Water Content of High Pressure Natural Gas
Water Content of High Pressure Natural Gas
Water Content of High Pressure Natural Gas
Main author Torbjrn Vegard Lkken StatoilHydro Research Centre N-7005 Trondheim Norway [email protected] Co-authors Anita Berss Kjersti Omdahl Christensen Cecilie Fjeld Nygaard Even Solbraa All from StatoilHydro
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Knowledge related to precipitation and transport of water, ice, hydrate or an aqueous phase in pipelines and process equipment are of great importance to the natural gas industry. Such phase behaviour can e.g. lead to blockages or corrosion of equipment, and need to be kept under control from well to the end consumer. This work covers four of the most important topics related to water dew point control in natural gas. Methods for water dew point control (dehydration and analysis) and general phase behaviour of natural gas with water and other trace components (e.g. glycols) Operational challenges related to water and trace components in natural gas seen from a gas producers point of view New experimental data for water content in natural gas in stable equilibrium with liquid water, ice and natural gas hydrate Evaluation of existing methods and presentation of an accurate thermodynamic model for calculation of equilibrium water vapour concentration and dew point of natural gas
The equilibrium water content in methane and a natural gas has been measured in the temperature range -20 to 20C and pressures up to 150 bar. The experimental data is presented as the water content in equilibrium with the most stable phase (water, ice or hydrate) at the experimental temperature and pressure. A review of published methods (graphical-, empirical- and thermodynamic models) for the calculation of equilibrium water content in natural gas is presented. The model suggested and used in this work is based on the Cubic Plus Association Equation of State (CPA-EoS) combined with thermodynamic models for the ice and gas hydrate phase. This model is shown to give excellent result, both for the calculation of equilibrium water content of natural gas, water dew point-, natural gas hydrate- and ice precipitation temperature as well as the aqueous dew points. The model is compared to the ISO 18453 developed for water dew point calculation of natural gas, and shown to be superior when it comes to extrapolation of pressure, temperature and gas composition. An accurate chart for graphical reading of water content of a sweet natural gas is presented. The method and data presented in this paper can be used in design of water removal processes. This paper present phase behaviour of natural gas with focus on saturation points and phase behaviour for water and selected trace components. The phase behaviour will be related to the various water removal processes used for dew point control of natural gas. The paper describes why various water related saturation points have to be considered in design and operation of gas production and transport systems. Experience related to the precipitation of water, hydrate, ice or an aqueous phase in process equipment and pipelines are presented. This work presents and discusses experiences from selected gas processing plants in operation where precipitation of water, ice- or hydrate has created operational disturbances. The experience from these situations is compared to the results from the experimental and modelling work.
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1 2
3 Experience from operation related to water precipitation and dew point control .......................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Ice/hydrate formation and blockages in process related to low temperature propane storage ................................................................................................................... 11 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Solid precipitation in cryogenic process equipment ............................................... 12 Challenges related to water dew point analysis .................................................... 13 Aqueous film condensation in gas transport pipelines ............................................ 13 Water content specifications of natural gas .......................................................... 14
4.2 Published data for water content and water dew point of methane and natural gas mixtures.................................................................................................................. 17
5.3 General comparison of the GERG-water EoS and the CPA-EoS for water dew point estimation ............................................................................................................... 22
7.1.1 7.1.2
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Comparison of CPA-EoS and GERG-water EoS to experimental data ........................ 32 Comparison of the experimental data to empirical correlation and chart based methods34 Evaluation of model and data to plant operation data ............................................ 35
8 9
Reference list ............................................................................................... 38 Symbols and abbreviations........................................................................... 40 List of Tables ................................................................................................ 42 List of Figures............................................................................................... 43
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Natural gas always contains water in varying amounts dependent on upstream conditions. This water is naturally present in the gas, originating from the reservoir. Alternative sources can be water saturation in various gas processing operations (e.g. acid gas removal). Water in natural gas can create problems during transportation and processing, of which the most severe is the formation of gas hydrates or ice which may block pipelines, process equipment and instruments. Corrosion of materials in contact with natural gas and condensed water is also a common problem in the oil and gas industry. Natural gas reservoir temperature and pressure conditions are typically in the range 100 to 1000 bar and from 50 to 200C. Pipeline operating conditions are usually at pressures up to 250 bar and in the temperature range 20 to 50C. Temperatures during LNG processing can typically be as low as -180C. Accurate measurements and calculations of the maximum water vapour concentration in natural gas at all these conditions are of great importance to the natural gas industry. Accurate experimental data and methods for calculating the water vapour concentration in natural gas in equilibrium with condensed water, an aqueous phase, ice or hydrate are necessary in various situations. Such knowledge is the basis for the requirements of a drying process, or as a tool for trouble shooting in real process plants. This paper will present new data and modelling of the equilibrium concentration of water vapour in high pressure natural gas, and relate it to experience from disturbances observed in some of our gas processing plants. The water vapour concentration and dew point specifications of pipeline gas and LNG will be evaluated and the need for accuracy of equipment for online water content analysis will be discussed. 2.1 Dehydration of natural gas
Three of the most common methods for dehydration of natural gas are physical absorption using glycols, adsorption on solids (e.g. molecular sieve/silica gel) and condensation by a combination of cooling and chemical injection (ethylene glycol/methanol). Triethylene glycol (TEG) dehydration is the most frequent method used to meet pipeline sales specifications. Adsorption processes are used to obtain very low water vapour concentration (0.1 ppm or less) required in low temperature processing such as deep NGL extraction and LNG plants. Some relatively new processes for dehydration involve applying isentropic cooling and separation using high centrifugal forces in supersonic gas flow [1]. To estimate the limits of such techniques it is important to have models that can calculate water vapour concentration in equilibrium with hydrate, ice and water in natural gas at operational temperature and pressure. A distinct difference between the chemical based (e.g. glycol absorption) and the non-chemical based (e.g. adsorption) dehydration techniques is that the chemical based techniques will saturate the gas with chemicals at operational conditions. Both techniques can in principle remove almost all the water from the gas, but the phase behaviour of the natural gas leaving the processes will be different. Even though chemicals used for absorption in general will have low vapour pressure and relatively small amounts will condense per cubic meter gas, the effect of condensation has to be considered in design of pipelines and process equipment. In the following list, we have given some definitions of water related dew points that will be used throughout this paper. Definitions: Water dew point temperature The highest temperature, at a specified pressure, where water spontaneously can condense from the natural gas
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Aqueous dew point temperature The highest temperature, at a specified pressure, where a solution of water and trace chemicals (e.g. monoethylene- and triethylene glycol) can spontaneously condense from the natural gas Frost point temperature The highest temperature, at a specified pressure, where ice can spontaneously precipitate from natural gas Hydrate point temperature The highest temperature, at a specified pressure, where natural gas hydrate can spontaneously form in a gas mixture Maximum water precipitation temperature - The highest temperature, at a specified pressure, where water can spontaneously precipitate in any form (liquid water, aqueous solution, ice or hydrate) in a gas mixture Glycol freezing point The highest temperature, at specified pressure, where solid glycol can spontaneously precipitate 2.1.1 Phase behaviour of dehydrated natural gas
Adsorption of water on solid surfaces such as molecular sieves and silica gel are commonly used to remove water in natural gas to very low levels. Such solid adsorbent based processes can also be designed to remove traces of chemicals such as TEG and MEG from the natural gas. In the treated natural gas the content of chemicals will normally be too low to influence the precipitation of water. For such a case water will precipitate directly as liquid water (with insignificant traces of chemicals), ice or natural gas hydrate. Dependent on temperature, pressure and water vapour concentration, the maximum water precipitation temperature will correspond either to the water dew point, the frost point or the hydrate point. In a conservative design the specification of water vapour concentration should be based on this maximum precipitation temperature, and not the traditional water dew point temperature. Accurate conversion between water vapour concentration and precipitation temperature is therefore crucial. In Figure 1 the typical phase behaviour of a natural gas is illustrated, where water has been removed in an adsorption process. The water content in the gas is 40 ppm(mole) and does not have any traces of chemicals. For this gas the hydrate saturation line appears at higher temperatures than the equivalent lines for ice and sub cooled water. In a cooling process though, ice and liquid water (sub cooled) can be formed before hydrates because of the relative slow kinetics of hydrate formation. It is often discussed if hydrates can form directly from the gas phase. Even though the process is expected to be kinetically slow, direct hydrate formation can occur from a thermodynamic point of view. In this work we have not looked into proving if this can happen, but in design we would generally use the highest temperature where water, ice or hydrate can precipitate, i.e. the maximum water precipitation temperature. As we can see from Figure 1, natural gas hydrate will generally be the first thermodynamically stable phase that can precipitate in the whole pressure range. If the water content in the gas is higher, we can have pressure regions where water or ice can precipitate at higher temperature than gas hydrate. Sufficient dehydration is commonly achieved by contacting the natural gas with a triethylene glycol (TEG) solution at high pressure and relatively low temperature (typically 50-100 bar and 20-40C). The treated natural gas from a TEG contactor will be at its aqueous dew point downstream the glycol absorber; hence it is saturated with TEG and water. It is a good approximation that the treated gas is in thermodynamic equilibrium with the lean TEG. A typical lean TEG composition is 99wt% TEG and 1wt% water. If the treated gas temperature decreases, a solution of water and TEG will start to condense from the natural gas. At absorber operating pressure, the first droplet that is formed will have the same composition as the lean TEG. The aqueous dew point at glycol absorber operation pressure is therefore equal to the temperature of the gas leaving the absorber. TEG will work as a hydrate inhibitor in the condensed phase.
