October Resources and Opportunities: Byf School-Year Jobs

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October Resources and Opportunities

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The Boston Youth Fund will be funding a limited number of school-year jobs at communitybased, faith-based, and City of Boston agencies for the 20122013 school year. Interested applicants must complete BYFs Application and bring it directly to the worksite you would like to apply. Jobs include childcare assistants, administrative assistants, after-school tutors, and more at $8 per hour for a maximum of 10 hours per week. All applicants must be 15 years of age on or before Nov 25 and cannot turn 19 on or before May 10, 2013. Must be currently enrolled in high school or GED/alternative education program. All applicants must be full-time residents of the City of Boston. Deadline: Oct 12. For a complete list of work sites & application: www.bostonyouthfund.org

BYF Jobs Text a Tip Vote Halloween Fall Programs Tutoring Jobs & Service Apply Now Health/Sports Family Fun Walks/Races Early Childhood Girls Only College Planning Youth Workers

Upcoming Events View All Events on City Calendar Family Movie Night Tue, Oct 2 5:30-7:30pm BPL Mattapan Branch Kids' Cinema Fri, Oct 5 10:15-11:10am BPL Central Library Hatha Yoga Tue, Oct 9 6:30-7:45pm


You dont need to say a word to help fight crime. Just send a text. Since 2007, more than 3,800 tips have been submitted through both texts and phone calls. Not once has a persons identity been revealed. Text a tip anytime, anywhere using your mobile phone or PDA. Message and data rates may apply. Just text the word tip to CRIME, that's 27463.

BPL Fields Corner Branch Chess Lessons with Richard Sat, Oct 13 11am-1pm BPL Honan-Allston Branch Friends' Fall Book Sale Sat, Oct 27 10am-3:30pm BPL South Boston Branch Stay Connected Facebook Boston Youth Zone: Learn about after school, tutoring, and sports programs for the fall! Twitter Get updates on free things to do, program deadlines and more! @BostonYouthZone Get school-year job updates! @BostonYouthFund

Like the tip line, text a tip is 100% anonymous. If your tip leads to an arrest you can win a reward of up to $1,000. Or, you can always call the tip line at 1-800-494-TIPS. Both are 100% anonymous so no one will be able to identify you, not even the police. www.cityofboston.gov/police/crimeprevention

Register to Vote Now!: If you are a US Citizen, a resident of Boston, and will be 18 years old for the upcoming State Election and General Election on Nov 6, register to vote by Oct 17! If you have registered to vote but will be out of town (i.e. college), learn how you can vote by Absentee Ballot. Make your voice heard! www.cityofboston.gov/elections Our Vote Matters!: Find the answers to questions frequently asked by young voters. www.cityofboston.gov/elections/faq.asp

Zoo Howl at Franklin Park Zoo: Kids are welcome to come trick-ortreating at the Zoo! There will be costume contests, a haunted maze, and many more activities for all ages. Franklin Park Zoo. Oct 27-28, 11am-3pm. www.zoonewengland.org/page.aspx?pid=330

Pumpkin Float: Bring a 6-8 home-carved pumpkin to Pope John Paul II Park in Dorchester. Each jack-o-lantern will have a candle inserted, be mounted on a float, and lit before being launched in the water. Floats and candles are provided. Free. Oct 20, 5:30-7:30pm. Rain date: Oct 21. 617-542-7696, www.bostonnatural.org/evtPumpkinFloat.htm Boo Bash: Dress up and trick-or-treat at the Strand Theatres annual Boo Bash, featuring a haunted house, freaky flicks, pumpkins, candy, prizes, and more. Oct 31, 1-4pm. Strand Theatre, Dorchester. http://strandboston.com/aboutoureventsmenu Salem Haunted Happenings: Americas most exciting Halloween Festival in Salem. A month of fun for the whole family! www.hauntedhappenings.org Halloween Safety Guide: Have a safe and fun Halloween! Be smart with these Halloween safety tips. www.halloween-safety.com For More Halloween Events: Check out more Halloween events on the BYZ Calendar! www.cityofboston.gov/calendar/youth.asp

