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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

Summarization Globalization
The ancient Samara/ Sumers burgher organized civilizations in ancient Europe, Aegean, Ancient Egypt, and the Indus River Valley. They used the ancient Neanderthal (Aryan?) and the tall Niflheim {Nephelim: Homo ergaster- between 6.5 to 7 feet tall- giants of Jotunheim} located mainly below Dagda, Latvia. Other Nordics taller people were above Latvia in Sweden and Denmark that still can be seen to stand close to seven feet tall. The short, black haired burgher has been linked with archaeologys history, and DNA studies of the Cro-Magnon of the Pyrenees. The Cro-Magnons Atilans can be considered to have manifested an Aurignacian {since 32,000 BP} world trade culture and shipping system also seen in Samara (Sumer). They use and teach the (burgher: political judicial system) Me systematic laws and its word symbols and vocabulary to the original inhabitants (aborigines) in many lands for the development of world governments and the establishment of merchandising civilizations. The Aurignacian culture of the (also known as the Atlanteans) Atilans, Phoenicians, Peloponnesians, that was later known as the Holy Roma(n) Empire, East India Company and their Congress of Vienna, League of Nations, United Nations. Their (UNDP) United Nations Development Plans agenda was and still is Globalization.

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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

Essays of a short analytical research in Elahim Book One, In the Beginning Volume 1 to Ancient Civilizations Volume 5.

Industrial Culture
1 phase of Globalization Anthropology confusion
Many ancient stories describe the intellectual pursuits of humanitys historical past. In the beginning, discoveries show the 300,000 year old DNA haplogroups of the ancient Neanderthal (among others) and Black African. There were Homo-sapiens 6,000,000 years ago but 750,000 years ago claim Humankind (same!). Diminutively proved evidence that was not accepted by the establishment shows humankind goes back to 6,000,000 years ago or so. Near Tan-Tan Morocco, Archaeologists have found a female statuette *Tan-Tan Lady dated to between 300,000 and 500,000 years old. Far over the 200,000 years that of the industry of hunting tools. The Hunting Tool industry was found to be from the Homo antecessor, Homo heidelbergensis, and to the Homo neanderthalensis.

2nd phase of Globalization Temptation

The Aurignacian 32,000 BP Industrial Culture was first found to be predominant in the Pyrenees with the Homo-Sapien Sapien of the Cro-Magnons Basque-Aquitaine Atlantiques. They had introduced astronomy and art that still can be seen on their ancient cave walls with some in historic Aquilonia. Their advanced industry made products and adornments including their jeweled jewelry that were used in these ancient Aurignacian civilizations.
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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

I love merchandise!

Their industry made fine garments, combs, kitchenware, and the mass production of statues. The Mother goddess statues represented the bringer of Life, also found throughout the Aurignacian period.

3rd phase of Globalization Astrological Religion -written in Stone

See Vol. 3, pgs 33-35, Prince Maya of India 25,000 BP

These naga/serpents also were found in the swamps of Yucatan and Central America. They also can be seen in China and southern Asia!
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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

Belief System
Their priests, shamans, smiths, or druids were the Knowledgeable Ones that created commerce by creating a need for it. Their knowledge of the Heavens and Earths nature of alchemy gave them the manifestation of a spiritual omnipotence to the Hunter Gatherers imagination.

It appeared to the Earth People that the Knowledgeable Ones had a universal power and authority in the heavens and on Earth. They were considered Star People or Cherubim protectors {Ezekiel 28}and Elohim from the Heavens. Therefore, through astronomy, it became a heavenly inspired trend for the aboriginal Earths People to believe in supernatural angel-gods {Ezekiel 27; Rev.18}. The Cro-Magnon-Atilan, the Atlantiques priests and governors tempted humankind to partake of their industrial goods {also probably by some coercion} and an insufficient amount mostly lies- of their tree of knowledge (WORLD Educational System). The burghers educate their Labor Force to become skilled laborers for industry and the promise of prosperity in manufactured merchandise for an easier way of life. It is an illusion of hope to the laborer-goy of creating the Garden of Paradise {plenty - richly enhanced}; but really, the glory of material gains has always been for the few elite family groups. They are the Ones Behind the Veil designated as the Elahim that

bears the Crest of the Eagle or



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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

And The national flags that fly a Star or Cross

2000 BP Hittite Seal

They wrote messages by painting star constellations in the Aurignacian period starting about 30,000 BP. Their ancient megalithic calendars including their astronomical symbolism were used to communicate a message. Some of these messages displayed when to hunt, when to plow and harvest including pictures of their manufactured plows and such. "Falling Stag" end of sun year and moon year from Lascaux France. Doctors Cadamus

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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

Mystical Alchemy and Astronomy of the Aurignacian culture produced a science and religion in the manner of the phenomenon of nature! They used symbols that can express a person, place or thing as negative or positive, a political or priestly authority; it also can express the natural phenomenon that one can relate to as being extraordinary, religious or miraculous. One of the melting pots of a belief and symbol became recognized as an emblem of the Alchemists politically religious idea of a Star including the of HermesTree-snake-bird-sun, the Doctors emblem.