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Because water has a much higher vapour pressure than TEG, water will dilute the TEG in the condensed phase when the temperature is reduced below the aqueous dew point. If the temperature is further reduced below the aqueous dew point, the TEG in the aqueous phase will be diluted with water, and the aqueous phase approaches its hydrate, frost or TEG freezing point.
Hydrocarbon dew point
Hydrocarbon buble point water dew point frost point hydrate point
Temperature [C]
Figure 1: Phase behaviour of natural gas with traces of water (40 ppm(mole)), NG composition (mole): 85 % C1, 10 % C2, 4 % C3, 0.5 % nC4, 0.5 % iC4 In Figure 2 the phase behaviour of a gas with 85mol% methane and hydrocarbons up to nC4 with traces of water (40 ppm) and TEG (0.5 ppm) is illustrated. The thermodynamic model developed in this work and described in the coming chapters has been used to generate the saturation lines in the figure. In making the figure, absorber operating conditions of 80 bar and 30C have been assumed. As can be seen, the aqueous dew point line crosses this operational condition at 80 bar and 30C. It is important to note that entrainment of TEG (droplets or aerosol) is neglected in making this figure. The calculated frost point and hydrate point is influenced by the inhibiting effect of TEG in the aqueous film. TEG freezes at about -6 C at pressures up to 80 bar (the freezing point of pure TEG is -6C at atmospheric conditions). At higher pressure the TEG freezing point is reduced due to water dilution of the aqueous TEG phase. The various calculated saturation lines after dehydration with TEG are shown in Figure 2. The aqueous dew point line will generally show a different curvature than traditional water dew point lines (Figure 1). The reason for the curvature of the aqueous dew point line is that the solubility of vapour TEG in the gas phase increases with increased pressure (for pressures higher than about 20 bar). The equilibrium water vapour concentration in natural gas generally decreases when the pressure increases. As seen from Figure 1, condensation of water can be avoided by reducing the pressure at constant temperature. This is not necessarily the case for the aqueous dew point. Depending on the operating point, decreased pressure might lead to condensation of an aqueous phase.
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Even though analyses of trace amounts of water vapour in different gases have been performed for more than 50 years, this still is one of the most demanding trace gas analyses. One reason for this is the high polarity of water, making it extremely adsorptive. Consequently surfaces regarded as dry is usually coated with a thin film of moisture [2]. Also the fact that water is omnipresent makes trace analysis a challenge, with the potential for background signals from the surroundings. High pressure natural gas often with traces of production chemicals and condensable hydrocarbons add another level of analytical challenge. Many different techniques exist for quantitative determination of low levels of water vapour in gases. Descriptions of these techniques and their advantages and disadvantages are documented by several authors [3], [4], [5]. The most common water vapour measuring devices used in the oil and natural gas industry are capacitor sensors (aluminium oxide or silicium oxide based), piezoelectric sensors or chilled mirror apparatus. Capacitor based water dew point determination is still by far the most used technique in StatoilHydro when it comes to online analysers. The amount of water vapour in natural gas has traditionally been referred to as a dew point or frost point temperature. Moreover the term dew point is often used as a general term, without distinguishing between dew point and frost point. When using the chilled mirror technique this
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dew point or frost point is directly read from the instrument as the mirror temperature when the first trace of condensed water or ice is observed. Capacitor based water dew point sensors do not directly measure the water dew point or frost point, they are generally calibrated against chilled mirror devices at atmospheric pressures. As a consequence these sensors are set up to return a dew point (>0C) or frost point (<0C) when used Table 1: Typical specification for water in natural gas productsby the oil and gas industry. Piezoelectric devices on the other hand are generally calibrated against known water vapour concentration (usually ppm-mole). Hence the water vapour concentration returned from piezoelectric devices has to be converted to a dew point or frost point temperature to be compared to dew point specifications or measurements from capacitor based sensors, or vice versa. In recent years StatoilHydro has tested several of the available techniques [8]. In Figure 3 results from tests of various techniques for water vapour determination are presented. The tests were performed by analysing the water vapour concentration in nitrogen in identical streams generated and humidified in laboratory facilities. As can be seen, the readings from different techniques can show relatively large individual deviation, even for such a simple system. Some techniques also show a tendency to drift with time. This illustrates that accurate water vapour determination is nontrivial and much care have to be put into the analysis system to obtain stable and reliable results.
190 170 150 130 110 90 70 50 30 650 674 698 722 746 770 794 818 842 866 890
Humidity (ppm-mole)
Time (h)
Figure 3: Water vapour determination in nitrogen by various techniques In Figure 4 the results from a similar laboratory experiment are shown. In this case small concentrations of gaseous ethylene glycol (MEG) are added to the humidified nitrogen during the experiment. The results clearly demonstrate that small amounts of certain production chemicals can affect the humidity determination and that the effect is dependent on the chosen humidity technology.
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80 70 Humidity (ppm-mole) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Time (h)
Figure 4: Water vapour determination in nitrogen by various techniques, with low concentrations of gaseous ethylene glycol added When considering techniques for water analysis in natural gas it is important to carefully evaluate the applicability of the techniques with various important considerations in mind; accuracy, speed of response, tendency to drift, influence of traces of production chemicals, sampling system, need for maintenance and calibration. Inadequate water vapour analysis systems can lead to situations where hydrate formation can occur, even if the online analyser indicates acceptable water vapour levels.
Control of water in natural gas is of high importance in natural gas production. The natural gas is generally saturated with water at reservoir conditions. The temperatures in the gas reservoirs can be very high, and temperatures up to about 1000C are experienced in the Norwegian Sea in high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) reservoirs. Under such conditions the water vapour concentration of natural gas can be >1 mole% in the reservoir and it need to be reduced to typically 1-50 ppm(mole) to fulfil processing or transport specification. Water condensation, ice and hydrate formation are of the most common problems observed in natural gas production systems. Important control mechanisms for preventing blockages due to water in gas are: Inhibition of the well stream using antifreeze chemicals (e.g. MEG) and dehydration of the gas by absorption/adsorption. Finally operational control is obtained by online monitoring/analysis of water vapour concentration in the natural gas as described in the previous chapter. Gas processing plants will from time to time experience blockages due to freezing in process equipment. The reason for the incidents can be many, but from our experience one or more of the situations in the bullet list below are often seen when unexpected blockages and water condensation have occurred. Insufficient drying of processing equipment and pipes before process start-up
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Malfunctioning online water dew point analyser fails to indicate correct water content or fast changes in water content Hydrate inhibition system fails (insufficient or no hydrate inhibition) Regenerated TEG does not have good enough quality to meet dew point specification Adsorption process has been polluted by production chemicals and does not work properly Water saturated gas is re-circulated to cold parts of the process Water dew point specification is not sufficient for specific parts of the process An unwanted aqueous phase is formed even if the gas is far from the water dew point
In the sections below we have selected a few processes where we have experienced operational trouble, condensation or blockages due water in gas. We have tried to discuss the root cause and the preventional work done.
