Unit 16 Analysis of Quantitative Data: Inferential Statistics Based On Nqn-Pametric Tests
Unit 16 Analysis of Quantitative Data: Inferential Statistics Based On Nqn-Pametric Tests
Unit 16 Analysis of Quantitative Data: Inferential Statistics Based On Nqn-Pametric Tests
16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Introduction Objectives Non-parametric Tests Statistical lnference Based on Non-parametric Tests: IJnrelated Samples 16.4.1 The Chi Square ( N ') Test 16.4.2 The Median Test 16.4.3 The Mann-Whitney U Test Statistical lnference Based on Non-Parametric Tests: Related Samples 16.5.1 The Sign Test 16.5.2 'The Wilcoxon Matched - Pairs Signed - Ranks 'Test Statistical lnference Regarding Correlations IJsing Non-parametric Data 16.6.1 Significance of Sprearman's Rho ( p ) Correlation Coefficient 16.6.2 Significance of Phi ($) Correlation Coefficient 16.6.3 Signifance of Contingency Coefficient (C) Let Us Sum Up Unit-end Activities Suggested'Readings
In the previous unit you learnt about the use of parametric tests in making inferences about the means computed from large and small samples. The use of Z and T tests were also explained to you for testing the significance of the difference between the means of two large and small samples. The a~vlication and use of analvsis of variance and co-variance for testing the differnce between the means of three or more samples were also discussed with the help of examples. The signifance of the Pearson's co-efficient of correlation using Fisher's Z conversion were also explained alongwith the the use of Z test for testing the signifance of the difference between Pearson's coefficients of correlation computed from two samples. In the use of parametric tests for making statistical inferences, we need to take into account certain assumptions about the nature of the population distribution, and also the type of the measurement scale used ot quantify the data. In this itnit you will learn about another category of tests which do not make stringent assumptions about the nature of the population distribution. This category of test is called distribution free or non-parametric tests. The use and applicatio~:of various of nonparametric tests involving unrelated and related samples will be explained in this unit. These would include chi-square test, median test, Man-Whitney U test. sign test and Wilcoxon-matched pairs signed-ranks test.
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
explain the nslture of non-parametric tests; state the use of non-parametric tests; draw statistical inference pertaining to unrelated samples using the: (i) chisquare test: (ii) median test; and (iii) man-whitney U test; make s;atistical inferences pertaining to related samples using the: (i) sign test and (ii) wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test; and test statistical signifance of spearman's correiation co-efficient, phi-co-efficient and contingency co-efficient.
The variables are expressed in nominal form. The data are measures which are ranked or expressed in numerical scores which have the strength of ranks.
The most frequently non-parametric tests which are used in drawing statistical inferences in case of unrelated or independent samples are: (1) chi square test; (ii) median test; and (iii) man-whitney test. The use and application of these tests are discussed below:
16.4.1 The Chi Square C u * ) Test
The chi square test is applied only to discrete data. The data that are counted rather than measured. It is a test of independence and is used to estimate the likelihood that some factor other chance accounts for the observed relationship. ' The chi square ( K) is not a measure of the degree of relationship between the
variables under study, the chi square test merely evaluates the probability that the observed relationship results from chance. The basic assumption, as in case of other statistical significance, is that the sample observations have been randomly selected. The formula for chi-square (H 2 ) is:
In which fo fe
= =
To evaluate the significance of chi square, we use the Table E of chi square presented in the Appendix with computed value of chi square and the appropriate number of degrees of freedom (do. The number of df = (r-I) (c-I) r is number of rows and c is the number of columns, in which the data are tabulated. To illustrate the use of formula, let us consider the following data based on the judgements of 390 judges.The judgements have been classified into five categories taken to represent a continuum of opinion: Categories
I I1
The hypothesis to be tested is 'equal probability hypothesis 'i-e. whether the judgments expressed in five categories differ significantly or not. For this we have t i compute the distribution of answers to be expected on the equality or null hypothesis. Since the total judgements are 350 and the number of categories is 5, the expected judgements in each category would be 35015 = 70. The data in respect of observed (fo) and expected frequencies (fe) alongwith the values (fo-fe), (fofe) 2 etc. can be arranged as under Categories Total
Observed Judgements (fo) Expected Judgements (fe)
63 70 7 49 0.70
82 70 12
93 70 23 529 7.56
57 70 13 169 350 350
55 70 15 225 3.21
(fo - fe)'
The degrees of freedom in the table may be calculated from the formula df (r-1) (c-1) to be (5-1) (2-1) or 4.