Boston Centers for Youth & Families Program Guide: The BCYF Program Guide for 2012-13 is online now! Find programs from fall through spring for all ages including homework help, GED, basketball, volleyball, yoga, chess, computer class and more. Limited print copies available at your neighborhood BCYF center. 617-635-4920, www.cityofboston.gov/bcyf Boston Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services: BPS serves nutritious meals at low or no cost to all students. Complete a Free and Reduced Price meal application: https://apps2.mybps.org/mealapps/lfserver/EFORM_ENG to get the most value for your dollar. Universal Free Breakfast is now available at all Boston Public Schools, including 28 schools recently added. Learn more & subscribe to the blog: http://www.bostonpublicschools.org/meals. Fall Art Workshops & Courses for High School Students: The Art Institute of Bostons Pre-College Program is offering 7-week courses for college credit and non-credit in the visual arts this fall. All levels welcome. Scholarships available. Runs Oct 27-Dec 15. Linda Harris, 617-585-6724, www.lesley.edu/aib/curriculum/precollege.html Teen Art Fall Session: Teens ages 12-15 can register now for FREE creative workshops, visits, to galleries, and time in artists studios. Discover new techniques and create work with professional artists. Pre-registration required. Fall Session Oct 5-Nov 30, Fridays 4-6pm. 617-375-8159, www.uses.org

Wheelock Family Theatre: Sign up now for fall classes and workshops! The Wheelock Family Theatre offers a range of acting classes for children ages 6-17. 617-879-2252, www.wheelockfamilytheatre.org/fall.aspx Boston Public Library Teen Council: Teens can have their voices heard regarding library activities. New members welcome. Begins Oct 7, 3pm. Jesse, 617-859-2334, www.bpl.org Fashion 101: Fashion 101 will feature a discussion by a panel of industry professionals in fashion as a part of Boston Fashion Week 2012 at Copley Library. Oct 6, 2pm www.bostonfashionweek.com Steppingstone Academy: Steppingstone is a free, 14-month college-focused academic program that prepares motivated students for acceptance into and success at top independent and public exam schools. Boston residents in grades 4-5t. Family Information Meeting: Nov 10, 10am. Boston Latin Academy. 617423-6300, www.tsf.org YouthAim!: This youth development program enables youth to create change by exercising leadership through formal and informal interventions. Develop leadership skills through experience in the areas of: civic responsibility, mentoring, individual goal accomplishment, and more. Mon, Tue, & Thu, 3-6pm. 31 Heath St., Jamaica Plain. 617-523-6400, www.fsgb.org Learn2Earn: Learn2Earn is a financial education and tax preparation program for juniors and seniors. Program meets twice a week starting in Oct. Stipend of $300 for completing program and VITA tax preparers certification. 617-8228171, [email protected] Exam Prep Program: Project D.E.E.P offers exam prep at 3 locations for fifth, sixth, and eighth graders. The course offers two different courses, a math class and a verbal/reading comprehension class. These classes span a period of eight weeks and cover material included on the Independent Schools Entrance Exam (ISEE) and the Secondary School Admissions Test (SSAT). The program is offered at a cost of $80 per class, financial aid available. www.projectdeep.org Summer Search Presentations for Sophomores: The mission of Summer Search is to find resilient, low-income high school students and inspire them to become responsible and altruistic leaders by providing year-round mentoring, life-changing summer experiences, college advising, and a lasting support network. Sophomores can attend a Summer Search presentation at your high school or talk to your guidance counselor. 617-524-9911, www.summersearch.org Cacique Youth Learning Center: Participate in a number of youth development programs that promote academic success, technology, arts, civic involvement, and health. For low-income families with children ages 5-13 and teens 14-19. 617-927-1707, www.iba-etc.org

Hispanic Black Gay Coalition Mentor Program: LGBTQ mentors work to support students in a safe, caring, one-on-one relationship while mentees work on their personal, social, academic, career, and life goals. Upcoming program dates: Oct 23, 6:30pm mentor/mentee orientation. http://hbgcboston.org/node/471 Hispanic Black Gay Coalition Annual Youth Conference: Register now for a FREE conference that encourages, educates and inspires LGBTQ youth to use their ideas, knowledge and skills to create change. Conference Saturday Oct 20. 9am-6pm. http://hbgc-boston.org/node/483 Mission Enrichment Program (MEP): Middle school youth can enroll in Sociedad Latinas MEP after-school program for FREE. Participants complete homework, build numeracy skills, explore careers, and go on enrichment field trips. Mon-Thurs, 2:30-6:30pm. Jimmy, 617-442-4299 x120, www.sociedadlatina.org VIET-AIDS After School Program: Enjoy homework help, tutoring, academic enrichment, and fun cultural activities. All students in the program are referred to Viet-Aid by partner elementary and middle schools. For students from the Fields Corner neighborhood or of Vietnamese ethnicity. Grades 3-8. Mon-Fri, 26pm. 617-822-3717 x21, www.vietaid.org Catholic Charities Teen Center at St. Peters: Boston youth have access to programming for academic support and leadership development, as well as classes in dance, theatre, music production, visual arts, African drumming, and Karate. Open 2:30-8:30pm, Mon-Fri. 278 Bowdoin St, Dorchester. 617-2823614, www.ccab.org/youthteen.html Hyde Square Task Force Enrichment Program: The Hyde Square Task Force is accepting applications for their enrichment programs; music clubhouse, community dance classes, and summer rhythms. http://hydesquare.org/programs/youth.html Artists for Humanity Saturday Blast!: Boston middle school students interested in drawing or painting have the opportunity to work with experienced artist mentors. $20 registration fee. Snacks provided. Session lasts 8 weeks. Saturdays, 11am-2pm. 617-268-7620, www.afhboston.com/middleschool.php The Record Co: TRC offers teens an in-depth look at audio production and professional record-making. Sign up for a FREE class this fall to learn how to make beats, use microphones, and what it takes to create a high-quality recording. Classes are taught by young audio professionals in working commercial recording studios. 960 Mass Ave. 617-334-5098, www.therecordco.org

