Vidagas LPG
Vidagas LPG
Vidagas LPG
VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Prepared by Courtenay Sprague (South Africa) Sector Health & Energy Enterprise Class Local SME
In a country with 500 doctors for a population of almost 20 million, initiatives that can expand the reach of health services to rural populations are in critical demand and short supply. The challenge for northern Mozambiques health clinics is the lack of reliable fuel to provide lighting for surgery and routine operations and to guarantee regular refrigeration for the storage of vaccines. Besides, less than two percent of households have electricity, and are therefore dependent on wood or charcoal for cooking, which increases respiratory infections, pregnancy complications and forests degradation. Against this background, a wide range of partners gathered in 2002 to launch a pilot project in the province of Cabo Delgado in northern Mozambique, each one providing its own expertise: a former minister of education from Mozambique, Graa Machel, dedicated to childrens health; a Seattle-based NGO, VillageReach, dedicated to deliver needed health supplies to remote regions of Mozambique; Northern philanthropists willing to back the start-up; the Ministry of Health and the Governor of the pilot province, eager to provide state funding and eliminate state bureaucracy; and a community foundation, FDC (Fundao para o Desenvolvimento da Comunidade), aware of the complex development needs of Mozambicans. As a result of the partnership, VillageReach and FDC introduced an improved cold chain and replaced decrepit kerosene refrigerators in remote health facilities with Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)-powered refrigerators. The focus of this case is on the supply of LPG to businesses and households by VidaGs, a for-profit company that is owned and controlled by the two NGOs, and who is now trying to develop a viable business model.
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
supervisory support whereby field teams would provide feedback and mentoring to clinic employees each month. Third, deploying process and systems solutions by creating a logistics platform that delivered the vaccines, medical supplies and propane to clinics on a regular basis. Nine key metrics are gathered monthly for the 251 clinics served by the partners. These metrics informed the partners of the field context, helping to pinpoint problems and improve the functioning of the overall system and its constituent parts. VidaGs was first established to supply the health projects in the region with LPG. The company initially provided essential health commodities to public clinics. Later, it began to supply the large commercial and industrial consumers in Cabo Delgado, including hotels, restaurants (eight hotels and six restaurants as of March 2007) and the commercial prawn operation in Pemba (the capital of the province). 1 VidaGs is now targeting small and medium enterprises and households for LPG use in urban and peri-urban areas.
Numbers from VillageReach, provided via email 7 March 2007. VidaGs Domestic Gas, Proposal Document
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
month. 3 Additional gas-related businesses and outlets are expected to create value chain effects. VidaGs sees women (who do most of the cooking), low-income people, and cooperatives of fishermen, farmers and artisans as particularly benefiting from LPG. The companys goal is to become profitable within three years. However, important challenges remain. In terms of competitors, Galp distributes LPG in 11kg and 45kg cylinders but only at its petrol or gasoline stations and through a limited number of scattered and small resellers. Petrogs sells 11kg and 45kg cylinders but that company is considering exiting the market due to insufficient sales. Thus, VidaGs has no real competitors with which to contend. This fact notwithstanding, there is a range of primary challenges, including the following: insufficient storage facilities for LPG, a weak industrial and commercial infrastructure in northern Mozambique, inadequate training of retailers in LPG use, and a lack of consumer knowledge of the benefits of LPG. The price of LPG is also slightly higher for consumers, and in this case, the target consumer for this initiative happens to be relatively poor. 4 In fact, Cabo Delgados population of roughly 1.5 million people is classified as poor. There is a 77 percent illiteracy rate, and poor access to public health, education and other services in the province. Roughly 3.5 percent of households have potable water, and only 1.7 percent of households have electricity. Fisheries, agriculture and cattle raising are the dominant economic activities. Agriculture contributes to half of the provincial GNP. The GNP of the province is estimated at $148 million (2002 data) and the GNP per capita is $97. 5
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
constituted by hydrocarbons containing three or four carbon atoms. The normal components of LPG are propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10), although concentrations of other hydrocarbons may be present. 7 At atmospheric pressure, LPG is a gas. At normal (ambient) temperatures, it can be liquefied when pressure is applied or when the temperature is decreased. BENEFITS LPGs main benefit is the production of less environmental pollution. There is less carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, hydrocarbons and particulates. (LPG vehicles emit about 20 percent less CO2 or carbon dioxide when compared to petrol). LPG is highly portable, efficient, clean, accessible, cost-efficient and convenient. LPG can be packaged, stored and utilized with great ease, making it a perfect source for a range of applications (ranging in diversity from cigarette lighters to the Olympic torch), including LPG-powered refrigerators in rural destinations. 