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Numerical Optimization

Math 693A: Advanced Numerical Analysis Numerical Optimization

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction Peter Blomgren, [email protected]
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Dynamical Systems Group Computational Sciences Research Center

San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92182-7720 http://terminus.sdsu.edu/

Fall 2012
Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (1/31)

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

1 The Professor Academic Life Contact Information, Oce Hours The Class Overview Literature & Syllabus Grading Expectations and Procedures The Class... Resources Formal Prerequisites Numerical Optimization The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

Academic Life Contact Information, Oce Hours

Academic Life

MSc. Engineering Physics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Thesis Advisers: Michael Benedicks, Department of Mathematics KTH, and Erik Aurell, Stockholm University, Department of Mathematics. Thesis Topic: A Renormalization Technique for Families with Flat Maxima. PhD. UCLA Department of Mathematics. Adviser: Tony F. Chan. PDE-Based Methods for Image Processing. Thesis title: Total Variation Methods for Restoration of Vector Valued Images.
Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (3/31)

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

Academic Life Contact Information, Oce Hours

Academic Life

Research Associate. Stanford University, Department of Mathematics. Main Focus: Time Reversal and Imaging in Random Media (with George Papanicolaou, et. al.) Professor, San Diego State University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Projects: Computational Combustion, Biomedical Imaging (Mitochondrial Structures, Heartcell Contractility, Skin Cancer Classication).

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

Academic Life Contact Information, Oce Hours

Contact Information

Oce Email Web Phone Oce Hours

GMCS-587 [email protected] http://terminus.sdsu.edu/SDSU/Math693a f2012/ (619)594-2602 TuTh: 10:45 11:30a, 3:00 3:45p and by appointment

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

Literature & Syllabus Grading Expectations and Procedures

Math 693A: Literature Required (A Modern Treatment of Numerical Optimization) Numerical Optimization, 2nd Edition, Jorge Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright, Springer Series in Operations Research, Springer Verlag, 2006. ISBN-10: 0387303030; ISBN-13: 978-0387303031 Required (Supplemental) Class notes and class web-page. Optional (A Classic in the eld; Source for class projects) Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations, J. E. Dennis, Jr. and Robert B. Schnabel, Classics in Applied Mathematics 16, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 1996. ISBN 0-89871-364-1.
Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (6/31)

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

Literature & Syllabus Grading Expectations and Procedures

Math 693A: Introduction What we will cover NW-2 NW-3 NW-4 NW-5 NW-6 NW-7 NW-10 NW-11 Unconstrained Optimization Line Search Methods Trust Region Methods Conjugate Gradient Methods Quasi-Newton Methods Calculating Derivatives Least Squares Problems Nonlinear Equations

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

Literature & Syllabus Grading Expectations and Procedures

Math 693A: Introduction Grading etc.


Homework: both theoretical, and implementation (programming) C/C++ or Fortran are the recommended languages, but feel free to program in 6510 assembler, Java, M$-D , or Matlab... Class accounts will be available. Project: Implementation of several interacting parts of an optimization package. By the end of the semester you should have a working toolbox of optimization algorithms which will be useful in your current and future research projects. [Complete details TBA].


Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

Literature & Syllabus Grading Expectations and Procedures

Expectations and Procedures, I

Most class attendance is OPTIONAL Homework and announcements will be posted on the class web page. If/when you attend class:
Please be on time. Please pay attention. Please turn o mobile phones. Please be courteous to other students and the instructor. Abide by university statutes, and all applicable local, state, and federal laws.

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

Literature & Syllabus Grading Expectations and Procedures

Expectations and Procedures, II Please, turn in assignments on time. (The instructor reserves the right not to accept late assignments.) The instructor will make special arrangements for students with documented learning disabilities and will try to make accommodations for other unforeseen circumstances, e.g. illness, personal/family crises, etc. in a way that is fair to all students enrolled in the class. Please contact the instructor EARLY regarding special circumstances. Students are expected and encouraged to ask questions in class! Students are expected and encouraged to to make use of oce hours! If you cannot make it to the scheduled oce hours: contact the instructor to schedule an appointment!
Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (10/31)

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

Literature & Syllabus Grading Expectations and Procedures

Expectations and Procedures, III

Missed midterm exams: Dont miss exams! The instructor reserves the right to schedule make-up exams, make such exams oral presentation, and/or base the grade solely on other work (including the nal exam). Missed nal exam: Dont miss the nal! Contact the instructor ASAP or a grade of WU or F will be assigned. Academic honesty: submit your own work but feel free to discuss homework with other students in the class!

