Skin Put

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SKINPUT Seminar Report

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science Engineering of Cochin University Of Science And Technology by BINU PV (12080025)



Certified that this is a bonafide record of the seminar entitled SKINPUT presented by the following student BINU PV of the VI th semester, Computer Science and Engineering in the year 2010 in partial fulfillment of the requirements in the award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering of Cochin University of Science and Technology.



I thank GOD almighty for guiding me throughout the seminar. I would like to than k all those who have contributed to the completion of the seminar and helped me with valuable suggestions for improvement. I am extremely grateful to Dr. David Peter, Head Of Division, Division of Comp uter Science, for providing me with best facilities and atmosphere for the c reative work guidance and encouragement. I would like to thank my coordinator an d guide, Mrs. Latha R Nair, Sr. Lecturer, Division of Computer Science, for a ll help and support extend to me. I thank all Staff members of my college and f riends for extending their cooperation during my seminar. Above all I would like to thank my parents without whose blessings; I would not have been able to accomplish my goal. ABSTRACT

Skinput is an input technology that uses bio-acoustic sensing to localize finger taps on the skin. When augmented with a Pico-projector, the device can provide a direct manipulation, graphical user interface on the body. The technology was developed by Chris Harrison, Desney Tan, and Dan Morris, at Microsoft Research's Computational User Experiences Group. Skinput represents one way to decouple in put from electronic devices with the aim of allowing devices to become smaller w ithout simultaneously shrinking the surface area on which input can be performed . While other systems, like Sixth Sense have attempted this with computer vision , Skinput employs acoustics, which take advantage of the human body's natural

sound conductive properties (e.g., bone conduction). This allows the body to b e annexed as an input surface without the need for the skin to be invasively ins trumented with sensors, tracking markers, or other items. T ABLE OF CONTENTS

Chapter No Page LIST OF FIGURES I 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4


INTRODUCTION...01 RELATED WORKS...02 Always Available Input...02 Bio-Sensing.....................................................02 Acoustic Input.04 SKINPUT.....05 Bio-acoustic....05 Arm-band prototype....05 Processing...09 EXPERIMENTS.12 Participants.12 Experimental conditions.12 Design and setup.14 Procedure15 Five Fingers.16 Whole Arm..16 Fore Arm.17 BMI effect...18 SUPLEMENTAL EXPERIMENTS..19 Walking and Jogging..19 Single handed gestures....20 Identification of Finger....21 Segmenting Finger Input....22



No 1

Name Page Armband 04 Transverse wave propagation 06 Longitudinal Wave Propagation 07 Response of Tap 11 Input Location 14 Accuracy of whole arm 16 Accuracy of input location gr 17 Effect of BMI 21

2 3 4 5 6 7 oups 8 SKINPUT Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION

Devices with significant computational power and capabilities can now be easily carried on our bodies. However, their small size typically leads to limited inte raction space (e.g. diminutive screens, buttons, and jog wheels) and consequentl y diminishes their usability and functionality. Since it cannot simply make butt ons and screens larger without losing the primary benefit of small size, conside r alternative approaches that enhance interactions with small mobile systems. On e option is to opportunistically appropriate surface area from the environment f or interactive purposes. For example, [10] describes a technique that allows a s mall mobile device to turn tables on which it rests into a gestural finger input canvas. However, tables are not always present, and in a mobile context, users are unlikely to want to carry appropriated surfaces with them (at this point, on e might as well just have a larger device). However, there is one surface that h as been previous overlooked as an input canvas, and one that happens to always t ravel with us: our skin. Appropriating the human body as an input device is appe aling not only because we have roughly two square meters of external surface are a, but also because much of it is easily accessible by our hands (e.g., arms, up per legs, torso). Furthermore, proprioception our sense of how our body is confi

gured in three-dimensional space allows us to accurately interact with our bodie s in an eyes-free manner. For example, we can readily flick each of our fingers, touch the tip of our nose, and clap our hands together without visual assistanc e. Few external input devices can claim this accurate, eyes-free input character istic and provide such a large interaction area. In this paper, we present our w ork on Skinput a method that allows the body to be appropriated for finger input using a novel, non-invasive, wearable bio-acoustic sensor. The contributions of this paper are: 1) We describe the design of a novel, wearable sensor for bio-acoustic signal ac quisition 2) We describe an analysis approach that enables our system to resolve the locat ion of finger taps on the body. 3) We assess the robustness and limitations of this system through a user study.

