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Verb forms Present Tense V1 (s) play drive eat go cut come Tenses Simple Present Simple Past Simple Future Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous The use of tenses 1. The simple present tense is used to show what is done regularly, or for universal truths. India is very populated country. He goes to school every day. 2. The simple past shows actions in the past that are momentarily or specific in time. Past Tense (V2) played drove ate went cut came examples He drives a car He drove a car He will drive a car He is driving a car He was driving a car He will be driving a car He has driven a car He had driven a car He will have driven a car He has been driving a car since He had been driving a car since He will have been driving a car since Past Participle (V3) played driven eaten Gone cut come Present Participle (ing) playing driving eating going cutting coming

Form V1 (s) V2 Will/shall + V1 is/am/are + ing was/were + ing will/shall + be + ing has/have +V3 had + V3 will/shall + have + V3 has/have been + ing had been + ing will/shall + have + been + ing

He fell down. Yesterday, I saw an accident. 3. The simple future tense shows what one will do. I shall punish you. He will go abroad for his further studies. 4. The present continuous tense denotes that which is actually being done in the present. You are learning tenses I am giving you examples 5. The past continuous tense shows a verb in the past over a period of time. She was studying in the library for two hours. We were watching a match on tv all afternoon. 6. The future continuous tense shows an action which one will be doing at a certain time in the future. I will be fasting all day on Monday. Do not ring up after 10pm as I will be studying. 7. The present perfect continuous tense only helps to show that the action has been completed by the present time, but could not be in the near or far past. I have seen this movie, last week. We have finished cleaning up the house an hour ago. (An hour ago) They have been to London (An hour ago)

8. The past perfect tense shows an action done even before the action done in the simple past tense. (If there are two actions in the past, the first action is on the past perfect tense.) I had got a job before I completed my studies. We went to celebrate after we had got our results. 9. The future perfect tense assumes that something will have been completed by that given time in the future. By the year 2013, I will have retired. By next year she will have completed her graduation. 10. Use of perfect continuous tense

I have been going to the same tuition teacher for the last 5 years. After I had been working for ten years. I decided to quit.

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