Ice/hydrate formation and blockages in process related to low temperature propane storage
In Norway, mountain caverns are used for effective storage of large volumes of propane. In such caverns the propane is stored at a pressure slightly higher than atmospheric and at the boiling point temperature of propane (around -40C). The propane will be in direct contact with the rock walls in the cavern, and because of humidity in the rock, an ice cap will build up on the walls. This ice cap will work as a thermal insulation between the propane product and the mountain, but some heat input will always lead to vaporization of propane. To prevent pressure increase in the cavern, the propane boil off gas is relieved and re-circulated to the cavern via a refrigeration and condensation loop. Due to the ice cap on the rock walls, the propane boil-off gas will be saturated with water at cavern temperature and pressure. The propane boil off gas is mixed with the incoming propane product from the process plant. When this propane product is cooled and condensed there is a high risk that water will precipitate in some form. Blockages due to such precipitation have been experienced at a regular basis in propane storage caverns in Norway. The precipitated ice and hydrate have a tendency to block valves and filters in the propane cooling loop. The blockages normally occur in the coldest part of the cooling loop where the propane has been condensed and the temperature is around -40C. The problem of precipitation of ice and hydrate in low temperature propane can be solved by a number of methods. The most obvious methods would be to remove the water (by e.g. adsorption) from either the full propane stream or from the cavern boil-off gas. Continuous inhibition with methanol or alternatively irregular injection of methanol when blockages start to occur is an alternative problem solutions. These options will have various pros and cons when it comes to cost and operational challenges. Continuous methanol injection is a relatively easy solution, but due to strict specifications for methanol in the propane product, the solution has a high probability of giving an off-spec product. In Figure 5 the results from experimental vapourliquid-solid (VLS) data from literature and from the laboratory at StatoilHydro Research centre are presented [9]. The figure shows equilibrium methanol concentration in the propane plotted against methanol concentration in the aqueous phase. The figure illustrates that a methanol concentration of about 320 ppm in the propane is needed to enable effective continuous inhibition at -40C (25 mole% methanol in aqueous phase). Such a high methanol content will in general be unacceptable in the propane product. Discontinuous methanol injection has proven to be effective to dissolve the solid ice and hydrate to prevent blockage of valves and piping in the cooling loop. By locally injecting high amounts (>300 ppm) of methanol, the ice and hydrate will dissolve, and blockages are removed.
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The CPA-EoS model as presented in this work has been useful for estimating the propanemethanol-water vapour-liquid-solid (VLS) phase behaviour. As can be seen in Figure 5, the predictions with the CPA-EoS corresponds well with the experimental data, and shows that the model is well suited for analysis and trouble shooting of such systems.
The potential for water precipitation is highest in the low temperature parts of the process. Such low temperature parts are typically in the upper sections of distillation columns such as the demethanizer or de-ethanizer. It can also be in cryogenic heat exchangers or during expansion through valves or turbines. In many of these processes the water content of the natural gas need to be kept very low to prevent solid precipitation. Even short process upsets in the dehydrating processes can lead to blockages and capacity reduction of such equipment. Precipitation of ice or hydrate is often seen as a steadily decreased capacity of the equipment. Blockages are normally handled by injecting methanol as antifreeze. In some situations a full process shutdown is necessary followed by depressurization and drying of the equipment. Safe and stable operation of water removal processes in combination with accurate and responsive online water analysis is the key for preventing blockages due to water in such cryogenic systems. In low temperature process equipment we from time to time experience precipitation of solid glycol (TEG and MEG) [10]. It is important to keep in mind that pure glycols form thermodynamic stable solids at relatively high temperatures. Precipitation of solid glycols typically occurs in low temperature equipment handling natural gas saturated with glycol. This
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can typically be the case for cryogenic equipment installed downstream of TEG contractors. This type of phase behaviour was illustrated in Figure 2. Accurate modelling of water, ice, hydrate and solid glycol precipitation is essential for stable operation and trouble shooting of cryogenic equipment. Precipitation and blockages due to precipitation of components naturally present in the gas (e.g. CO2, benzene) can also occur in cryogenic equipment, and is important to control both in design and operation. 3.3 Challenges related to water dew point analysis
The oil and natural gas industry experiences several challenges connected to water dew point or water vapour concentration analysis: Choice of sampling points Adequate sampling systems Choice of technology and supplier of equipment Quality control of the online equipment for water dew point measurements Quality control of portable equipment for water dew point measurements Calibration routines of equipment for water dew point measurements Conversion between dew point or frost point and water vapour concentration (ppmmole) at high pressures. Varying concentrations of production (eg. MEG, TEG and methanol) chemicals in the natural gas
The choice of sampling point is very important, as dew point analysis is easier on a single natural gas phase, free of contaminants such as dust and production chemicals and free of liquid droplets. Dew point measurements close to the gas outlet of glycol contactors are therefore very demanding as this gas will be saturated with glycol and water which can easily condense. At some sites more or less carry-over of liquid glycol from the glycol contactor also will happen with some frequency, giving the sampling systems and analytical instrumentation even worse conditions to work under. Sample points downstream a compressor stage is experienced to always give easier dew point control. The sampling systems must always be given high attention. It will seldom be helpful to change measurement technique or supplier of technology if the sampling system is inadequate. We have seen examples of lack of communication and understanding between StatoilHydro, the suppliers of the sampling system and the supplier of dew point analyser. This can often result in a situation with disagreements about the cause of suspect dew point analysis. The situation usually ends up with modifications of sampling system before the measuring technique can be evaluated and reliable dew point control can be gained. Capacitor based humidity determination is widely spread in the oil and natural gas industry. Our experience is that the suggested quality control and calibration routines from most suppliers of these devices are inadequate. This can explain why users often find parallel capacitor sensors, or sensors on parallel gas trains, returning very different levels of dew point readings (10-20C deviations can often be found). 3.4 Aqueous film condensation in gas transport pipelines
On the Norwegian continental shelf a common way to produce gas is to partly process the gas offshore and transport it to shore for full gas processing. The gas is normally dried in an offshore absorption processing using TEG, and transported to shore in rich gas pipelines (transportation in the hydrocarbon dense phase region above cricondenbar pressure). The partly treated gas from the offshore installation is saturated with TEG at process conditions (at
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aqueous dew point). When the temperature and pressure drops in the sub sea pipeline to shore, a liquid film of TEG and water will form. The water content of this film has to be controlled and kept low to keep the corrosion potential in the pipe low. In long distance pipelines (>100 km) flow instabilities with slugs of TEG/water must also be considered and receiving facilities on shore have to be installed (gas scrubbers/filters/slug catchers). Liquid glycol is known to influence the efficiency of down stream gas processing equipment such as H2S-adsorption and mercury adsorption processes. Glycol coating can result in a considerable reduced life time of the adsorption mass. It is important to control the amount and composition of the aqueous phase in the pipeline as good as possible. Phase behaviour of natural gas, glycol and water solutions is however challenging to model due to the highly non-ideal system. Much work has been done in our laboratories to obtain experimental data and develop accurate models for such systems [11].
A number of different water dew point specifications exist for natural gas. The water dew point specification is specified in sales gas contracts or given by requirements for transport, processing or storage. The water dew point specification for gas transported through pipelines to Europe is typically -8C at 70 bar (EASEE-gas specification [12]). For LNG production the water specification needs to be more stringent, and a specification of <0.1 ppm(mole) water in the gas is normally used. Due to the low solubility of water in hydrocarbon liquids, the water specification for LPG products need to be low. Table 1 summarizes typical water specification used for natural gas products. Table 1: Typical specification for water in natural gas products Natural gas type Water dew point/content specification Pipeline sales gas -8C at 70 bar LNG 0.1 ppm(mole) Propane No free LPG No free As can be seen, specifications are given both as a dew point at a given pressure and as water vapour concentration. Accurate tools are necessary for converting between the various specifications. Online dew point analysers are normally calibrated to report ppm(mole) of water in natural gas.
Experimental and modelling work related to equilibrium water content in natural gas have had high focus both in industry and academia for a long time. This chapter gives a short description of the most popular methods used for calculation water content of natural gases. A brief review of previously published experimental data for equilibrium water content of methane and natural gas will also be presented. In chapter 7 results from some of the most widely used estimation methods will be compared to experimental data. 4.1 Methods for calculation of water content and water dew point of natural gas
A large number of methods have been developed for the estimation of water content and water dew point of natural gas. Only a few of them will be examined here. The methods range from simple methods such as generalized charts for direct reading of water content to advanced numerical demanding thermodynamic models (e.g. modern models based on equations of state). We can say that the simple methods will have a limited range of validity when it comes
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to gas compositions, pressure- and temperature range. The more advanced models will generally be more accurate and be applicable for a larger span of variables such as gas composition, pressure and temperature. In this work we differentiate between three types of phase behaviour: vapourliquid (water and aqueous dew point), vapourice (frost-point) and vapourhydrate (hydrate formation comprising two possible hydrate structures). Most of the simple methods based on charts and empirical correlations are only developed to predict the water dew point, and will not be able to predict hydrate precipitation, ice or the aqueous dew point. Some of the more recently developed models based on fundamental thermodynamics (e.g. CPA-EoS), are developed to predict all mentioned dew points. 4.1.1 Methods based on generalized charts.
