Wallace - JPEG - 1992
Wallace - JPEG - 1992
Wallace - JPEG - 1992
This paper is a revised version of an article by the same title and author which appeared in the April I991 issue of Communicationsof the ACM.
For the past few years, a joint ISO/CCITT committee known as JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) has been working to establish the first international compression standard for continuous-tone still images, both grayscale and color. JPEGs proposed standard aims to be generic, to support a wide variety of applications for continuous-tone images. To meet the differing needs of many applications, the JPEG standard includes two basic compression methods, each with various modes of operation. A DCT-based method is specified for lossy compression, and a predictive method for lossless compression. JPEG features a simple lossy technique known as the Baseline method, a subset of the other DCT-based modes of operation. The Baseline method has been by far the most widely implemented JPEG method to date, and is sufficient in its own right for a large number of applications. This article provides an overview of the JPEG standard, and focuses in detail on the Baseline method.
directly. A digitized version of a single, color picture at TV resolution contains on the order of one million bytes; 35 resolution requires ten times that amount. Use of digital images often is not viable due to high storage or transmission costs, even when image capture and display devices are quite affordable. Modem image compression technology offers a possible solution. State-of-the-art techniques can compress typical images from 1/10 to 1/50 their uncompressed size without visibly affecting image quality. But compression technology alone is not sufficient. For digital image applications involving storage or transmission to become widespread in todays marketplace, a standard image compression method is needed to enable interoperability of equipment from different manufacturers. The CCITT recommendation for todays ubiquitous Group 3 fax machines E171 is a dramatic example of how a standard compression method can enable an important image application. The Group 3 method, however, deals with bilevel images only and does not address photographic image compression. For the past few years, a standardization effort known by the acronym JPEG, for Joint Photographic Experts Group, has been working toward establishing the first international digital image compression standard for continuous-tone (multilevel) still images, both grayscale and color. The joint in JPEG refers to a JPEG collaboration between CCITT and ISO. convenes officially as the I S 0 committee designated JTCl/SC2/WGlO, but operates in close informal collaboration with CCIlT SGVIII. JPEG will be both an I S 0 Standard and a CCITT Recommendation. The text of both will be identical. Photovideotex, desktop publishing, graphic arts, color facsimile, newspaper Wirephoto transmission, medical imaging, and many other continuous-tone image applications require a compression standard in order to develop significantly beyond their present state. JPEG has undertaken the ambitious task of developing a
1 Introduction
Advances over the past decade in many aspects of digital technology - especially devices for image acquisition, data storage, and bitmapped ptlnting and display - have brought about many applications of digital imaging. However, these applications tend to be specialized due to their relatively high cost. With the possible exception of facsimile, digital images are not commonplace in general-purpose computing systems the way text and geomemc graphics are. The majority of modem business and consumer usage of photographs and other types of images takes place through more traditional analog means. The key obstacle for many applications is the vast amount of data required to represent a digital image
Presented at 3rd Annual Digital Video Workshop Revised manuscript received December 6, 1991
general-purpose compression standard to meet the needs of almost all continuous-tone still-image applications. If this goal proves attainable, not only will individual applications flourish, but exchange of images across application boundaries will be facilitated. This latter feature will become increasingly important as more image applications are implemented on general-purpose computing systems, which are themselves becoming increasingly interoperable and intemetworked. For applications which require specialized VLSI to meet their compression and decompression speed requirements, a common method will provide economies of scale not possible within a single application. This article gives an overview of JPEGs proposed image-compression standard. Readers without prior knowledge of JPEG or compression based on the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) are encouraged to study first the detailed description of the Baseline sequential codec, which is the basis for all of the DCT-based decoders. While this article provides many details, many more are necessarily omitted. The reader should refer to the I S 0 draft standard [2] before attempting implementation. Some of the earliest industry attention to the JPEG proposal has been focused on the Baseline sequential codec as a motion image compression method - of the intraframe class, where each frame is encoded as a separate image. This class of motion image coding, while providing less compression than interframe methods like MPEG, has greater flexibility for video editing. While this paper focuses only on JPEG as a still picture standard (as I S 0 intended), it is interesting to note that JPEG is likely to become a de facto intraframe motion standard as well.
be applicable to practically any kind of continuous-tone digital source image (i.e. for most practical purposes not be restricted to images of certain dimensions, color spaces, pixel aspect ratios, etc.) and not be limited to classes of imagery with restrictions on scene content, such as complexity, range of colors, or statistical properties:
3) have tractable computational complexity, to make feasible software implementations with viable performance on a range of CPUs, as well as hardware implementations with viable cost for applications requiring high performance;
have the following modes of operation: Sequential encoding: each image component is encoded in a single left-to-right, top-to-bottom scan; Progressive encoding: the image is encoded in multiple scans for applications in which transmission time is long, and the viewer prefers to watch the image build up in multiple coarse-to-clear passes; Lossless encoding: the image is encoded to guarantee exact recovery of every source image sample value (even though the result is low compression compared to the lossy modes): Hierarchical encoding: the image is encoded at multiple resolutions so that lower-resolution versions may be accessed without first having to decompress the image at its full resolution.
