Survey Spreadsheet
Survey Spreadsheet
Survey Spreadsheet
School Pseudonym: Your Name or Group Name: Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of Emergent maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to behavioral Policy resource/infrastructure behavioral Planning resource/infrastructure ADMINISTRATIVE behavioral Budget resource/infrastructure behavioral Administrative Information resource/infrastructure behavioral Electronic Information resource/infrastructure behavioral Assessment resource/infrastructure behavioral X CURRICULAR Curriculular Integration resource/infrastructure behavioral Teacher Use resource/infrastructure behavioral Student Use resource/infrastructure behavioral Stakeholder Involvemnt resource/infrastructure behavioral Administrative Support resource/infrastructure SUPPORT behavioral Training resource/infrastructure behavioral Technical/Infrastructure Support resource/infrastructure behavioral Local Area Networking (LAN) resource/infrastructure behavioral District Area Networking (WAN) resource/infrastructure CONNECTIVITY behavioral Internet Access resource/infrastructure behavioral Communication Systems resource/infrastructure behavioral New Technologies resource/infrastructure X behavioral Comprehensive Technologies resource/infrastructure Islands Integrated Intelligent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Evaluator Comments A few still use a pen and paper. All activities are fully digital. Organization-wide comprehensive planning receives informal review, and is connected to other planning efforts. Our efforts are fully integrated with the parent organization. All projects are fully funded. There is a comprehensive system in place for all projects, both short term and long. This is a paperless office Cross-training is expected of all staff. Currently staff exclusively use a computer to complete work tasks. Very little documentation currently exists in this environment. Evaluations are manual with some use of charting data and reports from automated systems. We are under-utilizing the tools we have available. Little to no standardized training is currently in use. Primarily training is over the shoulder. Only environment specific curriculum does not exist. Training on more general topics exist. Daily use by teachers for administration and curriculum. Students use technology often, but in limited ways. Some students consistent and regular access to appropriate technologies. All department heads know there is a plan under development. There is a training plan for every group. There are regular meetings to discuss ways to improve the plans. I am nowlargely only istraining planwhen a new requirement is pushed by department heads. some seek out training Training a dedicated completed coordinator. on their own. We have the knowledge within the organization. We are in the business of helping others. This is an integral part of our organization.
Staff are willing to adopt technology but, external forces dictate what and when a new technology may be used in the environment. There are exceedingly strict regulations on the use of new technologies. Once a technology has been vetted, its availability becomes widespread very quickly. Many times the technology is approved and available but, doing the paperwork inhibits widespread use.