Find Youth Programs on Bostonavigator!: As students head back to school, connect with out-of-school time programs by searching Bostonavigator. Check out opportunities for youth ages 5-18. You can search by a combination of age, activity, keyword, and location. You can even email the results of your search to yourself or a friend. www.Bostonavigator.org

Homework Help at BPL: Students in grades K-8 can get free afterschool homework help in all subject areas at any library branch. Academic support and mentoring is also available. Starts Sep 10, Mon-Thurs, 3:30-5:30pm. Weekend hours at Central Branch only, Sat, 12-4pm; Sun, 15pm. 617-859-2382, www.bpl.org/boost Online Tutoring: Get free online tutoring in all subjects with your library card! One-on-one tutoring is available for students in grades K-12 in English and Spanish from 2pm-12am, 7 days a week. www.bpl.org/boost Boston Teachers Union Tutors: Students in all grades can receive homework help and tutoring from Boston Public School teachers. Tutoring starts the week of Sep 24 at Boston Public Library branches from 4-6pm. Days vary by branch. www.bpl.org/boost 826 Boston: This non-profit organization offers youth in grades 1-12 one-onone tutoring and homework help in any subject. Students can register to receive help from a trained tutor. Mon-Thurs, 3-6pm and Sat, 1-3pm for students ages 12-18. www.826boston.org/programs Project D.E.E.P Tutoring: Dorchester students in grades 5-8 can receive oneon-one help with their homework, projects, and reports in any subject by signing up at the Leahy-Holloran Community Center on Sep 29, noon. Students meet with tutors for 90 minutes throughout the year with a one-time $50 registration fee. [email protected], www.projectdeep.org Youth Tutoring Youth: In this FREE after-school tutoring program, South Boston students in grades 3-6 are able to receive one-on-one help in math and language arts. Program begins Oct 9 and runs every Mon-Thu, 2:45-6pm. Labour Center, 275 West Broadway, South Boston. 617-464-8575, www.ccab.org Boys and Girls Club of Roxbury: The B&G Club offers homework help, test preparation, and tutoring for free to youth ages 6-18. Must be a B&G Club member. 617-427-6050, www.bgcb.org


Youth Leadership Board: The YLB is a group of high school youth from communities across MA who work to build leadership skills, be trained on a public health topics, and lead the Peer Leadership Network. Get PAID to gain public speaking skills, plan statewide events, and become a peer leader! Free food at weekly meetings. Fulfill school community service requirements. Conny, [email protected], 617-279-2240 x377 BPL Homework Help Mentors: Make a difference by tutoring and mentoring elementary school-aged children. You will help kids with homework, play games, or read books. The program runs from Sep-May, 3:30-5:30pm, with slots still available at some Boston Public Library locations. Mentors must maintain a 3.0 GPA and will also earn a stipend. Libby, 617-859-2372, www.bpl.org/boost Media Watch Team Paid Internship: Amplifyme is currently seeking teens to join the Media Watch Team and become leaders in its Media Action Series. Gather samples of music, music videos, TV programming, magazines, and websites that reflect what is currently deemed cool in hip-hop and pop culture. Job, volunteer, and internship positions available. [email protected], www.amplifyme.us/jobs/index.cfm Boston Blooms with Daffodils: Join Mayor Menino as the city plants 40,000 daffodil bulbs along Boston's sidewalks, traffic medians, and paths. The Parks & Recreation Department is seeking volunteers to assist with planting and suggestions for locations. Plantings will take place on the weekends of Oct 20 & Oct 27. Registration: www.cityofboston.gov/parks/daffodil_signup.aspx. National Public Lands Volunteer Day: Join thousands of volunteers around the country for National Public Lands Day by weeding, mulching, pruning, and planting along the Greenway. There are also volunteer opportunities at Boston Harbor Islands Park; North Point Park, Cambridge; Neponset Park, Dorchester; and the Edward L Cooper Community Garden, Roxbury. Sep 29, 9am-12pm. For more info and registration: www.publiclandsday.org. LGBTQ Youth Peer Leadership Program: Asian Pride, a program for LGBTQ youth of Asian descent, is looking for peer leaders who want to make a difference. Peer Leaders work closely with the Youth Coordinator to design and lead workshops and bring in new people to the program. AP Peer Leaders work from 4-8pm, Tue & Fri. Deadline: Oct 31, 5pm. Chanelle, 617-426-6755, [email protected] SPLASH Conference: Youth ages 14-24 are invited to attend a conference on water, the environment, and related careers. There will be water demonstrations and exhibits by Massachusetts-based water professionals. Oct 2, 2-5pm. Reggie Lewis Center, Roxbury. Register: www.rcc.mass.edu/cce/splash.asp