8 The province of Cabo Delgado has vaccination rates well below the national average in Mozambique. Roughly 50 percent of the provincial population must walk more than two hours to the nearest public health clinic. Before LPG, these facilities would suffer from shortages of fuel and medicines and the breakdown of refrigerators, which often rendered the vaccines unusable. In response, through the partnership project, VidaGs has provided reliable fuel that allows for effective vaccines, sterilization, and lighting in 88 health clinics in northern Mozambique, serving 1.5 million people with a recent expansion to 163 additional clinics in the neighboring province of Nampula (bringing the total population served to upwards of 4.5 million). Their activities have contributed to a 36 percent increase in the number of children immunized in participating districts. This was primarily achieved through the introduction of a new Cold Chain and accompanying logistics platform by the two NGO partners, FDC and VillageReach. 9
Depending on the source of the LPG and how it has been produced, components other than hydrocarbons may also be present. Whenever a LPG container is filled, sufficient space is left to allow for expansion. Normally, the gas is stored in liquid form under pressure in a steel container, cylinder or tank. When one begins using LPG, some of the pressure will be released from the container. LPG will cause natural rubber and some plastics to degrade. Thus, only certain types of hoses and equipment (designed for LPG) can be used. Cylinders or other equipment thus comprise part of the startup cost of using LPG. From 8 LPG emits similar levels of CO2 to diesel. It is simply a cleaner way of burning a fossil fuel, not a way See Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, of reducing the need to drill for oil.;; and LPG is Best Green Option available from Conoco Phillips website: 9 Project Spotlight - Village Reach, Mozambique (DM 2003), available from
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
Information and photos related to the Cold Chain are provided courtesy of VillageReach. See the website for more information 11 From VillageReach website, available at
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
LONG-TERM SOLUTIONS LPG-powered refrigerators have automatic changeover valves installed. These have replaced kerosene refrigerators in remote health facilities in Cabo Delgado and Nampula provinces. Staff is trained in their operation, maintenance and repair.
It's not difficult to get vaccines delivered to developing countries. What's difficult is delivering the vaccines throughout the country. The last mile is just as important as the first. -Blaise Judja-Sato, Founder, VillageReach 12 Before the partners became involved in the project, many vaccines were disposed of due to problems with the cold chain: 85 percent of the kerosene refrigerators suffered some type of breakdown or malfunction, leading to the spoilage of large amounts of vaccine. With the introduction of the LPG-powered refrigerators, if a problem is noticed, a healthcare worker will transfer the vaccines to a cold storage box or cooler, and then transport the box to a neighbouring health facility where the
VillageReach is equipping clinics with brand-new LPG-powered refrigerators to ensure proper storage of temperature-sensitive vaccines and medicines.
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
vaccines are stored until the refrigerator is repaired. As Jenny Hannibal of VillageReach notes, This is standard practice and minimizes spoilage due to cold chain problems. 13 INDICATORS Refrigerator Reliability Of the 88 refrigerators in 88 clinics served in Cabo Delgado province in 2005 and 2006, there were an infrequent number of repairs, following the introduction of LPG, down to five percent in 2005, and reduced to two percent throughout 2006.14 Vaccine Wastage Rates Quantitatively, closed-vial vaccine wastage rates are tracked to monitor effectiveness. Again, portions of vaccines must be discarded for reasons such as breakage, spoilage or expiration. The resulting rates for Cabo Delgados clinics are consistently low, averaging below three percent for each type of vaccine. They also track another category of wastage called open-vial wastage. This occurs when a vial of vaccine is opened. If doses are not administered within the World Health Organization-prescribed timeframe (six hours for reconstituted tuberculosis and measles vaccines and four weeks for other vaccines) the vials must be disposed of- in the clinics served by the project open-vial wastage rates range from six percent to 29 percent, which are within internationally accepted standards. 15 Data Collection Field teams gather data from healthcare workers on a monthly basis. The data is sent to the VillageReach office in Seattle where monthly reports are generated for nine key metrics at the 251 clinics served. The data informs all of the partners VillageReach, FDC and MISAU regarding the efficacy of the system; it assists in making course corrections, identifying problems and aids in forecasting vaccine stock needs. As a result of the partnerships intervention, there is now improved data collection in the clinics. The importance of accurate data in a post-civil war context in which data systems and recordkeeping fell into total disrepair cannot be over-emphasized. As Mozambiques Government report states in its assessment of progress made toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals, There are obvious reasons for the lack of comprehensive and reliable data such as the occurrence of the civil war. The first comprehensive household income survey was only conducted in 1997, which perhaps is also the first reliable data point for many other development indicators (e.g. health, education and environment). 16
13 14 15 16
Ibid. Figures courtesy of VillageReach. Ibid. Government of the Republic of Mozambique, Report on the Millennium Development Goals 2005.
