OCSP Monitor Datasheet
OCSP Monitor Datasheet
OCSP Monitor Datasheet
OCSP Monitor
Service status checking and reporting
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) servers are the cornerstone of a trusted PKI infrastructure, providing essential e-ID validation services and are the basis for checking the trust and managing the liability associated with this. It is crucial that they are correctly configured, remain highly available to relying parties and that they are regularly checked for correct operation. Knowing what service level has been attained is key to capacity planning and an effective reporting tool is an essential part of this. OCSP Monitor delivers all this.
Automated OCSP Monitoring Ascertia OCSP Monitor is a sophisticated test product that enables security administrators to easily detect OCSP service failures or irregularities. It is designed for 24 x 7 automated monitoring although it can also be used interactively when required. OCSP Monitor enables administrators to identify availability or security policy issues and fix unexpected conditions before users report them. OCSP Monitor is also very useful for organisations that consume OCSP services. They can monitor the service and easily compare this with the Service Level Agreement (SLA). An end-of-day report provides all the key statistics required. Maximise your OCSP Server uptime OCSP Monitor provides immediate real-time feedback on OCSP validation issues as they arise. Where OCSP services are used it is often assumed that they are functioning correctly and will continue to do so - this is often not the case. OCSP Monitor allows multiple test scenarios to be run. These can check for expected and unexpected behaviours and monitor OCSP server performance. Why use OCSP Monitor
Monitor one or more OCSP services for correct functioning, unexpected results, availability and performance - automatically and continuously Use simple tests to check for Responder availability and obtain summary SLA data Use multiple tests within a test scenario to check compliance with expected validation policy settings and review any detailed error reports and end of day test summary reports Select which admin staff receive error reports and summary reports by email and/ or SMS Test all accessible responders (primary, back-up, test) from a single location with a single tool OCSP Monitor is an RFC 2560 compliant OCSP client and can communicate with any compliant responder Easy to deploy and use - no server-side component or agent is required for monitoring
Perform real-time tests OCSP Monitor tests the actual status of your OCSP Responder by making real OCSP client requests. This is the only way to measure the server response times seen by end-users. OCSP Monitor is extremely easy to set up and use so that multiple test scenarios, each with one or more test cases can be monitored. These are easy to change as required. The following screen shows the live report dashboard screen that allows administrators to review the results obtained from test scenarios run since midnight.
Detailed Monitoring Checks and Alerts OCSP Monitor has been designed by security experts to provide high quality management information, for example: Each test scenario can have several test cases to perform multiple positive and negative checks Each test scenario can have its own trust anchors defined for accurate trust checking When a test scenario fails a customisable failure report is sent to a defined list of operations staff - each scenario can have different staff identified Customisable reports can be sent using SMS or email or both as required - both internal and external staff can be notified - useful when using managed services When a scenario completes a summary report can be sent to selected service management staff showing the minimum, average and maximum response delay statistics observed as well as a summary of the successful and failed tests observed during the period At the end of day a summary report for all scenarios can be sent to service management staff detailing the main statistics for all scenarios System Support OCSP Monitor currently supports Windows systems only.
System Requirements: Interfaces and Protocols: Windows Server 2003, 2008 Windows XP RFC 2560 (OCSP), TLS/SSL, Communication through proxy (including digest authentication) PFX/PKCS#12 for OCSP request signing, X.509v1 and v3 certificates.
Clear Reporting OCSP Service Level Agreements can now be accurately checked and reported on. The identification and reporting of OCSP service issues identification has always been rather hit and miss until now. OCSP Monitor provides for easy change of test policies so that a selected level of detailed testing can be carried as required to suit the business demands. History data is maintained and detailed English language analysis of OCSP request and response data is available as a standard feature. A typical summary report email is shown below which details the key statistics and the highlighted unexpected failures that were detected:
Ascertia Limited Web: www.ascertia.com Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 1256 895416 US: +1 508 283 1890 40 Occam Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7YG, UK
Copyright Ascertia Limited 2009. All Rights Reserved
Signed By: Rod Crook Reason: I approve this document 21/07/2010 14:49:29 GMT +01:00