Islamic Baby Names For Girl
Islamic Baby Names For Girl
Islamic Baby Names For Girl
Abidah = the many worship Adani = The good character is predicated = Justice Ainani = Eye Alaniah = Real Arifah = The wise Arusah = Bride Azyyati = Patience Asyiqah = The busy Abirah = Fragrant Adabiah = Politene ss, civilized Adlin a = Justice we Adilah = Fair, fair Adriana = Ratio Aniqah = Be autiful, graceful Arfah = Happy Ainul = Life Eye life Afiqah = Very gene rous, very knowle dge able Afifah = The be rmaurah, Anisah = The frien dly Arinah = The active Aqilah = the good, noble Aliah = The high Amirah = a pe ace ful happy is predicated = Justice 'Azmatun Persistence
Barizah = Top Basimah = Smile Bashirah = pure he art Basmina = Smile Badzlin = Generous queen = Name of the Gove rnmen t of the Queen of Sheba Bariah = The cle ver, skille d Basirah = The wise Basitah = The amplifie s Bussaina = Be autiful, attractive Busra = Freshne ss
Danifah = hidden Tre asury Dajin ah = Cloud majestic Dalila = Le ade rs Dalilati = Leaders Dalili = Pe mimipin Dan ia = Almost Dian ah = Religious Dianati = Religious Dina = Religious Dhamimah = Guarantor Dhiafah = Cle ar in yet Dahiyah = The smart Dahliah = A flower Damia = We lfare and blessings Dayan a = The mighty Dayin i = complian t, obedien t Damia = We lfare and blessings
Fildzah = C leavage he art Farizah = C lear F arisah = Warrior Fathaniah = Smart Fadhilah = high Glory without it = happin ess Farhanah = Joy Fariah = High, hon orable Faridah = The special Fathiah = Opening, win Farwizah = Win, successful Fatan iah = Smart Core y = In telligen t Fikriyah = C leve r Filzah = C leavage he art Fakhriah = Flagship F akhrani = ratio = Interest F atin Fatin ah = Wise F aiqah = Best of Faqihah = Cle ver, in telligen t F airuz = Gemstones F atanah = Wisdom
Gharsina = Plants Ghassani = Beautiful
Ghaliah = The precious Ghaniah = The be autiful Ghan imah = The succe ssful Ghadah = The gen tle Ghauthiah = First Ghamirah = The travel Ghazalah = Sunrise Ghundurah = Happy, young Ghurrah = Radiance, white Ghaziah = Fighte r Ghazwani = heroism Ghadat = Soft, de licate
Hadhinah = Nanny Habibah = Love Hadhimah = Nanny, educators Hamimah = Friends loyal Hamizah = The wise Haifa = Slim, petite Hakimah = The wise Halwa = The swee t, attractive Hasya = Perfection Hidayah = In dicator God Hasin ah = The righteous Hasyimah = The we ll-manne red Huda = In dicator Haziqah = The wily, cle ver Hazirah = be st option Haziyah = the praised, loved one s
Ijazati = Con sent iffah = Holy, re served Iman ina = Our Faith In ani = front Itqan = Efficiency, in telligence Iwana = Throne Izzati = glory, strength Izdihar = Progre ss, de ve lopment Irdin a = Honor our Irsalina = Sender us Insyirah = Joy, open heart istiqamah = straightness Irfan = Knowin g
Jamiah = The uniting Jawidah = The kind-he arted Jazima = Tough Jauna = Sun Julia haired = len gth Junaidah = Fighte r, the military Jaharah = Beauty shape an d appe aran ce Jahirah = The handsome and flirtatious Jahizah = The fitted Jalilah = The noble J amaliah = Beauty J amalina = Be auty
Kafiah = Adequate Kiasatin a = Wisdom Kafiya = Re pre sen tative , sufficient caravan = Guaran tor Khairunnisa = most beautiful girl Khalidah = The remain s Kaisah = Wise, be autiful Kamaliah = Perfection Kamilia = F lowe rs, holy Khairiah = Benefits Khalilah = loyal friends Khaliqah = We ll-manne red Karimah = The noble Karamin a = Generous Kazimah = Cle ment Khadra = Fertile, green Khalisah = The honest Khuzaimah = old arabic name Khabirah = Think Khairana / Khairin a = We lfare
