Brian Mitchell Edtech 552 Lab 3.2 Report

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Brian Mitchell EDTECH 552 Lab 3.

2 Report

Lab 3.4 Basic Subnetting

How to identify reasons to use a subnet mask How to distinguish between a default subnet mask and a custom subnet mask What given requirements determine the subnet mask, number of subnets, and hosts per subnet What needs to be understood about useable subnets and useable numbers of hosts How to use the ANDing process to determine if a destination IP address is local or remote How to identify valid and invalid IP host addresses based on a network number and subnet mask

Background / Preparation
This lab exercise focuses on the basics of IP subnet masks and their use with TCP/IP networks. The subnet mask can be used to split up an existing network into subnetworks, or subnets. Some of the primary reasons for subnetting are the following: Reduce the size of the broadcast domains, which creates smaller networks with less traffic Allow LANs in different geographical locations to communicate through routers Provide improved security by separating one LAN from another

Routers separate subnets, and determine when a packet can go from one subnet to another. Each router a packet goes through is considered a hop. Subnet masks help workstations, servers, and routers in an IP network determine if the destination host for the packet they want to send is on their own network or another network. This lab reviews the default subnet mask and then focuses on custom subnet masks. Custom subnet masks use more bits than the default subnet masks by borrowing these bits from the host portion of the IP address. This creates a three-part address: The original network address The subnet address made up of the bits borrowed The host address made up of the bits left after borrowing some for subnets

Step 1 Review the structure of IP addresses

If an organization has a Class A IP network address, the first octet, or 8 bits, is assigned and does not change. The organization can use the remaining 24 bits to define up to 16,777,214 hosts on its network. This is a lot of hosts. It is not possible to put all of these hosts on one physical network without separating them with routers and subnets. It is common for a workstation to be on one network or subnet and a server to be on another. When the workstation needs to retrieve a file from the server it will need to use its subnet mask to determine the network or subnet that the server is on. The purpose of a subnet mask is to help hosts and routers determine the network location where a destination host can be found. Refer to the table below to review the following information: The IP address classes The default subnet masks The number of networks that can be created with each class of network address The number of hosts that can be created with each class of network address

Address Class

1 Octet Decimal Range


1 Octet High Order Bits


Network/Host ID (N=Network, H=Host)

Default Subnet Mask

Number of Networks

Hosts per Network (Usable Addresses) 16,777,214 24 (2 2) 65,534 16 (2 2) 254 (2 2)


1 126 *


126 (2 2) 16,382 14 (2 2) 2,097,150 21 (2 2)

128 191



192 223




224 239 240 254

1110 11110

Reserved for Multicasting Experimental; used for research

* Class A address 127 cannot be used and is reserved for loopback and diagnostic functions.

Step 2 Review the ANDing process

Hosts and routers use the ANDing process to determine if a destination host is on the same network or not. The ANDing process is done each time a host wants to send a packet to another host on an IP network. In order to connect to a server, the IP address of the server or the host name, such as,, must be known. If the host name is used a Domain Name Server (DNS) will convert it to an IP address. First, the source host will compare, or AND, its own IP address to its own subnet mask. The result of the ANDing is to identify the network where the source host resides. It will then compare the nd destination IP address to its own subnet mask. The result of the 2 ANDing will be the network that the destination host is on. If the source network address and the destination network address are the same, they can communicate directly. If the results are different, they are on different networks or subnets. If this is the case, the source host and the destination host will need to communicate through routers or might not be able to communicate at all. ANDing depends on the subnet mask. The subnet mask always uses all ones to represent the network, or network + subnet, portion of the IP address. A default subnet mask for a Class C network is or 11111111.111111111.111111111.00000000. This is compared to the source IP address bit for bit. The first bit of the IP address is compared to the first bit of the subnet mask, the second bit to the second, and so on. If the two bits are both ones, the ANDing result is a one. If the two bits are a zero and a one, or two zeros, the ANDing result is a zero. Basically, this means that a combination of 2 ones results in a one, anything else is a zero. The result of the ANDing process is the identification of the network or subnet number that the source or destination address is on.