Project D.E.E.P One-on-One Tutoring Program: Project DEEP is looking for high school tutors to volunteer for their One-on-One Tutoring Program. Volunteer mentors will help Dorchester elementary school students with their homework once a week for 90 minutes after school starting in Nov and ending in Apr. Deadline: Oct 7. Beth, [email protected], www.projectdeep.org Volunteer at the Greenway: Get involved and help keep the parks looking beautiful. Sign up to volunteer with our Horticultural crew or become a park docent. Horticulture projects take place bi-weekly on Weds, 9am-noon. Register: [email protected]. For more opportunities: 617-292-0020, www.rosekennedygreenway.org. Allston Planting Project: The Allston Planting Project needs volunteers to help transform the Everett Street Bridge embankment into a green asset. Sep 29, 123pm; Sep 30, 11-3pm. Site across from 96 Everett St, Allston. RSVP: 617-3498856, [email protected] Food Project: On Saturdays, youth ages 17+ for individuals and 14+ for groups, can volunteer at the West Cottage Street Farm in Dorchester from 9:45am-12:30pm. Must pre-register online: www.thefoodproject.org, 617-4421322 Brigham & Womens Hospital: BWH volunteers assist staff in many departments throughout the hospital, such as the BWH Gift Shop, Patient & Family Relations, Outpatient Infusion, and Pathology. Must be 16 years of age to become a BWH volunteer. A commitment of at least six months of service is required. www.brighamandwomens.org/about_bwh/volunteer/General%20Volunteers.aspx Beth Israel Deaconess Center: The Health Corps Program offers high school students ages 14+ the chance to volunteer in clinical and non-clinical settings during the summer and school year. A minimum of 40 hrs needed. 6-12 month commitment and recommendation letters are required. www.bidmc.org/AboutBIDMC/VolunteerServices.aspx Samariteens: Samariteens is looking for teens interested in volunteering to listen to other teens on the Helpline. The line is dedicated to the prevention of suicide among teens and providing confidential peer support to teens who are struggling with feelings of depression, loneliness, and stress. www.samaritanshope.org/teen-helpline.html Teens in Print: Ever dreamed of seeing your name in print? Join the staff of Bostons citywide youth newspaper, Teens in Print. This is a volunteer position open to BPS high school students. Meetings are twice a week at The Boston Globe and have FREE food! [email protected], 617-541-2651

YES Junior Volunteers: YES Academy is now looking for teens ages 13-18 interested in becoming junior volunteers. Volunteers teach other youth how to safely enjoy the outdoors while acting as positive role models and attend weekly three-hour shifts in the YES rental shop. Deadline: Oct 15. 617-267-5877, www.yeskids.org/programs/Yes_Academy/#jun YES Career Exploration Program: The Career Exploration program provides work readiness classes, workshops, a week apprenticeship, and a paid summer job placement. Youth ages 14 and older can apply. 617-267-5877, www.yeskids.org Boston Cares: Make a difference in your community by volunteering! Register with Boston Cares, and youll become a part of the many service projects that advocate for community enrichment, health & wellness, homelessness/hunger, environment and more! www.bostoncares.org Boston PIC: If you attend a BPS High School, connect with your Private Industry Council (PIC) Career Specialist who can help you with your resume, job interview skills, and job search. 617-524-5224, www.BostonPIC.org Teen Resume Guide: Create a resume to be able to share with potential job, internship, or volunteer leads. This guide includes a variety of formats samples, tips on how to tell your story, and great action words to describe your work and volunteer experience. www.cityofboston.gov/youthzone/JobsInternshipsAndVolunteering State IDs: MA state ID cards are now available to applicants at the age of 14. A state ID makes it easier to obtain a work permit, cash paychecks, and prove identity to potential employees. Apply for yours today! www.massdot.state.ma.us/rmv

