Dost Form No 2
Dost Form No 2
Dost Form No 2
(3) Budget Summary for the whole program Duration (in months):____________ Source of Fund ____________ ____________ Y1 MOE EO TOTAL ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ TOTAL PS MOE EO TOTAL _________ _______ ________ _______ _________ _________ _______ _______ ________ _______ ________ _______
PS ______ ______
(5) Summary of Equipment Existing Equipment No. of Units To be purchased ___________________ _____________ ________________ ___________________ ______________ ________________ ___________________ _____________ ________________
Submitted by
Endorsed by
DOST Form No. 2A DETAILED R & D PROPOSAL (For the Whole Program) General Instruction: A. Submit 6 copies of capsule R & D proposal whole program together with the detailed proposal of the component projects. B. Use separate sheets following the appropriate sequence of items. Operational Definition of Terms 1. Title - The identification of the program and the component projects. Program - A set of interrelated studies to meet pre-determined objectives within a specific time frame. Coordinator - The overall in-charge of the program. Leader - The one in-charge to take the lead in project implementation. Agency - The institution(s) of the coordinator/leader. 2. Executive Summary - Brief overview of the program including the significance, objectives methodology, major activities and expected output. 3. Budget Summary - Personal Services (PS), maintenance and other operating expenses (MOE), and equipment outlay (EO) requirement of the whole program by source for 1 year and for the whole duration of the program. Duration - Number of months the program will be implemented. PS - Total requirement for wages, salaries, honoraria, additional hire and other personnel benefits. MOE - Total requirement for supplies materials, travel expenses, communnication and othher services. EO - Total reqiurement for facilities and equipment needed by the program. 4. Personal Requirement - Number of full-time and part-time personnel to be involved in the program. 5. Equipment - Existing equipment in the agency and equipment to be pruchased by the program. 6. Endorsed by - Authorized representative(eg. Agency head, consontium director) who recommends the program.
(6) Mode of Implementation ___ Single Agency ___ Multi Agency (8) Discipline
(9) Significance (State the research problem and significance of the project to the current needs of the country. The proposal should justify resource expenditure. A typical justification would include a brief introduction, a general statement concerning the historical basis for R & D, utilization of the expected output and the impact the information generated will have on science, the target users and the country.) (10) Objectives (Statement of the specific purpose to address the problem areas of the project.) (11) Review of Literature (Related researches/activities which have been conducted. State-of-the-art of current technology/information from which the project proposal will take-off) (12) Scientific Basis/Theoretical Framework (Include concepts, theories and variables that indicate relevant relationships to be tested. (13) Methodology (Details such as: a) variables to be measured and evaluated; b) treatments to be used and their layout; c) experimental procedures and design; d) statistical analysis; e) evaluation method and observations to be made, strategies for implementation.) (14) Major Activities/Workplan (Enumerate in chronological order the tasks to be undertaken. Use gantt chart. See Form 2B-1. Indicate post project sustainability plans, if needed). (15) Expected Output (Indicate the specific products, processes or services which the project is expected to produce; quantify when possible; economic benefits to be derived from the project based on ex-ante analysis. (16) Target Beneficiaries (Who the clienteles are and what are the expected outcome/effects of the use of the project outputs). (17) Personnel Requirement Program/Project Leader: Others: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Percent time devoted to the Project _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
(18) Budget (See form 2B-2) (19) Literature Cited (20) Capsule Curriculum Vitae (One-page brief C.V. only) (21) Certificate of incorporation (if applicable) Note: If the project is part of a program, this form should be submitted together with detailed R & D proposal for the whole program. See guidelines/definitions at the back.
DOST Form No. 2B DETAILED R & D PROPOSAL (For the Component Projects) General Instruction: A. Submit 6 copies of detailed R & D proposal summary sheet for the whole program together with the detailed proposal of the component projects. B. Use separate sheets following the appropriate sequence of items. Operational Definition of Terms 1. Title the identification of the program and the component projects. Program - consists of interrelated or complementing R & D projects on a multi-disciplinary approach to meet established goals within a specific time frame. Project a set of interrelated studies to meet pre-determined objective within a specific time frame. Leader the one in charge to take the lead in project implementation. Agency(ies) the institution(s) of the coordinator/leader. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cooperating Agencies agencies participating in the R & D work. R & D Station station or unit where R & D will be actually conducted. Site of Implementation site where the project will be conducted. Indicate municipality, district, province and Classification indicates whether the program/project is research or development.
Basic research is an experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge of the underlying foundations of phenomena and observable facts, without any particular or specific application or use in view. Applied research is an original investigation undertaken in order to acquire new knowledge directed primarily towards a specific aim or objective. Developmental research is a systematic work, drawing on existing knowledge gained from research and/or practical experience that is directed to producing new materials, products or devices, installing new processes, systems and services and improving substantially those already produced or installed. Pilot Testing is an innovative work to confirm and demonstrate the feasibility of actually using a technology; gauging end users reaction to introduction of improved technologies and identifying potential problems related to wider dissemination, utilization and adoption so that these can be fed back to researchers.
Technology promotion/commercialization is an activity involving application of technologies on a commercial scale by an identified entrepreneur or user primarily to increase his income/profits and productivity; technologies utilized/produced on a pre-commercial scale including market testing jointly undertaken with a client. 6. Mode of Implementation indicate whether the R & D will be undertaken by one or more than one agency. 7. Sector indicate whether crops, livestock, forestry, agricultural resources or socio-economics; fisheries or aquatic resources; biotechnical, pharmaceutical, or health services; biotechnology, information technology, material science, photonics or space technology; industry, energy, utilities or infrastructure. 8. Discipline the specific field to be studied (e.g. plant breeding, taxonomy, communicable and degenerative diseases, drug formulation, maternal and child health, process, food and feed, metals and engineering, etc.).
Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 constitute the technical description of the R & D proposal. They should be written in separate sheets. Guidelines are indicated in the form. 17. Target Beneficiaries who the clienteles are and what are the expected outcome/effects of the use of the project outputs 18. Personnel Requirement personnel requirement of the project indicating designation and percent time devoted to the project. 19. Budget Breakdown - itemized budgetary requirement per quarter for the first year of implementation and annual budget in the succeeding years. Form should be accomplished for each source and for total. 20. Literature Cited an alphabetical list of reference materials (books, journals and others) reviewed. Use standard system for citation. 21. Capsule Curriculum Vitae one-page researchers information sheet indicating, among others relevant experiences in R & D activities.
Year Y2
Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
Year Y5
Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Q2 Q3
* Quantify if possible, eg. improved yield (quantify/volume/unit area). Compare with existing technologies.
B. Indirect Cost a/ (Separate amounts for implementing agency and coordinating agency)
1. Honoraria
Sub-Total II. Maintenance and Operating Expenses (Shall be itemized based on NGAS) A. Direct Cost
1. Travel 2. Supplies & Materials 3. Communications 4. Other MOOE (Please itemize)
B. Indirect Cost a/ (Separate amounts for implementing agency and coordinating agency)
1. Travel 2. Supplies & Materials 3. Communications
Sub-Total III. Equipment Outlay (Identify equipment item. Use separate sheet for description no. of units of equipment and capital item.) Sub-Total Total
a/ This refers to the administrative cost representing 15% of the total project cost (excluding equipment) of which 7.5% goes to the implementing agency and the other 7.5% to the coordinating