Vibration ............................................................................... 1 Basic Theory...................................................................... 2 Linear Vibration Definitions ............................................. 2 Frequency ................................................................. 3 Displacement ............................................................. 3 Velocity .................................................................... 3 Acceleration .............................................................. 4 Vibration Identification........................................................ 6 Vibration Measurement ................................................... 6 Order of Vibration .......................................................... 8 Vibration Level Guidelines ............................................... 9 Vibration Causes and Corrective Actions ............................ 10 Causes........................................................................ 10 Corrective Actions........................................................ 10 One Component ....................................................... 10 1/2 Order Vibration .................................................. 10 1st Order Vibration................................................... 10 2nd Order Vibration .................................................. 10 Higher Order Vibration .............................................. 10 Non-Engine Vibration ................................................ 10
Excessive Engine Motion............................................... 11 Misalignment/Unbalance ........................................... 11 Resonance............................................................... 12 Torque Reaction....................................................... 12 Balance Procedure........................................................ 13 Reference Material ........................................................... 15 Media List ................................................................... 15 Engine/Driven Equipment Vibration Measurement Data Sheet .................................................................. 16
This section of the Application and Installation Guide generally describes Vibration, its causes and suggested corrections for Caterpillar engines listed on the cover of this section. Additional engine systems, components and dynamics are addressed in other sections of this Application and Installation Guide. Engine-specific information and data are available from a variety of sources. Refer to the Introduction section of this guide for additional references. Systems and components described in this guide may not be available or applicable for every engine.
Information contained in this publication may be considered confidential. Discretion is recommended when distributing. Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, Caterpillar Yellow and the POWER EDGE trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.
All mechanical systems with mass and elasticity are capable of relative motion. If this motion repeats itself over a given time period, it is known as linear vibration. Engines produce linear vibration due to combustion forces, torque reactions and structural mass and stiffness combinations and manufacturing tolerances on rotating components. All these forces may create conditions ranging from unwanted noise to high stress levels, and possible failure of the engine or driven components. Torsional vibration can create similar conditions but is caused by the twisting and untwisting of a shaft. Torsional vibration is discussed in the Mounting Application and Installation Guide. This guide: Reviews the basic theory and nomenclature of linear vibration. Identifies causes of engine-related linear vibration. Provides instruction for possible corrective action.
Basic Theory ...................... 2 Linear Vibration Definitions Vibration Identification ......... 6 Vibration Measurement Order of Vibration Vibration Level Guidelines Corrective Actions Excessive Engine Motion Balance Procedure
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Basic Theory
Engine vibrations are produced and maintained by regular, periodic driving forces set up by unbalanced moving masses. These are called forced vibrations. Free vibrations have no driving force. When set in motion, such vibrations, if undamped, would continue indefinitely with constant amplitude and natural frequency. If the frequency of a forced vibration is the same as the natural frequency of a free vibration, then excessive vibration will result. This synchronization of forced and free vibration is called resonance. Resonance stresses can cause serious problems and even reach destructive levels. The vibration generated by the engine could also result in structural damage if a rigid installation was housed in a building or close to sensitive instruments or equipment, such as computers. Other factors influencing vibration are foundation design, soil load characteristics, and other machinery operating in close proximity.
Figure 1
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Frequency Refer to Figure 2 for an illustration of the following definitions. Maximum displacement from the mean position is called amplitude. The interval in which the motion is repeated is called the cycle. The time required for the weight to complete one cycle is called a period. If the weight needs one second to complete a cycle, the vibration frequency is one cycle per second. If one minute, hour or day were required, its frequency would be one cycle per minute, hour or day, respectively. A system completing its full motion 20 times in one minute would have a frequency of 20 cycles per minute, or 20 cpm. Establishing frequency is necessary when analyzing vibration. It allows identification of the engine component or condition causing the vibration. Machinery vibration is complex and consists of many frequencies. Displacement, velocity and acceleration are all used to diagnose particular problems. Displacement measurements are better indicators
of dynamic stresses and are most commonly used. Displacement The total distance traveled by the weight, from one peak to the opposite peak, is peak-to-peak displacement, as shown in Figure 2. This measurement is usually expressed in mils, one mil equaling one-thousandth of an inch [0.025 mm (0.001 in.)]. It is a unit of vibration severity. Average and root-mean-square (rms) are sometimes used to measure vibration (rms = 0.707 times the peak of vibration.) These terms are referred to in theoretical discussions, but are of limited practical value. Velocity Another method to analyze vibration is measuring mass velocity. Note that the weight depicted in Figure 1 and Figure 2 is not only moving, but changing direction. The speed of the weight is also constantly changing. At its limit, the speed is zero. Its speed or velocity is greatest while passing through the neutral position.
