ODRS: Optimal Data Replication Scheme For Time Efficiency in Manets
ODRS: Optimal Data Replication Scheme For Time Efficiency in Manets
ODRS: Optimal Data Replication Scheme For Time Efficiency in Manets
(M.tech,Department of CSE,JNTU College of Engineering,Anantapur(A.P),INDIA) (R. Raja Sekhar, Assistance professor, Department of CSE , JNTUA , Anantapur (A.P),INDIA)
Abstract: In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), mobile nodes move freely from one place to another place
and link/node failures are common. Due to link/node failures leads to frequent network partitions. When network a network partition occurs, mobile nodes in one partition are not able to access data contained in other partition. For this reason the performance of the data access significantly decreased. To avoid such problems data replication scheme proposed to improve the performance of the data access, and hence data availability and query traffic increased and query delay should decrease,also, query rate query delay decreased and hit ratio increased. Keywords- MANETs, Data Replication, Query delay, Data availability, ODRS, combined access frequency, caching.
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have evolved as one of the hot research topic in the wireless communication. There has been a greater change in the wireless technologies, hence the gradual development of mobile devices such as cellular phones, laptops etc.There are two different types of approaches for providing the wireless communication between two mobile nodes. One approach is the centralized administration maintenance or fixed infrastructure and the other one is without fixed infrastructure or infrastructure less communication. An Ad hoc network contains the group of nodes participating in the data communication without fixed infrastructure. Each node in the network act as not only router but also host. A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of autonomous wireless nodes that may move unpredictably, forming a temporary network without any fixed backbone infrastructure [1]. In which each node act as end system as well as a router that forwards the data items to desired destination nodes. These nodes are capable of single communication and multi-hop communication. In a mobile ad hoc network (MANET), data caching is essential as it increases the data availability and improves system performance. The major issue that faces cache management is the maintenance of data consistency .In a MANET, all messages sent between the server and the cache are subject to network delays, so cache consistency algorithms are developed to increase the probability of using data items from the cache. In this each node contains some data items, which is owner of that data items, and stored in a server. Hence data availability should be decreased and nodes query delay, query rate query delay should be increase. Due to the node mobility there is a frequent topology change in the network, thus routing becomes more challenging. A routing protocol is needed to route the data items or files to the destination through intermediate nodes without packet loss. In MANETs assumed end to end path between source and destination, But in the real world scenario this case is not valid means that routing protocol must handle intermediate nodes connectivity due to absence of end-to-end path. In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), nodes move freely from one place to another place, hence link/node failures are common and frequent network partitions occur. When network partition occurs, mobile nodes in one partition are not able to access data contained by nodes in other partitions, and hence decrease the performance of data access. In this paper, we propose new data replication scheme that provides solutions to data availability, nodes query delay, query rate query delay and hit ratio. As these metrics are important for mobile nodes to improve performance of the system that is data availability decrease, query delay decrease and hit ratio increase.Simulatrion results show that the proposed scheme can achieve these metrics and provide satisfying system performance. II. Related Work Data replication has been studied in the Web environment and distributed systems [6]-[8]. Data replication in web environment, where the goal is to place some replicas of the web servers among a number of possible locations, so that the query delay is reduced. Data replication in distributed database systems, where nodes contain the database are more reliable and less likely to fail/disconnect compared to those in MANETs. www.iosrjournals.org 21 | Page
III. Optimal Data Replication Scheme In this section explains new data replication scheme to provide increased data availability, reduced query delay and increased hit ratio. 3.1. Basic idea of Optimal Data Replication Basic idea of optimal data replication as follows. In MENETs mobile nodes share data from multiple nodes collaboratively. Each node creates replicas of the data item and maintains replicas in its memory space. During data replication, to determine the allocation of replicas there is no central server and the data allocation in a distributed manner determine by the mobile nodes. Its decision to replicate data items is taken not only at the time of detecting network partitioning, but also during the time when the wireless connections become bad in terms of reliability, bandwidth and delay. The MANETs topology can be represented as an undirected graph G (V, E) where V is the set of vertices, which represents the mobile nodes in the network, and E is the set of edges in the graph, which represents the physical or logical links between the mobile nodes. When two nodes are connected by an edge in the graph, then they can communicate directly with each other. Let assume N denotes a network which contains m mobile nodes, N1, N2,..,Nm and let D denote a collection of n data items, d1,d2..., dn distributed in the network. For each pair of mobile nodes Ni and Nj, let tdij denotes the time delay for transmitting a data item of unit-size between each pair of nodes. Let flij represented link failure probability between node Ni and node Nj, which is equal to flij represents symmetric link. The network partitions occur when node/link failed. If any queries generated during network partition may fail because the requested data items are not available in the partition to which the requester belongs. Each node maintains some amount of data locally such node is called the original owner of the data. There is only one original owner for each data item. To improve the data availability, these data items may be replicated to other nodes. Each node has limited memory size, so that each node can contain (Cm <n) replicas only along with its original data items. 3.2.Notations used in Optimal Data Replication In optimal data replication following notations are used. N : indicates the set of mobile nodes in the network. Nm : indicates the total number of mobile nodes. D : represents the set of data items presented in the network. Dn : the total number of data items. Si : data item di size Cm : the memory size of each mobile node for containing data replicas. td : indicates the time delay taken for transmitting a data item of unit size between node Ni and Nj . fl : indicates between node Ni and Nj link failure probability daf : which denotes data access frequency between node Ni to data item dj 3.3.Optimal Data Rplication using Combined Access Frequency Function
Fig 1: Optimal data replication The above figure shows optimal data replication where Green color nodes indicates data items of that node is in cache. www.iosrjournals.org 23 | Page
Performance Evaluation
In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme through simulations. It has been implemented in ns-2 simulator [20] using Random way point mobility model. Basic simulation parameters are summarized in table 1. TABLE 1:Basic simulation parameters Parameter Ns-2 value range Reconnaissance area 20002000m Number of nodes Nm 80 100,300,500 Memory size C 20 Radio range R 100m 50m-300m 0.8 0.7-1.0
4.1. Simulation setup Beginnings of the simulation 80 nodes are placed in 2000m 2000m area randomly. The radio range is set to be 100 and memory size set to 200.Two nodes communicated with each other when two nodes node Ni and node Nj are within the radio range ( i.e. ( i ,j ) <100). So that the communication link between those nodes may be fail, and hence the link failure probability l is defined as follows . flij = ((i,j) /D) 2 (5) is used to adjust flij to a more reasonable value.. The proposed scheme does not depend on the failure model in Equation (5) and they are able to work as long as the failure probability between neighboring nodes can be estimated. The number of data items Nm is set to be the number of mobile nodes Nm [9]. Data item di is original owner is for all i [1, Nm]. The data item size is uniformly distributed n Smin and Smax . Memory size of each node is C.
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Fig.2(c) nodes with query delay V. Conclusion and Future Work In MANETs, data replication done to improve data availability, reduce query delay and increase hit ratio. Due to link failure, network partitions occur, as data saved at other nodes may not accessible. So data replication used to improve data availability and hit ratio and reduced query delay. In this paper, we proposed optimized data replication that efficiently improved data availability, reduced the query delay and increased hit ratio. In this scheme, each mobile node only cooperates with at most one neighbor to decide which data to replicate. In future work, we also include the relationship among different data items; the data update issue, and the data discovery issue. Data semantics can be used to improve performance of query and hence we can apply semantic based technique to further improve the performance to extend the proposed scheme to handle data update, data consistency or data discovery issues.
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