Manila * Malolos * Makati Address: No. 9 Mendiola St., San Miguel, Manila Tel. No.: 7356861 to 71 Loc. 219 Fax Number: 7362211 E-Mail Address: mvlocquiao@ceu.edu.ph Web-Site: www.ceu.edu.ph Accredited by: PAASCU Level II, May 13, 2011 ACTUAL DELIVERY in Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital, Ospital ng Maynila, Pasig General Hospital Hospital/Home/Lying-in Clinic, Municipality/City/Province Prepared by: Printed Name and Signature of Student: Date Performed and Time Started 09/15/2011 ; 3:55 am 09/11/2011 ; 7:45 pm 08/28/2011 ; 5:02 pm 07/10/2011 ; 2:01 pm 05/08/2011 ; 6:03 pm LOMEDA, RYAN ONEIL A. D.R. Nurse On Duty (Name and Signature) (If Midwife on Duty, Signature Not Required) Milagros DJ. Canlas RN-RM
ODC Form 1A
Patient's INITIAL only Case Number (not applicable for Birthing/ Lyingin Clinics/Homes) C.J. ; 419105 J.N. ; 2361039 A.G. ; 546040 M.D. ; 536494 A.R. ; 506893
PROCEDURE PERFORMED Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery Approved by:
SUPERVISED BY Clinical Instructor Name and Signature Ruby E. Santiago RN-RM, MAN Rosalinda I. Morales, RN, MAN Rosalinda I. Morales, RN, MAN Ma. Blessel L. Abelardo RN Anna Liza D. Lipana RN
Noted by: MRS. JOBBIE S. LACOPIA (Print Name and Signature) Clinical Coordinator, PRC I.D. No.: 139998 Valid Until: ###### Date document is signed: Time: Highest Nursing Degree Earned: Registerded Nurse, Certified Teacher, Master of Art's in Teaching
MS. MERLINA V. LOCQUIAO, RN, MAN, MAEd (Print Name and Signature) Dean, PRC I.D. No. 123832 Valid Until: Date document is signed: Time: Highest Nursing Degree Earned:
This part is applicable to all affiliate hospitals and maybe signed by the corresponding Chief Nurse/Head of the institution.
Noted by: (Print Name and Signature) Chief Nurse, PRC I.D. No.: Date document is signed: Highest Nursing Degree Earned: Valid Until: Time: (STRICTLY NO DESIGNATES)
Copies to: Dean; SRMD; PRC; Student AAF-NU 008 Rev. 1 3/7/2012
(As per PRC BON Memorandum No. 02 s. 2009 dated June 15, 2009) Page 1 of 5
ODC Form 2A
Quezon City General Hospital, Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital, President Diosdado Macapagal Memorial Medical Center, East Avenue Medical Center Hospital/Home/Lying-in Clinic, Municipality/City/Province
Prepared by: Printed Name and Signature of Student: LOMEDA, RYAN ONEIL A. Date Performed and Time Started 2/7/2012 11/3/2011 5/14/2011 4/6/2011 4/5/2011 Patient's INITIAL only Case Number J.V. ; 015384 M.M. ; 429520 V.S. ; 149280 M.P. ; 37604 L.F. ; 37428 SURGICAL PROCEDURE PERFORMED
Open Cholecystectomy with Completion Cholangiogram
Low Transverse Cesarean Section Exploratory Laparotomy Ileorrhaphy Low Transverse Cesarean Section Exploratory Laparotomy Appendectomy Approved by:
Veronica P. Cristobal RN-RM Aida T. Oliveros RN, MAN Roberto P. Martires RN,MAN Roberto P. Martires RN,MAN
Noted by: MRS. RAQUEL C. CRISTOBAL (Print Name and Signature) Clinical Coordinator, PRC I.D. No.: 276811 Valid Until: ###### Date document is signed: Time: Highest Nursing Degree Earned: Registered Nurse, Master of Arts in Nursing
MS. MERLINA V. LOCQUIAO, RN, MAN, MAEd (Print Name and Signature) Dean, PRC I.D. No. 123832 Valid Until: Date document is signed: Time: Highest Nursing Degree Earned:
This part is applicable to all affiliate hospitals and maybe signed by the corresponding Chief Nurse/Head of the institution.