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One Period
Figure 2
Velocity is an extremely important characteristic of vibration; but because of its changing nature, a single point is commonly chosen for measurement. This is peak velocity and normally expressed in inches per second. Velocity is a direct measure of vibration and provides the best overall indicator of machinery condition. It does not, however, reflect the effect of vibration on brittle material. The relationship between peak velocity and peak-to-peak displacement is compared by: Vpeak = 52.3 x D x F x 10-6 Where: Vpeak = Vibration velocity in inches per second peak. D= Peak-to-peak displacement, in mils. 1 mil (0.001 in.).
Acceleration Acceleration is another characteristic of vibration. It is the rate of velocity change. In Figure 2, note that peak acceleration is at the extreme limit of travel where velocity is zero. As velocity increases, acceleration decreases until it reaches zero at the neutral point. Acceleration is dimensioned in units of g (peak), where g equals the force of gravity at the earths surface: (980.665 cm/s2 = 386 in./s2 = 32.3 ft/s2) Acceleration measurements, or gs, are used where relatively large forces are encountered. At very high frequencies (60,000 cpm), it is perhaps the best indicator of vibration.
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Vibration acceleration can be calculated from peak displacement: gpeak = 1.42 x D x F2 x 10-8 Note that overall, or total peakto-peak displacement, shown in Figure 3, is approximately the sum of individual vibrations.
Figure 3
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Vibration Identification
If excessive linear vibration motion is present or suspected, an initial inspection should be performed to confirm that: Engine, coupling and driven equipment mounting bolts are properly torqued, and that all jacking bolts and set screws are backed off. Engine, coupling and driven equipment are properly aligned. All external piping is properly isolated from the engine and driven equipment with appropriate flexible couplings. face of each major piece of equipment. For example, an engine driving a two bearing generator set will require measurements at ten points, two at each bearing and two in an axial direction, as illustrated in Figure 4. Engine only applications and other types of packaged units may require fewer measurement points, but the following descriptions and graphic in Figure 4 still apply. Marine propulsion applications will also require a measurement in the vertical direction at the right rear engine mounting foot. This is required to check for rolling of the engine. The measurement is taken at the point where the engine is anchored by means of a fitted bolt. Vibration measurements must be made at the advertised driven equipment rating (100% load). If additional data is desired, it is recommended that measurements be made at 0% load, 50% load, 75% load and, depending on the rating, 110% load. For generator set applications, if measurements are taken while a generator is loaded, the magnetic field of the generator leads must be avoided. In addition, two sets of measurements should be made at the 0% load condition for generator set applications; one with the exciter turned on and one with the exciter turned off.
If the initial inspection results do not identify the problem, then vibration measurements should be made to determine the source prior to starting corrective action. The Vibration Measurement Data Sheet, at the end of this guide, is provided for convenient recording of raw data at various engine speed and load conditions. This form can be used for the basic engine as well as any packaged unit, including one or two bearing generator sets, marine propulsion engine/reduction gear sets, and pump or compressor packages.
Vibration Measurement
Vibration should be measured in both vertical and horizontal directions at each bearing location, and in an axial direction at the rear
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Figure 4
Point 1 EFV (Engine Front Vert.) Vertical direction at the front of the engine; locate the probe on the block top deck in the plane of the crankshaft centerline. Point 2 EFH (Engine Front Hor.) Horizontal direction at the front of the engine; locate the probe on the side of the block at the crankshaft centerline. Point 3 ERV (Engine Rear Vert.) Vertical direction at the rear of the engine; locate the probe on the block top deck (or rear housing) in the plane of the crankshaft centerline. Point 4 ERH (Engine Rear Hor.) Horizontal direction at the rear of the engine; locate the probe on the side of the block at the crankshaft centerline.
Point 5 ERA (Engine Rear Axial) Axial direction at the rear of the engine; locate the probe on the right rear outside edge of the block at the crankshaft centerline. Point 6 XFV (Driven Front Vert.) Vertical direction at the driven equipment front bearing; locate the probe on the bearing housing at the shaft centerline. Point 7 XFH (Driven Front Hor.) Horizontal direction at the driven equipment front bearing; locate the probe on the side of the bearing housing at the shaft centerline. Point 8 XRV (Driven Rear Vert.) Vertical direction at the driven equipment rear bearing; locate the probe on the bearing housing at the shaft centerline.
