Wheezy - Web Introduction
Wheezy - Web Introduction
Wheezy - Web Introduction
web introduction
a lightweight, high performance, high concurrency WSGI web framework with the key features to build modern, efficient web
Andriy Kornatskyy
wheezy.web performace
Live Demo: http://wheezy.pythonanywhere.com/ Concurrency 500 Throughtput 10K+ requests per seconds Double above for Content Cache 99% requests served within 84 ms or less Bandwidth 180 Mbit per second Intel Xeon CPU X3430 @ 2.40GHz x 4 Debian, Kernel 3.2.0-3-amd64, uwsgi 1.2.6
Requires Python 2.4-2.7, 3.2+ or PyPy Lightweight, high-level web framework Optimized for high performance, high concurrency Well tested and documented MVC architectural pattern (push-based)
Encourage separation of code and content Work more productively at higher level of abstraction
wheezy.web design
wheezy.web routing
Maps URL patterns to a handler Route Builders: plain simple strings, curly expressions or regular expressions
urls = [ ('posts/2012', posts_for_2012, {'year': 2012}), ('posts/{year}', posts_by_year), ('posts/(?P<year>\d+)/(?P<month>\d+)', posts_by_month) ]
wheezy.web routing
Named groups (data extracted from URL) Extra parameters (merged with named groups) Named mapping (construct paths by name)
all_urls += [ url('static/{path:any}', static_files, name='static'), url('favicon.ico', static_files, {'path': 'img/favicon.ico'}) ] # wheezy.template syntax @path_for('static', path='site.css')
wheezy.web handler
Handler is any callable that accepts an instance of HTTPRequest and returns HTTPResponse
def welcome(request): query = last_item_adapter(request.query) response = HTTPResponse() response.write('Hello %s!' % query.get('user', 'World')) return response
query, form, files, cookies, path (SCRIPT_NAME + PATH_INFO), etc buffers output, manages headers, cookies, etc
wheezy.web handler
Routing Model Update / Validation Authentication / Authorization Template Rendering / Internationalization AJAX / JSON XSRF / Resubmission Protection
class WelcomeHandler(BaseHandler): def get(self): query = last_item_adapter(request.query) response = HTTPResponse() response.write('Hello %s!' % query.get('user', 'World')) return response
Converts user input into data models (numbers, date/time, lists, custom value providers) Uses plain python objects
class Credential(object): username = u('') password = u('') class SignInHandler(BaseHandler): def get(self, credential=None): credential = credential or Credential() return self.render_response('membership/signin.html', credential=credential) def post(self): credential = Credential() if not self.try_update_model(credential): return self.get(credential) return self.redirect_for('default')
required, length, range, compare, predicate, regex, slug, email, and_, or_, iterator, one_of, relative_date, etc.
Validation Mixin
class MyService(ValidationMixin): def authenticate(self, user): if not self.validate(user, user_validator): return False if not self.repository.membership.authenticate(credential): self.error(self.gettext( "The username or password provided is incorrect.")) return False return True
wheezy.web authentication
Integration with Python Cryptography Toolkit Ticket (a proof of authorization that can not easily be forged):
Valid for certain period of time Value is signed to prove it authenticity Encrypted to protect sensitive information Noise to harden forgery
options = { 'CRYPTO_VALIDATION_KEY': 'LkLlYR5WbTk54kaIgJOp', 'CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_KEY': 'rH64daeXBZdgrR7WNawf' } ticket = Ticket(max_age=1200, salt='CzQnV0KazDKElBYiIC2w', digestmod=sha1, cypher=aes192, options=options)
wheezy.web authentication
protected_value = ticket.encode('hello') assert 'hello' == ticket.decode(protected_value)
wheezy.web authorization
Authorization specify access rights to resources and provide access control in particular to your application
class MyHandler(BaseHandler): @authorize(roles=('business',)) def get(self): ... return response
authorize decorator return HTTP status code 401 (Unauthorized) Use HTTPErrorMiddleware to route 401 status code to signin page
wheezy.web middleware
Key Characteristics
Transparent interceptor of incoming HTTP request to handler Chained/Stacked, so one pass request to following Supply additional information in request context Inspect response, override it, extend or modify
def middleware(request, following): if following is not None: response = following(request) else: response = ... return response
wheezy.web middleware
Built-in middlewares:
wheezy.web configuration
Python ConfigParser
config.read('production.ini') options['CRYPTO_ENCRYPTION_KEY'] = config.get('crypto', 'encryption-key')
wheezy.web template
jinja2, mako, tenjin and wheezy template Compact, Extensible, Blazingly Fast Intuitive, No time to Learn Do Not Repeat Yourself
@require(user, items) Welcome, @user.name! @if items: @for i in items: @i.name: @i.price!s. @end @else: No items found. @end
Wheezy Template
wheezy.web template
Process templates with syntax for preprocessor engine and vary runtime templates (with runtime engine factory) by some key function that is context driven Helpful in preprocessing
wheezy.web widgets
Derived from the idea of code reuse Small snippets of HTML Built-in widgets
hidden, textbox, password, textarea, checkbox, label, dropdown, radio, error, etc
wheezy.web widgets
wheezy.web widgets
wheezy.web protection
Handler Validation
class MyHandler(BaseHandler): def post(self): if not self.validate_xsrf_token(): return self.redirect_for(self.route_args.route_name) ...
