Rs View Me Users Manual 2
Rs View Me Users Manual 2
Rs View Me Users Manual 2
Technical Support Telephone440-646-5800 Technical Support Fax440-646-5801 World Wide Copyright 2005 Rockwell Software Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Portions copyrighted by the Allen-Bradley Company, LLC, a Rockwell Automation company. This manual and any accompanying Rockwell Software products are copyrighted by Rockwell Software Inc. Any reproduction and/or distribution without prior written consent from Rockwell Software Inc. is strictly prohibited. Please refer to the license agreement for details. VBA and DCOM, Copyright 1996, 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
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Rockwell Automation, Rockwell Software, Allen-Bradley, ControlLogix, FactoryTalk, PLC-5, RSLinx, RSTools, RSView, and VersaView are registered trademarks, and the Rockwell Software logo, RSAssetSecurity, RSLinx Enterprise, RSLogix, RSView Machine Edition, RSView ME Station, RSView Studio, RSView Supervisory Edition, A.I. Series, Advanced Interface (A.I.) Series, FactoryTalk Automation Platform, FactoryTalk Diagnostics, FactoryTalk Directory, PanelBuilder, PanelView Plus, SLC, and WINtelligent are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc. Adobe and Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. TrueType is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation, Intel Corporation, and Xerox Corporation. Modicon is a registered trademark of Groupe Schneider. Zip is a trademark of Iomega Corporation. KEPServerEnterprise is a trademark of Kepware Technologies. ActiveX, Microsoft, OpenType, Visual Basic, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. OPC is a registered trademark of the OPC Foundation.
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This Rockwell Software product is warranted in accord with the product license. The products performance will be affected by system configuration, the application being performed, operator control, and other related factors. This products implementation may vary among users. This manual is as up-to-date as possible at the time of printing; however, the accompanying software may have changed since that time. Rockwell Software reserves the right to change any information contained in this manual or the software at any time without prior notice. The instructions in this manual do not claim to cover all the details or variations in the equipment, procedure, or process described, nor to provide directions for meeting every possible contingency during installation, operation, or maintenance.
18 Setting up trends
This chapter describes: what trends are. summary of steps for creating a trend graphic object. creating trends, and the Trend Object Properties dialog box. the parts of the trend graphic object. the different chart types. choosing colors, fonts, lines, and markers for the trend. testing the trend. using objects from the Trends graphic library. using buttons to control the trend at runtime. printing trend data. runtime errors for trends.
About trends
A trend is a visual representation of current or historical tag values. The trend provides operators with a way of tracking plant activity as it is happening. You can: plot data for as many as eight tags or expressions on one trend. create a trend that is part of a graphic display or acts as the entire graphic display. plot data over time, or plot one variable against another in an XY Plot chart to show the relationship between them. display isolated or non-isolated graphs. Isolated graphing places each pen in a separate band of the chart. With non-isolated graphing, pen values can overlap. create buttons to allow the operator to pause, scroll, and print the trend data.
The illustration below shows a trend that has been added to a graphic display. You can view the Kiln Status display by opening the Malthouse sample application.
18 Setting up trends
Summary of steps
These are the steps for creating a trend: 1. To plot historical data, create a data log model in the Data Log Models editor. For information, see Chapter 11. 2. Create a trend graphic object in the Graphics editor, as described on page 18-3. 3. Set up the trend in the Trend Object Properties dialog box. For details about the options in the dialog box, see Help. 4. If desired, create a next pen button, a pause button, or key buttons in the same graphic display, to allow the operator to switch between pens, pause the trend, or scroll the trend. For information about the buttons you can use with trends, see page 18-11. 5. To keep a printed record of the trend data, provide a way for the operator to print the graphic display. For information see page 18-12.
Setting up trends
When you double-click a trend object, the Trend Object Properties dialog box opens. Use the dialog box to set up the trend.
Set up the chart style and update mode. Set up how the trend works at runtime. Set up pens. Set up the horizontal axis. Set up the vertical axis. Set up focus highlight and keyboard navigation. Set up the tags to display data for.
For details about the options in the Trend Object Properties dialog box, see Help.
18 Setting up trends
Trend border
The border appears around the trend object at runtime when the trend is selected.
Trend window
The area around the chart, between the border and the chart, is the trend window.
The chart is the area of the trend in which values are plotted. It is bounded by the y-axis on the left and the x-axis on the bottom. It contains the plotted trend data (shown using pen lines and pen markers), as well as grid lines (if you choose to display them).
The y-axis is the left vertical edge of the chart. It is also known as the vertical axis.
The x-axis is the bottom horizontal edge of the chart. It is also known as the horizontal axis.
Pens are the lines and symbols used to represent values. The values can be tags you are monitoring, expressions that manipulate tag values, or constants.
18 Setting up trends
If there is no data for a pen, or if the data is outside the vertical axis range, the pen does not appear in the chart.
Pen icons
Pen icons appear at the right edge of the chart at runtime, if you choose to display them. The icons position indicates the pens most recent recorded value (from the value table), even if the trend is paused or if the most recent value has not been plotted yet.
Pen markers
Pen markers are symbols that indicate data points. If data is plotted frequently, the markers might not appear as distinct, separate symbols. For example, see the lowest pen in the illustration on page 18-5.
Notice that the horizontal axis labels display the range for the specified x-axis pen. The time period covered by the chart is at the upper left.
Isolated graphing
For charts with multiple pens, you can allow the pen values to overlap, or you can isolate each pen in its own horizontal band on the chart. This is an example of isolated graphing, with a 10% buffer between each pens band:
Notice that in this illustration each pen uses its own scale. If desired, you can use the same scale for all pens. With isolated graphing, a grid line is automatically placed above each pens band.
18 Setting up trends
When values for the pen have been plotted across the full width of the chart, the pen appears as a solid line. In the Connections tab, assign to a pen the tag, expression, or constant whose value will be used to determine the position of the line, and then in the Pens tab, choose the pen type Full Width. As soon as the trend is displayed, the pen appears as a horizontal line across the full width of the chart. Its vertical position is determined by the tag, expression, or constants value. If the value changes, the position changes.
To use a different window color 1. In the Property Panel, select the opaque WindowStyle, and then specify the WindowColor property. For information about using the Property Panel, see page 15-31.
You can quickly test the trend by switching to test mode. If communications are active and there is data for the tags, the pens plot values in the trend. When you are finished testing, switch back to edit mode to continue editing. To switch between test and edit modes
1. On the View menu, click Test Display or Edit Display, or click the Test Display and Edit Display tools.
Test mode is not the same as running the display. Test mode does not change the appearance or position of the display as set up in the Display Settings dialog box. Also, data logging is not turned on in test mode.
18 Setting up trends
To use the Trends graphic library 1. Open the Graphics folder, and then open the Libraries folder. 2. Double-click the Trends library. 3. Drag and drop or copy and paste objects into your display.
Does this Resumes trend scrolling and moves to the current (latest) data in the trend.
To see how the buttons work with the trend, open the Trends graphic library (see page 18-10), and start test mode. For information about creating buttons, see Chapter 15. For details about setting up the buttons, see page 16-17.
18 Setting up trends
19 Setting up RecipePlus
This chapter describes: what recipes are. summary of steps for creating a recipe system. how the recipe system works. specifying the runtime location of recipe files. creating recipe files. comparing recipes. creating RecipePlus buttons, selectors, and tables. testing RecipePlus objects. using objects from the RecipePlus_Components graphic library. using buttons with the recipe objects. viewing data values that are saved at runtime.
About recipes
A recipe is a set of numeric and string data values (ingredients) that can be downloaded to their associated tags at the data source. Each ingredient has a pre-set data value assigned to it. The set of data values for all the ingredients in a recipe is called a data set. The set of numeric and string tags assigned to the ingredients in the recipe is called a tag set. The ingredients, data sets, and tag sets are stored together in a recipe file. You can create different pairs of data sets and tag sets for the same set of ingredients. Each pairing of data set with tag set is called a unit. Each unit is like a unique recipe. At runtime, the operator can select the unit (recipe) that applies to the current operation. For example, a bakery making whole wheat bread could use the same ingredients and tag sets, but depending on the type of crust desired, could use different data sets to specify different baking temperatures. As another example, you might want to have multiple production lines baking the same bread. In this case, the data set for all the production lines would be the same, but the tags receiving the recipe information would be different for each production line. Units allow you to combine different tag sets and data sets for the same set of ingredients. The RSView RecipePlus system allows you to create up to 15,000 ingredients, 50 data sets, 50 tag sets, and 2,500 units for each recipe file. You can create data sets at
development time, edit them at runtime, and also create new data sets from tag values at runtime. You can write the data set values to tags, or write tag values to data sets. The RecipePlus system can be used for manufacturing food and beverages, but it can also be used for any application where you want to display, edit, download, or save multiple values at once. For example, recipes are used in the petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries. In the pharmaceutical industry, you could use recipes to design flexible packaging, creating recipes that specify the number of tissues to put in a box or the number of milliliters of shampoo to put in a bottle.
Summary of steps
These are the steps for creating a recipe system: 1. In the RecipePlus Setup editor, specify the runtime location for recipe files. The files can be stored with the application or in a separate location. For details, see page 19-5. 2. In the RecipePlus Editor, set up ingredients, data sets, tag sets, and units. You can also specify a percent complete tag and a status tag for the recipe. For details, see page 19-6. 3. Create a display in the Graphics editor, containing a RecipePlus selector, table, and buttons. For details, see page 19-9. 4. If desired, create key buttons in the same graphic display, to allow the operator to use the selector and table without a keyboard. For information about the buttons you can use with recipes, see page 19-11.
RecipePlus selector
Use the RecipePlus selector to select the recipe file and unit to work with.
RecipePlus table
Use the RecipePlus table to display the selected recipe files ingredients, tag values, and data set values. The operator can edit data set values in the table, unless you select the View only option. If desired, you can include a Compare column in the table, to compare tag values to data sets at a glance. If you choose this option, RSView displays an X in the Compare column when the tag value and data set value for an ingredient differ. Ingredients with an X are listed first.
19 Setting up RecipePlus
RecipePlus button
Use the RecipePlus button to perform actions on the selected recipes ingredients. Set up a separate button for each action you want to perform: Restoredisplay the selected recipe in the RecipePlus table. Downloadwrite the data set values to tags, for all the ingredients in the selected recipe. Uploadwrite tag values to the data set, for all the ingredients in the selected recipe. If all values are uploaded successfully, the recipe file is saved. Upload and createwrite tag values to a new data set, for all the ingredients in the selected recipe. The operator is prompted for a name for the new unit. If all values are uploaded successfully, the recipe file is saved. The new data set is named Data Set n, where n is the next available number (starting at 1) that will create a unique data set name. Savesave the data set values for the recipe file and unit displayed in the RecipePlus table. If the operator made changes in the data set values using the string pop-up keyboard or numeric pop-up keypad, the new values in the table overwrite existing data set values (if any) for the unit in the recipe file. The illustration below shows a graphic display that contains a RecipePlus selector, RecipePlus buttons, and a RecipePlus table. The display also contains key buttons for
working with the selector and table, a bar graph that shows the percentage complete of the recipe operation, and a string display that shows the status of the recipe operation.
Number format
The values in the recipe table are displayed using the number format of the current application language. For example, if the application language uses a comma for the decimal symbol, floating-point values in the table use commas for the decimal symbol. For information about using multiple languages, see Chapter 23.
Numeric limits
RecipePlus supports the range of numbers allowed by the VARIANT data type. This range is -1.797693E+308 to 1.797693E+308. This range applies to the numbers that you enter in the RecipePlus Editor, and it also applies to the tag values that are uploaded to the recipe file at runtime.
19 Setting up RecipePlus
This is the path to the RecipePlus folder: \Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RSView Enterprise\ME\HMI projects\Project name\RecipePlus (Windows 2000) or \Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\RSView Enterprise\ME\HMI projects\Project name\RecipePlus (Windows XP) If recipe files are stored outside the HMI project, when you perform an action on a recipe file at runtime, the file is locked until the action is completed. This prevents other users from making changes to a file while you are working with it.
runtime changes to recipe data, we recommend that you store recipe files outside the HMI project.
For details about using the RecipePlus Setup editor, see Help.
19 Setting up RecipePlus
For details about the options in the RecipePlus Editor, see Help.
You can also use the RecipePlus Editor to view the data values that are saved at runtime. For more information, see page 19-13.
Comparing recipes
You can use the RecipePlus Editor to compare data sets and tags sets within a single recipe, or between two recipes. If you are comparing data sets or tag sets within a recipe, only ingredients with different values are displayed in the report. If you are comparing data sets or tag sets between two recipes, both common ingredients and unique ingredients are listed in the report. To compare recipes 1. Open the RecipePlus Editor.
3. Specify the recipe file or files, data sets, and tag sets to compare. For information about the options in the Compare Recipes dialog box, see Help. 4. Click Compare. A report is displayed in Windows Notepad.
19 Setting up RecipePlus
In the Objects toolbox, click the RecipePlus Button, RecipePlus Selector, or RecipePlus Table tool. On the Objects menu, select RecipePlus, and then click RecipePlus Button, RecipePlus Selector, or RecipePlus Table. 3. Drag the mouse to create a box approximately the size you want for the object. 4. Double-click the object to open its Properties dialog box. 5. Set up the object. For details, see Help. Once you have set up a RecipePlus object, you can edit it as you would any other graphic object. You can move it, resize it, attach animation to it, and so on. You can also use the object in other graphic displays by dragging it from one display and dropping it into another. For more information about graphic objects, see Chapter 15.
1. On the View menu, click Test Display or Edit Display, or click the Test Display and Edit Display tools.
Test mode is not the same as running the display. Test mode does not change the appearance or position of the display as set up in the Display Settings dialog box.
19 Setting up RecipePlus
To use the RecipePlus_Components graphic library 1. Open the Graphics folder, and then open the Libraries folder. 2. Double-click the RecipePlus_Components library. 3. Drag and drop or copy and paste objects into your display.
This button Move down Page up Page down Home End Enter (table only)
Does this Moves the highlight bar down one item in the list. Moves the highlight bar up one page in the list. Moves the highlight bar down one page in the list. Moves the highlight bar to the top item in the list. Moves the highlight bar to the bottom item in the list. Opens the numeric keypad or string keyboard for the operator to edit the data set value. If a numeric ingredient has a minimum and maximum value defined, these values are displayed in the numeric keypad. If the table is defined as View only, the operator cannot edit it.
To see how the buttons work with the RecipePlus selector and table, open the RecipePlus_Components graphic library (see page 19-10), and start test mode. For information about creating buttons, see Chapter 15. For details about setting up the buttons, see page 16-17. Example: Editing and downloading recipe values at runtime This example shows how to use the RecipePlus graphic objects to edit and download recipe values at runtime. 1. In the RecipePlus editor, create a RecipePlus file containing ingredients, several data sets, a tag set, and several units combining the different data sets with the tag set. 2. Open the RecipePlus_Components library. 3. Start test mode. 4. Use the move up and move down buttons next to the RecipePlus selector to highlight a unit in the selector, and then press the Restore button. The units ingredients are displayed in the RecipePlus table, with the data set values in the Recipe column. 5. Use the move up and move down buttons next to the RecipePlus table to select an ingredient, and then press the Enter button. The numeric pop-up keypad opens, displaying the minimum and maximum values for the ingredient. If the ingredient is a string ingredient, the string pop-up keyboard opens. 6. Type a new value for the ingredient, and then press Enter.
19 Setting up RecipePlus
The new value is displayed in the Recipe column. 7. Press the Save button to save the new value. 8. Press the Download button to write all the values in the Recipe column to the tags associated with the ingredients. The values are downloaded to the data source.
To view data values in modified recipe files 1. Do one of the following: Add the recipe file (*.rpp) that you saved at runtime into the application using Add Component Into Application (for details, see page 2-15). If the recipe file already exists in the application, you can just copy the modified file back into the applications RecipePlus folder. (For the path to the RecipePlus folder, see page 19-5.) 2. In the Explorer window in RSView Studio, double-click the modified recipe file. The RecipePlus Editor opens. 3. Click the Ingredients tab. 4. If the data set you want to view is not visible, scroll right to see more data sets.
20 Using expressions
This chapter describes: the types of expression components. using the Expression editor. which editors use expressions. formatting expressions. using tag names and tag placeholders with expressions. using constants. using operators. using math, security, and language functions. using if-then-else logic in expressions. the evaluation order of operators. using write expressions.
