Solid State Physics & Devices - The Harbinger of Third Wave of Civilization - PREFACE - Unfolding of Third Information Revolution
Solid State Physics & Devices - The Harbinger of Third Wave of Civilization - PREFACE - Unfolding of Third Information Revolution
Solid State Physics & Devices - The Harbinger of Third Wave of Civilization - PREFACE - Unfolding of Third Information Revolution
Solid State Physics & Devices _The harbinger of third wave of civilization_PREFACE_Unfolding of Third Information Revolution.
Bijay_Kumar Sharma
This work is produced by The Connexions Project and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
Abstract Summary: In the rst part the lecture gives the background of Third Information Revolution. Then it describes the unfolding of Third Information Revolution. It traces the development in Electronics in general and in Computer Engineering in particular from 1833AD to date. It gives the development of SuperComputers till date. It gives the source of digital data and total data generated per annum. It gives a Table on World Wide Internet Users. Table 1 gives the evolution of P chips, Table 2 gives the evolution of dierent generations of computers, Table 3 gives the evolution of Local Area Network, Table 4 gives the data on Submarine and land cables laid till now. It also gives a special note on Hard 350 Disc Drive introduced in IBM 305 Ramac Computers supplanting the magnetic tapes.
SuperComputers till date. It gives the source of digital data and total data generated per annum. It gives a
dierent generations of computers, Table 3 gives the evolution of Local Area Network, Table 4 gives the data on Submarine and land cables laid till now. It also gives a special note on Hard 350 Disc Drive introduced in IBM 305 Ramac Computers supplanting the magnetic tapes. [
Gutenburg Revolution, the Second Information Revolution , gave rise to the rotating type Printing Press. Printing Liberated people's mind by enabling the widespread dissemination of knowledge and opinion. But it remained subject to censorship and worse. Television shrank the planets into Marshall Mclean's global village but the representation it diused were tightly controlled by editors, corporations, advertisers and governments.
1.3: Mar 3, 2010 7:41 am US/Central
The net in contrast provides the rst totally unrestricted , totally uncensored communication systemever. It is a living embodiment of an open market in ideas. Its patron saint (if that is not a blasphemous though for such a secular hero) is Thomas Paine, the great 18 th more notion that they had a right to be heard. Precisely because of this Net is potentially more powerful than both printing and TV because Net harnesses the intellectual leverage which printing gave to the man-kind without being hobbled by the one to many broadcast television. century libertarian who advanced the remarkable idea (remarkable for the time, anyway )that everyone had a right to speak his mind and the even
The First Information Revolution - Invention of the Phoenicians Alphabets, the mother of all
European languages.
BC 400 Invention of Brahmilipi , the mother of all Indian language except Urdu. 100 AD Invention of Kharosti language and alphabets, the mother of all Arabic
languages including Urdu
1450AD The Second Information revolution Invention of rotating press by a German Mechanic named
Michael Faraday made the earliest study of semiconductors. Charles Babbage plans a machine to calculate and print results. Ada Lovelace writes a step by step Programme for Babbage's Machine. George Boole invented Boolean Algebra. Boolean Algebra is the basis of the present set of Computer Systems which use ALGORITHMIC PROGRAMMING as opposed to HEURISTIC PROGAMMING of Articial Intillegence Computers. Heuristics programming uses Predicate Logic. Heuristics means working by rule of thumbs and it is self learning
programme. In contrast Algorithm means a set of sequential steps which are repeated or iterated. Here there is no self learning involved.
central core of copper wire, gutta-percha, tarred yarn, tarred hemp, and iron wires.
1858AD-First transatlantic telegraph cable. 1876AD Alexander Graham Bell invented Telephone. 1895AD J.J Thomson discovers electron as the basic building block of Atom through
the study of Cathode Ray;
1902-1906AD- Telegraph cable crosses the Pacic ocean. 1904AD-John Ambrose Fleming invents Vacuum Tube Diode(two electrodes device). 1906AD-Lee De Forest invented Vacuum Triode ( three electrodes device) and used it to
achieve RC coupled Amplier. Subsequently four electrodes device tetrode and ve electrodes device pentode.
Telephone cables with large inductors, rst long distance telephone call was made from New York to Denver, Colorado, over a distance of 2000 miles. Network (PSTN).
