Strategic Management
Strategic Management
Strategic Management
A Handbook for
The mission of the Total Quality Leadership (TQL) Office, Office of the Under
Secretary of the Navy, is to assist the Department of the Navy (DON) leaders
in their quality-focused improvement efforts. The TQL Office also provides
technical advice to a number of organizations inside and outside government.
Information and The TQL Office educates the DON about TQL policies and initiatives through
Communication the TQLeader and through articles, reports, and presentations at conferences
and meetings. It has developed a computer-based quality information net-
work to facilitate communication with DON organizations.
Assessment Systems are needed to assess and enhance TQL implementation in the DON.
The TQL Office designs and develops feedback mechanisms in support of
mission accomplishment. It also develops new approaches to improving
organizational effectiveness.
Consultant TQL Office members provide technical advice to the Under Secretary of the
Services Navy and other senior DON leaders on the application of TQL principles and
methods within the DON and on strategic planning. Advice may also take the
form of recommendations on implementing new laws, such as the Government
Performance and Results Act, as well as on related initiatives.
Education The TQL Office is responsible for ensuring the technical accuracy of the DON
and Training TQL curriculum. Having overseen the design and development of the courses,
the staff now advises on the integration of TQL material into training pipelines.
The TQL Office continues to publish handbooks and other publications on all
aspects of organizational change and to design new courses.
Networking The TQL Office has much to share with other organizations, both government
and Liaison and private, and much to learn from them. Staff members participate in
TQL-related networks and professional organizations.
New Technology can provide critical support to DON quality improvement efforts.
The job of the TQL Office is to assess new technologies related to organiza-
tional change and process improvement and translate them into applications
for the DON.
Using A Handbook for Strategic Planning, the senior leadership team can
complete most of the planning work by developing the organizations
vision, mission, guiding principles, strategic goals, strategies, and objec-
tives. The next steps are to complete the planning work, publish, deploy,
implement, measure, and evaluate the plan. Strategic Management for
Senior Leaders: A Handbook for Implementation continues this process,
offering suggestions on these steps.
These suggestions derive from lessons learned during extensive work with
client organizations in developing, deploying, and implementing strategic
plans. This information has been supplemented by research that included
personal interviews with DON and other government leaders who have
led strategic management efforts within their organizations. Therefore,
this handbook should be considered a guideline to help leaders make
choices; it is not intended to be directive.
Each organization has its own distinctive culture and mission. However,
there are lessons learned and successful strategies that are common to
them all. This handbook brings together these strategies and lessons so
that senior leaders can apply them within their own organizations.
The ability to lead organizations into the future is a new skill for most
senior leaders. These are people who have a mission to perform and a
business to manage. Such responsibilities leave little time to think about
Foreword ............................................................................... i
Section I: Guidance................................................................ 1
Government Center for Veterinary Medicine, Rockville, MD
Organizations Stephen Sundlof, D.M.V., Ph.D., Director
Dave Lynch, Total Quality Coordinator
Department of Agriculture, Organizational Development, Riverdale, MD
Dan Stone, Co-Director of Organizational and Professional
Department of Education, Washington, DC
Alan Ginsburg, Director of Planning and Evaluation Service
Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Science, and
Technology, Germantown, MD
Howard Rohm, Deputy Director, Planning
State of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
John Cannon, Research Analyst, Office of Legislative Research
and General Counsel
Lee King, Director, State and Local Planning, Governors Office
of Planning and Budget
How is this Strategic management is not a clean, step by step process. It is not linear,
handbook but a messy, iterative process that requires hard work and dedication
organized? from most people in the organization to move it toward the future. It
represents a new focus for the organization; a focus on a compelling
vision of the future. This handbook is designed to help organizational
leaders take steps to begin a strategic management process.
Both the Keys to Success and the Facts of Failure have been gleaned from
the management research literature combined with and validated by the
experiences of the participating organizations and of the author. Words
of Advice and Caution are interspersed to highlight main points. The
decisions made at these junctures can lead to success or failure.
How should As you begin your strategic planning process, use this handbook as a
this handbook source guide to become familiar with the overall concept of strategic
be used? management. Then, as each aspect of strategic management is intro-
duced into the organization, refer back to the relevant chapters in Sec-
tion I for additional guidance . This handbook was designed as a com-
panion to A Handbook for Strategic Planning; it picks up where the
previous handbook left off. Therefore, you may want to familiarize
themselves with this earlier handbook. However, a brief overview of the
DON strategic planning process is provided in the first chapter of Section
I, An Introduction to Strategic Management.
and Evaluation Strategic
Communicate Foundations Measurement
Results Plan
Collect Allocation
Implementation Deployment
Communicate Develop Phase II: Phase I:
Track Status Take Action Communicate Complete
Progress Action Plans the Plan the Plan
(Haines, 1995)
What is Strategic management as a term and concept is not new. The term was
strategic first used in the 1970s, and it meant that a staff of strategic planners
management? more or less thought up strategic programs and then tried to sell them
to decision makers. In the 1990s, the view of strategic planning and
strategic management is much different. Goodstein, Nolan, and Pfeiffers
definition of strategic planning takes us away from the notion that strate-
gic planning is a staff job and focuses us more on a process that requires
the senior leaders of an organization to set its strategic direction.
Principles Objectives
and Evaluation
Foundations Develop
Communicate Measurement
Collect Allocation
Implementation Deployment
Develop Phase II: Phase I:
Communicate Track Status Take Action
Progress Communicate Complete
Action Plans
the Plan the Plan
What is the first The first step toward strategic management is to develop a strategic plan
step toward for the organization.
In the process of developing the goals, the team may also begin to de-
velop some of the strategies and objectives for achieving the goals.
At the end of the workshop, the team identifies the steps needed to com-
plete its planning and prepare for deployment and implementation.
How long will It takes about one month to complete the pre-planning activities. The
it take us to strategic planning facilitator will typically need about 20 days of effort,
complete the the TQL coordinator about 4 days of effort, the senior leader about 4
planning days of effort, and the other members of the senior leadership team
process? about 2 days of effort to engage in these pre-planning activities.
4 Deployment methodology
Phase II: Phase I:
Communicate Complete the
the Plan Plan
(Metz, 1984)
Deployment has two phases. In Phase I, the plan is completed and pub-
lished; in Phase II, it is formally communicated. Following are actions that
are key to successfully completing Phase I and actions that guarantee
Who does what The following are suggested roles and responsibilities:
to complete the
strategic plan?
Where can The TQL coordinator can assist the senior leadership team with the next
the senior phases of the strategic planning process. The strategic planning facilita-
leadership tor, who conducted the initial strategic planning workshop, may also be
team get available to help.
Caution: During deployment, it is important for the senior
leaders to continue to focus on the good of the whole orga-
nization, rather than just on their own functional areas.
What are Goal groups are cross-functional teams established to work on the devel-
goal groups? opment and implementation of the goals and their associated strategies
and objectives. They are cross-functional because each strategic goal
touches on many aspects of the organization. Goal groups are sub-
groups of the senior leadership team. As we move into implementation,
these goal groups may link with existing teams such as Quality Manage-
ment Boards (QMBs) and Integrated Product/Process Teams (IPPTs), etc.
How are the The goals developed at the initial offsite should be cross-functional.
goal groups Therefore, cross-functional teams are needed to work on developing the
formed? strategies and objectives for accomplishing the goals. If subgroups of
the planning team were formed to work on the goals at the workshop,
then those goal groups may continue their work as intact teams. If goal
groups were not formed at the workshop, they should be established at
this time.
Can a goal Yes. A goal group may need the assistance of others when the senior
group obtain leadership team is small in size or the members need to obtain the assis-
assistance tance of subject-matter experts and process owners to further develop the
from other strategies and objectives. For example, if a strategy is being written to
members of the revamp the rewards and recognition system, a personnel specialist might
organization be a subject-matter expert.
during the
development of Advice: If goal groups enlist the help of others to complete
the strategies the planning, they should make it clear that the plan is still in
and objectives? draft form until consensus is reached by the entire senior
leadership team.
How do The term cross-briefing is used to describe the process whereby the
goal groups goal groups report to the senior leadership team on the progress theyre
get their output making on developing the strategic goals, strategies, and objectives. In
back to the the cross-briefing process, the goal group leader presents the goal
senior groups work and then fields questions and comments from the senior
leadership leadership team. The recorder takes notes on the senior leadership
team? teams comments for use by the goal group to improve what it has devel-
oped. The cross-briefing process is used as a way to build consensus
among the senior leadership team members on the strategies and objec-
tives developed by the goal groups. Therefore, those giving the cross-
briefings need to guard against responding defensively to the feedback
received from the senior leadership team.