Youth Action Award: Do you know a New Bostonian resident under 21 years old, whose parents are immigrants, and deserves a special recognition? The Office of New Bostonians is looking for a young person who has the perseverance, courage and idealism of a New Bostonian. The nominee must have made significant contributions to empower his/her community, demonstrated cultural pride or promoted cross-cultural understanding and collaboration, and be an inspiration to his or her peers. Nomination deadline: Oct 5. Awardee must also be able to accept the award in person at the We Are Boston 2011 Gala on Dec 4. www.cityofboston.gov/weareboston/awards.asp

Stop Bullying Video Challenge: The Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention invites youth ages 13-18 to create a 30-60 second public service announcements as part of the Stop Bullying Video Challenge. Grand prize is $2000 and 2 runner-ups will receive $500. Entries must be received by 11pm on Oct 14. http://stopbullying.challenge.gov MIT SEED Academy: SEED Academy engages students to take part in an engineering and technology curriculum. Students receive FREE instruction and mentorship from MIT students and are able to develop academic and communication skills to help them succeed in high school. 9th and 10th grade public school students in either Boston, Cambridge or Lawrence can apply. Saturdays, 10am-3pm. MIT, Cambridge. 617-253-8052, http://mit.edu/seed/Apply.html Primes Circle: Primes Circle gives sophomores and juniors the opportunity to learn college-level math under the guidance of MIT professors and students. They will also receive training in writing, in discussing, and in presenting mathematics at this level. Meets twice a week, 5-7 hour per week commitment. Deadline: Oct 31. [email protected], http://mit.edu/primes/circle.shtml


Safe Medication Disposal Day: This event is a great opportunity to safely dispose of unused, unneeded, or expired prescription drugs. Help keep our youth and environment safe! Sep 29, 10am-2pm. The Dorchester Walgreens, 757 Gallivan Blvd. 617-533-2234, www.MyDSAC.org Seasonal Influenza Shots: Annual outbreaks of the seasonal flu usually occur during the late fall through early spring. Protect yourself by getting the flu shot. The Public Health Commission will be posting locations that offer free vaccinations. Visit www.bphc.org/flu to find a location near you. Group Swim Lessons: Youth ages 6-15 can apply for group swim lessons at the Kroc Community Center. Various lessons available based on level of experience with swimming. www.boston.salarmykroc.org Franklin Park Tennis Association Play Day: Youth ages 6-18 are invited to join FPTA for a day FREE of tennis challenges and/or matches. 1542 Columbus Ave. Roxbury. 617-427-8900, www.franklinparktennis.org Tai Chi: Free tai chi classes will be offered at the Chinatown Park on Sundays now through Oct 28 from 9-10:30am. www.rosekennedygreenway.org

Crossfit: Head to the Greenway for a FREE hour-long CrossFit series by CrossFit Back Bay. All levels are welcome to attend. Every Wednesday through Oct 10. North End Parks. RSVP required: http://citysportsblog.com/eventupdates/crossfit-back-bay-classes-on-the-greenway Kids Boxing/Fitness: In a fun and supervised environment, children will learn basic boxing skills and conditioning exercises that will build their self-esteem, discipline, and confidence. Ages 8-15. Program fee: $329. Sep 24-Dec 15 (12 weeks), Mon & Wed, 3:30-4:30pm, Sat, 1:30-2:30pm. Peter Welchs Gym, 371 Dorchester Ave, South Boston. 617-269-4641, www.peterwelchsgym.com Parkway Youth Hockey: Sign up for Learn To Skate, Instructional Hockey, and more! Cost: Learn to skate; $225, Ins. Hockey; $275. Registration begins Sep 15. 1275 VFW Parkway, West Roxbury. [email protected], www.parkwayyouthhockey.org RowBoston: BPS students ages 12-18 are invited to join a FREE rowing team! Transportation is provided, and no swimming or rowing experience is necessary. Compete against other teams, visit colleges with your team, and go on a winter training trip! 617-779-8277, www.growboston.org Brighton Community Rowing: The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) offers instruction for beginners, recreational, and competitive rowers through October. Special programs for physically challenged and visually impaired people. Apply now for the fall Junior Program! Harry Parker Boathouse, Nonantum Rd. 617-779-8267, www.community-boating.org

