UPSA v1 E2

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Department of Planning, Policy, & Design

March 12, 2009

Volume I, Issue 2

PSO Newsletter
University of California, Irvine
Quote of the Week
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. A Look Inside
Upcoming Events Feature of the Week Announcements Entertainment 2 3 4 6

We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. -Barack Obama
Congratulations to PSO - Winner of APA's Community Outreach Award! Members of the Department of Planning, Policy, and Design I am very pleased to report that UCI's Planning Student Organization (PSO) has been chosen to receive the 2008 American Planning Association "Student Representatives Council Award for Community Outreach." This award -- the result of a national competition was given to PSO for its efforts in the Upper Newport Bay Wetlands Restoration and Santa Ana Neighborhood Pride Day. The award, which is accompanied by a $1000 gift, will be formally bestowed upon PSO and its officers at the Awards Ceremony for the 2009 APA/AICP conference in Minneapolis, MN, on April 28, 2009. Please join me in congratulating the members and officers of PSO for their hard work and earnest efforts in winning this well-deserved honor!

PSO Officers Matt Agustin


Lucy Olmos
Vice President of Internal Affairs

Daniel Chuong
Vice President of External Affairs

Sean Habibi

Cheryl Hogan

Maha Darwish Ata Khan


David Feldman Chair, Department of Planning, Policy, and Design

Rosalinda Meza
Social Chair

Jessica Debats
Events Coordinator

Shannon Vitale Sara Kirker Bonnie ONeil

March 12, 2009 Volume I, Issue 2 Planning Student Organization

University of California Irvine

Upcoming Events

March 13
COR Workshop: Making Doubt Generative
Social Ecology I, Room 306

2:00 3:30 pm

March 17
St. Patrick's Day Social Event


March 19
The Planners Guide to LEED Luncheon
The Environmental Nature Center 1601 16th Street Newport Beach, CA 92663

11:00 1 :30 pm

March 30
PPD Open House for Fall 2009 Admits


April 3
Strategic Planning Session at RBF Consulting

Details TBA

April 4
Los Angeles Field Trip

Details TBA

April 9

PPD Career Fair

A Word from Our Officers Greetings! Thank you MURPS and faculty for your support and ideas for the Newsletter. As PSO we want to continue to build bridges with the students, faculty, and Alumni at UCI. Please feel free to offer any advice on how we improve so we can better represent ourselves as an organization. -PSO Officers
March 12, 2009 Volume I, Issue 2 Planning Student Organization

University of California Irvine

Feature of the Week: UCI Design Alliance

From UCI Design Alliance Website: The UCI Design Alliance is conceived as an informal federation of faculty, graduate students and staff committed to developing design discourse and design practice across campus, through lectures, roundtables, and workshops. Mission Statement: >To build a design discourse across campus as an area of intellectual inquiry that links humanities, social sciences, arts, management, and computing > To develop design literacy and design skills as professional assets for responsive and effective scholarship, teaching and communication in the twenty-first century

Sanjoy Mazumdar

Current members include PPD faculty Professor Sanjoy Mazumdar,

Professor Ajay Garde, as well as PPD P.H.D student Julka Almquist. Most recently, the Design Alliance co-sponsored a symposium on the Great Park in Irvine allowing attendees to listen in on what the designers had to say about the Great Park. For those interested in design, I would greatly encourage taking a look at the website and participate in upcoming seminars.

Upcoming Event:

Fifth Annual Wan-Lin Kiang Lecture: IN SEARCH OF CHINAS LOST BRIDGES. (May 6)
Contributed by Daniel Chuong