Symbol of star virtues

Venuss Spirit judges Mankind with dire earth shaking consequences when she gets between the Earth and Sun again. This story is found all around the Earth including the 16th century Indians of South America. These dire consequences are due to an electro-magnetic force created on Earth from the Sunrays {photons} flowing around Venus and coning onto Earth. This is why Venus is known as the Judge of humanity. Earthly judgment is controlled by the Law Givers. To break the Law given by the burgher is considered being a bad person and is thereby judged and 4accused by the Lawgivers. Politically and religiously, the Heavenly Mother (Venus) with her Torch and Law book was given to the U.S.A.s burgomasters to judge the world -she is the Statue of Liberty! This symbolizes that the U.S.A. is to judge the

as: Hebrew satan: accuser, "adversary," serpent= (2 Samuel 19:22); (1 Kings 11:14,23,25), (2 Kings 18:4); (Numbers 22: 22,33); (Psalms 109: 6-7, Psalms 58:5); (Ephesians 2:2, Ephesians 6:12); 6
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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

world. The so-called authority wears the emblem of a Star thereby having the symbol bi of a heavenly star, we feel, gives them the entitlement to punish the so-called Law Breakers without question. {An unconscious awareness}

Also, with {Esa} Jesus birth, the planet Venus cycled and stopped in the Fish Star Constellation in the night sky. The Magi astronomers of the Chaldees traveled toward this star to find baby Isha. That is why Christianitys emblem is a Fish symbol. Astronomically but also religiously explained, the Lamb of god, as Aries Ram star constellation, was sacrificed in the Sun [Sun caught up with the Ram star constellation] as a burnt sacrifice.

Many governors/Kings was nailed to a Tree for a sacrifice to their god to bring prosperity to his people. Kings were seen as holy people and messengers of god! 4th phase of Globalization Governments The legacy of the ancient worlds industrial development into civilizations of work-trade settlements consisted of corporate Republics and Kingships. Politically religious ideas came from the ancient Niflheim-Akkadian Kingship
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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

and Governors came from the Sumerian Priest-governors of a Democratic Republic. The Me Systematic Laws and regulations for a social order were assembled by Enlil in Ekur. They were given to Enki to guard and impart to the world for a One (Secular) World Order. The Sumerians stories tell how their system works. Government buildings

All the worlds megaliths-Basilicas are aligned to a planet, star, sun or moon, there as, each planet or star has a designated name of their god. An example is a Court House/Basilica that is designated by the goddess Themis that hold the scales of blind justice. The Court Houses was designed to be similar to the Parthenon Temples-Basilicas where a god-King is supposed to govern his Kingdom. Today, Basilicas are considered government buildings in burghs {: incorporated by Royal Charter} where the burgess: burghers} rule judiciously their Judicial system!

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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

Judge wears a Priests Robe

illusionistic perceptions in the religious and political arenas

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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

Summery Who: Neanderthal Aryans Where: Lived in the top part of the Tree of Life -northern Hemisphere. What: Manufacturers of Hunter Gatherer tool industry. When: before 200,000 till 32,000 years ago. Their Hunting Tool industry faded out at the same time when the Neanderthals original body type faded out. This was through mixing with women of another race the neanderthal had conquered. The Nordic Tales describe the tall fair skinned, blue eye, light colored hair people as giants/Niflheim or HomoNeanderthal type that predominately lived in the northern hemisphere for over 500,000 years. Periodically, some moved south escaping the southern glacier movement of the cyclic Ice Ages. They were discovered to have also lived in {Middle-Earth} the middle hemisphere and a few were found down in the southern hemisphere where the roots of the Tree of Life existed. Who: Cro-Magnon Where: The 35,000 year Cro-Magnons lived around CroMagnon area in France and in the roots of the Tree of Life. The Tree of Lifes roots also is in Central America [where the {Naga = serpent}Nagas live] and across to Nagaland of Southern Asia. Their predominant demographic areas included Cro-Magnon in France, Atlantiques of the Basques and Aquilonia in northern to the southern Pyrenees
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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