Step 3 Two Class C networks using the default subnet mask

This example shows how a Class C default subnet mask can be used to determine which network a host is on. A default subnet mask does not break an address into subnets. If the default subnet mask is used, the network is not being subnetted. Host X, the source on network has an IP address of It wants to send a packet to Host Z, the destination on network and has an IP address of All hosts on each network are connected to hubs or switches and

then to a router. Remember that with a Class C network address, the first 3 octets, or 24 bits, are assigned as the network address. So, these are two different Class C networks. This leaves one octet, or 8 bits for hosts, so each Class C network could have up to 254 hosts: 2 = 256 2 = 254

Source net:

Destination net: Subnet mask:

Subnet mask:

Router Host X Hub Hub Host Z

Host IP


Router interface IP

Router interface IP

The ANDing process helps the packet get from Host on network to Host on network by using the following steps: 1. Host X compares its own IP address to its own subnet mask using the ANDing process. Host X IP address Subnet Mask ANDing Result ( 11001000.00000001.00000001.00000101 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 11001000.00000001.00000001.00000000

Note: The result of the ANDing process is the network address of Host X, which is 2. Next, Host X compares the IP address of the Host Z destination to its own subnet mask using the ANDing process. Host Z IP address Subnet Mask ANDing Result ( 11001000.00000001.00000010.00001000 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 11001000.00000001.00000010.00000000

Note: The result of the ANDing process is the network address of Host Z, which is Host X compares the ANDing results from Step 1 and the ANDing results from Step 2, and notes they are different. Host X now knows that Host Z is not in its local-area network (LAN). Therefore, it must send the packet to its default gateway, which is the IP address of the router interface of on network The router then repeats the ANDing process to determine which router interface to send the packet out to.

Step 4 One Class C network with subnets using a custom subnet mask
This example uses a single Class C network address ( and shows how a Class C custom subnet mask can be used to determine which subnetwork (or subnet) a host is on and to route packets from one subnetwork to another. Remember that with a Class C network address, the first 3 octets, or 24 bits are assigned as the network address. This leaves one octet, or 8 bits, for hosts. So, each Class C network could have up to 254 hosts: 2 = 256 2 = 254

Perhaps less than 254 hosts, workstations and servers combined, are desired on one network. This could be for security reasons or to reduce traffic. It can be done by creating two subnetworks and separating them with a router. This will create smaller independent broadcast domains and can improve network performance and increase security. This is possible because these subnetworks will be separated by one or more router. Assume at least two subnetworks will be needed and that there will be at least 50 hosts per subnetwork. Because there is only one Class C network address, only 8 bits in the fourth octet are available for a total of 254 possible hosts. Therefore, a custom subnet mask must be created. The custom subnet mask will be used to borrow bits from the host portion of the address. The following steps help accomplish this: 1. The first step to subnetting is to determine how many subnets are needed. In this case, its two subnetworks. To see how many bits should be borrowed from the host portion of the network address, add the bit values from right to left until the total is equal to or greater than the number of subnets needed. Because two subnets are needed, add the one bit and the two bit, which equals three. This is greater than the number of subnets needed. To remedy this, borrow at least two bits from the host address starting from the left side of the octet that contains the host address.

Network address: 4 octet Host address bits: Host address bit values from (right)

1 128

1 64

1 32

1 16

1 8

1 4

1 2

1 1

Add bits starting from the right side, the 1 and the 2, until the sum is greater than the number of subnets needed. Note: An alternate way to calculate the number bits to be borrowed for subnets is to take the number of bits borrowed to the power of 2. The result must be greater than the number of subnets needed. As an example if 2 bits are borrowed the calculation is two to the second power, which equals four. Since the number of subnets needed is two this should be adequate. 2. After we know how many bits to borrow, we take them from the left side of the of the host th address, the 4 octet. Every bit borrowed from the host address bit leaves fewer bits for the hosts. Even though the number of subnets is increased, the number of hosts per subnet is decreased. Because two bits need to be borrowed from the left side, that new value must be shown in the subnet mask. The existing default subnet mask was and the new custom subnet mask is The 192 results from adding the first two bits from the left, 128 + 64 = 192. These bits now become 1s and are part of the overall subnet mask. This 6 leaves 6 bits for host IP addresses or 2 = 64 hosts per subnet. 4 Octet borrowed bits for subnet: 1 Subnet bit values: (from left side) 128

