City Mall Project Report
City Mall Project Report
City Mall Project Report
City mall
June 1
Project Report
Year 2012
I took my management training of 45days from 01-06-2012 to 15-07-2012 at CITY MALL OF KOTA , KOTA which is a govt. of India enterprises. According to the rule of university of Rajasthan towards the fulfillment of 2 years degree course of MBA . We are supposed to go training of 45days after 1ST year.
The object of practical training in management filed is to co-relate the theory with practical knowledge & to make student familiar with industrial environment.
I have been fortunate to get practical training in such a industry which has been continuous by climbing the Dadder of development utilizing the latest technology .Here I could knowledge of various equipment which are tested & calibrated in the enterprise. My report that follow is the summary of all the knowledge that I gained additional.
First of all I wish to express my sincere thanks to the Rajasthan Technical University, which introduce the scheme of providing management training for management student during the 2 year course of MBA. With the drastic development of communication & speedy industrializations of the country I consider myself to fortunate to have undergone management training in CITY MALL OF KOTA , KOTA. I am very thankful to Mr. Kamal Kishor Sharma (Security Manager of City Mall of Kota, Kota) & other concerned person of City Mall, Kota for their guidance, constant encouragement, strong support & kind help of understand many management aspects in my training period.
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For the generation next, the City Mall will be the Mecca of entertainment and recreation, where fun, food and frolic will co-exist under the same roof, together with an enriching shopping experience. The four-story construction of the mall will cover a built-up area of around 2,60,000 sq ft, well embellished with stunning interior design and dazzling decoration. The ground, first and second floors will be covered by Big Bazaar and variety of showrooms, while the third and fourth floor will comprise of four cinema screens, which will be complemented with restaurants, amusement corners and food court. With brands like MC Donald's, Fun Multiplex, Levi's, Domino's Pizza, Cafe Bollywood, Pepe Jeans, Fundoo Zone, Adidas, Cafe Coffee Day, etc. it would be a destination everyone would prefer. Shopping Arcade Conveniently spread over 4 floors. Shopping space spread over a large area of 2.60 lac sq. ft. 45,000 sq. ft. of anchor store across 3 floors by Pantaloons - BIG BAZAAR Various sizes of kiosks and showrooms ranging from 150 sq. ft. to 1500 sq. ft.
Vibrant, colorful, attractive, fashionable, trendy, exotic, mystical and the list goes on. It is impossible to narrate the incredible shopping experience at City mall in words. It will only be felt and appreciated when actually visited. A haven for shopaholics offering irresistible choices from branded apparels to designer jewellery from furniture to fashion accessories and from exclusive western outfits to celebrated kota-doria saris. Being an ideal retreat for every shopper the retailers at City mall can never sit idle.
Temptation the sinful delight Indulge yourself in the world of aromas that tantalize, the exquisite presentation that is feast for the eyes and savory flavors that titillate the taste buds. Food that ranges from Indian, Chinese, Continental and Italian to American fast food, thus drawing all type of consumers invariably. Infinite variety of Foods that can satiate your appetite but not your yearning. So stop pondering, submit to the temptation and relish the guilt. The feast at City mall grows perpetually and so does the profits.
Food Courts
Spread over an area of 6000 sq. ft. Large multi cuisine food court with 200 person seating capacity. A coffee lounge on the ground floor to relax and rejuvenate.
Theatres by India's leading multiplex chain, Fun cinema of Zee group. 4 screening halls with total seating capacity of 950 persons. Ticketing facility on the ground floor. Spread over an area of 30,000 sq. Ft.
Entertainment Zone
Covers an area of 6,000 sq. ft. Encouraging footfall of the youth with Bowling Alley, Virtual reality games and Billiard's court.
Open plaza on ground floor with fountains and sit outs accompanied by beautiful landscaping.
ARG Group
Established in 1989, ARG group is a renowned name in real estate business. It has offered the citizens of Jaipur numerous residential and commercial complexes of finest quality, and also established itself successfully in other parts of India. Their creations have received huge appreciation and recognition from the fraternity of investors, buyers and retailers. The group has achieved greater heights under the competent leadership of Mr. Atmaram Gupta, who is a Chartered Accountant by profession and education. The Governor of Rajasthan has awarded him a First ISO 9001:2000 certification in the Builders and Developers Segment and his contribution to society and business is unparalleled. The group has recently launched its Mega Multiplex and Mall at Gwalior City, a project spread over a huge area of 3,00,000 sq. fts. named as Dindayal City Mall, Gwalior, wherein most of the international brands have signed for leasing arrangements.