Franklin Park Fall Festival: Franklin Park invites families to participate in FREE outdoor activities during its two-day Fall Festival. Activities include a wilderness hike, kickball, line dancing, and more! Sep 28, 126pm & Sep 29, 2-6pm. Franklin Parks Resting Place/Shattuck Picnic Grove. 617442-4141, www.franklinparkcoalition.org Harbor Fall Fest: Celebrate fall with FREE activities for all ages. Activities include Wool Dyeing with Wildflowers, Peep at Fall Foliage, music, and more! Sep 30, 11am-2pm. Webb Memorial, Boston Harbor. 617-223-8666, www.bostonharborislands.org/event-details?rid=1840 Roxbury Open Studios: This annual event is an opportunity for Roxbury's visual artists to welcome the public to view and purchase paintings, drawings, sculptures, textiles, jewelry, and other studio crafts. Oct 4-7. For times, locations, and more information: http://roxburyopenstudios.org.

Dorchester Open Studios: Dorchester Open Studios is looking for dancers, singers, bands, sound engineers, and more! If interested, email [email protected]. www.mydorchester.org Boston Local Food Festival: Mayor Menino invites you to the Boston Local Food Festival on Oct 7, 11am-5pm. Meet with local farmers, chefs, and entrepreneurs and learn how to cook nutritious meals. Fun activities, music, and art will also be available. Rose Kennedy Greenway. http://bostonlocalfoodfestival.com Boston Vegetarian Food Festival: Vegetarians unite at the Reggie Lewis Center where all the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle will be on display, with free admission and free tastings. Oct 27, 11am-6pm & Oct 28, 10am-4pm. 1350 Tremont St., Mission Hill. www.bostonveg.org/foodfest Food Truck Throwdown: This event is a daylong competition which pits 7 food trucks from Boston against 7 food trucks from New York City as contestants vie for the title of Best Food Truck. Live music, celebrity judges, and tons of great eat. Oct 13, 11am-9pm, Dewey Square. www.foodtruckthrowdown.com Greenway Open Market: Come explore the parks, soak up the sun, play in the Rings Fountain, grab a bite to eat, and shop the various market vendors! Saturdays through Oct 27, 11am-5pm. www.greenwayopenmarket.com Roslindale Day Parade: The annual Roslindale Day Parade will showcase the diversity and beauty of the neighborhood and its residents. Oct 14, 1pm. For more information and the parade route: www.roslindaleparade.com. Mattapan Square Farmers Market: Have fun and enjoy fresh, local food at the Mattapan Square Farmers Market. Farmers at the market accept EBT/SNAP, WIC, and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Coupons. Sat, 10am-1pm through Oct 13. Church of the Holy Spirit, Mattapan. 617-291-7598, www.mattapanfoodandfitness.org/farmers-market Farmers Markets: Did you know farmers markets benefit the environment? Buying locally grown food cuts down on fossil fuels burned during transportation and reduces waste created in packaging produce for sale in grocery stores. Boston has over 20 farmers markets with most running through Oct. Find a farmers market near you! www.cityofboston.gov/summer/shopdine/farmers.asp


Samaritans 5K Run/Walk: Samaritans 5K Run/Walk is an annual fundraiser to benefit the work of Samaritans, a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the incidence of suicide. Sep 29, 10am. Artesani Park, Brighton. 617-536-2460, www.samaritanshope.org

Boston Walk for Pancreatic Cancer Research: Help raise awareness and increase research funding by participating in Bostons 7th annual Pancreatic Cancer Research Walk, sponsored by the Lustgarten Foundation. Pre-registration fee: $50, walk-in registration: $60. Sep 30, 8am. Castle Island, South Boston. www.lustgarten.org BAAs Half Marathon: Local runners will not want to miss out on the opportunity to participate in the Boston Athletic Associations 12th Annual Half Marathon. Oct 7, 8:30am. White Stadium, Franklin Park, Jamaica Plain. 617236-1652 x2632, www.baa.org Boston Brain Tumor Walk: Walk to help raise awareness for brain tumors and essential funds for research and patient services through the National Brain Tumor Society. Oct 13, 8am-12pm. Castle Island, South Boston. www.BrainTumorWalk.com Walk to Prevent Suicide: Join in the efforts to prevent suicide by participating in the 9th annual Out of the Darkness Walk. Help fund research efforts conducted by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Oct 13, 10am12pm. Artesani Park, Soldiers Field Road, Brighton. Melanie, 617-439-0940, www.outofthedarkness.org Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk: Join us for the oldest and largest one-day breast cancer walk in the country. Enjoy a day of inspiring speakers and entertainment. DCR Hatch Shell, Beacon Hill. Oct 14, 9:30am. http://makingstrides.acsevents.org FOG Run: Help raise awareness for genetic disorders by participating in FOGs (Friends and Family of Children with Genetic Disorders) annual 5K road race. Registration fee $20 before Sep 15, $25 after, or $15 for Holy Name students and parishioners. Oct 14, 12:15pm. Holy Name Parish Schools Murphy Center, West Roxbury. 781-727-7617, www.fogrun.org Mt. Washington Bank 5K Bay Run/Walk: Participate in a 5K to benefit the Mt. Washington Bank Charitable Foundation. Registration is $15 before Oct 16. Run starts at 10am on Oct 21. Carson Beach, South Boston. Register at www.coolrunning.com/major/12/mtwashingtonbank5kbayrun

