Chapter 9 Notes
Chapter 9 Notes
Chapter 9 Notes
Chapter 9 Notes
Little change in the distribution of wealth and property Right to vote increased, previously only white male property owners/taxpayers Universal suffrage for white males MA was an exception, opposition from Daniel Webster, voters had to be taxpayers Property requirement abolished in NY, citing the Dec. of Independence Unstable reform in RI Thomas Dorr led Dorr Rebellion o Peoples party, new constitution with popular vote approved o Government refused, Dorr tried to capture state arsenal, imprisonments, FAILED o Led to new constitution that expanded suffrage South favored old way, slaves were disenfranchised, women could not vote either Did not practice secret ballot, spoken vote bribery/intimidation Increase in voters, electors chosen by popular vote except in SC. 27% 58% 80%
Interest in strengthening party organization, party loyalty Originally believed parties to be evil believed parties were desirable part of political process, essential to democracy First at state level Martin Van Buren led the Bucktails/Albany Regency o Challenged aristocratic leadership o Argued only institutionalized party, based on population, could ensure democracy o Ideological commitments not as important as loyalty to party Preservation with favors, rewards, and patronage = ACCEPTED AND PROMOTED MUST have permanent opposition opposition is good o Competing parties give purpose, force politicians to attend to common good, checks and balances Became aspect of democracy Two-party system Anti-Jacksons = Whigs, Jacksonians = Democrats
Webster-Hayne Debate
Sectional fight, Robert Y. Hayne said slowing growth of West was way for East to keep power o Wanted support from westerners in Congress to lower tariff Daniel Webster (Whig) began to wreck shit up, claiming Hayne (and Calhoun) challenged the Union o Changed issue from land and tariff to state vs. national power Hayne/Calhoun defended nullification Websters Second Reply to Hayne was nationalistic Jackson sided with Webster, wanted to keep things together and unified IMPORTANT: division between Calhoun and Jackson
Nullification Crisis
State convention to nullify tariffs of 1828 and 1832, Hayne as governor and Calhoun as senator Jackson said nullification was treason, strengthened forts, ordered warships and revenue ships Proposed a force bill to let POTUS use military action to enforce congressional acts Clay devised compromise in which tariff would be lowered gradually to level in 1816 o SC repealed nullification of tariffs, but nullified force act as a SYMBOLIC ACT
Went from kind of liking Indians to hating them, uncivilized and uncivilizable Favored removal to avoid violence, wanted new territory Indian tribes = weak and divided, declared dependent nations Battle between Sauk/Fox Indians and whites o Warrior Black Hawk, didnt want to give up land, reoccupied Illinois o Whites tried to fight off, were very vicious fought after surrender. VICIOUS
National Bank
Against federal Maysville road in KY, which only benefited state Bank in Philly, branches in 29 cities, fed. government deposited funds, owned 1/5 of stock Provided credit, issued bank notes, restrained state banks Nicholas Biddle was president. Soft money vs. hard money opposition (both opposed bank) o Soft money wanted currency, bank notes supported by gold/silver = best. Said national bank restricted state banks from issuing notes wanted growth o Hard money wanted only gold/silver, condemned BUS for its paper money suspicious of growth and expansion Jackson was hard money, had failed business and in debt suspicious of banks/currency Did not want bank, bank charter was set to expire in 1836. Biddle began granting favors (Webster & Clay), tried to pass bill in 1832 to renew bank o Jackson vetoed it LIKE A BOSS (predictably) 1832 campaign about the bank Jackson and Van Buren won, defeated Clay and Biddle Jackson wanted to weaken bank removed deposits. Fired 2 secretaries and decided on Roger B. Taney HOME DOG! o Placed deposits in state banks, aka pet banks Biddle was feisty and called in loans & raised interest rates tried to make recession o Fight of Biddle vs. Jackson, Biddle eventually gave in and LOST o Jackson left with unstable and weak financial system
Taney Court
John Marshall died, Taney new supreme justice. Did not break interpretation, but MODIFIED NATIONALISM of Marshall Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge in 1837 dispute of bridge rights o Charter from state for toll bridge, monopoly. However this was declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL o Taney promoted general happiness over contract rights, monopoly is unjustifiable privilege Democracy = economic opportunity, freedom
o Withdrawals hard on pet banks, speculative fever Jacksons specie circular, payment in gold/silver, FAILED and produced panic! o Businesses failed, unemployment, bread riots, prices fell DEPRESSION o Caused by distribution of surplus and specie circular, Europe conditions o Crop failures, democrats blamed Van Burens new financial system: independent treasury or subtreasury no private banks, separated government and banks
Whig Frustration
Harrison died one month in office therefore Tyler had to succeed o Tyler was actually DEMOCRATIC (haha). Abolished treasury system and raised tariffs, but did not support bank. Vetoed internal improvements o Tyler voted out of the Whig party, Tyler appointed Calhoun in cabinet (now a democrat)
Whig Diplomacy
Great Britain and US conflicts, steamship Caroline burned by British o Americans arrested Canadian in NY eventually acquitted Canada Maine boundary, treaty disputes with lumberjacks Aroostook War American ship Creole sailed and British declared slaves free, Lord Ashburton settled agreement with Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 o Firm boundary, more land to US, trade protected, POPULAR! Treaty with China, Treaty of Wang Hya gave US same rights as British o Rights to extraterritoriality, right to be tried by American officials