The document is Pepper Hamilton LLP's eleventh monthly fee application for compensation and reimbursement of expenses as Delaware counsel for the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. and related debtors. Pepper Hamilton seeks allowance of $4,225 in fees and $177.83 in expenses for a total of $4,402.83 for work performed from January 1-31, 2010. The application provides details of the professionals who worked on the case, their billing rates, hours worked, and a breakdown of fees by project category.
The document is Pepper Hamilton LLP's eleventh monthly fee application for compensation and reimbursement of expenses as Delaware counsel for the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. and related debtors. Pepper Hamilton seeks allowance of $4,225 in fees and $177.83 in expenses for a total of $4,402.83 for work performed from January 1-31, 2010. The application provides details of the professionals who worked on the case, their billing rates, hours worked, and a breakdown of fees by project category.
The document is Pepper Hamilton LLP's eleventh monthly fee application for compensation and reimbursement of expenses as Delaware counsel for the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. and related debtors. Pepper Hamilton seeks allowance of $4,225 in fees and $177.83 in expenses for a total of $4,402.83 for work performed from January 1-31, 2010. The application provides details of the professionals who worked on the case, their billing rates, hours worked, and a breakdown of fees by project category.
The document is Pepper Hamilton LLP's eleventh monthly fee application for compensation and reimbursement of expenses as Delaware counsel for the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. and related debtors. Pepper Hamilton seeks allowance of $4,225 in fees and $177.83 in expenses for a total of $4,402.83 for work performed from January 1-31, 2010. The application provides details of the professionals who worked on the case, their billing rates, hours worked, and a breakdown of fees by project category.
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InRe: Chapter 11 Case No. 09-10785 (KJC) PACIFIC ENERGY RESOURCES LTD, et aI., (Jointly Administered) Debtors. Objection Deadline: 3/15/10 at 4:00 pm Hearing Date: To Be Scheduled only If Necessary ELEVENTH MONTHLY FEE APPLICATION FOR COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES OF PEPPER HAMILTON LLP, AS DELAWARE COUNSEL FOR THE OFFICIAL COMMITTEE OF UNSECURED CREDITORS, FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY 1 THROUGH JANUARY 31,2010 Name of Applicant: Pepper Hamilton LLP Authorized to Provide Professional Services to: The Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors Date of Retention: April 29, 2009 nunc pro tunc March 19,2009 ------- Period for which compensation and/or reimbursement is sought: January 1-31, 2010 1 Total amount of compensation sought as actual, reasonable and necessary $4,225.00 Total amount of expense reimbursement sought as actual, reasonable and necessary $177.83 This is a lmonthly interim _ final application. The time expended for preparation of this Application is not reflected herein. (Total time and expense of the preparation of this fee application will be reflected in subsequent fee applications. ) I The Applicant reserves the right to include any time expended in the time period indicated above, and any expenses, in future application(s) if it is not included herein. #10922359 vII PRIOR FEE APPLICATIONS FILED Date Filed Period Covered Requested Fees Requested Approved Approved I Expenses Fees Expenses 5/22/09 3/19/09 - 3/31/09 $15,942.50 $0.00 $15,942.50 $0.00 6/23/09 4/1/09 - 4/30/09 $35,383.50 $1,304.06 $35,383.50 $1,304.06 7/6/09 5/1/09 - 5/31109 $16,947.00 $657.68 $16,947.00 $657.68 8/11/09 6/1/09 6/30/09 $17,725.50 $2,288.35 9/9/09 7/1/09 - 7/31/09 $16,609.50 $1,455.17 9/25/09 8/1/09 - 8/31/09 $7,906.50 $334.07 10/13/09 9/1/09 - 9/30/09 $6,087.00 $357.48 n-m-&09 10/1/09 - 10/31109 $6,018.00 $550.71 ]2/11/09 11/1/09 - 11/30/09 $9,230.00 ~ ]/21/10 12/1/09 12/31/09 $12,091.00 -2 #10922359 vii PROFESSIONALS Name of Professional Individual Position With the Applicant and Number of Years In That Position Hourly Billing Rate (Including Changes) Total Billed Hours I Total Compensation Francis J. Lawall Partner (15 yrs) $595.00 .80 ! $ 488.00 James C. Carignan I Associate (7 yrs) $375.00 5.00 $ 1,975.00 John H. Schanne, II Associate (1 yr) $240.00 .20 $ 55.00 Jayme H. Cook Senior Paralegal $215.00 1.40 $ 315.00 Judith P. Matour Senior Paralegal $220.00 I 5.20 $ 1,170.00 Angeline Shields . Bankruptcy Assistant $ 55.00 1.40 $ 77.00 David Smith Document Clerk $ 50.00 2.00 $ 100.00 Cynthia M. Vernon Paralegal $150.00 .30 $ 45.00 Grand Total: $4,225.00 Total Hours: 16.30 Blended Rate: $237.50 -3 #10922359 vii COMPENSATION BY CATEGORY Project Categories Total Hours Total Fees B110 Case Administration 2.50 $ 238.50 B155 Court Hearings .20 $ 79.00 B160 Fees 7.50 $ 1,704.50 B 175 Fee Applications - Others 2.10 $ 494.00 B 180 A voidance Action Analysis and Proceedings 1.70 $ 757.50 B 190 Contested MatterslMotions 2.30 $ 951.50 Total 16.30 $ 4,225.00 Expense Summary Service Provider (if applicable) Total Expenses Duplicating $ 55.20 Messenger Service - Overnight Courier $ 41.55 Postage $ 15.57 Reference Service $ 45.36 Filing Service $ 20.00 Telephone $ .15 Total $ 177.83 EXPENSE SUMMARY I I I I -4 #10922359 vII IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE In Re: Chapter 11 Case No. 09-10785 (KJC) PACIFIC ENERGY RESOURCES LTD, et aI., (Jointly Administered) Debtors. Objection Deadline: 3115/]0 at 4:00 pm Hearing Date: To Be Scheduled only If Necessary ELEVENTH MONTHLY APPLICATION FOR COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES OF PEPPER HAMILTON LLP, DELAWARE COUNSEL FOR THE OFFICIAL COMMITTEE OF UNSECURED CREDITORS Pursuant to sections 330 and 331 of Title 11 of the United States Code (the "Bankruptcy Code"), Rule 2016 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (collectively, the "Bankruptcy Rules"), and the Court's "Administrative Order under U.S.C. Sections 105(A) and 331 Establishing Procedures for Interim Compensation and Expense Reimbursement of Professionals and Committee Members," signed on or about April 8, 2009 (the "Administrative Order"), Pepper Hamilton LLP ("Pepper" or "Applicant"), Delaware counsel to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (the "Committee"), hereby submits its Eleventh Monthly Application for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for the Period from January 1, 2010 through January 31, 2010 (the "Application"). By this Application, Pepper seeks a monthly interim allowance of compensation in the amount of$4,225.00 and actual and necessary expenses in the amount of$I77.83 for a total allowance of$4,402.83 and payment of$3,380.00 (80% of the allowed fees) and reimbursement of$177.83 (l00% of the allowed expenses) for a total payment of $3,557.83 for the period #10922474 viI January 1, 2010 through January 31, 201 0 (the "Interim Period"). In support of this Application, Pepper respectfully represents as follows: Background 1. On March 9, 2009 (the "Filing Date"), Pacific Energy Resources Ltd., Petrocal Acquisition Corp., Pacific Energy Alaska Holdings, LLC, Cameros Acquisition Corp., Pacific Energy Alaska Operating LLC, San Pedro Bay Pipeline Company, Cameros Energy, Inc. and Gotland Oil, Inc. (collectively, the "Debtors") each filed a voluntary petition for relief pursuant to Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. The Debtors have continued to manage their businesses and properties as debtors-in-possession pursuant to Sections 1107(a) and 1108 of the Bankruptcy Code. 2. On March 19, 2009 (the "Committee Formation Date"), the United States Trustee appointed the Committee to represent the unsecured creditors of the Debtors pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 1102(a)(1). 3. Pursuant to Section 1103 of the Code, the Committee selected Pepper Hamilton LLP to serve as Delaware counsel for the Committee. On April 14, 2009, the Committee filed an application with this Court for approval to employ Pepper Hamilton LLP. 4. On April 29, 2009, this Court entered an Order authorizing the Committee to employ Pepper Hamilton LLP as Delaware counsel for the Committee, effective as of March 19,2009, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 5. On April 8, 2009, the Administrative Order Establishing Procedures for Allowance and Payment of Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses to Professionals was entered. Summary of Services Rendered and Expenses Incurred -2 #10922474 vI J 6. Applicant has rendered services from January 1,2010 through January 31, 2010 in the amount of 16.30 hours. 7. Applicant maintains contemporaneous records of the time expended for the professional services and expenses related thereto performed in connection with this Chapter 11 case and such records are maintained in the ordinary course of its business. These records provide a detailed description of the services rendered and expenses incurred during the period for which this Application is being made. A summary of Applicant's time records in the sum of $4,225.00 is attached hereto as Exhibit B. This summary is broken down according to specific task categories relating specifically to this Chapter 11 case. In some cases, Applicant found a situation where the task of a professional may fit into two or more categories. In these cases, Applicant has tried to categorize the time expended into the most appropriate category. If the Court requires any further descriptions on these time entries, Applicant will provide additional information. 