Ajay Garde

March 12, 2009 Volume I, Issue 2 Planning Student Organization

University of California Irvine

Spring Quarter Classes (Update) U275: Independent Study (LEED) Currently the class is in the progress of being finalized as a course (U275) for the Spring Quarter. It is tentatively scheduled for Friday in the afternoon. Details TBA NOTE: The LEED exam will be changed over the summer from LEED v2.2 to LEED 2009. Go to the U.S. Green Building Council Website for more information on the differences ( If you want to take the v2.2 format, you would have to register by March 31. For more information contact: Sara Kirker Email: [email protected] Prospective students note that CEE225b, while not requiring CEE225A, does require a course or experience with travel forecasting models, such as CEE123. The 225b project requires that the 123 term project be completed in the first 3-4 weeks (using TransCAD), with the rest of the quarter dedicated to expanding the model system. CEE123 (MWF 10 am - 12pm) From Professor McNally: The MURP students in prior years have done quite well, especially on the term project. Three MURP students took the class in Spring 2007, with an A-, a B, & a student (best of the 3) who had to drop. CEE123 has been approved as a graduate elective in the MURP program

Micromarketing Lab (295B) A 2 unit course that will be offered by Prof. Connie Pechmann in Spring Quarter 2009, on Thursdays from 1-2:20 pm and 2:30 3:50 pm. Course Code: 38361. The Micromarketing Lab is an award-winning course that has garnered national publicity and was sponsored by a $.5 million grant from Lincoln Mercury. The course is designed for students in marketing, real estate, finance, strategy and health care. It has been a key factor in many students successful employment searches.
March 12, 2009 Volume I, Issue 2 Planning Student Organization University of California Irvine

2009 Bob Goldin Memorial Scholarship Award Components: Four (4) $500 scholarships will be awarded to recipients of the Bob Goldin Memorial Scholarship. Selections shall be made by an Awards Committee established by the Orange Section of California APA and the Planning Directors Association of Orange County. Scholarships shall be awarded in May 2009 at the annual Orange Section of California APA Awards Program. Application Process: 1. Completed typed application form and Supplementary Application Essay. 2. Letter of application addressed to the Scholarship Committee of Orange Section/PDAOC containing a brief explanation of career goals and biographical (background) information. 3. One (1) letter of recommendation from college professor or employer supporting the application. 4. Proof of Orange County residency (if applicable). 5. Proof of college enrollment and GPA.
6. Statement demonstrating financial need

Attention all MURPS, Its not too late to sign up as a student host for the Open House overnight program!!!

Here are the detailsPPD is hosting an Open House for all perspectives who have been admitted into the MURP program for next fall. The Open House will take place Monday March 30th. We need current MURP students to provide overnight accommodations for the prospective students.

Duties include: -Picking your perspective up from the airport -Attending a Sunday night gathering of current MURPS and prospective students -Giving your perspective a place to sleep -Dropping your perspective off at the Open House on Monday morning.

Compensation includes: -$$$ Please contact Matt Agustin or myself if you're willing to host!


Submittal Deadline: Monday, April 13, 2009

-Jahmese Myres (on behalf of Matt and myself) [email protected] [email protected]

March 12, 2009 Volume I, Issue 2 Planning Student Organization

University of California Irvine

Music for Spring Break

The Urban Boombox

Contributed by Matt Agustin

Yeah Yeah Yeahs / "It's Blitz!" The 3rd offering from the New York based trio boasts a new sound for the band consisting of layers and layers of synths and radio-friendly hooks. If the YYYs were to ever make a dance album, this is exactly what it would sound like. Nonetheless, another outstanding contribution from Karen O and company and producer David Sitek (of TV on the Radio fame). Track picks: Soft Shock, Hysteric Neko Case / "Middle Cyclone" The follow-up to 2006's outstanding Fox Confessor Brings the Flood sees the scarlett chanteuse further showcasing her tremendous vocals alongside swooning alt-country laced arrangements. A bit long at 15 tracks, the album begins with two of the finest songs of the year so far and is a must listen for fans of Fox Confessor. Track picks: This Tornado Loves You, People Got a Lotta Nerve Matt & Kim / "Grand" This Brooklyn based duo is the indie punk version of the White Stripes. Grand (along with 2006's self-titled debut) both exhibit the idiosyncratic Matt & Kim sound. Think of a keyboard-ridden punk marching band. Matt & Kim are legit. Track picks: Daylight Have a good break everyone. -Matt Agustin

To submit an announcement, please contact Daniel. Email: [email protected]

March 12, 2009 Volume I, Issue 2 Planning Student Organization

University of California Irvine

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