How The Grinch Stole Christmas Freebie
How The Grinch Stole Christmas Freebie
How The Grinch Stole Christmas Freebie
ask and answer ques@ons such as who, what, when, where, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key ideas in text use informa@on gained from the illustra@ons and words in a print of digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, seDng, plot recount stories and determine their central message, lesson, or moral describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges retell a story beginning, middle, and end use adjec@ves
The children get to do this AFTER they nish the wri@ng parts. J a liLle mo@va@on to nish. I cut paLerns for the head. I cut one paLern for each of my 5 pods. My students sit at tables instead of desks (LOVE it) and the tables are called pods. For the paLerns, I use the back of wri@ng tablets. The paper is the perfect weight. For the hats, I cut a triangle paLern from old manila folders. On the tray, I also put rectangles of black and yellow so the children can cut ovals for the eyes, rectangles for the eyebrows, and coLon bolls for the hat. Students use the correct math vocabulary for the shapes. One student from each pod gets a tray and other students pick up the black 11 x 17 paper and the 9x12 paper for the hats, and a boLle of glue for the coLon bolls.
These look great hanging in the hallway! Enjoy and Happy Holidays,
Dixie Pearls!
Name________________________& &
I feel like a Grinch when_________ ___________________________. Here are my favorite Grinch adjectives: 1._______ 4.______ 7.______ 2._______ 3.______ 5._______ 8._______ 6.______ 9.______
Name___________________& &