How can Sometimes the strategies and objectives needed to accomplish a goal are
the senior evolutionary. Goal groups dont always have all the solutions or all the
leadership answers about how to accomplish the goal. Sometimes more study or
team research is needed. The first step may be to put together a team to do
determine this research or to conduct additional study. The results of the research or
whether the study effort will determine what strategies and objectives will be needed
strategies and to meet the goal.
objectives will
meet the goal? To determine whether their efforts are properly focused toward achieving
the organizations stated vision, goal groups should consider whether the
strategies and objectives they develop adequately address the following:
If the answers to these questions are inadequate, then the goal groups
need to consider additional alternatives or ideas in developing the strate-
gies and objectives.
Can other It is usually best not to invite other people to attend the cross-briefing
people such sessions. Since the senior leadership team has not yet reached consensus
as staff, key on the strategies and objectives, the presence of people who are not part
customers, or of that team may inhibit the process of surfacing and resolving issues,
stakeholders and it may discourage a candid dialogue among the team members.
attend the
Customers and stakeholders should not participate in the strategic plan-
ning sessions at this point in the strategic planning process. Their partici-
pation should be delayed until the senior leadership team is comfortable
with the planned direction of organization.
Establish priorities
Should the No. Prioritization should not occur at the strategic goal or strategy level.
goals and All of the goals must be achieved to reach the vision. Singling out a few
strategies be might suboptimize the effort.
Should the Yes, the objectives should be prioritized. Since all of the objectives
objectives be cannot be worked at once, the senior leadership team needs to determine
prioritized? which objectives can be accomplished based on money, people, time,
and current workload. The senior leadership team needs to do an initial
schedule of all of the objectives based on what it thinks is most important.
Keep in mind that this is an iterative process, so the schedule may need
adjustments. In establishing the schedule, consider whether or not imple-
mentation of one objective needs to occur before others can begin, and if
and when resources will be available.
The senior At this point, it is important to ensure that mid-level managers get in-
leadership team volved in the planning process for two reasons. Getting feedback ben-
has reached efits the senior leadership team because they may discover that they have
consensus on left out an important issue that the feedback will highlight. By making
the goals, them participants in the plans development, they are more likely to
strategies, support implementation actions. Their perspectives and insights can
and objectives. make a better, more executable plan. Their involvement will also dispel
Whats next? the perception that the strategic plan is a document created by those in
charge and thrust upon the organization. For this reason, it is vitally
important for the senior leadership team to establish a process for obtain-
ing feedback from mid-level managers. The strategic plan should not be
finalized until their input has been considered.
Many senior leadership teams identify key objectives and let the employ-
ees complete the action plans because they tend to be more knowledge-
able about their processes. The senior leadership team should ask for in-
depth feedback on the strategies and objectives because they lay out how
the organization intends to achieve the vision. It is within the strategies
and objectivesand particularly the objectivesthat the changes re-
quired of the organization are explicitly expressed.
What are Senior leaders should choose an approach that fits with how the organi-
some ways zation best deals with new information.
to get feedback
from mid-level 4 Hold an offsite to present the plan to the mid-level managers and
managers on solicit their feedback. If possible, use the same strategic planning
the draft plan? facilitator who conducted the strategic planning team offsite to
ensure continuity.
What about In some organizations, union members sit on the Executive Steering
union leaders? Committee or on a Partnership Council and, therefore, participate in the
How do we get planning process. If not, union leaders can participate in the planning
them on board? process by providing feedback on the plan along with the mid-level
managers. When asked what encouraged the union leaders to get
involved in quality and process improvement, one recent winner of the
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award said: We could continue to
fight management and see our company disappear or join with manage-
ment in fighting the competitors. We chose the latter!
Should Probably not. It is the sole responsibility of the senior leadership team to
customers be set the strategic direction of the organization and map out how the
invited to organization will get there. While the senior leadership team must be in
give feedback tune with the needs and desires of the organizations customers to ad-
on the plan dress them adequately, being customer-driven does not mean that cus-
before it is tomers dictate the strategic direction of the organization.
How should The senior leadership team is responsible for considering all of the feed-
the feedback back and incorporating what is appropriate. The senior leadership team
be incorporated as a whole should carefully consider the comments on the vision, guiding
into the principles, and mission. The goal groups should address goal-specific
strategic plan? comments. After the senior leadership team has reached consensus on
any updates, it should let the employees know how their input was used.
Explaining why some feedback was not incorporated may be helpful,
especially if a key issue had been raised by many. This helps employees
understand why some actions can occur and why others cannot.
What else The senior leadership team should begin developing implementation
should be strategies before publishing the plan. The following implementation issues
considered should be considered:
finalizing the 4 Do lower-level plans need to be created?
strategic plan? 4 How do we establish oversight and accountability for implementa-
tion actions?
How are The senior leadership team should outline who is going to be responsible
oversight and for implementation efforts, i.e., who is the point of contact for the plan,
accountability who manages the implementation actions, who manages the resources.
for the A sample checklist, used by the United States Military Entrance Process-
implementation ing Command, follows in Section II: Case Studies of this handbook.
Is a separate No. The senior leadership team should not establish a special budget for
budget needed implementing the strategic plan. Because most organizations operate
for under budgets that are developed one to two years in advance, the
implementing budgeting process is always one step ahead of current work. The strate-
the strategic gic plan needs to become an integrated part of the budget development
plan? and resource allocation process. For information on resourcing the
plan, see the Implementing the Strategic Plan chapter of this handbook.
Why do we The senior leadership team should decide which key top-level perfor-
have to think mance indicators will be used to measure progress. Part of measurement
about and evaluation comes from tracking the goals, strategies, and objectives.
measurement The other part of measurement and evaluation is the more formal system
before we of data collection and analysis. Refer to the Strategic Measurement
even publish chapter of this handbook for more guidance.
the plan?
How should The corporate senior leadership team should encourage suborganizations
the senior to create lower-level strategic plans if:
team determine 4 The corporations size is large enough to support
if lower-level suborganizations that act as separate business entities
plans are 4 There is a diverse product or service line among the
needed? suborganizations
4 The creation of a strategic plan at the lower level will not perpetu-
ate a stovepipe culture that the senior leadership team is trying to
Suborganizations that are smaller and whose products and services result
in the same output as the corporate organization should have a plan that
includes strategies and objectives that contribute to the corporate vision,
mission, guiding principles, and goals. In this case, representatives from
the lower organizations should have been included in the original strate-
gic planning process. If the senior leadership team decides that lower-
level plans are needed, strategic planning guidance should be developed
for the leaders of the suborganizations. Training and facilitation support
is also needed.
What should Typically the published strategic plan includes the vision, guiding prin-
be included in ciples, mission, strategic goals, strategies, and objectives. By publishing
the published to the objective level, the intent of the strategic plan is explicitly laid out
document? for everyone in the organization.
What about In addition to sharing the plan within the organization, consider sharing
sharing the the plan outside of the organization. For external audiences, a separate
strategic plan plan may be needed that displays only the vision, guiding principles,
externally; mission, goals, and strategies. The amount of detail chosen to be in-
what should cluded in the plan for external purposes needs to be tailored to each
be included? audience. Refer to the Phase II Deployment chapter of this handbook for
ideas on sharing the plan externally.
4 A glossary of terms
What should There is no standard format. How the final document looks is not as
the strategic important as what it says, how it says it, and how it influences and moti-
plan look like? vates people. For example, it may be necessary to publish the plan in the
organizations formal policy system (i.e., as an instruction, directive, or
order) to foster credibility.
Phase II Deployment:
and Evaluation
the Strategic Plan
Phase II: Phase I:
Communicate Complete the
the Plan Plan
In the last chapter, we talked about sharing the strategic plan with mid-
level managers and members of the workforce in order to refine the
strategies and objectives, ensure their understanding of the plans intent,
and gain their support for implementation. This chapter of the handbook
deals with communicating the strategic plan to all members of the organi-
zation to ensure their understanding of the organizations strategic direc-
tion so they can take action on the goals, strategies, and objectives.
Following are actions that are keys for successfully communicating the
strategic plan and actions that guarantee failure.
Who does what The following are suggested roles and responsibilities:
to communicate
the strategic plan?