About expressions
Sometimes the data you gather from devices is meaningful only when you: compare it to other values. combine it with other values. create a cause-effect relationship with other values. Expressions allow you to create mathematical or logical combinations of data that return more meaningful values. Depending on the components used in the expression, the value returned can be in the form of a numeric value, a true/false value, or a text string.
Expression components
Expressions can be built from:
tag values. tag placeholders. constants. arithmetic, relational, logical, and bitwise operators. mathematical and security functions. if-then-else logic. Tags, arithmetic operators, bitwise operators, and mathematical functions such as SQRT (square root) return numeric values. Relational and logical operators return true/false values. The security function CurrentUserHasCode(x) also returns a true/false value. The security function CurrentUserName( ) returns a string value. The language function CurrentLanguage( ) returns a string value. Expressions that use if-then-else logic can return numeric values, true/false values, or text strings, depending on how they are structured. These are called conditional expressions because the result of the expression depends on whether the If statement is true or false. When the If statement evaluates to true, the result is defined by the Then statement. When the If statement is false, the result is defined by the Else statement. The Objects 5 Screen Demo sample application contains many examples of expressions. For example, see the alarm trigger expressions in the Alarm Setup editor.
20 Using expressions
To create an expression by typing it directly 1. Type an expression up to 999 characters long. Expressions that you type directly are not checked for syntax. To open the Expression editor, do one of the following Click the Browse button in the Exprn column for a connection that accepts expressions.
Browse button in the Exprn column
The Browse button is not available for connections to which you can assign only tags. In the Animation dialog box, click the Expression button.
Cursor position
Validation area
For details about using the options in the Expression editor, see Help.
Formatting expressions
You can format expressions so they are easier to read. However, do not let tag names, function names, or function arguments span more than one line. When formatting expressions, you can use line returns and multiple spaces. Enclose strings in quotes. The string can contain any character, and can include spaces. Example: Formatting an expression To format this if-then-else statement, you can align the Else with the appropriate If, so the logic is easy to understand: if (tag1 > tag2) then 0 else if (tag1 > tag3) then 2 else 4 Or you can condense it to the following:
20 Using expressions
if (tag1 > tag2) then 0 else if (tag1 > tag3) then 2 else 4
To create a tag placeholder in an expression 1. Type the cross-hatch character followed by a number (no space in between). For example, #1.
A constant can have any of the following formats: integer (123) floating-point (123.45) string constant (character string)
Arithmetic operators
Arithmetic operators perform math on two or more numeric values and calculate the result. The arithmetic operators are:
Example (For these examples, tag1 = 5 and tag2 = 7) tag1 + tag2 returns a value of 12 You can also use this operator with string operands. See page 20-7. * / MOD,% subtraction multiplication division modulus (remainder) tag1 - tag2 returns a value of -2 tag1 * tag2 returns a value of 35 tag1 / tag2 returns a value of 0.7142857 tag2 MOD tag1 returns a value of 2 The modulus operator is the remainder of one number divided by another. In the example, the remainder of 7 divided by 5 is 2; so 7 % 5 = 2 Important: This operator is for integers only, not floating-point numbers. ** exponent tag1 ** tag2 returns a value of 78125
Symbol +
Operator addition
20 Using expressions
Be sure that any tag value you use as a divisor cannot at some point have a value of zero. Expressions that attempt to divide a number by zero produce an error at runtime.
String operands
The + operator can be used to join string operands. For example, the expression hello + world returns: helloworld. You cannot join string tags to analog tags, whether they are HMI or data server tags.
Relational operators
Relational operators compare two numeric or string values to provide a true or false result. If the statement is true, a value of 1 is returned. If false, 0 is returned. The relational operators are:
Symbols Operator Numeric Example String Example
For the numeric examples, tag1 = 5 and tag2 = 7 For the string examples, serial_no = ST009 EQ, == equal tag1 == tag2 false NE, <> not equal tag1 <> tag2 true LT, < less than tag1 < tag2 true GT, > greater than tag1 > tag2 false LE, <= less than or equal to tag1 <= tag2 true GE >= greater than or equal to tag1 >= tag2 false
serial_no == ST009 true serial_no <> ST011 true serial_no < ST011 true serial_no > ST011 false serial_no <= ST011 true serial_no >= ST011 false
Logical operators
Logical operators determine the validity of one or more statements. There are three logical operators: AND, OR, and NOT. The operators return a non-zero value if the expression is true, or a 0 if the expression is false.
Any statement that evaluates to a non-zero value is regarded as true. For example, the statement tag1 is false if the value of tag1 is 0, and true if tag1 has any other value. The logical operators are:
Example (For these examples, tag1 = 5 and tag2 = 7) (tag1 < tag2) AND (tag1 == 5) Both statements are true; returns a 1.
Operator and
Action Returns a 1 if the statements to the right and left of the operator are both true. Returns a 1 if either the statement to the left or right of the operator is true. Reverses the logical value of the statement it operates on.
OR, ||
(tag1 > tag2) OR (tag1 == 5) tag1 == 5 is true; returns a 1. NOT (tag1 < tag2) Although tag1 < tag2 is true, NOT reverses the logical value; returns a 0.
The parentheses are essential in the above expressions. They determine the evaluation order of the operators. For more information, see page 20-10.
Bitwise operators
Bitwise operators examine and manipulate individual bits within a value.
These operators are for integers only, not floating-point numbers. Do not use them with tags or expressions that return floating-point values.
Symbol &
Operator And
Action (for examples, see page 20-10) Compares two integers or tags on a bit-by-bit basis. Returns an integer with a bit set to 1 if both the corresponding bits in the original numbers are 1. Otherwise, the resulting bit is 0.
20 Using expressions
Symbol |
Operator inclusive OR
Action (for examples, see page 20-10) Compares two integers or tags on a bit-by-bit basis. Returns an integer with a bit set to 1 if either or both of the corresponding bits in the original numbers are 1. If both bits are 0, the resulting bit is 0.
exclusive OR (XOR) Compares two integers or tags on a bit-by-bit basis. Returns an integer with a bit set to 1 if the corresponding bits in the original numbers differ. If both bits are 1 or both are 0, the resulting bit is 0.
right shift
Shifts the bits within an integer or tag to the right. Shifts the bits within the left operand by the amount specified in the right operand. The bit on the right disappears. Either a 0 or a 1 is shifted in on the left, depending on whether the left-most bit is a 0 or a 1, and whether the operand consists of a signed or unsigned data type. For signed data types, if the left-most bit is 0, a 0 is shifted in. If the left-most bit is 1, a 1 is shifted in. In other words, the sign of the number is preserved. For unsigned data types, a 0 is always shifted in.
left shift
Shifts the bits within an integer or tag to the left. Shifts the bits within the left operand by the amount specified in the right operand. The bit on the left disappears and 0 always shifts in on the right. See Using the left shift operator, later in this chapter.
Returns ones complement; that is, it toggles the bits within an integer or tag. Reverses every bit within the number so every 1 bit becomes a 0 and vice versa.
Examples: Bitwise operators For these examples, tag1 = 5 (binary 0000 0000 0000 0101) and tag2 = 2 (binary 0000 0000 0000 0010) tag1 & tag2 Returns 0 (binary 0000 0000 0000 0000). tag1 | tag2 Returns 7 (binary 0000 0000 0000 0111). tag1 ^ tag2 Returns 7 (binary 0000 0000 0000 0111). tag1 >> 1 Returns 2 (binary 0000 0000 0000 0010). tag1 << 1 Returns 10 (binary 0000 0000 0000 1010). ~ tag1 Returns -6 (binary 1111 1111 1111 1010).
20 Using expressions
Examples: Evaluation order For these examples, tag1 = 5, tag2 = 7, and tag3 = 10. _____________________________ (tag1 > tag2) AND (tag1 < tag3) is evaluated in this sequence: 1. tag1 > tag2 = 0 2. tag1 < tag3 = 1 3. 0 AND 1 = 0 The expression evaluates to 0 (false). _____________________________ tag1 > tag2 AND tag3 is evaluated in this sequence: 1. tag2 AND tag3 = 1 2. tag1 > 1 = 1 The expression evaluates to 1 (true). _____________________________ NOT tag1 AND tag2 > tag3 ** 2 is evaluated in this sequence: 1. NOT tag1 = 0 2. 0 AND tag2 = 0 3. tag3 ** 2 = 100 4. 0 > 100 = 0 The expression evaluates to 0 (false).
20 Using expressions
Mathematical functions
Use math functions to calculate the square root, log (natural or base 10), or trigonometry ratios (in radians or degrees) of a tag.
This function SQRT (expression) LOG (expression) LOG10 (expression) SIN (expression) COS (expression) TAN (expression) ARCSIN (expression) ARCCOS (expression) ARCTAN (expression SIND (expression) COSD (expression) TAND (expression) ARCSIND (expression) ARCCOSD (expression) ARCTAND (expression) Returns this value The square root of the expression The natural log of the expression The base ten log of the expression The sine of the expression in radians The cosine of the expression in radians The tangent of the expression in radians The arc sine of the expression in radians The arc cosine of the expression in radians The arc tangent of the expression in radians The sine of the expression in degrees The cosine of the expression in degrees The tangent of the expression in degrees The arc sine of the expression in degrees The arc cosine of the expression in degrees The arc tangent of the expression in degrees
Security functions
Use security functions to control access to your application. These functions allow you to determine a users identity or security rights in order to limit access to the application based on these criteria.
This function CurrentUserHasCode (Security Code Letters) Returns this value True (1) if any of the specified security codes have been assigned to the user; false (0) if not. If checking multiple security codes, do not type a space between the security code letters. For example: CurrentUserHasCode (ABP) returns the value 1 if the user has been assigned one or more of the specified codes. CurrentUserName( ) A string containing the name of the current user. This function is case sensitive. All RSView 3.x user names use uppercase letters.
For more information about setting up security for your application, see Chapter 13. For an example of using the CurrentUserHasCode(x) function, see page 13-13. For examples of using the CurrentUserName( ) function, see page 13-24.
Language function
The language function shows you which language your application is currently using. You can display the current language in a string display, or use it in expressions to generate language-specific messages for your users.
This function CurrentLanguage( ) Returns this value RFC1766 name of the current runtime language.
The RFC1766 name is a standard way of representing a language using the format: languagecode-Country/RegionCode where languagecode is a lowercase two-letter code and Country/RegionCode is an uppercase two-letter code. For example, U.S. English is en-US.
20 Using expressions
For more information about setting up languages for your application, see Chapter 23. For a list of RFC1766 names, see Appendix F.
If-then-else expressions carry out an action conditionally or branch actions depending on the statements in the expression. The if-then-else statements enable the expression to perform different actions in different situations and to repeat activities until a condition changes. To build conditional expressions, use the relational operators and the logical operators for the statement and values. The if-then-else structure is: if statement then value1 else value2 If the statement is true then the expression returns value1; if the statement is false then the expression returns value2. If the result of the statement is a non-zero value, the statement is true (and returns value1); if the result is 0, the statement is false (and returns value2). The if-then-else structure is illustrated here.
Nested if-then-else
You can also nest an if-then-else structure inside the Then or Else part of an if-then-else structure. Example 1: Nested if-then-else This expression: if statement1 then value1 else if statement2 then value2 else value3 has this interpretation:
20 Using expressions
Example 2: Nested if-then-else This expression: if statement1 then if statement2 then value1 else value2 else value3 has this interpretation:
Example: Using write expressions In this example, the operator regulates the speed of a conveyor belt by entering a value in feet or meters per second. When the operator enters the value in meters per second, the value is converted to feet per second before being passed to the data source. The operator first indicates whether the value is in feet or meters by pushing a maintained push button. The push button has one state corresponding to feet per second, and the other state to meters per second. Then the operator presses the numeric input enable button and enters the value for the conveyor speed in a numeric pop-up keypad. The ? character in the write expression is the placeholder for the value the operator enters. To set up the maintained push button 1. In the Maintained Push Button Properties dialog box, in the States tab, set up these states: State 0Value: 0, Caption: Feet/S State 1Value: 1, Caption: Meters/S 2. In the Connections tab, assign a digital tag called Feet_or_meters to the Value connection (either an HMI tag or a data server tag). To set up the numeric input enable button 1. In the Numeric Input Enable Properties dialog box, in the Label tab, type the caption Enter conveyor speed. 2. In the Connections tab, assign a tag called Conveyor_speed to the Value connection. 3. Assign this expression to the Optional Exp connection: if Feet_or_meters == 0 then ? else ? * 3.281 RSView writes the result of the expression to the Conveyor_speed tag at the data source.
For more information about local messages, see page 14-29. Information MessagesUse this editor to insert embedded variables in information messages. For more information about information messages, see Chapter 12. Alarm SetupUse this editor to insert embedded variables in alarm messages. For more information about alarms, see Chapter 9.
2. Click Insert Variable. 3. Click the type of variable to insert. 4. Fill in the options in the dialog box that opens. For details about the options, see Help.
# indicates the number of characters if you select a fixed number of characters; type 0 if you dont want to use a fixed number. Tag_name is the tag to display; you can also type a tag placeholder here. Example: String embedded variable syntax To display the current value of a string tag called Blower_status, with a fixed length of 20 characters, you would type this: /*S:20 Blower_status*/
Example: Time and date embedded variable syntax To display the time followed by the short date, you would type this: /*TSD*/
A space is placed between the time and date when the embedded variable is displayed at runtime.
For example, if the variable is set up to show 6 digits, 1234.56 is rounded to 1234.6. 1234.44 is rounded to 1234.4. The decimal counts as one of the digits. For more information about how values are rounded, see page 7-2. If the tag value, including the decimal point and minus sign, contains more digits than specified for the variable, the numeric variable is replaced with asterisks. For example, if the variable is set up to show 6 digits, and the tag value is -123456, the variable will be replaced with asterisks. Number formats The numeric variable uses the number format of the current application language. For example, if the application language uses a comma for the decimal symbol, the numeric variable uses a comma for the decimal symbol. For information about using multiple languages, see Chapter 23.
22 Using macros
This chapter describes: using macros to assign values to tags. using the Macros editor. when to use macros. running macros when tags or expressions change value. where to assign macros.
22 Using macros
Do this Assign macros to run when displays open or close, using the Display Settings dialog box. Assign macros to run when users log in and log out. Macros that you assign to groups of users run each time any member of the group logs in or logs out. Specify the tags or expressions that will run the macros named Macro1 to Macro5.
Global Connections
Summary of steps
Follow these steps to set up language switching for an application:
1. For applications that will run on a Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating system, install the Windows languages that the application will use. 2. For applications that will run on a PanelView Plus or VersaView CE terminal, set up the fonts that the application will use. 3. Create, open, or import the application in the language of your choice. For details, see Chapter 4. 4. Add languages to the application. For details, see page 23-3. 5. Create graphic objects and specify the text strings that they will use. 6. Create a language switch button for each language you plan to use at runtime. For details, see Help. 7. Export the application text strings for translation. For details, see page 23-4. 8. Translate the text strings. For details, see page 23-6. 9. Import translated text strings for each of the translation languages. For details, see page 23-10. 10. Open the application in each language, to check the layout of the translated text. 11. Create the runtime application, specifying the startup language and the languages that the operator can switch to. For details, see Chapter 25.
Make sure that the development and runtime computers are set up to use the fonts you want for the title bar and inactive title bar. Specify the font in the Windows Control Panel, in the Display Properties dialog box. For information about setting up fonts on a PanelView Plus or VersaView CE terminal, see the PanelView Plus Terminals User Manual or the VersaView CE Terminals User Manual. These manuals are available on the RSView Machine Edition CD.
Removing languages
You can also use the Language Configuration dialog box to remove languages. When you remove a language, all the strings for the language are deleted the next time you save the application. Saving a component deletes strings for the removed language from the component.
can translate these strings, but you cannot change their language dynamically at runtime the way you can for graphic object strings. For the Change Password window, the runtime application will use the strings that are in the application when the runtime application is created. For example, if the current application language is French, and you have imported French text strings for the Change Password window, then the French strings will be compiled in the runtime application. If the operator opens the window, the strings will be displayed in French. If the operator changes to another language, the strings will still be displayed in French. For local, information, and alarm messages, you can use the CurrentLanguage( ) function to generate messages in multiple languages at runtime. For information about using the language function with local messages, see page 14-33. For information about using the language function with information messages, see page 12-5. For information about using the language function with alarm messages, see page 9-16.
2. In the Language Configuration dialog box, select the application language for which to export text strings, and then click the Export button. 3. Follow the instructions in the String Import Export Wizard. For details about options in the String Import Export wizard, click Help. If you cancel the export while it is in progress, any text files created prior to canceling might be incomplete. If you export the file multiple times to the same location, previously exported versions are overwritten.