HTML Widget
<form action="..." method="post"> @xsrf()
wheezy.web protection
Form Resubmission
Handler Validation
class MyHandler(BaseHandler): def post(self): if not self.validate_resubmission(): self.error('Your request has been queued.') return self.get() ...
HTML Widget
<form action="..." method="post"> @resubmission()
redirect_for, see_other_for
Changes HTTP status code to 207 while preserving HTTP header Location JavaScript to handle it
class SignInHandler(BaseHandler): ... def post(self): ... credential = Credential() if (not self.try_update_model(credential) ...): if self.request.ajax: return self.json_response({'errors': self.errors}) return self.get(credential) ... return self.see_other_for('default')
wheezy.web internationalization
GNU gettext
i18n/ en/ LC_MESSAGES/ membership.po shared.po validation.po
Easy Configurable
options.update({ 'translations_manager': TranslationsManager( directories=['i18n'], default_lang='en') })
Up to Per-Handler Translations
class MyHandler(BaseHandler): @attribute def translation(self): return self.translations['membership']
wheezy.web caching
Cache Backends
Memory, Null, CacheClient Integration with python-memcached, pylibmc Namespace / Partition aware Key Encoding (utf-8, base64, hash) A wire between cache items so they can be invalidated via a single operation Simplify code necessary to manage dependencies in cache Not related to any particular cache implementation Can be used to invalidate items across different cache partitions / namespaces
Cache Dependency
wheezy.web caching
wheezy.web caching
location cache strategy (none, server, client, both, public) duration time for the cache item to be cached no_store instructs state of no-store http response header vary_query, vary_form, vary_environ a list of items that should be included into cache key namespace
wheezy.web testing
Functional Tests
Black Box Testing for WSGI Tested by feeding input and examining the output Internal program structure is rarely considered Functional Page Functional Mixin Test Case
Primary Actors:
wheezy.web testing
Functional Page
Asserts to prove the current content is related to given page Fulfills a micro use case
class SignInPage(object): def __init__(self, client): assert '- Sign In</title>' in client.content assert AUTH_COOKIE not in client.cookies self.client = client self.form = client.form def signin(self, username, password): form = self.form form.username = username form.password = password self.client.submit(form) return self.client.form.errors()
wheezy.web testing
Functional Mixin
High level actor Fulfills use cases Operates with several Functional Pages Test Case can combine them to fulfill its goal
class MembershipMixin(object): def signin(self, username, password): client = self.client assert 200 == client.get('/en/signin') page = SignInPage(client) return page.signin(username, password)
wheezy.web testing
Test Case
Can use several Functional Mixins A set of conditions under which we can determine whether an application is working correctly or not
def setUp(self): self.client = WSGIClient(wsgi_app) def test_validation_error(self): """ Ensure sigin page displays field validation errors. """ errors = self.signin('', '') assert 2 == len(errors) assert AUTH_COOKIE not in self.client.cookies
wheezy.web testing
class BenchmarkTestCase(PublicTestCase): def runTest(self): """ Perform bachmark and print results. """ p = Benchmark(( self.test_home, self.test_about ), 1000) p.report('public', baselines={ 'test_home': 1.0, 'test_about': 0.926 }) public: 2 x 1000 baseline throughput change target 100.0% 839rps +0.0% test_home 96.2% 807rps +3.9% test_about
wheezy.web resources
Tutorial: http://packages.python.org/wheezy.web/tutorial.html
Source: https://bitbucket.org/akorn/wheezy.web/src/tip/demos/guestbook Source: https://bitbucket.org/akorn/wheezy.web/src/tip/demos/template Caching: http://packages.python.org/wheezy.caching Core: http://packages.python.org/wheezy.core HTML: http://packages.python.org/wheezy.html HTTP: http://packages.python.org/wheezy.http Routing: http://packages.python.org/wheezy.routing Security: http://packages.python.org/wheezy.security Template: http://packages.python.org/wheezy.template Validation: http://packages.python.org/wheezy.validation Web: http://packages.python.org/wheezy.web