Lpi Report
Lpi Report
Lpi Report
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The LEONARD Personality Inventory is based on research work by Dr. Leonard Yong in the last ten years and is modelled after a combination of both the four Greek temperaments and the Big Five Model. The approximate equivalent of the LEONARD Personality Inventory to these two models are as follows: Greek Temperaments Phlegmatic Melancholic Sanguine Choleric LEONARD Openness = Neutral = Analytical = Relational = Decisive Big Five Model = Openness = Agreeableness = Conscientiousness = Extraversion or Surgency = Emotional stability
Results from the administrations of the LEONARD Inventory in Malaysia have indicated the validity and reliability of the Personality Inventory for the purpose of identifying the preferred behavioural styles of respondents. Intervention programs have been designed to assist individuals to enhance their emotional intelligence (intra-personal and interpersonal skills). This has been found to be especially useful in helping organizations, which have encouraged teamwork and innovative approaches to the workplace through harmonious and synergistic teamwork. Other uses include premarital and marital counselling.
Reference: Leonard Yong (1999). The LEONARD Personality Inventory. Kuala Lumpur.
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Are a good listener Like to live in harmony Patient
Cautious Like to be precise Can work alone
Are creative Likes to try new things Tend to be curious
Task Oriented Desire to be in control Likes to lead Can solve problems well
Full of life Persuasive Convincing
Action Oriented Extravert Loves challenges Makes friends easily Inspires others
Are decisive Likes to win Bold
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The LEONARD Personality Inventory Name Position Date Anonymous Manager 9/16/2004
Organisation Anonymous Co
72 O O: Openness
84 N
88 A
68 R
86 D R: Relational D: Decisive
N: Neutral
A: Analytical
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Your strengths are as follows Most organisations would happily settle for anyone as conscientious as you are. Associates can count on you to embark on changes only after careful planning. While others may be happy to receive attention, you generally do not like to be the centre of attention. If ever there were a need to record history accurately, your keen sense for precision would render your work a reliable source. Do continue to be careful but try to live one day at a time. No worries about you not getting the job done. Your resolve to labour until you've finished your task is a healthy habit needed for all to emulate. You prefer to engage in constructive discussions. More often than not, you shun unproductive dialogues. The stage and timing have to be right for you to work in isolation and keep things to yourself. You are thorough in whatever you do. Anyone attempting to sell you a product had better be patient. This is especially true since you are not the type who can be easily rushed into making decisions. Others may label you as a loner but they need to understand that you are genuinely enjoying every moment of your privacy. You are cautious in who becomes your friends. You prefer to do things right, in the right way, at the right time, at the right place. Your individualism pays off in many situation, and your favourite song might just be Frank Sinatra's, "My Way". You love challenges. It is very important to you to be given the freedom to complete a job. You are the potential nightmare of anyone who picks a fight with you, or throws you a challenge; since you are not likely to stop once you start. Your refusal to be seen in weakness reinforces your appearance as an entity of steel, strength and courage. You are a person of action who likes to get things done quickly. When somebody needs to do the job, everybody will not have to worry that nobody will get it done, because that somebody is you. You thrive best in an atmosphere of instantaneity, where all endeavours and results are best executed and anticipated in the shortest time. You are probably the dream of almost every boss; jobs are carried out promptly and finished in time. Watching a football game with you in it, would never be a bore if all the other players had were as competitive as you are. Much disappointment and delay can be avoided if people are more decisive in what they want to achieve in their professional and personal lives. Your desire to win motivates you to strive for greater heights. In short, you are Olympic material. You may have these weaknesses What you reap is what you sow. Sow the seeds of kindness and you'll reap its abundant harvest. Touch another's life and one day that life may enrich yours in ways unimaginable. Learn to be more persuasive. Reach out to others when you interact with them and you'll be pleasantly surprised at their response. If you desire to have friends, start by trying to be more friendly with others. You may find it difficult to mix around with others. Reach out to others and they'll reach out to you. If everyone learnt to laugh, our hospitals would have less patients. Learn to have more humour in your life Who likes to hang around a depressed person? Smile, and the smile is returned. Give out joy, and it comes back to you.