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
Supply Chain
This refers to the cycle of planning, sourcing and procurement of all essential medicines and supplies, the management of the logistics and related activities. The goal of the supply chain is to deliver needed medicines and supplies on time without waste, inefficiency or ineffectiveness. The execution of the supply chain must be done against the challenge of poor roads, electricity cut-offs, possible floods, and other unforeseen obstacles. Based on the data provided by the clinics, medical supplies are ordered by the Ministry of Health and transported to a MISAU warehouse, which is shared by staff of VillageReach and FDC in Pemba. The storage space is kept in good condition with vaccines kept cold in LPG-powered refrigerators. Three drivers collect the supplies from the warehouse and embark on a two week mission to deliver fuel, medicines, syringes, and related items to each of the 88 clinics in the province of Cabo Delgado. Similar teams are deployed in Nampula province with a total of 163 clinics served. Teams are composed of MISAU staff or joint MISAU-FDCVillageReach staff. Field teams will eventually become employed as MISAU staff (in both provinces), allowing for the full integration of the programme into existing MISAU operations. Staff members are trained in the repair of refrigerators and other essential equipment. Communities have also been outfitted with bicycles or motorcycles in case deliveries are urgently needed between visits by the lead drivers. 17 BENEFITS Another efficiency created by LPG is that of improved sterility of medical instruments and time saved by health staff. According to Jenny Hannibal of VillageReach, each clinic houses a steam sterilizer, also called an autoclave, which is akin to a pressure cooker. It uses hot steam to sterilize medical equipment, including the medical instruments used in surgery and the delivery of babies. Clinic workers use a propane-powered burner (similar to a camp stove) to heat up the steam sterilizers. Hannibal observes: If they did not have the LPG, clinic workers would gather wood and start a wood fire to heat up the sterilizer taking valuable time away from the clinic, polluting the clinic area with wood smoke, and contributing to deforestation. Most importantly, wood fires often don't sufficiently heat the water to sterilize the equipment, resulting in a warm water bath in which germs are spread over the equipment in the pot. 18 Before VillageReach and FDC became involved in the public health clinics in Cabo Delgado, there was a shortage of essential drugs. In fact most maternal deaths globally result from infection and hemorrhage due to complications in pregnancy: oral antibiotics and rehydration solutions can be of critical importance, but such medicines need to be ordered, supplied and stocked, sufficiently. 19 The improved supply chain introduced by the partners also means that
17 18 19
See the VillageReach website for more information, available from
Provided via email, 9 February 2007. Anthony Costello, Kishwar Azad, and Sarah Burnett, An Alternative Strategy to Reduce Maternal Mortality, The Lancet 28 September 2006. Rosenfield, Min and Freedman emphasize: It is essential that pregnant women in whom complications develop have access to the medical interventions of
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
stocks of medicine are more reliable. This is having an impact on the immunization programme. If trends continue over the longer term, improved maternal and child health outcomes should result. The goals of the project align with the Ministry of Healths objectives. Mozambiques national targets for maternal and child health include: 1) increasing the percentage of institutional deliveries to ensure that births are attended by skilled healthcare workers; and 2) increasing immunizations (see Appendix F: Mozambiques Progress on Selected MDGs). 20 The reliable fuel supply, the cold chain, and the improved distribution of medicines all directly support the goals of the Ministry of Health, the Millennium Development Goals and, ultimately, public health in Mozambique.
2000 01 02
emergency obstetrical care. Programmes to make such care more widely available involve upgrading rural health centers and referral hospitals and stocking them with the necessary drugs, supplies, and equipment, such as magnesium sulfate for eclampsia, antibiotics for infection, and basic surgical equipment for cesarean sections. See Allan Rosenfield, Caroline Min and Lynn Freedman. 2007. Making Motherhood Safe in Developing Countries. New England Journal of Medicine 356 (14): 13951397. 20 DFIDs Maternal Health Strategy Reducing Maternal Deaths: Evidence and Action First Progress Report. DFID: London, December 2005. 21 Quote from Jenny Hannibal, VillageReach. Chart from IMOPETRO Ltd., Mozambique.
