Nomad Dance Fest India 2013-Brochure

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Nomad Dance Fest 2011

INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL of Folk Dance, Music and Culture from India to Andalusia Rajasthan, 30-31 March 2013


Roots of gypsies

The Gipsy Route does not stop, and afer the success of the frst and second edition of Nomad Dance Fest in Italy the caravan is ready for their international edition on the 3th and 31 st of March 2013. A demonstration in broad cultural which has brought and will bring a unique stage of a myriad of Artists and dances of the from India to Andalucia. A long journey started 1000 years ago from India, from the Thar desert crossing Persia, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, the Balkans to the Mediterranean and parts of southern Italy. The Nomad Fest aims to rediscover and revive traditions of folk dances and the cultures of nomadic peoples. A project born from the heart and the experience of Maya Devi, dancer and teacher of Yoga , Indian dances and spiritual practice, a researcher of Eastern cultures, Artisyic director of NOMAD DANCE FEST, founder of the school of dance and yoga Mudrarte in Milan, co-partner of NOMAD ROOTS Pvt Ltd, India, founded with Yashwant Deval. Maya is a member of ' International Dance Council CID UNESCO declaring: The cultural heritage is manifested in the union of the various forms of artistic expression of each country and that's what we want to promote, Nomad Dance Fest 2011

The spirit of the Deserts Road

INTERVIEW WITH MAYA DEVI From the italian magazine BELLYDANCEITALIA by Luca Ferrari
What is the meaning of the Nomad Dance Fest? discovery. He was born from a passion of mine to search for their roots. My grandmother Lea is originally from Andalusia. Christmas Eve taught me how to read tarot cards. The Nomad Dance Fest is a gif for all those who follow or are in a country this vast nomadic route. It is a gif that I made to myself and to my family. It is not a trade show. It is an event open to all. The aim of the festival is to reiterate that traveling, discover. Travelling around the world have discovered that unknown cultures need to know. I want to give the whole of Italy in Milan and the chance to meet these cultures and dances. I strongly believe that at this time more than ever, we must return to its roots, designed as simplicity and respect for all living beings and the environment. The nomads adapt to their environment without losing its memory. You have to help the modern man to recover this. Modern man is too focused on the past and the future. The nomads live in the present. I fnd it very fascinating. In my training meeting this (Maya is the founder of the school of dance and yoga Mudrarte of Milan, ed .) Yoga is living in the present. Meditation is present. India, Spain, Arab and Tuareg sounds. The Nomad Dance Fest is a journey into the roots of humanity. Precisely. A world traveling where there is knowledge and respect. If you know the traditions of other people, you have no fear of the stranger, nor of the unknown. In cultures gipsy there is always a touch of magic. From India to Andalusia. There are those who read the cofee grounds, who do you care with snake venom and who gives the love potion. It's the magic that is scary, and the human being materialistic is frightened of the unknown.

Nomad Dance Fest 2011


Nomad Dance Fest 2011

The festival will be structured in a weekend full of dances, workshops, performances, events, conferences, with the participation of italian, indian and international artists that will promote the dances from the Gipsy route . It will give the opportunity to dance schools and young artists to promote their activities and perform during the weekend. Dances and traditions of the event: Indian folk dances from all over India Gipsy Dances of Rajasthan and Kalbeliya Eastern and Turkish belly dancing, Egyptian, Moroccan, Middle Eastern Persian and Afghan dances Dances of tribes and tribal fusion belly dance Gypsy dances of the Balkans Flamenco in all its forms, traditional and fusion

Each culture will have a group or artist invited to perform in the main GALA SHOW.