The differences are: Double quotes surrounding the string definitions are removed for most strings. String definitions containing embedded double quotes or other characters that Excel treats as special characters, such as commas, are enclosed within double quotes. Any embedded double quotes are converted to a pair of double quotes.
File schema
Comments The text file uses the # symbol as a comment delimiter if it is the first character on a line. Header The first seven lines of the text file contain header information that must not be translated or modified. Body The body of the text file starts on line eight, and includes the following columns:
Column Example Component type Graphic Display Component name Pump station String reference 1 String definition Stop motor
The file is sorted alphabetically by component name, and then numerically by string reference number. Each string reference number refers to a different object in the component. In the example shown above, string reference 1 might refer to a momentary push button in the graphic display called Pump station.
The string definition is enclosed in quotes in Notepad, but not in the spreadsheet column in Excel. In the translated text file, the only text that can be modified is the text inside the quotation marks in the string definition column. For example, translated into German, the file would contain these changes:
Column Example Component type Graphic Display Component name Pump station String reference 1 String definition Motor abschalten
Do not change the entries in the component type or component name columns, unless the component was renamed in the application after the text was exported.
Do not modify the string reference number. The string reference number is a unique number that is assigned to an object by RSView. Modifying the string reference number prevents RSView from identifying the object correctly when you import the text.
appears in the application as:
Motor abschalten
To make the characters \n appear as part of the text, type \\n.To make a backslash appear in the application, type two backslashes (\\). Importing text containing multiple backslashes If the imported text file contains an odd number of backslashes next to each other, one of the backslashes will be ignored. For example, the string:
is imported into the application as:
Importing text
To import text from a file into your application, the file must be saved in Unicode text format. To import text into your application from a text file 1. Create a backup of the text currently in your application, for the language you are about to import, by exporting it.
Save the backup file in a different location than the translated file you are about to import.
Backing up the language text is recommended because this allows you to restore the original text to your application if an error occurs while importing, or if you cancel the import before it is complete. For information about exporting text, see page 23-4. 2. On the Tools menu, click Languages. 3. In the Language Configuration dialog box, select the application language for which to import text strings, and then click the Import button. 4. Follow the instructions in the String Import Export Wizard. For details about options in the String Import Export wizard, click Help. If you cancel the import before it is complete, any text strings that were changed are not restored to their original values. To restore the text that was originally in the application
(for the language you just imported), import the text from the backup text file you created in step 1.
Troubleshooting importing
You do not have to check every graphic display in your application to verify that text was imported correctly. If errors occurred while importing text, they are displayed automatically from a log file called ImportErrors.txt in the following folder: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\ RSView Enterprise\Strings (Windows 2000) or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\ RSView Enterprise\Strings (Windows XP) Each time errors occur while importing text into an application, the ImportErrors.txt file is overwritten. If errors occurred while importing text, or if the import was canceled, a message appears in the Diagnostics List, and in the FactoryTalk Diagnostics log file.
Server defined in FileName.txt does not exist. None of The name of the HMI server is invalid. If the HMI server was the strings in this file were imported. renamed, open the file, and then correct the name of the HMI server. File FileName, Line x. ComponentType is not a valid The component type has been modified in the text file. Open the component type for the application. The string was not text file, and then correct the text for the component type. imported. File FileName, Line x. ComponentName is not a The component name has been modified in the text file, or the valid component for the application. The string was component in the application has been renamed. Open the text file, not imported. and then correct the text for the component name.
Error message
File FileName, Line x. The string reference must be The string reference number has been modified in the text file, and the new string reference number is invalid. Open the backup text an unsigned long integer value between 1 and file, and then copy the correct the string reference number into the 4294967295. The string was not imported. translated text file. File FileName, Line x. The string was not used in This error occurs if: the application and was not imported. the string reference number has been modified in the text file, and the new string reference number is not used in the application. Open the backup text file, and then copy the correct the string reference number into the translated text file. the object was deleted from the application after the text was exported. If this is correct, ignore the error. File FileName, Line x. The string definition must be The translated string definition includes embedded double quotes, contained within double quotes. The string was not but the string definition itself was not enclosed in double quotes. imported. Open the text file, and then enclose all string definitions containing embedded double quotes in double quotes. For example, the string definition Start "Backup motor" must be enclosed in double quotes, like this:
Unable to open {FileName.txt}. None of the strings from this file were imported.
language therefore becomes the language neutral language. Any strings for other languages are deleted. To turn on support for multiple languages in a graphic library 1. Right-click an empty area in the graphic library display, and then click Display Settings. 2. In the General tab, select Support Multiple Languages. After you turn on support for multiple languages, when you save the graphic library, all strings that support language switching are saved in the current application language. For information about saving libraries in multiple languages, see page 14-17.
A display hierarchy could include: an initial graphic display for logging in. a graphic display that serves as a menu. an overview of the plant. a comprehensive display of each process being monitored. process-specific displays that provide more detail. management summary displays. trend displays of historical and current data. The following illustration shows a sample display hierarchy.
The behavior of these graphic objects depends on which types of graphic displays are used. See the following sections for details. For detailed information about setting up graphic objects, see Help.
Switching languages
If the application uses multiple languages and operators will be switching languages at runtime, place language switch buttons in a display that the operators have access to. For example, put the buttons in the display that opens when the operators log in. Create a language switch button for each language that the operators will be using. For more information about setting up multiple languages, see Chapter 23.
Display type
The display type you use gives you additional control over how the operator navigates between displays. For example, use the On Top type to keep a graphic display on top at all times, even when another display has focus. Or use the Replace type if you want a display to replace all other open displays when it opens. For more information about display types, see page 14-12.
4. In the Process Overview display, the operator presses a return to display button. Which display opens? The Process Monitoring 1 display (because this was the previously opened display). To return to the Main Menu display from the Process Overview display, the operator would have to press a goto display button that is set up to open the Main Menu display.
If the selected graphic display is a Replace display, it closes any open On Top and Replace displays. It does not close On Top displays that use the Cannot Be Replaced option. If the selected display is an On Top display, it opens on top of the current display. The current display does not close. The operator cannot use the display list selector to open Replace displays if display change is currently controlled remotely. But the operator can still open On Top displays (with or without the Cannot Be Replaced option). Selecting the display to open The operator can scroll through the list and select displays using the key button graphic objects, or, if the list has the input focus, by using the arrow keys and Enter key on a keypad or external keyboard. You can link key buttons to a specific display list selector, or set up the buttons to work with whichever object is selected in the graphic display. For information about input focus, see page 16-9. For information about linking buttons to the display list selector, see page 16-10.
Shutdown buttons
When the operator presses the shutdown button at runtime, the application stops and RSView ME Station closes. To prevent an unauthorized user from stopping the application, assign visibility animation to the shutdown button. For details, see page 13-15. Or, place the button in a display that only authorized users have access to. For information about setting up shutdown buttons, see Help.
For detailed information about the options in the Startup editor, see Help.
2. If your application uses multiple languages, specify the languages to include and the initial runtime language, and then press Finish. For details, see Help. 3. Test your application. 4. To stop your application, press a shutdown button, or type the character x. Make sure you provide the operator with a method for shutting down the application at runtime. For more information about methods for shutting down applications, see page 26-5. Once youve tested your application to make sure everything works the way you intend, create the runtime application file and transfer the file to the runtime computer.
application file is not created. You must remove or turn off the unsupported features before you can create the runtime application file. For information about the features supported in different versions of RSView, and how to remove or replace them, see Appendix G. To create a runtime application 1. In RSView Studio, with the application open, on the Application menu click Create Runtime Application.
2. Specify the folder and file name for the runtime application. 3. In the Save as type box, specify the version of RSView ME Station for which to create the .mer file. 4. Click Save.
5. If your application uses multiple languages, specify the languages to include and the initial runtime language, and then press Finish. For details, see Help. This wizard is not displayed if your application uses one language only. For information about transferring the runtime application: to a Windows 2000 or Windows XP platform, see Chapter 26. to a PanelView Plus or VersaView CE terminal, see Chapter 27.
Summary of steps
Follow these steps to: install the necessary hardware and software on the runtime computer. transfer your Windows 2000 or Windows XP application to the runtime computer. set up options in RSView ME Station. For information about installing RSView ME Station, see the RSView Machine Edition Installation Guide. Installing hardware and software on the runtime computer 1. If you will be printing displays, alarms, or diagnostics messages, set up printer connections on the runtime computer.
For more information, see page 26-10. 2. If you are using RSLinx Enterprise, set up communications as described in Chapter 5. 3. If you are using RSLinx Classic as the OPC server on the runtime computer, install RSLinx Classic on the runtime computer. 4. If you are using RSLinx Classic on a remote computer, install RSLinx Classic on the remote computer. 5. If you are using an OPC server other than RSLinx Enterprise or RSLinx Classic, install the OPC server software on the runtime computer or on another computer on the network. For installation information, see the documentation supplied by your OPC server vendor. For information about OPC, see Chapter 5. 6. If your application uses third-party ActiveX objects, install and register the Windows 2000 or Windows XP version of the objects on the runtime computer. For information about ActiveX objects, see page 15-22. 7. Install on the runtime computer all languages used by the runtime application. 8. If the runtime computer uses different time, date, or number formats than the development computer, specify the time, date, and number formats to use at runtime. For more information, see page 26-16. 9. If desired, use the DeskLock tool to prevent users from switching to another software application or using the desktop at runtime. For more information, see page 26-16. Transferring the application Move the application to the Windows 2000 or Windows XP runtime computer. For more information, see page 26-3. Setting up options in RSView ME Station 1. On the runtime computer, start RSView ME Station. For more information, see page 26-3. 2. Load the application. For more information, see page 26-4. 3. Edit device shortcuts, if necessary.
For more information, see page 26-6. 4. Set up FactoryTalk Diagnostics on the runtime computer (if you have not already done so). For more information, see page 10-6. 5. If you will be using KEPServerEnterprise, specify serial port IDs. For more information, see page 26-8. 6. If you will be using RSLinx Enterprise, set up communication drivers (if you have not already done so). For more information, see page 26-9. 7. Specify the printers to use. For more information, see page 26-10. 8. Specify startup options for RSView ME Station. For more information, see page 26-11. Once youve completed these steps, youre ready to run the application. For information about running your application, see Chapter 28.
To start RSView ME Station 1. On the Windows Start menu, select Programs, Rockwell Software, RSView Enterprise, and then click RSView ME Station. The RSView ME Station dialog box opens.
For information about specifying startup options for when RSView ME Station starts, see page 26-11.
2. Navigate to the folder containing the applications .mer file, and then click the file name. 3. Click Open. 4. To replace the runtime computers communication settings with the applications communication settings, click Yes. To keep the runtime computers communication settings, click No. You are notified that the applications FactoryTalk System Directory of users and security policies will be loaded on this computer. This is the set of users and policies that have been set up for the application and are contained in the .mer file. The computers existing FactoryTalk System Directory will be archived, and will be restored when you stop the application. To turn off this warning, see page 26-15. 5. To continue, click Yes. To stop loading the application, click No. If you continue, the application name is displayed in the Current application box in the RSView ME Station dialog box. 6. To run the application, click Run Application. The DEFAULT user is logged in. If a macro is assigned to the DEFAULT user, the macro runs.
If the application is set up to use a title bar with a Control box, click the Close button at the right end of the title bar. If the application is set up to use a title bar with a Control box, on the Control menu at the left end of the title bar, click Close.
Control box
Control menu
Close button
For information about using a title bar in graphic displays, see page 4-14. For information about preventing unauthorized users from shutting down applications, see page 13-15.
4. In the Edit ShortCuts dialog box, click the device you want the shortcut to point to, and then click OK.
4. In the Kepware Serial Port IDs dialog box, click the serial port ID you specified when you set up the KEPServerEnterprise channel. 5. Click Edit Port. 6. In the Communication Ports dialog box, click the COM port to use for KEPServerEnterprise communications.
4. To edit a driver, select it and then click Edit Driver. 5. To edit a device, select it and then click Edit Device. For information about setting up RSLinx Enterprise drivers and devices, see the RSLinx documentation. Once the driver is set up, RSView ME Station automatically starts the driver software when you run the application.
4. Click Printer.
5. Modify the print options as required. For detailed information about printer options, refer to your Windows documentation.
load an application. automatically delete an applications log files before running the application. replace RSLinx Enterprise communications on the runtime computer with the applications settings. By default, the option to start RSView ME Station when Windows starts is turned off. The settings in this section apply only if you want RSView ME Station to start automatically when Windows starts. To start RSView ME Station when Windows starts and run an application 1. In the RSView ME Station dialog box, load the application that you want to run. For details, see page 26-4. 2. Click Terminal Settings. 3. Double-click RSView ME Station Startup.
4. Click Run Current Application. This option is not available if you have not loaded an application yet. 5. Click Run Options.
6. Specify whether to replace the RSLinx Enterprise communication settings on the runtime computer with the applications settings when the application starts. 7. Specify whether to delete the applications log files on startup. To start RSView ME Station when Windows starts without running an application 1. In the RSView ME Station dialog box, click Terminal Settings. 2. Double-click RSView ME Station Startup.
5. Specify whether to load the current application when RSView ME Station starts. This option is not available if you have not loaded an application.
6. Specify whether to replace the RSLinx Enterprise communication settings on the runtime computer with the applications settings when the application starts. This option is not available if you have not loaded an application.
To turn off the overwrite warning 1. In the RSView ME Station dialog box, click Terminal Settings. 2. Double-click System Directory Overwrite Warning. 3. Click No.
To open the DeskLock tool 1. On the Windows Start menu, select Programs, Rockwell Software, RSView Enterprise, Tools, and then click DeskLock. For details about using the tool, see the tools Help.
Summary of steps
Follow these steps to: install hardware and software on a PanelView Plus or VersaView CE terminal. transfer your application to the PanelView Plus or VersaView CE terminal. For information about installing RSView ME Station, see the RSView Machine Edition Installation Guide. Installing hardware and software on a VersaView CE terminal 1. If you will be printing displays, alarms, reports, or diagnostics messages, connect a printer to the USB or Network port. VersaView CE terminals support printing using the Microsoft Windows CE PCL3 printer driver, which is already installed on the terminal. Printing is supported for most laser and ink-jet printers. If you have problems printing, check that your printer is compatible with the PCL3 printer driver.
2. If you are using an OPC server other than RSLinx Enterprise, for example, KEPServerEnterprise, install the OPC server software on the terminal. For installation information, see the documentation supplied by your OPC server vendor. For information about OPC data servers, see Chapter 5. 3. If your application uses third-party ActiveX objects, install and register the Windows CE version of the objects on the terminal. For information about ActiveX objects, see page 15-22. Installing printers on a PanelView Plus terminal 1. If you will be printing displays, alarms, reports, or diagnostics messages, connect a printer to the USB or Network port. PanelView Plus terminals support printing using the Microsoft Windows CE PCL3 printer driver, which is already installed on the terminal. Printing is supported for most laser and ink-jet printers. If you have problems printing, check that your printer is compatible with the PCL3 printer driver. The PanelView Plus terminal is a closed box, which means you must order any software your application will need when you order the system. All software comes pre-installed. Transferring applications 1. On the PanelView Plus or VersaView CE terminal, start RSView ME Station. For more information, see page 27-3. 2. In RSView ME Station, if youre transferring via a serial connection, specify and set up the serial driver. If you are using Ethernet for the transfer, you can skip this step. For more information, see page 27-3. 3. On the development computer, set up the RSLinx Enterprise driver to use for the transfer. For more information, see page 27-5. 4. Move the application to the PanelView Plus or VersaView CE terminal using the Transfer Utility tool. For more information, see page 27-5. You can also transfer applications to the terminal using a Flash Card. For information about this method, see the PanelView Plus Terminals User Manual or the VersaView CE Terminals User Manual.
Starting RSView ME Station on a PanelView Plus terminal If you are running a PanelView Plus terminal, the RSView ME Station dialog box opens automatically when the terminal starts up.
You can also transfer applications to the terminal using a Flash Card. For information about this method, see the PanelView Plus Terminals User Manual or the VersaView CE Terminals User Manual. To specify and set up a serial driver for the transfer 1. In the RSView ME Station dialog box, click Terminal Settings. 2. Double-click Networks and Communications. 3. In the Networks and Communications dialog box, double-click RSLinx Enterprise Communications.