Senior 4 Develops the best method for formally communicating the plan
4 Champions the strategic plan within own area of responsibilities
4 Communicates with employees about progress, lessons learned
How should The method by which the senior leadership team chooses to communicate
the plan be the plan is extremely important. On the following pages are matrices of
shared with the printed, oral, and technological communication tools that can be used,
organization? their benefits, and how to use them.
Letter/Memo Explains the strategic plan in the Distribute to all employees to commu-
words of the senior leader nicate the plan and its progress
Do no use alone or without a formal
means of distribution
Strategic plan/ Educates the workforce in detail Use the first issue to communicate
quality newsletter about the strategic plan and planning the plan and the process
process Use subsequent issues to communi-
Keeps the workforce informed of cate progress, results, lessons learned,
strategic plan accomplishments and new strategic initiatives
Shares progress reports Distribute to all employees
Emphasizes commitment
Shows the plans link with everyday
Keeps the focus on the plan
Strategic Plan Educates the workforce about the Establish a special section devoted
column in the strategic plan and planning process to strategic planning
organizations Keeps the workforce informed of
newsletter strategic plan accomplishments
Shares progress reports
Emphasizes commitment
Shows the plans link with everyday
Keeps the focus on the plan
Senior leaders Shows senior leader commitment Senior leader writes about strategic
article in the Keeps employees informed and planning and provides updates in the
newsletter focused on the plan organizations newsletter
Letter accompanying Explains the plan Mail plan, with a letter of explana-
new employee orders Allows the new employee time to tion, with new employee orders
review the planbefore reporting
Shows commitment to the plan
All-hands meetings Encourage Q&A on the part of Senior leader calls an all-hands to
employees introduce and explain the plan
Reinforce senior leader commit- Discuss strategic plan and progress
Briefing materials Ensure consistency of message by Distribute to each department head
with a script leaders and mid-level manager to explain to
Show commitment to the plan their employees
Must be regularly updated
May require a brief training session
Focus groups Offer open forum for ideas and Hold focus groups to answer ques-
questions tions about the plan
Q&A sessions Allow employees to ask questions Hold after a department or all-
hands meeting at the subgroup level
Special kick-off Involves all employees and leaders Refer to Section II: Case Studies to
event directly learn how the Center for Veterinary
Educates and provides direction on Medicine deployed its plan
the plan
Encourages employees to participate
New employee Familiarizes the new employee with Establish a special section devoted
orientation the plan to strategic planning
Shows organizational and senior
leadership commitment
Allows them time to figure out how
they can contribute
Should the plan There are external people with whom the senior leadership team may
be shared choose to share the plana parent organization, customers, suppliers,
outside the stakeholders. If the senior leadership team wants to share the plan
organization? externally, it needs to be clear about its desired outcomes. The level of
detail provided may be different from what is needed for an internal
audience. Following are reasons to share the plan with various external
Below are some tools for communicating the plan externally. The senior
leadership team needs to tailor them to the audience receiving the plan.
Letter and copy Shares the plan Mail or hand deliver to customers,
of plan Conveys commitment from the stakeholders, and parent organization
senior leader and the organization explaining the strategic plan and how it
Can be used to request feedback, affects them
supplemental plans, and resources Distribution method is critical
Personal meeting Personal sharing of the plan by the Senior leader holds initial and
senior leader periodic meetings with external custom-
Allows for immediate feedback ers
and questions
Once the plan As soon as the plan is formally deployed, leaders must be prepared to
is published, answer questions and face skepticism and challenges. Employees will
what happens? realize that implementation of the strategic plan means that real change
will take place and that the organization will go through a period of
transition, meaning that initially people may need to find time to take on
additional work. Many organizations have not legitimized and practiced
planning for the future as a regular part of the senior leaderships daily
work; nor do they consider implementation as a regular part of the
employees work. However, the old work must still be done while new
work processes, methods, etc., are being developed.
When people are faced with change, many act by denying, resisting,
exploring, and then committing to the change. People may go through
these four stages of change at their own pace. Some may never accept
new roles and methods. Often these people leave organizations. The
senior leadership team needs to acknowledge and legitimize these
Denial During denial, senior leaders need to focus on the need for
change and repeatedly provide the reasons for the
change. Reasons of survival help focus everyone.
How can the This begins during the first phase of deployment when the senior leader-
senior ship team includes the mid- and lower-level employees in the planning
leadership process to finalize the strategic plan. How the published plan is formally
team help communicated is also part of the way the senior leadership helps people
people through manage change.
the change
Leaders need to focus people on what they can control and how they can
affect the change. They must give employees information to ease the
transition so they can feel some ownership in the change. It is important
to recognize that people need stability during change. Emphasizing to
everyone what has not changed can help maintain stability and leader-
ship confidence.
4 Is it real?
By answering these questions, the senior leadership team will help pre-
pare employees for the change that the strategic plan represents. It
should come from the senior leader, who needs to emphasize that this is
the new direction of the organization, and everyone is expected to do
their share.
How are the The guiding principles are those organizational values that the senior
new guiding leadership consciously chose and developed to shape the organizations
principles culture to achieve the vision. The guiding principles are a crucial aspect
part of the of the newly developed plan. Therefore, as soon as the guiding prin-
deployment ciples are published in the strategic plan, organizational members will
How can the Senior leaders must act in accordance with the guiding principles and in
senior leaders accordance with the tenets of TQL because behavior is believable. This
show the may require new forms of behavior from the senior leadership team
importance members toward each other, the rest of the organization, and their
of the guiding customers, suppliers, and stakeholders. If leaders are not living by the
principles? principles, appropriate sanctions need to be enacted to emphasize the
seriousness of the principles.
How should A very effective way to help each other model the organizational values
senior leaders is to practice open and candid feedback in both individual and group
help each other interactions. This can be difficult and uncomfortable. The purpose of
live the giving and receiving positive feedback is to reinforce and encourage
guiding appropriate behavior. Negative feedback is often avoided but is
principles? equally important. The purpose of giving and receiving negative
feedback is to change behavior by making the individual aware of how a
behavior impacts others and the organization. Negative simply means
the behavior is not directly on course, deviating to a small or large de-
gree. This is information, and the only way people can make informed
changes is by using this information. The idea is to remove the emotional
connotations from the feedback, while retaining professionalism and
focusing on the work in the interaction.
Communicate Develop Deployment
Track Status Take Action
Progress Action Plans
The strategic planning process that was used to create the plan is inverted
in the implementation phase. Completion of the objectives impacts
completion of the strategies, then the goals, and leads toward accom-
plishing the vision. To implement the strategic plan successfully, it is
necessary for the organization to have a formal implementation plan with
actions assigned to either teams or individuals who are responsible for
their accomplishment.
Following are actions that are keys for successfully implementing the
strategic plan and actions that guarantee failure.
Who does what The following are suggested roles and responsibilities:
to successfully
implement the
strategic plan?
4 Leads the implementation effort
Senior Leader
4 Establishes clear roles and responsibilities
4 Charter teams
TQL 4 Serves as point of contact for the plan with the senior leadership
Coordinator team
4 Implement tasks
4 Define measures
4 Collect data
How should Many people are familiar with the team structure for implementing TQ.
implementation The same rationale used for establishing the team structure in a TQ
teams be organization is valid for establishing implementation teams. Goals
organized? should be related to current and future business processes cutting across
the major functions in the organization. Therefore, strategic plan imple-
mentation teams are similar to TQ teams (as shown on the next page).
Generally, the differences between current QMBs and new goal groups
are that existing QMBs are working on improving/reengineering current
significant mission processes; goal groups will be working on designing
new products or developing new mission areas.
For more information on the DON QMB structure, refer to the DON TQL
course curriculum.
How should The senior leadership team is responsible for overseeing implementation.
senior The team continues to scan the environment to identify any additional
leadership strategies or objectives, and discusses implications of changes. It is
be involved? responsible for making crucial decisions about the direction of the organi-
zation, adjusting the plan as necessary, and chartering teams to help it
accomplish the strategies and objectives. By keeping a customer and
mission focus and promoting communication between departments, the
senior leadership team consciously tries to combat suboptimization.
How often the senior leadership team meets varies by organization, but
during the implementation phase, periodic meetings, which may be
facilitated, are required to focus solely on the strategic plan. Senior
leadership teams find that by establishing a regular review schedule, they
are able to keep the organization focused on implementation. Some
organizations have established a process whereby one or two of their
strategic initiatives are briefed at each staff meeting on a rotating basis,
providing a status tracking of all the initiatives each month.