Division of Computer Engineering, SOE 1 SKINPUT Chapter 2 RELATED WORK 2.1 Always-Available Input The primary goal of Skinput is to provide an always available mobile input syste m that is, an input system that does not require a user to carry or pick up a devi ce. A number of alternative approaches have been proposed that operate in this s pace. Techniques based on computer vision are popular (e.g. [3,26,27], see [7] f or a recent survey). These, however, are computationally expensive and error pro ne in mobile scenarios (where, e.g., non-input optical flow is prevalent). Speec h input (e.g. [13,15]) is a logical choice for always-available input, but is li mited in its precision in unpredictable acoustic environments, and suffers from privacy and scalability issues in shared environments. Other approaches have tak en the form of wearable computing. This typically involves a physical input devi ce built in a form considered to be part of ones clothing. For example, glove-bas ed input systems (see [25] for a review) allow users to retain most of their nat ural hand movements, but are cumbersome, uncomfortable, and disruptive to tactil e sensation. Post and Orth [22] present a smart fabric system that embeds sensors and conductors into a brick, but taking this approach to always-available input necessitates embedding technology in all clothing, which would be prohibitively complex and expensive. The Sixth-Sense project [19] proposes a mobile, always available input/output capability by combining projected informati on with a color- marker-based vision tracking system. This approach is feasib le, but suffers from serious occlusion and accuracy limitations. For example, de termining whether, e.g., a finger has tapped a button, or is merely hovering abo ve it, is extraordinarily difficult. In the present work, we briefly explore the combination of on-body sensing with on-body projection. 2.2 Bio-Sensing Skinput leverages the natural acoustic conduction properties of the human body t o provide an input system, and is thus related to previous work in the use of bi

ological signals for computer input. Signals traditionally used for diagnostic medicine, such as

Division of Computer Engineering, SOE 2 SKINPUT heart rate and skin resistance, have been appropriated for assessing a users emot ional state (e.g. [16,17,20]). These features are generally subconsciously drive n and cannot be controlled with sufficient precision for direct input. Similarly , brain sensing technologies such as electroencephalography (EEG) & functional n ear-infrared spectroscopy (fNIR) have been used by HCI researchers to ass ess cognitive and emotional state (e.g. [9,11,14]); this work also prima rily looked at involuntary signals. In contrast, brain signals have been h arnessed as a direct input for use by paralyzed patients (e.g. [8,18]), but dire ct brain computer interfaces (BCIs) still lack the bandwidth required for everyd ay computing tasks, and require levels of focus, training, and concentration tha t are incompatible with typical computer interaction. There has been less work r elating to the intersection of finger input and biological signals. Researchers have harnessed the electrical signals generated by muscle activation during norm al hand movement through electromyography (EMG) (e.g. [23,24]). At present, howe ver, this approach typically requires expensive amplification systems and the ap plication of conductive gel for effective signal acquisition, which would limit the acceptability of this approach for most users. The input technology most rel ated to our own is that of Amento et al. [2], who placed contact microphones on a users wrist to assess finger movement. However, this work was never formally ev aluated, as is constrained to finger motions in one hand. The Hambone system [6] employs a similar setup, and through an HMM, yields classification accuracies a round 90% for four gestures (e.g., raise heels, snap fingers). Performance of fa lse positive rejection remains untested in both systems at present. Moreover, both techniques required the placement of sensors near the area of interaction (e.g., the wrist), increasing the degree of invasiveness and visibi lity. Finally, bone conduction microphones and headphones now common consumer technologies - represent an additional bio-sensing technology that is relevant to the present work. These leverage the fact that sound frequencies relevant to human speech propagate well through bone. Bone conduction microphone s are typically worn near the ear, where they can sense vibrations propagating f rom the mouth and larynx during speech. Bone conduction headphones send sound th rough the bones of the skull and jaw directly to the inner ear, bypassing transm ission of sound through the air and outer ear, leaving an unobstructed path for environmental sounds.

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2.3 Acoustic Input Our approach is also inspired by systems that leverage acoustic transmission

through (non-body) input surfaces. Paradiso et al. [21] measured the arrival ti me of a sound at multiple sensors to locate hand taps on a glass window. Ishii e t al. [12] use a similar approach to localize a ball hitting a table, for comput er augmentation of a real- world game. Both of these systems use acoustic time-o f-flight for localization, which we explored, but found to be insufficientl y robust on the human body, leading to the fingerprinting approach described in this paper.