8. Applicant believes that the post-petition services for the period January I, 2010 through January 31,2010 are reasonably worth the sum of $4,225.00 as set forth in the summary identified as Exhibit B. Applicant notes that these costs are customary charges made to other firm clients in the ordinary course of its billing practice. To assist the Court in its review of the fees sought by Applicant, Applicant has separated its time entries in Exhibit B into the following categories: (a) Case Administration (Total hours: 2.50, total fees $238.50) This category includes time spent by Applicant attending to coordination and compliance activities in connection with the performance ofits duties as Delaware counsel for the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors. -3 #\0922474 vII (b) Court Hearings (Total hours: .20, total fees $79.00) This category includes time spent by Applicant reviewing hearing agenda and communicating with counsel re same. (c) Fees (Total hours: 7.50, total fees $1,704.50) This category includes time spent by Applicant drafting andfiling certificate ofno objection re previous fee applications, drafting ofDecember 2009 fee application and related tasks. (d) Fee Applications - Others (Total hours: 2.10, total fees $494.00) This category includes time spent by Applicant drafting certificates ofno objection re previous applications ofco-counsel and efiling ofco-counsel's monthly fee application. (e) Avoidance Action Analysis and Proceedings Total hours: 1.70, total fees $757.50) This category includes time spent by Applicant communicating with counselre prefererences and related research. (f) Contested MatterslMotions (Total hours: 2.30, total fees $951.50) This category includes time spent by Applicant reviewing pleadings and communicating with counsel re same. 9. The attorneys who primarily worked on this case occasionally found it necessary to consult with other attorneys in the firm on various aspects of the case. A brief biography of each of the primary attorneys, along with a description of their areas of expertise, are set forth in the summary identified as Exhibit C. 10. As outlined above, the attorneys who worked on this case from January 1, 2010 through January 31,2010 have various levels of expertise. From time to time these attorneys consulted with each other and other attorneys on different aspects of the case. It is submitted that this is a more efficient way to run a case than to expect a single attorney to be an -4 #10922474 vii expert in all applicable areas of law. If a single attorney were to attempt to run a case such as this, the attorney would have to learn through research what other attorneys know and can tell him based on their years of knowledge and experience. 11. Applicant requires reimbursement of costs expended January 1, 2010 through January 31, 2010 in the sum of $177.83 as set forth in the summary identified as Exhibit D. Applicant notes that these costs are customary charges made to other firm clients in the ordinary course of its billing practice. 12. In accordance with the factors enumerated in section 330 ofthe Bankruptcy Code, it is respectfully submitted that the amount requested is fair and reasonable given (a) the complexity of the case, (b) the time expended, (c) the nature and the extent of the services rendered, (d) the value of such services, and (e) the costs of comparable services other than in a case under the Bankruptcy Code. Moreover, Applicant has reviewed the requirements of Del. Bankr. LR 2016 and the Administrative Order and believes that this Application complies with such Rule and Order. WHEREFORE, your Applicant respectfully requests, for the period January 1, 2010 through January 31, 2010, an interim allowance be made for compensation in the amount of $4,225.00 and actual and necessary expenses in the amount of $177.83 for a total allowance of $4,402.83 and payment of $3,380.00 (80% of the allowed fees) and reimbursement of $177.83 (100% of the allowed expenses) be authorized for a total payment of$3,557.83 for such -5 #10922474 vII other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper. Dated: February 22,2010 Respectfully submitted, PEPPER HAMILTON LLP lsi Francis 1. Lawall Francis J. Lawall (PA No. 43932) 3000 Two Logan Square Eighteenth and Arch Streets Philadelphia, PA 19103-2799 Telephone: (215) 981-4000 Facsimile: (215) 981-4750 And David B. Stratton, Esq. (DE No. 960) James C. Carignan, Esq. (DE No. 4230) Hercules Plaza, Suite 5100 1313 N. Market Street P.O. Box 1709 Wilmington, Delaware 19899-1709 Tel: (302) 777-6500 Delaware Counsel for The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors -6 #10922474 v11 AFFIDAVIT COMMONWEAL TH OF PENNSYLVANIA SS COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Francis J. Lawall, Esquire, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is a Partner in the law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, Applicant herein; that he is authorized to take this Affidavit on behalf of the law firm; that the facts set forth in the foregoing Application are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information and belief; that they have no agreement, directly or indirectly, and that no understanding exists in any form or guise with any person for a division of the fee or compensation herein requested.
