Pastor's Notes: What A Blessing To Be Able To Partake of Communion Together On Sunday Morning!

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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter October 23, 2012

Pastors Notes: What a blessing to be able to partake of Communion together on Sunday morning! We had a wonderful congregation gathered together and an awesome time remembering the Lords sacrifice on the cross. Im so thankful for Gods gift to this world in the form of His Son Jesus Christ. Im thankful He willingly gave His body to be broken and His blood to be shed so that we could be free from the sin of this world and be reconciled to God the Father. Im also thankful for the wonderful attendance on Sunday night. Everyone wasnt in the sanctuary, but we had right at 300 in attendance Sunday night. There was a large group in the youth building and another large group in the Christian Life Center. So thankful for the many ways our church reaches out to minister to people. Sunday morning will be our monthly opportunity for Church Membership. If you know that you have been born again and you desire Woodruff Church of God to be your church home, then you are invited to meet with me at 9:30 AM. Come to the Christian Life Center and come into the door marked STAFF. Go into the room directly in front of you and Ill meet you there. We are not a perfect church, but we love the Lord, we love His Word and we love to Worship. I want to welcome you in advance to the greatest church family in Woodruff!!!!! This coming Sunday will be having WATER BAPTISM during the PM service. PLEASE CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE if you plan on being baptized. The office number is 4762977. Call between the hours of 9 2 and speak to Andrea. There will be a meeting on that evening at 5:30 in the church library. This is a powerful witness of your profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This coming Saturday afternoon/evening, our church will be opening our doors to our community. We call it Trunk or Treat, but it truly is a Community Outreach. We do this not only for our church folks but for others who make be attracted to a free hotdog or free candy in order to expose them to our people and most of all, the Lord of God. It is my sincere hope and desire that somebody will receive Christ Jesus during this time of fun & food. PLEASE find somebody you do not know, strike up a conversation with them and at some point, inquire as to their relationship with Christ. If they dont know Christ as Savior, LEAD THEM TO JESUS!!!!!! What an awesome time for us to BE THE CHURCH and do the kingdoms work. This special time begins at 5:00 PM on Saturday and goes until 8:00 PM. We want you to plan on decorating your car trunks and being ready to give out candy. WERE GONNA HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!!!!!!

We are looking for 8-10 people who would be willing to make a dozen cookies for the Kairos Prison Ministry. Cookies need to be turned in by Monday, October 29th. If you can bake cookies, please call the office and let Andrea know. (476-2977)


AMERICA, Heath Richards, Josh Barrineau, Marie Terry, Nicholas Cobb, Hunter Perez, Lisa Culbertson, Sonia and David Hughes, Darryl Crowe, William Thompson, Jerry Thackston, Danny Cooper, Wayne Marlow, Derrick Cooper, Larry Trotter, Dianne Arnold, William Mixon, Bethany Laster, Judy Satterfield, Cameron Camp, The Hawkins Family, Betty Killough, Marees Scruggs, Coty Cox, Bill Thomas, Duece West, Sharon Black, Lydia Boalt, Lou Canupp, Elizabeth Hand, Linda Lida, Michael Young, Denis Baker, Jason Ball, Sherry Smith, Brianna Smith, Todd Smith, Paula & Roger Aley, Bethany & TJ Nabors, Keith Cox, Carol Hopson, JoAnn Manley, Those needing jobs, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes

Our Monthly JOY CLUB MEETING will be next Thursday, October 25th at 6:30. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway if you plan on attending so we know how much to prepare. Our team leader this month is Bobby Brown and you wont want to miss it! Tuesday, October 30th: Mens Breakfast at Romas. The time is 8:30 AM.

The Choir will wear fall colors this week

Toy closest item to purchase this week: Girl or Teen Jewelry We have had a lot of request for teens this year. Please help us get items for ages 12-17 as you purchase your toy closet items. If you received a Survivors Gift on Sunday, the Burt's Bees item was donated by the Burt's Bees Company through the Susan G. Koman Institute. Christmas Party: See Lisa Terry if you would be willing to host this year's Ladies Christmas Party at your home. Belk Charity Sale will be November 3 at Westgate Mall. Tickets will be available Sunday. The person who sells the most tickets over 10 will receive a $25 Belk Gift Card.

November 1 Monthly Band of Brothers meeting at 6:00 in the CLC dining room. Come join us for a time of food, fellowship, and devotion. If you have not been meeting with us, this would be a great time to begin. If you have been meeting with us, invite someone to come with you. Men of Resolution - 9:00 in the CLC Session 4 Session 5 November 17 December 15 Makeup Sessions- at 4:00 in the CLC Makeup November 4 Makeup December 2 Makeup December 30

Saturday November 24th we will enjoy the Carolina vs. Clemson football game via big screen T.V. at Staci Henry's house in Woodruff. Support your team by wearing your favorite colors and enjoy fun, fellowship, and great food. Sign-up sheets will be located on our bulletin board in the hallway at church.