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

Literature & Syllabus Grading Expectations and Procedures

Honesty Pledges, I

The following Honesty Pledge must be included in all programs you submit (as part of homework and/or projects):
I, (your name), pledge that this program is completely my own work, and that I did not take, borrow or steal code from any other person, and that I did not allow any other person to use, have, borrow or steal portions of my code. I understand that if I violate this honesty pledge, I am subject to disciplinary action pursuant to the appropriate sections of the San Diego State University Policies.

Work missing the honesty pledge may not be graded!

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

Literature & Syllabus Grading Expectations and Procedures

Honesty Pledges, II

Larger reports must contain the following text:

I, (your name), pledge that this report is completely my own work, and that I did not take, borrow or steal any portions from any other person. Any and all references I used are clearly cited in the text. I understand that if I violate this honesty pledge, I am subject to disciplinary action pursuant to the appropriate sections of the San Diego State University Policies. Your signature.

Work missing the honesty pledge may not be graded!

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

Resources Formal Prerequisites

Math 693A: Computer Resources You need access to a computing environment in which to write your code; you may want to use a combination of Matlab (for quick prototyping and short homework assignments) and C/C++ or Fortran (or something completely dierent). Class accounts for the computer lab(s) will be available. You can also use the Rohan Sun Enterprise system or another capable system. [http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/raccts.html] Free C/C++ (gcc) and Fortran (f77) compilers are available for Linux/UNIX. You may also want to consider buying the student version of Matlab: http://www.mathworks.com/
Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (14/31)

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

Resources Formal Prerequisites

Math 693A: Introduction What you should know already

Math 524 and (Math 542 or Math 543) 524 Linear Algebra Vector spaces, linear transformations, orthogonality, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, normal forms for complex matrices, positive denite matrices. 542 Numerical Solutions of Dierential Equations Initial and boundary value problems for ODEs. PDEs. Iterative methods, nite dierence methods, the method of lines. 543 Numerical Matrix Analysis Gaussian elimination, LU-factorizations and pivoting strategies. Direct and iterative methods for linear systems. Iterative methods for diagonalization and eigensystem computation. Tridiagonal, Hessenberg, and Householder matrices. The QR algorithm.

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Math 693A: Introduction Why??? Q: A: Why do we need numerical optimization methods? Many problems in applications are formulated as optimization problems: Optimal trajectories for airplanes, space craft, robotic motion, etc. Optimal shape for cars, airfoils, aerodynamic bicycle wheels, etc. Risk management investment portfolios; insurance premiums. Circuit and network design.
Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (16/31)

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Numerical Optimization: Concepts and Term Students optimize: minimize study time T , such that GPA is acceptable. (:-)

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Nature optimizes: Physical systems settle in a state of minimal energy A ball rolls down to the bottom of a slope; DNA molecules fold to minimize some measure of energy; Light rays follow the path that minimizes travel time. Chemical reactions are energy-driven, etc, etc, etc... In order to understand physical (economic, etc.) systems we must optimize: rst we must identify the objective (the measure of performance, or energy). The objective depends on a number of variables (the characteristics of the system).
Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (17/31)

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Numerical Optimization: Concepts and Term

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Our goal is to nd the values of the variables that optimize (either minimize, or maximize) the objective. Often the variables are constrained (restricted) in some way (e.g. densities, and interest rates are non-negative). The process of identifying the objective, variables, and constraints is non-trivial and will essentially be completely ignored in this class. (See Mathematical Modeling) Our discussion starts after the modeling is done!

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Mathematical Formulation

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From the point of view of a mathematician, optimization is the minimization (or maximization) of a function subject to constraints on its variables. Notation: x f () x c the vector of variables (a.k.a. unknowns, or parameters) the objective function the vector of constraints that the unknowns must satisfy

The Optimization Problem can be written min f () x subject to ci () = 0, x ci () 0, x i E i I


Rn x

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Mathematical Formulation The Optimization Problem min f () x subject to ci () = 0, x ci () 0, x i E i I

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Rn x

Here E is the set of equality constraints, and I the set of inequality constraints. Note that a maximization problem can be converted into a minimization problem:
Rn x

max f () x

Rn x

min [f ()] x

and a less-than-or-equal-to constraint can similarly be converted into a greater-than-or-equal-to constraint.

Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (20/31)

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Feasible Region The set of all Rn which satisfy the constraints is called the x c feasible region, e.g. if
2 2 c1 (x1 , x2 ) = x1 + x2 1 2 + x 2 ) 4 c2 (x1 , x2 ) = (x1 2

then the feasible region is the annulus:

Figure: The annulus 1 r 2.

Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (21/31)

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Constrained vs. Unconstrained Optimization Optimization problems of the form min f () x n subject to ci () = 0, x ci () 0, x i E i I

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R x

can be classied according to the nature of the function and constraints (linear, non-linear, convex, etc.) the key distinction is between problems that have constraints, and problems that do not: Constrained Optimization Problems: arise from models that include explicit constraints on the variables. They can be relatively simple, or nasty non-linear inequalities expressing complex relationships between the variables.
Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (22/31)

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Constrained vs. Unconstrained Optimization

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Unconstrained Optimization Problems arise directly in some applications; if the constraints are natural it may be safe to disregard them during the solution process and verify that they are satised in the solution. Further, constrained problems can be restated as unconstrained problems the constraints are replaced by penalizing terms in the objective which discourage violation of the constraints. The more complicated the constraints, the more dicult it is to nd the optimal solution. The absence of constraints is the easiest case.

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Continuous vs. Discrete Optimization In many applications, the variables () can only take integer values x very few people would be interested in buying 3/4 of a TV set, or receive 1/3 of a package; the electrons in an atom can only exist in certain quantum states, etc, etc. The Discrete Optimization Problem is harder than the Continuous Optimization Problem. One way to get close to solving the discrete problem is to solve the problem as if it is continuous and then round or truncate the solution to integer values. This will often give a sub-optimal integer solution and/or a solution that is infeasible. Here we will only consider the easier Continuous Optimization Problem.
Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (24/31)

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Global and Local Optimization


The fastest optimization algorithms seek a local solution a point where the objective is smaller than all other feasible points in its vicinity. The best solution the global minimum is usually hard to nd, but is often desirable.




Figure: A function with multiple local minima, and one global minimum.

Under certain circumstances (e.g. see convexity) there is only one minimum. We will focus on local optimization algorithms, but note that (most) global algorithms will solve a sequence of local optimization problems.
Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (25/31)

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Stochastic and Deterministic Optimization

In many applications it is impossible to fully specify all parameters at the time of formulation; in quantum physics, the stock market, or the game of risk some quantities are random and are best modeled using some probability model. We will focus on deterministic optimization problems, where the model can be fully specied when we formulate the problem. However, in many cases the solutions to stochastic optimization problems are formulated as sequences or collections of deterministic problems.
Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (26/31)

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Convexity: Denitions There are two types of convexity which impact optimization problems: S Rn is a convex set if the straight line segment connecting any two points in S lies entirely inside S. Formally, for any two points S and S, we have ( + (1 )) S for all x y x y [0, 1]. f is a convex function if its domain is a convex set and if for any two points and in this domain, the graph of f lies below x y the straight line connecting (, f ()) to (, f ()) in Rn+1 . That x x y y is, we have f ( + (1 )) f () + (1 )f (), x y x y
Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

[0, 1]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Convexity: Illustrations

Figure: A convex (left) and a non-convex set (right) in R2 .

Figure: A convex function.

Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (28/31)

The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Convexity: Notes

A function f is said to be concave if f is convex. Optimization algorithms for unconstrained problems are usually guaranteed to converge to a stationary point (maximum, minimum, or inection point) of the objective f . If f is convex, then the algorithm has converged to a global optimum. Bottom line: Convexity simplies the problem.

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation


Easier Unconstrained Continuous Local Optimization Deterministic Convex

Harder Constrained Discrete Global Optimization Stochastic Non-Convex

Table: Summary of some factors impacting the diculty of the optimization problem.

In this class we will mainly look at Local Optimization methods for Deterministic, Unconstrained, Continuous, Convex functions over Convex sets. Still, it will be a challenging semester!

Peter Blomgren, [email protected]

Lecture Notes #1 Introduction


The Professor The Class Overview The Class... Numerical Optimization

The What? Why? and How? Concepts & Terms Mathematical Formulation

Optimization algorithms are iterative and generate a sequence of successively better estimates of the solution. Three key attributes characterize each (good) algorithm: Robustness: Algorithm performance on a wide variety of problems (of the same type), for a range of reasonable choices of initial values. We prefer fast algorithms that do not require excessive amounts of storage. The algorithm should nd the solution without being overly sensitive to errors in the data or roundo errors in the computations.

Efficiency: Accuracy:

These goals are often conicting hence careful consideration of trade-o between the goals is a key part of this course.
Peter Blomgren, [email protected] Lecture Notes #1 Introduction (31/31)

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