1913AD-Vacuum Tube Repeater introduced in Public Service Telephone 1915AD-Using inductor loading & R.C Coupled Amplier, rst transcontinental
telephone call is made from New York to San Francisco across a distance of 4000miles. Telephone becomes a Public Utility Service.
1918AD-Two Frenchmen, Block & Abraham, build the rst simple Calculator-a
calculator with programme storage and data storage facility is a computer.
1937AD-Alan Turing invents The Turing Machine - it can perform all logical tasks. 1943AD- To decipher encrypted messages, British Scientist build Colossusforerunners of Electronic Computers.
1945AD-IBM builds rst full scale calculator, MARK-I. 1945AD-ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator & Calculator) build by Moore School
of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. ENIAC is 27Metric Tonnes , consumes 200kW and occupies a large room. The valves failed at a rate of one every 10 minutes and ENIAC had 18,000 valves. So development of user friendly home Computers was a pipe dream at that time. Development could not take place using Thermoionic Valves.
1945AD- Microwave Telephone link established. 1945AD-First Transoceanic Telephone Links established using voice quality coaxial
cables. Telegraphic Cables are not suitable for Telephone Conservation. Voice quality cables were developed during World War II and introduced right after the War .Before the World War II , no TransAtlantic or TransPacic Telephonic Links were there. Across the oceans only Radio-Telephone call could be made.
1947AD-At Bell Laboratories, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & William Shockley
invented BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor). They were awarded Nobel Prize in 1956 in Physics for this invention. Computers.
1948AD-Magnetic Drum Memory invented at Georgia Institute of Technology for 1952AD-UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer)- First computer designed for
business use. The inventors were John Mauchy & John Eckart.
7.26 Metric Tonnes, 5000 Vacuum tubes & 1000 calculations per second.
1956AD-UNIVAC II using transistors come in the market. Manufactures are Sperry Rand, USA. These are termed as SECOND GENRATION COMPUTERS. 1956AD-TAT-1, the rst transatlantic voice grade telephony coaxial cable laid across
insulation, vacuum tube repeaters).
the Atlantic
Ocean.Until then transatlantic telephone calls were made by Radio-Telephony.(Coaxial Cable, polythene
1956AD- September 13, 1956, IBM 305 Ramac Computer with DISK DRIVE was introduced.
Till then
the OS and data were stored on Magnetic Drums or Magnetic Tapes as a result the booting process of the computer or access of data was very slow. This newly introduced computer had 350 Disk File. This consisted of a rack of 24 magnetically coated platters 50 in number mounted on a single vertical spindle and could store 4.4MB of data as compared to today's hard disc which store 70GB of data.[Please see the foot note].
1959AD-Integrated Circuit (IC) chip invented by Jack Kilby (Texas Instrument) and
Robert Noyce (FairChild). Discrete active and passive devices are integrated together on one wafer thin silicon chip in the area of 1cm by 1cm square, mounted on a header and then properly encapsulated and sealed. At the time it started, it had only 30 components in the 1 square cm area. This heralded the Information Age and
It also produced an
Explosion in electronic consumer and communication applications such as Personal Computers to cell Phones. Jack Kilby was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in the year 2000. Jack Kilby passed away on 1
August 2005. Robert Noyce went on to establish INTEL (Integrated Electronics) along with Gordon
Moore and Andy Grove . He passed away earlier than Jack Kilby so he could not be awarded. Noble Prizes are not awarded posthumously. 5th October,1959-IBM1401 mainframe computer makes its debut. This becomes the best selling computer in the world in mid-1960s.This was in the category of stored program computers. These stored program computers were vastly superior to IBM 604 Electronic Calculating Punch Machine which was vacuum tube, plugboard-controlled, serial-decimal machine with 50 digits of storage.Stored Program Computers were more exible and adaptable than plugboard-based accounting machines. But these large-scale stored program computers were too expensive for common use.By the use of alloyed junction discrete transistor logic and Automatic Logic Design software, the volume and power consumption was reduced by 50% and 95% respectively.Standard Modular System(SMS) called Cube/Rolygon for electronic packaging was