Nomad Dance Fest 2011

International Artits of the Festival

SAYARI SAPERA-India-Kalbeliya dance MAYA DEVI-Italy Indian dance and Flamenco RAFFAELLA CIPOLATO-Italy Oriental dance MARIA STROVA-Italy/Colombia-Belly dance ALMORAIMA-Italy/-Spain-Arab Flamenco RANA GORGANI-Iran-Persian dance

Nomad Dance Fest 2011

History of Gypsies Route

Around the ninth century, thousands of inhabitants of North-West they began to migrate westward. They lef the territories currently known as Punjab and Pakistan and Persia were divided into two streams: a migration headed for Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Morocco and, afer crossing the Strait of Gibraltar, fnally landed in areas of southern Spain Moorish. These migrant populations were already known by the name of the Gypsies (ndt one of the supposed origin of the name is a modifcation of Egypt, crossed the country during migration). In the region known as Al-Andalus, cultures were coexisted for centuries. Al-Andalus was the only place where, for a long period coexisted gypsies, Jews, Christians and Muslims. The invasion of the Muslims and the division into castes implemented by those in the occupied territory, causing migration of the population. Most migrants belonged to the lowest caste, Shudra or Chandalar, and was outside the caste system. While the caravans of Indian immigrants moved westward, they absorbed elements of the countries and cultures, crossing. When they reached Spain, their language, their way of dancing and singing were still some similarities with the original elements brought from India. The frst Gypsy tribes settled in Andalucia during the reign of Abd ar-Rahman III, in the age X.

Nomad Dance Fest 2011


INDIA Rajasthan since 2009 A full-immersion of Dance and Culture in one of the most fascinating and legendary all over India: Rajasthan. In the villages of the Thar desert discover the traditions of the nomads and of snake charmers Kalbeliya's , enjoying their food, attend to their rituals, dances and learn about their daily life. You will have the opportunity to dance with Gipsyes in the desert and perform with them. Explore the beauty of Rajasthan, the colours and spicy smell of the bazaars and local markets, visit the palaces of the Maharaja, the Fort that still shine with pristine beauty, the haveli where the women lived in old days, meet the artists and the local gypsy and live a 'authentic experience that will enrich your life. This tour is open to anyone who loves dance and music, dancers or not but they would like to see India in a unique and unforgettable way We are organizing the tour to India to promote the cultural and artistic heritage of Rajasthan in collaboration with government associations, heritage fort and hotels. Our aim is to rediscover cultures of Nomadic people and bring them to light on stage and on events in india , Europe and Italy.

TOUR Organized by Ridhu Voyages

Nomad Dance Fest 2011


NOMAD ROOTS Pvt Ltd is a Cultural event company based in Jodhpur, India and in Milan, Italy. We are organizing events, shows and tours to discover the cultural heritage of Nomadic dance in India and all over the world. Our main focus is the organization of NOMAD DANCE FEST in Italy (once a year) and in India in Rajasthan and other state. Among our partners we can count ITALIAN EMBASSY in India, INCREDIBLE INDIA, Jetairways, GENERAL CONSULAT OF INDIA in Italy, Comune di Milano, Province of Milano, Fort Kemphur, Fort Pachewar, Ridhu Voyages. Maya and Yashwant founded NOMAD ROOTS in 2012.

Monica Maya Devi Fontana, Italy (from lef corner) Artistic & Creative Director of Nomad dance Fest Dancer of Indian dances and Flamenco, Yoga teacher, researcher of Indian cultures and nomadic traditions from India to Spain.Member of International Dance Council UNESCO. Yashwant Deval, India Event representative in India and tour Manager for Ridhu Voyages, organizers of the logistic travels for the events. Gabriella Manerba, Italy PRESS OFFICE Manager & communication Italy/india Philipp Tapp, India Artists coordinator NOMAD DANCE FEST India.

Nomad Dance Fest 2011

PRESS OFFICE: Artistic Direction: Maya Devi: [email protected] TEL: +39 345 4512459 Paola Colla Tel. 02 867526 3385076595 [email protected]

FACEBOOK: nomad dance fest YOUTUBE: nomadancefest Gabriella Manerba Tel. 0258102432 348 8748281 [email protected]

Nomad Dance Fest 2011

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