In June 1987, JPEG conducted a selection process based on a blind assessment of subjective picture quality, and narrowed 12 proposed methods to three. Three informal working groups formed to refine them, and in January 1988, a second, more rigorous selection process [19] revealed that the ADCT proposal [ll], based on the 8x8 DCT, had produced the best picture quality. At the time of its selection, the DCT-based method was only partially defined for some of the modes of operation. From 1988 through 1990, JPEG undertook the sizable task of defining, documenting, simulating, testing, validating, and simply agreeing on the plethora of details necessary for genuine interoperability and universality. Further history of the JPEG effort is contained in [6,7,9, 183.
of operation, the steps shown are used as building blocks within a larger framework. 4.1 8x8 FDCT and IDCT
At the input to the encoder, source image samples are grouped into 8x8 blocks, shifted from unsigned integers with ran e [0, 2 - 11 to signed integers with range [-2-, 2$-l-1], and input to the Forward DCT (FDCT). At the output from the decoder, the Inverse DCT (IDCT) outputs 8x8 sample blocks to form the reconstructed image. The following equations are the idealized mathematical definitions of the 8x8 FDCT and 8x8 IDCT: 7 7
F O y=o
8x8 blocks
DCT-Based Encoder
-r j
Entropy Encoder
Compressed ImageData
typically vary slowly from point to point across an image, the FDCT processing step lays the foundation for achieving data compression by concentrating most of the signal in the lower spatial frequencies. For a typical 8x8 sample block from a typical source image, most of the spatial frequencies have zero or near-zero amplitude and need not be encoded. At the decoder the IDCT reverses this processing step. It takes the 64 DCT coefficients (which at that point have been quantized) and reconstructs a @-point ouput image signal by summing the basis signals. Mathematically, the DCT is one-to-one mapping for 64-point vectors between the image and the frequency domains. If the FDCT and IDCT could be computed with perfect accuracy and if the DCT coefficients were not quantized as in the following description, the original @-point signal could be exactly recovered. In principle, the DCT introduces no loss to the source image samples; it merely transforms them to a domain in which they can be more efficiently encoded. Some properties of practical FDCT and IDCT implementations raise the issue of what precisely should be required by the JPEG standard. A fundamental property is that the FDCT and IDCT equations contain transcendental functions. Consequently, no physical implementation can compute them with perfect accuracy. Because of the DCTs application importance and its relationship to the D R , many different algorithms by which the
FDCT and IDCT may be approximately computed have been devised [16]. Indeed, research in fast DCT algorithms is ongoing and no single algorithm is optimal for all implementations. What is optimal in software for a general-purpose CPU is unlikely to be optimal in firmware for a programmable DSP and is certain to be suboptimal for dedicated VLSI. Even in light of the finite precision of the DCT inputs and outputs, independently designed implementations of the very same FDCT or IDCT algorithm which differ even minutely in the precision by which they represent cosine terms or intermediate results, or in the way they sum and round fractional values, will eventually produce slightly different outputs from identical inputs. To preserve freedom for innovation and customization within implementations, JPEG has chosen to specify neither a unique FDCT algorithm or a unique IDCT algorithm in its proposed standard. This makes compliance somewhat more difficult to confirm, because two compliant encoders (or decoders) generally will not produce identical outputs given identical inputs. The JPEG standard will address this issue by specifying an accuracy test as part of its compliance tests for all DCT-based encoders and decoders; this is to ensure against crudely inaccurate cosine basis functions which would degrade image quality.
For each DCT-based mode of operation, the JPEG proposal specifies separate codecs for images with 8-bit and 12-bit (per component) source image samples. The 12-bit codecs, needed to accommodate certain types of medical and other images, require greater computational resources to achieve the required FDCT or IDCT accuracy. Images with other sample precisions can usually be accommodated by either an 8-bit or 12-bit codec, but this must be done outside the JPEG standard. For example, it would be the responsibility of an application to decide how to fit or pad a 6-bit sample into the 8-bit encoders input interface, how to unpack it at the decoders output, and how to encode any necessary related information.