maximum rate of 250kHz.CTDL was robust and handled large fan-ins and fan-outs.Memory to Memory architecture was used.This reduced the number of instructions needed for accounting and business programming.These changes achieved a entry-level rental price target of US$2500 per month.Previously it was as high as US$40,000 per month. It had outstanding print quality, powerful magnetic tape subsystem and a stored program computer for the mass market place.By 1965, half of the approximately 26000 computers in the World were 1400-family machines.Tape-oriented 1401 system became the computer of choice. Timelife transferred 40 million punched card subscriber records to just several hundred magnetic tapes.Full size system had 500,000 discrete components, weighed up to 4 tonnes, and consumed up to 13000W.It used 10,600 Ge alloy-junction transistors and 13,200 Ge point-contact diodes on 2300SMS cards interconnected with 5.5mi of wire. Memory varied from 1400 bytes to 16000 bytes memory space.It had a clock rate of 87000cycles/sec corresponding to one clock cycle of 11.7microsecond. In 50 machine cycles corresponding to 0.5ms two positive 20-digit numbers could be added. Today a Pentium IV processor operating at 4GHz can add two 64-bit numbers in 0.5nano second.Magnetic Core Memories were priced at 60 cents per bit(or US$24 per byte in today's currency. This is 300 million times more costly than today's DRAM.Its high speed and enduring print quality made it an Industry Workhorse. By 1961, optical character recognition (OCR) devices were introduced as a peripheral to 1401. The 1401 contributed to the growth of programming as a profession and software as an industry.It had no operating system. IBM had a compatibility problem amongst its various versions and amongst its various peripherals. By April 1964 it introduced System/360. It consolidated software, peripherals and support in one compatible and scalable computer family. 1401 wound down with the announcement of S/360.[This part has been excerpted from"The Legendary IBM 1401 Data Processing System" by Robert Garner Fredrick(Rick) Dill, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, pp.28-39]
1960AD-Sir Arthur's Clark's dream of Global Satellite Communication is realized. 1961AD-FIRST RLT (Resistance Transistor logic) IC Chip is commercially marketed by
T I (Texas Instrument) and FairChild.
Op. Amp.
1964AD-PDP 8, table top computer introduced in the market .It was a 8-bit computer
meaning by the address size is 8 bit. Larger is the address word, larger is the address capability. 4-bit means 16 locations can be addressed and 8-bit means 256 locations can be addressed. This used IC Chips hence it was compact and less power consuming. This was
1965AD- Project MAC, started by Licklider at MIT, evolved into rst On-Line
Community, complete with bulletin boards, e-mails , virtual friendship and a
1968AD- MODEMS are used for Wide Area Network (WAN). 1968AD- December1968, demonstration at Fall Joint Computer Conference in San
Francisco established Graphical User Interface(GUI) with mouse, on screen windows, full screen word processing and a host of other innovations.
1970AD- PDP-11 introduced with 16 address word 1970AD-Magnetic Disks replace Magnetic Drum as back up memory.
years ago, INTEL, a small Santa Clara (US) based manufacturer of memory and switching devices, unveiled a thumbnail-sized slab of silicon encased in a ceramic casing with 16 pins: this ushered in the era of Personal Computers, the era of Desk Top Computing and the era of
The contract with Busicom required INTEL to deliver the electronics for calculating machine, as a set of 12 custom built chips. The electrical engineer assigned to handle the task-Dr. Marcian TED Ho , a PhD from the Stanford university-had an inspired thought. Why make a set of chips just for one application? Why not generalize the design so that other computing tools could be built with the same generalized design? In the process ,Dr. Ho also suggested that the composite elements of a computer , as it was then understood- a unit to do the arithmetic (ALU-Arithmetic-Logic-Unit), a small memory and input and output interface could be combined in a single slap of silicon.. When Busicom had cash ow problems, INTEL bought back the design it had created and slipped the product into its own catalogue. Intel
4004 was sold to Defence Establishment in India at a cost of Rs 7,000.00. Intel's Indian Agent It was too
was Hyderabad based Electronics International which was later named as Microelectronics International]
1971AD-Texas Instruments marketed rst pocket calculator 1kg in weight and price $150.00.
The rst e-mail; was QWERTYUIOP, the second row of the typewriter keyboard, sent by Tomilison. The rst telegraphic message was sent by Samuel Morse in 1844. It was What hath God wrought. The rst conversation carried out between Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Watson in 1876 was, Mr. Watson comes here. I want you.. Founder of Hotmail got the idea of accessing email via the web from a computer anywhere in the world. When Sabeer Bahtia came up with the business plan for the mail service , he tried all kinds of names ending in `mail' and nally settled for Hotmail as it included the letters html'(hyper text mark up
language), the programming language used to write web pages .It was nally referred to as HoTMaiL with selective upper casings.
