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html Some of the TORCH infections, such as toxoplasmosis and syphilis, can be effectively treated with antibiotics if the mother is diagnosed early in her pregnancy. Many of the viral TORCH infections have no effective treatment, but some, notably rubella and varicella-zoster, can be prevented by vaccinating the mother prior to pregnancy. If the mother has active herpes simplex (as may be suggested by a pap test), delivery by Caesarean section can prevent the newborn from contact, and consequent infection, with this virus. Rubella is generally a benign communicable exanthematous disease. It is caused by rubella virus, which is a member of the Rubivirus genus of the family Togaviridae For instance, infection in younger children is characterized by mild constitutional symptoms, rash, and suboccipital adenopathy; conversely, in older children, adolescents, and adults, rubella may be complicated by arthralgia, arthritis, and thrombocytopenic purpura. Rare cases of rubella encephalitis have also been described in children The major complication of rubella is its teratogenic effects when pregnant women contract the disease, especially in the early weeks of gestation. The virus can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta and is capable of causing serious congenital defects, abortions, and stillbirths What are the treatments for the infection? A treatment called immune globulin can be given to the mother or child in certain settings. This is a protein mixture that helps protect the mother or child after an exposure to the infection. For example, this treatment may be helpful for some pregnant women who are exposed to chickenpox. It is also used for babies that are delivered by women with hepatitis B. Some affected infants can be given antibiotics, such as those with syphilis, herpes, or toxoplasma infections. What are the side effects of the treatments? Vaccines may cause pain at the site of an injection if a pill form is not available. Allergic reactions may occur with vaccines and immune globulin. Antibiotics may sometimes cause allergic reactions, stomach upset, or liver or kidney damage. What happens after treatment for the infection?

If TORCH infections are not prevented, then further treatment is aimed at any specific birth defects that are present. For example, eye surgery may help with vision problems, such as cataracts. Open-heart surgery can correct many defects caused by congenital heart disease. Other children may need special education or treatment for behavioral or emotional problems. How is the infection monitored? Children affected by one of the TORCH infections need close monitoring. This allows any problems that occur later in childhood to be caught early so that treatment can be started. For example, children with learning disabilities may benefit from early placement into special education classes. What is flu-like syndrome? Flu-like syndrome is a side effect of many treatments used in cancer care. The exact process of how flu-like syndrome is caused is not fully understood. However, when the body is exposed to certain medications it is believed that these medications trigger normal inflammatory mechanisms of the immune system. This process is similar to the body's response when it is dealing with a "flu" virus. Symptoms of flu that are used to describe flu-like syndrome are:

Fever (sudden onset, timing associated with the therapy causing the flu-like syndrome). Chills (often come before the fever, usually involve upper body first). Muscle/joint aches (myalgias/arthralgias), (generalized aches and pains, accompanied by sensation of weakness, may or may not be relieved by rest). Headache (usually across forehead, accompanied by sensitivity to light, may include visual disturbances for example, blurring). Poor appetite. Nausea, vomiting Diarrhea Nasal stuffiness (runny nose usually clear, watery and persistent). Cough (dry, hacking, and persistent, rarely productive). Bone pain. Fatigue (malaise) (accompanied by sense of apathy, lack of energy or motivation)

With some of the medications the flu-like syndrome is dose related and not all of the symptoms of flu are present with each of the medications mentioned. The time frame for the flu-like syndrome also varies, as well as the severity of the flu-like symptoms. Another aspect to these symptoms of flu is they may be more severe at

first but as the body "gets used" to the medication the experience of fever and chills, for example, will be less severe with subsequent doses. Symptoms may reappear or worsen if treatment is interrupted and then resumed or if the dose is increased. Flu-like ymptoms resolve once treatment is stopped completely.

Take a lukewarm (tepid) bath if flu-like syndrome causes a fever. Also, you can use cold or ice packs on your body for comfort. Some patients find it comforting to have a cool, moist wash cloth on their foreheads or on the back of their necks. When you have a fever, you lose water and can become dehydrated. Therefore, it is important to drink lots of (non-alcoholic and non-caffienated) fluid during these times. Take medication to control symptoms of fever as recommended.

In contrast, if flu-like syndrome causes the chills, you should put on some warm clothes, blankets or take a warm bath. If you like to use hot packs or heating pads, use caution to avoid burning your skin. Sebagian besar T. Gondii berada dalam tiga bentuk utama, yaitu : ookista, tachyzoit dan bradizoit. Ookista hanya terbentuk dalam usus inang definitif, yaitu bangsa kucing. Ookista dikeluarkan melalui feces. Bila tertelan oleh manusia atau hewan lain, berkembang menjadi tachyzoit (tropozoit). Bentuk ini merupakan bentuk yang dapat memperbanyak diri dengan cepat. Pada wanita hamil, tachyzoit bisa menginfeksi janin. Tachyzoit menempati jaringan otot dan sistem syaraf seperti otak, kemudian berubah menjadi bradizoit. Bradizoit dalam daging yang tidak masak, bila termakan kembali berubah menjadi tachyzoit dan memulai siklus memperbanyak diri lagi. Untuk lebih jelasnya bisa dilihat pada gambar siklus hidup toxoplasma berikut.

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