all) be gathered." [TMQ al-Anfal: 24]


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