Pandya Group
PANDYA group the proficient pioneers of the grand Kota City Mall project have diversified business establishments dealing with Petrol pumps, Vehicle finance, Hostels and Real Estate. The group has its roots dating back to 1860 and has since then achieved numerous milestones. The ventures undertaken by the group have success stories
which are a reflection of its farsightedness, profound business acumen and commitment. Today the group is growing from strength to strength under the dynamic leadership of father son duo, Mr. Devendra Kumar Pandya and Mr. Virendra Pandya. Being a trendsetter, the Pandya Group is once again all set to create a landmark for the Kota city with their latest venture KOTA CITY MALL...
Company Profile
Project Profile
I have completed my summer internship in city mall, Kota. In my training time I have got followed security services management in Summer Hungama 2012 . Mr Kamal Kishor Sharma is a security manager of City Mall, Kota. He manages the all security services in City Mall. I am very thankful to him . I have learnt many skills and protection arts by Mr Kamal Kishor Sharma sir. He manages many departments in city mall, kota
Security Services
We specialize in providing a wide set of Security Services to our prestigious clients of city mall. Our clients can avail services of security guards, personal bodyguards/VIP protection, armed escort services, event security management, dog squads and trained lift men from us. Furthermore, we have the option to provide our clients with single man guarding contract to a malls security team. Each of our guards possess licensed arms and are well-trained to handle all kinds of emergency situations. Mall Security Guards Event Security Management Services Personal Body Guards/ VIP Protection Security Guard Industrial Securities
Security Guard
We provide active and trained Security Guard to our esteemed clients. Our management makes sure to conduct a thorough verification procedure to check the background of these guards. Trained to be alert, these security guards are capable of protecting our clients from all kinds of dangers and threats. These services are highly demanded by businessmen, VIPs, corporate houses and residential societies.
Industrial Securities
Our industrial security personnel deter, detect, observe and report pilferage and keep the assets and premises safe. These security personnel are ever in a state of preparedness to handle any sensitive issue rapidly. They swing to action immediately and seek resolution they are trained to handle delicate and volatile situations , riot control, crowd control, stampede situations in case of fire or otherwise and reroute unruly crowds many are drawn from defense backgrounds and hence are efficient disciplined and commanding , invoking respect and obedience
Research Methodology
Hiring Standards
We began the survey by asking mall security directors about qualifications for hiring new employees. Nearly half of respondents said they had education standards, most often a high school diploma or GED; very few malls required advanced education of new hires (see Table 6). About one in three respondents said that they had experience requirements including prior law enforcement, military, or security experience and/or state certification. Less than one in ten indicated that they had age requirements, and about the same proportion said they had other requirements, including a valid drivers license or clean driving record.
We also asked respondents whether they required background checks on new employees. Nearly all respondents said they required criminal background checks, while slightly more than half required drug tests as well (see Table 7).
Participants were asked how many hours of training new employees receive. Training averaged about a week (mean = 45.1 hours; median = 40 hours). The vast majority of new employee training was either done in-house (50%) or by the parent security company organization (31%). Local government entities (police, fire, or state/county officials) together conducted training at 17% of the sites (see Table 1 in Appendix A for further detail).
When asked if employees receive special training on preventing and responding to terrorism, just over half (52%) of the security directors responded affirmatively. When asked to indicate which areas are incorporated into their antiterrorism training, the directors most commonly cited working with first responders (46%). Another 43% mentioned securing the scene after an attack, 41% identified access control, 40% said responding to changes in national alert levels, and 34% indicated identifying terrorists (see Table 8). Other areas identified by smaller numbers of security directors included training in weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and evacuation procedures.
Antiterrorism training was provided in-house according to 28% of security directors. The remainder said that the training was conducted by a variety of sources, most commonly law enforcement or fire personnel, trainers from parent security organizations, consultants, or homeland security (for a breakdown, see Table 2 in Appendix A). Just over one in three respondents (38%) believed that their malls antiterrorism training was adequate. Exactly half believed it was inadequate, and the rest were not sure.
Changes in Hiring Standards, Training, and Spending on Security Since 9/11 We asked the security directors how much had changed since 9/11/2001. It turned out that remarkably little had changed (see Table 9). Only 6% of respondents said that hiring standards were more stringent since 9/11 and just one in ten said that additional background verification was being required since 9/11. Those who did have additional requirements indicated that they now conducted more thorough checks or ran drug checks (see Table 3 in Appendix A).
