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Annual Performance Appraisal Report OF Below Board Level Executives (E-5 To E-9 Cadres) Employee No.....................

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Dossier No........................



Name of the Executive: ............................................................. Designation:.................................................................................. Date of Birth:................................................................................. Report for the period: ...............................................................

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MAHANAGAR TELEPHONE NIGAM LIMITED PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL FORM FOR OFFICERS Report for the year/period ending ...................................... PART 1-PERSONAL DATA 1 (a) Name of Officer (b) Employee No.: (a) Date of Birth (b) Does the Officer belong to SC/ST

(c) Cadre:

(d) Grade:



Date of continuous appointment to the present grade Present post and date of appointment thereto Please state whether the annual return of immovable property within the prescribed calendar year was filled within the prescribed date i.e. 31st January of the year following the calendar year. If not, the date of filling the return should be given. Brief Description Of Duties (Not Covered In KPA) (Generic in nature but specific to the present assignment) Items Results expected 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




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PART 2: YEAR END PERFORMANCE REVIEW (Weightage of this Section would be 50%: Total marks=100) The Key Performance Areas (KPAs) together with measures/indicators and maximum marks are to be jointly acted upon between the Appraiser and Executive at the beginning of the review period and then filled in the format given below. KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS MEASURE/ INDICATOR OF KPA MAXIMU M MARKS (100) ACTUAL ACHIEVEM ENT REVIEW BY REPORTIN G OFFICER REVIEW BY REVIEWIN G OFFICER


Total Performance Marks for the year (Prorated to total marks of 50)

Total Marks obtained x 50 Total Maximum Marks

Signature of the Executive

Signature of the Reporting Officer

Signature of the Reviewing Officer Page 3 of 16

State briefly the shortfalls with reference to the targets/objectives referred above. Please specify constraints, if any, in achieving the targets.

Signature of the Officer

Signature of the Reporting Officer

Signature of the Reviewing Officer

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PART 3 COMPETENCE APPRAISAL (Weightage of this Section would be 20%: Total marks=50) (This Section consists of Functional, Technical and Managerial competencies required for successful performance in the job)

Scale of Appraisal is from 1 to 5 (1-Poor, 2-Fair, 3-Good, 4-Very Good, 5-Excellent) keeping the existing role as well as future positions in perspective.


Competencies (At least five competencies as mentioned above)

Rating on a scale of 1 to 5

Reviewing Officer

FUNCTIONAL AND TECHNICAL COMPETENCIES 1 Knowledge of Business Environment and Assigned function 1. Has knowledge of what is happening in the Telecom industry and has understanding of economic, legal, techno - commercial trends. 2. Has understanding of Technology, Financial policy and knowledge related to assigned professional function as a whole 3. Shows interest in overall business operations and uses knowledge acquired from authority and responsibility of previous positions. 4. Knowledge of mission, values and standard operating procedures, policies of the Organisation. 2. Making Business Decision 1. Use business related data to support effective and timely business decisions 2. Systematically gathers relevant business information identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a particular business line 3. Recognises opportunities or threats and acts on them rapidly 3. Productivity 1. Has result oriented approach and work completion is consistently high 2. Can be counted on for extra effort as needed to meet the goals 3. Makes effective use of resources available to accomplish all assignments, avoiding waste 4. Uses delegated power to further Organisational goals 5. Does not use procedures as an excuse to delay/avoid work

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Vision 1. Develops a vision for the future of the organization 2. Grasps the meaning of trends and inter-relationships between the organization and its environment at the local, national and international level 3. Identifies fundamental values and beliefs to guide the organization into the future.


Diligence and Reliability 1. Reliability to perform and complete assigned tasks well within scheduled time 2. Cost and quality conscious 3. Dependable 4. Is Willing to work extra hours and assist coworkers


Systematic Thinking and Judgement 1. Identifies connections between situations that are not obviously related using common sense, Past experience and basic rules to identify key underlying issues 2. Demonstrates good judgement in handling routine problems and analyses decisions before implementing them 4. Has the ability to work under pressure 5. Recognises deficiencies and seeks help when appropriate.