4.2 Quantization
This output value is normalized by the quantizer step size. Dequantization is the inverse function, which in this case means simply that the normalization is removed by multiplying by the step size, which returns the result to a representation appropriate for input to the IDCT:
After output from the FDCT, each of the 64 DCT coefficients is uniformly quantized in conjunction with a 64-element Quantization Table, which must be specified by the application (or user) as an input to the encoder. Each element can be any integer value from 1 to 255, which specifies the step size of the quantizer for its corresponding DCT coefficient. The purpose of quantization is to achieve further compression by representing DCT coefficients with no greater precision than is necessary to achieve the desired image quality. Stated another way, the goal of this processing step is to discard information which is not visually significant. Quantization is a many-to-one mapping, and therefore is fundamentally lossy. It is the principal source of lossiness in DCT-based encoders. Quantization is defined as division of each DCT coefficient by its corresponding quantizer step size, followed by rounding to the nearest integer:
When the aim is to compress the image as much as possible without visible artifacts, each step size. ideally should be chosen as the perceptual threshold or just noticeable difference for the visual contribution of its corresponding cosine basis function. These thresholds are also functions of the source image characteristics, display characteristics and viewing distance. For applications in which these variables can be reasonably well defined, psychovisual experiments can be performed to determine the best thresholds. The experiment described in [12] has led to a set of Quantization Tables for CCIR-601 [4] images and displays. These have been used experimentally by JPEG members and will appear in the IS0 standard as a matter of information, but not as a requirement.
4.3 DC Coding and Zig-Zag Sequence
After quantization, the DC coefficient is treated separately from the 63 AC coefficients. The DC coefficient is a measure of the average value of the 64 image samples. Because there is usually strong correlation between the DC coefficients of adjacent 8x8 blocks, the quantized DC coefficient is encoded as the difference from the DC term of the previous block in the encoding order (defined in the following), as shown in Figure 3. This special treatment is worthwhile, as DC coefficients frequently contain a significant fraction of the total image energy.
ACII Differential DC encoding Zig-zag sequence Figure 3. Preparation of Quantized Coefficients for Entropy Coding
Finally, all of the quantized coefficients are ordered into the zig-zag sequence, also shown in Figure 3. This ordering helps to facilitate entropy coding by placing low-frequency coefficients (which are more likely to be nonzero) before high-frequency coefficients.
4.4 Entropy Coding
possible by simply entropy decoding with one method and entropy recoding with the other.
The final DCT-based encoder processing step is entropy coding. This step achieves additional compression losslessly by encoding the quantized DCT coefficients more compactly based on their statistical characteristics. The JPEG proposal specifies two entropy coding methods - Huffman coding [8] and arithmetic coding 1151. The Baseline sequential codec uses Huffman coding, but codecs with both methods are specified for all modes of operation.
It is useful to consider entropy coding as a 2-step process. The first step converts the zig-zag sequence of quantized coefficients into an intermediate sequence of symbols. The second step converts the symbols to a data stream in which the symbols no longer have externally identifiable boundaries. The form and definition of the intermediate symbols is dependent on both the DCT-based mode of operation and the entropy coding method.
1.5-2.0 bits/pixel: usually indistinguishable from the original, sufficient for the most demanding applications.
Huffman coding requires that one or more sets of Huffman code tables be specified by the application. The same tables used to compress an image are needed to decompress it. Huffman tables may be predefined and used within an application as defaults, or computed specifically for a given image in an initial statistics-gathering pass prior to compression. Such choices are the business of the applications which use JPEG; the JPEG proposal specifies no required Huffman tables. Huffman coding for the Baseline sequential encoder is described in detail in section 7. By contrast, the particular arithmetic coding method specified in the JPEG proposal [2] requires no tables to be externally input, because it is able to adapt to the image statistics as it encodes the image. (If desired, statistical conditioning tables can be used as inputs for slightly better efficiency, but this is not required.) Arithmetic coding has produced 5-10% better compression than Huffman for many of the images which JPEG members have tested. However, some feel it is more complex than Huffman coding for certain implementations, for example, the highest-speed hardware implementations. (Throughout JPEGs history, complexity has proved to be most elusive as a practical memc for comparing compression methods.) If the only difference between two JPEG codecs is the entropy coding method, transcoding between the two is
. xxiv
Lossless Encoder
Specifications Figure 4. Lossless Mode Encoder Processing Steps selectionvalue 0 1 2 3 4
losslessly by either of the entropy c d n g methods Huffman or arithmetic. Any one of the eight predictors listed in Table 1 (under selection-value) can be used. Selections 1, 2, and 3 are one-dimensional predictors and selections 4, 5, 6 and 7 are two-dimensional predictors. Selection-value 0 can only be used for differential coding in the hierarchical mode of operation. The entropy coding is nearly identical to that used for the DC coefficient as described in section 7.1 (for Huffman coding).
t . .