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
INFRASTRUCTURE AND SUPPLY OF LPG TO NORTHERN MOZAMBIQUE There is no production of LPG within the country. Neighbouring South Africa supplies Mozambique with LPG (produced in a natural gas separation plant), which is shipped overland by rail and truck to the capital of Maputo. The procurement and delivery of all LPG imported from South Africa is coordinated by IMOPETRO (a cooperative company that operates on behalf of its members). VidaGs procures LPG through IMOPETRO by the container load (ten tons). The distance between Maputo and Pemba (also a port) is 2,700km (1,677 miles). The physical roads between Cabo Delgado and Maputo are in poor condition with only ten percent of the roads estimated to be paved and 60 to 70 percent in poor condition. The rail network is equally poor. Thus, LPG containers are shipped in bulk from Maputo to Pemba (some 11kg containers are transported by road to Pemba from the city of Beira). Such weak transportation infrastructure translates into higher pricing of LPG. The price of LPG at the Maputo port is $785 per metric ton, which is higher than international prices. An added $15 is added by IMOPETRO to cover operational costs. Transport costs from Maputo to Pemba add a huge cost burden to the final price in the north; hence the rationale for exploring options to decrease the price of LPG and ensure a sustainable supply. To this latter end, South Africa seems to lack adequate physical storage space for LPG, which restricts its ability to store large quantities of LPG. This in turn affects Mozambiques supply. Solutions might include increasing storage in South Africa or reducing Mozambiques reliance on its neighbour. 22 Unfortunately, Mozambiques low GNP impacts its ability to develop large-scale distribution networks for LPG, especially in the interior of the nation where infrastructure is poor. At the same time, the relative poverty of its residents impacts their ability to pay more or what may be perceived as more (due to startup costs associated with using LPG) for fuel. 23 Over the five-year period 1998 to 2003, Mozambiques currency lost more than half its value against the US dollar. While there has been an appreciation in the value of the currency since then, according to USAID: This drop in the value of the currency has important implications for the use of non-traditional fuels such as LPG, which are more expensive compared to charcoal and firewood, which have traditionally been used in households especially in the poorer provinces of the country. 24 Sample costs associated with LPG transport from South Africa to Mozambique are included in the following scenario: the transport of a nine-ton container from Maputo to Pemba is $2,500; the return of the empty container costs $500; the costs at port are $70 per ton; and this translates into a cost per ton of $407. The high cost of supplying LPG to Pemba leads to a higher cost of supply. However, according to USAID, other types of transport would not make LPG much cheaper. For example, using 18 ton capacity tankers to transport LPG by road from Maputo to Cabo Delgado would require an estimated $7,600, leading to a delivered cost of US$ 422 per ton. The transport cost of LPG in cylinders is higher still. Galp transports 350 11 kg capacity cylinders at a cost of about $520 per ton.
22 23
USAID, op cit. USAID, op cit., sections 2-1-2-2. 24 USAID, (Section 2), p.9
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
The current breakdown of VidaGs customers is shown below (see Chart 2). This illustrates that growth could come from commercial businesses and sales of LPG-powered appliances (including generators, air conditioning units, refrigerators and freezers) to Mozambiques commercial sector. This is particularly the case since electricity in northern Mozambique is erratic and, as yet, unreliable. Alternatively, it could come from households an especially important target market due to the environmental and health benefits associated with LPG. CONSUMER PRICING AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF LPG A 5.5 kg cylinder or container (see Appendix H: Photo of 5.5 kg cylinder) would typically be the optimal choice for households, because it provides fuel for up to two weeks based on regular daily consumption rates. The cost of the cylinder is $11 while the equivalent of charcoal costs $33. 25 The fuel efficiency of LPG is much higher than for charcoal or wood. This translates into better value for money, not to mention the health benefits and savings in terms of time (again, valuable time saved for women and children who do not need to collect firewood). An added benefit for anyone who has ever washed a pot or pan: because LPG burns cleanly, pots dont become as soiled and are easier to clean. Chart 2: Current Breakdown of Customers (% of VidaGs Sales) 26
Health Ministry Consumers 30% 10%
Businesses 60%
The key challenge then remains how to increase VidaGs sales from 14 tons to 50 tons? To meet this challenge, two immediate factors warrant consideration: the potential market for LPG sales in Nampula and Zambezia; and current consumer behavior in Cabo Delgado (i.e., how likely are consumers to switch from charcoal to LPG?). These are two drivers that would boost sales for VidaGs. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR AND PERCEPTIONS In 2005, USAID funded a market research study in Pemba, which covered a sample of 400 households. The purpose of the survey was to glean insights into those factors that influence residents attitudes vis--vis fuel for cooking, lighting and heating. Among the findings was a strong perception that the price of LPG was high and poor knowledge of the benefits of LPG.