Similarly, just 16% of the security directors said that their budgets had increased beyond the rate of inflation since 2001. Those who indicated an increase in expenditures said that the increased funds had been spent on new technology (better communication or CCTV systems), increased manpower, developing emergency response plans, or performing risk assessments (see Tables 4 through 4d in Appendix A).
Prevention Strategies
The next section of the survey asked respondents about protective measures they may have taken to reduce the likelihood of a terrorist attack. These included the development of security goals and objectives, human surveillance strategies, access control, and technology. Slightly over one in three (37%) of the security directors said that they had developed a set of goals and objectives with respect to protection from terrorist attack. One in four said that they had specific performance measures to define whether they were meeting those goals.
Patrol strategies
Few malls (34%) ever used undercover staff as part of their surveillance strategy, and most of these did so only occasionally. But about half (49%) of the respondents said that their staff were instructed to be on the lookout for unusual behavior or dress of mall clients. The kinds of things security staff were instructed to look for included generally suspicious behavior, taking photos or notes of the facilities, suspicious clothing (extra bulky), and large or otherwise unusual packages (see Table 10).
Almost all respondents said that their malls had well-defined policies on what to do when security guards encountered a suspicious person. In most cases, the encouraged response was to continue surveillance and/or report to a supervisor or law enforcement, if required (see Table 11). About one in ten respondents said that their policy was to have staff approach and talk to the suspicious individual to gain better information on what they were doing.
Nearly two in three (63%) security directors said that their patrol and surveillance strategies had changed since 9/11. The most frequent changes were to increase the visibility of security officers, instruct officers to be alert for suspicious individuals, and pay more attention to cars and delivery trucks coming into the mall (see Table 12).
Access control.
We asked respondents whether they had plans to restrict access to sensitive areas of the mall in case of a change in the national threat advisory system or a specific threat. Six in ten answered affirmatively. Nearly the same proportion (56%) said that they had developed or reviewed plans to keep potential wrong-doers from breaching sensitive areas since 9/11.
We asked the security directors about whether they employed technology to make their malls more secure. Half of the security directors said that their mall had a CCTV system (see Table 13). The vast majority of these systems (81%) were used to monitor events in real time. Three in ten malls had installed bollards, or passive barriers, to prevent vehicles from breaching the entrance. Fifteen percent of malls reported employing explosive detection technology or bomb-sniffing dogs, while one in ten had installed technology to clean the air inside the mall of smoke or other contaminants. Very small percentages of malls had installed window film or explosive resistant trash cans (4%) or equipment to detect biological or chemical agents (1%).
Emergency Preparedness
Three out of four (73%) security directors reported that they had developed written protocols for security staff to follow in the event of a disaster. The same proportion reported that these plans included coordination and communication with local law enforcement, fire, and medical first responders. A much smaller number (3 in 10) had held exercises to rehearse emergency protocols with first responders. Most commonly, the exercises were held with local police or fire departments. Other malls conducted exercises with EMTs, Red Cross, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), or FBI staff (see Table 14).
Survey respondents reported that their local police were more involved with security in their malls than were the state homeland security advisors. As Table 16 shows, two in three mall security directors characterized their local police as being at least somewhat involved in their security planning. Nearly half (44%) of mall security directors stated that law enforcement officials regularly shared key intelligence with them, and another 34% said that information was sometimes shared. About one in three (36%) security directors said that their relations with local law enforcement had become closer since 9/11.
By a large majority (63%), mall security officials would welcome greater involvement of their state DHS and law enforcement officials in security planning. (In fact, 80% had invited local police to patrol or set up a mini station in the mall.) Survey respondents felt that public officials could assist them sharing more key intelligence (40%), by conducting risk assessments or developing emergency management plans (33%), or helping to train security officers (27%). Nearly three in four mall security directors (72%) also felt that there were specific things that the federal DHS could do to make malls safer. What most respondents wanted was help with training and better sharing of threat intelligence. Others sought more funding for equipment or help with developing emergency plans (see Table 17).
Security directors believed that, if a terrorist attack came, it would most likely take the form of a bomb blast in the interior of a mall (see Figure 6). Small numbers of respondents also feared a car bomb, attack with small arms, or a biological or chemical attack.
Slightly more than one in three security directors (38%) believed that implementing additional security measures was critical. The most common measures sought involved new equipment to better monitor the mall or to protect it from car bombs (see Table 18). Some respondents also thought more funds for training were important. Just 16% of security directors who articulated critical measures said that those needs were being addressed, and three-quarters of these respondents said this was due to lack of funds.