1972AD-rst 8 bit P 8008 introduced by intel. 1973AD-May 22, ETHERNET IEEE 802.3standards for LOCAL AREA NETWORK were born.
The inventor of Ethernet was a young Xerox Palo Alto Research Scientist named
1974AD-8080P chip introduced. 1974AD- First paper on TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)and the architecture of the Internet
by Vinton Cerf and Kahn.
Robert M. Metcalfe.
1976AD-APPLE CO. founded by Steve Wozniak & Steve Tabs members of Home-Brew
Computer Club (California) in a Garage. Apple I was introduced.
FOURTH GENERATION COMPUTER. 1977AD-Bill Gates, Harvard Under-Graduate dropout, and Paul Allen developed the
programming language BASIC for Altair 8800 and in the process founded MICROSOFT Company at Albuquerque near MIT. The name was coined by Bill Gates to represent the company that was devoted to MICROcomputer SOFTware. MS provided DOS (disc operating system) to IBM and other PC makers. word.
1978AD-Intel introduces 8086 P Chip which had 16bit data word and 16bit address 1978AD-HCL delivered 8CR P based Desk Top computer.
Indigenous OS; Indigenous BASIC Interpreter Languages.
1980AD-Voice to text system was developed by IBM. 1981AD-IBM introduced its own brand of Personal Computer PC5150 based on 8088P
Intel Chip. Clock Rate was the same as that of APPLE II but memory was much bigger at 40kB. GREEN SCREEN, 2x5 Floppy Drives for loading OS. IBM PC design accounts for 90% PCs. APPLE PC design accounts for 10% PCs. can login to a central data base from any where in the country and pertinent information can be availed. This is rst Public Utility On-Line Service.
1982AD-France Telecom launches MINITEL system, a wide area network in which you
1982AD-Intel introduces 80826p Chip (16 bit data bus and 24 bit address bus and 68
pin package).
graphical user interface (GUI). Its patent was bought from Xerox research center where it was used in Xerox Star. Screen icons were introduced which could be selected by the use of cursor using a mouse.
It has
700MB as opposed as 1.44MB in oppies. This can accommodate one hour of music . 1983AD: TCP/IP, standardized in 1978, rolls out formally 1 January 1983 and all ARPA-sponsored packet networks (ARPANET, Packet Radio Net, Packet Satellite Net) and, subsequently ethernets that are becoming commercially available, incorporate the standardized version of TCP/IP.
the latest GUI, namely mouse and screen icons. Its cost was $2500.00.
1984AD-Musical instruments digital interface (MIDI) introduced. 1985AD-Desktop publishing introduced by ALDUS PAGE MAKER along with LASER
JET PRINTER in Apple Macintosh.
1986AD-80386(Intel) and 68030(Motorola) introduces 24 bit address bus. 1988AD-VIRTUAL REALITY (VR) is introduced. When VR headset is put on , you see
a world of your choice with the help of computer. You can place yourself in the cockpit of a jet plane and experience the sensation of actual ight. computer .
1988AD-Pattern Recognition Software introduced to read hand written documents by 1988AD-MPEG (Moving Picture Expert Group ) is devised for compressing digital
videos Band Width.
1988AD-First Trans Atlantic Optical Fiber Cable, TAT8, used in place of coaxial cable.
Coaxial Cable can carry 3,000 simultaneous phone calls. In contrast Optical Fiber cable can carry 37,500 simultaneous telephone calls with the present state of art of electronics. As the switching speed increases, the number of simultaneous calls increases exponentially. Total BW: 5.12terabits/sec.
1988AD-Touch Screen Computers are developed. 1989AD-Disk Operating System (DOS) are replaced by MS WINDOW OS., MS EXCEL
and MS WORD introduced. WINDOW 3.0 VERSION released.
1989AD- March 1989, computer software child prodigy, now an adult, Mr.
Geneva, handed a proposal `Information Management: a proposal'. They came up with global hypertext language, the basis of http in website address. By October 1990, they developed the rst web browser. The World Wide Web Technology was made available for wider use on INTERNET from 1991 onward without any royalties. Internet is a vast network of networks, interconnected in many dierent ways yet they all speak the same language. Web is one-albeit the most inuential and well known-of many dierent applications which run over the Internet. Today in 2009 March, as we celebrate 20
Anniversary of Web
Technology, Tim Berners-Lee is a researcher at MIT,US, and a Professor at Computer Science Department at South Hampton University, Britain, and still heads the World Wide Web Consortium that coordinates development of the Web.