4. Click the Serial-DF1 driver, and then click Edit Driver. 5. Select Use Auto-Configuration, and then click Edit. 6. In the dialog box that opens, select Yes, and then click OK. Auto configuration works with most devices, including ControlLogix and PLC-5. If auto configuration is not successful for your device, return to these steps, select No, and continue to step 7. 7. Set up the driver, and then click OK. If you are using auto configuration, skip this step.
Serial downloads
To perform a serial download, make sure the terminal is connected to the development computer using the correct cable. Connect a PanelView Plus or VersaView CE terminal to the PC using the Allen-Bradley serial cable 2711-NC13.
To start the Transfer Utility tool 1. On the development computer, do one of the following: In RSView Studio, on the Tools menu, click Transfer Utility. On the Windows Start menu, select Programs, Rockwell Software, RSView Enterprise, Tools, and then click ME Transfer Utility.
For details about using the utility, see the utilitys Help.
Serial uploads
To perform a serial upload, make sure the terminal is connected to the development computer using the correct cable. Connect a PanelView Plus or VersaView CE terminal to the PC using the Allen-Bradley serial cable 2711-NC13. For details about performing the upload, see Help for the Transfer Utility.
Comparing applications
You can also use the Transfer Utility tool to compare an application on the development computer with an application on the terminal. The comparison tool can tell you whether the files are identical or different. For details about comparing applications, see Help for the Transfer Utility.
5. Type a user name, password, and domain name, and then click OK.
4.0 applications
To log in, the user must have an account in the User Accounts editor, in the RSView 4.0 Accounts tab. The user must have a password, which is set up in RSAssetSecurity, using the Users folder. For details, see Chapter 13. Passwords are case sensitive.
3.x applications
To log in, the user must have an account in the User Accounts editor, in the RSView 3.x Accounts tab. User passwords are optional in RSView 3.x. If you use them, they are not case sensitive. To log in 1. Press the login button. The Login window opens.
2. Press the User button, or press F2 on an external keyboard. The string pop-up keyboard opens. For details about using the keyboard, see page 28-11.
3. Type your user name in the string pop-up keyboard, or on an external keyboard, and then press Enter. For RSView 4.0 applications, the name is not case sensitive. For RSView 3.x applications, the name must use ALL CAPS. 4. To enter a password, press the Password button, or press F3 on an external keyboard. 5. Type the password in the string pop-up keyboard, or on an external keyboard, and then press Enter. For RSView 4.0 applications, the password is case sensitive. For RSView 3.x applications, the password is not case sensitive. 6. To close the Login window and complete the login, press Enter.
Changing passwords
You can use the password button to change your password at runtime. Any password changes that are made at runtime are saved in the .mer file. When passwords are changed at runtime, be sure to change the passwords on the development computer as well. Otherwise, the next time you create the .mer file the password changes will be lost.
You cannot use the password button to change passwords for Windows-linked users. The passwords for these users must be changed in Windows. For 3.x applications, you cannot change passwords in RSView ME Station. To change a password for an RSView user, use the User Accounts editor in RSView Studio, then recreate the runtime application and download the .mer file again. To change a password for a Windows user, use the Windows Control Panel.
To change your password 1. Press the password button. The Change Password window opens.
2. Press the Old Password button, or press F2 on an external keyboard. The string pop-up keyboard opens. For details about using the keyboard, see page 28-11.
3. Type your old password in the string pop-up keyboard, or on an external keyboard, and then press Enter. The password is case sensitive. 4. Press the New Password button, or press F3 on an external keyboard. 5. Type the new password in the string pop-up keyboard, or on an external keyboard, and then press Enter. 6. Press the Confirm Password button, or press F4 on an external keyboard.
7. Type the new password again, and then press Enter. 8. To close the Change Password window and complete the change, press Enter.
Logging out
When the current user logs out, if a logout macro is assigned to the user, the macro runs. If the user belongs to a group, and a logout macro is set up for the group, the logout macro runs. After the current user is logged out, the DEFAULT user is logged in. If a login macro is assigned to the DEFAULT user, the macro runs. You can also set up the application to automatically log out the current user after a specified period of inactivity. For more information, see page 13-14. To log out 1. Press the logout button.
When the operator activates the numeric input cursor point, the numeric pop-up keypad or scratchpad opens.
Scratchpad area
When the keypad is open, no other objects in the graphic display can accept input.
Scratchpad area
The scratchpad does not contain any buttons. If the runtime computer does not have an external keyboard or keypad attached, the operator will be unable to enter values or close the scratchpad. When the scratchpad is open, no other objects in the graphic display can accept input.
Scratchpad area
If the operator opens the pop-up keyboard by pressing a string input enable button, the number of characters the keyboard accepts depends on how you set up the button. When the keyboard is open, no other objects in the graphic display can accept input.
The string pop-up character input opens when the operator presses a string input enable button or the User or Password button in the Login dialog box. The pop-up is also used with the password button graphic object.
If the operator opens the string pop-up character input by pressing a string input enable button, the number of characters the input accepts depends on how you set up the button. To use the string pop-up character input in Windows 2000 and Windows XP applications 1. In RSView Studio, on the Tools menu, select Options. 2. Click the String Pop-Up tab. 3. Select Use the string pop-up character input. To use the string pop-up character input on a PanelView Plus or VersaView CE terminal 1. In RSView ME Station, click Terminal Settings. 2. Double-click Input Devices. 3. Select String Pop-Up, and then click Enter.
4. Specify whether to invoke the pop-up character input instead of the pop-up keyboard, and then click OK.
Scratchpad area
The scratchpad does not contain any buttons. If the runtime computer does not have an external keyboard attached, the operator will be unable to enter characters or close the scratchpad (unless the runtime terminal is a keypad terminal). If the runtime terminal is a keypad terminal, the operator can enter numbers (not letters) in the scratchpad, and close the scratchpad. When the scratchpad is open, no other objects in the graphic display can accept input.
To do this Capitalize a single letter, or type a shifted character such as #. Capitalize multiple letters. Toggle between insert and overstrike modes. Insert a space. Move the cursor to the left. Move the cursor to the right.
To do this Close the pop-up window without writing the string to the Login dialog box, the Change Password dialog box, or the string input enable buttons Value connection. Clear the scratchpad. Delete the character in front of the cursor. Close the pop-up window and write the string to the Login dialog box, the Change Password dialog box, or the string input enable buttons Value connection. If Enter key handshaking is set up for the string input enable button, the buttons Enter connection is set to 1 and the handshaking timer begins timing. For details, see page 16-14.
You can also use macros to assign values to tags. For more information, see Chapter 22. The operator can change tag values at runtime using these graphic objects:
Use this graphic object Momentary push button To do this Start a process or action by sending one value to the tag when pressed, and another value when released.
To do this Toggle between two values by sending one value to the tag when pressed, and a second value the next time the button is pressed and released. This button is useful for changing a setting within a machine or process, but not for starting the machine or process.
Start a machine or process and remain set (latched) until the process is completed, by sending a value to the tag when pressed, and retaining this value until reset (unlatched) by the Handshake connection. Cycle through a series of values. Each time the operator presses the button, the value for the next state is sent to the tag. When the button is in its last state, pressing it causes the button to change to its first state and write out the first state value. This button is useful when you want the operator to see and select multiple options in sequence, using a single button. The button displays the current state of a process or operation by showing a different color, caption, or image to reflect the different states.
Use a group of buttons to send values to the same tag. When the operator presses a button in the group, the buttons value is sent to the tag, and the button remains highlighted as long as the tag value is the same as the buttons value. Pressing a new button in the group releases the other button and sends a new value to the tag. You can also use a single interlocked push button to send a value to a tag.
Ramp button
Increase or decrease the value of a tag by a specified integer or floating-point value. Use two ramp buttons together to create a raise/lower control.
Numeric input enable button Numeric input cursor point String input enable button RecipePlus button
Enter a numeric value and write the value to a tag. You can also use this object to ramp values. Enter a numeric value and write the value to a tag. You can also use this object to ramp values. Enter a string value and write the value to a tag. Write values for all the ingredients in the selected recipe to a set of tags. The button works with the RecipePlus table and RecipePlus selector graphic objects.
To do this
Drawing object with horizontal Control the value of a tag by dragging the slider object with a or vertical slider animation mouse. The pixel position of the slider is translated into a value that is written to the tag. If the value of the tag is changed externally, the position of the slider changes to reflect this. Control list selector Select from a list of states for a process or operation. The list is highlighted to show the current state, and the operator can scroll through the list to select a different state. The value assigned to the selected state is written to the tag. If the value of the tag is changed externally, the position of the highlight changes to reflect this. ActiveX object A third-party object, connected to an analog, digital, or string tag, including both HMI and data server tags. When the objects property value changes, the new value is written to the associated tag.
You can attach visibility animation to these graphic objects, to display or hide the objects based on changes in tag or expression values. For information about visibility animation, see page 17-8. For information about creating graphic objects, see Chapter 15. For information about setting up graphic objects, see Chapter 16 and Help.
To display this Numeric values in bar graph format. The bar graph increases or decreases in size to show the changing value. Numeric values in dial format. The gauges needle moves around the dial to show the changing value. The state of a process, on a panel that changes its color, image, or caption to indicate the current state. Each state is set up to correspond to a numeric tag value or least significant bit. The state of a process, using a monochrome image that changes color to indicate the current state. Each state is set up to correspond to a numeric tag value or least significant bit. This object is useful for showing the state of a process or operation at a glance.
List indicator
The state of a process, using a list of possible states with the current state highlighted. Each state is represented by a caption in the list, and is set up to correspond to a numeric tag value or least significant bit. This indicator is useful if you want to view the current state but also want to see the other possible states. For sequential processes, the list can alert the operator about what happens next in the process.
Historical or current numeric tag values, plotted against time or displayed in an XY plot where one or more tags values are plotted against another tags values to show the relationship between them. Current tag values and data set values of the ingredients in the selected recipe, and the number of ingredients in the recipe. The table works with the RecipePlus button and RecipePlus selector graphic objects. Display the value of a tag using a pictorial representation that shows the current value in relation to a range of possible values. For example, use rotation animation to show the tag value as a needles position on a dial. For color animation, assign different colors to represent different values.
RecipePlus table
Drawing object with rotation, width, height, fill, color, or horizontal or vertical position animation
ActiveX object
A third-party object, connected to an analog, digital, or string tag, including both HMI and data server tags. The data displayed depends on the object.
Many of these objects can be set up to manipulate tag values using expressions, and display the expression result rather than the original tag value. For information about expressions, see Chapter 20. You can also attach visibility animation to these graphic objects, to display or hide the objects based on changes in tag or expression values. For information about visibility animation, see page 17-8. For information about creating graphic objects, see Chapter 15. For information about setting up graphic objects, see Chapter 16 or Help. Displaying the date and time To display the current date and time, create a time and date display. This object uses the operating systems date and time, in the format of the applications current language, and therefore does not require tags or expressions.
For details, see page 9-26 page 9-25, page 9-26, and page 9-28 page 9-27
Alarm messages
System activity Diagnostics list Information messages Information message display Local messages Local message display No default.
The default alarm and information displays open automatically when the assigned tags match messages trigger values. The default diagnostics display opens automatically when system activity occurs. If desired, you can set up your own graphic displays to open automatically, instead of the default displays. You can also set up any of the displays to open when an operator presses a goto display button or selects a display in the display list selector.
The operator can acknowledge alarm and information messages. The operator can clear alarm and diagnostics messages. The operator can sort alarms and reset their status.
Changing languages
You can change languages at runtime. The languages available depend on what has been set up for the runtime application. There is a separate language switch button for each language that you can change to. For information about setting up language switching, see Chapter 23. To change languages 1. Press a language switch button. Text strings in the application change to the language specified by the button.
This section describes terms that are different in PanelBuilder 1400e and RSView.
PanelBuilder 1400e term screen Optional Keypad Write Expression programmable controller RSView term display, graphic display Optional Expression data source
In RSView, the data source can be memory or a device such as a programmable controller or an OPC server. RSView writes values to and reads values from the data source. The data source is configured to exchange information (in the form of numeric or string values) between RSView and the machine that your application is controlling. The general term data source is used unless specifically discussing a programmable controller.
Summary of steps
Follow these steps to convert PanelBuilder 1400e applications: 1. Prepare the application in PanelBuilder 1400e, and then convert the application file, as described in the next section. 2. Specify additional project settings, as described on page 4-10. For example, if you want the application to have a border around its graphic displays, or to use a title bar, you can specify these options in the Project Settings editor.
We recommend that you use the Project Settings editor to change the project window size, rather than using the Convert to new window size option in the Machine Edition Import Wizard.
3. If you use the Convert to new window size option in the Machine Edition Import Wizard, check the position of the graphic objects in each display. 4. Set up communications and edit tags that dont convert directly. For more information, see page A-9. 5. Set up graphic object features that dont convert directly. For more information, see page A-12. 6. Check each expression you used in PanelBuilder 1400e. For more information, see page A-13. 7. If you are going to use a printer at runtime, set it up for Ethernet or USB printing. Adjust the printer settings on the PanelView Plus or VersaView CE terminal. For information about setting up printers on the terminal, see the PanelView Plus Terminals User Manual or the VersaView CE Terminals User Manual. These manuals are available on the RSView Machine Edition CD.
2. In the New tab, in the Application name box, type a name for your converted application, up to 32 characters long. 3. If desired, type a description of the application.
If the PanelBuilder 1400e application contains an Application File Comment, the Application File Comment will overwrite the description you type here. You can add or change the description later, as described on page 4-17. 4. Specify a language for the converted application. For information about using different languages, see Chapter 23. 5. Click Import.
6. Follow the steps in the Machine Edition Import Wizard. For details about the options in the Machine Edition Import Wizard, see Help. When you complete the steps of the wizard, RSView Studio converts the PanelBuilder 1400e application, creates the converted applications folders and files, and then displays the converted application in the Explorer window in RSView Studio. If there are any messages about conversion, they are displayed automatically in the Project Status dialog box. The converted application is created in the ME\HMI projects directory, in a folder with the same name as the application name you specified in step 2. This is the path to the ME\HMI projects directory: \Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RSView Enterprise\ME\HMI projects (Windows 2000) or
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\RSView Enterprise\ME\HMI projects (Windows XP) Conversion messages are saved in a file called Convert.log, in the HMI projects directory. To convert a PanelBuilder 1400e application when RSView Studio is already open 1. On the File menu, click New Application, or click the New Application tool.
New Application
If an application is already open, RSView Studio asks you whether to close the application that is currently open. Click Yes. 2. Follow steps 2 through 6 in the previous procedure.
Notes During conversion the button is set up to increment. During conversion the button is set up to decrement. The Increment Value Button with Display is divided into two separate RSView objects. The Decrement Value Button with Display is divided into two separate RSView objects.
Screen List Selectors Enter Key Enter button Screen List Selectors Down Cursor Move down button
Screen List Selectors Up Cursor Move up button Control List Selectors list Control list selector The PanelBuilder 1400e Control List Selector is divided into four separate RSView graphic objects.
This PanelBuilder 1400e object Control List Selectors Enter Key Control List Selectors Down Cursor Control List Selectors Up Cursor Screen Select Keypad (small and large) Screen Keypad Enable Button Goto Screen Button Return to Previous Screen Button ASCII Display
Is converted to this RSView object Enter button Move down button Move up button Display list selector Display list selector Goto display button Return to display button String display
Specify the graphic displays that the display list selector can open. Specify the graphic displays that the display list selector can open.
Numeric Keypad Enable Button Numeric input enable button Normally Open Momentary Push Button Normally Closed Momentary Push Button Screen Print Button Alarm History Sort By Time/Sort By Value Button Alarm Status Reset Qty/Time Button Alarm Panel Single Line Alarm Window Alarm Status Screen Clear All Button Print Button (in Alarm History screen) Momentary push button Momentary push button Display print button Sort alarms button Reset alarm status button Alarm banner Alarm banner Alarm status list Clear alarm history button Print alarm history button During conversion the button is set up to be normally open. During conversion the button is set up to be normally closed.
This PanelBuilder 1400e object Print Button (in Alarm Status screen) Alarm Status Button/Alarm History Button Exit Button Alarm History List Display Mode Button Time Display
Is converted to this RSView object Print alarm status button Goto display button Close display button Alarm list Alarm status mode button Time and date display
During conversion the display is set up to show the time only. The PanelBuilder 1400e time format is not converted. For details about the RSView time format, see page 16-17. During conversion the display is set up to show the date only. The PanelBuilder 1400e date format is not converted. For details about the RSView date format, see page 16-17.
Date Display
Arc (with solid back style) and The line graphic object is added because the solid line RSView arc shape does not have a line between the two points of the arc.
