Jewish Expulsion

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Jewish Expulsion

"The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows not how numerous the clique is, how they stick together, and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers."

--Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman statesman and writer (106 BC- 43 BC) All dates below are A.D., unless noted otherwise. Jews have been ostracized from nearly every nation in the world at one time or another. Below are a list of nations and large cities from which they have been banished: AFRICA: (Also, see "Ethiopia" and "Egypt") From 1147-1212, the Almohads of North Africa persecuted the Jews. Between 1790 and 1792, most of the Jewish cities in Morocco were razed. ARABIA: Between 624 and 628, Muhammad destroyed the Jewish tribes of Hejaz. AUSTRIA: In 1298, Jews were attacked in Franconia, Bavaria and Austria. Altogether, numerous Jewish communities were razed and 100,000 Jews killed. Later, Albrecht V forced the Jews to leave in 1420. AMERICA: On September 22, 1654, Peter Stuyvesant, the Governor of New Amsterdam, sought to oust Jews from his colony. In 1862, General Ulysses S. Grant issued Order No. 11. It forced all Jews to vacate the military district within a day of its application. (However, both Stuyvesant's and Grant's orders were retracted.) To see what American politicians have said about Jews in the past and read about anti-Jewish feelings in early American history, click here. BABYLON (known as IRAQ today): In 586 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar conquered Judea (judah) and destroyed Solomon's Temple and all of Jerusalem. Jews were exiled or held captive. In 468 and 470, Jews were again persecuted.

BAVARIA: In 1551, Jews were banned. BELGIUM: Jews were forced to vacate Flanders, which is now part of Belgium. Jews were not allowed to return until such time that they repented. In 1370, Jews were expunged. CZECHOSLOVOKIA: 1745: The Jews were expelled from Prague, that being the second time. 70,000 Jews were forced to vacate the city by the "King's order, the reason being kept a secret." The King had probably read the Jewish Talmud and, rather than simply tell the people what it contained (which would have certainly led to violence), preferred to allow the Jews to leave peaceably. DENMARK: Jews were not allowed entrance prior to the 17th century. EGYPT: (See also "Ethiopia") During the time of Moses' birth, 1571 B.C., all male baby Jews were supposedly slain. In 3 B.C., Jews were ousted from Egypt, according to Greco-Egyptian historian Manetho. In 38 B.C., many Anti-Jewish riots took place in Alexandria, causing the deaths of many Jews. Jews were not permitted to leave a special area of the city reserved for them. In 66, Jews in Alexandria were massacred, causing 50,000 deaths. ENGLAND: 1130 marked the year that Jews in London had to pay 1 million marks for killing an ill man. In 1189, after Richard the Lionhearted was coronated, many Jewish homes were burned; many Jews were slaughtered. All Jewish possessions were taken by England. In 1290, King Edward forced Jews to leave England. They were not allowed to return until 1655. ETHIOPIA: Ethiopian Jews, who are Black, have had a history of persecution as well. Israel first began began to take quantities of them in the mid-1950s to use as farm-hands in the Galilean Hills and the Negev, while many Africans sought to destroy them. Eventually, most Ethiopian Jews arrived in Israel, as two major movements of them in 1985 (Operation Moses) and 1992 (Operation Solomon) took place.

FRANCE: In 561, The French Bishop of Uzes made Jews in his diocese to choose either between baptism or expulsion. In 1182, King Philip Augustus expels the Jews and takes their realty. In 1242, massive burnings of the Jewish Holy Book the Talmud took place. Philip the Fair expelled the Jews in 1306. Although the Gentiles grew soft and allowed a few Jews to return, these Jews were again forced to leave in 1394. In 1540, Jews were banished from Naples. Some settlements of Jews were allowed to continue in Avignon, Bordeaux, Marseilles (from whence they were forced to vacate in 1682) and in part of Alsace. GERMANY: In 1012, Emperor Henry 11 expels the Jews from Mainz. In 1096, the First Crusades transpired. Approximately 12,000 Jews were executed in cities along the Rhine River. Between 1146-1147, the Second Crusade took place, in which some Jews were killed. In 1298, German knight Rindfleisch, was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Jews in central and southern Germany. In 1510, Jews were expelled from Brandenburg. On August 23, 1614, Jews were expelled from Frankfurt (shown in picture at the top), which occurred after the riots that Vincent Fettmilch led on the "Jews Street." Approximately 1,380 Jews were forced to leave via ships. On July 14, 1933, Germany and its allies, who strongly encouraged Jews to leave their nations, started by stripping east European Jewish immigrants of their citizenship. In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws were enacted, removing citizenship rights to all Jews. Many Jews eventually died from hunger or diseases like typhus while incarcerated for crimes against the state, often being forced to engage in menial labor, while others may have been executed. HUNGARY: 1360 marked the year that Jews were expurgated, though they returned later. In 1582, Jews were again banished. Maria Theresa, who was Queen of Hungary and Bohemia (1717-1789), banished the Jews, by declaring: "Henceforth, no Jew, no matter under what name, will be allowed to remain here without my written permission. I know of no other troublesome pest within the state than this race, which impoverishes the people by their fraud, usury and money-lending and commits all deeds which an honorable man despises. Subsequently, they have to be removed and excluded from here as much as possible."

