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Radwin, L. E. (1998). Empirically generated attributes of experience in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 27, 590-595. Benner, P. (1984). From novice to expert: Excellence and power in clinical nursing practice. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley. Benner, P.,Tanner, C., &Chesla, C. (1992). From beginner to expert: Gaining a differentiated world in critical care nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 14(3), 13-28. Benner, P.,Tanner, C., &Chesla, C. (1996). Expertise in nursing practice: Caring, clinical judgment and ethics. New York: Springer Publishing. Haffner,A. G., &Raingruber, B. J. (1998). Discovering confidence in clinical reasoning and critical thinking development in baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 37(2), 61-70.

Fero,Laura J., Witsberger, Catherine M.,Wesmiller, Susan W., Zullo, Thomas G., and Hoffman, Leslie A. (2009). Critical thinking ability of new graduate and experienced nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65 (1), 139 148. Caon, M., Treagust, D., 1993. Why do some nursing studentsnd their science courses difcult? Journal of Nursing Education 32 (6), 255259. Akinsanya, J., 1987. The life sciences in nursing: development of a theoretical model. Journal of Advanced Nursing 12 (3), 267274. Courtenay, M., 1991.A study of the teaching and learning of the biological sciences in nurse education. Journal of Advanced Nursing 16 (9), 11101116. Manias, E., Bullock, S., Bennett, R., 1999. A computer-assisted learning program in pharmacology: integratingscientic and nursing knowledge. Contemporary Nurse 8(2), 2329. Manias, E., Bullock, S., Bennett, R., 2000. Formative evaluation of a computer assisted learning program in pharmacology for nursing students. Computers in Nursing 18 (6),265271.

Caon, M., Treagust, D., 1993. Why do some nursing studentsnd their science courses difcult? Journal of Nursing Education 32 (6), 255259. Akinsanya, J., 1987. The life sciences in nursing: development of a theoretical model. Journal of Advanced Nursing 12 (3), 267274. Courtenay, M., 1991.A study of the teaching and learning of the biological sciences in nurse education. Journal of Advanced Nursing 16 (9), 11101116. Manias, E., Bullock, S., Bennett, R., 1999. A computer-assisted learning program in pharmacology: integratingscientic and nursing knowledge. Contemporary Nurse 8(2), 2329. Manias, E., Bullock, S., Bennett, R., 2000. Formative evaluation of a computer assisted learning program in pharmacology for nursing students. Computers in Nursing 18 (6),265271. Berkow, S., Virkstis, K., Stewart, J., & Conway, L. (2008).Assessing new graduate nurse performance.Journalof Nursing Administration, 38(11), 468-474. Burns, P., & Poster, E. C. (2008). Competency development in new registered nurse graduates: Closing the gap between education and practice. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 39(2), 67-73. Del Bueno, D. J. (2005). A crisis in critical thinking.Nursing Education Perspectives, 26(5), 278-282. Li, S., &Kenward, K. (2006).A national survey of nursing education and practice of newly licensed nurses. JONAS Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation, 8(4), 110-115 Spector, N., & Li, S. (2007). A regulatory model on transitioning nurses from education to practice. Journal of Nursing Administration, 37(1), 19-22. Axley, L. (2008). Competency: A concept analysis. Nursing Forum 43(4), 214-221. Scott-Tilley, D. D. (2008). Competency in nursing: A concept analysis. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 39(2), 58-64 Ramritu, P. L. & Barnard, A. (2001).New nurse graduates understanding of competence.International Nursing Review 48(1), 47-57. Kingsnorth-Hinrichs, J. (2009). Growing new graduates: It takes a village. RN 72(1), 40-41, 44. Berkow, S., Virkstis, K., Stewart, J., & Conway, L. (2008). Assessing new graduate nurse performance. Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(11), 468-474.

Burns, P., & Poster, E. C. (2008). Competency development in new registered nurse graduates: Closing the gap between education and practice. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 39(2), 67-73. Del Bueno, D. J. (2005). A crisis in critical thinking. Nursing Education Perspectives, 26(5), 278-282. Li, S., & Kenward, K. (2006). A national survey of nursing education and practice of newly licensed nurses. JONAS Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation, 8(4), 110-115 Spector, N., & Li, S. (2007). A regulatory model on transitioning nurses from education to practice. Journal of Nursing Administration, 37(1), 19-22. Axley, L. (2008). Competency: A concept analysis. Nursing Forum 43(4), 214-221. Scott-Tilley, D. D. (2008). Competency in nursing: A concept analysis. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 39(2), 58-64 Ramritu, P. L. & Barnard, A. (2001).New nurse graduates understanding of competence. International Nursing Review 48(1), 47-57. Kingsnorth-Hinrichs, J. (2009). Growing new graduates: It takes a village. RN 72(1), 40-41, 44. Caon, M., Treagust, D., 1993. Why do some nursing students nd their science courses difcult? Journal of Nursing Education 32 (6), 255259. Akinsanya, J., 1987. The life sciences in nursing: development of a theoretical model. Journal of Advanced Nursing 12 (3), 267274. Courtenay, M., 1991. A study of the teaching and learning of the biological sciences in nurse education. Journal of Advanced Nursing 16 (9), 11101116. Manias, E., Bullock, S., Bennett, R., 1999. A computer-assisted learning program in pharmacology: integrating scientic and nursing knowledge. Contemporary Nurse 8(2), 23 29. Manias, E., Bullock, S., Bennett, R., 2000. Formative evaluation of a computer assisted learning program in pharmacology for nursing students. Computers in Nursing 18 (6),265271. Grandell Neimei, H. (2006). The Medication Calculation Skills of Nursing Students and Nurses. Developing Medication Calciulation Skill Test. Department of Nursing Science. Faculty of Medicine. University of Turku.

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Benner, P.,Tanner, C., & Chesla, C. (1996). Expertise in nursing practice: Caring, clinical judgment and ethics. New York: Springer Publishing. Haffner,A. G., & Raingruber, B. J. (1998). Discovering confidence in clinical reasoning and critical thinking development in baccalaureate nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education, 37(2), 61-70. Beecroft, P., Kunzman, L., & Krozek, C. (2001). RN internship: Outcomes of a oneyear pilot program. Journal of Nursing Administration, 31(12), 575-582. Buchwach, D. (2009). Time management: A guide for nurses. USA: HCPro, Inc. Duchscher , j. B. (2008). Transition shock: the initial stage of role adaptation for newly graduated registered nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing (October 2008). pp 1-11 Board on Health Care Services. (2004). Keeping Patients Safe: Transforming the Work Environment of Nurses. Wahington, DC: National Academies Press. FERGUSON, L. M. and DAY, R. A. (2007), Challenges for new nurses in evidencebased practice. Journal of Nursing Management, 15: 107113. Close A. Patient education: a literature review. J Adv Nurs 1988;13:20313 Wellard SJ, Turner D, Bethune E. Nurses as patient-teachers: exploring current expressions of the role. Contemporary Nurse 1998;7:127. Latter S, Macleod Clark J,Wilson-Barnett J, Maben J. Health education in nursing: perceptions of practice in acute care settings. J Adv Nurs 1992;17:16472. McGoldrick TB, Jablonski RS, Wolf ZR. Needs assessment for a patient teaching program in a nursing department: a delphi approach. J Nurs Staff Dev 1994;10: 12332. Barber-Parker ED. Integrating patient teaching into bedside patient care: a participant observation study of hospital nurses. Patient Educ Couns 2002;48: 10713.

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