RSView arc
Block tags
Block tags are not supported in RSView. Block tags that are monitored for alarms in your PanelBuilder 1400e application are converted to bit arrays. For information about monitoring bit arrays for alarm conditions, see Chapter 9.
For Bit Position and Binary data types, use the bitwise expression operators to display data that does not reference supported lengths. For more information, see the Rockwell Automation KnowledgeBase. To open the KnowledgeBase 1. In RSView Studio, on the Help menu, select Rockwell Software on the Web, and then click Rockwell Automation KnowledgeBase. For information about using bitwise expression operators, see page 20-8.
To convert an RIO application from PanelBuilder 1400e to RSView 1. Convert the application, as described on page A-3. 2. Open the RSLinx Enterprise data server, and then double-click Communication Setup. 3. In the Communication Setup editor, add an RIO driver. For PanelView Plus 400 and 600 terminals, use the 2711P-RN1 driver. For all other PanelView Plus or VersaView CE terminals, use the 2711P-RN6 driver. For information about adding drivers in RSLinx, see RSLinx Help. 4. Expand the RIO tree, right-click RIO Data, and then click Configure RIO. 5. In the RIO Configuration dialog box, right-click RIO, and then click Import. 6. Browse to the location of the RIO configuration file. The file is saved in the root of the applications directory. 7. In the Communications Setup editor, create a device shortcut that points to the RIO data device.
For information about creating a device shortcut, see RSLinx Help. 8. Apply the shortcut to the RIO driver. 9. Correct any invalid RIO configurations. Invalid RIO configurations are highlighted with red x icons. 10. Create an alias for any data that is not a 16-bit integer or bit. 11. Save the converted RIO application.
RIO configurations are not saved with the application when you exit RSView Studio. However, they are backed up with the application in the Application Manager. For information about handling multiple applications with different RIO settings, see the Rockwell Automation KnowledgeBase. For information about using the Application Manager, see page 4-10.
for block transfer tags and tags using SLC optional addressing, has a data type of Byte and its address does not have a bit offset of 0 or 8. For other tag types, has a data type of Byte and its address does not have a bit offset of 0 or 10. has a data type of Binary and its address has a length or range of 8 bits, but its address does not have a bit offset of 0 or 8 (for block transfer addresses and SLC I/O addresses). has a data type of Binary and its address has a length or range of 8 bits, but its address does not have a bit offset of 0 or 10 (for non-SLC I/O addresses). has a data type of Binary and its address has a length or range of 16 bits, but its address does not have a bit offset of 0.
has a data type of Default, Unsigned Integer, Signed Integer, Long Integer, Float, 4 Digit BCD, or 8 Digit BCD and its address has a bit offset assigned that is not 0. has a tag type of Block. has an invalid PanelBuilder 1400e address.
Graphic object Image, text, arc, ellipse, line, panel, rectangle, wedge
Notes If you want an object to blink at runtime, unlock the wallpaper. In RSView, all of the listed objects except images and panels use color animation to blink. For details, see page 17-9. Panels use the Blink property to blink. Color images do not blink. Monochrome images use the Blink property to blink.
Numeric Display
If a PanelBuilder 1400e application was set up with the Polarity control requiring a negative number to display the minus sign, the numeric display will not work properly after the application is converted to RSView Machine Edition. Use an expression to achieve the same result. Assign the expression to the objects Value connection. For information about expressions, see Chapter 20. Objects are converted with the Decimal Point property set to Implicit. The numeric input cursor point retains focus when the operator cancels entering a numeric value. If you want to set these objects states on application startup, create a macro to set the appropriate tag values for the objects connections. For information about macros, see Chapter 22. Assign the macro in the Startup editor. For details, see Help.
PLC Controlled and Decimal Numeric Input Cursor Point, Numeric Keypad Enable Button, Key Controlled input options Numeric Keypad Numeric Input Cursor Point Retain Cursor on Cancel
Initial state values Maintained Push Button, Multistate Push Button, Control List Selector
Unsupported feature in RSView Blinking pens Date labels on the X-Axis Background screen plotting
Notes The date is displayed in the title. You can plot tag values in the background by assigning the tags to a data log model. Tags set up for background screen plotting are automatically assigned to a data log model on conversion. However, data log models do not plot expression values. Therefore, expressions set up for background screen plotting are not converted. For information about data logging, see Chapter 11.
All objects
PanelBuilder 1400e object name Object names are replaced with the RSView default object names. The PanelBuilder 1400e object name is used for the objects description. You can view and edit the name and description in the Property Panel. For details, see Help. Caption and image placement RSView supports one, three, or nine positions for captions and images, depending on the type of object. On conversion, captions and images are positioned using the closest match. Therefore some captions might overlap images, some captions might be truncated, and some images might be clipped to fit the object. RSView supports one image label per object or state. If a PanelBuilder 1400e object is set up to use multiple image labels, only the top left image is converted.
All objects
All objects
Converting expressions
Some PanelBuilder 1400e expression syntax is not supported in RSView. Expressions are converted without modification, and then turned off by placing warning text at the beginning of the first line of the expression. In addition, exclamation marks (!) are placed at the beginning of each subsequent line of the expression. To turn on the expression, you must remove the warning text and exclamation marks, and revise the syntax if necessary. The maximum expression length in RSView is 1,024 characters. If a PanelBuilder 1400e expression contains more than 1,024 characters, the excess characters are not converted. Some PanelBuilder 1400e objects support both tags and expressions. For these objects, if the text assigned to a connection could be valid syntax for both a tag and an expression, the connection is treated as an expression, and is therefore turned off.
For example, N20-0_String_64 could be the name of a tag, or it could be an expression that subtracts 0_String_64 from the tag N20. The text would be converted as an expression, and turned off. To turn on an expression 1. Select the object containing the expression. 2. Open the Property Panel, and then click the Connections tab. 3. In the Exprn column, click the Browse button beside the expression to turn on.
Browse button
4. In the Expression editor, delete the warning text and exclamation marks. 5. Revise the expression, if necessary, using the tables in the following three sections as guides. 6. Click Check Syntax. For more information about using the Expression editor, see Chapter 20 or Help.
Select case
Logical Xor (if one or both operands Xor are Boolean or Single data types)
Order of precedence
The order of precedence is slightly different in RSView. Check your expressions to make sure the result is what you intend.
PanelBuilder 1400e order of precedence () - (negation) *, / (floating point division) \ (integer division) MOD +, - (subtraction) =, <>, <, >, <=, >=
RSView order of precedence () NOT, ~ (tilde) *, /, MOD, %, **, AND, &&, &, >>, << +, -, OR, ||, |, ^ EQ, ==, NE, <>, LT, <, GT, >, LE, <=, GE, >=
This section describes terms that are different in PanelBuilder and RSView.
PanelBuilder term screen programmable controller control RSView term display, graphic display data source connection
In RSView, the data source can be memory or a device such as a programmable controller or an OPC server. RSView writes values to and reads values from the data source. The data source is configured to exchange information (in the form of numeric or string
values) between RSView and the machine that your application is controlling. The general term data source is used unless specifically discussing a programmable controller.
Summary of steps
Follow these steps to convert PanelBuilder applications: 1. Convert the application file, as described in the next section. 2. Specify additional project settings, as described on page 4-10. For example, if you want the application to have a border around its graphic displays, or to use a title bar, you can specify these options in the Project Settings editor. 3. If you select Convert to new window size, check the position of the graphic objects in each display. 4. Set up communications and edit tags that dont convert directly. For more information, see page B-7. 5. Set up graphic object features that dont convert directly. For more information, see page B-10.
To convert a PanelBuilder application when you open RSView Studio 1. Open RSView Studio.
2. In the New tab, in the Application name box, type a name for your converted application, up to 32 characters long. 3. If desired, type a description of the application. If the PanelBuilder application contains an Application Description, the Application Description will overwrite the description you type here. You can add or change the description later, as described on page 4-17. 4. Specify the last language that was used to edit the application. This will be used for the converted application. For information about using different languages, see Chapter 23. 5. Click Import. You can only import one language for your application, even if the original application uses multiple languages. The imported language will be the last language used to edit the application.
6. Follow the steps in the Machine Edition Import Wizard. For details about the options in the Machine Edition Import Wizard, see Help. When you complete the steps of the wizard, RSView Studio converts the PanelBuilder application, creates the converted applications folders and files, and then displays the converted application in the Explorer window in RSView Studio. If there are any messages about conversion, they are displayed automatically in the Project Status dialog box. The converted application is created in the ME\HMI projects directory, in a folder with the same name as the application name you specified in step 2. This is the path to the ME\HMI projects directory: \Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RSView Enterprise\ME\HMI projects (Windows 2000) or \Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\RSView Enterprise\ME\HMI projects (Windows XP) Conversion messages are saved in a file called Convert.log, in the HMI projects directory.
To convert a PanelBuilder application when RSView Studio is already open 1. On the File menu, click New Application, or click the New Application tool.
New Application
If an application is already open, RSView Studio asks you whether to close the application that is currently open. Click Yes. 2. Follow steps 2 through 6 in the previous procedure.
Multistate indicator Text The text object contains a numeric embedded variable that displays the read tag.
Polyline Ellipse Freehand Display list selector The ellipse has a circular shape.
This PanelBuilder object Goto Screen Button Return Screen Button New Password Button Print Alarm List Button Clear Alarm List Button
Is converted to this RSView object Goto display button Return to display button Password button Print alarm history button Clear alarm history button
External fonts
PanelBuilder external fonts are not converted. When you convert your application you can specify the font to use instead. For details, see Help for the Machine Edition Import Wizard.
Power-up options
These PanelBuilder power-up options are not imported into RSView: Write Last Terminal State to Controller Display Last User Screen Use Terminal Presets
For all other PanelView Plus or VersaView CE terminals, use the 2711P-RN6 driver. For information about adding drivers in RSLinx, see RSLinx Help. 4. Expand the RIO tree, right-click RIO Data, and then click Configure RIO. 5. In the RIO Configuration dialog box, right-click RIO, and then click Import. 6. Browse to the location of the RIO configuration file. The file is saved in the root of the applications directory. 7. In the Communications Setup editor, create a device shortcut named PVRIO that points to the RIO data device. For information about creating a device shortcut, see RSLinx Help. 8. Correct any invalid RIO configurations. Invalid RIO configurations are highlighted with red x icons. 9. Save the converted RIO application.
is an I/O tag with a data type of SINT, and its address does not have a bit offset of 0 or 10. does not have a valid I/O address or block transfer address.
Image text, arc, ellipse, freehand, line, Blink property polyline, rectangle, wedge
Multistate Indicator, Message Display Print Setting Bar Graph Gauge Inner text and inner graphic Inner text and inner graphic Scale clipping Converted to a separate text object and image object. Converted to a separate text object and image object. If the scale doesnt fit within the height or width of the gauge, it is not clipped. Check the position of the scale to ensure it doesnt overlap other objects. Converted to a separate gauge object; if the gauge had 2 needles, each needle is converted to a separate gauge object. All alarms can be acknowledged.
Notes RSView supports one, three or nine positions for images, depending on the type of object. On conversion, images are positioned using the closest match. Therefore some images might be clipped to fit the object. If this property is set to False, the converted object has a transparent background, no border, no caption, and no image. If the inner graphic uses a color image, it will not blink. Use a monochrome image if you want the inner graphic to blink.
All objects
All objects
System tags
This appendix describes system tags. System tags are preconfigured HMI tags created by RSView. System tags are read-only. Display them as needed in your application.
The following tag contains the time and date when the status of alarms was last reset. The date uses the long date format.
Tag name system\AlarmReset DateAndTimeString Type String Function Contains the date and time of the last alarm reset.
The following HMI tags can be used to make graphic objects appear as though they are blinking on and off:
Tag name system\BlinkFast system\BlinkSlow Type Digital Digital Function Toggles on and off every 100 ms (10 times per second). Toggles on and off every 500 ms (twice per second).
A more efficient way to make graphic objects blink is to use the blinking color option in color animation. For details, see page 17-9. Also, many objects have a Blink property that you can set up. For information about specific objects, see Help.
These HMI tags record time and date information in various formats:
Tag Name system\Date system\DateAndTime Integer Type String Analog Provides this data System date. Number of seconds elapsed since midnight (00:00:00) January 1, 1970, coordinated universal time. Complete date and time display. For example: Monday, December 12 2001 10:47:50 AM Day of the month (1 - 31). Day of the week (1-7); Sunday = 1. Day of the year (1-366). Hour of the day (0-23). Minutes (0 - 59). Number for month (1-12). Name of the month. Seconds (0 - 59). System Time. The year (1980-2099). Read or write Read only Read only
system\DateAndTime String
Read only
system\DayOfMonth system\DayOfWeek system\DayOfYear system\Hour system\Minute system\Month system\MonthString system\Second system\Time system\Year
Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog String Analog String Analog
Read only Read only Read only Read and write Read and write Read only Read only Read and write Read only Read only
For information about using the data source to update the system date and time, or about sending the runtime computers date and time to the data source, see Chapter 8.
This tag contains the name of the current user:
Tag Name system\User Type String Function Contains name of logged-in user.
C System tags
We recommend that you use the expression security function CurrentUserName( ) instead of the system\User tag, especially if you intend to convert the application to RSView Enterprise Supervisory Edition. In distributed applications, system\User returns the name of the user logged into the HMI server, not the user logged into the display client. For more information about the security functions, see page 20-14.
Contains The name of the user (including domain name, if there is one) that initiated the action that caused the diagnostics message. If the diagnostics message was caused by an HMI server, the user column contains System. The full name of the user that was logged in when the activity occurred. The name of the product that generated the message.
Length 38
UserFullName Provider
255 20
About XML
XML is the Extensible Markup Language used to create documents with structured text information. It has a standardized format and structure. You can use XML to edit the elements and attributes needed to create an alarm setup file or to modify graphic displays. For example, if you have a list of 100 tags to monitor for alarms, with multiple messages for each tag, you might prefer to enter all the information in a text editor, and then import the alarm setup information into RSView. Another example of using XML files is to export the alarm setup information you develop in one application, import the setup information to another RSView application, and then modify the alarm setup as needed. Or, you could modify the information in the XML file before importing it. For more information about XML, see the World Wide Web Consortiums web page about XML at:
The strings for the applications current language are exported to the XML file. To export alarm information to an XML file 1. In the Explorer window, right-click the Alarm Setup editor.
2. Click Import and Export. The Alarm Import Export Wizard opens. 3. Follow the instructions in the wizard. For information about using the Alarm Import Export Wizard, see Help. RSView creates a file with the name you specify, in the location you specify. To export graphic display information to an XML file 1. In the Explorer window, right-click the Displays editor or the Global Objects editor. 2. Click Import and Export. The Graphics Import Export Wizard opens. 3. Follow the instructions in the wizard. For information about using the Graphics Import Export Wizard, see Help. RSView creates XML files for the selected graphic displays, in the location you specify. RSView also creates a file called BatchImport_Application name.xml, in the same location. You can use this file to import multiple displays at the same time. To import a different set of displays than you exported, edit the list of display names in the BatchImport_Application name.xml file.
The first line of every XML file contains XML version and encoding attributes. Make sure the encoding attribute matches the format that you are going to use when you save the file. For example, if the original file was saved in UTF-8 format and you plan to save it in UTF-16 format, make sure the first line specifies encoding=UTF-16.
Element <trigger id=T1 /> <trigger id=T2 /> </triggers> <messages> <message id=M1 /> <message id=M2 /> </messages> </alarm> </alarms>
Description Contains attributes for the first alarm trigger. Contains attributes for the second alarm trigger. Indicates the end of the triggers element. Contains a message element for each message in the Messages tab of the Alarm Setup editor. Contains attributes for the first alarm message. Contains attributes for the second alarm message. Indicates the end of the messages element. Indicates the end of the alarm element. Indicates the end of the alarms element.
You can specify multiple attributes for an element. For example, the alarm element contains 11 possible attributes from the Advanced tab of the Alarm Setup editor. For more information about alarm elements and their attributes, see Help for the Alarm Import Export Wizard.
