Asistensi PE1 Ke 9
Asistensi PE1 Ke 9
Asistensi PE1 Ke 9
com Topik: Eksternalitas, Public Goods, Pasar Faktor Produksi (Ch 16-18, Parkin 10th ed)
2007/2008, 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2011/2012 1. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan derived demand dalam pasar tenaga kerja? The demand for a factor of production is a derived demandit is derived from the demand for the goods that it is used to produce. The firms demand for labor depends on The price of the firms output The prices of other factors of production Technology
Pasar tenaga kerja terbentuk karena ada permintaan dari produsen yang butuh labor untuk memproduksi barang dan jasanya. Jadi, permintaan labor sangat tergantung dengan jumlah produksi perusahaan. Perusahaan mempekerjakan labor yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi Q yang dapat memaksimumkan profit. Keputusan jumlah labor adalah dengan membandingkan biaya mempekerjakan tambahan 1 pekerja dengan manfaat yang diterima perusahaan melalui value of marginal product (harga output x marginal product dari labor)
2009/2010 2. Jelaskan bagaimana pengaruh labor union dalam pasar tenaga kerja! Apakah labor union tersebut mendatangkan peningkatan kesejahteraan bagi para dokter dan buruh? Influences on Labor Supply One way of raising the wage rate is to decrease the supply of labor. In some labor markets, a union can restrict supply by controlling entry into apprenticeship programs or by influencing job qualification standards. Markets for skilled workers, doctors, dentists, and lawyers are the easiest ones to control in this way.
If there is an abundant supply of nonunion labor, a union cant decrease supply. For example, in the market for farm labor in southern California, the flow of nonunion labor from Mexico makes it difficult for a union to control the supply. On the demand side of the labor market, the union faces a tradeoff: The demand for labor curve slopes downward, so restricting supply to raise the wage rate costs jobs. For this reason, unions also try to influence the demand for union labor.
Influences on Labor Demand A union tries to increase the demand for the labor of its members in four main ways: 1. Increasing the value of marginal product of its members by organizing and sponsoring training schemes and apprenticeship programs, and by professional certification. 2. Lobbying for import restrictions and encouraging people to buy goods made by unionized workers. 3. Supporting minimum wage laws, which increase the cost of employing low-skilled labor and lead firms to substitute high-skilled union labor for low-skilled nonunion labor. 4. Lobbying for restrictive immigration laws to decrease the supply of foreign workers.
Unions try to restrict the supply for union labor and raise the wage rate. But this action also decreases the quantity of labor
Buruh dan dokter adalah labor untuk produksi barang yang berbeda struktur pasarnya. Buruh merupakan labor di pasar persaingan sempurna sedangkan dokter adalah labor di pasar monopoli. Dampaknya, kurva demand of labor dan supply of labornya berbeda. Demand buruh lebih elastis, demand dokter lebih inelastis. Supply buruh lebih elastis, dokter lebih inelastis 2009/2010 3. Dengan menggunakan analisis efek substitusi dan efek pendapatan, coba jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan backward bending labor supply curve! 2007/2008, 2008/2009, 2011/2012 4. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan backward bending labor supply curve dalam kaitannya antara upah dan alokasi waktu tenaga kerja? The substitution effect
describes how a person responds to an increasing opportunity cost of leisure. The person reduces the amount of leisure and
increases the quantity of labor supplied. Leisure is a normal good, and the income effect
describes how a person responds to a higher wage rate. The person increases the quantity of leisure and decreases the quantity of labor supplied. Saat tingkat gaji rendah, SE > IE, sehingga peningkatan tingkat gaji akan meningkatkan jumlah jam kerja. Saat gaji rendah, tidak bekerja adalah tambahan biaya untuk melakukan leisure sehingga individu akan bekerja sehingga jika gaji naik semakin besar opprotunity cost tidak bekerja dan memilih untuk bekerja.
Saat tingkat gaji tinggi, IE > SE, peningkatan tingkat gaji akan menurunkan jumlah jam kerja. Saat gaji tinggi, konsumsi akan tinggi termasuk konsumsi leisure. The labor supply curve slopes upward at low wage rates but eventually bends backward at high wage rates.