Using chi square Table E in the Appendix, we find in row df = 4, K 2of9.488 in the column headed .05. Since the obtained value of K = 15.94 is greater than the table value of 9.488, we reject the equal judgement hypothesis and conclude that judgemerrts in terms of various categories differ significantly. Suppose instead of the 'hypothesis of equality', we may wish to test the data expressed in various judgement categories against the hypothesis of a normal distribution. In that case our hypothesis may assert that the judgement frequencies which we have observed really follow the normal distribution instead of being equally probably. Using the data of the above example. we have to find out how many of the 350 (total of the categories of judgementsj may be expected to fall in each categories on the hypothesis of a normal distribution. Thesc are found by first dividing the base line of a normal curve (taken to extend over 6 o) into 5 equal segments each of 1.20 o each. From the normal table (Table A) of the Appendix, the proportion of the normal distribution to be found in each of these segments would be as follows:
-3 0
- 0.600
+ 3.00 o and +
-- 0.60
1.80 o = .0359
!fo) (fe) (fo -fe)
55 12.56 42.44
63 83.44 20.44 417.79 5.0 1
82 158.00 76 5776 36.56
93 83.44 9.56 91.39 1.10
57 12.56 44.44 1974.91 350 350
( f ~ - f e ) ~ 1801.15 (fo-fe)2 fe
64 143 -40
The value of N ,in the Table E in the Appendix is 9.488 for df = 4 in the column headed by .05, which is less than the computed N value of 343.3 1. The difference between observed and expected values is so great that the hypothesis of normal distribution of judgement categories must be rejected. Let us use chi square test to the data, which represent the number of boys and the number of girls who chose each of the three possible answers to an item on a personality inventory, to test whether the item differentiates significantly between boys and girls.
Yes No 66 66
10 7 17
14 27 41
100 190
For each of the observed frequency in the table, let us compute the expected freauencv in the followine. way:
Row 2 (Girls):
The data in respect of observed and expected frequencies are arranged in the following table. The values in parentheses within the different cells are expected frequencies.
Responses Yes No Undecided
10 (8.05) 7 (8.95) 17
100 190
14 (19.42) 27 (21.58) 41
(69.47) 132
The hypothesis to be tested is the null hypothesis namely, that the item does not differentiate between the groups of boys and girls. Using the formula of N~
The N 2criticalvalues for 2 df as given in the Table E are 5.991 and 9.210 respectively for .05 and .O1 levels of signifance and the obtained value 10.94 of K 2 is higher than these values. This indicates that the item of the personality inventory differentiate between boys and girls and'the null hypothesis is rejected.
b) Compare your answer with the one given at the end of this unit.
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2. The following table represents the number of boys and the number of girls
who choose each of the possible answers to an item in an attitude scale.
Boys Girls
25 10
30 15
10 5
25 15
10 15
Do these date indicate a significant sex difference in attitude towards this question?
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16.4.2 The Median Test
The median test is used for testing whether two independent samples differ in central tendencies. It gives information as to whether it is likely that two independent samples have been drawn from populations with the same median. It is particularly useful when even the measurements for the two samples are expressed in an ordinal scale.
In using the median test, we first calculate the combined median for all measures (scores) in both samples. Then both sets of scores at the combined median are dichotomized and the data are set in a 2 x 2 table presented below:
lsble for Use of Median Test
Group I No. of measures (scores) above combined Median No. of measures (scores) below combined Median Total A C A+C
Group.It B D B+D
Under the null hypothesis, we would expect about half of each group's (scores) to be above the combined median and about half to be below , that is, we would expect frequencies A and C to be about equal, and frequencies B and D to be about equal. In order to test this hypothesis, we calculate using the following
(A+B)(C+D)(A+C)(B+D) Let us illustrate the use of this formula with the help of the following example: Twenty male and fifteen female teacher educators of a teacher training institute were asked to express their attitude towards teacher education programmes offered through distance mode at the B. Ed. Level. Both the groups were administrated an attitude scale and common median attitude score was computed. The number of cases from both groups falling above and below the median score is shown in the
Distribution of Male and Female Teacher Educators Below and Above the Common Median Attitude Score
Below Median Female Teachers Educators Male Teachers Educators Total Using the formula for N 9 6 15
Above Median
Total 15 20 35
obtained N value of 2.044 is less than 3.84, the null hypothesis is retained and we may conclude that there is no difference in the attitude of male and female teacher educators towards teacher education programmes at the B.Ed. Level.
N, N,
number in one group number in second group sum of ranks in one group sum of ranks in second group
x 2= R
Thus only one U needs to be calculated, for the other can be easily determined by this education. bv The Z value of U can be com~uted the formula:
It does not matter which U (the larger or smaller) is used in the computation of Z. The sign of Z will depend on which U is used, but the numerical value will be identical. The following example used by Koul (1997) illustrated the application of MannWhitney U test in which a researcher wished to evaluate the effectiveness of micro-teaching and simulation in developing certain teachings skills among student-
and the group B was trained through simulation technique. After a period of two months training, the student-teachers were rated in the teaching skills by supervisors. The rating scores of the student teachers are given in table 16.1:
All rating measures are ranked from lowest to highest and the Mann-Whitney U test is used to test the null hypothesis at the .05 of significance using the formula of U, and U,.