FRANCIS 1. LAWALL Sworn to and subscribed 1t11 before me this)2 day of February, 2010. COMMONWEALTH 0 -NN$YLVANIA NOTARIAL SEAL PATRICK WAGNER, Notary Public City of Philadelphia, Phila. County M ... .fJ.!::?P.12 vi Exhibit A
IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE In re: Chapter 11 Case No. 0910785 (KJC) PACIFIC ENERGY RESOURCES LTD" et al. (Jointly Administered) Debtors. Related Doeket No. 190 ORDER AUTHORIZING EMPLOYMENT AND RETENTION OF PEPPER HAMILTON LLP AS DELAWARE COUNSEL TO THE OFFICIAL COMMITTEE OF UNSECURED CREDITORS NUNCPRO TUNC TO MARCH 19,2009 UPON TIIE APPLICATION of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (the "Official of the above captioned debtors and debtors-in possession (the "DebtorsH) pursuant to Fed. R. Bankr. P. 2014(a) for an Order under sections 328(a) and 1103(a) of Title 1) of the United States Code (the Bankruptcy authorizing the employment and retention of Pepper Hamilton LLP ("Pepper Hamilton') as Delaware counsel to the Official Committee D.I.l!l m:2 tunc to March 19, 2009 (the "Application"); and upon the affidavit of David B. Stratton, a member of Pepper, in support of the Application; and this Court possessing jurisdiction to consider the Application; and venue being proper; and upon. the Court finding that Pepper represents no adverse interests in connection with this case and that it is a disinterested person as that term is defined in Bankruptcy Code section 101(14), as modified by Bankruptcy Code section l107(b): and upon further finding that the employment of Pepper HamHton effective as of March 19, 2009 is necessary and is in the best interests of the Official Committee; and notice of the Application having been proper; and the
relief requested in the Application being warranted, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT:
1. The Application is GRANTED. 2. In accordance with Bankruptcy Code sections 328(a) and 1] 03(a), the Official Committee is hereby authorized to employ Pepper Hamilton effective as of March 19,2009. 3. Pepper Hamilton shall be compensated in accordance with the Application, the procedures set forth in Bankruptcy Code sections 330 and 331, such of the Bankruptcy Rules as may be applicable from time to time, and such procedures as may be fixed by the Court. 4. This Court shall retain jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to this Order and the Application.
~ ' Dated: ~ Wilmington, DE 1;) #1<1721830 vI 2 Exhibit B Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors Client/Matter Number: 136019.00002 February 18,2010 Invoice: 10600215 Page 10 Summary of Attorney Hours Name F.Lawall Title Partner Hours 0.80 Rate 610.00 Eees 488.00 1. Carignan lH. Schanne, II 1.H. Cook J. Matour A. Shields D. Smith CM. Vernon Associate Associate Paralegal Paralegal Bankruptcy Asst Document Clerk Document Clerk 5.00 0.20 lAO 5.20 lAO 2.00 0.30 395.00 275.00 225.00 225.00 55.00 50.00 150.00 1,975.00 55.00 315.00 1,170.00 77.00 100.00 45.00 16.30 4,225.00 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors Client/Matter Number: 136019.00002 February 18,2010 Summary of Time by Task Code Task BllO Case Administration B155 Court Hearings B160 Fees B175 Fee Applications and Invoices - Others Bl80 Avoidance Action Analysis and Proceedin Bl90 Contested Matters/Motions Total Hours 2.50 0.20 7.50 2.10 1.70 2.30 16.30 Invoice: 10600215 Page 2 Fees 238.50 79.00 1,704.50 494.00 757.50 951.50 4,225.00 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors Client/Matter Number: 136019.00002 February 18,2010 Summary of time by Task Code TASK: B 110 Case Administration Name Title Lawall, F. Partner Shields, A. Bankruptcy Asst Smith, D. Document Clerk Invoice: 10600215 Page 11 Hours 0.20 0.30 2.00 Rate 610.00 55.00 50.00 Fees 122.00 16.50 100.00 Total B110 2.50 238.50 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors ClientiMatter Number: 136019.00002 February 18,2010 Invoice: 10600215 Page 3 Time Detail by Task Code TASK CODE: B 11 0 Case Administration Date Name Services 01106/10 F. Lawall Review distribution analysis. 0.20 610.00 122.00 0111211 0 D. Smith Review docket and organize pleadings file. 1.00 50.00 50.00 01125110 A. Shields Review pleadings & incorporate into case management records as appropriate. 