Networking and Communication 1. Keeps superiors and/or coworkers informed of work progress 2. Has good drafting skills to produce clear and concise reports 3. Keeps and maintains all necessary information that might be required as reference in future and documents agreements and discussions to ensure accurate records and follow through 5. Has informal parallel channels of communication and uses networks as a source of information and support


Organizes and Directs Quality Work Effort 1. Schedules own activities based on how they impact other part of the work/project 2. Creates logical plan (eg workplan) for an activity or project and balances and prioritizes activities to ensure critical items are addressed 4. Allocates tasks to efficiently manage skills and resources 5. Monitors and controls all resources required to maintain the efficiency of operations

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Inspire People and Cooperation 1. Generates a sense of purpose for the work done by the organization through instilling enthusiasm, loyalty and commitment among team members at all levels 2. Inspires, motivates and guides others towards organizational goals and objectives 3. Sets an example for others by behaving in ways that are consistent with espoused beliefs and values and the organizations vision and direction. 4. Mentors, motivates and assists subordinates for self development and to achieve assigned results


Team Player 1. Does not limit himself to only his/her own duties and responsibilities 2. Reaches out and facilitates completion of task which involves others, works collaboratively 3. Willingly shares information and works jointly with colleagues to resolve problems 4. Contributes to group objectives in a team environment through cooperating and interacting well with others 5. Works towards consensual solutions that enhance the output of the team.

Rating on Competencies (Prorated to 20 marks)

= Total of all ratings x 20 = 50

Signature of the Reporting Officer

Signature of the Reviewing Officer

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PART 4: CORE VALUES (Weightage of this Section would be 15%: Total marks=50) (This Section consists of Core values which are to be demonstrated in day to day activities of the Executive) S.No. CORE VALUES Rating on a scale of 1 to 5 Reviewing Officer


Fairness 1. Decisions are made objectively 2. Free from patronage 3. Reflects just treatment of employees


Transparency 1. There is open communication about every aspect of managerial decisions which concern people. 2. Transparent in all dealings


Trust 1. Trustworthiness leading to confidence 2. Allows staff the freedom to grow and develop 3. Relate to others on the basis of mutual respect 4. Courage to stand by his convictions


Candor 1. Frank and forthright 2. Gives and receives constructive criticism/ suggestions 3. Openly discusses performance deficiencies and take corrective action 4. Appreciates good performance 5. Is consistent in words and deeds and faces up to his/her mistakes


Collaboration 1. Works in tandem 2. Is open in sharing information and in seeking suggestions / opinion 3. Is sensitive to concerns of others 4. Honors commitment 5. Encourages team work across departments/function

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Involvement 1. Total commitment 2. Is dedicated and committed to work, 3. Builds commitment by encouraging wide participation in decision making process to the maximum extent possible


Flexibility 1. Ability to participate and adapt to changing circumstances using sound judgement 2. Is open to accepting new ideas 3. Is willing to learn from anyone and to do things differently 4. Is prepared to operate and adapt to different environments


Willingness to accept challenge 1. Is willing to experiment 2. Learns from mistakes


Discipline 1. Adheres to accepted norms 2. Honours the promises & adheres to agreed system 3. Respects others time and space 4. Exercises self control


Ethical Behaviour 1. Demonstrates honesty and sincerity in every action 2. Applies sound business and professional ethics 3. Shows consistency with principles, values and behaviours

Rating on Core Values (Prorated to 15 marks)

Total of all ratings x 15 50

Signature of the Reporting Officer

Signature of the Reviewing Officer

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PART 5: POTENTIAL APPRAISAL (Weightage of this Section would be 15%: Total marks=25) S.No. GENERAL ATTRIBUTES Rating on a scale of 1 to 5 Reviewi ng Officer





Leadership Abilities 1. Demonstrates ability for guiding collective decision making 2. For succession planning 3. Crisis Management and 4. Ability to take risks Team Building 1. Demonstrates effectiveness in re-organizing his/her own department 2. Manages diverse and divergent views and group processes without losing sight of objectives. Ability to build a Strategic Vision 1. Demonstrates ability to manage change 2. Focuses on long term issues 3. Strategic thinking 4. Translates vision into goals. Business Sense 1. Commitment to bottom line results by enhancing revenue generation by addressing interest of customers and stakeholders 2. Balances need for viable short and long term performance 3. Optimises unit/Organisations contribution while supporting Corporate objectives 4. Spots and pursues new business opportunities wherever possible Communication Skills 1. Communicates ideas and information effectively and markets key points effectively through public speaking and presentation 2. Ability to convert ideas through action plan and ensure acceptability within the organization TOTAL MARKS

Rating on Potential (Prorated to 15 marks)

Total of all ratings x 15 25

Signature of the Reporting Officer

Signature of the Reviewing Officer

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Reporting Officer's comments on Potential Suitability and Integrity The Reporting officer will indicate suitability of the Executive for higher positions or horizontal movement in different functions/Organisations and /or suitability for any specific or particular sector or further continuance.