The estimation of water content of natural gas based on reading from charts is a common method to use. The charts are generally based on experimental data or thermodynamic models. Normally the water content is plotted on a semi logarithmic scale against the dew point temperature in form of isobaric lines. A large number of such diagrams have been made and published in reference literature in gas processing. The diagrams that are most used in the gas industry are the diagrams from MacCarthy et al. [13] and McKetta and Wehe [14]. These diagrams are based on experimental data measured in the 1940th century [15], [16]. One of the limitations in accuracy of using these methods is that water content of natural gasses is generally dependent on the gas composition, and such composition dependency can in general not easily be implemented in chart based methods. The compositional dependency is normally handled by developing chart for various types of gas mixtures (e.g. sweet gas and sour gas). Another limitation of such methods is that it can not be used to estimate hydrate, ice or the aqueous dew point. The area in the charts where the most stable phase is ice or natural gas hydrate is normally plotted with dotted lines indicating equilibrium water content with metastable liquid water. Acid gas components such as CO2 and H2S can have a large influence of water solubility in the gas phase, and generalized charts for such gas mixtures are difficult to develop. For the chart based method of McKetta and Wehe a correction factor that is a function of relative gas density can be applied to correct for deviations in gas composition [14]. Correction factors for taking in to account the effect of salinity of water have also been presented in this publication. Use of these correction factors is expected to improve the results of the method, but will in general be too simple to expect accurate results. Even though there are many weaknesses in chart based methods for estimating water content of natural gasses, because of the simplicity of this method, these methods must be expected to be used by the gas industry also in the future. When using such methods it is important to have in mind the weaknesses of the methods, and always look for charts developed for gases with similar compositions. 4.1.2 Methods based on empirical models
Various simple empirical models have been developed for the calculation of water content of natural gas. The simplest models are based on functions fitted to the experimental data for the vapour pressure of pure water. In an ideal gas the water content will be directly given by the vapour pressure of water and the total pressure. However such models will generally be invalid for pressures higher than typically 10 bar. The maximum pressure will depend on how ideal the gas mixture behaves. For gases with high solubility in water (e.g. gases with high CO2 or H2S content), the ideal method is not valid even at low pressures. Some empirical models correct for the non-ideality of the gas by fitting the model to high pressure experimental data. Such models can give reasonable results at higher pressures, but will in general be limited to gases with similar composition as what was as experimental basis. A popular empirical correlation used in the natural gas industry was developed by Bukacek [17]. This method is published as a standard for defining the relation between water content and water dew point of natural gas (ASTM D1142-95) [36]. The equation is on the form
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W = A +B P
Eq. 1
Where W is the water content, P is the total pressure, A is a constant proportional to the vapour pressure of water and B is a constant depending on temperature and gas composition. The effect of gas composition is indirect corrected for by multiplying the B factor with a term dependent on gas gravity. The B factor has also been estimated based on experimental data for water content in sweet natural gas mixtures and values for the constant are tabulated in the original publication [17]. The accuracy of the Bukacek [17] correlation has been questioned in various publications [19]. One comment is that the model is based on bad experimental data (water content in equilibrium with meta-stable liquid water was measured instead of ice or hydrate). Bukaceks method is fitted to water content in natural gas in equilibrium with liquid water. The method can thus not be expected to be able to estimate water content in equilibrium with hydrate or ice. In a resent publication [20], an empirical method for calculating the water content of gas in equilibrium with ice and hydrate (and hence hydrate and frost point) has been suggested. The simple empirical models can not be expected to be as accurate as more advanced thermodynamic models. Extrapolation in gas composition, temperature and pressure must be done with caution. Due to their simplicity and low numerical requirements, such methods are widely used in the industry. Many of the online water dew point analysers use these empirical correlations to estimate water dew point based on water content analysis. 4.1.3 Methods based on equations of state
Thermodynamic models based on equations of state (EoS) for calculating water dew point and water content of natural gas can be relatively complex and computers have to be utilized in doing efficient calculations. However many of the developed models have been shown to give accurate predictions of water dew point for a large number of gas compositions and total pressures. Some of the popular classic equations of state, like the SRK- and PR-EoS often used in the oil and gas industry, have traditionally had problems in handling polar components like water. The traditional way of fixing this limitation of modelling polar components correctly has been to use a modified attractive term in the equation of state to reproduce the vapour pressure of polar components more accurately [42]. Still we have seen a limitation of such models in that the density of the liquid phase was predicted badly and that relatively large and binary interaction parameters between water and hydrocarbons had to be used. Scientific development of equations of state during the last decades [35] has more or less removed this limitation by adding explicit terms for modelling the effect of the hydrogen bonding between polar components. Most modern equations of state are developed by fitting parameters (e.g. binary interaction parameters) to experimental data for both pure components and mixtures [21]. This is the case for the equation of state used in ISO 18453 [34] which has been developed for converting between water content and water dew point of natural gas. Some of the more recent models have been show to be able to predict mixture properties based on knowledge of only pure component properties. In a recent work [22] it was demonstrated that such a predictive model could be applied for the calculation of the water content of natural gas mixtures with high accuracy. The model was also developed to predict hydrate and ice precipitation from natural gas, and is also suited to estimate the aqueous dew point in gases with traces of production chemicals. This model is normally referred to as the CPA-EoS [35] and is described in more detail in the coming chapters. The advantages of methods based on fundamental thermodynamic models are that they are expected to cover a larger range of gas compositions, temperatures and pressures. The models used in this work are based on equation of states, and the details of the models are presented in chapter 5. The thermodynamic models can easily be extended to handle undefined components such as oil fractions and has also been shown to be readily extendable to handle electrolyte mixtures (salts).
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Published data for water content and water dew point of methane and natural gas mixtures
Methane is the primary component of natural gas, and is hence the most important component to obtain accurate experimental data. Accurate mathematical models and experimental data for water in methane is a prerequisite for the study of natural gas mixtures. We have therefore focused the literature data collection on finding equilibrium data for water in methane. A relatively large number of laboratories have published experimental data for equilibrium water vapour concentration in methane. Less experimental data exists for water content of real natural gases. Experimental measurement of water content of methane and natural gas is difficult for a number of reasons: Water is generally present in the gas in very low concentrations (ppm level) and analysis is challenging Water tend to adsorb to solid surfaces in sampling systems Water can be in equilibrium with natural gas in various forms; liquid, ice and hydrate. It is generally difficult to specify exactly what phase we have in the experimental equipment The kinetics of ice and hydrate formation can be slow, and it can take long time to obtain stable equilibrium
A lot of published data in the open literature is expected to be error prone due to one or more of the reasons from the list above. As can be understood, experimental data related to water content in gases are often associated with errors, as an inspection of data sets measured at same temperature and pressure conditions indicates. Therefore we have earlier systematically evaluated the available experimental data [1]. Table 2 provides a summary of the experimental data sets published in the literature for water in methane. There exist several sets of experimental data for water in methane, and the measurements have been done in a number of different types of experimental equipments. Data for the equilibrium water content of gases are generally reported without the corresponding value of gas solubility in the liquid, and vice versa. All data considered here are gas phase data. Table 2 includes probably all available data published in the open literature for the binary watermethane system. The experimental data has been compared to predictions with the models used in this work (GERG-water and CPA-EoS as will be presented in chapter 5). We have classified the data according to the type of the precipitated phase that is in equilibrium with the vapour phase: liquid water, ice or hydrate. Since the type of the precipitated phase is generally not reported in the literature sources, we have used experimental temperature and pressure conditions to predict what the thermodynamically stable phase is. The phase with the highest calculated precipitation temperature is considered to be stable, and also assumed to be present during experiments. The experimental points have been classified based on this technique, and compared to prediction with the CPA-EoS. The GERG-water EoS does not distinguish between the natures of the precipitated phases (liquid, ice or hydrate), and we therefore report only one value for the deviation and bias using GERG-water EoS. We have chosen to report deviation between data and model in terms of dew point temperature, i.e. the difference between the calculated temperature and the experimental temperature for the experimental water content at the experimental pressure. This gives a better overview for the deviation than using water content which varies over several orders of magnitude. It should be pointed out that 1C deviation corresponds to around 58% change in water content above 0C and to about 1011% below. For the experimental data presented in this work, the maximum 5% difference between the largest and smallest value of water content for each of three analyses would then correspond to a variation within each reported value of around 0.3C below 0C and around 0.4C above 0C. The deviations between calculated and experimental data reported in Table 2 are reported using absolute average deviation (AAD) and bias (BIAS) calculated as,
