Camp Letter
Camp Letter
Camp Letter
November 2 ,2012
Dear Parents, Christ's Peace Be with you! Your child has been invited to a Youth Camp to be a Service Team scheduled on November 2-4, 2012 to be held at Occidental Mindoro National High School, Mamurao, Occidental Mindoro. The Youth Camp is the entry point to the Youth for Christ (YFC) program of Couples for Christ. YFC is the worlds largest charismatic youth organization with members in over 160 countries around the world. YFC is an experience which will give your child the opportunity to know Jesus Christ in a personal way and build Christian friendships with other young adults in the High School and College levels. This will be achieved through fun-filled activities utilizing the talents and skills of the participants, as well as a series of life-changing talks and personal testimonies by young adults. The camp fee of P150 will cover complete accommodations, meals, transportation, and camp materials. We are looking forward to seeing you and your child/ren at the camp. Thank You and God bless! Yours in Christ,
Team Leader
Team Leader
Camp Servant
Ericka Guillero(0926-2067763)
Camp Servant
CFC Youth for Christ OKSIMIN 2012 forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead Philippians 3:14
Information on Participant
Name: Birthday: Home Address: School: Landline: Religion: Hobbies and/or Interests: Year Level / Course (College): Mobile Phone Number: Religious Community: Instruments Played: Nick Name: Age:
Signature of Participant:
Information on Parents
Fathers Name: Fathers Occupation: Fathers Mobile Phone Number: Fathers Office Phone Number: Religious Community of Parents: Transportation: Will your son/daughter bring her own means of transportation of going to VENUE? Will you allow other participants to join your son/daughter in his/her own means of transportation? ____ Yes ____ No ____ Yes ____ No Mothers Name: Mothers Occupation: Mothers Mobile Phone Number: Mothers Office Phone Number:
Parental Consent and Wavier This is to allow my child _____________________________to join the YOUTH CAMP on May 22- 24, 2009 at Poveda House of Prayer, Tagaytay. In consideration of the benefits that my child/children will derive from this activity and of the diligence and extra care to be observed by the adult leaders and YFC Coordinators to ensure my childs/childrens safety and security during the activity, I shall not hold CFC, YFC, its officers, adult leaders or YFC Couple Coordinators, responsible or liable for any unforeseen incidents or events beyond their control. In addition, I am allowing the leaders of YFC and its coordinators to conduct a preliminary bag search and confiscate, for the duration of the camp, any objects which they deem inappropriate for the camp.
Name and Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date Signed by Parent/Guardian:
Where would you rather have your son/daughter have his/her retreat? ___ Antipolo ___ Laguna ___ Tagaytay ___ Others (Please Specify: ____________________)
*This survey will be used as basis for the next YFC SB6 Youth Camps. Comments/Suggestions:
CFC Youth for Christ Alabang 2009 forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead Philippians 3:14