Here is a sample structure for a graphic display XML document containing two graphic objects. The second object has states:
Element <gfx> <displaySettings /> <object1> Description Root element. Contains attributes from the Display Settings dialog box in the Graphics editor. Contains attributes from the General and Common tabs in the objects Properties dialog box, as well as elements for the objects caption, image, animation, and connections. Contains attributes for the objects caption. Contains attributes for the objects image. Contains an animation element for each type of animation set up for the object. Contains attributes for Visibility animation. Contains attributes for Color animation. Indicates the end of the animations element. Contains a connection element for each connection assigned to the object. Contains attributes for the Value connection. Contains attributes for the Indicator connection. Indicates the end of the connections element. Indicates the end of the object1 element. Contains attributes from the General and Common tabs in the objects Properties dialog box, as well as elements for the objects states and connections. Contains state elements for each of the objects states. Contains attributes for the objects first state, as well as elements for the states caption and image. Contains attributes for the states caption. Contains attributes for the states image. Indicates the end of the state element.
<caption /> <imageSettings /> <animations> <animateVisibility /> <animateColor /> </animations> <connections> <connection name= Value /> <connection name= Indicator /> </connections> </object1> <object2>
Element <state stateid=1> <caption /> <imageSettings /> </state> </states> <connections> <connection name= Value /> <connection name= Indicator /> </connections> </object2> </gfx>
Description Contains attributes for the objects second state, as well as elements for the states caption and image. Contains attributes for the states caption. Contains attributes for the states image. Indicates the end of the state element. Indicates the end of the states element. Contains a connection element for each connection assigned to the object. Contains attributes for the Value connection. Contains attributes for the Indicator connection. Indicates the end of the connections element. Indicates the end of the object2 element. Indicates the end of the gfx element.
You can specify multiple attributes for an element. For example, the caption element contains 13 possible attributes. Elements for group objects begin with <group> and end with </group>. The <group> element contains all the elements for each object in the group. For more information about graphic object elements and their attributes, see Help for the Graphics Import Export Wizard.
RFC1766 names
This appendix describes RFC1766 names for Windows languages.
RFC1766 Name euES beBY bgBG caES zhHK zhHK zhMO zhMO zhCN zhCN zhSG zhSG zhTW zhTW hrHR csCZ daDK divMV nlBE nlNL enAU enBZ enCA enCB enIE enJM enNZ enPH enZA enTT enGB
Language Country/Region Basque Basque Belarusian Belarus Bulgarian Bulgaria Catalan Catalan Chinese Hong Kong SAR (Default Sort Order Stroke Count) Chinese Hong Kong SAR (Alternate Sort Order Stroke Count) Chinese Macau SAR (Default Sort Order Pronunciation) Chinese Macau SAR (Alternate Sort Order Stroke Count) Chinese China (Default Sort Order Pronunciation) Chinese China (Alternate Sort Order Stroke Count) Chinese Singapore (Default Sort Order Pronunciation) Chinese Singapore (Alternate Sort Order Stroke Count) Chinese Taiwan (Default Sort Order Stroke Count) Chinese Taiwan (Alternate Sort Order Bopomofo) Croatian Croatia Czech Czech Republic Danish Denmark Dhivehi Maldives Dutch Belgium Dutch The Netherlands English Australia English Belize English Canada English Caribbean English Ireland English Jamaica English New Zealand English Philippines English South Africa English Trinidad and Tobago English United Kingdom
F RFC1766 names
RFC1766 Name enUS enZW etEE foFO faIR fiFI frBE frCA frFR frLU frMC frCH mkMK glES kaGE kaGE deAT deDE deDE deLI deLU deCH elGR guIN heIL hiIN huHU huHU isIS idID itIT
Language Country/Region English United States English Zimbabwe Estonian Estonia Faroese Faroe Islands Farsi Iran Finnish Finland French Belgium French Canada French France French Luxembourg French Monaco French Switzerland FYRO Macedonian Galician Galician Georgian Georgia (Default Sort Order Traditional) Georgian Georgia (Alternate Sort Order Modern Sort) German Austria German Germany (Default Sort Order Dictionary) German Germany (Alternate Sort Order Phone Book Sort DIN) German Liechtenstein German Luxembourg German Switzerland Greek Greece Gujarati India Hebrew Israel Hindi India Hungarian Hungary (Default Sort Order) Hungarian Hungary (Alternate Sort Order Technical Sort) Icelandic Iceland Indonesian Indonesia Italian Italy
RFC1766 Name itCH jaJP jaJP knIN kkKZ kokIN koKR koKR kyKZ lvLV ltLT msBN msMY mrIN mnMN nbNO nnNO plPL ptBR ptPT paIN roRO ruRU saIN srSPCyrl srSPLatn skSK slSI esAR esBO esCL
Language Country/Region Italian Switzerland Japanese Japan (Default Sort Order) Japanese Japan (Alternate Sort Order Unicode) Kannada India Kazakh Kazakhstan Konkani India Korean Korea (Default Sort Order) Korean Korea (Alternate Sort Order Korean Xwansung Unicode) Kyrgyz Kazakhstan Latvian Latvia Lithuanian Lithuania Malay Brunei Malay Malaysia Marathi India Mongolian Mongolia Norwegian (Bokml) Norway Norwegian (Nynorsk) Norway Polish Poland Portuguese Brazil Portuguese Portugal Punjabi India Romanian Romania Russian Russia Sanskrit India Serbian (Cyrillic) Serbia Serbian (Latin) Serbia Slovak Slovakia Slovenian Slovenia Spanish Argentina Spanish Bolivia Spanish Chile
F RFC1766 names
RFC1766 Name esCO esCR esDO esEC esSV esGT esHN esMX esNI esPA esPY esPE esPR esES esES esUY esVE swKE svFI svSE syrSY taIN ttRU teIN thTH trTR ukUA urPK uzUZCyrl uzUZLatn viVN
Language Country/Region Spanish Colombia Spanish Costa Rica Spanish Dominican Republic Spanish Ecuador Spanish El Salvador Spanish Guatemala Spanish Honduras Spanish Mexico Spanish Nicaragua Spanish Panama Spanish Paraguay Spanish Peru Spanish Puerto Rico Spanish Spain (Default Sort Order International) Spanish Spain (Alternate Sort Order Traditional) Spanish Uruguay Spanish Venezuela Swahili Kenya Swedish Finland Swedish Sweden Syriac Syria Tamil India Tatar Russia Telugu India Thai Thailand Turkish Turkey Ukrainian Ukraine Urdu Pakistan Uzbek (Cyrillic) Uzbekistan Uzbek (Latin) Uzbekistan Vietnamese Vietnam
application file is not created. You must remove or turn off the unsupported features before you can create the runtime application file. For information about creating runtime application files, see Chapter 25. The remainder of this appendix lists the features that are not supported in previous versions of RSView ME Station. The tables also show how to remove or replace the unsupported features.
Unsupported RSLinx Enterprise feature or shortcuterror Global reference object that is not linked to a global base object
Acknowledge all alarms button with Clear the Filtered triggers box. a filtered trigger Print alarm history button with a filtered trigger Print alarm status button with a filtered trigger Clear the Filtered triggers box. Clear the Filtered triggers box.
To remove or replace this feature Clear alarm history button with a filtered trigger Clear alarm history button with the Reset alarm status option cleared
Do this Clear the Filtered triggers box. Select Reset alarm status.
To remove or replace this feature Alarm list graphic object with Selected alarm indicator set to Cursor Alarm list graphic object with Lines per alarm set to >1 Alarm banner graphic object with Use alarm colors selected
Change the Lines per alarm to 1. Clear the Use alarm colors check box.
Alarm status list graphic object with Clear the Use alarm colors check box. Use alarm colors selected Alarm status list graphic object with Change the Lines per alarm to 1. Lines per alarm set to >1 Alarm status list graphic object with Change the Fore color to white. a Fore color other than white
.bmp files 14-20 importing 14-21 location of 14-21 placing in graphic displays 15-15 tips for using 14-24 viewing 14-23 .dxf files 14-20 placing in graphic displays 15-21 .jpg files 14-20 importing 14-21 placing in graphic displays 15-15 tips for using 14-24 viewing 14-23 .mea files 4-10 .med files 4-1 .mer files 4-2 comparing 27-7 creating 25-2 transferring from PanelView Plus or VersaView CE 27-6 to PanelView 27-1, 27-5 to VersaView CE 27-1, 27-5 to Windows 2000 or Windows XP 26-1, 26-3 .wmf files 14-20 placing in graphic displays 15-21 .xml files 9-4, 14-4, E-1 Acknowledge alarm button graphic object 15-8, 16-17 using with alarm objects 9-7, 9-35 Acknowledge all alarms button graphic object 9-7, 15-9, 16-17 using with alarm lists 9-35 ActiveX objects 15-2 animating 17-2 at run time 28-17, 28-18 creating 15-22 navigating to 16-9 using to display tag values 15-7, 15-10 using to set tag values 15-6, 15-10 Addressing syntax ControlLogix 7-6 for HMI tags 7-5 Adobe Reader 1-1 ALARM BANNER display editing 9-25, 9-26 Alarm banner graphic object 15-11, 16-60 at run time 9-33, 28-19 linking buttons to 16-10 navigating to 16-9 specifying time and date format for 26-16 using buttons with 9-35 ALARM display 9-5 editing 9-25 window size 4-13 Alarm display opening and closing 9-24, 9-31 remotely 9-24 Alarm Import Export Wizard E-1 Alarm list graphic object 15-10, 16-58 at run time 9-31, 28-19 linking buttons to 16-10 navigating to 16-9 specifying time and date format for 26-16 using buttons with 9-35 Alarm log file 4-3, 9-9 deleting at application startup 26-15 printing contents of 9-9 Alarm messages
21 CFR Part 11 compliance 10-5
A.I. 5 tags importing 7-11 AB_DF1-1 using to transfer applications AB_ETH-1 using to transfer applications
27-5 27-5
embedded variables in 21-2 exporting to XML E-1 handshaking 9-20 importing XML E-3 multiple languages for 9-16 printing at run time 9-9 viewing at run time 28-19 ALARM MULTI-LINE display 9-5 copying 9-30 editing 9-26 Alarm Setup editor 9-3 exporting to XML E-1 importing XML E-3 using tags in 6-9 Alarm status list graphic object 15-11, 16-61 at run time 9-34 linking buttons to 16-10 navigating to 16-9 using buttons with 9-35 Alarm status mode button graphic object 15-8, 16-17 using with alarm status lists 9-35 Alarm triggers 9-4 data types for 9-10 exporting to XML E-1 importing XML E-3 Alarms 9-1 acknowledging 9-7, 9-18, 9-38 remotely 9-19, 9-20, 9-24 clearing 9-7, 9-39 creating your own display for 9-30 deleting 9-39 displaying 9-5 displaying in the alarm status list 9-40 expressions in 20-4 handshaking 9-18 for remote acknowledgements 9-20 importing and exporting 9-4, 14-4 keeping a permanent record of 9-5, 9-9 notification methods for 9-5 planning 3-5 printing 9-9 queueing 9-18 resetting status of 9-8, 9-24, 9-39 remotely 9-24 responding to 9-6
retaining status of 9-40 sending messages to the data source 9-22 setting up 9-2 silencing 9-7, 9-23, 9-39 remotely 9-23 sorting 9-8, 9-39 testing on the development computer 25-2 Analog tags 7-1 how floating-point values are rounded 7-2 logging values for 11-5 monitoring for alarms 9-4 using to generate a range of alarms 9-10 Animation 17-1 checking 17-15 copying 17-16 defining range of motion for 17-6 for global objects 16-4, 17-17 for group objects 15-49, 17-14 setting minimum and maximum values for 17-6 testing 17-5 using expressions 17-6 using Object Smart Path 17-4, 17-7 using tags and placeholders 17-5 viewing in Object Explorer 15-27 Animation dialog box 17-2 Animation types 17-1 color 17-9 fill 17-12 height 17-13 horizontal position 17-12 horizontal slider 17-14 rotation 17-13 vertical position 17-13 vertical slider 17-14 visibility 17-8 width 17-13 Application Explorer 2-4, 2-5 showing and hiding 2-7 using 2-8 Application files deleting from disk 2-16 viewing location of 4-17 Application Manager 4-10 security for 4-10
Application properties viewing 4-17 Application text exporting for translation 23-4 importing 23-10 translating 23-6 Applications 2-1 backing up and restoring 4-10 closing 4-9 comparing 27-7 converting PanelBuilder B-1 PanelBuilder 1400e A-1 PanelBuilder 32 B-1 copying, deleting, and renaming 4-10 creating 4-4 importing PanelBuilder B-1 PanelBuilder 1400e A-1 PanelBuilder 32 B-1 multiple version support for 4-9, G-1 opening 4-6 multiple 4-9 problems with 4-8 planning 3-1 runtime, creating 25-2 sample, granting users access to 2-2 sample, opening 2-2 security for 13-18, 13-19, 13-20 specifying language for 4-4, A-4, B-3 specifying language to open 4-7 testing on the development computer 25-2 transferring from PanelView Plus or VersaView CE 27-6 transferring to PanelView Plus or VersaView CE 27-5 using earlier versions of RSView 4-9, G-1 versus projects 4-1 Arc graphic object 15-3, 15-17 Arithmetic operators in expressions 20-6 evaluation order of 20-10 Array tags 9-14 data types for 9-14, 9-15 Arrow images 14-21
Audiences for diagnostics messages Auto repeat 16-13 AutoCAD files See .dxf files Automatic logout 13-14
Background Color toolbar 15-34 Background style transparent 14-21 Backspace button graphic object 15-8, 16-17, 16-49 Bar graph graphic object 15-6, 16-44, 16-46 at run time 28-18 using animation to create 17-10 using with recipes 19-10 Base objects breaking links to 16-5 creating 14-14 deleting 16-5 editing 15-24 Bit arrays using to generate alarms based on priority sequence 9-12 using to generate multiple alarms 9-11 Bit trigger type 9-11 Bitmap files See .bmp files Bitwise operators in expressions 20-8 evaluation order of 20-10 Bounding box 16-6 Button graphic objects bounding box 16-6 creating touch margins for 16-6 linking to specific objects 16-10 repeating button presses 16-13 selecting objects to send button presses to 16-9, 16-10 using function keys with 16-7 using with alarm banners 15-8, 15-9 using with alarm history and diagnostics messages 15-9 using with lists 15-8
using with numeric input objects 15-8, 15-9 using with trends 15-8, 15-9, 18-11 Button presses repeating 16-13 sending to graphic objects 16-9, 16-10
Caches for data servers synchronizing 5-5 Change Password window 28-4 Circle graphic object 15-3, 15-18 Clear alarm banner button graphic object 9-7, 15-8, 16-17 using with alarm banners 9-35 Clear alarm history button graphic object 15-9, 16-18 clearing alarms with 9-7 resetting alarms with 9-8 silencing alarms with 9-8 using to delete the alarm log file 9-9 using with alarm lists 9-36 Close display button graphic object 15-3, 16-37 and alarms 9-31 and diagnostics messages 10-11 and information messages 12-7, 12-8 using to navigate 24-3, 24-6 Color blinking C-1 for graphic objects 15-34 in graphic displays animating 17-9 in trends 18-9 Color animation 15-7, 17-9 at run time 28-18 Communication drivers setting up at run time for transfer to PanelView Plus 27-3 for transfer to VersaView CE 27-3 in Windows 2000 or Windows XP 26-9 setting up in RSLinx Enterprise at run time 26-9 for transfer to PanelView Plus 27-5
for transfer to VersaView CE 27-5 Communications displaying errors at run time 28-20 setting up 5-1 testing on the development computer 25-2 Components 2-11 adding into applications 2-15 file locations 4-2 printing 2-17 security for 13-18 working with 2-13 Connections 15-2 assigning to graphic objects 15-38 using the Property Panel 15-33 expressions 15-2 for alarms 9-4, 9-17, 9-23 tags 15-2 Constants in expressions 20-6 Context menus 14-5 Control list selector graphic object 15-5, 16-48 at run time 28-17 differences from piloted control list selectors 16-51 linking buttons to 16-10 navigating to 16-9 using Enter key handshaking with 16-14 ControlLogix processors 6-2 addressing syntax for 7-6 creating tags in 6-3 Current trends 11-6, 18-2