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A summary of your strengths are as follows Able to work alone Do not stand nonsense from others Able to work well in crisis Like moderation Have ability to get insights into difficult situations Like to be precise Get things done on time A summary of your weaknesses are as follows Tend to be stubborn May get offended easily Easily restless Tend to be self-conscious Quite fussy, insistent on high standards Not flexible enough Seen as a loner In order to nurture your Emotional Intelligence (EQ), you should develop More tolerance with people you consider as slow in their actions Better social skills Consideration when speaking to others Greater flexibility in problem-solving Willingness to bear with others when working in a team Quicker response to others' ideas More sensitivity to others' feelings
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You tend to express your creativity in the following ways Stubborn insistence on creative expression, fuelled by self-confidence. Emergent ideas normally come after intense thought. Resulting creativity is actually a refining of current content to a higher level of quality and substance. Reflects on existing opinions, thought and issues. This mental process is done in a systematic and methodical manner. Valuable contributor to development of status quo and in environments requiring conservative measures. You do not mind controversy when you believe in a new idea. Adapts them into a new form; but this new form is presented in an acceptable way for the sake of maintaining harmony with the system. Unafraid to step on toes while presenting creative ideas or implementing creative breakthroughs. How you might improve on your creativity You should develop greater openness to new ideas and creative expressions which may be viewed as unusual, in order to enrich oneself, and emerge with better creative displays. Learn to consult others' views when you think you have a creative way of improving something. Avoid an attitude that just maintains existing status quo. You have to learn to accept other people's opinion and ideas, in humble realization that your way need not always be the best. You need to practice greater flexibility. You need more courage to go beyond the expected, the ordinary. Exercise more care when implementing your new ideas. You can help your organization by Providing healthy scepticism toward ventures with outsiders or influx of foreign ideas. Offering objective, unemotionally-biased opinions. Carrying out instructions as directed. By being loyal and reliable. Providing strong leadership. Employing sound judgment in solving complicated problems. Balancing speed and risk with carefully-paced action and calculated evaluation of matters.
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In leadership and supervisory roles, it is important that you try to do the following steps Try to avoid interrogating others in your attempts to get accurate facts. Learn to be more persuasive when dealing with others. After you have given instructions, try to ensure others have completely understood these instructions. Don't fear sharing or letting go of some power. Delicately find out whether your subordinates find you intimidating and not so easily approachable; if so make yourself more approachable. Be more optimistic when facing problems. Learn to lead others and not drive them. To enrich your interpersonal relationships with others, try to do the following Avoid an impression that you are interrogating others. Become more approachable to others. Be more warm when interacting with others. Learn to relax with others and smile more. Accept constructive criticism more openly. If you want others to work well under you, be kind and gracious in word and deed. Share your responsibilities with others. In facing conflicts, you tend to do this Stubborn and inflexible on issues. Tends to become argumentative. Not bothered to understand the other person's point of view. Uncompromising. Keep quiet and talk less. Desire to only have a win-lose situation with you winning and the other party losing. Attempt to prevent a war. How to better manage yourself when facing conflict Practise win-win solutions. Try to not become argumentative. Emphasize more on your truthful feelings and views and less on harmony. Express your disagreement in a tactful manner. Try to read the other person's feelings regarding the matter. Be willing to admit you could be wrong. Try to see the other person's point of view in the conflict.
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The following actions may cause stress Having to deal with forgetful people. Not allowed freedom to do what you think it is the right thing to do. Threats to security, stability and certainty. Dealing with people who are slow. Constant and over-supervision. Not allowed to do things the way you think is right. Goals and results not achieved. Stress - Why you react the way you do Feel blocked by others in your attempts to get achievements . Feel blocked in your desire to achieve better results in a quicker way. Perceive that others are too slow. Threshold for risk-taking significantly lowered. Reclusive and shy away from others. Perceive that you cannot get the results you desire. Think you are not given enough freedom to do what you want to do. Stress - How to overcome your unfavourable reactions Accept that you cannot always be the best in everything. Calm down before meeting others. Handle stressful situations in a more relaxed manner. Become aware that you may be causing your own stress by over-reacting to others . Be more open to accept others as they are. Accept disruptions as part of life. Take things one day at a time.
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Your approach/strategy and attitude towards learning Prefers to study alone. Receptive ear but not necessarily willing to adopt new ideas from others for fear of unproven track record. Studying in groups may result in your not listening to the opinions of others on a matter. Highly focused, persistent and not easily distracted. May be not so easily teachable, hence hindering fresh input from outside. Treats difficult subjects as delightful challenges and mountains to conquer. Very structured and systematic approach. To be a more effective learner Recognize that all the time in the world is not sufficient to cover all topics - hence, be selective and move on quickly. Don't regard interactive learning settings as fights that must be won, or as having opponents to happily crush -appreciate others' views and encourage them too laying aside your 'superiority'. You have to speak up more to clarify doubts for this is far more beneficial than being afraid to seem the fool or odd-ball. Be more spontaneous in interactive settings and participate actively by voicing your opinions. Be more relaxed and learn to enjoy a subject apart from treating it as a serious matter. Accept diverse opinions from others and view these opinions as potentially enriching. Be more adaptive.
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About the LEONARD Personality Inventory (LPI) Report This report was generated using the LEONARD Personality Inventory software. It includes information from the LEONARD Personality Inventory questionnaire. The use of this questionnaire is limited to those people who have received training in its use and interpretation. The report herein is generated from the results of a questionnaire answered by the respondent and substantially reflects the answers made by them. Due consideration must be given to the subjective nature of questionnaire- based ratings in the interpretation of this data. This report has been generated electronically. Leonard Personality Incorporated Private Limited can accept no liability for the consequences of the use of this report and this includes liability of every kind (including negligence) for its contents. Copyright 2001-2004, Leonard Yong, Ph.D.
Tel/Fax: +(603) 7785 0670 Internet: http://www.leonard.com.my E-mail: [email protected] Mailing Address: P.O. Box 199, Old Klang Road, 58700 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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