ITALY: In 1492, 100,000 Jews were expelled from Sicily. Jews were exscinded from Sardinia and Naples in 1540; from Venice and Genoa in 1550. In 1553 Rome, any copies of the Talmud were burned. In 1569, and again in 1593, Jews were expelled from Italy. From 1846-1878, in the Vatican State, Pope Pius IX enforced former restrictions against the Jews. IRAQ: (See also "Babylon"): In 1969, many Jews were executed. JERUSALEM: Jew were expelled from Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and were "forbidden to enter on pain of death." Supposedly, 1.1 million Jews were executed, and 97,000 were enslaved. The city was renamed Aelia Capitolina by Gentiles. Click here to view an article from an old encyclopedia. Although the Jews were allowed to return eventually, Constantine again enforced the edict to expell Jews in 324. LIBYA: In 1948, pogroms occurred. LITHUANIA: Grand Duke Alexander castigated Jews in 1495 by banishing them; however, they returned. MONGOLIA: A pogrom occurred there in 1919. NETHERLANDS: In 1444, Jews were were banished from Utrecht. NORWAY: Jews were not permitted entrance to Norway until after 1814. POLAND: The King of Poland revoked all citizens' rights of Jews in 1453. (Poland was made part of Russia between 1712 and 1815.) In 1795 Jews were forced to live in Russia's Pale of Settlement. While these laws eventually became relaxed under Alexander II, they were enforced again in 1882 after his assassination by a Jewish plot. In 1938, 17,000 Polish Jews were denied entrance to Poland. On July 4, 1946, a pogrom occurred in Kielce, where 42 Jews were killed and many more injured. PORTUGAL: In 1498, Jews were told to leave. PRUSSIA: The year 1510 marked the epoch in which Jews were forced to

vacate Prussia.

ROME: (Also, see "Jerusalem.") In 315, Constantine the Great issued many anti-Jewish laws. Later, in 379, Theodosius the Great prevented Jews from retaining an official gate position or place of honor. He also allowed synagogues to be razed if it was for a religious reason. RUSSIA: In 1100, pogroms directed against Jews in Kiev occurred. In 1772, Russia issued the Pale of Settlement, a decree that restricted Jews to live in only certain areas of Russia. The restriction continued in effect for almost a century. In 1861, Alexander II allowed some Jews to live outside the Pale of Settlement and to even hold government positions. However, in 1881, after Czar Alexander II was assassinated by a plot contrived at the home of Jewess Hesia Helfman, Jews who were allowed to live outside the Pale of Settlement were forced to return. (Later, Jews wrested control of Russia, made anti-Jewism a crime punishable by death, proceeded to massacre 40 million Gentiles and razed most churches.) In 1991, antipathy towards Jews was renewed (to a small degree). SAXONY: Jews were forced to leave in 1349. SLOVAKIA: In 1380, Jews were banned from Prague. As time continued, Slovakia became lax, and Jews moved there again after 1562. 1744 marked the year when Marie Theresa banished Jews again. SPAIN: From 612 to 621, the Spanish king Sisebut told all Jews to either convert to Christianity or be exiled. While some Jews remained, in 694 they were dispossessed and made slaves. In 1321, 5,000 Jews were burned at the stake for poisoning wells. In 1391, pogroms, in which 50,000 Jews were killed, occurred all over Spain. Jews were ousted from Spain on March 30, 1492. It was not until 1968 that Spain invited Jews to come back. Today, there are only a few thousand Jews who reside there. SWEDEN: Jews could not reside in Sweden until after 1782. SWITZERLAND: In 1939, Switzerland asked German authorities to mark all Jewish passports with the red letter "J," so that the Swiss quickly would be able to identify who to deny entrance.

SYRIA: Even today, Jews are not allowed to vote there or to emigrate.

In 1745, the Jews were expelled from Prague, that being the second time. 70,000 Jews were forced to vacate the city by the "King's order, the reason being kept a secret." The good King had probably read the Jewish Talmud and, rather than simply tell the people what it contained (which would have certainly led to violence), preferred to allow the Jews to leave peaceably.

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