Data log files 4-3, 11-1 Data log models changing the model to use at run time 11-5 deleting tags from 11-5 Data Log Models editor 11-2 using tags in 6-12 Data logging 11-1 choosing the data to log 11-5 methods 11-4 problems with 11-6
setting up 11-1 storage locations 11-3 Data server tags 6-1 browsing for 6-5 how to use 6-3 when to use 6-3 Data servers 2-8, 4-1, 5-2 creating 5-4 synchronizing caches for 5-5 Data sets, for recipes 19-1 comparing 19-7 Data source ensuring values are read by 16-14 for alarms 9-3 for HMI tags 7-5 for information messages 12-3 for local messages 14-30 for tags 6-2, 7-5 for trends 18-2 Default graphic displays ALARM display 9-5 DEFAULT user 13-3 at runtime 13-2 DeskLock tool 13-2, 26-16 Device shortcuts editing at run time 26-6 Device tags 7-5 addressing syntax for 7-5 Diagnostics clear all button graphic object 15-9, 16-18 using with diagnostic lists 10-12 Diagnostics clear button graphic object 15-8, 16-18 using with diagnostics lists 10-12 DIAGNOSTICS display 10-10 at run time 28-19 opening and closing 10-11 window size 4-13 Diagnostics List 2-5 clearing messages in 2-5 displaying 10-5 moving 2-5 resizing 2-5 showing and hiding 2-7 using to test displays 14-10
Diagnostics list graphic object 15-11, 16-62 at run time 10-11, 28-19 displaying communication errors in 28-20 linking buttons to 16-10 navigating to 16-9 using buttons with 10-12 Diagnostics List Setup editor 10-8 Diagnostics messages 10-1 audiences for 10-4 creating your own display for 10-11 displaying at run time 10-8, 28-19 displaying during application development 10-5 logging from PanelView Plus and VersaView CE terminals 10-6, 10-8 logging to an ODBC database 10-7 message severity 10-4 ODBC format for D-1 printing at run time 10-8 setting up at run time 10-10 setting up destinations for 10-6 setting up message routing for 10-6, 10-8 viewing log files 10-5 Diagnostics Setup tool 10-6 Diagnostics Viewer tool 10-6 Digital tags 7-1 logging values for 11-5 monitoring for alarms 9-4 DIN symbols 14-21 Display editor See Graphic Displays editor Display list selector graphic object 15-3, 16-38 linking buttons to 16-10 navigating to 16-9 using parameter files with 14-26 using to navigate 24-3, 24-6 Display number specifying 8-5, 8-7 Display print button graphic object 14-34, 15-3, 16-18 printing trend data with 18-12 using the data source instead of 8-3 Display Settings dialog box 14-11 exporting to XML E-2 importing XML E-4
Display size See Window size Display types 14-12 and navigation 24-4 default 14-3 Displays See Graphic displays Documentation for RSView finding P-1 printing 1-1 Drawing objects 15-1 animating 17-2 coloring 15-35 creating 15-13 flipping 15-56 locking into position 15-58 reshaping 15-47 rotating 15-57 Drivers See Communication drivers
displaying at run time 21-5 syntax for 21-3 types of values 21-1 updating at run time 21-5 End button graphic object 15-8, 16-18, 16-49 using with alarm objects 9-37 using with diagnostics lists 10-12 using with recipes 19-12 using with trends 18-12 Enter button graphic object 15-8, 16-18, 16-49 and Enter key handshaking 16-14 using with alarm objects 9-7, 9-37 using with recipes 19-12 Enter key handshaking 16-14 Error messages Diagnostics messages Problems at run time Exporting alarm files 9-4, E-1 global object displays E-2 graphic displays 14-4, E-2 Exporting text for translation 23-4 Expression editor 20-2 using tags in 6-5 Expression results rounding 20-1 types of values 20-1 Expressions 20-1 and animation 17-6 assigning to connections 6-11 assigning to graphic objects 15-38 using the Property Panel 15-33 constants in 20-6 evaluation order of operators 20-10 formatting 20-4 if-then-else logic in 20-15 language function in 20-14 math functions in 20-13 monitoring for alarms 9-4 operators in arithmetic 20-6 bitwise 20-8 logical 20-7 relational 20-7
Edit mode 14-10 Editor types Alarm Setup 9-3 Data Log Models 11-2 Diagnostics List Setup 10-8 Expression 20-2 Global Connections 8-2 Graphic Displays 14-3 Graphic Libraries 14-16 Images 14-22 Information Messages 12-2 Information Setup 12-3 Local Messages 14-30 Parameters 14-26 Project Settings 4-16 RecipePlus Editor 19-6, 19-7 RecipePlus Setup 19-5 User Accounts 13-3 Editors printing in 2-17 working with 2-10 Ellipse graphic object 15-3, 15-18 Embedded variables 21-1
security functions in 20-14 tags and placeholders in 20-5 viewing in Object Explorer 15-27 write expressions 20-17
Gauge graphic object 15-6, 16-44, 16-47 at run time 28-18 specifying number format for 26-16 Global connections 8-1 setting up 8-2 using to change displays remotely 8-5, 8-6, 24-7 using to print displays remotely 8-2 using to run macros 8-5, 22-3 Global Connections editor 8-2, 14-34 Global object displays creating 14-14 exporting to XML E-2 importing XML E-4 Global objects animating 16-4, 17-17 creating 14-14, 15-24 exporting to XML E-2 importing XML E-4 See also Base objects See also Reference objects Goto configure mode button graphic object 15-3, 16-18 using to navigate 24-3 Goto display button graphic object 15-3, 16-36 and alarms 9-30, 9-31 and diagnostics messages 10-11 and information messages 12-7 assigning visibility animation to 13-24 using parameter files with 14-26 using to navigate 24-3, 24-4 Graphic displays 14-1 changing remotely 8-5, 24-7 security issues 8-6 setting up 8-6 using global connections 8-2 when a user logs out 8-6, 13-24 creating 14-3 creating a background for 14-13 default ALARM 9-5 DIAGNOSTICS 10-10 INFORMATION 12-6
FactoryTalk loading directory of users and security policies 26-5 logging in 13-2 at runtime 13-2 single sign-on 13-21 turning off warning 26-15 FactoryTalk Automation Platform installing 13-1 FactoryTalk Diagnostics 10-1 setting up on a Windows 2000 or Windows XP run-time computer 26-7 See also Diagnostics messages FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer tool 10-6 viewing diagnostics log files in 10-5 Windows Event Viewer 10-5 FactoryTalk Directory security access to 13-19 FactoryTalk Local Directory user name and password 13-2 File names 4-2 and spaces 4-3 maximum length of 4-3 Fill animation 15-7, 17-12 at run time 28-18 Folders 7-7 Fonts for multiple languages 15-14 in graphic displays substitution at run time 15-14 in trends 18-9 transferring 27-5 Foreground Color toolbar 15-34 Freehand graphic object 15-3, 15-18 Function keys assigning to graphic objects 16-7
developing a hierarchy for 24-1 Trends library 18-10 exporting to XML E-2 Graphic Libraries editor 14-16 illustrating 15-3 Graphic object types importing XML E-4 acknowledge alarm button 15-8, 16-17 limiting access to 13-9 acknowledge all alarms button 15-9, maximum number licensed to use 4-17 16-17 navigating between 24-1 ActiveX objects 15-2, 15-22 objects for 24-3 alarm banner 15-11, 16-60 testing navigation 24-3 alarm list 15-10, 16-58 numbering 8-5, 8-7 alarm status list 15-11, 16-61 opening 14-3 alarm status mode button 15-8, 16-17 planning 3-3, 14-2 backspace button 15-8, 16-17, 16-49 printing 14-34 bar graph 15-6, 16-44, 16-46 at run time 14-34 clear alarm banner button 15-8, 16-17 remotely 8-2, 14-34 clear alarm history button 15-9, 16-18 setting up printer 26-10 close display button 15-3, 16-37 setting up 14-11 control list selector 15-5, 16-48 sizing 4-11, 14-13 diagnostics clear all button 15-9, 16-18 testing 14-10 diagnostics clear button 15-8, 16-18 animation 17-5 diagnostics list 15-11, 16-62 title bar in 4-14 display list selector 15-3, 16-38 types of 14-12 display print button 15-3, 16-18 default type 14-3 drawing objects 15-1 using parameter files with 14-27 arcs 15-3, 15-17 viewing in detail 14-9 circles 15-3, 15-18 Graphic Displays editor 14-3 ellipses 15-3, 15-18 undoing and redoing actions in 14-10 freehand objects 15-3, 15-18 using tags in 6-9 images 15-3, 15-15 Graphic images lines 15-3, 15-19 panels 15-3, 15-17 importing 14-20 monochrome 14-21 polygons 15-3, 15-19 that come with RSView Studio 14-21 polylines 15-3, 15-19 viewing 14-23 rectangles 15-3, 15-20 Graphic libraries 14-15 rounded rectangles 15-3, 15-21 ALARM BANNER display 9-25 squares 15-3, 15-20 ALARM MULTI-LINE display 9-5, 9-26 text 15-3, 15-14 changing file location for 14-19 wedges 15-3, 15-17 copying 9-30 end button 15-8, 16-18, 16-49 creating 14-16 enter button 15-8, 16-18, 16-49 HISTORY display 9-5, 9-28 gauge 15-6, 16-44, 16-47 opening 14-16 goto configure mode button 15-3, 16-18 RecipePlus_Components library 19-10 goto display button 15-3, 16-36 saving with multiple languages 14-17 home button 15-8, 16-18, 16-49 setting up for multiple languages 23-12 information acknowledge button 15-8, Sliders library 17-14 16-18 STATUS display 9-5, 9-27 information message display 15-11, 16-64
interlocked push button 15-5, 16-27 arranging 15-51, 15-55 language switch button 15-3, 16-18 assigning connections to 15-38 latched push button 15-5, 16-24 using the Property Panel 15-33 list indicator 15-6, 16-43 coloring 15-34 local message display 15-11, 16-54 converting to wallpaper 14-13 login button 15-3, 16-18 copying 15-44 logout button 15-3, 16-17 creating 15-13 macro button 16-55 selecting tools for 15-11 maintained push button 15-5, 16-22 deleting 15-48 momentary push button 15-5, 16-21 deselecting 15-25 move down button 15-8, 16-17, 16-49 duplicating 15-45 move left button 15-8, 16-17 editing 15-42 move right button 15-8, 16-17 embedded variables in 21-1 move up button 15-8, 16-17, 16-49 exporting to XML E-2 multistate indicator 15-6, 16-40 grouping and ungrouping 15-49 multistate push button 15-5, 16-25 importing XML E-4 next pen button 15-8, 16-18 moving 15-43 numeric display 15-10, 16-29 naming 15-36 numeric input cursor point 15-10, 16-33 navigating between 16-9 numeric input enable button 15-10, 16-31 positioning 15-51 page down button 15-8, 16-18, 16-49 with grid 14-8 page up button 15-8, 16-18, 16-49 replacing tags and expressions in 15-40 password button 15-3, 16-18 resizing 15-46 pause button 15-8, 16-18 selecting 15-25 piloted control list selector 15-5, 16-51 setting up 16-1 print alarm history button 15-4, 16-57 using the Properties dialog box 15-28 print alarm status button 15-4, 16-57 using the Property Panel 15-32 ramp button 15-5, 16-28 spatial properties of 16-1 RecipePlus button 15-10, 16-18, 19-3 time, date, and number formats 16-17 RecipePlus selector 15-10, 19-2 using at run time 16-5 RecipePlus table 15-10, 19-2 using keys to work with See Special keys reset alarm status button 16-18 using to display alarms and messages 15-10 reset alarm status mode button 15-9 return to display button 15-3, 16-18 using to display processes 15-6 scale 15-6, 16-44, 16-48 using to enter and display numeric and string shutdown button 15-3, 16-18 values 15-10 silence alarms button 15-9, 16-18 using to illustrate displays 15-3 sort alarms button 15-9, 16-18 using to navigate 24-3 string display 15-10, 16-34 using to start and control processes 15-5 string input enable button 15-10, 16-35 visibility, setting up 16-1 symbol 15-6, 16-41 Grid time and date display 15-6, 16-56 in graphic displays 14-8 trend 15-6 in trends 18-9 Graphic objects 14-1, 15-1 Group objects aligning 15-52 animating 15-49, 17-14 animating 17-2 creating 15-49
editing naming
15-50 15-37
If-then-else logic in expressions 20-15 nesting 20-16 Image Browser 14-23 Image graphic object 15-3, 15-15 Images editor 14-22 Importing alarm files 9-4, E-3 applications 4-5 global object displays E-4 graphic displays 14-4, E-4 tags 7-11 Importing application text 23-10 Indicators 16-39 Information acknowledge button graphic object 15-8, 16-18 at run time 12-7 INFORMATION display 12-6 at run time 28-19 opening and closing 12-7 window size 4-13 Information message display graphic object 15-11, 16-64 at run time 12-8, 28-19 Information message files 12-2, 12-4 changing the file to use at run time 12-8 Information messages 12-1 creating your own display for 12-7 displaying 12-3 embedded variables in 21-2 multiple languages for 12-5 setting up 12-1 viewing at run time 28-19 Information Messages editor 12-2 Information Setup editor 12-3 Ingredients, for recipes 19-1 Initial values for tags 6-12, 22-1, 23-1 See also Tag values Input focus giving to graphic objects 16-9 Interlocked push button graphic object 15-5, 16-27 at run time 28-16 ISA symbols 14-21
Handshaking Enter key 16-14 for Alarm messages 9-20 for alarms 9-18 remote 9-20 Height animation 15-7, 17-13 at run time 28-18 Historical trends 11-6, 18-2 HISTORY display 9-5 editing 9-28 HMI servers 2-8, 4-1 HMI tags 6-2, 7-1 addressing syntax for 7-5 browsing for 6-5 creating 7-8 data sources 7-5 exporting 7-11 how to use 6-5 importing 7-9, 7-11 merging databases 7-11 naming 7-7 searching for 7-4 when to use 6-4 Analog tags Device tags Digital tags Memory tags String tags System tags Home button graphic object 15-8, 16-18, 16-49 using with alarm objects 9-37 using with diagnostics lists 10-12 using with recipes 19-12 using with trends 18-11 Horizontal position animation 15-7, 17-12 at run time 28-18 Horizontal slider animation 15-7, 17-7, 17-14 at run time 28-17
See also
KEPServerEnterprise array tag syntax 9-16 Keyboard button symbols 14-21 Keyboard navigation 16-9
Language function in expressions 20-14 Language strings exporting for translation 23-4 importing 23-10 translating 23-6 Language switch button graphic object 15-3, 16-18, 23-2 placing in displays 24-3 planning 3-5 Language Switching 23-1 Language switching See also Languages setting up 23-1 setting up Windows for 23-2 Languages adding 23-3 to libraries 14-17 choosing fonts for 15-14 displaying current language 20-14 planning 3-4 display navigation 24-3 RFC1766 names F-1 setting up in runtime application 25-4 setting up messages alarm 9-16 information 12-5 local 14-33 testing 25-2 Latched push button graphic object 15-5, 16-24 at run time 28-16 Least Significant Bit trigger type 9-12 Libraries See Graphic libraries
License viewing maximum allowable graphic displays 4-17 Line graphic object 15-3, 15-19 Link properties for reference objects 16-4 List indicator graphic object 15-6, 16-43 at run time 28-18 Local message display graphic object 14-31, 15-11, 16-54 at run time 14-33, 28-19 using with message files 14-29 Local message files 14-30, 14-31 Local messages 14-29 embedded variables in 21-1 multiple languages for 14-33 viewing at run time 28-19 Local Messages editor 14-30 Localizing applications file schema 23-8 importing text 23-10 information for translators 23-6 new line character 23-9 troubleshooting importing text 23-11 Log files ODBC format for diagnostics messages D-1 LOGIC 5 See WINtelligent LOGIC 5 tags Logical operators in expressions 20-7 evaluation order of 20-10 Login button graphic object 15-3, 16-18 locating in display hierarchy 24-1 logging in with 13-13 Login macro 22-2, 22-3 assigning to RSView 3.x users 13-6 assigning to users 13-4 running 28-3, 28-6 Login window 28-2 Logout button graphic object 15-3, 16-17 locating in display hierarchy 24-1 logging out with 13-13 Logout macro 22-2, 22-3 assigning to RSView 3.x users 13-6 assigning to users 13-4