Define an infrastructure
What type of The organization needs to define the way it is going to act on the objec-
infrastructure tives targeted for implementation. Determining what type of infrastruc-
is best? ture is best depends on the objectives themselves and the way the organi-
zation is currently organized. For example:
How is team Teams should be formed for a specific purpose. They should consist of
membership members who have a direct impact on or responsibility for the accom-
determined? plishment of the task. Whenever possible, they should include subject
matter experts and end-users.
4 Who will probably support the teams efforts, and who may be
Are charters Yes. Detailed charters outline the purpose of the team, the expectations,
needed? and the resources committed to do the task. The charter tells the team
why they have come together and what they are to accomplish. Time
limits should also be incorporated. Charter guidelines and a sample
charter for strategic plan implementation are provided in the Naval Air
Facility Washington Case Study in Section II: Case Studies.
Why are It is important for higher level teams to review findings and suggestions
linkages from lower-level teams and make needed decisions in a timely manner.
Advice: It is important to have a working infrastructure,
one where the senior leadership team and higher level
teams meet on a regular basis and review the progress of
lower-level teams. This is facilitated by having a linking
member from higher-level teams to lower-level teams whose
job it is to keep the higher-level team abreast of implementa-
tion activities. By having this communications link, informa-
tion can flow freely. When decisions are required, the
higher-level team will already have the background informa-
tion and be able to make decisions in a timely manner, thus
demonstrating commitment to the implementation effort.
What makes Organizations that have had team members trained in group dynamics
some teams found that their teams were very effective. If formal training cannot be
more conducted before teams begin their work, the quality advisor or strategic
productive planning facilitator should promote an understanding of group dynamics,
than others? teach the team about active listening, and provide the Department of the
Navys training coursesTeam Skills and Concepts, Methods for Manag-
Is it important Yes, but it is actually more important to link the day-to-day business to
to link the the tenets of the strategic plan. It is a subtle but important distinction.
strategic plan The focus is on moving the current business towards a more strategic
to day-to-day future business rather than make the future business fit todays business
business? structure. The greater the extent to which the plan sets a new and chal-
lenging strategic direction for the organization, the harder it will be to
align the day-to-day business since the extent of change required to be
successful will also be that much greater. Said another way, the less
strategic the plan, the easier the strategic management. However, the
results may be negligible.
How does As the organization begins to work on implementing its priority objec-
implementation tives, the actions may translate into additional work. The organization
impact the needs to effectively manage getting the product out and responding to
day-to-day fires while acting on the organizations strategic priorities. It will take
business? time to institute new processes, to think and act on ways to do things
differently in daily work. Implementing the strategic plan must take on
the importance of a fire drill for the future.
But there are True. The organization exists in a world that is constantly changing,
external forces applying pressures from all sides. In order to survive and succeed, lead-
we have no ers need to be aware of these external forces and anticipate the changes
control over . . . they bring. Examples of these forces are higher authority strategic plans,
emerging technologies, demographic changes, social forces, economic
issues, the federal budget, changing customers, and the changing needs
of existing customers.
How are The degree to which decisions are linked to the plan depends to a large
decisions extent on the usefulness and specificity of the plan. If the plan is truly
linked to the strategic, it provides direction for the organization. Everyone in the
strategic plan? organization can see where he or she fits into the organization and can
align both their day-to-day and strategic decisions on how they will
conduct business with the plans goals and strategies. In this scenario,
decisions are closely tied to the tenets of the plan. Remember that the
plan is the means for communicating and achieving alignment and
direction in the organization. However, while it is important to link
decisions with the intended outcomes, the plan should not be prescriptive.
Decision-makers must be flexible so they can respond appropriately but
in a coordinated way to changes in the environment.
The plan needs to become an outline for decision making because busi-
ness decisions are related to allocation of resources. If those decisions
are made in the context of the strategic plan, then resource allocation
becomes aligned with the plan.
How is the Resourcing a strategic plan involves providing the people, money, and
strategic plan materials to ensure successful implementation. Many organizations link
resourced? the strategic plan with the budgeting process at the initial strategic plan-
ning session or soon afterward when they create implementation teams.
Some choose to have implementation teams identify resources and
present them to the senior leadership team for approval. This helps the
senior leadership team prioritize implementation actions and allot re-
sources to move the organization toward achieving its strategic goals.
What resources There are at least four resources that are critical: the support of the comp-
do we need? troller (or budget officer), the support of the human resources manager,
support for the implementation teams, and a viable program for achiev-
ing the strategic initiatives. One way to ensure the support and commit-
ment of both the comptroller and the human resources manager is to
include them on the senior leadership team and, therefore, in the strategic
planning process. Too often, these very important people are relegated
to adjudicating the competing plans of others and are not included in the
planning process itself. This is an opportunity to ensure their understand-
ing of the vision and goals and solicit their ideas about how to develop
strategies that will succeed. If not done during the development of the
strategic plan, they should be involved as soon as possible in the deploy-
ment phase.
How is the New budget requirements can become an issue if the plan calls for
strategic plan training, equipment, etc., to support development and implementation of
incorporated a new way of doing business or perhaps a new mission area. A plan
into the that is truly strategic represents changes to how the organization executes
budgeting its current business. Some successful organizations have chosen to
process? integrate their planning and budgeting processes by timing strategic
planning events so that they will feed into budgeting events such as
Program Objective Memorandum (POM) development and the mid-year
review process. In fact, strategic planning is an excellent way to make
the planning process explicit in the Department of Defenses Planning,
Programming, and Budgeting System (PPBS).
Does the This question, although frequently asked, is too simplistic. In the begin-
budget drive ning, the strategic plan drives budget formulation. Strategic plans help
the plan or the organizations leaders know their requirements so they can budget
does the plan for the people, the programs, the equipment, etc., they need to carry out
drive the their strategic direction. If the budget is not fully funded for those people,
budget? programs, equipment, etc., it is in the budget execution phase that the
What if Sometimes the availability and use of resources is not readily apparent,
resources are but strategic planning can make them more visible. For example, when
not available the organization establishes what is really important, it also makes ex-
to implement plicit those actions or tasks which are not important. Eliminating redun-
an important dancies in assignments or organizations can free up the use of resources,
strategy in the making them available for strategic actions.
Sometimes resources are not readily available. The following actions are
often successful in obtaining needed resources:
How do we Transitions can cause major upheaval in the group dynamics of the
keep changes senior leadership team and the direction in which the organization is
in leadership moving. However, if the plan is the product of the entire leadership
from changing team, it has a much better chance of surviving leadership transitions. The
the course? plan needs to be owned by the leadership team, not dependent on a
single leader. Getting acceptance and input to the plan from new mem-
bers of the senior leadership team is crucial to the plans success.
The senior During the turnover, it is important for the former senior leader to explain
leader of the the strategic plan and the direction of the organization to the new leader.
organization The senior leadership team members can explain the history involved in
is leaving. making decisions, share with the new senior leader the progress that the
How do we get organization has made, and show results that have occurred. The
the new leader greater the extent the planning implementation process is in place, the
onboard with greater likelihood that the strategic initiatives will survive.
our strategic
management The new leader of the organization may want to update the strategic
efforts? plan to incorporate personal vision elements. If so, refer to the Revisiting
the Strategic Plan chapter of this handbook for ideas on how to update
the plan.
4 Lessons learned
Evaluate results
How do we track Use the POA&M format to help track status. Team leaders track the
progress of status of action plans. The group leader uses the status update to brief
implementation the senior leadership team on progress.
Caution: This is only a tracking function, not a formal
measurement system. Tracking tells you if you are doing
what you said you were going to do when you said you
were going to do it. It does not show the impact of the
plans implementation on the organization.
How do we Many organizations include the strategic plan in their new employee
tell new indoctrination process. Some TQL coordinators send a copy of the
employees strategic plan with the new employees orders, outlining how his/her
about the responsibilities impact the plan. If the senior leader addresses new
plan and their employees in their orientation, a discussion about the strategic plan may
role in it? be included. Newsletters or any formal written policy dealing with the
plan can be distributed to the new employees. The new employees
immediate manager should explain how daily work processes impact the
success of the organization as reflected in the plan.
Strategic Planning
and Evaluation
Analyze and
Collect Resource
Implementation Deployment
Unless you know how you are doing as you move along,
youll never know when youre done or if you have succeeded.