1992AD-Mobile Phones enter Digital Age. These are second generation (2G) mobiles. 1993 AD-PENTIUM I introduced . it had 3.1x106 CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide
Semiconductor Field Eect Transistor) placed on one chip .
data bus 32 bits and address bus 32 bits clock rate 1500 times that of 4004 . 95 was introduced .
1998AD-APPLE launches iMAC fully internet compatible. 1998AD-Global Positioning System (GPS) introduced by US Defence. 1999AD-IBM's DEEP BLUE defeats Garry Kasporov (chess grand master).
dierent chess positions are examined per second. compared to 700MB in CD. DVD became a reality only after the invention of Blue Laser Diode .
200 million
1999AD-DVD(Digital Versatile Device )introduced with a memory space of 8 GB as 1999AD-HDTV(High Denition TV) introduced. 1999AD-WEB CAM (WEB camera ). Digital Camera connected to your computer.
has a special drive which allows a picture to be taken every 10 seconds, turns this into a standard le format and uploads to the server where your website is stored . People can keep visiting the site and have a look at the photographs of the location as desired. - Handheld Internet Access introduced; - Hand held Personal Organizer introduced; - MP3 standard is introduced for Digital Audio Compression.
sets and CD players to communicate and share data over a distance of 10m and less. Operating frequency 2.45GHz. Switches the operating frequency 1600 times per second . This is called Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum method. When Blue Tooth capable devices come within range of one another they have electronic conversations.
It has 42 million transistors packed in an area of 1 cm by 1 cm; System Clock Rate is 2GHz; 20,000 more powerful than 4004 Cost Rs 15,000.00 23
October 2001, Apple iPod, the iconic device that denes our era as distinctively as the
Sony Walkman dened 1980s. An entire ecosystem of goods and services have evolved around Apple iPod. Minispeakers can be plugged into it; microphones attachment can convert it into digital audio recorder; it can be turned into small radio transmitters that beam songs to the nearest FM radio; attachments can turn it into breadth analyzer. iPod plus iTunes turned out to be a grand success where other musical gadgets and soft-wares failed.
Address eld is only 32 bit long in IPv4 but 128bits long in IPv6. This will
allow much larger number of users than what it can support till now;
New version allows a larger through-put; New version oers a better support for options; New version provides better methods of authentication and privacy. This will
GRAPHICS is introduced;
it is powered by 10,240 processors in 20 units; it is Intel Itanium chips; it performs 43 Tera FLOPS as compared to the world record of 36TFLOPS
This is a ten fold increase in NASA's supercomputing capacity; Applications in hurricane tracking, weather modeling and earth's interior
It oers Norton
Anti-Virus, Norton Anti-Spam and Norton Personal Firewall. Firewall protects the system from Trojan Horses and other attackers. It also includes parental and
2004AD- Radio frequency Identication (RFID). It is a stamp size chip which gives
a Radio Signal as the tag mark of the product it is attached to; US-based nVIDIA Corporation for Video Games;
2005AD- GeForce 7800 GTX (latest Graphics Processing Unit or GPU) introduced by
302 million CMOS on one 1cmx1cm chip; Performs 202 GFLOPS; 10% less power consumption ; 50% quieter twice as powerful as its processors 6800 but it costs the same as before that is
Rs. 32,000.00 ;
Market for video games is one of the fastest growing sectors in Computer
Intel introduces Xeon for servers and Pentium M for laptops; AMD introduces Opteron 800 series for servers and workstations;
AMD introduces Athlon 64 X2 for consumers and business PC's; GeForce 9400M is a single chip solution for graphical processing platform for portable
2008 October.
applications. It has computing rate of 55GFlops (Floating Point Operations), the most powerful integrated graphics processor in the market in 2008. It has 6 cores operating in parallel. But much less power hungry. New MacBook family will be fuelled by these chips.
2008 November.Intel and AMD have launched a native quad processor unlike the earlier version where
AMD has launched 45nmOpteron. Both achieve the 4 cores on the same silicon
2 dual core chips had been combined in the same package. Intel has launched `Nehalem',the i7 processor using 45nm technology. slab. This has Memory Bandwidth. These conserve energy by cutting down power when the device is idle. Station.