2010/2011 5. Jika pasar output dan pasar input (tenaga kerja) adalah pasar persaingan sempurna: a. Tunjukkanlah bagaimana perusahaan menentukan jumlah tenaga kerja yang akan digunakan untuk mencapai keuntungan maksimum? VMPL (value of the marginal product of labor) dan tingkat gaji secara bersama-sama menentukan jumlah labor yang diminta perusahaan. karena VMPL menurun seiring dengan peningkatan labor (ingat kembali ada law of marginal product penambahan labor pada titik tertentu akan menurunkan tambahan produk yang dihasilkan), jumlah labor yang diminta adalah saat VMPL = tingkat gaji (jika di pasar output, MR=MC) VMPL = revenue that the firm earns by hiring one more worker. Tingkat gaji = an additional worker costs a firm. Jika VMPL > tingkat gaji profit dapat meningkat dengan menambah labor tambah labor Jika VMPL < tingkat gaji profit dapat meningkat dengan mengurangi labor (karena labor sekarang menjadi cost / beban saja) kurangi labor b. Faktor-faktor apa yang menggeser kurva permintaan tenaga kerja? The Law of Demand (Movements along the demand curve for labor) The quantity of labor demanded by a firm decreases if the wage rate increases dan increases if the wage rate decreases
(Shifts in the demand curve for labor) A firms demand for labor
Decreases if 1. The price of the firms output decreases 2. The price of a substitute for labor falls 3. The price of a complement of labor rises 4. A new technology or new capital decreases the marginal product of labor Increase if 1. The price of the firms output increases 2. The price of a substitute for labor rises 3. The price of a complement of labor falls 4. A new technology or new capital increases the marginal product of labor
c. Faktor-faktor apa pula yang akan menggeser kurva penawaran tenaga kerja? Faktor-faktor yang menggeser kurva penawaran (Mankiw): 1. Changes in tastes : labor partisipation rate perempuan meningkat 2. Changes in alternative opportunities : tingkat gaji yang berbeda antar pasar output 3. Migrasi PASAR FAKTOR PRODUKSI YANG LAIN
Eksternalitas dan Barang Publik Tujuan bab ini: how to analyze the impact of negative or positive externality on the market allocation of resources, as well as the governments ability to enhance efficiency: 1. Cost externalities cause social costs to be under appreciated by resource allocation decision makers in the market, creating too much of the activity creating the externality to be produced. 2. Benefit externalities cause social benefits to be under appreciated by resource allocation decision makers in the market, creating too little of the activity creating the externality to be produced. 3. There are some correcting policies that the government can use to increase efficiency, but some are more effective than others.
optimal suatu barang yang memiliki eksternalitas negatif (misalnya: polusi), bila
perusahaan memperhitungkan biaya sosial (social cost). Bandingkanlah produksi tersebut tingkat dengan biaya
eksternalitas negatif, output yang di produksi menjadi lebih sedikit dan dengan harga yang lebih tinggi
2007/2008, 2008/2009, 2011/2012 7. Jelaskan dengan ringkas namun lengkap apa yang dimaksud dengan kegagalan pasar, eksternalitas, dan barang publik. Berikan pula contoh-contoh eksternalitas dan barang publik yang Anda ketahui! An externality arises when a person engages in an activity that influences the well-being of a bystander but neither pays nor receives any compensation for that effect. If the impact on the bystander is adverse, it is called a negative externality. If it is beneficial, it is called a positive externality.
2009/2010 8. Menurut Anda kebijakan apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk dapat mengurangi produksi barang yang memiliki eksternalitas negatif dan mendorong produksi barang yang memiliki eksternalitas positif?
2011/2012 9. Dapatkah Anda jelaskan pula secara ringkas peran atau kebijakan
Pemerintah dalam kaitannya dengan eksternalitas tersebut? There are three main methods that the government uses to cope with external costs: 1. Taxes pigovian tax The government can set a tax equal marginal external cost. The effect of such a tax is to make marginal private cost plus the tax equal to marginal social cost, dan barang publik
MC + tax = MSC. 2. Emission charges: The government sets a price per unit of pollution, so that the more a firm pollutes, the higher are its emissions charges. 3. Cap-and-trade: Each firm is assigned a permitted amount of pollution per period and firms trade permits. The market price of a permit confronts polluters with the social marginal cost of their actions and leads to an efficient outcome. Eksternalitas positif: Subsidi untuk menggeser marginal private benefit ke kanan Three devices that the government can use to achieve a more efficient allocation of resources in the presence of external benefits are
Public production: Under public production, a public authority that receives payment from the government produces the good or service.
Private subsidies: A subsidy is a payment by the government to private producers. If the government pays the producer an amount equal to the marginal external benefit, the quantity produced is efficient.
Vouchers: A voucher is a token that the government provides to households, which they can use to buy specified goods or services.
2010/2011 10. Jelaskan perbedaan antara positive externalities dan negative externalities! Negative externalities: an externality that arises from either production or consumption and that imposes an external cost.
Positive externalities: An externality that arises from either production or consumption and that creates an external benefit.
2010/2011 11. Berdasarkan jawaban diatas, jelaskan perbedaan antara private cost dengan social cost dan private benefit dengan social benefit! Gambarkan kurva-kurva yang relevan untuk memperjelas jawaban anda!
Marginal private cost (MC) is the private cost of producing one more unit of a good or service. An external cost of production is a cost that is not borne by the producer but is borne by others. Marginal external cost is the cost of producing one more unit of a good or service that falls on people other than the producer. Marginal social cost (MSC) is the marginal cost incurred by the entire societyby the producer and by everyone else on whom the cost falls. MSC = MC + Marginal external cost