6 7
6 Multiple-ComponentImages
The previous sections discussed the key processing steps of the DCT-based and predictive lossless codecs for the case of single-component source images. These steps accomplish the image data compression. But a good deal of the JPEG proposal is also concerned with the handling and control of color (or other) images with multiple components. JPEGs aim for a generic compression standard requires its proposal to accommodatea variety of source image formats.
Figure 5. 3-Sample Prediction Neighborhood For the lossless mode of operation, two different codecs are specified - one for each entropy coding method. The encoders can use any source image precision from 2 to 16 bits/sample, and can use any of the predictors except selection-value 0. The decoders must handle any of the sample precisions and any of the predictors. Lossless codecs typically produce around 2: 1 compression for color images with moderately complex scenes.
. I
Figure 6. JPEG Source Image Model Figure 6 illustrates the JPEG source image model. A source image contains from 1 to 255 image components, sometimes called color or spectral bands or channels. Each component consists of a rectangular array of samples. A sample is defined to be an unsigned integer with precision P bits, with any value in the range [0, 2-1]. All samples of all components within the same source image must have the same precision P. P can be 8 or 12 for DCT-based codecs, and 2 to 16 for predictive codecs. The ith component has sample dimensions xi by yi. To accommodate formats in which some image components are sampled at different rates than others, components can have different dimensions. The dimensions must have a mutual integral relationship defined by Hi and Vi, the relative horizontal and vertical sampling factors, which must be specified for each component. Overall image dimensions X and Y are defined as the maximum xi and yi for all components in the image, and can be any number up to 216. H and V are allowed only the integer values 1 through 4. The encoded parameters are X, Y, and His and Vis for each components. The decoder reconstructs the cfimensions xi and yi for each component, according to the following relationship shown in Equation 5: of decompression. For many systems, this is only feasible if the components are interleaved together within the compressed data stream. To make the same interleaving machinery applicable to both DCT-based and predictive codecs, the JPEG proposal has defined the concept of data unit. A data unit is a sample in precfictive codecs and an 8x8 block of samples in DCT-based codecs. The order in which compressed data units are placed in the compressed data stream is a generalization of raster-scan order. Generally, data units are ordered from left-to-right and top-to-bottom according to the orientation shown in Figure 6. (It is the responsibility of applications to define which edges of a source image are top, bottom, left and right.) If an image component is noninterleaved (i.e., compressed without being interleaved with other components), compressed data units are ordered in a pure raster scan as shown in Figure 7. top left right
A practical image compression standard must address how systems will need to handle the data during the process of decompression. Many applications need to pipeline the process of displaying or printing multiple-component images in parallel with the process
When two or more components are interleaved, each component Ci is partitioned into rectangular regions of Hi by Vi data units, as shown in the generalized example of Figure 8. Regions are ordered within a component from left-to-right and top-to-bottom, and within a region, data units are ordered from left-to-right and top-to-bottom. The JPEG proposal defines the term Minimum Coded Unit (MCU) to be the smallest
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 38, No. 1, FEBRUARY 1992
C S ~H1=2, Viz2 :
C S ~ H2=2, V2=l : 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
3 4 -
P a
e .
2 3
group of interleaved data units. For the example shown, MCU, consists of data units taken first from the top-left-most region of C,, followed by data units from the same region of C2, and likewise for C3 and C,. MCU, continues the pattem as shown. Thus, interleaved data is an ordered sequence of MCUs, and the number of data units contained in an MCU is determined by the number of components interleaved and their relative sampling factors. The maximum number of components which can be interleaved is 4 and the maximum number of data units in an MCU is 10. The latter restriction is expressed as shown in Equation 6, where the summation is over the interleaved components: HixViI1O
all i in interleave
In addition to the interleaving control discussed previously, JPEG codecs must control application of the proper table data to the proper components. The same quantization table and the same entropy coding table (or set of tables) must be used to encode all samples within a component.
JPEG decoders can store up to 4 different quantization tables and up to 4 different (sets of) entropy coding tables simultaneously. (The Baseline sequential decoder is the exception; it can only store up to 2 sets of entropy coding tables.) This is necessary for switching between different tables during decompression of a scan containing multiple (interleaved) components, in order to apply the proper table to the proper component. (Tables cannot be loaded during decompression of a scan.) Figure 9 illustrates the table-switching control that must be managed in conjunction with multiple-component interleaving for the encoder side. (This simplified view does not distinguish between quantization and entropy coding tables.)
Because of this restriction, not every combination of 4 components which can be represented in noninterleaved order within a JPEG-compressed image is allowed to be interleaved. Also, note that the JPEG proposal allows some components to be interleaved and some to be noninterleaved within the same compressed image.