i = NP
i =1
i ,calculated
Ti ,exp eriment
Eq. 2
Page 18 of 43
i = NP
i =1
i ,calculated
Ti ,exp eriment )
Eq. 3
where NP is the number of experimental points. The AAD indicates generally how good the model fit to the data. The BIAS indicates if the model has a general tendency to predict to high or too low dew point temperatures. If the AAD and BIAS has the same absolute value, different from zero, it indicates that the model consequently predicts values either higher (positive BIAS) or lower (negative BIAS) than the experimental values. If several data sets show significant and similar deviations compared to a model, the data set are probably correct and the model probable wrong. If the model describe the data sets well we can consider the model to be fairly accurate as well. Table 2: Summary of open literature experimental data for equilibrium water vapour concentration in methane gas. Comparison to calculations with the CPA-EoS and the GERG-water EoS
Reference T [C]
min/ max
P [bar]
min/ max NP Lw
CPA-EoS Hydrate
NP Hydrate AAD [C] BIAS [C]
GERG-water EoS
Althaus [21] Kosyakov [18] Aoyagi [23] Chapoy [24][25] Bogoya [26] Folas [22] Olds [15] Sharma [27] Yarym-Agaev [28] Yokoyama [29] Rigby [30] Gillespie [31] Culberson [32] Mohammadi [20] This workh
a b
-20/20 -40/10 -43/-3 10/45 -15/15 -20/20 37/104 38/71 40/65 25/50 25/100 50/75 38 -33/3 -20/20
5/100 10/101 13/103 10/351 30/60 15/180 13/206 15/144 25/125 30/80 23/93 14/138 52/249 34/103 100/150
15 5 39 5 8 27 15 10 5 12 6 4 2
0.4 0.8 0.9 1.4 1.5 0.9 1.4 1.8 0.5 0.2 0.7 2.5 1.9
-0.4 -0.7 0.8 -1.4 -1.3 0.9 1.4 1.2 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.6 0.9
9 2 2 0
26 26 35 7 9 10 12 8
0.4 0.8 1.8 0.9 -0.9 0.7 -0.2 0.1 -0.3 -0.3 0.2 -1.8 3.6
(NP=nos. of points, Lw=liquid water. From Chapoy 5 experimental data above 30C and 300 bar was not included. The corrected data of Chapoy [25] have been used for the evaluations in the table c From Olds 9 experimental data at 37C were considered. d From Sharma 5 experimental data at 28C were considered. e From Yarym 5 experimental points at 40C were considered. f From Yokohama 2 experimental data at 25C were considered. g From Rigby 3 experimental points at 25C were considered. h Experimental data at 50 bar was not included, high deviations for GERG-water EoS will be discussed in chapter 7
Table 2 is based on our work done earlier on this subject [22]. In this work the various methods used by the authors were discussed. The various experimental equipments used can in principle be divided as static cell experiment and continuous flow experiments. Most of the published
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experimental data are reproduced with good accuracy with both the CPA and the GERG-water EoS. Typically the deviation between the calculated and experimental dew point is less than 12C for both models. None of the models show any general tendency to over- or under predict the water precipitation temperature. Only a few authors report data which covers both stable equilibrium with liquid water, ice and hydrate. In the data sets of Althaus [21], Kosyakov [22] and Folas [22] equilibrium water vapour content have been measured with all these. The data set of Althaus shows very low deviations (<1C AAD and BIAS) to the models in the whole temperature and pressure range. The data of Althaus [21] have been evaluated as one of the most consistent datasets available in the literature [22]. In his work continuous flow equipment was used. The experimental equipment and techniques used in this work are similar to the one used by Althaus. The advantage of this equipment is that equilibrium with the most thermodynamic stable phase can be relatively easily obtained and controlled. Many of the experimental works published in the literature does not report the form of the condensed phase. In static experiments with relatively large volumes of water in the cell, there is a high probability that water will be a mixture of liquid, ice and hydrate at experimental conditions.
In the modelling part of this work we use an equation of state to predict the water content of gases in equilibrium with liquid water, ice or hydrate. The equation of state chosen is the CPAEoS (Cubic-Plus-Association equation of state) [35], [36]. This model adequately describes LLE or VLLE of water and hydrocarbon systems [37] including also the solubility of hydrocarbons in the aqueous phase, LLE of glycol and hydrocarbon systems [38], VLE and SLE of water and glycol systems [39][40], VLE and SLE of alcohol and water systems [40], and mixtures with methanol or glycol as hydrate inhibitor [36] [41]. For non-associating compounds the model simply reduces to the classical SRK-EoS. The ice and hydrate phase are modelled similar to described in an earlier publication [22], but with a slightly modified thermodynamic model for the hydrate phase. The CPA-Eos will be compared to a model developed as part of a GERG project on water dew point, which has been accepted as an ISO-standard [34] during recent years. The GERG-water EoS model has a stated working range from -15 to 5C and from 5 - 100 bar, with a reported uncertainties in estimated dew points of 2C. An extended working range, with unspecified uncertainty, is reported to be from -50 to 40C and 1 to 300 bar. The range of accepted compositions is reported to cover all sales gases found in Europe (e.g. >40mol% methane, <30mol% CO2, <1.5mol% C6+) We have earlier shown that the CPA-EoS is able to describe equilibrium content of water in natural gas with as good or better accuracy as the GERG-water EoS [22]. At the same time predictions in an even large pressure and temperature range have been shown to be good with the CPA-EoS. An advantage of the proposed model is that it can calculate the water dew point, the frost point and the hydrate point. For calculation of the aqueous dew point in gasses with traces of chemicals (eg. MEG, methanol) it is also well applicable. There are three types of phase equilibrium that must be modelled to cover the actual temperature and pressure range: vapourliquid, vapourice and vapourhydrate (comprising two possible hydrate structures relevant for this work). Thus, the full model needs to describe the fugacity of four phases. Some models extrapolate equations of state to also describe the solid (ice, hydrate)vapour equilibrium in an empirical way, by fitting binary interaction parameters to experimental data. This is the case for the GERG-water model which is extended
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to solid phases by using a different function for the energy term and fitting (occasionally temperature dependent) binary interaction parameters.
The European gas research group GERG [33] has proposed a model to calculate the water content of natural gas (GERG-water EoS [21]), and this model is now an ISO standard [34]. The GERG-water EoS is a model based on the Peng-Robinson equation of state. It uses a modified alpha function with parameters fitted to vapour pressure of liquid water and ice (different parameters in alpha function above and below 0C). To reproduce the compositional dependency of water in natural gas, temperature dependent binary interaction parameters are fitted to experimental data. The GERG-water EoS is thus a correlative technique based on experimental data. The GERG-water EoS model extrapolate equations of state to also describe the solid (ice, hydrate)vapour equilibrium in an empirical way, by fitting binary interaction coefficients to experimental gas-hydrate and gas-ice data. One of the weaknesses of this technique will be the erroneous prediction of the important effect of gas composition on hydrate stability.
Since solid often forms via liquid water, it is an advantage to be able to compute both the real, stable equilibrium and the meta-stable equilibrium involving sub cooled water. In this work separate ice and hydrate models have been combined with the predictive CPA model (having all binary interaction parameters set to 0); in this way both the stable phase and the meta-stable phases can be calculated. The model will also be fully predictive since no binary interaction coefficients between water and hydrocarbons will be used. The applicability of the model to heavier gases (such as rich gas or unprocessed reservoir fluids) is also easy, since interaction parameters between water and heavy hydrocarbon components (or fractions) do not need to be estimated. 5.2.1 The fugacity of vapour and liquid
The gas and liquid phases are both described using the CPA-EoS in the usual manner. Details about CPA have been determined from pure liquid water by Kontogeorgis et al.[35]. The EoS can also be used to calculate the gas solubility in the liquid phase, which may be of interest in other connections. In this work a modified alpha function based on the work of Mathias and Copeman [42] has been used to improve the prediction of vapour pressure of sub cooled water. The CPA-EoS used in this work was
1 ln g Z association = 1 + xi 1 X Ai 2 i Ai
where ZCPA is the compressibility factor calculated from the CPA-EoS. It has contributions from physical interaction (ZSRK-EoS) and hydrogen bonding (Zassociation) between molecules. The equation used for describing the influence of hydrogen bonding is dependent on the radial distribution function (g) and the tendency of association sites on a molecule (Ai) to form
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hydrogen bonding (XAi). The equation is further described by Kontogeorgis et al. [35]. The modified function for the a parameter used in this work is given on a form suggested by Mathias et. al. [42] to more accurately estimate the vapour pressure of meta-stable water at temperatures <0C.