BCYF Open Gym: Open Gym is a FREE, drop-in play program for families with children ages 3-8 to get up, out, and moving together. Adults must remain in the gym with their children at all times. No preregistration required. Saturdays, Sep 29-Dec 1, 10-11:30am. BCYF Recreation Center at Madison Park, Roxbury. 617-373-7615, www.northeastern.edu/healthykids/for-families

YMCA Out of School Time: Your child will be offered activities in literacy, science, homework support, sports, arts and crafts, and field trips to local points of interest. Your child will also receive nutritious snacks and will take part in fun, physical activities. For locations and more info: www.ymcaboston.org Pledge to Read with Jumpstarts Read for the Record: Jumpstarts premiere national campaign Read for the Record is one day of the year when millions come together to celebrate literacy and support Jumpstart in its efforts to promote early childhood education. On Oct 4, people across the country will be encouraged to read the childrens book, Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad, by David Soman and Jacky Davis. www.jstart.org/campaigns/read-record Arts After School at the Childrens Art Center: K1-1st graders ages 4-6 will explore the world of art while participating in a variety of visual arts, movement, and dramatic play activities. Each session ends with a field trip, art gallery exhibition, and portfolio full of original artwork. Mon-Wed, 2:30-6pm, Oct 15Nov 14. 36 & 48 Rutland St., South End. Helen, 617-375-8159, www.uses.org Kindergarten Readiness Nights at the Childrens Museum: Kindergarten Readiness Nights feature hands-on activities that encourage children to use skills they will need in kindergarten. Admission $1 per person. First Friday of every month, Oct 5-June 7, 6-8:30pm. Boston Childrens Museum, 308 Congress St. 617-426-6500, www.bostonkids.org Sunkissed Acorns Childcare: Sunkissed Acorns Childcare is currently accepting new enrollment for infants, toddlers, and preschool-aged children. Take a tour during Open Houses: Sep 29, 10-1pm. 342 Tremont St. 617-3382127, www.sunkissedacorns.com Countdown to Kindergarten Play to Learn Playgroups: Boston children ages 1-3 can attend free parent-child playgroups this fall. All caregivers are welcome to help in building a community of supportive peers, fostering nurturing behaviors, and helping children learn skills for success in school. Rosa, 617-6359288, www.countdowntokindergarten.org/playtolearn.html Mama & Me: Toddlers and their parents can enjoy interactive art and creative movement classes. Now accepting registrations for fall classes. 617-477-3432, www.mymamaandme.com

Bikes Not Bombs Girls In Action Program: This all-girls program is for girls ages 12-18 to learn, make friends, get active, and earn a bike of their own! No experience in biking or mechanics necessary to apply. Mon-Thurs, 3:30-6:30pm. Cost: $25-$50 sliding scale. 617-522-0222, https://bikesnotbombs.org/girls-in-action

Science Club for Girls: Science Club for Girls provides leadership and unique program opportunities for girls where they can build leadership, public speaking, teaching and facilitating skills as co-mentors in our science clubs. The Teen Program is now accepting applications from girls who are in the 7th-12th grade. For more information and an application, visit: www.scienceclubforgirls.org Goodwills BNY Mellon Academy for Girls: This program encourages academic achievement, leadership development, civic engagement, and career success in girls in grades 5-12 from communities surrounding Goodwill, Roxbury headquarters. Mon-Fri, 2-6pm. 617-541-1212, [email protected] MRKH Conference for Teens and Their Families: This annual conference is an opportunity for young women ages 14-22 who have been diagnosed with MRKH and their families to come together for education and support. $25 for individuals, $40 for families of 2 or more. Must register to attend. Oct 27, 8:30am-3pm. Childrens Hospital, 300 Longwood Ave. Phaedra, 617-355-7712, www.youngwomenshealth.org/mrkh_conf.html