Figure 1. Armband

Division of Computer Engineering, SOE 4 SKINPUT Chapter 3 SKINPUT To expand the range of sensing modalities for always available input systems, we introduce Skinput, a novel input technique that allows the skin to be used as a finger input surface. In our prototype system, we choose to focus on the arm (a lthough the technique could be applied elsewhere). This is an attractive are a to appropriate as it provides considerable surface area for interaction , including a contiguous and flat area for projection (discussed subseq uently). Furthermore, the forearm and hands contain a complex assemblag e of bones that increases acoustic distinctiveness of different location s. To capture this acoustic information, we developed a wearable armband that is non-invasive and easily removable In this section, we discuss the mechanical ph enomena that enables Skinput, with a specific focus on the mechanical properties of the arm. Then we will describe the Skinput sensor and the processing techniq

ues we use to segment, analyze, and classify bio-acoustic signals. 3.1 Bio-Acoustics When a finger taps the skin, several distinct forms of acoustic energ y are produced. Some energy is radiated into the air as sound waves; this energ y is not captured by the Skinput system. Among the acoustic energy transmitted t hrough the arm, the most readily visible are transverse waves, created by the di splacement of the skin from a finger impact (Figure 2). When shot with a high-sp eed camera, these appear as ripples, which propagate outward from the point of c ontact. The amplitude of these ripples is correlated to both the tapping force a nd to the volume and compliance of soft tissues under the impact area. In genera l, tapping on soft regions of the arm creates higher amplitude transverse waves than tapping on boney areas (e.g., wrist, palm, fingers), which have negligible compliance. In addition to the energy that propagates on the surface of the arm, some energy is transmitted inward, toward the skeleton. These longitudinal (com pressive) waves travel through the soft tissues of the arm, exciting the bone, w hich is much less deformable then the soft tissue but can respond to mechanical excitation by rotating and translating as a rigid body. This excitation vibrates soft tissues surrounding t he entire

Division of Computer Engineering, SOE 5 SKINPUT length of the bone, resulting in new longitudinal waves that propagate outward t o the skin. We highlight these two separate forms of conduction transverse waves moving directly along the arm surface, and longitudinal waves moving into and ou t of the bone through soft tissues because these mechanisms carry energy at diff erent frequencies and over different distances. Roughly speaking, higher frequen cies propagate more readily through bone than through soft tissue, and bone cond uction carries energy over larger distances than soft tissue conduction. While we do not explicitly model the specific mechanisms of conduction, or depend on these mechanisms for our analysis, we do believe the success of our technique depends on the complex acoustic patterns that result from mixtures of these moda lities. Similarly, we also believe that joints play an important role in makin g tapped locations acoustically distinct. Bones are held together by li gaments, and joints often include additional biological structures such as fluid cavities. This makes joints behave as acoustic filters. In some cases, these ma y simply dampen acoustics; in other cases, these will selectively attenuate spec ific frequencies, creating location specific acoustic signatures. \ Figure 2. Transverse wave propagation: Finger impacts displace the skin, creatin g transverse waves (ripples). The sensor is activated as the wave passes underneath it.

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Figure 3. Longitudinal wave propagation: Finger impacts create longitudinal (com pressive) waves that cause internal skeletal structures to vibrate. This, in tur n, creates longitudinal waves that emanate outwards from the bone (along its ent ire length) toward the skin.

To capture the rich variety of acoustic information described in the previous section, we evaluated many sensing technologies, including bone conduction microphones, conventional microphones coupled with stethoscopes [10], piezo contact microphones [2], and accelerometers. However, these transducers w ere engineered for very different applications than measuring acoustics transmit ted through the human body. As such, we found them to be lacking in sever al significant ways. Foremost, most mechanical sensors are engineered to prov ide relatively flat response curves over the range of frequencies that is releva nt to our signal. This is a desirable property for most applications where a fai thful representation of an input signal uncolored by the properties of the trans ducer is desired. However, because only a specific set of frequencies is conduct ed through the arm in response to tap input, a flat response curve leads to the capture of irrelevant frequencies and thus to a high signal- to-noise ratio. Whi le bone conduction microphones might seem a suitable choice for Skinput, these d evices are typically engineered for capturing human voice, and filter out energy below the range of human speech (whose lowest frequency is around 85Hz). Thus m ost sensors in this category were not especially sensitive to lower-frequency si gnals (e.g., 25Hz), which we found in our empirical pilot studies to be vital in characterizing finger taps. To overcome these challenges, we moved away from a single sensing element with a flat response curve, to an array of highly tuned v ibration sensors. Specifically, we employ small, cantilevered piezo films (M iniSense100, Measurement Specialties, Inc.). By adding small weights to the end of the cantilever, we are able to alter the resonant frequency, allowing the sensing element to be responsive to a unique, narrow , lowDivision of Computer Engineering, SOE 7 SKINPUT frequency band of the acoustic spectrum. Adding more mass lowers the range of excitation to which a sensor responds; we weighted each element such t hat it aligned with particular frequencies that pilot studies showed to be usefu l in characterizing bio-acoustic input. Figure 4 shows the response curve for on e of our sensors, tuned to a resonant frequency of 78Hz.