(Crosby, 1979)
Guiding Principles
Gap Analysis
Step 2
Goals Measurement Plan
Step 3
Data Collection Plan Strategic Plan Measurement Plan
Who should The senior leadership team chooses members who represent a cross
be on the section of the entire organization, including at least one member of the
measurement senior leadership team to serve as a downward link. Membership is
team? determined by the number of indicators the organization develops and
by subject matter expertise about the various processes for which data
will be collected.
Feedback Feedback
Strategic Measurement
How does the The purpose of this model is to depict the basic flow of work and informa-
organization tion in any organization. All organizations deal with internal and exter-
operate? nal suppliers who provide inputs to the organization in the form of
money, people, material, information, etc. The organization then utilizes
people, methods, machines, material, processes, and its structure to
transform that input into the products and services (outputs) it provides to
its customers or end-users. The customer then uses the products or ser-
vices and experiences a result or outcome from that use. For those orga-
nizations with no clear end-users, such as operational units in the mili-
tary, outcomes are defined as mission effectiveness.
What is the Once the strategic measure is determined, it is important to select mea-
relationship surements for the inputs, processes, and outputs which directly contribute
between the to the outcome measure. In other words, it is best to start by determining
four types of the outcome measure first and then select input, process, and output
measures? measures that have a clear relationship to that outcome. For example, if
ship readiness is the desired strategic measure, a process measure that
measures the capacity of the ships laundry or an input measure that
measures the quality of its soap powder would have no bearing on the
outcome. They may be good indicators of another desired outcome,
such as quality of life, but they are not good indicators of readiness.
Where readiness is the desired outcome, a process measure might be
maintenance of ships and an output measure might be number of ships
available for sea duty.
This is not to say that one type of measurement is bad and one type is
good. Measures are only useful when appropriately applied. For ex-
ample, process measures are useful when undertaking process improve-
ment activities, when monitoring the process to ensure it is stable, and to
have a baseline for comparisons when making system changes. Finan-
cial measures are useful for monitoring expenditures against obligation
and to control organizational spending. They may be useful as an output
measure when efficiencies and process improvements are applied. Input
data, particularly quality data, are necessary to determine when to begin
improvement efforts. As with any type of measurement it is important to
understand what is being measured and why.
What principles The selected measures must meet the needs of the organizations leader-
should be ship for assessing the progress of the organization and still provide
used to create meaningful policy guidance to the lower echelons. There are eight basic
strategic measurement principles:
The senior leadership team defines the strategic measures to be used for
the same reasons that strategic planning must be done by the senior
leadership: they are responsible for establishing the strategic direction of
the organization. Others will define supporting measures, such as pro-
cess measures and output, for the strategic measures.
4 Establish baselines
How many Five to seven strategic measures are recommended. Too many measures
strategic can lead to collecting data that is meaningless. Try to collect a slate of
measures measures that cover the breadth and indicate the health of the organiza-
should we tion.
What data The measurement team determines what data are necessary to collect.
should we To determine what data need to be collected, the team needs to:
4 Define data collection rules that outline how the data apply to the
Can we Yes, if the data collected supports the performance indicators chosen for
incorporate the the strategic measurement system. A review of current measures needs to
measures we be done by the measurement team to determine if they support the indi-
already use? cators; if it does, then that data needs to be organized into the strategic
measures. However, if the review reveals measures that do not support
the strategic measures and arent required by law, statutory requirements,
or higher echelon requirements; arent being used for management
control purposes (e.g., financial measures); or arent being used for
process improvement efforts, then stop using them and expending the
effort to collect the associated data.
Although most people are unable to focus on more than a few things at
one time, leaders sometimes allow measurement systems to capture
How does everything, the useful and the not-so-useful. Such actions can distract the
strategic organization from reaching its vision. Valuable resources may be ex-
measurement pended on efforts that do not support the strategic plan. The use of
focus everyones strategic measurement, on the other hand, strengthens the organizations
sights on focus on the future by filtering out information not required to achieve the
the future strategic goals. It limits the number of measures to approximately six,
organization? forcing the organization to concentrate on the vital outcomes.
How does In a traditional measurement scheme, each function has its own set of
strategic measures. These specialized measurement systems segregate functions
measurement and isolate suborganizations from the larger organization. Once these
change the measures are compartmentalized by function, they cannot simply be
purpose of aggregated as a means of assessing overall corporate performance.
measurement Organizational measures have traditionally been a mixture of regulatory
from control to requirements, error corrections, leaders information needs, and some-
communicating times data on process performance. While some of these may be valid
policy? and useful, they are not strategic measures. In general, these systems are
used to control present activities. In contrast, a strategic measurement
system communicates to all echelons of an organization what is vital to
achieving its vision of the future.
The strategic plan has established a vision of the future for the organiza-
tion. The strategic measurements reinforce the strategic plan by helping
to focus everyones attention on attaining those goals that will lead to that
future. When two key projects, programs, or activities are competing for
resources, the focus of the measures can help leaders determine which of
the competing actions should receive immediate support.
How does When measurements are understood, decision making can be pushed
strategic down to a level where action can be initiated close to the problem, situa-
measurement tion, or opportunity. Using strategic measurement, those making deci-
provide an sions can propel the organization forward toward the vision without
opportunity for having to elevate each decision to the highest level.
How does In some instances, a strategic measure selected by the organization might
strategic not be the correct one. The expected relationship between the measure
measurement and performance might not materialize. Periodic reviews to determine
provide an whether there is a relationship between the measure and what is being
organized measured can ensure that the right measures are selected. If the rela-
method for tionship is weak, analysis must be done to determine the cause.
Caution: If the measures are not related to how well the
organization is doing, then the measures may not be right.
If little or no progress is made toward goals, the measures
may be fine, but the strategiesan implementation issue
may not be correct, or people may not be attending to them.
Or, the measures may be too aggregated or gross to show
change even if there was progress made toward goals.
Before action is taken, investigate the causes. Always have
several data points over time before taking action to
changebeware of tampering.
How does Strategic measurement helps leaders continually establish and evaluate
strategic progress toward goals, targets, and policy over a long period of time.
measurement The strategic plan itself is usually written from a 5, 10, or 15-year per-
help the spective. Similarly, measuring the attainment of the goals is a long-term
organization endeavor.
remain constant
in pursuit of its
How does Some strategies devised to achieve goals might not work. The measures
strategic will show that the relationship between the strategy and the expected
measurement outcome does not exist. By using graphic tools, this lack of relationship
provide data will become apparent. Further investigation will reveal the causes.
to clarify and
How does By using the feedback from the strategic measures to validate or adjust
strategic (when that is the appropriate action) the strategic direction of the organi-
measurement zation the feedback data becomes input that the leaders can use to make
help in decision decisions in their daily business. It is the decisions that are made today
making? that impact the future of the organization.
How will the Most people want to know how the results impact the organization and
results be themselves. Sharing results should be part of the formal communication
communicated mechanism established for the strategic plan.
to the
How are the The results from the strategic measures become inputs to updating the
results linked strategic plan. Sometimes the results may reveal areas where goals,
to the strategic strategies, or objectives are inadequate. Therefore, the goal, strategy, or
plan? objective may need to be adjusted. It may also show that the attainment
of the goal, strategy, or objective is complete. The senior leadership
team needs to adjust the plan as needed.
Strategic Plan
and Evaluation Strategic
Communicate Foundations Measurement
Results Plan
Collect Allocation
Implementation Deployment
Communicate Develop Phase II: Phase I:
Track Status Take Action Communicate Complete
Progress Action Plans the Plan the Plan
(Haines, 1995)
Why revisit Formally revisiting the plan on a periodic basis (e.g., annually) is neces-
the plan? sary to ensure that the plan continues to drive the organization. This time
around, the senior leadership team has a common understanding of what
strategic planning is and what it can do to help focus and align the efforts
of the entire organization. The organization is probably ready to stretch.
Following are actions that are keys to successfully revisiting the strategic
plan and actions that guarantee failure.
Recognize when to update the plan Poor timing and not recognizing
external forces
Who does what The following are suggested roles and responsibilities:
when we revisit
the strategic
4 Allocates resources
How does There are five reasons for the senior leadership team to revisit the strate-
the senior gic plan:
team know 4 Environmental forces and changing external conditions
when to revisit 4 Significant accomplishment of the goals, strategies, and/or objec-
the strategic tives
4 Measurement data may show that strategies need to be refocused
How long does The length of time depends on how much progress was made in achiev-
revisiting the ing the goals, how long its been since the last planning session, and the
plan take? quality of the strategic plan developed during that session. Additional
factors include:
Should we It depends on the senior leaders expectations for revisiting the plan. If
use the same the senior leader thinks that there have been significant changes in exter-
strategic nal and internal factors, the vision or mission may need to be adjusted.
planning Guiding principles should change less drastically and less often. The
process as senior leadership team may need to revisit just the goals, strategies, and
before? objectives based on measurement feedback and what has been accom-
The process may also change by altering how the senior leadership team
develops the strategic plan. The tools that the strategic planning facilita-
tor usesinterviews, brainstorming, affinity diagrams, the ground rules,
consensus decision making, etc.will again be used in some form. For
organizations that have had many revisits, it may be helpful for them to
create new brainstorming exercises.