Wednesday Night Spirit Nights October 24 - ACTS Spirit Night October 31 - SuperHero/Costume Night Youth BonFire will be held right after Trunk or Treat on October 27 until 12am.

If your child would like to be baptized, contact Ms. Donna by October 24th. Baptism will be this Sunday, October 28th in the PM Service. ATTENTION: ALL CHILDREN WORKERS (Sunday School, Wednesday Night, Sunday Night, Sign-in table, Gate Keeper, Drivers, etc IF YOU WORK WITH EXTREME KIDZ IN THE CLC BUILDING, WE ARE ASKING EACH OF YOU TO BE AT THE CHURCH ON SATURDAY OCOTBER 27 AT 12:00 NOON TO PRACTICE THE SECURITY DRILLS. IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO ATTEND THIS MEETING PLEASE CONTACT MS DONNA. **Childrens Board Meeting- October 28th at 4:45 in the CLC. This is a very Important Meeting Extreme Kidz are selling Mixed Bags as a Fundraiser for Summer retreat to Look up Lodge. If you would like to see a catalog, please see Ms Donna or a Children's Worker. All orders and money are due October 31st to insure us delivery for Christmas!! THE EXTREME KIDZ WOULD LIKE TO INVITE YOU TO TRUNK OR TREAT, THIS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 - if you would like to decorate your car and give out candy, please see Ms Donna. This year again the cars will be judged and prizes will be awarded. We would like to have both parking lots full of cars, we have a lot of visitors from the community to come and join us, and this is a perfect time for you to display your ministry and let people know what ministries are available at Woodruff Church of God. We will also have a free hotdog supper for all who attend. Extreme Kidz Lunch to the Community for November will be a hot Thanksgiving Meal. IF you would like to donate Turkeys, Hams, supplies to make dressing, macaroni and Cheese, Green beans or rolls please see Ms Donna. This will be November 17 @ 12:00. Thank you for your support in advance.

Upcoming KIDZ Events: October 27: Trunk of Treat October 28: Water Baptism October 28: Children's Board Meeting at 5:00 November 10: Extreme Kidz Skating November 17: Lunch to the Community Extreme Kidz Fundraiser: Please continue to save your aluminum cans for the Extreme Kidz. We will use this money on upcoming events. Thank you for your support Please continue to turn in items for our Thankful Baskets that we will take to the nursing homes. We still need toboggans, chapstick, crackers, sugar-free candy, and travel size Kleenex. We are also putting fruit in the baskets and will take any donations closer to the end of November.

WEIGH TO GO is a Christian Weight Loss Support group. WEIGH TO GO is a place where we as Christians come together to encourage each other and to explore what GOD and His word says about weight loss and weight related issues. Our bodies are sanctuaries and temples of GOD and we should treat them accordingly. WEIGH TO GO is open to all diets, eating disorders, and food addictions. So come and join us in this life changing journey. WEIGH TO GO meets every Tuesday at 6pm for optional weigh in and meeting to follow at 6:30pm. We meet in the classrooms underneath the main sanctuary. The entrance to the classrooms is located in the alley between the main church and youth building. So come and join us in our journey to improve our health and GOD'S Holy temples. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!! If you want to know more about this group, please contact Darryl Crowe at 864-6709305or [email protected]

Hispanic Ministries
God bless I am hoping everyone is having a good week. I want to give thanks to everyone that came out to church to praise our God, also want to give thanks to our praise team sister Mari Garcia and Daisy and Francisco for leading us to worship. Its amazing when we arrive to church and our praise is as a sweet a melody to his ears. God is working in his church and the spirit of God is moving on his people. I want to give a shout out to Sister Rose Mary Burgos for teaching us about the gift of the spirit, it is very important to understand that once we receive the Holy Spirit, that the tongues that we speak is the beginning of the gifts of the spirit. Praise God this is just the beginning of what God is about to do, Amen! Have a great week, God bless

Spotlight: Happy Birthday to Autumn Brown Love, Papa & Nanny

Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters Jeanette Bragg & Kathy Simmons Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg Head Ushers - Charles OShields and Bobby Brown Finance Committee - Ryan Ballard & John Nemitz Usher Team # 3 Tracy Grant, Buddy Arnold, Lamar Crowe, Clint Letourneau, Marion Simmons, Houston Cobb, & Freddie Bright Wednesday Night Bus: Phillip Pruitt and Daniel Johnson Van 1: Garren Burdette and Thomas Peebles Van 2: Tim and June Vassey Late Workers: Stacy Henry and Craig Blackwell Nursery Wednesday Izzy Nichols Sunday AM Ann Knight & Tracy Richards Sunday PM Brooke Terry Kiddie Church 2-5 yr old: Lori Crocker and Judy Crocker (Christms Play Practice) Kiddie Church 6-12 yr old: big church for Baptism Youth workers for Extreme Kidz Church: Alison Arnold, Josh Pruitt, & Austin Rhodes Music Wednesday- Amy Arnold Sunday AM Brad Burnett Praise Team White Computer Alexis Lyda Guitar Korey & Freddie *Additional copies of the printed weekly bulletin are available in the church lobby.

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