Baseline sequential was defined, the committees VLSI experts felt that current technology made the feasibility of crowding four sets of loadable Huffman tables - in addition to four sets of Quantization tables - onto a single commodity-priced codec chip a risky proposition. Compressed Image Data Figure 9. Component-Interleaveand Table-SwitchingControl The FDCT, Quantization, DC differencing, and zig-zag ordering processing steps for the Baseline sequential codec proceed just as described in section 4. Prior to entropy coding, there usually are few nonzero and many zero-valued coefficients. The task of entropy coding is to encode these few coefficients efficiently. The description of Baseline sequential entropy coding is given in two steps: conversion of the quantized DCT coefficients into an intermediate sequence of symbols and assignment of variable-length codes to the symbols.
7.1 Intermediate Entropy Coding Representations In the intermediate symbol sequence, each nonzero AC coefficient is represented in combination with the runlength (consecutive number) of zero-valued AC coefficients which precede it in the zig-zag sequence. combination is Each such runlength/nonzero-coefficient (usually) represented by a pair of symbols:
symbol-2 (AMPLITUDE)
For many applications which do need to interleave three color components, this restriction is hardly a limitation at all. Color spaces (YUV, CIELUV, CIELAB, and others) which represent the chromatic (color) information in two components and the achromatic (grayscale) information in a third are more efficient for compression than spaces like RGB. One Huffman table set can be used for the achromatic component and one for the chrominance components. DCT coefficient statistics are similar for the chrominance components of most images, and one set of Huffman tables can encode both almost as optimally as two.
The committee also felt that early availability of single-chip implementations at commodity prices would encourage early acceptance of the JPEG proposal in a variety of applications. In 1988 when
Symbol-1 represents two pieces of information, RUNLENGTH and SIZE. Symbol-2 represents the single piece of information designated AMPLITUDE, which is simply the amplitude of the nonzero AC coefficient. RUNLENGTH is the number of consecutive zero-valued AC coefficients in the zig-zag sequence preceding the nonzero AC coefficient being represented. SIZE is the number of bits used to encode AMPLITUDE - that is, to encoded symbol-2, by the signed-integer encoding used with JPEGs particular method of Huffman coding. RUNLENGTH represents zero-runs of length 0 to 15. Actual zero-runs in the zig-zag sequence can be greater than 15, so the symbol-1 value (15, 0) is interpreted as the extension symbol with runlength=16. There can be up to three consecutive (15, 0) extensions before the terminating symbol-1 whose RUNLENGTH value completes the actual runlength. The terminating symbol-1 is always followed by a single symbol-2, except for the case in which the last run of zeros includes the last (63d) AC coefficient. In this frequent case, the special symbol-1 value (0,O) means EOB (end of block), and can be viewed as an escape symbol which terminates the 8x8 sample block.
Thus, for each 8x8 block of samples, the zig-zag sequence of 63 quantized AC coefficients is represented as a sequence of symbol-1, symbol-2 symbol pairs, though each pair can have repetitions of symbol-1 in the case of a long run-length or only one symbol-1 in the case of an EOB. The possible range of quantized AC coefficients determines the range of values which both the AMPLITUDE and the SIZE information must represent. A numerical analysis of the 8x8 FDCT equation shows that, if the @-point (8x8 block) input signal contains N-bit integers, then the nonfractional part of the output numbers (DCT coefficients) can grow by at most 3 bits. This is also the largest possible size of a quantized DCT coefficient when its quantizer step size has integer value 1. Baseline sequential has 8-bit integer source samples in the range [-27, 27-1], so quantized AC coefficient am litudes are covered by integers in the range [-21, 8 2 1-13. The signed-integer encoding uses symbol-2 AMPLITUDE codes of 1 to 10 bits in length (so SIZE also represents values from 1 to lo), and RUNLENGTH represents values from 0 to 15 as discussed previously. For AC coefficients, the structure of the symbol-1 and symbol-2 intermediate representations is illustrated in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. The intermediate representation for an 8x8 sample blocks differential DC coefficient is structured similarly. Symbol-1, however, represents only SIZE information; symbol-2 represents AMPLITUDE information as before: symbol-1 (SIZE) symbol-2 (AMPLITUDE)
Once the quantized coefficient data for an 8x8 block is represented in the intermediate symbol sequence described above, variable-length codes are assigned. For each 8x8 block, the DC coefficients symbol-1 and symbol-2 representation is coded and output first. For both DC and AC coefficients, each symbol-1 is encoded with a variable-length code (VLC) from the Huffman table set assigned to the 8x8 blocks image component. Each symbol-2 is encoded with a variable-length integer (VLI) code whose length in bits is given in Table 3. VLCs and VLIs both are codes with variable lengths, but VLIs are not Huffman codes. An important distinction is that the length of a VLC (Huffman code) is not known until it is decoded, but the length of a VLI is stored in its preceding VLC. Huffman codes (VLCs) must be specified extemally as an input to JPEG encoders. (Note that the form in which Huffman tables are represented in the data stream is an indirect specification with which the decoder must construct the tables themselves prior to decompression.) The JPEG proposal includes an example set of Huffman tables in its information annex, but because they are application-specific, it specifies none for required use. The VLI codes in contrast, are hardwired into the proposal. This is appropriate, because the VLI codes are far more numerous, can be computed rather than stored, and have not been shown to be appreciably more efficient when implemented as Huffman codes. 7.3 Baseline Encoding Example This section gives an example of Baseline compression and encoding of a single 8x8 sample block. Note that a good deal of the operation of a complete JPEG Baseline encoder is omitted here, including creation of Interchange Format information (parameters, headers, quantization and Huffman tables), byte-stuffing, padding to byte-boundaries prior to a marker code, and other key operations. Nonetheless, this example should help to make concrete much of the foregoing explanation. Figure 10(a) is an 8x8 block of 8-bit samples, aribtrarily exuacted from a real image. The small variations from sample to sample indicate the predominance of low spatial frequencies. After subtracting 128 from each sample for the required level-shift, the 8x8 block is input to the FDCT, equation (1). Figure 1O(b) shows (to one decimal place) the resulting DCT coefficients. Except for a few of the lowest frequency coefficients, the amplitudes are quite small.
