The International Journal of Engineering & Science
The International Journal of Engineering & Science
The International Journal of Engineering & Science
Assistant Professor, RJS Institute of Management M.B.A, RJS Institute of Management, Bangalore
------------------------------------------------Abstract------------------------------------------------------------Absenteeism Is One Of Major Human Problem Of Indian Industries. The Study Entitled Emp loyee Absenteeism: A Study At Titan Industry Limited, Bangalore Is Concerned With The Issues, Causatives, And Remedial Measures Related To Absenteeism. The Research Helps The Organizat ion To Know Their Current Practices Regard ing Absenteeism In Titan Industry. It Suggests Ideas To Improve The Business In A Better Prospect And Result In Organizat ional Develop ment.
Key words :Brief Introduction, Causatives and Remed ial Measures on Absenteeism.
Date of Submission: 16, November, 2012 Date of Publication: 30, November 2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Introduction
Absenteeism is the single most important cause of lost labour time. Absenteeism is one of majo r hu man problem of Indian industries. Absence is an employees non-availability or work when work is available for that emp loyee. The Labour Bureau (1962) defines absenteeism as the total shifts lost because as percentage of the total number of man shift scheduled to work. Absenteeism is a pervasive problem in industry even in the companies which are top in India and among them Titan Industries is one which brought about a paradigm shift in the Indian watch market. It introduced its futuristic Quartz technology with India's two most recognized and loved brands Titan and Tanishq to its credit, Titan Industries is the fifth largest integrated watch manufacturer in the world.The success story of TITAN began in 1984 with a joint venture between the Tata Group and the Tamil Nadu Industrial Develop ment Corporation. Presenting Titan quartz watches that sported an international look, Titan Industries transformed the Indian watch market. After Sonata, a value brand of functionally styled watches at affordable prices, Titan Industries reached out to the youth segment with Fastrack. The company has sold 135 million watches world over and manufactures 13 million watches every year. With a license for premiu m fashion watches of global brands, Titan Industries repeated its pioneering act and brought international brands into Indian market such as Tommy Hilfiger, FCUK, and Xylys. The Industry launched Tanishq, Indias most trusted and fastest growing jewellery brand, Go ld Plus, the later addition which focused on the preferences of semi-urban and rural India and the jewellery portfolio is Zoya, the latest retail chain in the lu xury segment.
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Fro m the above tables it is seen that the absenteeism rate has been decreasing. It reveals that the organization have good human resource management system as well as leave facilities. Absenteeism is generally high for the workers below 25 years and above 40 years of age. The graph itself shows that absenteeism rate is gradually been decreasing from last 3 years.
3. Causes of Absenteeism
1. Mal adjustment wi th the working condi tions: If the working conditions of the company are poor, the workers cannot adjust the mselves with the companys working conditions. Then they prefer to stay away fro m the co mpany. Social and religious ceremonies: Social and religious functions divert the workers attention from the work.
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4. Suggestions
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The management must intervene in the day to day activities of the employees. They should provide full fledged support, guidance and encouragement. Convey the leave facilit ies to all the employees at the time of jo ining the company. Conduct regular training sessions for emp loyees to understand the problems faced by the employees in the work. Conduct regular med ical examinations for emp loyees so that it improves work environment and reduce absentism. Regular performance appraisal will keep incheck the absentism of emp loyees.
6. Conclusion
Titan is worlds fifth largest manufacturing plant for watches. It is being one of the reputed manufacture company in India is also a victim of absenteeism. There are several reasons for employees absenteeism in this particular organisation such as Domestic problems, Lack of co-ord ination among the colleagues, and others. However, the absenteeism can be controlled and min imized by implementing good working condition, etc. Hence, it can be concluded that people are the assets in any organization and absenteeism is the practice or habit o f being absence therefore the organization has to overcome such habitual stays.
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