a = a0 1 + C1 1 Tr + C 2 1 Tr
5.2.2 Fugacity of ice
) + C (1
2 3
3 Tr
Eq. 5
Using standard thermodynamics we write for the water fugacity in the ice phase at the pressure P of the system where P0 (1 atm) and
f ws,P0
f ws f ws, P0
1 s = Vw dP RT P0
Eq. 6
The fugacity of ice at reference conditions is calculated by setting it equal to the vapour pressure of ice as estimated by the Antoine equation
Eq. 7
Where the constants A and B are the Antoine coefficients fitted to vapour pressure of ice. 5.2.3 Fugacity of hydrate phase
The fugacity of water in the hydrate phase is estimated according to the following equation:
EH H w f wH = f wEH exp w RT
Eq. 8
where fEH w is the fugacity of water in the hypothetical empty hydrate phase, and is given by
EH f wEH = PwEH w exp
EH w
Eq. 9
equilibrium pressure is set to unity. The vapour pressures of hydrate structures I and II, are calculated from the equations proposed by Sloan [43]:
ln PwEH = A B / T
Eq. 10
The parameters A and B are given by Sloan [43] for structure I and II hydrates. The molar volumes of the empty hydrates w (I and II) are obtained from the correlations proposed by Avlonitis [12]. The chemical potential of the hydrate phase is obtained from the statistical model
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by Van der Waals and Platteeuw [44]. The expression for the chemical potential of the hydrate
H w
H EH w = w + RT vi ln1 i
guest m
Eq. 11
mi ,
mi =
C mi f m 1 + C ki f k
guest k
Eq. 12
where fk is the fugacity of component k in the equilibrium vapour phase obtained from an equation of state (CPA-EoS in this work), the summation is over all components and Cmi are the Langmuir constants. The Langmouir constants are calculated by the approach suggested by Sloan [43] using the Kiahara parameters (, , a) for guest molecules. These parameters have been fitted to experimental hydrate equilibrium data from the open literature.
General comparison of the GERG-water EoS and the CPA-EoS for water dew point estimation
The CPA-EoS has been developed as a general purpose equation of state where thermodynamic of polar components and solutions have been in focus. For the CPA-EoS used in this work all binary interaction coefficients between water and hydrocarbons were set to zero. This makes the model purely predictive. The GERG-water EoS as developed in the work of Althaus [21] can in principle be used for a great variety of gas composition and in a large temperature and pressure range. ISO-18453 [34] is based on the work of Althaus. The validity range of this ISO is limited to temperature between -15 to 5C and pressures from 5 to 100 bar. An extended temperature and pressure validity range with reduced accuracy is however stated in the ISO. A summary of important characteristic differences between the GERG-water EoS and the CPAEoS is presented in Table 3. Table 3: Summary of characteristics of the equations of state used in this work GERG-water EoS CPA-EoS* Accuracy of predicted dew point and water Good in limited composition, Generally content prediction temperature and pressure range good Number of fitted binary interaction 2 (temperature dependent binary 0 parameters interaction parameters) Estimation of water content in equilibrium No Yes with sub cooled liquid, ice or hydrate Estimation of aqueous dew point No Yes
*As presented in this work
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In this work, the equilibrium water content of methane and real natural gas has been measured in the temperature range -20 to 20C and pressures from 50 to 150 bar. The experimental equipment used in this work is similar to the equipment used in our previous publication on experimental data on water content of natural gas [22]. For a detailed discussion about pros and cons of the experimental equipment, the reader is referred to this work.
Experimental equipment
The experimental equipment used in this work consists of continuous flow equipment as shown in Figure 6. Gas is connected to the rig either directly from gas bottles (synthetic gas) or by connecting a variable volume pressure controlled sample cylinder (real natural gas).
Gas supply
Dewpoint analyser
I: Metering valve J: Flow meter --- Heat tracing
M: C:
Karl Fischer
Gas clock
Water bath I
Water bath II
Moisturizer Condenser
Figure 6: Flow equipment for measurements of water content of natural gas The gas is saturated when contacted with liquid water between 20-30C and high pressure when flowing through a temperature controlled saturator. The saturators and condensers are submerged in Julabo FP-45 baths able to keep the required temperature with a stability of 0.01C, which has been verified by a calibrated reference thermometer. The saturator and condenser baths use a MEG-water solution as cooling and heating medium. The saturator and condenser sections in the baths consists each of three stainless steel cylinders with a volume of about 20 ml. A schematic sketch of the saturators and condensers is given in Figure 7.
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Gas source
Figure 7: Schematic sketch of the saturators and condensers The two first cylinders in the saturator bath are filled with water, while the third is initially empty and will work as an entrained droplet collector. In this way a saturated gas free of water droplets are produced in the saturator section of the rig. Water in the gas is thereafter condensed at a lower temperature but still at high pressure by flowing through piping and cylinders submerged in the condenser baths. To extend the residence time a coil is placed between 2nd and 3rd condenser. Dependent on the composition of the natural gas, temperature and pressure, the water content of the gas from the condenser will be in equilibrium with condensed water, ice or hydrate. The gas flows from the condensation bath via a heated pressure regulator (GO-regulator, HPR-2 Electrical) to the water analysers, after the gas has been depressurized. All piping from the condenser bath to the pressure regulator is heated by a heating cable. The piping from the condensers to the analysers is made of Siltek tubing (Restek Corporation) to prevent effect of adsorption of water as much as possible. All fittings and seals used in valves and pipe connections are made of stainless steel to prevent effects of adsorption and to ensure that the response time is as fast as possible. A chilled mirror dew point analyser from Michell Instruments (S4000 Integrale Precision) and a Karl Fischer (KF) coulometric titrator from Metrohm (831 KF Coulometer) are used to measure the water content in the gas from the condenser. The titration routines followed the recommendations given in ISO-10101 [45]. A gas-clock (Ritter TG1 2-120 l/h) connected to the KF titrator measures the total volume of gas of each measured sample. The experimental equipment, prior to the GO-regulator, can be used up to 200 bar absolute pressure. The maximum dew point temperature is limited by the ambient room temperature. The absolute pressure of the system is measured by a pressure transducer (Keller) with an uncertainty of 0.05 bar. The work presented in this paper is based on an earlier publication covering the same subject [22].
Experiments were done with methane and real natural gas. The temperature range used was from -20 to 20C and the pressure range was from 50 to 150 bar. For each measurement, the temperature of the condenser is set to control the dew point temperature of the gas. The temperature of the saturator is set 10C higher than the condenser, but a minimum temperature of 20C was used to prevent hydrate formation in the saturator section. The
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pressure drop through the saturator and condenser sections is very low, and saturation and condensation are in principle done at the same pressure. The experimental procedure is initiated by filling two of the saturators with water. The third saturator cylinder is emptied. The three condensers are emptied. The temperature of the condenser bath is set to a value automatically controlled by the Julabo bath. The rig is pressurised with gas followed by gas circulation for a limited time. By letting the gas circulate some droplets of water will condense in the saturators. Equilibrium between condensed water, ice or hydrate is obtained by having un-circulated gas in the rig for several hours. For experiments where hydrate formation is expected the gas is kept in the rig for minimum 15 hours without circulation. The pressure in the saturator and condenser did not vary more than 0.5 bar during an experiment. The experimental values reported in this work are the average of minimum three sample replicates. Samples were taken until the maximum and minimum value did not differ by more than 5 % for three following samples. If possible, water analysis by the Karl Fischer titrator and the Michell mirror were done simultaneously. Typically one experimental point could be measured per day. The accuracy of the water analysis techniques was verified by using a BOC [46] certified reference gas. The measurement uncertainty of the analysis done in this work is within 10%.
In the natural gas experiments, 1000 ml sample cylinders with 120 bar back pressure are used. The sample cylinder containing high pressure natural gas is heated to 100C to ensure that only the gas phase is present in the cylinder. Without pre-heating the gas may get into the twophase area due to cooling when the pressure is reduced. The pressure is reduced through a pressure reduction valve (GO-regulator) installed in a gas injection board directing the gas sample to the injection loop in the gas chromatograph (GC). Both the reduction valve and the tubing are heated to 90C to prevent condensation of the sample in the injection system. All sample lines are made of Siltek tubing. The GC used for natural gas analysis is a Hewlett Packard 6890. This GC is equipped with two main channels. One of the channels has a CPPoraPlot Q-HT column (25 m x 0.32 mm, 10 m film thickness) for the separation of carbon dioxide, ethane, propane, butanes and pentanes and a CP-Molsieve 5A column (10 m x 0.32 mm, 30 m film thickness) for the separation of oxygen, nitrogen and methane. A thermal conductivity detector (TCD) is used for this channel. A flame ionization detector (FID) detects the separated hydrocarbons (butanes and higher) from the second channel, separated on an HP PONA column (50 m x 0.20 mm, 0.5 m film thickness). The loop injection (250 l for each channel, made of Siltek tubing) and isolation of the Molsieve channel during carbon dioxide and ethane elution is arranged by two six-port and one ten-port valves from Vici Valco. The valves are located within a heating block on the top of the GC and controlled within the GC software (Chemstation from Agilent Technology). The method used and the uncertainty in the quantification of the compounds is according to GPA 2286-95 [47] and ASTM D 5131-92 [48].