2009 May- Interplanetary Internet Protocols are tested by using computers on the International Space
Eventually there will be an internet connectivity among Earth, multiple probes, rovers, orbiters
and space crafts exploring the solar system. This will be the basis of Interplanetary Internet. The network's key technologies are called Delay Tolerant Networking(DTN) protocols. The problem in deep space internet is the huge delay and occultation of the nodes. To overcome this problem store and forward technique will be used. The node will save the data and then passes on when the link is again established. A third test is yet to be carried. In this a security protocol and a new le-transfer protocol will be used.
ROAD MAP OF SUPERCOMPUTER.[`The Data', IEEE SPECTRUM, APRIL 2009] Illiac IV, 64 processors, teraops capability, cost was 4.810
4.810 Floating Point Operations per Second which is 48010 FLOPS or 480kFLOPS per million dollars.
CRAY Y-MP, 8-vector processors with teraops capability, cost was 1.11510
TeraFlops per
1997 ASCI RED, 4510 processors with teraops capaability, cost was 1.81818210-2 TeraFlops per mil2002 EARTHSIMULATOR , 5120 processors, cost was 17.5GFLOPS per million dollars. 2004 BLUEGENE/L, 65536 processors with 10TFLOPS capability, cost was 2.8TFLOPS
PLAYSTATION3 CLUSTER, 8playstation 3s, 375TFLOPS per million dollars. NVIDIA TESLA, 960 cores, 439.1 TFLOPS per million dollars*. ROADRUNNER, 19440 processors with several tens of TFLOPS capability, cost was 8.3TFLOPS per million
per million dollars. *Based on the cost of building your own Tesla supercomputer out of four Tesla C1060 units. Complete instructions are available at
Seven processors per node at 150GFLPS per Unit for a single processor( 11 processors per node for a 6480 Opteron CPUs and 12960 Cell processors.
dual processor). $400-plus per node. Supercomputers are massively parallel chips can be used to calculate protein folding, predict climate change and crack the encryption of hitherto-secure Web sites. Nvidia advertises its new workstation, the Tesla, as a personal supercomputer. speed. Tesla does single-precision oating-point calculations using 8-bit bytes. Roadrunner uses 64-bit oating integers. Digital Data Generation. Sources of digital data: a. social networking sites, b. internet-enabled mobile phones and It clusters 4 Nvidia C1060 processing boards, each of which unites 240 graphic cores to process instructions at nearly teraop
c. government surveillance. d. 70% of the digital content is created by by individuals through phne cals, emails, photos, online banking transactions or postings on social networking sites. Digital Universe Report in 2007 gave total digital content as 161 bn gigabytes. Digital Universe Report in 2009 gave total digital content as 487 bn gigabytes. IDC/EMC estimate: The cost of the computers, networks and storage facilities that drive the digital universe is $6 tn. Medical equipment, entertainment and content creation equipments cost another $6 tn. Total World GDP is $50tn. 80% of PC's are powered by Intel Chips and remaining 20% powered by Motorola, Digital Co., AMD and Transmeta. 2006AD-We have reached 1 billion mark in personal Computers. accounted by Europe and 12% by Asia. PC user per hundred of the population- (USA 70%), (France 35%), (Brazil 7%), (China 3%), (India 15 per 1000); 2006AD-2 billion Cellular Phones- worldwide; China- 450m cell phones; India-95m. cell phones World Wide Internet Usage [] Total User 1.3 billion 39% is accounted by USA, 25% is
Table 1
To bridge the Digital Divide, Government of India is planning to set up Common Service Centers (CSC)broad band enabled computer kiosks that will oer a range of government-to-citizen and business-to-customer services, besides providing sheer access to the Internet. 600,000 villages by March 2008. Companies in PC manufacturing WIPRO, PSI, ZENITH, DCM,HCL -27% growth rate -5m. unit/yr Table 1.Evolution of Microprocessor Chip About 100,000 plus CSC's will be introduced in
Number Pins 16
Clock Rate
Intel 4004
8-bit 16-bit
40 40
2MHz 5 MHz
0.64MIPS 0.33MIPS
1977 1978
Intel 80286
6-12.5 MHz
16 MHZ
Intel 80486
1.2million CMOS
25 MHZ
3.1 Ad-
60 MHZ
100 MIPS
dress32bMemory 4GB 7.5 million 370 233 MHZ 400 MIPS 1997
Pentium II
CMOS Pentium III Pentium IV same Data 64b 9.5 CMOS 42 million 370 478 450 MHZ 2.2 GHz 1000 MIPS ? 1999 2001
Address 64b
CMOS(Nano electronics)
Table 2
MOORE's LAW: The packing density of CMOS on P Chip would double every two years leading to an exponential growth in the complexity and speed of P Chip.