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Point 9 XRH (Driven Rear Hor.) Horizontal direction at the driven equipment rear bearing; locate the probe on the side of the bearing housing at the shaft centerline. Point 10 XRA (Driven Rear Axial) Axial direction at the driven equipment rear; locate the probe on the right rear outside edge of the driven equipment structure (not sheet metal) at the shaft centerline. Point 11* - ERR (Engine Rear Rot.) Vertical direction at the right rear engine mounting foot. * - marine applications only, when engine is anchored with fitted bolt.
orders. In other words, individual order motions will add or subtract to produce the overall. This measurement is not used to identify problems or establish limits, but rather as an indication of the total linear vibration motion. Data should be reported in terms of peak-to-peak displacement (mils) at half order frequency, first order frequency, overall velocity level (in/s) and overall displacement (mils) for each of the measuring locations. The data sheet at the end of this guide can be used to record and report the measured vibration data. All measurements must be made on the main rigid structural members of the engine and driven equipment. The instrument pickups must be positioned on the crankshaft centerline at the previously defined locations. Vibration measurements on large engine units should be taken using a Caterpillar Vibration Analyzer, part number 9U5831. This tool may be ordered through the Caterpillar Tool & Shop Product Guide, Media Number NENG2500. If Caterpillar measuring equipment is not available, an equivalent device capable of measuring peak-to-peak displacement at selected frequencies, overall velocity, and overall displacement should be used.
Order of Vibration
In discussions of vibration, the frequency of the motion is commonly referred to in terms of order of vibration. In an engine, the order of vibration is the number of vibratory cycles exhibited by a component during one revolution of the crankshaft. One-Half Order is two occurrences per crankshaft revolution. First Order is one occurrence per crankshaft revolution. Second Order is one occurrence every two crankshaft revolutions. Higher Order describes occurrences at 1, 2 or more crankshaft revolutions. Vibration Frequency (cpm) Engine Speed (rpm)
Overall vibration motion is the vector sum of the motion of all the
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These guidelines apply to both gas and diesel engine packages installed with or without isolation mounts. If linear vibration is higher than these guidelines, refer to the Vibration Causes and Corrective Actions section in this guide. Consult the manufacturer of the driven equipment for any such vibration guidelines. A vibration worksheet is provided at the end of this guide. WARNING: It is not an acceptable practice to lower the package vibration levels when operating at stable conditions by tightening the snubber bolts on the Caterpillar vibration isolators. This practice will only hide vibration problems.
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Corrective Actions
One Component If one component is the only item with excessive motion, the component mounting will have to be altered until the motion is reduced to an acceptable level at operating rpm. 1/2 Order Vibration When the vibration motion measurements show that 1/2 order is causing the problem, the engine fuel and governing system should be serviced to eliminate engine misfiring. No other work should be attempted until engine misfiring is eliminated. 1st Order Vibration Refer to the Balance Procedure in this guide. 2nd Order Vibration When excessive second order vibration occurs on 4-cylinder and vee 8 engines, the timing of the second order force balancers should be checked. Higher Order Vibration Other high order vibration levels cannot be corrected with flywheel balance weights or balancer timing. Usually these orders involve the structural characteristics of the generator and base which will need to be altered. Non-Engine Vibration If the vibration motion involves non-engine mounted structures and the engine vibration motion is acceptable, either the off-engine components must have their
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The following table correlates vibration characteristics to these possible causes: Vibration Characteristic
1 component 1/2 x engine rpm (one-half order) 1 x engine rpm (first order)
Correctable Causes
Mounting of component Misfiring of one or more cylinders Unbalance, misalignment, out-oftime balance weights, crankcase overfill Unbalance, out-oftime balance weights Normal cylinder and combustion (not correctable) Resonance Torque reaction insecure mounting or inadequate base
2 x engine rpm (second order) 1 1/2, 2 1/2, third higher orders Large vibration motion Motion increases as load is applied
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mounting altered or proper vibration isolators must be installed between the engine or generator set and the structure.
Figure 5 Misalignment/unbalanced vibration motion is relatively constant over the speed range, as shown in Figure 5, but exceeds accepted limits. For generator set applications, this may be determined by operating between 45 Hz and 65 Hz. Misalignment/unbalanced vibration motion is not changed by load. If misalignment or unbalance is identified: Check the alignment of the unit. Refer to Caterpillar Special Instructions listed under Reference Material at the end of this section. If vibration is still excessive, refer to the Balance Procedure at the end of this section. If vibration is still present after the balance procedure, mount the unit on isolators and repeat the balance procedure until a satisfactory level of vibration is obtained.