What should The senior leadership team and focus group interview questions should
the interview address:
address? 4 Validation of and modifications to the vision, mission, and guid-
ing principles
4 Measurement
How does the It is the responsibility of the corporate organization to communicate to the
revision affect suborganizations the changes to the plan and how those changes affect
suborganizations? them.
Our senior The new senior leader should be a part of the revision process. Timing is
leader is important. Coming on board, a new leader is faced with absorbing a
leaving; does tremendous amount of information to become familiar with the new
that impact organization: how it operates, who the customers and suppliers are, what
when and how the products and services are, the organizations culture, and the
we revisit the organizations strategic planning process.
After the senior leader has assessed the organization and the strategic
plan, he or she needs to decide when to revisit the plan.
What about When members leave and others join the team, have the new member(s)
other senior involved in the revisiting process. If possible, interview both the outgoing
leadership team and the incoming members to incorporate the wisdom and experience of
members the outgoing members and to bring the new members into the planning
transitioning? process. New members benefit from this involvement by being exposed
to the organizations strategic management process. They also get an
opportunity to provide new and fresh ideas. By having the new members
participate as soon as possible, they will feel more a part of the plan and
will more fully understand the planning process.
How do we When revisiting a strategic plan that has not had strategic measurements,
more effectively it is important to include their development in this iteration of the process.
integrate When revisiting a strategic plan that has measurements, the senior lead-
measurement ership team must validate those measurements. Do they indicate progress
with our toward the vision? Have they led to other measures that may be used for
strategic identification of root causes of problems? If, as a result of revisiting this
planning plan, there is a significant change to the strategic direction of the organi-
process? zation, then strategic measurements must be updated as well. For ex-
ample, if the organization is taking on a new product line, strategic
measurements may need to be developed to indicate performance in that
new area.
How do we use If an organization has already been measuring its strategic goals, the
measurement results or output of that measurement effort should become input into the
results? next iteration of the strategic planning process. This feedback to the
senior leaders becomes either positive (to reinforce the behavior) or
negative feedback (to change the behavior) of the strategic management
Should we try Use strategic planning facilitators to assist with the revisiting process.
revisiting the They will help focus the review and can help leaders use their time more
plan on our efficiently. Because of their external perspective of the organization and
own, or should the issues that it is trying to address, external strategic planning facilita-
we use strategic tors are better positioned to assist the senior leadership team with its
planning strategic deliberations.
Advice: External can mean outside of the individual
organization, but not necessarily outside of the entire De-
partment of the Navy. The advantage of external facilitators
is that they can advise candidly because they are not subject
to internal supervisory controls. A good external strategic
planning facilitator has different strategic management
experiences that can enrich the revision process and provide
lessons learned to the senior leadership team.
So the strategic Yes. If, as Haines said, . . . planning is the primary function of man-
management agement, then strategic management is the primary function of leader-
process can be ship. Think about Dr. W. Edwards Demings Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA)
even more cycle. Strategic management is the way that the Department of the Navy
challenging operationalizes his teachings about PDSA. P considers both the pre-
the second planning and strategic planning processes; D encompasses both the
time around? deployment and implementation of the plan; S tracks progress, mea-
sures results and outcomes, and evaluates all three. A feeds the evalu-
ation back to the system and either adjusts or standardizes the system
based upon that feedback.
Case Studies
(Drucker, 1986)
The case studies are not intended to be hallmarks of how strategic man-
agement should be implemented, but rather how leaders applied their
knowledge and best efforts toward creating a better organization.
Within each case study are quotes taken from interviews with the senior
leaders and strategic planning coordinators. These insightful comments
provide a taste of their experiences, thoughts, and feelingsin their own
words. Our intent is not to judge their efforts, but to learn from them.
Our closure date is July 99. Were moving all the operational
units and a lot of the air station assets and personnel over to
Kaneohe Bay, just across the island. The strategic plan helped
focus attention on that and we are well on our way in working
toward the move because of it.
Their goals and objectives reflect their desire to become a model for
maintaining the quality and continuity of their service to the operating
forces and supporting and improving the quality of life for their personnel
while transitioning to closure.
Following the initial strategic planning offsite, the Base Transition Steering
Committee (BTSC) was formed as an Executive Steering Committee to
oversee completion and implementation of the plan. There was a delay
The transition process for the base had not yet been determined.
We didnt know what was happening with the operational units,
whether the air station would close up, whether we would move,
or what the time line was. So a strategic plan to carry us through
for who knows how long or for what goalswe figured that wed
better wait to finish it until we got the word on what was happen-
The mission, vision, and guiding principles below were provided by the
TQL Coordinator from the unpublished NAS Barbers Point strategic plan:
A good neighbor
Environmental steward
Model for transition to a successfully integrated community
Guiding Principles
Early efforts to use QMBs to further develop the goals were not very
The senior leaders decided to give the draft plan to the mid-level manag-
ersthe chief petty officers (CPOs)to review and validate. The chiefs
met in January 1995 in a facilitated, closed-door session. The Command
Master Chief, who is a member of the BTSC, acted as a downlink. This
Chiefs Round Table made positive contributions to the completion and
further deployment of the strategic plan.
The chiefs took the goals and came up with some great objectives
and elements. They really put more action into the plan.
The BTSC met and completed the plan based on the inputs from the
Chiefs Round Table and subsequent BTSC meetings.
Phase II At the Chiefs Round Table, the draft plan was presented to the mid-level
Deployment: management group by the Command Master Chief in an environment
Communicating where they could make unreserved inputs without negative consequences.
the Strategic The reason why [the Commanding Officer] didnt present the
Plan plan was that he didnt want the chiefs to get the impression that
this was his plan, that if they changed it, they were changing the
skippers plan. He didnt want any intimidation.
The plan has been communicated to the workforce via the department
heads or division officers.
We feel its important to have it come down from the bosses.
That way people know that the boss thinks its important.
Now that the strategic plan has been completed, plans for communicat-
ing it both internally and externally are being developed:
4 Department heads will hold formal briefings on the plan for their
The completed strategic plan is being shared with the base that NASBP is
transitioning to at Kaneohe Bay.
Implementing One of the major processes we need to complete within the next
couple of years is closing down the base and transitioning all the
the Strategic operational activities to the Marine Corps Base Hawaii at
Plan Kaneohe Bay.
A BRAC Office was opened to get started on the new mission of closing
the base.
The principal strategy used for end-strength reduction has been elimina-
tion of redundant functions.
Without having the strategic plan fully implemented, work on the goals
has stayed mostly at the department head level.
The strategic plan directs the chartering of QMBs for initiating and moni-
toring implementation in the areas of personnel and readiness, base
realignment and closure, and quality of life. Membership is currently
being defined and identified.
We are having the various functional areas review their pro-
cesses and identify where their products and services impact the
strategic goals. The BTSC will come back together, collate the
inputs, and identify members for the various QMBs.
I havent got any measurements on hand that will tell you that our
backlogs in maintenance have been reduced. But, even though
were reducing our maintenance personnel significantly, our
backlogs have never been lower. That, I think, is just a result of
good plans and good management.
Since the Round Table, the department heads are working more
with the CPOs.
Our legal problems on base have dropped over the past year.
Participants will be delegates from the air station and from all of the
tenant commands who are customers.
The delegates will separate into focus groups and meet to review inputs
received from the extended naval communitythe military personnel,
their family members, retirees, and civilian workers.
This process goes to the deckplate level to find out what they
really want, what the families want, what the customers want. Its
not just a town meeting where people are throwing up their
individual agenda items; its a way for this group to come to
consensus on the five highest priority quality of life issues.
Each focus group will brief the five items most needing improvement in
their topic area to the Commander of the Naval Base and the installation
commanders. Issues that are Navy-wide will get forwarded to the Chief
of Naval Operations Quality of Life Panel, but most are expected to be
When you talk about enhancing quality of life, that is the pro-
cess. Its a TQL process. Its a strategic process. Its everything
rolled into one, and it really works.