0.30 55.00 16.50 01/28110 D. Smith Review docket and organize pleadings file. 1.00 50.00 50.00 Total B 11 0 Case Administration 2.50 238.50 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors ClientlMatter Number: 136019.00002 February 18,2010 Invoice: 10600215 Page 12 TASK: B155 Court Hearings Name Carignan, J. Total B155 Associate 0.20 0.20 Rate 395.00 Fees 79.00 79.00 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors Client/Matter Number: 136019.00002 February 18,2010 TASK CODE: H155 Court Hearings Date Name Services 01/06/10 J. Carignan Email from co-counsel re 1/13 hearing. 01111110 J. Carignan Receipt and review revised agenda for 1/13 hearing. Total H155 Court Hearings Invoice: 10600215 Page 4 Time 0.10 0.10 0.20 Rate 395.00 395.00 Fees 39.50 39.50 79.00 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors Client/Matter Number: 136019.00002 February 18, 2010 Invoice: 10600215 Page 13 TASK: B160 Fees Carignan, J. Matour,1. Shields, A. Total B160 Associate Paralegal Bankruptcy Asst 1.20 5.20 1.10 7.50 Rate 395.00 225.00 55.00 Fees 474.00 1,170.00 60.50 1,704.50 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors ClientlMatter Number: l36019.00002 February 18, 2010 TASK CODE: B160 Fees Date Name Services 01106/10 J. Matour Draft certificate of no objection re PH 9th monthly fee application and forward to F. Lawall for signature. 01106110 J. Matour Arrange for efiling and service of certificate of no objection re PH 9th monthly application. 01/06/10 A. Shields Prepare for service of certificate of no objection re 9th monthly fee application of Pepper Hamilton for period 1111 to 11/30/09. 01106110 A. Shields Service of certificate of no objection re 9th monthly fee application of Pepper Hamilton for period 1111 to 11130/09. 01/07/10 J. Matour Email copy of certificate of no objection re PH 9th monthly fee application to debtor for payment. 01107110 J. Matour Begin work on PH 10th monthly application. 01112/10 A. Shields Prepared for service of fee application. 01/18/1 0 J. Matour Draft PH 10th monthly fee application and related documents. 01/19/10 J. Carignan Review and revise Pepper Hamilton December 2009 fee application. 01120/10 J. Matour Finalize PH 10th monthly Time Rate 0.40 225.00 0.30 225.00 0.30 55.00 0.20 55.00 0.20 225.00 0.20 225.00 0.30 55.00 2.20 225.00 0.30 395.00 0.40 225.00 Invoice: 10600215 Page 5 Fees 90.00 67.50 16.50 11.00 45.00 45.00 16.50 495.00 118.50 90.00 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors Client/Matter Number: February 18,2010 01/21110 1. Carignan 01121110 1. Matour 01121110 A. Shields 01122110 1. Matour 01126110 J. Matour 01129/10 J. Carignan Total B160 Fees 136019.00002 fee application and forward to F. Lawall for efiling. Receipt and review fee auditor's reports. Arrange for efiling and service of PH 10th monthly fee application. Service of 10th Monthly Fee Application of Pepper Hamilton for period 1211 to 12/31109. Receive and review filed copy of PH 10th monthly fee application and calendar deadline. Prepare response to 1. Carignan re fee auditor comments on PH 2nd interim fee application. Draft response to fee auditor. fuvoice: 10600215 Page 6 0.20 395.00 79.00 0.50 225.00 112.50 0.30 55.00 16.50 0.10 225.00 22.50 0.90 225.00 202.50 0.70 395.00 276.50 7.50 1,704.50 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors ClientlMatter Number: 136019.00002 February 18,2010 Invoice: 10600215 Page 14 TASK: B 175 Fee Applications and Invoices - Others Name Hours Rate Carignan, J. Associate 0.20 395.00 79.00 1[, J.H. Schanne, Associate 0.20 275.00 55.00 Cook, J.H. Paralegal lAO 225.00 315.00 Vernon, C.M. Document Clerk 0.30 150.00 45.00 Total B175 2.10 494.00 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors Client/Matter Number: 136019.00002 February 18,2010 TASK CODE: B175 Fee Applications and Invoices - Others Date Name Services 01115110 J.R. Cook Filing and service of Steptoe third quarterly application. 01115/10 J.R. Cook Preparation of CONO re Steptoe application. 01117110 J.R. Cook Preparation of CONO re Steptoe fee application. 01119110 J. Carignan Review and execute CNO re Steptoe November fee application. 