The curve shows a ~14dB drop-off 20Hz away from the resonant frequency. Additiona lly, the cantilevered sensors were naturally insensitive to forces parallel to t he skin (e.g., shearing motions caused by stretching). Thus, the skin stretch in duced by many routine movements (e.g., reaching for a doorknob) tends to be atte nuated. However, the sensors are highly responsive to motion perpendicular to th e skin plane perfect for capturing transverse surface waves (Figure 2) and longi tudinal waves emanating from interior structures (Figure 3). Finally, our sensor design is relatively inexpensive and can be manufactured in a very small form f actor (e.g., MEMS), rendering it suitable for inclusion in future mobile devic es (e.g., an arm-mounted audio player). 3.2 Armband Prototype Our final prototype, shown in Figures 1 and 5, features two arrays of five sensi ng elements, incorporated into an armband form factor. The decision to have two sensor packages was motivated by our focus on the arm for input. In particular, when pl aced on

Division of Computer Engineering, SOE 8 SKINPUT the upper arm (above the elbow), we hoped to collect acoustic information from t he fleshy bicep area in addition to the firmer area on the underside of the arm, with better acoustic coupling to the Humorous, the main bone that runs from sho ulder to elbow. When the sensor was placed below the elbow, on the forearm, one package was located near the Radius, the bone that runs from the lateral side of the elbow to the thumb side of the wrist, and the other near the Ulna, which ru ns parallel to this on the medial side of the arm closest to the body. Each loca tion thus provided slightly different acoustic coverage and information, helpful in disambiguating input location. Based on pilot data collection, we selected a different set of resonant frequencies for each sensor package (Table 1). We tun ed the upper sensor package to be more sensitive to lower frequency signals, as these were more prevalent in fleshier areas. Conversely, we tuned the lower sens or array to be sensitive to higher frequencies, in order to better capture signals transmitted though (denser) bones. 3.3 Processing In our prototype system, we employ a Mackie Onyx 1200F audio interface to digita lly capture data from the ten sensors ( This was connected vi a Firewire to a conventional desktop computer, where a thin client written in C interfaced with the device using the Audio Stream Input/ Output (ASIO) protocol. Each channel was sampled at 5.5kHz, a sampling rate that would be considered to o low for speech or environmental audio, but was able to represent the relevan t spectrum of frequencies transmitted through the arm. This reduced sample rat e (and consequently low processing bandwidth) makes our technique readily portab le to embedded processors. For example, the ATmega168 processor employed by the Arduino platform can sample analog readings at 77kHz with no loss of precision, and could therefore provide the full sampling power required for Skinput (55kHz total). Data was then sent

from our thin client over a local socket to our primary application, written in Java. This program performed three key fu nctions. First, it provided a live visualization of the data from our ten sensor s, which was useful in identifying acoustic features (Figure 6). Second, it segm ented inputs from the data stream into independent instances (taps). Third, it classified these input instances. T he audio

Division of Computer Engineering, SOE 9 SKINPUT stream was segmented into individual taps using an absolute exponential average of all ten channels (Figure6, red waveform). When an intensity threshold was exc eeded (Figure 6, upper blue line), the program recorded the timestamp as a potential start of a tap. If the intensity did not fall below a second, independent closing threshold (Figure 6, lower purple line) between 100ms and 700ms after the onset crossing (a duration we found to be the common for finger impacts), the event was discard ed. If start and end crossings were detected that satisfied these criteria, the acoustic data in that period (plus a 60ms buffer on either end) was considered a n input event (Figure 6, vertical green regions). Although simple, this heuristi c proved to be highly robust, mainly due to the extreme noise suppression provid ed by our sensing approach. Upper Array 25 Hz 27 Hz 30 Hz 38 Hz 78 Hz Lower Array 25 Hz 27 Hz 40 Hz 44 Hz 64 Hz Table 1. Resonant frequencies of individual elements in the two sensor packages.

After an input has been segmented, the waveforms are analyzed. The highly disc rete nature of taps (i.e. point impacts) meant acoustic signals were not particu larly expressive over time (unlike gestures, e.g., clenching of the hand). Signa ls simply diminished in intensity overtime. Thus, features are computed o ver the entire input window and do not capture any temporal dynamics. We empl oy a brute force machine learning approach, computing 186 features in total, man y of which are derived combinatorially. For gross information, we include the av erage amplitude, standard deviation and total (absolute) energy of the waveforms in each channel (30 features). From these, we calculate all average amplitude r atios between channel pairs (45 features). We also include an average of these r atios (1 feature). We calculate a 256-point FFT for all ten channels, although o nly the lower ten values are used (representing the acoustic power from 0Hz to 1 93Hz), yielding 100 features. These are normalized by the highest- amplitude FFT value found on any channel. We also include the center of mass of the power sp ectrum within the same 0Hz to 193Hz range for each channel, a rough estimation of the fundamental frequency of the signal displacing each sensor (10 features). Subsequent feature selection established the all-pairs amplitu de ratios and

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SKINPUT certain bands of the FFT to be the most predictive features. These 186 features are passed to a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier.