Because the DC coefficient is differentially encoded it is covered by twice as many integer values, [-2i l , 2ll-11 as the AC coefficients, so one additional level must be added to the bottom of Table 3 for DC coefficients. Symbol-1 for DC coefficients thus represents a value from 1 to 11.
... 9
RUN-SI= values
15 ZRL
Table 2. Baseline Huffman Coding Symbol-1 Structure
I l l
139 144 149 153 155 155 155 155 144 151 153 156 159 156 156 156 150 155 160 163 158 156 156 156 159 161 162 160 160 159 159 159 159 160 161 162 162 155 155 155 161 161 161 161 160 157 157 157 162 162 161 163 162 157 157 157 162 162 I61 161 163 158 158 158
16 12 14 14 18 24 49 72
11 12 13 17 22 35 64 92
10 14 16 22 37 55 78 95
16 19 24 29 56 64 87 98
24 26 40 51 68 81
40 58 57 87
61 55 56 62
-22.6 -17.5 -6.2 -3.2 -2.9 -0.1 0.4 -1.2 -10.9 -9.3 -1.6 1.5 0.2 -0.9 -0.6 -0.1 -7.1 -1.9 0.2 -0.6 -0.8
69 80
109 103 77
104 113 92
1.8 -0.2 1.6 -0.3 -0.8 1.5 1.0 -1.0 -1.3 -0.4 -0.3 -1.5 -0.5 1.7 1.1 -0.8 -2.6 1.6 -3.8 -1.8
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
155 156 157 158 158 157 156 155 160 161 161 162 161 159 157 155
163 163 164 163 162 160 158 156 163 164 164 164 162 160 158 157 160 161 162 162 162 161 159 158 158 159 161 161 162 161 159 158
(e) denormalized quantized coefficients Figure 10. DCT and Quantization Examples
Figure 1O(c) is the example quantization table for luminance (grayscale) components included in the informational annex of the draft JPEG standard part 1 [2j. Figure lO(d) shows the quantized DCT coefficients, normalized by their quantization table entries, as specified by equation (3). At the decoder these numbers are denormalized according to equation (4), and input to the IDCT, equation (2). Finally, figure 10(Q shows the reconstructed sample values, remarkably similar to the originals in 10(a). Of course, the numbers in figure 10(d) must be Huffman-encoded before transmission to the decoder. The first number of the block to be encoded is the DC term, which must be differentially encoded. If the quantized DC term of the previous block is, for example, 12, then the difference is +3. Thus, the intermediate representation is (2)(3), for SIZE=:! and AMPLITUDE=3. Next, the the quantized AC coefficients are encoded. Following the zig-zag order, the first non-zero coefficient is -2, preceded by a zero-run of 1. This yields an interme&ate representation of (1,2)(-2). Next encountered in the zig-zag order are three consecutive non-zeros of amplitude - 1. This means
each is preceded by a zero-run of length zero, for intermediate symbols (O,l)(-1). The last non-zero coefficient is -1 preceded by two zeros, for (2,1)(-1). Because this is the last non-zero coefficient, the final symbol representing this 8x8 block is EOB, or (0,O).
