Polar Express Activities - Snowflake Instructions
Polar Express Activities - Snowflake Instructions
Polar Express Activities - Snowflake Instructions
1. Y
ou will need a square 2. M
ake a triangle by folding 3. N
ext, fold the triangle in
piece of paper to start. You the paper in half diagonally. half. Each half should be the
can use white, silver, gold, same size and the pointed
or any color you like. corners should match.
4. F
old your triangle in half 5. F
old your triangle into 6. C
ut across the bottom of
again. thirds. your paper to make sure it
is straight and even.
7. N
ow, cut into the folded paper. Try cutting in half circles,
squares, diamonds, and other shapes of different sizes. Be
8. U
nfold the paper and you’ll see your snowflake. No snowflake
is alike, so you have a completely unique snowflake! Place
snowflakes on your window, or string a bunch of snowflakes
together and decorate your walls with them.