Table 2. Evolution of Computers.
Generation 1
Logic Boolean
Programming Algorithm
Language Fortran,Basic,Algol
ENIAC Univac
Main-Frame) 2
Discrete BJT
IC's chips
PDP8,Minicomp.,Table Top) 4
Prolog, Lisp
Data Medical
nostic Tools
Table 3
Table 3. Evolution of Local Area Network
Year 1973
Name OSI (Open System Interconnection) Logical Link Control CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect) Token Bus Token Ring WLL (Wire Local Loop) Wi-Fi (Wireless internet Access
1999 2001
802.11 802.13
Table 4
Atlantic Cable and Undersea Communications
History of the
Region Asia Middle East Oceania Europe US & Europe Latin America & Caribbean Africa Transatlantic Cable US-Latin America Transpacic Europe-Asia Intra-Asia
Submarine Cable %BW utilization 69% 73% 56% 52% 51% 77% 69%
Table 5
Submarine Cable Boom: In 2001 US $13.5 billion was spent. Due to bust, only $2billion was spent during four lean years from 2004 to 2007. Even the during the lean periods, global demand never slaked growing at an average compound annual rate of 54% from 2002 to 2008. In Latin America and the Caribbean, trac grew the most at more than 75%.
METALFE LAW: The value of a NETWORK grows as the square of the number of users.
Foot Note: 350 Disk Drive, introduced in IBM 305 Ramac Computer, consisted of 50 Number of 24-inch magnetically coated platters mounted on a single vertical spindle and rotating at high speed. In between the platters and looking rather like a giant animated hair-comb, was an assembly of read-write heads that clacked in and out, reading and writing data from and to the disks and passing the information to and from the machine's processor. The drive was the size of two large refrigerators and was leased to customers at an annual rental of $35,000/-, which according to my calculations would be $250,000 in today's currency. But corporate customers thought it a bargain because it meant that their Main Frame Computers could become much more versatile and faster. A digital computer works by taking data from a permanent storage medium, carrying out operations on that data, and then writing back into storage. Slowest part of this process was getting data transferred to and fro from the processor to the storage. Hard Disks oered a way of easing the bottleneck. processing. IBM's colossal spinning plate rack held a total of 4.4MB of Data. Today the hard disk in the iPod is just 1.8 in diameter and yet it can store 60GB of Data, which is almost 14,000 times the capacity of the 350 Disk File. The drive in laptop is 2.5 in diameter and has a capacity of 120GB. This cheap and boundless mass storage has enabled the existence of companies such as Google, Amazon and eBay and services such as Apples iTunes, Wikipedia and Internet Archive. The story of computing has been told almost entirely in terms of advances in processors and networks. Whereas in fact the success and proliferation of computer usage is as much due to the vast, fast, cheap mass storage provided by Hard Disks. Development in Memory Technology: The convergence of consumer,computer and communication electronic system is leading to exponential growth in need of memories. Memories are required for code storage, computing input-output storage and data storage. In the past, we could associate a memory technology to a The result was faster computation and faster data
specic market segment : RAM to computer; NOR Flash memory to mobile communication; NAND Flash memory to consumer DSC; Today such distinctions are being blurred.A common format is emerging. The new electronic systems stack dierent non-volatile memory and xRAM and use microprocessor for facilitating interfacing and managing the overall memory.
cal crossbar(TXKs) *Electronic-control reed-relay non-digital(TXE4) ital(Systems X and Y- AXE10: I suppose;5ESS; DMS100;UXD5) Global Telephone System SS7(Signaling System 7) links telephone networks all over the globe. Every Telecom carrier and manufacturer has to work and develop around SS7 VoIP(voice on internet protocol) may be further
Service switching points, mobile switching points Smart coordinator that helps callers nd one another
System will know how and where to locate the destination; Convergence-lots of systems but few devices; preferred formats - Voice or Video, Real Time or dekayed, reading the voice mails and hearing the emails
Table 6