Dedicated to John the Evangelist, 1st among the 4 major basilicas of Rome Built by Constantine the Great in the 4th C. 1st church to be built in Rome Brick faced concrete, marble monolithic columns, and simple timber truss roofs Large single nave flanked by 2 side aisles on either side separated by a colonnade
This church had an octagonal floor plan 93 x 95ft and was placed directly above a cave Founded by Constantine, and his mother St. Helena over the supposed birthplace of Christ Surrounded by a high wall which encloses the precincts of the Latins, Greeks, and Armenians, who jointly own the church Has an forecourt and atrium, monolithic Corinthian columns 19 ft. high off the nave, 5 aisles, and 3 apses of the sanctuary with a martyrium St. Jerome lived and worked in Bethlehem from 384 AD, and he was buried in a cave beneath the Church of the Nativity
Erected in the 6th C,. serves a model for the Hagia Sophia and San Vitale The masonry uses bricks sunk in thick beds of mortar The building is an octagon inscribed in an irregular quadrilateral surmounted by an umbrella dome, which stands on 8 pillars Inside the edifice there is a 2-story colonnade which bears an inscription dedicated to the Emperor, Theodora, and St Sergius, the patronst of the soldiers of the Roman army The lower story has 16 columns, while the upper has 18 Many of the capitals still bear the monograms of Justinian and Theodora
Modeled in its plan after Justinian's Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople The chapel had served since the 9th C. as a martyrium Holds the relics of St. Mark brought to Venice from Alexandria in 828
In the 4th C., St Gregory saw a vision in which Christ descended from the heavens, and struck the ground with a golden hammer to level it. In its place he saw the site where Hripsim was martyred. In the vision, Christ tells him to erect a memorial to Hripsme in the given place
Has a 4 apsed cross-arms radiating from the domed center separated by cylindrical diagonal niches Has withstood numerous earthquakes due to the use of the walls v-shaped niches The dome supports are able to hold a balanced share of the weight, leaving the squinches less liable to crack or break 12 ribs reinforce the dome, enabling it to be constructed of a lighter and thinner Roman concrete faced with ashlar masonry