NL 11.15.12
NL 11.15.12
NL 11.15.12
November 29, 2012 - 12 pm, Next weekly Secular Movement Call , 559726-1300, code: 199568 (Every Thursday)
December 1, 2012 - 10:00 am Nathan Cox speaking at Michigan Atheists 26th Annual State Convention March 28, 2013 - American Atheists National Convention, Austin, Texas May 4, 2013 - Freethought Alliance Conference, Anaheim, California May 30, 201 3- American Humanist Association Annual Conference, San Diego, California
View Full Calendar, including all of SCA's legislative & monthly state chapter calls, and more. View a web versions of this and past newsletters, as well as this week's movement call agenda here.
resources for the young and growing secular population. UPS halted donations to the Boy Scouts of America due to its discrimination policy--the organization discriminates against nontheists and LGBT persons. Would You Vote For An Atheist? Tell The Truth via NPR Politicians Who Reject Labels Based on Religion via The New York Times Nontheist News Corner
At OKcupid, being an atheist is a date-maker, not a deal-breaker Charles Darwin gets 4,000 write-in votes against Rep. Paul Broun who said evolution is a lie straight from pit of hell The Evolution of the Religiously Unaffiliated Vote, 1980-2008 AHA Tells Newly Elected Congress: Don't Join Prayer Caucus New book claims Abraham Lincoln was not necessarily the "fiery atheist" many were lead to believe. Public Religion Research Institute's info graphic of the week: The End of the white Christian [political] strategy Get more on the SCA's state chapters and find out when your state meets
"While I fully understand why a political figure like Kyrsten Sinema might shy away from labels or a public declaration of her personal beliefs, this kind of disclosure might be precisely what's required for people to start to believe in atheists." - NPR. Read more.
For the real underdog story in the elections this year, you have to look further out on the margins of popular next! respectability. Consider the two religiously unaffiliated women headed for the House Don't forget to follow or friend us! and the Senate. SCA quoted in this article. Read more.
Secular Coalition for America | 1012 14th Street NW, Suite 205, Washington, D.C., 20005-3429 Phone: (202) 299-1091 Fax: (202) 293-0922
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Council for Secular Humanism HUUmanists Institute for Humanist Studies Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers Secular Student Alliance Society for Humanistic Judaism