Mountain Range, Portugal extending across the shore line of the Mediterranean Sea, Levants Middle-East of the Chaldees (Turkeys Mountain Range through the HinduCush Mtn. Range), extending across Boluchistan into Southern Asia. As the Tree of Knowledge roots grew downward so did the Aurignacian Culture grow. What: The Cro-Magnons far advanced {technical} 32,000 yr. Aurignacian Culture. When: This industrial culture eventually replaced the Magdalenians Neanderthal Hunting tool industry. Auriganacian Culture starting around 32,000 yrs. Ago. Around the 8200 BC World Flood era, it became known as the At`lan (Atilan/Az`lan) Culture. The Atlantic culture was seen as a civilization, a merchant Burgher civilization that became known as the Samara Culture. This culture can still be seen as the name of cities in Russia, Iraq, and even across to southern Asia as Samara, Samarra, Samaru, Cimri of Wales, etc. Their Samarian Sippar/Sephar Culture use the Latin type Creole, Pidgin Latino type language as an international language for their international trade. Their symbols and icons of the Naga- Serpent can be seen in the same Trade Settlements -the maritime towns where their Latino-Pidgin language are used. The Dragon-Flying Serpent symbol is used on the flag of Wales in Britain and symbolizes the Dragon rulers of China. The ancient Greek-Romans called the Sumerian Sephardics of Spain-Portugal as the serpent
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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

people. The Devas of India-Pakistan worshipped the statue image of a serpent. It is a popular religious image seen in all the East Indies, Cambodia, Nagaland, and in many places of the Portuguese East India Trading Ports. An American flag flew an image of a serpent on it in the American Revolutionary War. It was a Trade War between the Empires of the Portuguese Dutch East India Companies of the Hapsburg {flag: X}(Roman Catholic Empire ) and the Welch ( Celtic Puritans and Quakers) as the Protestant British East India Company. They fought over the control of the Americas. It was the French and British War! Archaeology has shown the cultures and movements of both the ancient Aryans (Ariel-Lions) and the Sumerian Serpents throughout history. The following books will now describe the Sumerians and Adamics. The Aryans and the {Adamic mixed aborigines}Akkadians continued to War with the Serpents seed! Genesis 3:15, Revelations chap.17 and 18

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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

TITLE: Elahim One, Book One, Volume5, Ancient Civilizations, By Richard David Dellerman Transcript 650 total pages in Volume5; 5x7 Pages 12 pitch with

introduction to the book main theme This book is about a legendary people identified in the ancient Holy Books of China, India, Boluchistan, Middle East, Africa, Europe, Americas and the Nordic lands. The identifiable International Merchant families are still in progress developing civilizations around the world. I did not intend to find any ethnic group but there it was, starring me in the face. As I researched ancient cultural history, In The Beginning for Volume 1 toward the Copper Age Volume 5, I consistently recognized a particularistic people with a capitalistic culture that urbanized the lands inhabitants into Corporate Civilizations of the Burgher System. author's purpose The worlds industrial development and international shipping history illustrate the 35,000 BC Cro-Magnons Atlan culture continuing into todays European Empire (E.U.) and the British Empire (U.K.). This ancient cultural development is found to have continued into the 1500s {Atlantiques} of the Basque-Brittany-Aquitaine; ie, the British Empire and to their other side of the family, in Spain, France, Germany-Duetchland; ie, of the Holy Roman
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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

Empire. It continued through the world Revolutions of the 1700s, East India Company land grabs in the 1800s through WWI, II including into these present times. I believe their world conquests for trade settlements and their At`lanSumer/Samara cultural influence continued from ancient times into the present times. What I have written about may intrigue the religiously and/or politically inquisitive. This CULTURAL history in Elahim One, Volume 5 had coincidently developed into the historical and cultural details showing why our present world era is as it is today. These Volumes 1 through to 5 could be used for an advanced course in Cultures of ethnic groups. The main points researched ELAHIM, Book One, Volume 5 (5E)a Development of World Civilizations Dogma of Ancient industrialized civilizations (5E)b The ChaYah (Genesis I)

27 44

Who are these historical names of gods that are idolized around the world? (Yah, Elah, Bel, Issa-Ra-Yah)

(5E)c Archaeology Find Ancient Civilizations 74 Homo:Erectus, Neanderthal, African; Cro-Magnon (5)F Legacy of the Ancient World 90
750,000 BC to 8,000 BC America Indians and Mu, Magdalenian industries, Azilan merchants, genetic migrations, 7,000 BC to 2,000 BC Civilizations, Indias cultures, Religious Politics, Dragon-Naga people and religions, Democratic Republic civilizations, Language

End Part 1
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TITLE: Elahim One, Book One

(5)G (5)H

Neolithic cultures 8000 till 4000 BP 161 Thessaly, Crete, and the Cyclades The Black Sea Flood Cultures 251 8,000 till 2,000 BC The spread of Cro-Magnons
Aurignacian culture, international trade, Sumeria-Samaras civilizations (END Page 264)

End Part 2 Vol 5 continued SUMMURY



Epilogue: a short section detailing the fate of its characters 311 APPENDIX information by page progression 316-418 Bibliography:a list of articles on a particular subject

INDEX an alphabetical list of people, places, or topics End Part 3 Total Volume 5 1Part 216, 2Part 243, 3Part 209 = Volume 5

419 429- 446

pages 668

(179+>20) = 199 Pics + 446 text + (8 Part 1) + (8 Part 2) + (7 Part 3) = 668

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