Next the codes themselves must be assigned. For this example, the VLCs (Huffman codes) from the informational annex of [2j will be used. The differential-DC VLC for this example is:
The AC luminance VLCs for this example are: (0,O) (OJ) (1,2) (2,l) 1010 00 11011 11100
The VLIs specified in [2] are related to the twos complement representation. They are:
Thus, the bit-stream for this 8x8 example block is as follows. Note that 31 bits are required to represent 64 coefficients, which achieves compression of just under 0.5 bits/sample:
or higher part of the spatial-frequency specmm for that 8x8 block. Secondly, the coefficients within the current band need not be encoded to their full (quantized) accuracy in a given scan. Upon a coefficients first encoding, the N most significant bits can be encoded first, where N is specifiable. In subsequent scans, the less significant bits can then be encoded. This procedure is called successive approximation. Both procedures can be used separately, or mixed in flexible combinations.
7.4 Other DCT Sequential Codes
-1,l -3,-2,2,3 -7..-4,4..7 -15..-8,8..15 -31..-16,16..31 -63..-32,32..63 127..-64.64.. 127 -255.- 128;128..255 -511..-256,256.3 1 -1023..-512,512..1023
The structure of the 12-bit DCT sequential codec with Huffman coding is a straightforward extension of the entropy coding method described previously. Quantized DCT coefficients can be 4 bits larger, so the SIZE and AMPLITUDE information extend accordingly. DCT sequential with arithmetic coding is described in detail in [2].
8 9
Table 3. Baseline Entropy Coding Symbol-2 Structure Some intuition for spectral selection and successive approximation can be obtained from Figure 11. The quantized DCT coefficient information can be viewed as a rectangle for which the axes are the DCT coefficients (in zig-zag order) and their amplitudes. Spectral selection slices the information in one dimension and successive approximation in the other.
3) Decode this reduced-size image and then interpolate and up-sample it by 2 horizontally and/or vertically, using the identical interpolation filter which the receiver must use.
m i
DCT coefficients
7 6 MSB-
1 0
. , mage comDonent
(b) Sequentialencodmg
765 4
2nd scan
grd scan
grd scan
nth scan
6th scan
or DCT-based processes with a final lossless process for each component. Hierarchical encodmg is useful in applications in which a very high resolution image must be accessed by a lower-resolution display. An example is an image scanned and compressed at high resolution for a very high-quality printer, where the image must also be displayed on a low-resolution PC video screen.
5 ) Repeat steps 3) and 4) until the full resolution of the image has been encoded.
The encoding in steps 2) and 4) must be done using only DCT-based processes, only lossless processes,
There are two key balloting phases in the IS0 standardization process: a Committee Draft (CD) is balloted to determine promotion to Draft International Standard (DIS), and a DIS is balloted to determine promotion to International Standard (IS). A CD ballot requires four to six months of processing, and a DIS ballot requires six to nine months of processing. JPEGs Part 1 began DIS ballot in November 1991, and Part 2 began CD ballot in December 1991. Though there is no guarantee that the first ballot of each phase will result in promotion to the next, JPEG achieved promotion of CD Part 1 to DIS Part 1 in the first ballot. Moreover, JPEGs DIS Part 1 has undergone no technical changes (other than some minor corrections) since JPEGs final Working Draft (WD) [14]. Thus, Part 1 has remained unchanged from the final WD, through CD, and into DIS. If all goes well, Part 1 should receive final approval as an IS in mid-1992, with Part 2 getting final IS approval about nine months later.
12 Conclusions
The emerging JPEG continuous-tome image compression standard is not a panacea that will solve the myriad issues which must be addressed before digital images will be fully integrated within all the applications that will ultimately benefit from them. For example, if two applications cannot exchange uncompressed images because they use incompatible color spaces, aspect ratios, dimensions, etc. then a common compression method will not help. However, a great many applications are stuck because of storage or mnsmission costs, because of argument over which (nonstandard) compression method to use, or because VLSI codecs are too expensive due to low volumes. For these applications, the thorough technical evaluation, testing, selection, validation, and documentation work which JPEG committee members have performed is expected to soon yield an approved international standard that will withstand the tests of quality and time. As diverse imaging applications become increasingly implemented on open networked computing systems, the ultimate measure of the committees success will be when JPEG-compressed digital images come to be regarded and even taken for granted as just another data type, as text and graphics are today.
11 Standardization Schedule
JPEGs IS0 standard will be divided into two parts. Part 1 [2] will specify the four modes of operation, the different codecs specified for those modes, and the interchange format. It will also contain a substantial informational section on implementation guidelines. Part 2 [3] will specify the compliance tests which will determine whether an encoder implementation, a decoder implementation, or a JPEG-compressed image in interchange format comply with the Part 1 specifications. In addition to the I S 0 documents referenced, the JPEG standard will also be issued as CCIlT Recommendation T.8 1.