01119110 lR. Schanne, II Review and sign certificate of no objection re co-counsel fee application. 01/19110 J.R. Cook Filing and service of CONO re Steptoe fee application. 01120110 CM. Vernon Prepare and file Affidavit of service re Certificate of No Objection re Eighth Monthly Application for Steptoe & Johnson. 01126110 J.R. Schanne, II Review Steptoe fee application for filing. 01/26110 J.R. Cook Preparation of notices and COS re Steptoe fee application. Total B 175 Fee Applications and Invoices - Others Time 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.10 0.30 2.10 Rate 225.00 225.00 225.00 395.00 275.00 225.00 150.00 275.00 225.00 Invoice: 10600215 Page 7 Fees 67.50 67.50 45.00 79.00 27.50 67.50 45.00 27.50 67.50 494.00 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors Client/IvIatter Number: 136019.00002 February 18,2010 Invoice: 10600215 Page 15 TASK: B 180 Avoidance Action Analysis and Proceedings Title Hours Rate Lawall, F. Partner 0.40 610.00 244.00 Carignan, J. Associate 1.30 395.00 513.50 Total B180 l.70 757.50 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors Client/Matter Number: 136019.00002 February 18, 2010 Invoice: 10600215 Page 8 TASK CODE: B180 Avoidance Action Analysis and Proceedings Name Rate 01129/10 01129/10 F.Lawall J. Carignan Multiple e-mails re preferences. Confer with F. Lawall re preference actions and research data re same. 0040 1.30 610.00 395.00 244.00 513.50 Total B180 A voidance Action Analysis and Proceedings 1.70 757.50 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee OfUnseeured Creditors Client/Matter Number: 136019.00002 February 18,2010 Invoice: 10600215 Page 16 TASK: B190 Contested Matters/Motions Title Rate Fees Lawall, F. Partner 0.20 610.00 122.00 Carignan, J. Associate 2.10 395.00 829.50 Total B190 2.30 951.50 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors ClientlMatter Number: 136019.00002 February 18,2010 Invoice: 1060021S Page 9 TASK CODE: B190 Contested MatterslMotions Name Services Rate 01/0S/10 J. Carignan Review Union answering/reply brief and Silverpoint reply brief. 01107110 F. Lawall Telephone call to J. Carignan re litigation. Total B 190 Contested MatterslMotions 2.10 0.20 2.30 39S.00 610.00 829.50 122.00 9S1.S0 Exhibit C BIOGRAPHIES Francis 1. Lawall- Francis J. Lawall is a Partner in the Bankruptcy Practice Department in the Philadelphia office of Pepper Hamilton LLP and has been practicing law since 1985. He concentrates his practice in national bankruptcy and creditors' rights matters, including the representation of major oil companies in bankruptcy proceedings throughout the United States. He also has broad experience in the reorganization of companies plagued with massive toxic tort liabilities, as well as companies in the textile, automotive, clothing, and construction materials industries. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey bars and is admitted to practice before the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern and Southern Districts of New York and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second and Third Circuits. David B. Stratton - Mr. Stratton is a Partner in the Corporate Restructuring and Bankruptcy Practice Group of Pepper Hamilton LLP and has been practicing law since 1978. He is co-chair ofthe firm's Corporate Restructuring and Bankruptcy Practice Group. He is also a member of the American Bar Association Business Law Section and a member of the Bankruptcy Subcommittee of the Banking Committee. He is admitted to the bar of Delaware. James C. Carignan - Mr. Carignan is an Associate with the Corporate Restructuring and Bankruptcy Practice Group of Pepper Hamilton LLP and has been practicing law since 2002. He is admitted to the bar of Delaware. #10928595 vI (136019.2) Exhibit D Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors Client/Matter Number: 136019.00002 February 18,2010 Summary of Expenses Expenses Duplicating Messenger Service - Overnight Courier Postage Reference Service Filing Service Telephone Total Invoice: 10600215 Page 17 Value 55.20 41.55 15.57 45.36 20.00 0.15 177.83 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors ClientlMatter Number: 136019.00002 February 18,2010 Invoiee: 10600215 Page 18 Detail of Expenses Code Description Units Cost 01105110 MES4 FedEx: WARREN H SMITH DALLAS 12.91 12.91 01/05/10 MES4 FedEx: SCOTT WINN LONG BEACH 14.32 14.32 01/05/1 0 MES4 FedEx: IRA KHARASCH, ESQ LOS ANGELES 14.32 14.32 01106/10 DUP DUP - Matour Judith P. - 01106/2010 6 0.10 0.60 01106110 DUP DUP - Shields Angeline L. - 01106/2010 12 0.10 1.20 01/06/10 POS Postage 2.64 2.64 01111110 DKT Docket Search - PACER SERVICE CENTER -SHIELDS- DOCKET RESEARCH FOR ATTORNEYS 14.88 14.88 01111110 DKT Reversal from Void Check Number: 433233 Bank ID: OPER Voucher ID: 527801 Vendor: ANGELINE L SHIELDS (14.88) (14.88) 01112/10 SPD Filing Service - 01106110 - LAWALL
10.00 10.00 01112110 TEL Long Distance Telephone - 01112/2010 1 0.15 0.15 01120110 REF3 SHIELDS 100109 - 123109 - PACER REFERENCE SERVICE 14.88 14.88 01/20110 REF3 MATOUR 100109 -123109 - PACER REFERENCE SERVICE 1 30.48 30.48 01121110 DUP DUP - Matour Judith P. - 0112112010 92 0.10 9.20 01121110 DUP DUP - Shields Angeline L. - 0112112010 220 0.10 22.00 01121110 POS Postage 12.93 12.93 01/25110 SPD Filing Service - 1/21/10 - LAWALL EFILED FEE APP IN DE-B #129 5 10.00 10.00 01126110 DUP DUP - Matour Judith P. - 01126/2010 11 0.10 1.10 01126110 DUP DUP - Finney Maureen A. - 01/26/2010 34 0.10 3.40 01126110 DUP DUP Finney Maureen A. - 01/26/2010 177 0.10 17.70 Total 177.83 IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELA WARE In Re: Chapter 11 Case No. 09-10785 (KJC) PACIFIC ENERGY RESOURCES LTD, et al., (Jointly Administered) Debtors. Objection Deadline: 3/15/10 at 4:00 pm Hearing Date: To Be Scheduled only If Necessary NOTICE OF FILING OF FEE APPLICATION TO: (i) The Debtors; (ii) Counsel to the Debtors; (iii) The United States Trustee; (iv) Counsel to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (the "Notice Parties"): Pepper Hamilton LLP, Delaware counsel to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors in the above-captioned case (the "Applicant") has filed its Eleventh Monthly Application For Compensation and Reimbursement Of Expenses Of Pepper Hamilton LLP, as Delaware Counsel to the Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors For The Period January 1, 2010 Through January 31, 2010, seeking compensation for services in the amount of $4,225.00 and reimbursement of costs incurred in the amount of$177.83 (the "Application"). PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that objections, if any, to the Application, must be made in accordance with the Administrative Order Under 11 U.S.C. Sections 1 05(a) and 331 Establishing Procedures for Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Professionals and Committee Members [Docket No. 147] (the "Administrative Order") and must be filed with the Clerk of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, 824 Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801 and received by no later than 4:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time) on March 15,2010 (the "Objection Deadline"). UI0921598 vII Objections or other responses to the Application, if any, must be served so that they are received not later than March 15,2010 at 4:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time), by: (a) the Debtors, (1) Pacific Energy Resources, 111 W. Ocean Boulevard, Suite 1240, Long Beach, CA 90802. Attn: Gerry Tywoniuk, Senior VP & CFO and (2) Zolfo Cooper, 1166 Sixth Avenue, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10036, Attn: Scott W. Winn, Senior Managing Director; (b) counsel to the Debtors, (1) Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP, 919 North Market Street, 1 i h Floor, Wilmington, DE 19899-8705, Attn: Laura Davis Jones, Esq.; Fax 302-652-4400, email: [email protected]; (2) Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP, 10100 Santa Monica Boulevard, 11 th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067-4100, Attn: Ira D. Kharasch, Esq.; Fax: 310-201-0760, e mail: [email protected] (c) the Office of the United States Trustee, J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building, 844 N. King Street, Suite 2207, Lock Box 35, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, Attn: Joseph McMahon, Esq. and Cd) counsel to the Creditors' Committee (the "Committee"), (1) Steptoe & Johnson LLP, 2121 Avenue of the Stars, 28 th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067, Attn: Katherine C. Piper, Esq., Fax 310-734-3173, e-mail: [email protected] and (2) Pepper Hamilton LLP, Hercules Plaza, Suite 5100, 1313 Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19801, Attn: James C. Carignan, Esq.; Fax: 302-421-8390, e-mail: [email protected], (the "Notice Parties"). PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE if any responses or objections to the Application are timely filed, served and received, a hearing on the Application will be held at the convenience of the Bankruptcy Court. Only those objections made in writing and timely filed and received in accordance with the Administrative Order and the procedures described herein will be considered by the Bankruptcy Court at such hearing. -2 #10921598 vll PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, pursuant to the Administrative Order, if no objection to the Application is timely filed, served and received by the Objection Deadline, the Applicant be paid an amount equal to the lesser of (i) 80 percent of the fees and 100 percent ofthe expenses requested in the Application or (ii) 80 percent of the fees and 100 percent of the expenses not subject to an objection without the need for further order of the Bankruptcy Court. Dated: February 22, 2010 #10921598 vII PEPPER HAMILTON LLP lsI Francis 1. Lawall Francis 1. Lawall (PA No. 43932) 3000 Two Logan Square Eighteenth and Arch Streets Philadelphia, PA 19103-2799 Telephone: (215) 981-4000 Facsimile: (215) 981-4750 And David B. Stratton, Esq. (DE No. 960) James C. Carignan, Esq. (DE No. 4230) Hercules Plaza, Suite 5100 1313 N. Market Street P.O. Box 1709 Wilmington, Delaware 19899-1709 Tel: (302) 777-6500 Delaware Counsel for The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors -3 #10921598vll IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE InRe: Chapter 11 Case No. 09-10785 (KJC) PACIFIC ENERGY RESOURCES LTD, et al., (Jointly Administered) Debtors. Objection Deadline: 3/15/10 at 4:00 pm Hearing Date: To Be Scheduled only If Necessary AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE COMMONWEAL TH OF PENNSYLVANIA ) ) ss: COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA ) Judith P. Matour, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that she is employed by the law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, Delaware counsel for the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors in the above-captioned action, and that on the 22nd day of February, 2010 she caused a copy of the following document(s) to be served upon the parties on the attached service list via first class mail, postage prepaid: Eleventh Monthly Fee Application ofPepper Hamilton LLPfor January 1-31,2010 Sworn to and Subscribed before ~ ~ . 2:1!i day of February 2010 Notary Public Commission Exp.: _____ NOTARIAL SEAL PATRICK WAGNER, Notary Public City of Philade!phia, Philiii. County Commiss:cn [:: :mir'Os ;\ !)Hi ?!, 2012 ! . . - - ~ ! . ... --. #10928572 vii Pacific Energy Resources LTD c/o Scott Winn, CRO 111 W. Ocean Boulevard Suite 1240 Long Beach, CA 90802 Pacific Energy Resources, LTD c/o Ira Kharasch, Esquire Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones, LLP 10100 Santa Monica Boulevard 11 th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067-4100 Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors c/o Katherine C. Piper, Esquire Steptoe & Johnson, LLP 2121 Avenue of the Stars 28 th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067 # I 0858072 vI Pacific Energy Resources LTD c/o Laura Davis Jones, Esquire Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones, LLP 919 North Market Street 17 th Floor PO Box 8705 Wilmington, DE 19899 Joseph McMahon Office ofthe U. S. Trustee J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building Room 2207 844 N. King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 Warren H. Smith Warren H. Smith & Associates, P.C. Republic Center 325 N. St Paul, Ste 1250 Dallas, TX 75201