Marin Community Garden Summit: Welcome To The

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Welcome to the

Marin Community Garden Summit

Saturday, September 8th, 2012

Presented with

2:00pm 2:20pm Registration/Tables Welcome, David Lewis, Director UC Extension Marin


Why Community Gardens are Important in Marin County Marin Supervisor Steve Kinsey Introduction of Keynote Speaker by Patricia Decker, President of Marin Master Gardeners Growing Healthy Lifestyles through Community Gardens Milli Macen-Moore, Keynote Speaker Q&A Working with Local Government to Create Community Gardens" Bob Brown, Interim Community Development Director, Novato Q&A Panel: Challenges and Solutions to Creating Community Gardens Karen Hamblett, San Geronimo Community Garden, Master Gardener Francesca Vietor, SF PUC, SF Foundation Environmental Program Officer Susan Miller, Foodscapes of Marin Miles Gordon, Community Gardens Project, NCO, Mendocino Mary Warner, Corte Madera Community Garden, Master Gardener Moderator: Kath Delaney, Global Footprint Network Q&A THANK YOU from David Lewis, UCCE Marin; Sam Hodder, California Executive Director, Trust for Public Land; Tom Wilson, Executive Director, Canal Alliance; and Lauren Klein, Summit coordinator, Marin Master Gardeners. Invitation to the walking tour at 6pm. Maps available.


2:50pm 3:35pm 3:50pm 4:05pm 4:20pm

5:15pm 5:30pm

5:40pm 6:00pm:

Mingle/Tables Walking tour of neighborhood gardens with Canal Community Youth and Maite Duran, former Community Leadership Coordinator at Canal Alliance. Tour will visit Canal apartment garden, Bahia Vista School garden, and finish at the Trust for Public Lands Canal Community Garden ground-breaking ceremony at Bellam and Windward at 6:30pm.

Thank you to our Tablers

Beekeeping: Bonnie Bollengier, Survivor Stock Project Hen keeping: Sample eggs from 3 Chicks & a Goat; Coops from Laughing Chickens; hens from Woolly Ranch, Mill Valley; Hen-sitting by Claire Bildsoe Composting: Tom Bowen, Soil Solutions Marin Master Gardeners: Deborah Celle, Dave Phelps, Kathy Truett and Diane Lynch Marin Open Garden Project: Julie Hanft Trust for Public Land: Philip Vitale, Canal Community Garden Project Green Schools Initiative: Deborah Moore Marin School Garden Network: Kathy Carver Canal Alliance: Sign-ups for Canal community members for plots in new garden Golden Gate Chapter of California Rare Fruit Growers: John Valenzuela Marin Community Farmers Markets: Lynn Bagley iGrow Sonoma: Autumn Buss and Wendy Krupnick Information and Petition Table: Materials from MCSTOPPP, Homeward Bound Homeless Shelter Garden, London Allotments, Seattle Food Forest, ChangeLab model ordinances, American Community Garden Association, League for Women Voters Government contact list, and more.

And thank you to our Valued Volunteers:

-Refreshments: Laura Nicholetti -Tablers coordination, Stage Manager: Mel Peratis -Registration: Barb Greico, Kathryn Reinhardt -Timekeepers for speakers: Betsy McGee and Linda Varonin -AV person: Janet Duncan, MMG -Check in: Pamela Fisco -Volunteer set-up Coordination: Jenny Appleton

-Set-up: Dorothy Weaver, Mary Warner, Anki Gelb, Michelle Bush, Cindy Kamm -Clean-up: Paul Bildsoe and daughters, Kate & Claire; Nina Cunnan, Bill Dittman -VIP handler, Program production: Sharon Svensson, Essex&Drake. -Ms. Lieu Phan, Vietnamese translation -Marin Academys Student Garden Class and Club

Speaker Bios
David Lewis is Director or University of California Cooperative Extension Marin County and Watershed Management Advisor focusing on watershed management in Sonoma, Marin, and Mendocino Counties. In this position, he directs all research and extension programs in Marin County and develops and implements projects that integrate resource conservation with land use management across all three counties. He works with agriculture and natural resource managers to improve water quality and watershed functions through research and education. His training and background are in geology, as well as water quality and quantity in California oak woodlands. Steve Kinsey has lived in West Marin since 1978 and has served on the Marin County Board of Supervisors since being elected in 1996 where he represents 2/3 of Marin County. As an elected official, Steve has focused on watershed and fishery restoration, sustainable agriculture, the integration of transportation and land use planning, and fiscally responsible government. He also champions the needs of all children, especially through his work as a Board member of First Five Marin since its founding. Given the multi-cultural nature of Supervisor Kinseys district, he has worked closely with communities of color to reduce the barriers to equal opportunity. Steve has a B.A. in architecture from Arizona State University. Prior to taking office, he owned and operated a residential design/build firm for fifteen years. Bob Brown is currently the interim Community Development Director for the City of Novato. He has been a Community Development Director or Planning Manager for over 33 years in the Bay Area. Bob also was the Sustainability Coordinator for the City of San Rafael where he authored San Rafaels Climate Change Action Plan and a model green building ordinance, one of the most stringent in the nation, which has been adopted by several Marin jurisdictions and won a Leadership in Sustainability Award from the Marin Builders Association. Bob is an adjunct faculty member at Dominican University, teaching in the Sustainable Practices Certificate Program. He holds a BS in Environmental Biology from the University of Santa Clara and a Masters in Urban and Regional Planning from San Jose State University. Milli Macen-Moore started her community work by teaching her neighbors how to grow their own food as a tool to combat diabetes and obesity. In 2009, she became a certified Master