Integrity: Beyond doubt, Questionable (brief details may be mentioned below)

Signature of Reporting Officer PART 6: ASSESSMENT OF TRAINING AND COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT NEEDS (This sheet should be sent to head of the HR Department by the Accepting Officer for necessary action at their end.)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Name of the Executive Designation Department Employee No.

: : : :

Please indicate the training and competence needs of the appraisee and his/her potential. Specify the areas in which the person needs counseling. By the Reporting Officer

Signature : Date By the Reviewing Authority Designation :

Signature : Date By the Accepting Authority (if considered necessary) Designation :

Signature : Date Designation : Page 11 of 16

PART 6A: MISCELLANEOUS Period of absence from duty: Kind of Leave From To Reason

Is he suffering from any Chronic disease limiting him from discharging his assigned job?



Training course/s attended during the course of the reporting year

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Pen picture of the Officer / Brief about Officer

Overall Grading* (A+, A, B+, B, C)


SIGNATURE NAME OF REVIEWING AUTHORITY DESIGNATION COMMENTS OF REVIEWING AUTHORITY 1. Do you agree with the assessment made in Part 2,3,4,5 and the shortfalls and constraints indicated with respect to targets/objectives. (In case you do not agree with any of the assessment of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in that Section and put your signature in the space provided in Part 2 to Part 5. YES NO 2. In case of disagreement please state the reasons

3. Pen picture of the Officer

4. Overall total points scored as Part 2,3,4,5 DATE


SIGNATURE Page 13 of 16

CERTIFICATE (To be filled by the Officer entrusted as the custodian of APAR in the Units/Corporate Office) This is to certify that the APAR (earlier ACR) for the period has been Staff No. ) disclosed to the officer (Name: reported upon and all actions in compliance to the DoP&T O.M. No.21011/1/2005-Estt.(A) (Pt.III) dated 14/05/2009 in connection with the Annual Performance Appraisal Report of the officer have been completed.

Signature of the Officer entrusted with the responsibility of maintenance of APAR in the Unit/Corporate Office Name of the Officer: Designation: Office: (Note: It must be ensured that while presenting APAR to the DPC, this certificate must have been duly filled in. In the absence of this certificate the APAR will not be considered by DPC.)

CERTIFICATE (To be filled by the Officer Reported upon) This is to certify that I have been communicated my APAR for the period to on . The APAR shown to me was found to be complete in all respect including remarks of Reviewing Officer, Overall grade and assessment of integrity. On perusal of my APAR as above, I do not wish to make any representation against entries in my APAR. On perusal of the entries in my APAR, I wish to make a representation which I will file within 15 days from the date my APAR was communicated to me.


Signature: Name: Designation: Staff No.:

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After moderation and considering the representation of the Executive, if any, overall total points scored Grading DATE


CERTIFICATE (To be filled by the Officer entrusted as the custodian of APAR in the Units/Corporate Office) This is to certify that the APAR (earlier ACR) for the period after moderation and considering the representation/no representation submitted by the executive Staff No. has been disclosed to the officer (Name: ) reported upon and all actions in compliance to the DoP&T O.M. No.21011/1/2005-Estt.(A) (Pt.III) dated 14/05/2009 in connection with the Annual Performance Appraisal Report of the officer have been completed. Signature of the Officer entrusted with the responsibility of maintenance of APAR in the Unit/Corporate Office Name of the Officer: Designation: Office: (Note: It must be ensured that while presenting APAR to the DPC, this certificate must have been duly filled in. In the absence of this certificate the APAR will not be considered by DPC.)

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GUIDELINES REGARDING FILLING UP OF APAR WITH NUMERICAL GRADING 1. The columns in the APAR should be filled in with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. 2. It is expected that any grading (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific accomplishments or failures. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting and reviewing authorities should rate the Officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them. 3. APARs with score 85% and above shall be rated as Outstanding and graded A+. 4. APARs with score 75 to less than 85% shall be rated as Very Good and graded A. 5. APARs with score 65 to less than 75% shall be rated as Good and graded B+. 6. APARs with score 50 to less than 65% shall be rated as Average and graded B. 7. APARs with score below 50% shall be rated as Below Average and graded C

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