Noted by: (Print Name and Signature) Chief Nurse, PRC I.D. No.: Date document is signed: Highest Nursing Degree Earned: Valid Until: Time: (STRICTLY NO DESIGNATES)
Copies to: Dean; SRMD; PRC; Student AAF-NU 008 Rev. 1 3/7/2012
(As per PRC BON Memorandum No. 02 s. 2009 dated June 15, 2009) Page 2 of 5
ODC Form 1B
SUPERVISED BY Clinical Instructor Name and Signature Ruby E. Santiago, RN-RM, MAN Ruby E. Santiago, RN-RM, MAN Ruby E. Santiago, RN-RM, MAN Ma. French Lyn C. Pascual RN Anna Liza D. Lipana RN
Noted by: MRS. JOBBIE S. LACOPIA (Print Name and Signature) Clinical Coordinator, PRC I.D. No.: 139998 Valid Until: ###### Date document is signed: Time: Highest Nursing Degree Earned: Registerded Nurse, Certified Teacher, Master of Art's in Teaching
MS. MERLINA V. LOCQUIAO, RN, MAN, MAEd (Print Name and Signature) Dean, PRC I.D. No. 123832 Valid Until: Date document is signed: Time: Highest Nursing Degree Earned:
This part is applicable to all affiliate hospitals and maybe signed by the corresponding Chief Nurse/Head of the institution.
Noted by: (Print Name and Signature) Chief Nurse, PRC I.D. No.: Date document is signed: Highest Nursing Degree Earned: Valid Until: Time: (STRICTLY NO DESIGNATES)
Copies to: Dean; SRMD; PRC; Student AAF-NU 008 Rev. 1 3/7/2012
(As per PRC BON Memorandum No. 02 s. 2009 dated June 15, 2009) Page 3 of 5
ODC Form 2B
O.R. Nurse On Duty (Name and Signature) Leticia M. Gollayan Leticia M. Gollayan
SUPERVISED BY Clinical Instructor Name and Signature Teresa B. Talon RN-RM Teresa B. Talon RN-RM Rosalinda I. Morales RN, MAN
Appendectomy Dilatation and Curettage Emergency Apendectomy Approved by: Socorro S. Arcinas RN-RM
Noted by: MRS. RAQUEL C. CRISTOBAL (Print Name and Signature) Clinical Coordinator, PRC I.D. No.: 276811 Valid Until: ###### Date document is signed: Time: Highest Nursing Degree Earned: Registered Nurse, Master of Arts in Nursing
MS. MERLINA V. LOCQUIAO, RN, MAN, MAEd (Print Name and Signature) Dean, PRC I.D. No. 123832 Valid Until: Date document is signed: Time: Highest Nursing Degree Earned:
This part is applicable to all affiliate hospitals and maybe signed by the corresponding Chief Nurse/Head of the institution.
Noted by: (Print Name and Signature) Chief Nurse, PRC I.D. No.: Date document is signed: Highest Nursing Degree Earned: Valid Until: Time: (STRICTLY NO DESIGNATES)
Copies to: Dean; SRMD; PRC; Student AAF-NU 008 Rev. 1 3/7/2012
(As per PRC BON Memorandum No. 02 s. 2009 dated June 15, 2009) Page 4 of 5
ODC Form 1C
SUPERVISED BY Clinical Instructor Name and Signature Grenda M. Ugalde RN Rosalinda I. Morales, RN, MAN Rosalinda I. Morales, RN, MAN Ma. French Lyn C. Pascual RN Anna Liza D. Lipana RN
Noted by: MRS. JOBBIE S. LACOPIA (Print Name and Signature) Clinical Coordinator, PRC I.D. No.: 139998 Valid Until: ###### Date document is signed: Time: Highest Nursing Degree Earned: Registerded Nurse, Certified Teacher, Master of Art's in Teaching
Approved by: MS. MERLINA V. LOCQUIAO, RN, MAN, MAEd (Print Name and Signature) Dean, PRC I.D. No. 123832 Valid Until: Date document is signed: Time: Highest Nursing Degree Earned:
This part is applicable to all affiliate hospitals and maybe signed by the corresponding Chief Nurse/Head of the institution.
Noted by: (Print Name and Signature) Chief Nurse, PRC I.D. No.: Date document is signed: Highest Nursing Degree Earned: Valid Until: Time: (STRICTLY NO DESIGNATES)
Copies to: Dean; SRMD; PRC; Student AAF-NU 008 Rev. 1 3/7/2012
(As per PRC BON Memorandum No. 02 s. 2009 dated June 15, 2009) Page 5 of 5