Figure 4: Ten channels of acoustic data generated by three finger taps on the fo rearm, followed by three taps on the wrist. The exponential average of the channels is shown in red. Segm ented input windows are highlighted in green. Note how different sensing element s are actuated by the two locations.

A full description of VMs is beyond the scope of this paper (see [4] for a t utorial). Our software uses the implementation provided in the Weka machine lear ning toolkit [28]. It should be noted, however, that other, more sophisticated c lassification techniques and features could be employed. Thus, the results prese nted in this paper should be considered a baseline. Before the SVM can classify input instances, it must first be trained to the user and the sensor position. T his stage requires the collection of several examples for each input location of interest. When using Skinput to recognize live input, the same 186 acoustic fea tures are computed on-thinly for each segmented input. These are fed into the tr ained SVM for classification. We use an event model in our software once an inpu t is classified, an event associated with that location is instantiated. Any int eractive features bound to that event are fired. As can be seen in our video, we readily achieve interactive speeds.

Division of Computer Engineering, SOE 11 SKINPUT Chapter 4 EXPERIMENT 4.1 Participants To evaluate the performance of our system, they recruited 13 participants (7 f emale) from the Greater Seattle area. These participants represented a diverse c ross- section of potential ages and body types. Ages ranged from 20 to 56 (mean 38.3), and computed body mass indexes (BMIs) ranged from 20.5 (normal) to 31.9 (

obese). 4.2 Experimental Conditions We selected three input groupings from the multitude of possible location combin ations to test. We believe that these groupings, illustrated in Figure 7, are of particular interest with respect to interface design, and at the same time, pus h the limits of our sensing capability. From these three groupings, we derived five different experimental conditions, described below. Finge rs (Five Locations) one set of gestures we tested had participants tapping on th e tips of each of their five fingers (Figure 6, Fingers). The fingers offer intere sting affordances that make them compelling to appropriate for input. Foremost, they provide clearly discrete interaction points, which are even already well-na med (e.g., ring finger). In addition to five finger tips, there are 14 knuckles (five major, nine minor), which, taken together, could offer 19 readi ly identifiable input locations on the fingers alone. Second, we have exceptiona l finger- tofinger dexterity, as demonstrated when we count by tapping on our fi ngers. Finally, the fingers are linearly ordered, which is potentially useful fo r interfaces like number entry, magnitude control (e.g., volume), and menu selec tion. At the same time, fingers are among the most uniform appendages on the bo dy, with all but the thumb sharing a similar skeletal and muscular structure. Th is drastically reduces acoustic variation and makes differentiating among them d ifficult. Additionally, acoustic information must cross as many as five (finger and wrist) joints to reach the forearm, which further dampens signals. For this experimental condition, we thus decided to place the sensor arrays on t he forearm, just below the elbow. Despite these difficulties, pilot experi ments showed

Division of Computer Engineering, SOE 12 SKINPUT measureable acoustic differences among fingers, which we theorize is primarily r elated to finger length and thickness, interactions with the complex structure o f the wrist bones, and variations in the acoustic transmission properties of the muscles extending from the fingers to the forearm. Whole Arm (Five Locations) A nother gesture set investigated the use of five input locations On the forearm and hand: arm, wrist, palm, thumb and middle finger (Figure 7, Who le Arm). We selected these locations for two important reasons. First, they are d istinct and named parts of the body (e.g., wrist). This allowed partici pants to accurately tap these locations without training or markings. Additiona lly, these locations proved to be acoustically distinct during piloting, with th e large spatial spread of input points offering further variation. We used these locations in three different conditions. One condition placed the sensor above the elbow, while another placed it below. This was incorporated into the experim ent to measure the accuracy loss across this significant articulation point (the elbow). Additionally, participants repeated the lower placement condition in an eyes-free context: participants were told to close their eyes and face forward, both for training and testing. This condition was included to gauge how well use rs could target on-body input locations in an eyes-free context (e.g., driving). Forearm (Ten Locations) In an effort to assess the upper bound of our approachs sensing resolution, our fifth and final experimental condition used ten lo cations on just the forearm (Figure 6, Forearm). Not only was this a very high d ensity of input locations (unlike the whole-arm condition), but it also relied o n an input surface (the forearm) with a high degree of physical uniformity (unli ke, e.g., the hand). We expected that these factors would make acoustic sensing

difficult. Moreover, this location was compelling due to its large and flat surf ace area, as well as its immediate accessibility, both visually and for finger input. Simultaneously, this makes for an ideal projection surface for dynamic interfaces. To maximize the surface area for input, we placed the sensor above the elbow, leaving the entire forearm free. Rather than naming the input locations, as was done in the previously described conditions, we employed small , colored stickers to mark input targets. This was both to reduce confusion (sin ce locations on the forearm do not have common names) and to increase input consistency. As mentioned previously, w e