25 26
Figures and information provided via email by Jenny Hannibal, VillageReach, 9 February 2007. Figures provided by VillageReach.
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
Most important in the minds of Mozambicans surveyed was whether the fuel was suitable for cooking. Following this determination, consumers evaluated the product in terms of its affordability, availability, convenience, ease of use, safety and other factors. 27 Product availability and safety were important considerations. Importantly, only 36 percent of respondents knew that LPG was available through VidaGs. Just half of those surveyed had any knowledge of LPG as a product for cooking or lighting, and 79 percent of those surveyed believed LPG to be toxic, explosive or dangerous. 28 Half of those surveyed cited price as a major concern. Most of the respondents use charcoal for cooking. Added to this, LPG was not seen as widely available by 50 percent of respondents. Consumers would most likely use public transport or walk, and LPG stores or shops would need to be accessible and LPG made consistently available. Once consumers turn to LPG as the preferred source of gas, VidaGs would need to ensure that shops stock LPG accordingly. Consumers in Kenya have cited shortages in the supply of LPG by shopkeepers as problematic. 29 In spite of the negative associations attached to LPGs safety and price, 80 percent indicated that they would be willing to try LPG under the right conditions and if they had the opportunity to do so. Based on the findings, USAID observed: This points to the need for an intensive awareness campaign to make people aware of the uses and benefits of LPG. 30 One LPG customer in Pemba, Ester Ferreira, said that she would recommend it to others because LPG is faster (than firewood), cleaner and more efficient. 31 Respondents suggested methods that would be most effective in expanding consumers knowledge base of LPG: direct campaigning and demonstrations, as well as word of mouth through local community leaders. 32 The data suggested the need for an aggressive marketing campaign using multiple media channels (radio, mobile phone text messaging, newspapers and billboards) to ensure broad coverage that also incorporates education and awareness of the health and other benefits. USAID suggested creative promotional programmes such as providing food vendors and community leaders with free LPG appliances, and organizing public demonstrations to show consumers how to use LPG safely and what the benefits are. 33 The partners are providing public demonstrations and implementing other marketing measures.
27 28
USAID, op cit., sections 7-4-7-5. Ibid. 29 Interview with Caroline Kihato, 3 March 2007. 30 USAID, op cit., sections 6-9. 31 Interview with Ester Ferreira in Pemba, 16 January 2007. 32 USAID, op cit. 33 USAID, op cit., section 10-4.
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
From USAID, op cit. 36 USAID, op cit., see section 9-2; see also The advantage of charcoal is that it can be purchased in small quantities, e.g., 2 kg containers of LPG. Users of the LPG (mainly women) may find that the canisters are bulky to carry or they wish to buy a smaller quantity of gas. 37 Ibid.
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
At the moment, there is no government legislation in place in Mozambique to regulate bottling, storage, safety, use and distribution of LPG. A legal framework governing use and safety is essential to ensure consumer protection and quality control, if LPG is to become fully established as an alternative fuel. Apart from consumer safety, proper guidelines and legislation send signals to investors and companies that correct oversight mechanisms and procedures are in place for LPG use.