1 64

0 32

0 16

0 8

0 4

0 2

0 1

With this information, the following table can be built. The first two bits are the subnet binary value. The last 6 bits are the host bits. By borrowing 2 bits from the 8 bits of the host address 4 subnets, 2^2, with 64 hosts each, can be created. The 4 networks created are as follows:

The network The network The network The network

The network is considered unusable, unless the networking device supports the IOS command ip subnet-zero, which allows using the first subnet.

Subnet No.

Subnet Bits Borrowed Binary Value 00 01 10 11

Subnet Bits Decimal Value 0 64 128 192

Host Bits Possible Binary Values (Range) (6 Bits) 000000111111 000000111111 000000111111 000000111111

Subnet/Host Decimal Range 063 64127 128191 192254


0 Subnet 1 Subnet 2 Subnet 3 Subnet

rd nd st

No Yes Yes No

Notice that the first subnet always starts at 0 and, in this case, increases by 64, which is the number of hosts on each subnet. One way to determine the number of hosts on each subnet or the start of each subnet is to take the remaining host bits to the power of 2. Because we borrowed two of the 8 6 bits for subnets and have 6 bits left, the number of hosts per subnet is 2 or 64. Another way to figure the number of hosts per subnet or the increment from one subnet to the next is to subtract the subnet mask value in decimal, 192 in the fourth octet, from 256, which is the maximum number of possible combinations of 8 bits. This equals 64. This means start at 0 for the first network and add 64 for each additional subnetwork. For example, if the second subnet is used, the network cannot be used for a host ID since the network ID of the 64 subnet has all zeros in the host portion. Another common way to represent a subnet mask, is the use of the slash/number (/#) where the # following the slash is the number of bits used in the mask (network and subnet combined). As an example, a Class C network address such as with a standard subnet mask ( would be written as /24, indicating that 24 bits are used for the mask. The same network, when subnetted by using two host bits for subnets, would be written as /26. This indicates that 24 bits are used for the network and 2 bits for the subnet. This would represent a custom subnet mask of in dotted decimal format. A Class A network of with a standard mask ( would be written as /8. If 8 bits (the next octet) were being used for subnets it would be written as /16. This would represent a custom subnet mask of in dotted decimal format. The slash number after the network number is an abbreviated method of indicating the subnet mask being used.

Step 5 Use the following information and the previous examples to answer the following subnet-related questions
A company has applied for and received a Class C network address of The physical network is to be divided into 4 subnets, which will be interconnected by routers. At least 25 hosts will be needed per subnet. A Class C custom subnet mask needs to be used and a router is needed between the subnets to route packets from one subnet to another. Determine the number of bits that need to be borrowed from the host portion of the network address and the number of bits that will be left for host addresses. Note: There will be 8 possible subnets, of which 6 can be used.

Question 3.4.1:
Fill in the following table and answer the following questions: Subnet No. Subnet Bits Borrowed Binary Value Subnet Bits Decimal and Subnet No. Host Bits Possible Binary Values (Range) (5 Bits) Subnet/Host Decimal Range Use?

0 Subnet 1 Subnet 2
nd st

000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224

00000-11111 00000-11111 00000-11111 00000-11111 00000-11111 00000-11111 00000-11111 00000-11111

0-31 32-63 64-95 96-127 128-159 160-191 192-223 224-254

No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No


3 Subnet 4 Subnet 5 Subnet 6 Subnet 7 Subnet

th th th th


Use the table just developed to help answer the following questions: 1. Which octet(s) represent the network portion of a Class C IP address? 1,2,3 2. Which octet(s) represent the host portion of a Class C IP address? 4 3. What is the binary equivalent of the Class C network address in the scenario? Decimal network address: Binary network address: 11000101.00001111.00010110.00000000

4. How many high-order bits were borrowed from the host bits in the fourth octet? 3 5. What subnet mask must be used? Show the subnet mask in decimal and binary. Decimal subnet mask: Binary subnet mask: 11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000