Labibah = The inte lligent, beautiful Laila = joy, passion Laiqah = The e ligible Lailan i = Night Lazimah = The principled Lauzah = Useful, fruitful Laiyinah = The gen tle Lidiya = Teen s, youn g Kate = Ten derne ss Lutfiah = finene ss, softne ss
Malihah = The beautiful an d sweet Mariah = White Marinah = The soft Mahdiyah = Holy, pure Mahirah = An efficien t, skilled Maliyanah = Tende rness Man arin a = Light indication Munifah = The tall an d beautiful Mahfuzah = The reserved Mus'ifah = Assistant Mun irah = The shine Muklisah = Sincere ly Mursyidah = Hidayah, adjust Miskiah = Harum musk Muzainah = Honours, rain drops Masturin a = The wise Mumtazah = The special Mardhati = Pleasure Mun awarah = The radiant, = lit Masturah = The re serve d Mawaddah = Love Maziah = Advan tage , privilege s
Nadwah = Hall, a group of people Nadhrah = be auty Nadirah = The precious, noble Najwa = human whispe r Najimah = Star Najidah = Brave Nazifa = Net Nawwarah = The glowin g Nazmin a = Compilation Nazirah = Supe rvisor Nur Azmina = Light our resolve Nur husn ina = Light your goodness Nurul Asyiqin = Light lovers Nuruljan nah = Light heaven Nur Amalin a = Light hope Nur Qamarin a = moon light Nabilah = The dodgy Nadhilah = Fighte r Nadrah = A piece of gold
Qasbah = Claimin g kn owledge Qadirah = The authority Qadisah = Holy Qahirah = The strong, powerful Q amarin a = Month Qarin ah = Compan ion, friend Qasdina = Straight, me dium Qasimah = Beautiful, handsome Qasrina = C astle Qismin a = Part Qistin a = Justice Qudwah = Followin g Qurratu ' ain i = Coolin g mataklu / heart
Rahmatina = Grace, mercy Rahmun a = You did bring RAIDAH = Le ade rs Raihah = Happy as confiden t Rahumah = C arin g Razanah = Courtesy, quie tness Ruzan a = pe ace of Rafiah = The noble Razita = F lowe r Ridhwah = Forgiveness Rif'ah = Height, glory Rifqah = Ten derne ss
Syuhrah = Fame Syuhaidah = Hone y bee Syahmin a = Brilliant Syakirah = The grate ful Sarimah = Persisten t, gritty Sakin ah = Order Safi = Cle an, pure Eagles = Golden Sarah = name of the wife of Prophe t Ibrahim Suhailah = The fun, simple Sulwana = Ente rtain ment liver Syimah = Person ally, habits Syukriah = Than ksgiving Sadiqah = Friend, frien d sin cere Syarafan a = Glory Syabrah = Grant, Grace Syadn i = Tree flowe rs
Syaqiqah = Sister biological Syahmah = pure heart Syasya = Radian t Syauqina = Love = Syazwan Fitne ss
Thaqifah = The dodgy Tharwah = Wealth Tahsin a = Be autify Taiyibah = The beautiful Tuma'nin ah = Peace Tsara '= Wealth Taqiah = The righteous Taqinah = Strong, durable Tajul bariyah = Crown Tamrin a = Train ing
Un aizah = Ratio Uthailah = Noble Usaimah = Re serve d Un aisah = happine ss Uzmana = ambition , determin ation Uzma = Be st, bigge st Ubaidah = The obedient, subse rvie nt Umm Kulthum = Name prophe t son Umaimah = a lovin g mothe r
Wasimah = Poor bree zy Wasifah = Assistant Waslah = The virtue Waslin a = Relation ship womb Wasiqah = The trust Watiqah = Strong an d sturdy Watriyah = Onene ss Wajahah = Height dignity Wafa = Loyalty Wadaah = Pe ace Wadhihah = The bright, clear Wani = Pe arl Wardah = Flower Rose
Yaquti = Worth Yaziyah = Easy, easy Yaniah = bloom Yasarah = Ease , conven ience Yasawafi = obe y instruction Yarasyimah = Ability Yamini = The ble ssin g Yasirah = The simple, e asyYasmin a = Jasmines Yusra = F un, facilitie s Yusrin a = Rich