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Resonance Resonance occurs when a large vibration motion (amplitude) takes place within a narrow speed range, as shown in Figure 6. The vibration can occur on the generator set and/or the attached equipment, such as piping and air cleaners. When vibrations peak out in a narrow speed range, the vibrating component is in resonance.
under Reference Material at the end of this section. If vibration is still excessive, refer to the Balance Procedure at the end of this section. If vibration is still present after the balance procedure, mount the unit on isolators and recheck. If the unit is satisfactory, the problem is an improper mounting system which requires changing. Consult the proper specialist. Should the balance procedure fail and the set has excessive linear vibration motion when installed on the proper isolators, repeat the balance procedure until the linear vibration motion level is satisfactory.
Figure 6 There are two methods of reducing resonance vibration levels. These are: Changing the natural frequency of the part that is resonant. Reduction of the exciting force.
Torque Reaction When the vibration motion increases as load is applied, as shown in Figure 7, torque reaction is the likely problem. With a twobearing generator, it can be caused by insecure mounting of the engine or generator to its base and/or by a base not sufficiently rigid to withstand the associated forces.
If the following checks show that the cause of the problem is the structure that the engine, generator set, or other packaged unit is mounted on, a vibration specialist or mounting system specialist should be consulted. Check the alignment of the unit. Refer to Caterpillar Special Instructions listed Figure 7
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Torque reaction problems are not found with close-coupled generators. The rigid joint between the flywheel housing and the generator body is generally adequate to withstand torque. Assuming that a free standing twobearing generator is mounted on a weak base, first order motion and orders related to the number of cylinders firing with one crankshaft revolution are due to torque reaction which, in turn, causes misalignment. In this case, the first order motion would be most prevalent. This condition is generally encountered when the engine is driving a conventional two-bearing generator which is not closecoupled. Check the alignment of the unit. If the two-bearing generator set utilizes a structural steel base which is point-mounted, for example, pads and isolators, torque reaction can deflect the weak base. This deflection can cause severe misalignment and resulting vibration. If the unit continues to exhibit vibration after alignment, the base is likely not strong enough to hold the torque reaction and needs strengthening. One method of strengthening is to weld plates on top and bottom of the base across the width of the base from 6 in. forward of the rear engine supports to 6 in. behind the generator feet closest to the engine.
Balance Procedure
The following correction procedure can be applied to first order vibration motion: The crankshaft must assume the same position each time a balance adjustment is made. To assure this identical location is assumed, position flywheel to top dead center (TDC) of number 1 cylinder. A chalk mark or scribe across flywheel and coupling plates will provide an easy reference during the balancing operation. Remove bolts holding generator coupling plates to flywheel. Rotate generator rotor with plates attached 90 clockwise while flywheel remains at number 1 TDC. Replace coupling plate bolts and retest for vibration. If vibration remains, again position flywheel at TDC number 1 cylinder, index generator rotor another 90 clockwise (total 180), and retest. If necessary, repeat the previous step by rotating another 90 clockwise. Position coupling assembly relative to flywheel where least amount of vibration occurred. If magnitude of vibration remains unacceptable, add weight of 56.70 g (2 oz) under any single coupling plate to flywheel bolt. Flat washers
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can be used for this purpose. Bolt must be sufficiently long to maintain at least 1 1/4 times the bolt diameter of thread engagement. Observe vibration level and relocate weight 90 quadrant to identify where minimum vibration occurs. Add additional weight at point of minimum vibration identified in the previous step until vibration level is no longer diminished. In no case should more than 141.75 g (5 oz) be added under any one bolt.
If vibration levels are still unacceptable, a vibration control specialist should be consulted.
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Reference Material
Media List
The following information is provided as an additional reference to subjects discussed in this manual. SEHS7654: Special Instruction Alignment General Instructions REHS0423: Special Instruction Alignment of Two-Bearing Generators REHS0177: Special Instruction Alignment of Close Coupled TwoBearing Generators NENG2500: Tool and Shop Product Guide
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Location Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point Point 1 - EFV 2 - EFH 3 - ERV 4 - ERH 5 - ERA 6 - XFV 7 - XFH 8 - XRV 9 - XRH 10 - XRA 11 ERR*
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2008 Caterpillar
2008 Caterpillar All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. All rights reserved.