Lessons Learned
From this partnership initiative, there were a number of factors that when they converged created a formula for success in this context. First was the identification and introduction of liquefied petroleum gas as a structural intervention to improve the supply of fuel in a region lacking reliable energy. LPG has shown itself to be a superior product that will outperform inferior competitors. Once this was substantiated, it was a matter of creating the right enabling conditions to ensure the viability and long-term sustainability of the VidaGs enterprise. Second, the financial capital to launch this start-up venture was essential. While funding was raised from a number of local Seattle sources initially, larger partners emerged as the project grew, including the Hunter Foundation of Scotland and the Dutch governments bilateral organization. Third, the improved supply chain introduced by VillageReach and FDC was crucial. Designing a supply chain that would move people and goods through a regular monthly cycle that anticipates stocks, supplies, equipment, maintenance and other needs, while minimizing cost and waste and maximizing efficiency and effectiveness was strategically deft. Yet, as most development projects illustrate, the difference between the brilliant on-paper plan and its execution against the local context and on-the-ground realities can be stark and bleak. Here the successful implementation of that supply chain against the background of poor physical transport and infrastructure, logistical challenges, and a lack of human resources (which define the context in northern Mozambique) was nothing short of astonishing. This is a testament to the vision and ingenuity of Blaise Judja-Sato and the staff of VillageReach and FDC. What the partnership was able to pull off defied the odds, which brings us to a fourth critical success factor, Mrs. Graa Machel. In her home country of Mozambique, to say that Mrs. Machel is more famous, even more revered than her husband, Mr. Nelson Mandela, is no overstatement. She has charisma to rival Oprah and a gentleness and commitment to vulnerable groups to match the most famous humanitarians. When Mrs. Machel points to a location on a hillside in Mozambique, and instructs you to build a bridge there, you do it. No questions asked. What Mrs. Machel brought to this partnership, along with her own knowledge, expertise and capacity to mobilize people, was the strongest local partner around. FDC is composed of a staff of experts in social development; economic empowerment; and health. It interfaces with and advocates for communities. FDC listens to the voice of the people. People like Erik Charas, who managed the project for two years, were prime movers in implementing and executing the supply chain. It is that strange brew that is FDC: an advocate for the poor with strong relationships and a
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG 15
trusted partner of the Government that has provided much of the glue to hold this initiative together. FDC and VillageReach staff members skills, problem-solving abilities, ingenuity and commitment were the golden threads holding and binding the venture together. Lastly, a government partner was extremely important. Without the commitment from the Ministry of Health and the Governor of Cabo Delgado, the mechanisms for providing quality health services would never have become standard practice for the Department of Health. The structural changes and improvements introduced would never have become incorporated into health policy and practice in the north of the country.
A close examination of the health and environmental benefits of LPG offers a clear-cut development case for the establishment of LPG. To guarantee its success, there is an imperative for VidaGs to become a revenue-generating business. This goal appears wholly achievable provided that the required attention is paid to expanding the market and introducing the necessary support structures to govern these operations. Structural impediments such as transportation, storage and supply of LPG to Mozambique will persist. These, however, will not become prohibitive as long as VidaGs can sufficiently increase its sales to cover its costs. This will, in turn, depend on the efforts of the company and its strategic partners to educate and train consumers in LPG use and to market their product. Ultimately, success will depend on the uptake of LPG by the bottom of the pyramid 38 in Mozambique- poor consumers (households and businesses) in the north. Every effort should be made to ensure that consumers understand the benefits of the superior fuel that is liquefied petroleum gas.
This is a reference to C. K. Prahalads The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty through Profits. Upper Saddle River (NJ): Wharton School Publishing, 2005.
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