As you get further down through the tasks and elements develop-
ing action plans, its important to get input and participation from
the people who are going to be implementing the plans. They are
the ones who best know their jobs and whats needed.
The key to success is the linkage between the strategic plan and
the existing processesnot having two different organizations, or
two ways of managing things, but linking them. For instance, the
facilities and environment QMB is linked to the Facilities Planning
Board. Its an existing process that is tailored to accomplish the
goals of the plan. If you dont have that linkage, you may not get
Dont try to force feed the strategic plan. Take it slow and make
sure that the right people are in the right place.
The reality is, if you dont have an input into a process, you dont
focus on it. Thats why having the workforce make inputs to the
Ohana Quality of Life Conference is so important. Youre getting
down to the stuff that really matters to the troops.
The skipper has emphasized that if we dont make this plan work
for us, weve wasted all the effort we put into it. Its not just to
make us look good.
You need to ensure that people at all levels who are going to be
working the plan have a feedback mechanism to change the plan,
if necessary, to make it better.
Strategic Fortunately, the NAFs senior leadership recognized the problems and
Planning accepted an invitation to participate in the DON Strategic Planning
Process Facilitator Development Program in the Fall of 1993. The key members
of the command18 senior leaders, including the department heads, the
Commanding Officer, and his special assistantsparticipated in a 3-day
offsite retreat. They completed the mission, vision, guiding principles,
and goals, leaving the strategies and objectives to be completed follow-
ing the offsite. Because their strategic plan has been revisited periodi-
cally, the goals referred to in this case study are from the 19 April 1995
iteration of the plan.
The strategic planning retreat breathed new life into TQL in our
The following mission, vision, and guiding principles are quoted from the
pocket-sized cards given by NAF Washington to all new personnel and
other interested parties.
Training and training support for reserve augment units and tenant com-
Phase I Following the strategic planning offsite, the Commanding Officer formed
Deployment: a new Executive Steering Committee (ESC), selecting the six people from
Completing the the planning group who control most of the money and personnel re-
Strategic Plan sources. This group completed the plan.
The planning team was not disbanded. Once the objectives and tasks
were developed, the ESC cross-briefed the plan to the planning team.
The ESC meets with the full team two or three times a year.
The ESC meets for 4 hours each week. It has evolved into a board of
directors, working on decisions, such as mid-year reviews, policy deci-
sions for the organization, and budget planning for the next year. Half
of each meeting is devoted to training for the ESC.
The ESC developed a timeline for the tasks, indicating when each would
be completed and how each would support goal attainment.
the Strategic We have a one-day introductory course for people newly check-
Plan ing on board. People know up front that were a TQL organiza-
tion when they get their sponsor package.
The strategic plan was sent to Commander, Naval Air Reserve Force.
Implementing As part of the implementation plan, the ESC identified when dollars
the Strategic would be required to go against tasks, but not the amount, since that was
Plan unknown.
The ESC establishes teams to work on the tasks and provides them with a
The Commanding Officer sends letters to team members asking for their
participation, communicating the need for their expertise and commit-
ment, asking them to keep their department heads advised of their sched-
ule and assignments, and thanking them for their help.
Questions to ask before releasing the charter to the team, and the questions the
team should ask itself:
4 Is the teams charter clear (i.e., do you know what management expects
you to do?)
4 Does the tasking cover the entire process or only part of it?
4 Where does the team fit in?
4 Where does our process start and end?
4 What are the specific boundaries?
4 What will be outside our jurisdiction?
4 What improvement goals have been set and are they realistic?
4 What resources (inside and outside the department) will be needed?
4 Has management committed these resources to the team?
4 Do we have the right people on the team to analyze the process and
accomplish our objective?
4 What people not on the team are critical to our success?
4 Who can we expect to support the teams efforts, and who may be op-
4 What are the potential roadblocks to this process improvement?
4 What strategies can we use to minimize opposition to the teams efforts?
4 Can countermeasures to these roadblocks be identified?
1. Purpose: The purpose of this team is to identify all training and education
resources for professional growth and personal development that may be avail-
able to members assigned to NAF Washington. This data will be used to conduct
an analysis of opportunities versus needs/desires as compiled by a survey of
personnel assigned to NAF Washington.
3. Guidance:
Implementation In trying to decide where they would spend money, where they
would put resources, the ESC has committed to doing it in a way
Results that will support the strategic plan.
That seems to work fairly well because the team members get the
training together. They have already gotten accustomed to work-
ing together before they actually attack the problem.
After they complete the course, a letter stating that they attended
a one-day introductory TQL course is sent to the personnel depart-
ment for their training records.
One part of our strategic plan was to look for ways to stop
duplication with the Air Force. We came up with the idea of
blending our security forces in with theirs.
In implementing the strategic plan, take a long view of things, try
not to get bogged down in the weeds, and avoid flash-in-the-pan
Each organization has to find out for itself the ideal number of
key players. You may have ten people who are very important,
but you probably can get by with only six on your ESC as long as
you cover the spectrum of services performed by your organiza-
When you have a large ESC, you may never come to consensus,
or you may have false consensus. You may have one person who
is just waiting to ambush you.
To make the strategic plan and TQL work, the senior leaders
have to make it evident that they believe this is not just an optional
way to do business, but the only way. Not only do they have to
support it, they have to embrace it enthusiastically and sincerely.
(We) qualify applicants and ship recruits who meet service stan-
dards, and . . . conduct the DoD student testing program.
We are a partner in the success of the recruiting, qualifying, and
training triad during peacetime and mobilization.
USMEPCOM is a major partner in the accession process,
ensuring the Quality of the Force into the 21st Century.
We are a unique, innovative accession command and the . . . model
for entry-level qualification into the federal system . . .
We excel at providing accurate, timely, cost-effective evaluation of
applicants . . . We are the nucleus for managing information
pertinent to accession processing.
Guiding Principles
Our whole existence depends on customer trust and our
competence. We must remain independent and impartial
in the accession process.
We respect each other and have the moral courage to be open and
honest. We conduct ourselves with pride and hold ourselves
accountable in the performance of our mission.
We did a good job telling the workforce that we were working
on a strategic plan. Initially that was met with a great deal of
skepticism, given the commands past failure to come up with a
workable strategic plan.
A month later the senior leadership group met again, considered the
informal feedback, and finalized the objectives.
Directorate heads briefed the draft plan to their mid-level managers and
invited them to a feedback session the following month.
One day was not enough for the mid-level managers feedback
session. If it hadnt been facilitated, it would have turned into a
big gripe session and very little would have come out of it.
Then the Commander met with feedback session participants and distrib-
uted the draft plan and the annotated feedback.
Feedback was more positive than it has ever been. People were
saying, They are serious this time. We have a plan, a written
plan, and while it is not perfect, its more than weve ever had
The senior leadership team met again to finalize the plan and develop its
deployment and implementation strategies.
Objective 4 Chartered by goal groups (they develop their own charters that
Implementation are approved by goal group)
Teams 4 Develop and implement implementation plans for objectives
(tasks, responsibilities, time lines, resources required)
The strategies and objectives are listed in action plan format, and the
goal group leaders or objective leaders report their status to the deputy
The action plans for the objectives submitted by the goal groups have
been reviewed and approved or disapproved.
On some of them weve said, Well, this sounds good, we can do
it. Lets proceed two steps at a time. On some others weve said,
Well, it was a great idea but we cant do it and heres why.
Every 2 months, the senior leadership team meets for a facilitated half-
day session to do a detailed review of plan implementation, modify the
plan if necessary, and obtain consensus when needed.
Implementation One of the MEPS commanders tied all of her major accomplish-
Results ments to the four goals of the strategic plan when she submitted
input for her annual evaluation report. If we can make that the
standard, we can really start to institutionalize the strategic plan.
If you say, Were going to start measuring processes, and your
employees say, Why? Weve never done that before, you can
say, Because this is one of the steps involved in accomplishing the
goals in the strategic plan.
As you implement the strategic plan, you are institutionalizing the
guiding principles, vision, and the accomplishment of the goals.
Lessons We may be trying to do too much too fast. It looks like we are
trying to do everything at once because we have short timelines
Learned with early start times.
You dont get rid of mistrust overnight. Following the plan makes
people believe that the leadership is serious, that it is a real
plan, that we can adjust it, but basically this is our guidance for
the future.