Division of Computer Engineering, SOE 13 SKINPUT believe the forearm is ideal for projected interface elements; the stickers serv ed as low- tech placeholders for projected. 4.3 Design and Setup We employed a within-subjects design, with each participant performing tasks in each of the five conditions in randomized order: five fingers with sensors below elbow; five points on the whole arm with the sensors above the elbow; the same points with sensors below the elbow, both sighted and blind; and ten marked poin ts on the forearm with the sensors above the elbow. Participants were seated in a conventional office chair, in front of a desktop computer that presented stimu li. For conditions with sensors below the elbow, we placed the armband~3cm away from the elbow, with one sensor package near the radius and the other near the u lna. For conditions with the sensors above the elbow, we placed the armband ~7cm above the elbow, such that one sensor package rested on the biceps. Right-hande d participants had the armband placed on the left arm, which allowed them to use their dominant hand for finger input. For the one left-handed participant, we f lipped the setup, which had no apparent effect on the operation of the system. Tightness of the armband was adjusted to be firm, but comfortable. Whi le performing tasks, participants could place their elbow on the desk, tucked ag ainst their body, or on the chairs adjustable armrest; most chose the latter.

Figure 5: The three input location sets evaluated in the study.

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4.4 Procedure

For each condition, the experimenter walked through the input locations to be te sted and demonstrated finger taps on each. Participants practiced duplicating these motions for approximately one minute with each gesture set. This allowed p articipants to familiarize themselves with our naming conventions (e.g. pi nky, wrist), and to practice tapping their arm and hands with a finger on the op posite hand. It also allowed us to convey the appropriate tap force to participa nts, who often initially tapped unnecessarily hard. To train the system, partici pants were instructed to comfortably tap each location ten times, with a finger of their choosing. This constituted one training round. In total, three rounds o f training data were collected per input location set (30 examples per location, 150 data points total). An exception to this procedure was in the case of the t en forearm locations, where only two rounds were collected to save time (20 exam ples per location, 200 data points total). Total training time for each experime ntal condition was approximately three minutes. We used the training data to bui ld an SVM classifier. During the subsequent testing phase, we presented particip ants with simple text stimuli (e.g. tap your wrist), which instructed them where t o tap. The order of stimuli was randomized, with each location appearing ten tim es in total. The system performed real-time segmentation and classification, and provided immediate feedback to the participant (e.g. you tapped your wrist). We p rovided feedback so that participants could see where the system was making erro rs (as they would if using a real application). If an input was not segmented (i .e. the tap was too quiet), participants could see this and would simply tap again. Overall, segmentation error rates were negligible in all conditio ns, and not included in further analysis. In this section, we report on the clas sification accuracies for the test phases in the five different conditions . Overall, classification rates were high, with an average accuracy across cond itions of 87.6%. Additionally, we present preliminary results explorin g the correlation between classification accuracy and factors such as BMI, age, and sex.

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Figure 6. Accuracy of the three whole-arm-centric conditions. Error bars represe nt standard deviation.

4.5 Five Fingers Despite multiple joint crossings and ~40cm of separation between the i nput targets and sensors, classification accuracy remained high for the five-fin ger condition, averaging 87.7% (SD=10.0%, chance=20%) across participants. Segmentation, as in other conditions, was essentially perfect. Inspection of the confusion matrices showed no systematic errors in the classification, with e rrors tending to be evenly distributed over the other digits. When classificatio n was incorrect, the system believed the input to be an adjacent finger 60.5% of

the time; only marginally above prior probability (40%). This suggests there ar e only limited acoustic continuities between the fingers. The only potential exc eption to this was in the case of the pinky, where the ring finger constituted 63.3% percent of the misclassifications. 4.6 Whole Arm Participants performed three conditions with the whole-arm location confi guration. The below-elbow placement performed the best, posting a 95.5% (SD=5.1% , chance=20%) average accuracy. This is not surprising, as this conditi on placed the sensors closer to the input targets than the other conditions. Mov ing the sensor above the elbow reduced accuracy to 88.3% (SD=7.8%, chance=20%), a drop of 7.2%. This is almost certainly related to the acoustic loss at the elb ow joint and the additional 10cm of distance between the sensor and input targets. Figure 8 shows these resu lts. The

Division of Computer Engineering, SOE 16 SKINPUT eyes-free input condition yielded lower accuracies than other conditions , averaging 85.0% (SD=9.4%, chance=20%). This represents a 10.5% drop from its visionassiste d, but otherwise identical counterpart condition. It was apparent from watching participants complete this condition that targeting precision was reduced . In sighted conditions, participants appeared to be able to tap locations wi th perhaps a 2cm radius of error. Although not formally captured, this margin of error appeared to double or triple when the eyes were closed. We believe that a dditional training data, which better covers the increased input variability, wo uld remove much of this deficit. We would also caution designers developing eyes -free, on-body interfaces to carefully consider the locations participants can tap accurately.