The obtained Z value of -1.61 does not exceed the Z critical value of 1.96 at .05 level, the null hypothesis is accepted. It may be concluded that micro teaching approach and simulation technique are equally effective in developing certain teaching skills among student teachers.
Women: 22,23,25,25, 13,33,34,35,37,40,41,42,43,44,44,46,48,53,54 Do men and women differ significantly in their answers to this questionnaire? Apply Median test by taking the Median = 41.5.
....................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................
4. The performance scores of the students taught by method A and method B are given below:
Apply Mann-Whitney U test and test the significance between the performance of the students taught by method A and method B.
Various tests are used in drawing statistical inferences in case of related samples. In this section we shall confine our discussion to the use of Sign Test and Wilcoxon Matched-Paris Signed-Ranks Test Only.
Delete all such pairs for which d, = 0 Rank all the dl's without regard to sign, giving rank I to the smailesl difference d, rank 2 the next smallest, etc. If two or more dl's are of the same size, assign the same rank to such tied cases. The rank assigned would he average of the ranks which would have been assigned if the dl's had differed slightly
from each other. For example, if three pairs yield dl's of -1, -1 and +I, then
= 2, and next dl on
order would be assigned the rank of 4 because ranks 1, 2 and 3 have already been exhausted.
Indicate which ranks arose from negative dl's and which ranks arose from positive d,'s by affixing to each rank the sign of difference. Sum the ranks for the positive differences and sum the ranks for the negative differences. Under the null hypothesis we would expect the two sums to be equal. In other words, if the sum of the positive ranks equals the sum of the negative ranks, we would conclude that the treatments A and B are not different. But if the sum of the positive ranks is very much different from the sum of the negative ranks, we would infer that the treatment A differs fiom treatment B and thus we would reject the null hypothesis.
Let us illustrate the application of Wilcoxon test with the help of the following example used by Koul (1997). Suppose a group of 26 delinquent children were initially rated for their social adjustment by psychiatrist and sent to a juvenile jail. After a year they were rated again by a psychiatrist for social adjustment and then initial and final adjustment rating scores were compared. The rating data are presented in the following Table 16.2:
Table 16.2: Rating Scores of Delinquent Children
The null hmthesis that there was no difference in initial and final adiustment rating. -. * scores of the group was tested at .05 level of significance using the following formula:
in which
= number
of pairs ranked
+ 12.0 +
Since the obtained Z value of 2.95 exceeds Z critical value of 1.96 at -05 level, the null hypothesis is rejected and we may conclude that the environment in juvenile jail has considerable improved the social adjustment of delinquent children.
Check Your Progress Notes :a) Space is given below for your answer.
b) Compare your answer with the one given at the end of this unit.
List the uses of: (i) sign test and (ii) Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranked test.
The correlations which are computed from the measurements based on nominal (enumerative) and ordinal (ranking) data give rise to spearman's rho ( p ) , phi ( 4) contingence (C) coefficients. In this section, we will discuss the procedure for testing the statistical significance of these coefficients.
When the size of sample N is from 4 to 30, the interpretation is best made by the aid of Table L given in the Appendix, in which are given p coefficients significant at .05 and .O1 levels of confidence. This is a one tailed table, that is, the stated probabilities apply when the observed value of p is in the predicted direction, either positive or negative. For a one tailed test, if an observed value of p equals or exceeds the value of p shown in the Table L, the observed value is significant at the level indicated. When N is 10 or large, the significance of an obtained p under null hypothesis may tested by the formula:
The interpretation of the obtained value o f t is made with the use of Table C of the Appendix, using (N-2) degrees of freedom (df).
to K
the chi-square Table E. If K comes out to be significant for a particular level of confidence, the corresponding value of s is also significant.
This formula helps us to test the significance of the obtained value of C coefficient against the null hypothesis by first converting C to H~ . The interpretation of an obtained chi-square is made with the use of chi-square Table E. If chi-square is significant at a particular level of confidence, C is also significant. Check Your Progress
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7. The coefficient of contingency between father's eye colour and son's eye colour computed on the basis of 4 x 4 contingency table came out to be 0.46. Test its significance at .OS level.
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3. Illustrate the use of Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test with the help of
an example.
= No, K ~ 1.35
Sign test is particularly useful in the situations is which quantitative measurements is impossible or impracticable, on the basis of superior or, inferior performance. It is applicable either to the case of single sample from which observations are obtained under two experimental conditions and one wished to establish that two conditions are different or to the case of the equivalent samples in which the subjects are matched with respect to the relevant extraneous variables. direction but also magnitude of differences within pairs of matched groups.
iii Wilcoxon test is more powerful than the sign test because it tests not only