Africa Salil

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AGRIBUSINESS SCOPE IN AFRICA Agriculture is the most important sector of the African economy and will have to be its

driving engine out of poverty. It accounts for 65 per cent of the continent's employment and 75 per cent of its domestic trade. Despite, there is need to boost agricultural productivity to achieve sustainable industrial and agribusiness development as a means of wealth and job creation. As per the statistics given, the agribusiness in Africa is at nascent stage consisting huge potential to expand exponentially and ample opportunities for agro-companies and entrepreneurs to explore deep. African agribusiness value chains will have to adapt to changing market conditions, continuously improve efficiency and strive to meet consumer requirements in a competitive global trade system," The opportunities available in Agribusiness sector in Africa are due: The relatively low base of agricultural production on the continent The availability of significant portions of arable land in Sub Sahara Africa The availability of extensive water resources in Central and Western Africa The low levels of technological sophistication in Agriculture means there is scope for productivity levels to increase significantly and relatively low labor base. Geographically closer access to markets in EU, India, China and the Middle East An increasing awareness amongst African governments to assist with investment Renewed interest globally in investing in African agriculture opportunities The need for local agribusiness and agro-industry development

Africas average of 13 tractors for each one hundred square kilometres of arable land compares unfavourably both with the global average (200/100km2 of arable land) and with the average for other developing regions, such as South Asia (129/100km2 of arable land). The same applies to irrigation: sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has only 4% of arable and permanent cropland under irrigation, compared with 39% in South Asia and 11% in Latin America and the Caribbean. While high-income countries add about US$180 of value by processing one tonne of agricultural products, African countries generate only US$40. 98% of agricultural production in high-income countries undergoes industrial processing, in African countries less than 30% is processed

An agribusiness-led development strategy, with stronger productivity growth throughout the entire agribusiness value chain system, offers the best opportunity for rapid and broad-based economic growth and poverty reduction. The UNIDO study proposes that a new strategic framework for agribusiness development, as follows. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Enhancing agricultural supply for value addition Upgrading value chains Exploiting local, regional, and international demand Strengthening technological efforts and capabilities for agribusiness Promoting effective and innovative financing Creating a favorable business environment Improving infrastructure and energy access

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