Figure 7. Higher accuracies can be achieved by collapsing the ten input location s into groups. A-E and G were created using a design-centric strategy. F was cre ated following analysis of per-location accuracy data.

4.7 Forearm Classification accuracy for the ten-location forearm condition stood at 81.5% ( SD=10.5%, chance=10%), a surprisingly strong result for an input set we devised to push our systems sensing limit (K=0.72, considered very strong). Following the experiment, we considered different ways to improve accuracy by collapsing the ten locations into larger input groupings. The goal of this exercise was to explore the tradeoff

Division of Computer Engineering, SOE 17 SKINPUT between classification accuracy and number of input locations on the forearm, wh ich represents a particularly valuable input surface for application designers. We grouped targets into sets based on what we believed to be logical spatial gro upings (Figure 9, A-E and G). In addition to exploring classification accuracies for layouts that we considered to be intuitive, we also performed an exhaustive search over all possible groupings. For most location counts, this search confi rmed that our intuitive groupings were optimal; however, this search revealed on e plausible, although irregular, layout with high accuracy at six input location s (Figure 9, F). Unlike in the five-fingers condition, there appeared to be shar ed acoustic traits that led to a higher likelihood of confusion with adjacent ta rgets than distant ones. This effect was more prominent laterally than longitudi nally. Figure 9 illustrates this with lateral groupings consistently outperformi ng similarly arranged, longitudinal groupings (B and C vs. D and E). This is uns urprising given the morphology of the arm, with a high degree of bilateral symme try along the long axis. 4.8 BMI Effects Early on, we suspected that our acoustic approach was susceptible to variations in body composition. This included, most notably, the prevalence of fatty tissue s and the density/ mass of bones. These, respectively, tend to dampen or facilit ate the transmission of acoustic energy in the body. To assess how these variati ons affected our sensing accuracy, we calculated each participants body mass inde x (BMI) from self-reported weight and height. Data & observations from the exper iment suggest that high BMI is correlated with decreased accuracies. The partici pants with the three highest BMIs (29.2, 29.6, and 31.9 representing borderline produced the three lowest average accurac ies. Figure 10 illustrates this significant disparity here participants are sepa rated into two groups, those with BMI greater and less than the US national me dian, age and sex adjusted [5] (F1,12=8.65, p=.013). Other factors such as age and sex, which may be correlated to BMI in specific populations, might also exhi bit a correlation with classification accuracy. For example, in our participant pool, males yielded higher classification accuracies than females, but we expe ct that this is an artifact of BMI correlation in our sample, and probably not an effect of sex directly.

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We conducted a series of smaller, targeted experiments to explore the feasibilit y of our approach for other applications. In the first additional experiment, wh ich tested performance of the system while users walked and jogged, we recruited one male (age 23) and one female (age 26) for a single-purpose experiment. For the rest of the experiments, we recruited seven new participants (3 female, mean age 26.9) from within our institution. In all cases, the sensor armband was placed just below the elbow. Similar to the previous experiment, each additional experiment consis ted of a training phase, where participants provided between 10 and 20 examples for each input type, and a testing phase, in which participants were prompted to provide a particular input (ten times per input type). As before, input order w as randomized; segmentation and classification were performed in real-time. 5.1 Walking and Jogging As discussed previously, acoustically-driven input techniques are often sensitiv e to environmental noise. In regard to bio-acoustic sensing, with sensors couple d to the body, noise created during other motions is particularly troublesome, a nd walking and jogging represent perhaps the most common types of wholebody motion. This experiment explored the accuracy of our system in these sce narios. Each participant trained and tested the system while walking and joggin g on a treadmill. Three input locations were used to evaluate accuracy: arm, wri st, and palm. Additionally, the rate of false positives (i.e., the system believ ed there was input when in fact there was not) and true positives (i.e., the sys tem was able to correctly segment an intended input) was captured. The testing phase took roughly three minutes to complete (four trials total: two participant s, two conditions). The male walked at 2.3 mph and jogged at 4.3 mph; the female at 1.9 and 3.1 mph, respectively. In both walking trials, the syste m never produced a false positive input. Meanwhile, true positive acc uracy was 100%. Classification accuracy for the inputs (e.g., a wristtap was recognized as a wri st tap) was