The experimental data presented in this paper will be compared to other data sets from open literature where water content of natural gas has been measured. The data sets for methanewater measured by Althaus [21] are known to be consistent and of high reliability [22]. Hence, the data for methane-water of this work will be compared to these data. The thermodynamic models presented in this work, the GERG-water EoS and the CPA-EoS, are compared to the experimental data from this work. The ability to extrapolate calculations from the GERG-water
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EoS to pressures higher than 100 bar is tested by comparison to natural gas data obtained at 150 bar total pressure.
7.1 7.1.1
Results and evaluation of the experimental data presented in this work Results from the methane-water experiments
The methane gas bottles used in the experiments were prepared by Yara Industrial Norway. The purity of methane used in this work was 99.999 %. Both Karl Fischer titration and Michell dew point analyser were used to determine the water content. The measurements have been performed at -20, -10, 0, 10 and 20C and at three pressure levels; 50, 100 and 150 bar. The experimental results are presented in Table 4 and Figure 8 to Figure 10. In Table 4, the water content as measured with the Karl Fischer titration technique is reported. In Figure 8 and Figure 9 both Karl Fischer and Michell dew point analyser results are shown. Experiments with low water content (low temperature and high pressure) generally had poorer repeatability between replicates than experiments with high water content. Due to low water content at -20C, the measured water content showed repeatability within 7%. The water content measurements for methane at 50 bar showed repeatability within 10%. This is considered to be too high and the methane experiments at 50 bar will therefore be repeated. A probable reason for the high relative standard deviation (RSD) at 50 bar was that the experimental procedure used for these experiments involved a shorter time for obtaining thermodynamic equilibrium in the system (5 hours versus 15-20 hours for the 100 and 150 bar experiments). Table 4: Gas phase water content ppm(mole) for the binary system water methane
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Figure 8: Gas phase water content ppm(mole) for the binary system water methane at 50 bar
Measurement (Karl Fischer) Measurement (Michell S4000) Literature value [21] CPA-EoS GERG-water-EoS
Page 28 of 43
Measurement (Karl Fischer) CPA-EoS GERG-water-EoS
In Figure 8 to Figure 10 the experimental data are compared to predictions with the GERGwater EoS and the CPA-EoS. It should be noted that the results of the CPA-EoS model always show the water content in equilibrium with what is estimated by the model to be the most stable precipitated phase (liquid water, ice or hydrate). As seen from the figures there is good agreement between calculated and experimental data. In Figure 9 the experimental data at 100 bar from this work is compared to the experimental data reported by Althaus [21]. A good mach between the two data sets is obtained. At 50 and 100 bar the CPA and GERG-water models seem to under estimate the water content slightly for temperatures below 0C and slightly over estimate at temperatures above 0C. At 150 bar the models seem to under estimate in the entire temperature range. At 50 and 100 bar the models seems to have approximately the same deviations to the experimental data, while at 150 bar the CPA-EoS seems to be more accurate. The comparison of CPA and GERG-water to experimental data will be further discussed in chapter 7.1.2.
7.1.2 Measured water content in the natural gas
The natural gas was delivered in 1000 ml piston cylinders with 120 bar pressure. The gas composition was analysed by gas chromatography following the procedures explained in Chapter 6.3. The gas composition is given in Table 5. The molecular mass and density, Table 6, of the fractions/pseudo components (PC) can be calculated based on knowledge or estimation of molecular mass and density of individual components up to C13.
M PC =
Eq. 13
Page 29 of 43
PC =
xi M i
Eq. 14
where xi is the mole fraction, Mi is the molecular mass and i is the density of component i in liquid form at atmospheric pressure and 15C. The calculated molecular mass and density of the pseudo components C7-C13 are given in Table 5. For calculations with the CPA-EoS, necessary critical properties of pseudo components are calculated based on molecular mass and density of fractions using the characterization methods suggested by Pedersen et al. [49]. All components in the GERG-water EoS heavier than C7 are modelled as n-heptane. The hydrocarbon phase envelope for the natural gas is given in Figure 13. The uncertainties related to prediction of phase envelope from GC analysis are discussed by Rusten et al [50]. The cricondenbar pressure is estimated to be around 100 bar and -10C. At pressures lower than 100 bar hydrocarbon condensation might occur in the condenser. Hence the minimum pressure used in these experiments was 100 bar. Some condensation of the natural gas can occur during filling of the rig (when going from atmospheric pressure to test pressure), but this condensate will generally be re-evaporated when the rig has reached its final pressure. The cricondentherm is estimated to be at about 25C. This phase behaviour is typical for a rich natural gas being transported in the dense phase region in rich gas pipelines on the Norwegian continental shelf.
Table 5: Natural gas composition based on detailed gas composition
Component Nitrogen Carbondioxide Methane Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane 2,2-dimethylpropane i-Pentane n-Pentane Cyclopentane 2,2-dimethylbutane 2,3-dimethylbutane 2-methylbutanepentane 3-methylpentane n-Hexane C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 Sum
GC [mol%] 0.6032 2.6094 80.1380 9.4689 4.6227 0.6420 1.1427 0.0136 0.2349 0.2272 0.0121 0.0031 0.0068 0.0416 0.0216 0.0535 0.1056 0.0441 0.0074 0.0016 0.00011 0.00004 0.00004 100
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Table 6: Estimated molar mass and density of the heavy fractions based on detailed gas composition
Component C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 MW Liq. Dens. [kg/mol] [kg/m3] 89.1 0.75 101.4 0.77 116.2 0.80 134.0 0,80 147.0 0,81 161.0 0,82 175.0 0,83
Natural gas-water experiments have been performed at -20, -10, 0, 10 and 20C. Two pressure ranges have been used; 100 and 150 bar. The experimental results are presented in Table 7, Figure 11 and Figure 12. Experiments with low water content (low temperature and high pressure) generally had poorer repeatability than experiments with high water content. Due to low water content at -20C, the measured water content showed repeatability within 7%.
Table 7: Gas phase water content ppm(mole) for natural gas
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400 350 Water content [ppm (mole)] 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Temperature [C] 10 15 20
Measurement (Karl Fischer) CPA-EoS GERG-water-EoS
Figure 11: Gas phase water content ppm(mole) in natural gas at 100 bar
As seen from Figure 11 and Figure 12 there is good agreement between calculated and experimental data. At 100 bar the CPA-EoS and GERG-water models seem to slightly under estimate the water content. The measured data are spot on CPA-EoS at 150 bar, while the GERG-water EoS seems to under estimate the water content slightly. The comparison of CPA and GERG-water to experimental data will be further discussed in chapter 7.1.2.
350 300 Water content [ppm (mole)] 250 200 150 100 50 0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Temperature [C] 5 10 15 20
Measurement (Karl Fischer) CPA-EoS GERG-water-EoS
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Figure 12: Gas phase water content ppm(mole) in natural gas at 150 bar
Figure 13: Phase envelope for natural gas used in this work
As can be seen from Figure 9 both the GERG-water and CPA-EoS estimate water content in methane close to the experimental data at 100 bar in pure methane. The GERG-water model matches these data with good and similar accuracy as the CPA-EoS. Much of the experimental basis of the GERG-water EoS is concentrated in this pressure and temperature range and we would also expect this model to be accurate compared to these data. In Figure 14 the methanewater experimental data has been compared to calculations with the CPA-EoS where also the meta-stable phases have been plotted. As can be seen from the figure the experimental data matches best with the water content in equilibrium with the phase predicted to the stable phase (in this case hydrate for all points lower than about 13C). This will also be the situation when comparing to the experimental data for methane at 150 bar and for the natural gas data. This is illustrated in Figure 15 where experimental data for natural gas at 150 bar are compared to predicted water content above stable and meta stable phases. This also indicates that the experimental data presented in this work reports water content in equilibrium with the thermodynamic most stable phase at give temperature and pressure. From Figure 12 we can see that relatively large deviations between experimental data and the GERG-water model are observed at 150 bar, which is outside the defined pressure range for the model. Predictions with the CPA-EoS are very good also at this pressure. This illustrates that the accuracy of the CPA-EoS often seems to be better for an extended composition, temperature and pressure range.
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Measurement (Karl Fischer) Literature value [21] CPA-EoS water CPA-EoS ice CPA-EoS hydrate
Figure 14: Comparison of experimental data for methane-water at 100 bar to stable and meta-stable phases predicted with the CPA-EoS
350 300 Water content [ppm (mol)] 250 200 150 100 50 0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Temperature [C]
Figure 15: Comparison of experimental data for natural gas - water at 150 bar to stable and meta-stable phases predicted with the CPA-EoS
Table 2 and Table 8 show ADD and BIAS for the comparison of calculated water precipitation values and experimental data for methanewater and natural gaswater, respectively. GERG-
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water EoS is applicable in the temperature range -15 to 5C and pressure up to 100 bar. In the temperature range -10 to -20C the GERG-water EoS showed a large deviation from both experimental results and values obtained from the CPA-EoS. For temperatures above 0C the deviation is small.