The following longtime JPEG core members have spent untold hours (usually in addition to their real jobs ) to make this collaborative international effort succeed. Each has made specific substantive contributions to the JPEG proposal: Aharon Gill (Zoran, Israel), Eric Hamilton (C-Cube, USA), Alain Leger (CCETT, France), Adriaan Ligtenberg (Storm, USA), Herbert Lohscheller (ANT, Germany), Joan Mitchell (IBM, USA), Michael Nier (Kodak, USA), Takao Omachi (NEC, Japan), William Pennebaker (IBM, USA), Henning Poulsen (KTAS, Denmark), and Jorgen Vaaben (AutoGraph, Denmark). The leadership efforts of Hiroshi Yasuda (NTT, Japan), the Convenor of JTCl/SC2/WG8 from which JPEG was spawned, Istvan Sebestyen (Siemens, Germany), the Special Rapporteur from CCITT SGVIII, and Graham Hudson (British Telecom U.K.) former JPEG chair and founder of the effort which became JPEG. The author regrets that space does not permit recognition of the many other individuals who contributed to JPEGs work. Thanks to Majid Rabbani of Eastman Kodak for providing the example in section 7.3. The authors role within JPEG has been supported in a great number of ways by Digital Equipment Corporation
7. Hudson, G.P., Yasuda, H., and SebestyCn, I. The international standardization of a still picture compression technique. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, IEEE Communications Society, Nov. 1988, pp. 1016-1021. 8. Huffman, D.A. A method for the construction of minimum redundancy codes. In Proceedings IRE, vol. 40, 1962, pp. 1098-1101. 9. LCger, A. Implementations of fast discrete cosine transform for full color videotex services f and terminals. In Proceedings o the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, IEEE Communications Society, 1984, pp. 333-337. 10. LCger, A., Omachi, T., and Wallace, G. The JPEG still picture compression algorithm. In Optical Engineering, vol. 30, no. 7 (July 1991), pp. 947-954. 11. LCger, A., Mitchell, M., and Yamazaki, Y. Still picture compression algorithms evaluated for international standardization. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, IEEE Communications Society, Nov. 1988, pp. 1028-1032. 12. Lohscheller, H. A subjectively adapted image communication system. IEEE Trans. Commun. COM-32 (Dec. 1984), pp. 1316-1322. 13. Office Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format, Part 7: Raster Graphics Content Architectures. ISODC JTCl International Standard 8613-7. 14. Pennebaker, W.B., JPEG Tech. Specification, Revision 8. Informal Working paper JPEG-8R8, Aug. 1990.
15. Pennebaker, W.B., Mitchell, J.L., et. al. Arithmetic coding articles. IBM J . Res. Dev., vol. 32, no. 6 (Nov. 1988), pp. 717-774.
1. Adobe Systems Inc. PostScript Language Reference Manual. Second Ed. Addison Wesley, Menlo Park, Calif. 1990 2. Digital Compression and Coding of Continuoustone Still Images, Part 1, Requirements and Guidelines. ISO/IEC JTC 1 Draft International Standard 10918-1, Nov. 1991.
3. Digital Compression and Coding of Continuoustone Still Images, Part 2, Compliance Testing. ISODEC JTCl Committee Draft 10918-2, Dec. 1991.
4. Encoding parameters of digital television for studios. CCIR Recommendations, Recommendation 601,1982.
16. Rao, K.R., and Yip, P. Discrete Cosine Transform--Algorithms, Advantages, Applications. Academic Press, Inc. London, 1990. 17. Standardization of Group 3 facsimile apparatus for document transmission. CCITT Recommendations, Fascicle VII.2, Recommendation T.4, 1980. 18. Wallace, G.K. Overview of the JPEG (ISO/CCITT) still image compression standard. Image Processing Algorithms and Techniques. In Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 1244 (Feb. 1990), pp. 220-233. 19. Wallace, G., Vivian, R,. and Poulsen, H. Sub-
Howard, P.G., and Vitter, J.S. New methods for lossless image compression using arithmetic coding. Brown University Dept. of Computer Science Tech. Report No. CS-91-47, Aug. 1991.
6. Hudson, G.P. The development of photographic videotex in the UK. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, IEEE Communication Society, 1983, pp. 3 19-322.
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jective testing results for still picture compression algorithms for intemational standardization. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. IEEE Communications Sociefy, Nov. 1988, pp. 1022-1027.
Gregory K. Wallace is currently Manager of Multimedia Engineering, Advanced Development, at
Digital Equipment Corporation. Since 1988 he has served as Chair of the JPEG committee (ISO/IEC JTCl/SC2/WGlO). For the past five years at DEC, he has worked on efficient software and hardware implementations of image compression and processing algorithms for incorporation in general-purpose computing systems. He received the BSEE and MSEE from Stanford University in 1977 and 1979. His current research interests are the integration of robust real-time multimedia capabilitiesinto networked computing systems.