Background The Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), part of the Food and Drug
Administration, is an organization of approximately 250 people with
facilities in Rockville and Beltsville, Maryland. CVM initiated the strategic
planning process in response to demands for speeding up the review and
approval of new animal drugs while increasing vigilance in protecting the
public against unsafe and fraudulent products. Workload was increasing
in a period of declining resources. They saw the need to shift from focus-
ing solely on protecting the public from unsafe animal products and fraud
to ensuring that safe and effective drugs needed for use in animals could
gain access to the market in a timely manner.
Strategic The CVM hired a consultant to guide them through the strategic planning
Planning process. She assessed the organization by interviewing the 30-member
Process senior leadership team that formed the planning group as well as focus
groups of employees. The resulting data package was used as the basis
for the strategic planning undertaken at a 3-day offsite in November
1994. The senior leadership team developed the mission, vision, and
guiding principles, and affinitized the issues into five broad goal catego-
It was a very long three days. We worked from 8 in the morning
to almost midnight every night.
We are an internationally recognized public health organization respon-
sible for the evaluation, approval and/or surveillance of animal drugs, food
additives, feed ingredients, and animal devices. We are proactive in our
efforts to increase the availability and diversity of safe and effective prod-
ucts that relieve animal pain and suffering, sustain their health, improve
animal productivity, and do not compromise public health. We . . . [use]
state of the art science and technologies to . . . accomplish our mission.
People . . . work cooperatively as an integrated team. We foster open and
collegial partnerships with our constituencies . . . We all live by, and our
managers exemplify, the Centers guiding principles . . .
Guiding Principles
Health Protection: We honor our role in protecting the health of man and
other animals, and value the principles . . . of the supporting laws and
Integrity: We conduct ourselves with honesty. . . recognizing that uphold-
ing the public trust requires the highest standards of moral and ethical
Quality: We achieve excellence through continuous. . .improvement in all
our processes . . . we recognize the value . . . of science in reaching regu-
latory decisions.
Teamwork: Everyones contribution is important. Working together, we
place the mission of the Center first and align our contributions . . . toward
that end.
Communication: We communicate information, ideas, and decisions, both
internally and externally, in a candid, timely, and comprehensible manner.
Equity: We treat our customers and each other with fairness, courtesy,
respect, and compassion while fostering an atmosphere of mutual trust.
Diversity: We promote cultural and gender diversity in the workforce to
strengthen and enrich the Center.
Innovation: We apply new concepts, ideas, and creative approaches to
improve current operations and meet the challenges of the future.
[We] felt that the plan should really be coming from the organi-
zation, rather than being dictated down from management. We
were talking about restructuring the processes by which we do
work, and the people who know how to do that are the people
who actually do the work.
After the second offsite, a copy of the draft plan was sent to every em-
ployee in the Center with a request for comments.
At an all-hands meeting for everyone in the Center, each of the five goal
groups gave a 20-minute briefing on what its goal was all about and
what that goal was intended to accomplish.
The draft plan was made available on e-mail and a special e-mail ac-
count was set up just to collect comments.
Phase II The Center staged an innovative kick-off event for the published strategic
Deployment: plan.
In the late morning of September 20, 1995, the Center Director gathered
the Strategic the employees from both facilities and told them that he was closing the
Plan whole Center for the rest of the day. He gave each employee a copy of
the new strategic plan and told them to go away for two hours to think
about how theyd like to fit into the organization envisioned in the plan
and become involved in attaining the vision.
When the employees came back, the Center Director described his vision
of the new Center and how the strategic plan was going to be imple-
mented. Then he invited all of the employees to come back into the
building and take the rest of the day to meet the goal groups and find out
more about the plan.
While the employees were gone, the goal groups had set up booths with
posters to explain their goals, and balloons and snacks to attract atten-
tion. As the employees visited each booth, they were invited to work on
the objectives.
To encourage the employees to learn about all of the goals, each person
was given a ticket to get punched by each goal group visited. Tickets
punched by all five goal groups were put in a hat for a drawing for
about 20 small prizes.
There was also a photo contest and the pictures were displayed for about
3 months so that people could vote on them. Winners were announced
in six categories.
A version of the plan was tailored for external distribution without the
time frames, names, and some other details. This was distributed, with a
letter asking for comments, to the Centers customers, stakeholders, and
various offices in FDA. Verbal feedback was received, but no written
The plan was addressed in speeches and written up in the trade journals.
Implementing We now have a roadmap for becoming the organization that we
say we want to become in our vision statement.
the Strategic
Plan An executive board was created to manage implementation actions and
monitor implementation progress. One of its first acts was to take the
priorities of the individual goal groups and make a master priority list of
things that needed to be accomplished.
At its monthly meetings, the first order of business is for the goal groups
to report what theyve been doing and tie this to the milestone chart. If
they are not able to complete a specific objective by the date designated
in the plan, they must formally request an extension from the executive
To develop the plans for implementing the specific strategies and objec-
tives under those goals, strategic implementation groups (SIGs), were
formed. Planning team members may or may not be members of SIGs.
A schedule of when the various goal groups and SIGs are meeting is
published every week and this is displayed in the hallway.
Once a quarter, the normal work of the Center is shut down for two
days, and activities are dedicated totally to the strategic plan. The execu-
tive board meets to make sure that strategic planning activities are on
track and that things arent being allowed to slide. Employees who are
involved in a goal group or SIG put aside their regular work and dedi-
cate their time to strategic planning activities. Those who elect not to be
part of these activities are expected to do their normal work.
The fact that we shut down all normal work for those periods of
time is a reminder to everybody that the plan is alive and theres
activity on it.
When a goal group comes to the executive board saying they want to
implement an objective, the executive board passes that request on to the
Center Director. Then the Center Director sends it to whatever office is
going to be in charge of doing the implementation asking whether re-
The plan has had an impact on behavior. The employees want to have
input into the direction of the Center, the work activities, and other as-
pects of work at the Center.
Before the plan, people were only concerned with what they were
doing and what was happening in their own particular area.
Now theyre looking more at the big picture.
The senior staff is now stopping to think before they take an action to
make sure that it fits with the plan.
Teamwork is also a goal. Training on how to use teams has been con-
ducted. People have been trained to facilitate teams and their services
are made available to all teams.
People are certainly informed, and some people are even com-
plaining about too much e-mail!
When people walk by, they can immediately see when and
where these groups are scheduled. They can see that the goals
and objectives are being worked on.
The Director has said that we could slip deadlines and put off up
to 20 percent of the day-to-day work in order to meet the strategic
plan milestones.
About 10 of the 170 objectives in the plan have been completed and an
additional 3 process improvements have cleared the approval process
and are about to be implemented.
I think that the initial plan was the first cut. Now were going to
fine-tune it and focus it.
The strategic plan didnt deal with all the strategic issues of the
Center. We dont want to throw away anything thats in the plan;
what we need to do is add some things. All the things that are
currently in the plan are important to getting to the vision. Its just
that some pieces were left out.
There are things that come up that have to do with the plan that
no one wants to fund.
Data collection plan: A plan that provides guidance for gathering infor-
mation. It establishes the why, who, what, how, where, and when of data
Output measure: Describes the goods and services that are produced.
These measures could include product units or hours of service provided.
Gluck, F. W., Kaufman, S., & Walleck, A. S. (1982). The four phases of
strategic management. Journal of Business Strategy, 2(3), 9-21.
Graves, S., & Moran, J. (1994). The pitfalls associated with strategic
and operational planning. The Quality Management Forum, 20(4), 1-4.
Senge, P. M., Roberts, C., Ross, R. B., Smith, B. J., & Kleiner, A. (1994).
The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook. New York: Doubleday.
Ms. Wells is a native of Pennsylvania who spent most of her life in South
Carolina. After graduating as valedictorian from Beaufort High School in
1965, she graduated from Winthrop University in 1968 with a Bachelor
of Arts in English. She began her career with the Air Force, spending
almost four years in Industrial Engineering before retiring to become
the mother of two children, Dana and Michael.
She accepted her current position in the Office of the Under Secretary in
May 1990 and received a Superior Civilian Service Award in 1993. She
has completed several courses toward a Master of Science in Administra-
tive Science, specializing in Organizational Management. Ms. Wells is
the author of A Handbook for Strategic Planning and an editor of Voices:
A Collection of Readings from TQLeader. She is a 1995-1996 Fellow in
the Council for Excellence in Government and a member of Vice Presi-
dent Gores National Performance Review consortium study on Customer-
Driven Strategic Planning. She resides in Falls Church, Virginia.