Gardener. Her outreach and educational activities involved the Milagro Allegro Community Garden, established in 2009 in the heart of Highland Park. The 10,000 square foot, 32 plot, garden integrates urban farming, art and education for predominantly low-income local residents. It produces fruits, vegetables and flowers while helping to cultivate creative ideas, artistic expression and community values via classes, workshops and community events. Born and raised in Southern California, Ms. Macen-Moore played a considerable role in the success of LA Sprouts as well, a local nutrition and gardening program in Northeast Los Angeles for lowincome children. Ms. Macen-Moore is a UC-certified Master Food Preserver, sustainable landscape expert, and a volunteer coordinator for Cooperative Extension's Grow LA Victory Garden Initiative and Fresh from the Garden programs. She specializes in leading bilingual workshops for children on organic, edible landscapes. She has developed unique curricula for preschool, elementary and middle school students. Recognition for her community work includes a Certificate of Appreciation from the City of Los Angeles as well as attention from the English- and Spanishspeaking media (KCET, KPCC, L.A. Times, Univision, La Opinion and Urban Farm Magazine).

Panelists Bios
Karen Hamblett, Co-founder, San Geronimo Valley Community Garden: Growing up in Indiana, Karens family grew their own vegetables. She values knowing where her food comes from, and is passing that knowledge to her children. She is a recent Master Gardener graduate and lives in West Marin. Francesca Vietor, San Francisco Foundation Environmental Program Officer: Francesca has been instrumental in activating San Francisco Public Utilities Commission land for urban agriculture in her role as PUC Commissioner in addition to her work at the SF Foundation. Additionally, she is Chair of the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Associations Food Policy Group (SPUR), and Former Executive Director of Alice Waters Chez Panisse Foundation. She is currently working on a SF Urban Ag Legislation and Food Policy Directive. She lives with her daughter in the City and West Marin. Susan Miller, Founder, Foodscapes of Marin: Susan hails from Yonkers, New York where her family grew vegetables and fruit trees. She has continued that delicious tradition in Marin, helping others build gardens and grow food, whether on a back deck or half acre, with or without other community members. She is a Master Gardener and dedicated food growing entrepreneur.

Miles Gordon, Founder and Coordinator, The Gardens Project, North Coast Opportunities, Mendocino: Miles has a background in farming, and bilingual teaching. Since founding the Gardens Project five years ago, 24 gardens have been built, a Garden Network has been established supporting 68 community gardens, and a vibrant corps of community leaders has been born. Mary Warner, President, Corte Madera Community Gardens: Mary has a BS in Microbiology and holds an MBA. Recently retired from the Biotech industry, she completed her Master Gardener certification in 2010, going on to facilitate the certification course the last two years. Moderator - Kath Delaney, North America Region Director, Global Footprint Network: Kath serves on the GFN Senior Management team. She leads project and fund development, and the growth of the Global Footprint Network global partner network. She has spent the last 20 years working on environmental issues and sustainability. Kath lives in the East Bay with her family.

Special Thanks
Philip Vitale, Project Mgr, Parks for People Bay Area, Trust for Public Land Vinh Luu, Asian Advocacy Project, Community Action Marin Pat Decker, President of the Marin Master Gardeners Mel Peratis, Companion in Arms of MCGS Laura Nicholetti, Summer point person and Refreshments Kathryn Reinhardt, Registration guru The terrific Communications Committee of Marin Master Gardeners Francesca Vietor, Kath Delaney and Deb Moore & all the Tsunami Tsisters Elissa Van Deursen, Event consultant, Question collector Viviana Rennella, Spanish translation Mark Bauermeister, Coordinator of the 2011 Marin Community Garden Summit David Haskell, Meredith Jacobson, committee members Nancy Boyd, MarinLink Effie Cook, Bonnie Nielsen & Steven Swain at UC Cooperative Extension Marin

Maite Duran and the Canal Youth Council Steve Mason, Jeannette Sotomayer, and Inez at Pickleweed Community Center

Julie Hanft, Marin Open Garden Project: and Lauren T. Klein 2012 Marin Community Garden Summit Chairperson.


We wish to encourage a vibrant community gardening network in Marin County with policy makers support and facilitation. Thank you for joining us today! Please continue the conversation at: ns and

Many Thanks to our Partners and Sponsors

Essex & Drake Fund Raising Counsel

essex & drake


Beths Community Kitchen, Mill Valley

The Good Earth, Fairfax

Whole Foods Market


The Marin Asian Advocacy Project of Community Action Marin

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