6. What is the maximum number of subnets that can be created with this subnet mask? 8 7. What is the maximum number of useable subnets that can be created with this mask? 6 8. How many bits were left in the fourth octet for host IDs? 5 9. How many hosts per subnet can be defined with this subnet mask? 32 10. What is the maximum number of hosts that can be defined for all subnets with this scenario? Assume the lowest and highest subnet numbers and the lowest and highest host ID on each subnet cannot be used. 180 11. Is a valid host IP address with this scenario? Why or why not? No, because it st uses the highest number host ID on the 1 subnet. 12. Is a valid host IP address with this scenario? Why or why not? No, because th it uses the lowest number host ID on the 5 subnet. (This is the network address for that subnet)

13. Host A has an IP address of Host B has an IP address of Are these hosts on the same subnet? Why? No. Host A is in the 3rd subnet, which goes up to 127, and Host B is on the 4th subnet, which begins at 128.

Lab 3.5 Subnetting a Class A Network

Analyze a Class A network address with the number of network bits specified in order to determine the following: Subnet mask Number of subnets Hosts per subnet Information about specific subnets

Background / Preparation
This is a written exercise and is to be performed without the aid of an electronic calculator.

Question 3.5.1:
Given a Class A network address of / 24 answer the following questions 1. How many bits were borrowed from the host portion of this address? 16 2. What is the subnet mask for this network? Dotted decimal? Binary? 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 3. How many usable subnetworks are there? 65,534 4. How many usable hosts are there per subnet? 254 5. What is the host range for usable subnet sixteen? 6. What is the network address for usable subnet sixteen? 7. What is the broadcast address for usable subnet sixteen? 8. What is the broadcast address for the last usable subnet? 9. What is the broadcast address for the major network?

Lab 3.6 Subnetting a Class B Network

The objective of this lab is to provide a subnetting scheme using a Class B network

Background / Preparation
This is a written lab and is to be performed without the aid of an electronic calculator. ABC Manufacturing has acquired a Class B address, The company needs to create a subnetting scheme to provide the following: 36 subnets with at least 100 hosts 24 subnets with at least 255 hosts 10 subnets with at least 50 hosts

It is not necessary to supply an address for the WAN connection since it is supplied by the Internet service provider.

Question 3.6.1:
Given this Class B network address and these requirements answer the following questions 1. How many subnets are needed for this network? 70 2. What is the minimum number of bits that can be borrowed? 7 3. What is the subnet mask for this network? Dotted decimal? Binary? 11111111.11111111.11111110.00000000 4. Slash format 5. How many usable subnetworks are there? 126 6. How many usable hosts are there per subnet? 510

Question 3.6.2:
Complete the following chart listing the first three subnets and the last 4 subnets

Subnetwork #

Subnetwork ID

Host Range

Broadcast ID

0 1 2 124 125 126 127

1. What is the host range for subnet two? 2. What is the broadcast address for the 126th subnet? 3. What is the broadcast address for the major network?

Lab 3.7 Subnetting a Class C Network

The objective of this lab is to provide a subnetting scheme using a Class C network.

Background / Preparation
This is a written exercise and is to be performed without the aid of an electronic calculator. The Classical Academy has acquired a Class C address, The academy needs to create subnets to provide low level security and broadcast control on the LAN. It is not necessary to supply an address for the WAN connection. It is supplied by the Internet service provider. The LAN consists of the following, each of which will require its own subnet: Classroom #1 Classroom #2 Computer lab Instructors Administration 28 nodes 22 nodes 30 nodes 12 nodes 8 nodes

Question 3.7.1:
Given this Class C network address and these requirements answer the following questions 1. How many subnets are needed for this network? 5 2. What is the subnet mask for this network? Dotted decimal? Binary? 11111111.11111111.11111111.11100000 3. Slash format 4. How many usable hosts are there per subnet? 30

Question 3.7.2:
Complete the following chart

Subnetwork # 0

Subnetwork IP

Host Range

Broadcast ID

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. What is the host range for subnet six? 2. What is the broadcast address for the 3rd subnet? 3. What is the broadcast address for the major network?

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