Bruce, N, G Hutton G, Mehta S, Nugent R, Rehfuess Eva, and Smith K. 2006. Indoor Air Pollution. Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. D Jamison, JG Breman, AR Measham, G Alleyne, M Claeson, DB Evans, editors. 2nd edition. New York: Oxford University Press. Costello, Anthony, Kishwar Azad, and Sarah Burnett. 2006. An Alternative Strategy to Reduce Maternal Mortality. The Lancet. 28 September 2006. Dabis, Franois and Ehounou Ren Ekpini. 2002. HIV-1/AIDS and Maternal and Child Health in Africa. The Lancet 359: 20972104. Department of International Development (DFID). 2005. DFIDs Maternal Health Strategy Reducing Maternal Deaths: Evidence and Action First Progress Report. DFID: London. December 2005. DFID. DFID Mozambique: Health Fact Sheet. DFID: London. Available at www. FDC. Official website. Available at Government of the Republic of Mozambique. 2005. Report on the Millennium Development Goals. LPG is Best Green Option. Available at LPGA. Official website. Available at Mozambique News Agency. 2006. AIM Reports, No. 320. 16 May 2006. Prahalad, C K. 2005. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty through Profits. Upper Saddle River (NJ): Wharton School Publishing. Rehfuess, Eva, Carlos Corvalan, and Maria Neira. 2007. Indoor Air Pollution: 4000 Deaths a Day Must No Longer Be Ignored. Geneva: World Health Organization. Rosenfield, Allan, Caroline Min and Lynn Freedman. 2007. Making Motherhood Safe in Developing Countries. New England Journal of Medicine 356 (14): 1395-1397. Scottish Environmental Protection Agency. Official website. Available at
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Millennium Development Goals and Indicators. Available at UNDP. 2005. Human Development Report 2005. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. United Nations Health Programmes in Mozambique. Available at United States Agency for International Development (USAID). 2005. LPG Market Assessment Study (prepared by Nexant Inc., for USAID). Washington: USAID. United States Department of Energy (Office of Energy Markets and End Use). 1999. Energy in Africa. Washington: US Dept of Energy. VillageReach. Official website. Available at World Bank. 2003. Project Spotlight - Village Reach, Mozambique. Available at World Health Organization. 2005. Summary Country Profile for HIV/AIDS Treatment Scale Up. June 2005. World Health Organization. 2006. Fuel for Life: Household Energy and Health. Geneva: WHO. World LP Gas Association. 2006. Annual Report 2006. Available at
Twelve interviews conducted with VidaGs and FDC key personnel at two sites in December 2006 and January 2007: Maputo and Pemba (Cabo Delgado), and numerous email exchanges with FDC and VillageReach staff. Translation for interviews with Portuguese speakers in Pemba kindly provided by Joo Rodrigues, General Manager, VidaGs.
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
Life expectancy at birth Total population Population in urban areas (2003) GNI per capita Per capita expenditure on health (US$) Government budget spent on health Births attended by skilled health personnel (rural/urban) Children immunised against measles (rural/urban) Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Child mortality rate (under five, per 1,000 live births) Infant mortality rate (under one, per 1,000 live births) HIV/AIDS prevalence among adults (15 to 49)
33.9% / 81.4%
34.2% / 80.7%
95% 250
147 8.2%
124 16.2%
67 --
Note: Data are from 2003 unless otherwise indicated. Sources: Government of the Republic of Mozambique, Report on the Millennium Development Goals 2005; DFID Mozambique: Health Fact Sheet DFID: London. Available at http://www.
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
Appendix B: The Foundation for Community Development (Fundao Para o Desenvolvimento da Comunidade)
The Foundation for Community Development (FDC) is a private, non-profit institution in Mozambique which aims to strengthen the capacities of underprivileged communities, with the objective of defeating poverty and promoting social justice in Mozambique.
About FDC
FDC seeks to partner across sectors of society to achieve development, democracy and social justice. FDC arose from the shared conviction that poverty is not inevitable. Rather, it results from complex mechanisms and structural factors that marginalize and exploit the poorincluding a lack of attention to proper use of scientific and technical knowledge and appropriate technologies, and a lack of access to education, the formal economy and other social institutions. This interlocking set of factors has a negative impact on people both physically and psychologically, and prevents them from using the resources that are already available for their own benefit in a sustainable way. These structural and psychological obstacles are the roots of the poverty that the FDC seeks to combat.
Near the end of Mozambiques civil war, the Community Development Association (ADC) was established by a group of social activists, with a view to setting up a Foundation. There was a concrete need to set up an institution of Mozambican civil society that would support local initiatives through community investment and strengthen the capacity of communities. In 1994, the Community Development Foundation (FDC) was established as the first institution of its kind in Mozambique.
The Vision of FDC Mozambican communities capable of leading local development processes. Promoting participative methods of decision-making Strengthening, in particular, the role of women and youth, toward the goal of poverty
eradication Promoting dialogues and partnership with the government, civil society, and the private sector
Donors have included friends of FDC in the US (of which Blaise Judja-Sato is vice president), the Kellogg Foundation, the Mott Foundation, the UN Foundation, the Finnish Government, USAID, Oxfam, and private sector companies operating in the region, such as Coca-Cola, South African Breweries and MCell.
Notes: For more on FDC programmes and activities see Sources: FDC CD-ROM Raison dEtre Vision and Mission Creation of the FDC; interview with Paula Monjane, Directora Executiva Interina, December 2006; and FDCs website, available from
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
Appendix C: VillageReach
VillageReachs mission is to save lives and improve well-being in developing countries by increasing community access to health care and other essential services.