Table 8: Summary of experimental data for equilibrium water vapour concentration in natural gas. Comparison to calculations with the CPA-EoS and the GERG-water EoS
Referenc e T [C] P [bar] CPA-EoS Liquid water NP Lw 0 AAD [C] BIAS [C] NP Ice 0 CPA-EoS Ice AAD [C] BIAS [C] NP Hydrat e 10 CPA-EoS Hydrate AAD [C] 1.5 BIAS [C] 1.3 GERGwater EoS AAD C] 6.5 BIAS [C] 6.5
min/ma x 100/150
Despite being tailor-made for water in gas, the GERG-water EoS does not give any improvement over the CPA model for the data evaluated in this work. The CPA-EoS can be used at higher pressures and temperatures and will also show which precipitated phase is thermodynamically most stable. Natural gas hydrate is often known to be formed from meta-stable liquid water. It is an advantage of the CPA-EoS that it can estimate meta-stable liquid water formation.
Comparison of the experimental data to empirical correlation and chart based methods
Chart based methods and empirical correlations were discussed in chapter 4.1. In Figure 16 the experimental data from this work are compared to values from the chart published by McKetta and Wehe [14] and to the empirical model of Bukacek [17]. As can be seen the CPA-EoS model used in this work is superior to these models. The water content in the natural gas, estimated by the chart and empirical models, are generally too high. The reason for this is probably that these methods are developed only to estimate the water content in equilibrium with meta-stable liquid water. In Figure 16, most of the readings from the chart of McKetta are done in a region marked as meta-stable equilibrium.
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Measurement (Karl Fischer)
300 Water content [ppm (mol)] 250 200 150 100 50 0 -20
CPA-EoS GERG-water-EoS Empirical correlation of Bukacek [17] Chart of McKetta and Wehe [14])
0 Temperature [C]
Figure 16: Experimental data of water content in natural gas at 150 bar compared to estimates from the empirical correlation of Bukacek [17] and the chart based method of McKetta and Wehe [14]
As illustrated in Figure 16, relatively large errors can be expected when using existing empirical correlations and charts for estimating water content of natural gas in certain pressure and temperature ranges. The largest errors can be expected in regions where the estimated water content of the gas is indicated by the chart to be in equilibrium with the meta-stable phases. In Figure 17 we have the CPA-EoS model described in this work to make a chart for the water content of a natural gas with a composition as given in Table 5. The composition used for making the chart is representative for a sweet natural gas, and the chart can be used also for estimating water content of other sweet gases.
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1 bara
1 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Temperature [C] 1 bara 10 25 50 75 100 250 500
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As was explained in chapter 2 and 3 the aqueous dew point of natural gas is important for a number of situations. A typical situation is when the gas has been contacted with TEG for water removal and control of the water dew point. The gas is at its aqueous dew point at glycol absorber conditions. Few experimental studies have been published measuring the solubility of TEG in natural gas have been done. To our knowledge, the only reported TEG solubility data in high pressure gas in the open literature have recently been published by Jerini et al. [51]. The CPA-model can be used to generate a chart for the aqueous dew point of water and TEG in natural gas. The aqueous dew point plot in Chapter 2 (Figure 7) was made based on predictions with the CPA-EoS model. Further work is being planned by GERG [33] to develop more knowledge, both experimentally and theoretically, regarding the aqueous dew point of natural gas.
New data for the equilibrium water content in methane and a natural gas have been presented in the temperature range -20 to 20C and pressures up to 150 bar. The experimental data is presented as the water content in equilibrium with the most stable phase (water, ice or hydrate) at the experimental temperature and pressure. A review of published methods (graphical-, empirical- and thermodynamic models) for the calculation of equilibrium water content in natural gas has been presented. The model used in this work is based on the Cubic Plus Association Equation of State (CPA-EoS) combined with thermodynamic models for the ice and gas hydrate phase. This model is shown to give excellent results, both for the calculation of equilibrium water content of natural gas, water dew point-, natural gas hydrate- and ice precipitation temperature as well as the aqueous dew points. The model is compared to the ISO 18453 developed for water dew point calculation of natural gas, and shown to be superior when it comes to extrapolation of pressure, temperature and gas composition. An accurate chart for graphical reading of water content of a sweet natural gas is presented. This work presents and discusses experiences from selected StatoilHydro and Gassco operated plants where condensation of water, ice formation or hydrate formation has created operational disturbances in the gas processing plants. The experience from these situations is compared to the results from the experimental and modelling work. The methods and data presented in this paper can be used in design of water removal processes.
The authors are thankful to Gassco and StatoilHydro for financial support and for letting us publish this work.
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f ws
Fugacity of water in ice phase Molar volume of ice Fugacity of water in hydrate phase Fugacity of water in hypo theoretical empty hydrate phase Chemical potential of hydrate Chemical potential of empty hydrate Fugacity coefficient of pure water vapour in equilibrium with the empty hydrate Vapour pressures of hydrate structures Molar volume of empty hydrate Molar volume of ice Vapour pressure of ice Vapour pressure of hydrate structures Number of type i cavities per water molecule Occupancy of cavity m by a component i Fugacity of component k Molecular density Density for component i Constant proportional to the vapour pressure of water Attractive parameter in SRK Absolute average deviation American Society for Testing and Materials Constant depending on temperature and gas composition Co-volume in SRK Mathias Copeman parameter Langmuir constant Langmuir constant Cubic Plus Association European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange Equation of State Equation Flame ionization detector Radial distribution function Gas chromatograph The European Gas Research Group High pressure, high temperature International Organization for Standardization Karl Ficsher Liquefied natural gas Monoethylene glycol Molecular mas of component i
f wH
f wEH
H w EH w
Psat ,ice
vi mi fk
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Molecular mas of pseudo components Natural gas Number of points Total pressure Reference pressure Gas constant Relative standard deviation Soave Redlich Kwong Temperature Thermal conductivity detector Dew point temperature Triethylene glycol Vapour-liquid equilibrium Vapour-liquid-liquid equilibrium Vapour-liquid-solid Water content Mole fraction not forming hydrogen bonding Mole fraction Compressibility factor
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Table 1: Typical specification for water in natural gas Table 2: Summary of open literature experimental data for equilibrium water vapour concentration in methane gas. Comparison to calculations with the CPA-EoS and the GERG-water EoS Table 3: Summary of characteristics of the equations of state used in this work Table 4: Gas phase water content ppm(mole) for the binary system water methane Table 5: Natural gas composition Table 6: Estimated molar mass and density of the heavy fractions based on detailed gas composition
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Table 7: Gas phase water content ppm(mole) for natural gas Table 8: Summary of experimental data for equilibrium water vapour concentration in natural gas. Comparison to calculations with the CPA-EoS and the GERG-water EoS
Figure 1: Phase behaviour of natural gas with traces of water (40 ppm(mole)), NG composition (mole): 85 % C1, 10 % C2, 4 % C3, 0.5 % nC4, 0.5 % iC4 Figure 2: Phase behaviour of natural gas with traces of water (40 ppm(mole)) and TEG (0.5 ppm(mole)), NG composition (mole): 85 % C1, 10 % C2, 4 % C3, 0.5 % nC4, 0.5 % iC4 Figure 3: Water vapour determination in nitrogen by various techniques Figure 4: Water vapour determination in nitrogen by various techniques, with low concentrations of gaseous ethylene glycol added Figure 5: Experimental and modelling results of phase behaviour of propane-methanol-water Figure 6: Flow equipment for measurements of water content of natural gas Figure 7: Schematic sketch of the saturators and condensers Figure 8: Gas phase water content ppm(mole) for the binary system water methane at 50 bar Figure 10: Gas phase water content ppm(mole) for the binary system water methane at 150 bar Figure 11: Gas phase water content ppm(mole) in natural gas at 100 bar Figure 12: Gas phase water content ppm(mole) in natural gas at 150 bar Figure 13: Phase envelope for natural gas Figure 14: Comparison of experimental data for methane-water at 100 bar to stable and metastable phases predicted with the CPA-EoS Figure 15: Comparison of experimental data for natural gas - water at 150 bar to stable and meta-stable phases predicted with the CPA-EoS Figure 16: Experimental data of water content in natural gas at 150 bar compared to estimates from the empirical correlation of Bukacek [17] and the chart based method of McKetta and Wehe [14] Figure 17: Generalized charts for water content of sweet natural gas. Stable equilibrium with liquid water is plotted with black Lines. Stable equilibrium with natural gas hydrate is plotted with grey lines.