Division of Computer Engineering, SOE 19 SKINPUT 100% for the male and 86.7% for the female (chance=33%). In the jogging trials, the system had four false-positive input events (two per participant) over six m inutes of continuous jogging. True-positive accuracy, as with walking, was 100%. Considering that jogging is perhaps the hardest input filtering and segmentatio n test, we view this result as extremely positive. Classification accuracy, howe ver, decreased to 83.3% and 60.0% for the male and female participants resp ectively (chance=33%). Although the noise generated from the jogging almost certainly degraded the signal (and in turn, lowered classification accuracy), we believe the chief cause for this decrease was the quality of the training data. Participants only provided ten examples for each of three tested input location s. Furthermore, the training examples were collected while participants were jogging. Thus, the resulting training data was not only highly variable, but als o sparse neither of which is conducive to accurate machine learning classificati on. We believe that more rigorous collection of training data could yield even s tronger results. 5.2 Single-Handed Gestures In the experiments discussed thus far, we considered only bimanual gestures, whe

re the sensor-free arm, and in particular the fingers, are used to pro vide input. However, there are a range of gestures that can be performed with j ust the fingers of one hand. This was the focus of [2], although this wo rk did not evaluate classification accuracy. Our system was able to identify the four input types with an overall accuracy of 89.6% (SD=5.1%, chance=25%). We ran an identical experiment using flicks instead of taps (i.e., using the thumb as a catch, then rapidly flicking the fingers fo rward). This yielded an impressive 96.8% (SD=3.1%,chance=25%) accuracy in the te sting phase. This motivated us to run a third and independent experiment that co mbined taps and flicks into a single gesture set. Participants re-trained the system, &completed an independent testing round. Even with eight input c lasses in very close spatial proximity, the system was able to achieve are mark able 87.3% (SD=4.8%, chance=12.5%) accuracy. This result is comparable to the a forementioned tenl ocation forearm experiment (which achieved 81.5% accuracy), l ending credence to the possibility of having ten or more functions on the hand a lone. Furthermore, proprioception of our fingers on a single hand is quite accurate, suggesting a mechanism for high-accuracy, eyes-free input.

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Figure 8. Accuracy was significantly lower for participants with BMIs above the 50th percentile.Surface and Object Recognition

During piloting, it became apparent that our system had some ability to identify the type of material on which the user was operating. Using a similar setup to the main experiment, we asked participants to tap their index finger against 1) a finger on their other hand, 2) a paper pad approximately 80 pages thick, and 3 ) an LCD screen. Results show that we can identify the contacted object with about 87.1% (SD=8.3%, chance=33%) accuracy. This capability was never considered when designing the system, so superior acoustic features may exist. Even as accuracy stands now, there are several interesting applications that cou ld take advantage of this functionality, including workstations or devices compo sed of different interactive surfaces, or recognition of different objects gra sped in the environment. 5.3 Identification of Finger Tap Type Users can tap surfaces with their fingers in several distinct ways. For example, one can use the tip of their finger (potentially even their finger nail) or the pad (flat,

Division of Computer Engineering, SOE 21 SKINPUT bottom) of their finger. The former tends to be quite boney, while the latter mo re fleshy. It is also possible to use the knuckles (both major and minor metac arpophalangeal joints). To evaluate our approachs ability to distinguish these in put types, we had participants tap on a table situated in front of them in three ways (ten times each): finger tip, finger pad, and major knuckle. A classifier trained on this data yielded an average accuracy of 89.5% (SD=4.7%, chance=33%) during the testing period. This ability has several potential uses. Perhaps the most notable is the ability for interactive touch surfaces to distin guish different types of finger contacts (which are indistinguishable in e.g., c apacitive and vision-based systems). One example interaction could be that double knocking on an item opens it, while a pad-tap activates an options menu. 5.4 Segmenting Finger Input A pragmatic concern regarding the appropriation of fingertips for input was that other routine tasks would generate false positives. For example, typing on a ke yboard strikes the finger tips in a very similar manner to the finger-tipinput w e proposed previously. Thus, we set out to explore whether finger-to-fin ger input sounded sufficiently distinct such that other actions could be disre garded. As an initial assessment, we asked participants to tap their index finge r 20 times with a finger on their other hand, and 20 times on the surface of a t able in front of them. This data was used to train our classifier. This traini ng phase was followed by a testing phase, which yielded a participant wide average accuracy of 94.3% (SD=4.5%, chance=50%).

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In this paper, we have presented our approach to appropriating the human body as an input surface. We have described a novel, wearable bio-acoustic sensing arra y that we built into an armband in order to detect and localize finger taps on t he forearm and hand. Results from our experiments have shown that our system per forms very well for a series of gestures, even when the body is in motion. Addit ionally, we have presented initial results demonstrating other potential uses of our approach, which we hope to further explore in future work. These include si ngle-handed gestures, taps with different parts of the finger, and differentiati ng between materials and objects. We conclude with descriptions of several prototype applic ations that demonstrate the rich design space we believe Skinput enables.

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