VillageReach addresses this need by creating solutions that build local capacity, improve logistics management, fill critical infrastructure gaps and mobilize communities. By partnering with local governments and communities, VillageReach works to improve:
Supply Chains building and managing effective transportation networks Cold Chains building and managing refrigeration systems to transport and store temperature-sensitive medical supplies Safety providing training, infrastructure, and equipment to ensure safe injection practices and waste management Healthcare Education training local medical personnel to improve health facility management and improve the quality of care Clean Energy providing energy solutions to improve quality of health services Communications deploying new communications networks to support operations, reporting and emergency response systems Community Involvement partnering with trusted community leaders to increase the use of the public health system Economic Opportunities promoting local development and providing revenues to support healthcare programmes in Mozambique, VidaGs fills this role
Since 2002, the VillageReach programme in northern Mozambique has provided a logistics platform, cold chain, delivery of vaccines and other medical commodities, energy supply, and health worker education. VillageReach has strengthened the public health system through a strong public-private partnership with the Ministry of Health, the Foundation for Community Development (FDC), and VidaGs. The programme currently serves over five million people through 251 clinics in two provinces, and the region has seen dramatic improvements in immunization rates and healthcare awareness. Headquartered in Seattle, VillageReach has operations in three locations across Mozambique. VillageReach is in the research and fundraising phase of replicating in additional countries.
CRAIG NAKAGAWA, Acting President, Seattle MARIA GOMES, National Director, Mozambique
Board of Directors
NELSON MANDELA, former President of South Africa, Honorary Board Member GRAA MACHEL, former First Lady and Minister of Education, Mozambique, Honorary Board Member BLAISE JUDJA-SATO, Founder and Chair of the Board
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
JACQUES FRANCOIS MARTIN, President, Parteurop DR. SETH BERKELEY, President and CEO, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) DR. PAUL KLEINDORFER, Professor of Management Science, Economics and Public Policy, the Wharton School
VillageReach is supported by partners from the global health and philanthropic communities, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank, the Skoll Foundation, PATH, Chiron Foundation, Getty Images and individual contributions.
Source: VillageReach website, Notes: For more on VillageReach programmes and activities see
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
South Africa
Notes: Arrows indicate the three provinces where VidaGs is establishing operations. Mozambique is divided into ten provinces with one capital city (Maputo) holding provincial status. Source: Map available from
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
40 41
Republic of Mozambique, Second Report on the Millennium Development Goals (2005). Ibid. 42 Ibid.
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
planning. These are seen as major factors that explain the decrease in the maternal mortality
ratio. A related indicator is the institutional maternal mortality ratio. The data reveal a decrease from 181 to 177 per 100,000 live births between 1997 and 2003. Across provinces, Cabo Delgado has the highest IMMR, although a decrease has been recorded (from 512 and 291 per 100,000 live births). Improvements may be due to improved diagnosis, management and notification of maternal deaths. 43 Table 1b: Mozambiques Progress on MDG 5 Maternal Health MDG 5 Target 6: By 2015, reduce the maternal mortality ratio by three-quarters Indicator 16 - Maternal Mortality Ratio Indicator 17 - Proportion of Births Attended by Skilled Health Personnel Will Target Be Reached? Potentially Projects Contribution: Maternal deaths result from infection and hemorrhage. Reliable lighting allows for delivery and surgery to be provided at all hours. And, the stocking and provision of oral antibiotics and rehydration solutions are provided through the improved supply chain.
Source: United Nations Development Programme. Millennium Development Goals and Indicators. Available at:
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
Starting a Business (2006) The challenges of launching a business are shown below. Included are: the number of steps entrepreneurs can expect to go through to launch, the time it takes on average, and the cost and minimum capital required as a percentage of gross national income (GNI) per capita. Indicator Procedures (number) Time (days) Cost (% of income per capita) Min. capital (% of income per capita) Mozambique 13 113 85.7 10.4 Region 11.1 61.8 162.8 209.9 OECD 6.2 16.6 5.3 36.1
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG
September 2007 The information presented in this case study has been reviewed and signed-off by the company to ensure its accuracy. The views expressed in the case study are the ones of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the UN, UNDP or their Member States. Copyright @ 2007 United Nations Development Programme All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior permission of UNDP. Design: Suazion, Inc. (N, USA) For more information on Growing Inclusive Markets: or [email protected] United Nations Development Programme Private Sector Division, Partnerships Bureau One United Nations Plaza, 23rd floor New York, NY 10017, USA
Case Study VidaGs: Powering Health Clinics and Households in Mozambique with LPG