Are You a High School Student?: Whether you are an incoming freshman or senior, it is never too early to plan for college. Visit some college campuses or explore a few colleges online. Before a tour, come up with 3 questions you want answered. Ask about majors, dorms, financial aid, sports, or semester abroad programs. Start researching your future. Get Started on the Common Application: The college admission application is available online and in print and is accepted at more than 450 colleges! www.commonapp.org YMCA Achievers College and Career Fair: Join over 1,500 Boston area students and learn more about colleges inside and outside of the city. Hear from admissions representatives and learn about financial aid opportunities. Oct 18, 8:30am-12:30pm. Flynn Recreational Complex, Boston College. Michele, 617927-8176, www.ymcaboston.org/achievers Lets Get Ready: This program provides FREE SAT prep classes and college admission counseling to high school juniors and seniors. Fall locations include Brighton High School, English High School, and the Boston Higher Education Resource Center. Classes run twice a week. For dates, applications, and more information: www.letsgetready.org/Programs/Boston. Bottom Line College Counseling: To be eligible for this FREE, one-on-one, yearlong college application and financial aid advising program, you must be a Boston resident and have at least a 2.5 GPA. Applicants must also be in the first generation of their families to attend college AND live in a household that meets

income eligibility requirements. http://bottomline.org/for-students/studentapplication.aspx uASPIRE: Formerly known as ACCESS, uAspire provides free financial aid advising to nearly 40,000 Boston students. From advice on filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to tips on applying for scholarships, you can get answers to all your college affordability questions. 617-778-7195, www.uaspireusa.org Number 2: Free SAT courses, extra preparation, and all the help you need to get ready for testing time is now available. Create an account and enroll now at www.number2.com The Princeton Review: If youre looking for a SAT prep site or looking to enhance your test taking skills, log onto The Princeton Review site. www.princetonreview.com Next Step, College!: The Boston Public Schools are committed to making sure that every high school graduate has the resources they need to successfully move on to college. Check out the Boston Public Schools guide to college that features links to resources, information about cool events and much more. www.bostonpublicschools.org/college Boston Scholarship Guide: Information about local scholarships available to help you pay for college! www.BostonScholarshipGuide.com

Promoting Positive Behavior: Come to this informative seminar to learn a constructive approach to managing your after-school classroom. Earn 5 EEC hours and .5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Application deadline: Oct 4. Cost: $15. Oct 17, 8:30am-2pm. Gerald & Darlene Jordan Boys & Girls Club, 30 Willow St., Chelsea. 508-672-6340, http://region6eps.bostonabcd.org/home/fy2013-courses/ceu201213-11 Mind in the Making for Educators: These modules focus on the social, emotional, and intellectual needs of young children, and review both current and classic research on how young children learn. Participants will explore ways to provide meaningful learning experiences for young children and reflect on how their own experiences impact the way they provide care. Cost (for CEU credits): $35 payable to Boston ABCD, 178 Tremont St., Boston, MA 02111 and due by Oct 11. Offered Oct 16, 23, 30, and Nov 6, 13, & 20. Register at: http://region6eps.bostonabcd.org, 617-635-6609 Nature at Night Workshop: This FREE workshop will teach youth workers hands-on activities that will establish connections between youth and the outdoors. Lessons include sensory awareness, the night sky, animal adaptations,

and more. Register: [email protected]. Oct 19, 7-10pm. Ponkapoag Camp, Blue Hills Reservation. 617-391-6637, www.outdoors.org Prospect Hill Charter Academy Tutors: Prospect Hill Charter Academy is seeking tutors for students in grades 7-12 to work after school in either one-onone or in small group settings. Math, Science, Spanish, Writing, and Study Skills/Organization tutors needed. For questions or application: Rei, [email protected] Adoptive Families Together (AFT): Join AFT parent-run, confidential groups to share personal concerns and needs around adoptive parenting. AFT provides FREE education, advocacy, training, and support to families, professionals, and communities about the adoption experience. We also welcome adopted individuals, birth parents, foster parents and all those with a connection to adoption. These are ongoing, FREE groups that meet once a month. www.mspcc.org/aft Add a Photo or Logo to Your Programs on Bostonavigator: Programs can now add an organization logo or photos to personalize your program page. At your user login, click the image button. From there, you can add up to five photos. Be sure you have permission to publicly publish any images you select. Remember to update your program information for the fall to allow for more accurate search results throughout the website. www.Bostonavigator.org Rate Your Program on Bostonavigator: Tell your past program participants to use Bostonavigators ratings feature! Encourage them to complete a review of your program to get the word out about your work and help other youth connect to programs that will benefit them. www.Bostonavigator.org Do You Want to Add Information to the Boston Youth Zone Newsletter?: If you would like to add information about your program, please email [email protected] by the 23rd of each month. Please include details about the program, cost, location, and who someone should contact for more information.

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