School Ict Action Plan: Division of Antipolo City District II-C
School Ict Action Plan: Division of Antipolo City District II-C
School Ict Action Plan: Division of Antipolo City District II-C
Program/Project Title
Personnel Involved
Time Frame
Expected Output
ICT Coordinator
Pupils who undergo special class program should reach 100% computer literacy.
Application of the knowledge learned from the school based inset. Project 5 Es (Explore, Express, Exchange, Evaluate and Exhibit) On hand usage of ICT equipments for the pupils Showing samples of pupils work to show evidence of progression Sharing knowledge by conducting PEER TEACHING lead by the pupils. Conduct school based ICT quiz bee in all level to monitor the learning acquired of the pupils. All teachers led by Principal/ ICT Coordinator Pupils Starting June 2013 and ongoing
Staff review and sharing of current practice. Affirm positive. Identify gaps in provision and staff development needs.
School Based Inset identify where software/online resources. Teachers develop competence in using appropriate ICT resources. Use Microsoft office (Word, excel and powerpoint) for them to use in their reports. Use favorites/Public folder to store and share resources.
All Teachers led by the Principal/ICT Coordinator/ Division and District ICT Training Team
Teachers have greater awareness of the resources available to enhance ICT and can use with confidence, sharing websites and other resources Electronically. MOOE/SEF Teachers have greater awareness of the Microsoft offices that they can apply in writing reports and the like. Create and use folders in storing files.
Review the content of the curriculum. Identify what part of the lesson should ICT be integrate.
Project Proceed
To have additional ICT equipments (projector, laptops and printer) for the school.
To utilize the computer Laboratory by the Each class/teacher will pupils/staff/ be given time to use administrator/ALS. the computer laboratory
Make letter of request to steak holders/LGUs/NGOs that can possibly accommodate to donate us some ICT equipments
Check computer status every now and then to maintain its speed and scan for existing viruses.