setting up auto repeat for 16-13 using with alarm objects 9-37 using with diagnostics lists 10-12 using with recipes 19-12 M using with trends 18-11 Macro button graphic object 16-55 Move left button graphic object 15-8, 16-17 using to run macros 22-2 setting up auto repeat for 16-13 Macros using with trends 18-11 creating 22-1, 23-1 Move right button graphic object 15-8, 16-17 remote setting up auto repeat for 16-13 running from the data source 8-5, 22-3 using with trends 18-11 Macros editor 6-12 Move up button graphic object 15-8, 16-17, Maintained push button graphic object 15-5, 16-49 16-22, 20-18 setting up auto repeat for 16-13 at run time 28-16 using with alarm objects 9-37 Math functions using with diagnostics lists 10-12 in expressions 20-13 using with recipes 19-11 Memory tags 7-5 using with trends 18-11 using 6-4 Multistate graphic objects Menus coloring 15-34 in the Graphic Displays editor 14-5 setting up 16-2 Message severity testing states 15-37 for diagnostics messages 10-4 Multistate indicator graphic object 15-6, Messages 16-40 displaying 15-10 at run time 28-18 planning 3-5 using with recipes 19-10 See also Multistate push button graphic object 15-5, Alarm messages 16-25 Diagnostics messages at run time 28-16 Information messages setting up auto repeat for 16-13 Local messages Microsoft Access N logging to 10-7 Navigation Microsoft SQL Server between graphic displays 24-1 logging to 10-7 Minimum and maximum values testing 24-3 between graphic objects in a display 16-9 for animation 17-6 for HMI tags 6-4 Next pen button graphic object 15-8, 16-18 for trends 18-6 using to change trends vertical axis labels 18-6, 18-11 Modicon devices 5-1 Momentary push button graphic object 15-5, Normally closed push button 16-21 16-21 Normally open push button 16-21 Number format at run time 28-15 Monochrome images 14-21, 15-6 at run time 26-16 Move down button graphic object 15-8, Numeric display graphic object 15-10, 16-17, 16-49 16-29, 18-10
at run time 28-17 specifying number format for 26-16 Numeric embedded variables 21-3 at runtime 21-5 Numeric input cursor point graphic object 15-10, 16-33 at run time 28-16, 28-17 navigating to 16-9 using Enter key handshaking with 16-14 Numeric input enable button graphic object 15-10, 16-31 at run time 28-6, 28-16 how values are calculated 28-9 how values are ramped 28-9 navigating to 16-9 using Enter key handshaking with 16-14 using write expressions with 20-17 Numeric pop-up windows using at run time 28-7 Numeric values ramping at run time 28-7 using graphic objects to display and enter 15-10
using to connect to ControlLogix processors 7-6 OPC servers, items in 7-6 OPC tags addressing syntax for 7-5 Operators in expressions 20-6 Oracle logging to 10-7
Page down button graphic object 15-8, 16-18, 16-49 setting up auto repeat for 16-13 using with alarm objects 9-37 using with diagnostics lists 10-12 using with recipes 19-12 Page up button graphic object 15-8, 16-18, 16-49 setting up auto repeat for 16-13 using with alarm objects 9-37 using with diagnostics lists 10-12 using with recipes 19-12 Panel graphic object 15-3, 15-17 PanelBuilder 1400e applications converting A-1 PanelBuilder 32 applications converting B-1 PanelBuilder applications converting B-1 PanelView Plus terminals logging diagnostics messages from 10-6, 10-8 running applications on 27-1 transferring applications to 27-1 Parameter files 15-42 assigning to graphic displays 14-27 using display list selectors 14-26 using goto display buttons 14-26 Parameters editor 14-26 using tags in 6-5 Password button graphic object 15-3, 16-18 using at runtime 28-4 Passwords changing
Object Explorer 15-26 opening 15-27 using to highlight objects 15-27 viewing animation in 15-27 viewing tag and expression assignments in 15-27 Object Smart Path 17-4, 17-7 ODBC storage format for diagnostics messages D-1 Off-line tags browsing for 6-7 On Top displays 14-12 sizing 4-12 using for alarms 9-30 using for diagnostics messages 10-11 using for information messages 12-7 OPC communications and RSLinx Classic 5-1 setting up 5-1
at runtime 28-4 for RSView 3.x users 13-7 for Windows users in RSView 3.x applications 13-8 for RSAssetSecurity users managing 13-21 Pause button graphic object 15-8, 16-18 using with trends 18-11 Piloted control list selector graphic object 15-5, 16-51 controlling remotely 16-52 differences from control list selectors 16-51 using Enter key handshaking with 16-14 Placeholders See Tag placeholders PLC tags importing 7-9 Polygon graphic object 15-3, 15-19 Polyline graphic object 15-3, 15-19 Preconfigured graphic displays ALARM display 9-5 DIAGNOSTICS display 10-10 INFORMATION display 12-6 Print alarm history button graphic object 15-4, 16-57 specifying time and date format for 26-16 using to print alarm information 9-9 using with alarm objects 9-36 Print alarm status button graphic object 15-4, 16-57 using to print alarm information 9-9 using with alarm objects 9-36 Printers selecting on the development computer 2-17 specifying at run time in Windows 2000 or Windows XP 26-10 type to use with PanelView Plus and VersaView CE 27-1, 27-2 Problems at run time data logging 11-6 logging in 28-4 using the numeric pop-up windows 28-10 using the string pop-up windows 28-15
Project files location of 4-1 viewing 4-17 Project Settings editor 4-16 Project window size 4-10, 4-11 changing 4-12 Projects versus applications 4-1 Properties dialog box opening 15-30 setting up objects in 15-28 using to assign connections to graphic objects 15-38, 15-40 Property Panel opening 15-32 setting up objects in 15-32 using to assign connections to graphic objects 15-33 Push buttons 16-20
Ramp button graphic object 15-5, 15-40, 16-28 at run time 28-16 setting up auto repeat for 16-13 Range of motion for animation 17-6 Read connection 15-33 Read-write connection 15-33 Real-time trends See Current trends Recipe files setting up 19-6 specifying location for 19-5 RecipePlus 19-1 RecipePlus button graphic object 15-10, 16-18, 19-3 creating 19-9 using at runtime 19-12, 28-16, 28-18 RecipePlus Editor 19-6, 19-7 viewing runtime data in 19-13 RecipePlus selector graphic object 15-10, 19-2 creating 19-9 linking buttons to 16-10
navigating to 16-9 using at runtime 19-12, 28-16, 28-18 RecipePlus Setup editor 19-5 RecipePlus table graphic object 15-10, 19-2 creating 19-9 linking buttons to 16-10 navigating to 16-9 using at runtime 19-12, 28-16, 28-18 Recipes 19-1 comparing 19-7 displaying at runtime 19-2 downloading 19-3 editing at runtime 19-2 linking buttons to 19-11 number format 19-4 numeric limits 19-4 planning 3-6 saving at runtime 19-3 selecting at runtime 19-2 setting up 19-2 testing 19-10 time and date formats 19-9 uploading 19-3 viewing data for 19-13 Rectangle graphic object 15-3, 15-20 blinking 17-10 Reference objects creating 15-24 editing 16-3 link properties 16-4 Relational operators in expressions 20-7 evaluation order of 20-10 Remote display changes 8-6, 13-24 Remote macros 8-5, 22-3 Replace displays 14-12 sizing 4-12 Reset alarm status button graphic object 15-9, 16-18 using to reset alarms 9-8 using with alarm status lists 9-36 Return to display button graphic object 15-3, 16-18 using to navigate 24-3, 24-5 RFC1766 names F-1 Right-click menus 14-5
Rotation animation 15-7, 15-57, 17-13 at run time 28-18 Rounded rectangle graphic object 15-3, 15-21 RSAssetSecurity 13-1 installing 13-1 setting up 13-16 turning off 13-2 users, creating 13-17 RSLinx Classic 1-1 and OPC 5-1 RSLinx Enterprise 1-1 array tag syntax 9-15 setting up drivers in at run time 26-9 for transfer to PanelView Plus 27-5 for transfer to VersaView CE 27-5 RSLogix 5 tags importing 7-11 RSLogix 500 tags importing 7-11 RSLogix 5000 6-2 RSView Enterprise RSView ME Station 1-1 RSView Studio 1-1 RSView Machine Edition 1-1 RSView ME Station exiting 26-5 starting in Windows 2000 or Windows XP 26-3, 26-11 on PanelView Plus terminals 27-3 on VersaView CE terminals 27-3 supported versions 4-9, G-1 RSView Studio main window 2-4 starting and exiting 2-1 RSView tags importing 7-11 Runtime changing tag values 28-15 deleting log files 26-15 displaying tag values 28-17 entering numeric values 28-6 entering string values 28-10 font substitution 15-14
logging in and out 28-2, 28-6 automatic logout 13-14 problems with logging in 28-4 printing 2-18 graphic displays 14-34 printing graphic displays 14-34 setting up communication drivers in Windows 2000 or Windows XP 26-9 setting up printers in Windows 2000 or Windows XP 26-10 switching language at 24-3 time, date, and number formats 26-16 using graphic objects 16-5 viewing alarms and messages 28-19 viewing communication errors 28-20 Runtime application .mer files 27-1 opening 26-4 in Windows 2000 or Windows XP 26-3, 26-11 running in Windows 2000 or Windows XP 26-4 on PanelView Plus terminals 27-3 on VersaView CE terminals 27-3 shutting down 26-5 transferring from PanelView Plus or VersaView CE 27-6 to PanelView 27-1, 27-5 to VersaView CE 27-1, 27-5 to Windows 2000 or Windows XP 26-1, 26-3 Runtime application file creating 25-2 Runtime screen resolution 4-10
Sample applications 2-2 Scale graphic object 15-6, 16-44, 16-48 Screen resolution at run time 4-10 Screen size See Window size
Security and remote display changes 8-6 automatic logout 13-14 controlling who can stop the application 13-15 for Application Manager 4-10 logging in and out 13-13 planning 3-7 RSAssetSecurity 13-1 RSView security 13-1 setting up 13-22 using visibility animation 13-15, 13-24, 17-9 Security codes assigning to graphic displays 13-9 assigning to RSView 3.x users 13-6 assigning to users 13-4, 13-9 Security functions in expressions 20-14 using 13-13, 13-24, 17-9 Serial downloads cable to use for 27-5 Servers, data 5-2 See also OPC servers Shutdown button graphic object 15-3, 16-18 assigning visibility animation to 13-25 limiting access to 13-15 locating in display hierarchy 24-1 using to navigate 24-3, 24-7 using to shut down application 26-5 using to stop application 25-2 Shutdown macro 22-2, 22-3 Siemens devices 5-1 Silence alarms button graphic object 9-8, 15-9, 16-18 using with alarm objects 9-36 Single sign-on 13-21 SLC tags importing 7-9 Sort alarms button graphic object 9-8, 15-9, 16-18 using with alarm lists 9-36 Special keys arrows, using with graphic objects 15-47 Ctrl copying objects with 15-44
drawing objects with 15-18, 15-19, 15-20, 15-21 resizing objects with 15-47 rotating objects with 15-58 selecting objects with 15-26 Shift, using with graphic objects 15-43, 15-47 using to navigate at run time 16-10 using with numeric pop-up windows 28-8 using with string pop-up windows 28-13 Spreadsheets, working in 2-12 Square graphic object 15-3, 15-20 Standard toolbar 2-5 Startup macro 22-2, 22-3 Startup settings 25-1 States multistate graphic objects 15-1 States toolbar 15-37 Status bar 2-6 showing and hiding 2-7 STATUS display 9-5 copying 9-30 editing 9-27 String display graphic object 15-10, 16-34 at run time 28-17 String embedded variables 21-3 at runtime 21-6 String input enable button graphic object 15-10, 16-35 at run time 28-10, 28-16 how values are written 28-14 navigating to 16-9 using Enter key handshaking with 16-14 String pop-up character input using at run time 28-11 String pop-up windows using at run time 28-11, 28-13 String tags 7-1 String values using graphic objects to display and enter 15-10 Sybase SQL Server logging to 10-7 Symbol graphic object 15-6, 16-41 at run time 28-18 Syntax, embedded variable 21-3
System activity See Diagnostics messages System tags 7-1, C-1 alarm reset date and time C-1 for making graphic objects blink time and date C-2 System time and date C-2
Tag Browser opening 6-5 using 6-6 Tag Import and Export Wizard 7-11 Tag placeholders 14-25, 15-41 creating 15-42, 17-5, 20-6 using in expressions 20-5 using with animation 17-5 Tag sets, for recipes 19-1 comparing 19-7 Tag statistics viewing 7-8 Tag substitution 6-11, 15-40 Tag syntax for array tags KEPServerEnterprise 9-16 RSLinx Enterprise 9-15 Tag values changing at run time 28-15 displaying at run time 28-17 ensuring the data source has read 16-14 logging 6-12, 11-5 using graphic objects to display 15-10 using graphic objects to set 15-5, 15-10 using macros to assign 6-12, 22-1, 23-1 Tags 6-1 addressing syntax 7-5 assigning to graphic objects 15-38 using the Property Panel 15-33 viewing in Object Explorer 15-27 basic steps for using 6-2 browsing for 6-5 limits, in graphic displays 14-1 off-line, browsing for 6-7 planning 3-2 using in expressions 20-5
Analog tags Array tags Data server tags Digital tags HMI tags PLC tags SLC tags String tags System tags Test mode 14-10 Text graphic object 15-3, 15-14 blinking 17-10 editing 15-15 Text strings exporting for translation 23-4 importing 23-10 translating 23-6 Time and date at run time 26-16 setting using global connections 8-3 system tags C-2 updating 8-3 Time and date display graphic object 15-6, 16-56 at run time 28-19 specifying time and date format for 26-16 Time and date embedded variables 21-4 at runtime 21-6 Title bar and security 13-15 in graphic displays 4-14 Toolbars 2-4 Background Color toolbar 15-34 Foreground Color toolbar 15-34 in the Graphic Displays editor 14-7 showing and hiding 2-7 Standard toolbar 2-5 States toolbar 15-37 Tools Application Manager 4-10 DeskLock 13-2, 26-16 Diagnostic Setup 10-6 Diagnostics Viewer 10-6 Tag Import and Export Wizard 7-11 Transfer Utility 27-6
See also
Touch margins using on buttons 16-6 Touch screens positioning objects for 16-5 Transfer Utility tool 27-6 Translating application text 23-6 Transparent background style 14-21 Trend data printing at run time 18-12 remotely 18-12 Trend graphic object 15-6, 18-1 and data logging 11-6 at runtime 28-18 border 18-5 chart 18-6 isolated graphing in 18-8 types 18-7 XY Plot 18-7 coloring 18-9 creating 18-3 linking buttons to 16-10 minimum and maximum values for 18-6 navigating to 16-9 pens 18-6 icons 18-7 markers 18-7 planning 3-6 plotting values across the chart 18-8 setting up 18-3, 18-4, 18-5 specifying number, time, and date format for 26-16 testing 18-10 time, date, and number format 18-3 troubleshooting 18-13 window 18-5 x (horizontal) axis 18-6 labels 18-6 y (vertical) axis 18-6 labels 18-6 Trigger values for alarms 9-4, 9-10 for information messages 12-5 for local messages 14-32 Troubleshooting See Problems at run time
Units, for recipes 19-1 User accounts DEFAULT user 13-3 User Accounts editor 13-3 User groups assigning security codes to 13-9 RSAssetSecurity, creating 13-19 Windows adding to RSView 3.x applications 13-7 Users assigning login and logout macros to 13-4 assigning security codes to 13-4, 13-9 assigning security permissions to 13-18 displaying current user 20-14 logging in and out 13-13, 28-6 at runtime 28-2 RSAssetSecurity adding to RSView 13-4 creating 13-17 managing accounts 13-21 RSView 3.x assigning login and logout macros to 13-6 assigning security codes to 13-6 migrating to RSView 4.0 13-5
Value table 6-2, 6-4, 7-5 Value trigger type 9-10 VersaView CE terminals logging diagnostics messages from 10-6, X 10-8 XML transferring applications to 27-1 using with RSView E-1 Vertical position animation 15-7, 17-13 XML files at run time 28-18 alarm structure E-4 Vertical slider animation 15-7, 17-14 creating E-1, E-2 at run time 28-17 editing E-2 Visibility animation 17-8 exporting E-1, E-2 using to set up security 13-15, 13-24, 17-9 graphics structure E-5 importing E-3 W testing E-3 Wallpaper XY Plot trend 18-7
converting graphic objects to 14-13 unlocking 14-14 Wedge graphic object 15-3, 15-17 Width animation 15-7, 17-13 at run time 28-18 Wildcard characters 7-4, 7-7 Window size default graphic displays 4-13 project 4-11 Windows setting up for language switching 23-2 Windows 2000 or Windows XP editing device shortcuts on 26-6 running applications in 26-1 run-time settings 26-3 Windows languages F-1 Windows metafiles See .wmf files Windows network domain logging in to 28-1 Windows users or groups adding to RSAssetSecurity 13-17, 13-19 adding to RSView 3.x applications 13-7 removing from RSView 3.x applications 13-8 WINtelligent LOGIC 5 tags importing 7-11 Workbook Mode 2-7 turning on and off 2-7 Workspace 2-5 Write connection 15-33 Write expressions 20-17